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Present Simple

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Present Simple

We need to use the Present Positive Short

Simple a lot in English, so it's really Form
important to understand it well.
I am I'm
Many students have problems
with the form (or how to make it). you are you're
The verb 'be' is different from the he is he's
other verbs in this tense. Let's look
at 'be' first: she is she's

Here's the positive form (positive it is it's

means a normal sentence, not a
we are we're
negative or a question. This is
sometimes called 'affirmative') they are they're
Negative Negative short form

Next is the negative. I am not I'm not

It's very easy.
You only add 'not'. you are not you aren't
he is not he isn't
she is not she isn't
it is not it isn't
we are not we aren't
they are not they aren't
And finally let's talk Firstly, here's the 'yes / no' question form:
the question form Yes / No Questions
of the present am I ?
simple with 'be'.
are you ?
is he ?
is she ?
is it ?
are we ?
are they ?
If you'd like to make a 'wh' question, you just put the question word at the front:

Wh Questions

where am I ?

what are you ?

why is he ?

who is she ?

when are we ?

how are they ?

Ahora vamos a investigarlo al detalle,
para poder entender todas las
excepciones a las reglas.
Present simple
El present simple o el presente
simple hace parte de los tiempos
verbales del inglés y con este
artículo aprenderás a usarlo
adecuadamente en diferentes
situaciones. Encontrarás cómo se
conforman (estructura), cuáles
son sus principales usos, la
manera correcta de conjugar los
verbos del inglés en presente
simple, ejemplos claros y algunos
casos excepcionales que harán tu
comunicación más natural y
Claves para utilizar el present
simple 1. Cuando quieres comunicar
estados o acciones
Establezcamos algunas condiciones permanentes.
claves para que puedas usar y Ejemplo: The earth is the third
expresarte correctamente con el planet from the sun.
presente simple:
2. Al manifestar estados o 3. Para hablar de hábitos,
situaciones que son rutinarias o rutinas o hechos que se
acciones que tienen repiten en lapsos de tiempo
periodicidad. determinado.
Ejemplo: Every ten years is a Ejemplo: I drink coffee every
decade. morning.
4. Cuando das indicaciones, 5. Para transmitir citas, hechos o
instrucciones y señales. compromisos que pasarán en un
Ejemplo: You go down this street tiempo determinado.
to the cinema, then you turn Ejemplo: Tomorrow is my birthday!
right .


¡Atención! Ten en cuenta que el presente simple nunca debe ser usado para describir estados,
situaciones o acciones que pasan al instante mismo en el que se está hablando. Esto es un error
común y el tiempo verbal que debe ser usado en estas situaciones es el presente continuo.
¿Cuál es la estructura del presente simple en la formación de
Veamos con cuidado la estructura básica que se utiliza para para la
formación de oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas según este
tiempo verbal. En esta tabla puedes ver cada uno de sus componentes para
entenderlo mejor.
El presente simple y su estructura

Afirmativa Sujeto + verbo + complemento

Negativa Sujeto + auxiliar do/does not + verbo + complemento

Interrogativa Auxiliar do/does + sujeto + verbo + complemento

La conjugación del present simple en ejemplos

Present Simple: to drink (tomar)

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa
I drink too much coffee I do not drink too much coffee Do I drink too much coffee?
You drink too much coffee You do not drink too much coffee Do you drink too much coffee?
He drinks too much coffee He does not drink too much coffee Does he drink too much coffee?

She drinks too much coffee She does not drink too much Does she drink too much coffee?
It drinks too much coffee It does not drink too much coffee Does it drink too much coffee?
We drink too much coffee We do not drink too much coffee Do we drink too much coffee?
They drink too much coffee They do not drink too much coffee Do they drink too much coffee?
El present simple y la tercera

Para entender mejor el presente

simple en inglés, veremos 4
reglas para su uso correcto: en
las dos primeras podremos
observar cómo el present simple
influye únicamente en la tercera
persona, mientras en la tercera y
cuarta reglas se afecta
directamente a los sujetos y las
Por ejemplo:
Regla 1: En las oraciones
afirmativas del present Tercera
simple a todos los verbos se persona
les adiciona una -s al final.
No olvides que, al
To go He goes
encontrarse en oraciones
To wish She wishes
negativas e interrogativas, la
-s no debe ponerse.
To catch He catches

Cuando los verbos finalizan To kiss She kisses

en -o, -sh, -ch, -ss, -x y -z
debes añadirles -es al final. To mix He mixes

To whiz She whizzes

Para los verbos finalizados Existe otra excepción para
en -y, debes reemplazar la los verbos terminados en -y.
-y por i y luego adicionar Cuando hay una vocal
-es. antes de la -y, debes
conservar esta y adicionar
la -s.

Verbo Tercera persona Verbo
To cry He cries To pay She pays

To spy She spies To say He says

To worry He worries To lay She lays

1. My sister ______ (read)
a book.

2. Frank _______ (like)


3. My parents ___ (do) the


4. We
sometimes _______(meet)
in front of the cinema.

5. Uncle George ___ (go)

to the doctors.
6. Our friends ______ (play)
football in the park.

7. She ______ (go) to the park

every Friday.

8. He ______ (ride) his bike every


9. We _______(have) the best


10. Carol _______ (say) goodbye.

11. She ______ (be) the best singer in
our class.

12. My sister _______ (live) in a big


13. The children ______ (eat)


14. Bill _______ (have) got two


15. I _______ (be) at home.

Regla 2: En la Oraciones afirmativas
tercera persona, He
does es el auxiliar She DOES
que debes usar; sin It
embargo, do se usa
para la primera y Oraciones negativas
segunda persona He
del singular y plural She DOES NOT

Oraciones interrogativas
DOES she
Do Does I sing well?

Do Does you play football?

Do Does he read books?

Do Does she speak English?

Do Does it eat bananas?

Do Does we play video games?

Do Does you travel by bus?

Do Does they go to school?

Do Does your teacher live in London?

Do Does dogs like cats?

Regla 3: To be es el Oraciones afirmativas
verbo irregular más
usado en el inglés, Pronombre Verbo To be
por lo que te I am
estudiar y aprender You are
todas sus formas de He is
She is

It is

We are

They are
I doesn't don't play the guitar.

You doesn't don't tidy your room.

She doesn't don't buy meat.

He doesn't don't sing rock.

A snail doesn't don't fly.

We doesn't don't live in Egypt.

You doesn't don't have a boat.

They doesn't don't clean the bathroom.

This girl doesn't don't go to the disco.

Bats doesn't don't lay eggs.

Oraciones negativas Oraciones interrogativas del verbo
To be
Pronombre Verbo To be Auxiliar Sujeto
I am not Am I?
You are not Are you?
He is not Is he?
She is not Is she?
It is not Is it?
We are not Are we?
They are not Are they?
Regla 4: Para usar el Nunca debes agregarles -s ni -es.
presente simple con
los modal verbs (can, Incorrecto Correcto
must, may), debes
tener en cuenta que
Your dog cans play in Your dog can play in
existen dos this place this place

He musts be back by He must be back by

Tuesday Tuesday

She mays past the She may past the IELTS

IELTS test test
Al usar el present simple
Negativo Interrogativo
en oraciones de
negación e interrogación, Your dog cannot Can your dog play
los verbos modales play in this place in this place?
jamás deben tener el
auxiliar do/does, por
ejemplo: He must not be Must he be back by
back by Tuesday Tuesday?

She may not pass May she pass the

the IELTS test IELTS test?

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