Tait t2000 Models
Tait t2000 Models
Tait t2000 Models
T 2 0 aa - b c d - e fg
Many variants found in both Series I and Series II
aa-Model Variant
10 Conventional 4 Channel
15 Conventional 24 Channel
16 Conventional
17 Conventional 80 Channel
18 Conventional 100 Channel
20 Conventional 100 Channel
20 Conventional 1200 Channel* *-34
21 Conventional
30 Trunked 6 Call Preset, 1023 Trunked, 4 Conventional
32 6 preset, 1023 Trunked channels, 4 Conventional, no head
33 Trunked 2 digit dial, 1023 Trunked channels, 4 Conventional
35 Trunked 3 digit dial + 20 Call Preset
40 Trunked Direct Call dial
50 Dual Mode Conventional 100 Channel and Trunked
60 LTR Mobile, Conventional
65 LTR Mobile, 10 Systems X 10 groups, Conventional
b-Frequency Span (may work outside these limits)
0 500-530 MHz
1 220-270 MHz
2 66-88 MHz
3 136-174 MHz
4 175-235 MHz
5 400-470 MHz
6 450-520 MHz
7 330-366 MHz
8 TX 806-870 MHz
RX 851-870 MHz
9 360-400 MHz
F TX 300-336 MHz
RX 330-360 MHz
K TX 896-941 MHz
RX 935-941 MHz
W 300-338 MHz
c-Deviation Bandwidth (subject to field modification)
1 Wide Band (5kHz) (25kHz channel space)
2 Narrow Band (2.5kHz) (12.5 kHz channel space)
3 Mid Band (4kHz) (20kHz channel space)
4 Dual Wide and Narrow Bandwidth Programmable (Hardware and Firmware dependant)
d-Frequency Stability (subject to field modification when Bandwidth is changed)
1 5ppm (-10-60°C)
2 2ppm, later 1.5ppm (-30-60°C)
3 3ppm (-30-60°C)
5 2.5ppm, later 1.5ppm (-30-60°C)
6 2ppm, used in 6.25 kHz offset products (-30-60°C)
7 1.5ppm (-30-60°C)
e-Country Specific
Refer to page 4
f g-Factory Fitted Options (subject to field modification and 3rd party alterations)
Refer to page 2,3,4
Use these numbers as a guide many things can be swapped around and modified after manufacture, even
between Series I & Series II. Checking radio components is the way to be absolutely sure. If in doubt, ask!
Some features can be turned on in Software Programming even if they are not actually fitted. Not all models
were released in all countries, some were country specific. Re-badging happened as well.
Tait T2000 Model Recognition, a work in progress subject to updating. 3rd release Sep 2010 by niteviser
Control Loom Selcall DTMF Interface Special Notes
Suffix Head metres Fitted Fitted PCB
-X00 F -T00 is 100ch
-X01 R 4
-X02 F X2S380 DSP Module Fitted (X2S380)
-X04 F Y
-X05 R 4 Y
-X06 F Y
-X07 R 4 Y
-X08 F Y Y
-X09 R 4 Y Y
-X10 R 6
-X11 R 6 Y
-X12 R 6 Y
-X13 R 6 Y Y
-X14 D* New Data Radio TCU. *X2HC12 dummy c/hd with inverted printing
-X16 K 4 Remoting Kit Radios
-X17 K 4 Y
-X18 K 4 Y Y Pack with: Claytons head cover, remote panel, plate cover (2), bracket and remoting kit
-X19 K 6
-X20 K 6 Y
-X21 K 6 Y Y
-X22 F Transmit Only THD
-X24 F Low Power Radio (Special ATE Specs)
-X24R Receive Only THD
-X26 F Low power 16W radio, No MIC
-X27/-A27 F Y NZ Police, Check CP, 100ch. TCI Firmware
-A28 F Y Y Customer Programmed with BFB Freqs
-X29/-A29 F Y NZ Police, Check CP, 100ch. TCI Firmware
-X30/-A30 R 4 STA6654 NZ Police, Check CP
-X31 R 6* Y Y X2A410 *Uses X2N601 WASSC Loom, Customer Programmed with WAFB Freqs.
-X32 R 6 Y Y Customer Programmed with BFB Freqs
-X33 R 6 1200 Channel radio (has X2L222), * loom is X2N602 Can be built with
UIT interface supplied by TEA as a CP.
-X34 F 1200 Channel Logic, X2L222
-X35 F Y 1200 Channel Logic, X2L222
-X35 ? F Y French Fire. X2L227. TCI f/ware and pgm
-X36/-A36 F NZ Police, Check CP
-X37 2020-321, no C/HD, with Claytons, X2L222
-X38 R 6* *X2N602
-X39/-A39 R 6 Y TA454-01 NZAMB Interface PCB TA454-01, has X24229 C/HD
-X40 F X2U000 Dual Port Uart. - Include ‘D-Range Kit' in Packing
-X43 F X2U200 Single Port Uart (Note – T2032 has X2T101, X2EB16)
-E44 X2L238
-X45 D DDS - Yellow taxi
-X46 D X2A610 Uses X2F232 & Alarm board X2A610
-X47 F Dept of Defence (TEA) X2L226C (100ch) X2L216C. TCI pgm. T2020 has TCI f/ware
-X48 F Y X2U200 Single Port Uart
-X49 F Y* X2U200 Direct Connect GPS - Single Port Uart Plus 1 different wire. RED WIRE TEST
(S14-1 to DC01-6) "DTMF only fitted to 2020/40/50's" Note:T2032 has X2T101 &
-X50 F X2F212 (Less Mic, Cradle, Pwr Lead & Install Kit) milled covers.
Pack A50 Kit and Guide only
-X51 - X2F213 (Less Mic, C/Head and Manuals)
-X52 - X2F214 (Less Mic, Cradle, C/Head, and Manuals)
-X53 F X2F215 (Less Mic) 100ch MCM
-X54 R 6* Y Y *Uses X2N602, X2F221. {X2HE27 - Dual band only} Queensland Police.
Test on Customer Freq {no speaker} Custom Prog at packing
Tait T2000 Model Recognition, a work in progress subject to updating. 3rd release Sep 2010 by niteviser
-X55 F Special ATE specs
-X56 R 6 X2U200 Single Port Uart
-X57 F Low Power T2010-113-A57 (X2R103) (Less Mic, Cradle,
Power Lead & Install Kit) milled covers
-X58 R 6* Y Y *X2N602 (X2HE27-Dual band only) Queensland Police Custom Prog at packing
-X59 F T2010-113-A59 same as –A50 but with std packing kit.
-X60 R 4* Y X2A060 Q'land Rail - Has X2N060, *X2N460, X2L061, X2H260 TCI f/ware
Custom Prog at packing Custom Prog at Packing
-X61 D X2T101 X2F217 (No C/Hd, Blanking Plug) - Low Pwr, X2HC81 'Claytons' dummy C/Hd,
no mic, no guides
-X62 D X2T101 X2F217 (No C/Hd, Blanking Plug) - Std Pwr, X2HC81 'Claytons' dummy C/Hd,
no mic, no guides
-X63/-F63 D* X2F223 (Less C/Hd, Mic and Speaker),Fit X2HC81 'Claytons' dummy C/Hd,
Series I Chassis, Std Pwr
-X64 D TA064-01 Raywood Check CP
-X65 - No control head, no dummy head. X2F224
-H66 F GP display, hunt s/w (ver 7.02) In process of being made obsolete
-H68 R 4 GP display, hunt s/w (ver 7.02) in process of being made obsolete
-H69 R 4 Gong An dial in process of being made obsolete
-H70 F X2U200 Gong An dial, single port Uart in process of being made obsolete
-X71 D X2AF94 Polish Railways. X2F2RR. CCR Firmware
-X74 F For TFE T2035-321-A74 only (has WB TCXO)
-F75 R 6 Y AE1944-02 NZ Fire Service (2020-241 Dual-Band)
-X76/-F76 R 6 Y AE1944-02 NZFS X2HE25, X2L225 100ch TCI f/ware and pgm Switchable 25 / 12.5 KHz spacing
-F77 F Y AE1944-02 AE1944-01 Custom C/H, Special S/W, - F75 has T220-01 loudspkr & Big C/H
-X78 F Y Y X2S390 DTMF ANI board and Selcall fitted
-X79 F Y Y X2S390 Vietnam Army CP4227 TCI
TEU – X2F229 Dummy C/ H, to be built in conjunction with TA1212-10-00
-X80/-F80 D 300s
-X81/-D81 F AE1557, Stockholm radio. CP # 3473 always.
-A82 Data Radio - Female options conn , Clytns C/hd X2T101, X2C100, Data BNC
-X82 D Data Radio - Female options conn (X2C100) X2T101 mini UHF X2HC10
-A83 Thailand T2018 - 111. A83 Low power Red Radio (Files T2018-121.A83)
Thailand Taxi User Guide & Customer Programmed. CB245
-A84 Data Radio - Male options conn - Clytns C/hd, e X2T101 , X2C102, Data BNC
-X84 D* Data radio - Male options conn - X2HC10, X2T101, X2C102 Mini UHF
-A85 Thai taxi, X2H212, (Keypad 311-03107-00)
-X86/-A86 D X2T101 Mobiletex Data – Standard BNC – No Data Radio Label
-X87/-A87 Uses X2ID01(Dual Band IF.) A87 for USA has X2EB20, X2HE20 Civil Air Patrol
-X88/-A88 New Thai Taxi radio, has X2H212 C/Hd (Keypad 311-03111-00)
-F89 F T55095 Add custom option board
-F90 X2F217 (Less C/Head, Blanking Plug) Kit - Pack 1 cradle key Std Pwr,
Claytons Head, Add X2T101
-X91 F Y Revenue Canada. 100ch. TCI f/ware and pgm
-X92 R 6* Y Y *X2N602
-X94 - X2T101 GMSI (TCU) Data Radio has 15way female D-range and terminator fitted (X2T101).
-F96 R Y STA6654 MoFisheries – DB NZFS keypad
-F97 F Y STA6654 MoFisheries – DB NZFS keypad
-X99/-F99 F TA2219-02 Dublin bus, To be packed minus -Power lead, Mic, Kit, and
User/Install guides. With a Fixed Control head attached.
-XA0 F Emergency Link fitted (#R513 or X2P010)
-XA1 R 6 Emergency Link fitted (#R513 or X2P010)
-XA2 D No X2T101, X2F286
X2F21A (No Mic, no cradle No c/hd no dummy c/hd Telepoint TCI
-XA3 N 01
Tait T2000 Model Recognition, a work in progress subject to updating. 3rd release Sep 2010 by niteviser
-GA3 F Custom keypad (X2GE21) MCM Manuals / Guides. Blank packaging 100ch
-XA4 F X2U200 Direct connect GPS (X2DC03) RED WIRE TEST TCI f/ware and pgm Same as -X49
-XA5 F X2S400 T2040 per channel CTCSS (X2S400 fitted to #T3K44)
-XA6 F X2C103 Stagecoach interface Special final test
-XA7 F Multilevel backlit c/hd for Raytheon TCI
-XA8 F Y NZ DOC X2H223 Control Head 100ch TCI f/ware
-XA9 R 6 Y NZ DOC X2HE28 Control Head 100ch TCI f/ware
-XB0 R 6 Y Delcom. TCI f/ware and pgm
EDF Interface (balanced) X2F21B (special power cable) TCI product
-XB1 F 01
MOI Interface Unbalanced) TCI product
-XB2 02
-XB3 R 6 London Bus. TCI product. Custom c/head, f/ware and pgm.
Utah Bus. N-Type RF connector. X2U200 with 70mm loom
-XC0 F 01
-XXXE X2EC10 Encryption ready radio. Fitted with X2EC10 T2K Encrypt Assy.
Built as CP if Encryption module is to be fitted.
-K05 F 5 W Pwr Unimo Radios
-K10 F 10 W Pwr Unimo X2F211 (Less Pwr Lead, Manuals)
-K20 F 20 W Pwr Unimo (Has unscreened box, Unimo kit)
F -T2018 (Series 1 Chassis, Custom Pwr and Freq )
K25 - -T2019 (Series 2 Chassis, Custom Pwr and Freq ) CLAYTONS HEAD
F -T2020 (Series 1 Chassis, Custom Pwr and Freq )
Tait T2000 Model Recognition, a work in progress subject to updating. 3rd release Sep 2010 by niteviser