Search For The Star Sanctum

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Adventure Overview Rumors of the sanctum's treasures spread

S G C T E H T V G CSTV S C P E V W O is a one-
shot adventure for a party of four or five
characters of 18th level, and may be played as a
far and wide, the castle to become the focus of
constant sieges by would be usurpers. Finally,
the castle walls fell. As the castle shook around
standalone, single session or easily integrated him Lord Sufani used his accumulated magic to
into an ongoing campaign. banish the sanctum to the Astral plane - pre-
Sailing through the Riven Nebula amid the ferring that his marvels be lost, rather than
Astral Sea, the party will search for the Lost fall into wicked hands. The wondrous castle,
Sanctum: a legendary, massive fortress guard- and all of its inhabitants and treasures, were
ing untold treasures and secrets. First, they swallowed whole into the void.
must combat natural predators of the plane,
outmaneuver rival pirates, and confront the RXGPNDWC
Sanctum's ancient protector! Lord Sufani's hasty vanishing act sent the sanc-
tum to the heart of the Riven Nebula - a expan-
Adventure Background sive, tumultuous region of the Astral Sea that
most travelers avoid. Named for the way it tears
VSCPEWOGLT apart almost anything that passes through, it
In ancient days, the noble Lord Jaerzo Sufani is common wisdom that circumnavigating the
created a marvelous citadel of great size. region is the only option.
Intended as an archive and repository, the The citadel has drifted through uncharted
citadel was meant to be a sanctum where the regions of the nebula's heart for a thousand
accumulated knowledge and wonders of his years, succumbing to ruin. Nevertheless, ru-
age could be protected against destruction by mors of the "Lost Sanctum", and the trove of
hostile forces or the vicissitudes of time. ancient knowledge, artifacts, and art that reside


For more information on this adventure, the Greenwold, and
the rest of the Dungeon in a Box campaign, check out our site:

Writer: Z ak Kotlow Editor: Chad Skiles. Design Lead: David Crennen.
Proofreader: Tavis Doucette. Cover art by Marko Fiedler.

Dungeon In A Box is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Wiz-

ards of the Coast® or Hasbro®. Dungeons & Dragons®, and D&D®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast®.

within, continues to draw treasure hunters to
brave the nebula's hazards. Reading the Entries
This adventure references the three
›CT VGNCP primary 5e sourcebooks–monster entries
None of this has deterred astral raider pirates are found in the MM, spells and rules for
from roaming the nebula, who have become players are in the BHP and game rules &
obsessed with the location after hearing rumor treasure are found in the DMG.
that the legendary Lost Sanctum was spotted • sret noM are listed in dlob .
adrift there. • sl epS are listed in italics.
Unbeknown to all, the citadel had a fiercely
• srabediS like this, provide optional rules
loyal castellan, an djinni called Rishikul. Forced
and supplemental adventure information.
to retreat into his bottle when the castle came
under siege, he was sent adrift from the sanc-
tum upon its rough arrival to the Astral plane.
He has long-awaited the chance to reclaim his The Sunrider
eternity-sworn position as the castle's protec- The Sunrider (or another name the party
tor - waiting to end up in the hands of someone chooses) is the two-masted ship that
who can help him return to his home. serves as their home base in the Astral
Of course, the genie has no intention of al- plane.
lowing any interloper, no matter how helpful,
• AC 18; 350 hit points; +7 on all saving
to actually enter the citadel - nor plunder the throws; Speed 60 ft.
precious treasure of his lord.
• +8 on ability checks to pilot and operate the
ship, unless using a character’s bonus.
Through research, tale, and rumor, the party • For each hour the ship is stationary, it
regains 50 hit points.
has learned that the legendary Lost Sanctum
lies somewhere within the Riven Nebula. • The magical ballistae require one action to
The fortress is rumored to guard the ancient fire (no actions required to load or aim).
Use the listed attack bonus, or the firing
and unique treasures, as well as lore forgotten
character’s DEX modifier + prof. bonus.
to the Multiverse - any of which may attract a
party of high-level adventurers. • Burrowing Ballista. Ranged Siege Weapon
The party pilots the Sunrider (see sidebar), Attack: +8 to hit, range 600/2400 ft., one
target. Hit: 22 (4d10) acid damage plus 22
a ship engineered specifically for astral travel. (4d10) piercing damage.
It may have been acquired by the party through
their prior adventures, or may be on loan by • Below decks. The ceilings are 7 ft. high, or
10 ft. in cargo areas. Doors are reinforced
a patron. wood with AC 15 and 20 HP.
• Light. The decks of the ship are dimly lit, but
VGRHIP the lighting may be increased or decreased
by verbal command from the crew.

A s the party sails through the Riven Nebula

in search of the Lost Sanctum, their ship is
ambushed by deadly predators. Ship Combat consists of special actions -
This adventure makes use of new me- such as Assail, Defend or Return Fire - that
chanics for Astral Ship Combat . These rules players can perform to deal damage, gain the
provide a narrative way for staging exciting, advantage over foes, escape combat, etc.
large-scale battles between ships flying in the These actions dictate a specific outcome,
Astral plane or other regions. but are also meant to leave room for the players

to come up with exciting suggestions of how EVPCTIAB
they execute the action. After two rounds of large scale ship combat,
For example, a barbarian using Assail might one of the raider skiffs closes in, releasing a
describe how they leap from the ship to a raider small group of raiders onto the party’s ship!
skiff, destroy its controls or hurl its captain Make use of the ship map and Skinny Minis
overboard, and soar back to the party’s ship included in your box to stage the shipboard
at the end of the round. The GM calls for any combat, while continuing to resolve the large-
combat or ability checks as necessary, tracks scale ship combat.
damage as usual, and notes if combat distance Three a s t r a l r a i d e r w a r i o r s (MM, pg.
("Span") has changed between any of the ships. 160) are led by an astrl raide psion (see
By going back and forth in this manner, the Raider Fleet sidebar, pg. 5). An astral raid hound
players and GM are able to play out dramatic accompanies them as well (hdnuoh l e with 91
ship combat at an exciting pace. hit points; fly 40 ft.; Fire Breath DC 14; Multiat-
Refer to the "Astral Ship Combat" (pg. 9) for tack. The hound makes two bite attacks).
the complete rules. After the party defeats the boarders, and
When the party is ready to begin, proceed have reached 3+ Span, the raider fleet breaks
to the following section. off pursuit.
WTGC ª Raiders wear many ornaments
CNHVGRXPMWOI and battle trophies: each raider has 5d10 x 5
Your search for The Lost Sanctum has led you gp of jewelry.
deep into the swirling blue and purple depths The raiders have also collected a dozen fist-
of the Astral plane. Your ship, The Sunrider, sized garnets from around the Riven Nebula
responds easily to your command as it banks (worth 50 gp each). Unbeknown to the raiders,
around a silvery nebula . eight of the "gems" are actually unhatched
Suddenly, fire and thunder erupt around the wormhole spider eggs, which merely resemble
ship. A small flotilla of astral raider skiffs swoop garnets. The true nature of the "garnets" can be
in behind you! discovered with a DC 20 Intelligence (Nature)
check. The eggs naturally hatch at the end of
ªET ON MG For this introductory encounter, the party's next short or long rest. When this
limit the character actions to: Assail, Defend, occurs, run to the InfestaioŁ event.
On the Wheel, and Return Fire. If the party The most prominent treasure is a shiny
deals over 1,000 total damage to the raider brass bottle studded with rubies. Examining
fleet all characters gain Inspiration. the bottle reveals that it contains a genie. This
This —l
aider et (see Raider Fleet sidebar, is ul5sRishk Botle (see sidebar, pg 6).
pg. 5) has been hunting this region and attacks If a character opens the bottle, refer to the
the party on sight. The goal of the raiders is to Djin5sactP section below. If they do not, the
capture the ship intact, but they may damage party can proceed to search for the sanctum
it to slow the party. without his guidance. Proceed to the I n e r
Nebula section (pg 5).

Astral Plane - Features GDLP5T EVC P

Although the Riven Nebula comes with its When a character opens Rishikul’s bottle, read
own unique dangers (see pg. 7), the Astral the following aloud:
plane has unusual features in its own right: Coalescing from a swirl of scarlet and purple
see DMG pg. 46-48 for more information. smoke, an djinni appears before you. Hunched
Importantly, creatures move by the power at first, like an elderly man, his form steadily
of thought, with a walking speed of 3 x its expands and becomes almost regal. He stares
Intelligence score. down at you, “I am Rishikul. . .” his voice booms.
“And I owe you a debt of gratitude!"

Rishikul shares the following information:
• The basic story of the Sanctum from the
dnuo rgkcaB e rutne v d A (see pg. 2), excluding Raider Fleet
the fact that he will prevent the party from Since the raider fleet is so large, it func-
looting the Sanctum or claiming it as their own.
tions as a single entity, rather than indi-
• He has a magical bond to the Lost Sanctum, and vidual ships. The fleet has AC 16. Initiative
can innately sense its location so long as he is in +4. Saves: STR +8, DEX +8, all others +5.
the same plane of existence.
The raider fleet does not have a hit point
• He longs to reclaim the Lost Sanctum and restore maximum. Instead, for every 100 damage
it to its former glory. He offers to guide the party dealt to the fleet, a skiff is destroyed, and
there in exchange for taking him back home.
the party gains +1 Span.
• He has been drifting in his bottle for centuries. Multiattack. At 1+ Span, the fleet
Not long ago he was picked up by astral raiders makes two Arcane Cannons attacks, or four
who were attempting to explore the Riven
attacks at 0 Span. Or, the fleet makes one
Nebula. They did not discover the true nature
of his bottle. attack and gains advantage on all ability
checks and saving throws made to pilot/
Rishikul wears a ring of mind shielding (DMG, maneuver until the start of its next turn.
pg. 191). However, a DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) Arcane Cannons. Ranged Siege Weapon
check reveals that Rishikul is not being com- Attack: +10 to hit, range 500/2000 ft., one
pletely forthright about his offer to guide the target. Hit: 27 (5d10) fire damage plus 27
party to the Lost Sanctum. If confronted about (5d10) thunder damage. The fleet may
this, Rishikul attempts to assuage any concern target creatures who are off-ship.
by saying, "The Lost Sanctum holds many se-
crets. I am oathbound to keep them. But do not lartsA edi no sp are the primary
worry! I also swear this oath to you: I will do casters of the fleet. Use thee g a m w o r d stat
everything I can to guide you there safely!" He block with these modifications:
stays true to this, until the party arrives at the • AC 17 (half plate); 85 HP
Sanctum (see pg. 7).
• Replace Fey Ancestry and Sunlight
As the castellan of the Lost Sanctum, Rishi- Sensitivity with Mind Mage. When the
kul learned to meld with inorganic material and raider uses its action to cast a spell, it can
repair it. In addition to his other powers, once use a bonus action to grant one creature
per day he can mystically meld with the party's within 60 ft. disadvantage on ability checks
ship, granting it 30 temporary hit points. and attack rolls until the end of the target’s
Rishikul will not willingly return to his next turn.
bottle once summoned, and can only be forced • Replace Innate Spellcasting with Innate
back by being defeated in combat. Spellcasting (Psionics) from the astral
thgink rediar (MM, pg. 160).
C VIPHG HMGWOI • Add spells: 1st) dissonant whispers,
You hear a loud thump against the hull of your thunderwave, 2nd) mirror image, see
ship. Then another. Oversized spider legs covered invisibility, 3rd) counterspell, haste, 4th)
confusion, dimension door, 5th) arcane hand
in a rock-like carapace crawl over onto the deck!
(PHB pg. 218).

Four wormhle spidng (see pg. 11) • Replace Summon Demon with
Throughtstep. As a bonus action, the raider
attack the party on the deck. If there are less
teleports to an unoccupied space within 40
than four spiderlings at the start of every ft.
round, 1d2 more spiderlings crawl onto the
ship from below until 8 total have appeared.
The newly hatched spiderlings are raven-
ous. Those that aren’t engaged in melee opt to

feast on the ship - with potentially disastrous However, they find that a full armada of
consequences for the party. astral raiders surround the vast nebula, search-
The GM may decide which part of the ship ing for a way in. The party will have to run the
the spiderlings are feasting on, accruing the blockade while navigating the treacherous haz-
penalties listed below. Removing these penal- ards of the Riven Nebula, which have defended
ties requires long term repair services at a port. the Sanctum for eons.


• l uH Spiderlings eat chunks from the ship’s Raider ships patrol from horizon to horizon of
hull: -2 AC per 2 turns of attacks. the nebula’s interior, swarms of skiffs and larger
• mleH Spiderlings eat away at the control dreadnoughts loom in the haze - far too many to
mechanisms: after 2 turns of attacks, take by force. Rishikul speaks confidently, “Once
disadvantage on DEX saves and ability checks we arrive at the Sanctum’s gate and I reunite
requiring fine maneuvering. with the fortress, this riff-raff will have no hope
• noisluporP Spiderlings attack the magical of breaching it. Drive a hole in their line and
components providing the ship’s thrust: after don’t look back!”
3 turns of attacks, Speed becomes 30 ft., and
ability checks to pilot on the ship’s turn have It’s impossible to defeat the massive raider
fleet; destroying a hundred ships would bare-
• snopaeW Spiderlings love the acidity of ly scratch the armada. The party must punch
the ship’s armaments: each turn a ballista is through the raider fleet, lose any pursuit as
attacked, its acid damage decreases by 1d10. they speed through the nebula’s hazards, and
reach the Sanctum before the raiders!
Heart of the Riven Nebula While in this region, there is a 50% chance
of encountering a hazard at the start of each
round. Roll on, or choose from, the N e b u l a

W ith Rishikul's aid, the party is able to

chart a course to the secret location of
the Lost Sanctum in the heart of the Riven
Hazards table below. Hazards last for 2
rounds, and up to two hazards may be present
at once. If a character uses the On the Wheel
Nebula. ship combat action, all present hazards end at
the end of the round.
To punch through the blockade and reach
Rishikul’s Bottle the Lost Sanctum, the party must begin a round
Wondrous item, legendary at 8+ Span from the raider fleet.
This ruby-studded brass bottle is home to The party can stay at a safe distance from the
Rishikul, a mighty djin , and formerly armada as long as they like. However once they
the loyal head servant of the Lost Sanctum. begin their approach, the raider fleet will begin
If defeated in combat, Elemental Demise pursuit.
forces Rishikul to return to the bottle, and When the party makes their approach, a
he cannot be summoned again for 1 week. character must make a DC 22 Dexterity check to
laedI Duty. I will patiently uphold my deftly pilot the ship (adding Stealth proficiency if
duty to the Lost Sanctum until the end of applicable). The armada engages with the party at
days. 1 Span on a success, 0 Span on a failure, or 2 Span
Bond . I failed to protect the Sanctum on a natural 20.
once before. I will ensure it is never again The raider armada is relentless. They
despoiled by pillagers or trespassers. assume anyone who dares run the blockade
Flaw. I’m bound by my duty, and will do knows something about the Sanctum - and
all that is necessary to carry it out. must be captured or destroyed. The fleet fol-
lows the party into any hazards they encounter.

The first time the party reaches 5+ Span, ag n u o y OWVEPCS V L G T
nogard er carrying a boarding party emerges
from the fleet. Read the following aloud:
A crimson streak breaks free from the raider
fleet - the speed and elegance of its deft maneuvers
B roken-off towers, chunks of crenelated wall,
and entire open rooms float against the
nebula’s twilight backdrop. Rounding debris that
far outpaces the skiffs. As the twirling streak dwarfs your ship, you see it - the Lost Sanctum!
closes, you realize it’s a red dragon carrying a The shattered remains of the fortress loom
squad of raiders! Prepare to repel boarders! ominous and silent against the starry backdrop.

On its next turn, the dragon moves within 30 ft. The dense debris field surrounding the castle
of the party’s ship, offloading the boarders as makes it impossible for any ship, including the
its action. The dragon remains under the raider party's, to move any closer to the Lost Sanctum.
team’s command, flying around the ship. The
boarders are annoisp rediar lartsa (see Raid- I CNHDG GDHBVTCW
er Fleet Sidebar), foursroi aw rediar larts , If Rishikul is present, stepping foot onto the
and an dnuoh dia r la rts (see pg. 4). The psion sacred ground causes him to transform into
has already cast mage armor, mirror image, and an empowered form. If the party has his
see invisibility on himself, and uses his talents bottle in their possession, it is close enough to
to grant disadvantage on all attacks against the the sanctum for Rishikul to magically appear
dragon until the group boards. within. If the genie was earlier defeated, he is
Once aboard, one of the raiders uses their reborn within the sanctum's walls.
bonus action to activate a handheld, metal ar- Read the following when the genie
tifact, conjuring amelog e is . It uses the stats manifests.
of a melog nts with the following additional You approach the awe-inspiring Lost
trait: Sanctum. Crumbling chunks of the once-
• Siege Monster. The golem deals double splendorous castle hover aloft in the deep-violet
damage to objects and structures. sky. Floating stones serve as a bridge to the
entranceway into the castle of untold wonder.
Once the party begins their turn at Span As you enter, the djinni appears in glorious
8 or further, the pursuit ends. Proceed to The splendor, looking every bit the protector of this
LostSancum section. legendary fortress. “You have returned me to the
gate of the Lost Sanctum, a feat worthy song!” he


1 Manaburn Cloud - Any creature casting a spell or creating a spell-like effect takes 1d12 force
damage per level of the casting, or 3d8 force damage if activating a magic item (including the
ship’s ballistae) with no spell effect.

2 Spatial Fissure - The ship jerks down into a canyon of bent space. A ship in the fissure takes
6d8 bludgeoning damage at the start of its turns. Siege weapon attack rolls and ability checks
made to pilot in the fissure have disadvantage, but successful piloting checks grant an extra +1

3 Rogue Dreamwave - A surge of loose dreams cascades through the area. All living creatures
must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or are subjected to irresistible dance (PHB pg.
264). Instead of dancing, affected creatures sway in a fugue state.

4 Psychic Windstorm - Mighty currents of psychic wind could carry you far. . . if ridden just
right. If successful on three DC 20 ability checks to keep the ship on course in the windstorm,
gain +2 Span. Otherwise, -1 Span. The GM arbitrates what kinds of checks contribute.

booms. “Unfortunately, you may go no further.
I promised to lead you to the gate, not beyond.
Map Features - Debris Field What kind of guardian would I be if I just let you
thgiL The debris field is brightly lit by the
colorful backdrop of the nebula.
Now at his full power, Rishikul gains +3 to all
e m v M on t Per usual Astral plane rules, spell attack rolls and saving throw DCs (DC 18),
creatures move by the power of thought, as well as the following Lair Actions:
with a walking speed of 3 x its Intelligence On initiative count 20 (losing ties), the
score. djinni takes a lair action to cause one of the
sirbe D . Any creature moving beyond the following effects (spell save DC 18). The djinni
edge of the map immediately collides with can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
an object larger than themselves, stopping • (2/Day) The Lost Sanctum renews the djinni
in the nearest unoccupied space at the (even if incapacitated or 0 hit points), granting
him the effects of the power word heal and fire
map’s edge and taking 3d8 bludgeoning
shield (warm only) spells.
• The djinni innately casts fire storm, or casts
any of its innate spells without expending a
daily use and requiring no concentration, if
applicable. The casting time for the conjure
elemental spell is reduced to 1 action.
Wondrous Add-On • A shock wave bursts from the Sanctum’s walls.
All targets of the djinni’s choice within 30 ft.
If you purchased the Wormhole Spider
of the fortress must succeed on a Constitution
add-on, the final encounter plays out quite saving throw or take 27 (6d8) thunder damage
differently. and are stunned for 1 round. Targets take half
A massive w o r m h o l e s p i d e r has that damage and are not stunned on a success.
taken over the Lost Sanctum, allowing its
offspring to spread throughout the area. In addition, the sanctum has been taken
At the start of the third round of com- over by wormhole spiders. Four wormh le
bat, a massive w o r m h o l e s p i d e r (see spiderlings (see pg. 11) emerge from the
pg. 10) arrives to protect its territory. rubble at the start of combat. Use the Debris
Assemble the XL Skinny Mini and place Field map for this encounter. The characters
it on the edge of the map to run this epic can begin combat anywhere on the map.
The wormhole spider is a threat to Aftermath
Rishikul's plan for restoring the sanc-
tum's lost glory. If still alive, the djinni
offers to team up with the party to defeat
the new threat. Once the wormhole spi-
der appears, Rishikul can no longer use
I f the party defeats Rishikul, they can now
claim the spoils of the Lost Sanctum!
It can function as a keep (see Strongholds,
his Lair Actions. DMG pg. 128). Exploring its main structure, the
Should the party succeed, the djinni party may roll twice on the Treasure Hoard
is sufficiently impressed by the party to (17+) rewards table (DMG, pg. 139).
extend a peace offering, allowing them to Once per day, a character may spend four
use the Lost Sanctum to their own ends. hours studying the tomes and relics of knowl-
edge within the Sanctum to cast the commune
spell, requiring no spell slot or material com-

Astral Ship Combat
tnem voM napS A PC who goes off-ship for this action may
The actions of the party and the raider fleet return to the ship at the end of the round.
(see pg. 5) can change the relative distance At 4+ Span, returning to the ship takes two
between the two groups. This distance is rounds.
measured in vague, narrative units called Defend. The PC weaves defenses around
“Span,” which has no direct equivalent in ft. the ship and off-ship allies. All attacks against
Span is also a measure of how well one group the ship and off-ship allies have disadvantage
is out-flying the other. until the start of the PC’s next turn. Until then,
• The party’s ship takes its turn each round on the PC may use a reaction to downgrade one
initiative count 0. By default, it makes a DC critical hit against a defended target into a
20 ability check to pilot the vessel. Success: normal hit.
+1 Span. Hide (4+ Span). The PC makes a DC 22
• Every 50 damage taken by the party’s ship: Wisdom (Stealth or Water Vehicles) check to
-1 Span. outmaneuver the fleet. The ship loses benefits
• Whenever the party is at 4+ Span, all from On the Wheel for this turn. On a success,
attacks made between the two groups the party finds a safe haven in the nebula for
have disadvantage unless made with siege 1 hour. Exceeding the DC by 5 or more results
weapons. in a safe haven for 8 hours. Afterwards, the
• At 6+ Span, only siege weapons have the Chase resumes where it left off.
range to attack, and these attacks are at long On the Wheel. The PC makes an ability
range. check contest to pilot against the fleet, lead-
• At 0 Span, the ships are close such that ing them through a Nebula Hazard (see table,
combatants aboard both ships should roll pg. 7). The GM may choose from the table if no
initiative and run a standard encounter. hazard is present. Success: +1 Span. Failure:
As Span increases, the GM is free to be the fleet’s attacks have advantage on its next
flexible in the time and distance each round turn.
of ship combat takes. At 5+ Span, each round Repairs (3/Day). The PC engages the
could last hours or even days of dogged pur- ship’s magical, self-repair ability. The ship
suit, with the ships playing hide-and-seek. immediately regains 100 hit points, and
party members aboard the ship regain 30
snoitcA abmoC pihS hit points. This drains the ship’s weapons,
The following are suggested actions char- granting disadvantage on attacks with them
acters may take during ship combat (with until the end of the next round.
restrictions in parentheses): Return Fire (1-8 Span). The PC fires
Assail (0-5 Span). The PC uses personal both of the ship’s siege weapons. The PC
weaponry, spells, items, or abilities against may also use a bonus action to make a DC 20
the raider fleet. If the fleet fails an ability Intelligence (Perception) check. On a success,
check or saving throw against sufficiently the target becomes vulnerable to piercing
large areas of difficult terrain or effects that damage until the end of the turn.
immobilize gargantuan targets, gain +1 Span.

Gargantuan monstrosity, chaotic neutral

15 (natural armor) piercing damage, plus 21 (6d6) cold
ointsHP 297 (17d20+119)
Gravity Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +16
Sped 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 51
(hover) (4d20+9) bludgeoning damage. If the
spider moves at least 30 ft. directly
RT S DEX NO C toward the target and hits, the target
28 (+9) 12 (+1) 24 (+7) must succeed on a DC 24 Strength
saving throw or be pushed 60 ft. away
INT WIS CHA from the spider. The target takes an
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) extra 31 (3d20) bludgeoning damage
from the attack, plus 31 (3d20)
bludgeoning damage if it collides with a
Skils Athletics +16, Perception +9 solid object larger than itself, which also
DamgeIunits cold; ends its movement.
bludgeoning, piercing, and Gravity Well (Recharge 5-6). The
slashing from nonmagical wormhole spider bends space, drawing
attacks creatures and objects into a prison of
gravitic force. The spider creates a 30-ft.
esitancDmgR acid, fire, radius sphere within 120 ft. A creature
lightning, poison in the area when it appears or starts
ImunitesodC frightened, its turn there, must succeed on a DC
grappled, petrified, restrained 22 Dexterity saving throw or takes 55
Sens blindsight 120 ft. (blind (10d10) force damage, is pulled into the
beyond this radius), passive closest unoccupied space to the sphere’s
Perception 19 center, and becomes grappled (escape
DC 22). On a success, a creature takes
Langues -
no damage but is pulled to the closest
Chaleng 22 (41,000 XP) unoccupied space on the sphere’s
opposite edge.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Wormholes. The wormhole spider uses
wormhole spider fails a saving throw, it gravity to create holes in the fabric of
can choose to succeed instead. space. As a bonus action, the spider
Living Rock. The wormhole spider does targets up to two creatures (including
not need to breathe, and has advantage itself) or unsecured objects within 60
on saving throws against being ft. of itself. A targeted creature must
charmed, poisoned, and knocked prone. succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving
throw or is teleported up to 60 ft. and
AEV P then moved 30 ft. in a direction chosen
by the spider. The target’s movement
Multiattack. The wormhole spider makes ends if it collides with an object larger
two bite attacks. than itself.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit,
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 40 (3d20+9)

Medium monstrosity, chaotic neutral

ArmoClas 18 (natural armor) AEV P

ointsHP 76 (9d8+36)
Multiattack. The spiderling makes two bite
Sped 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 60 ft. attacks.
(hover) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8+5) piercing
RT S DEX NO C damage, plus 7 (2d6) acid damage.
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) Caustic Adhesive (Recharge 5-6). The
spiderling spews a 15-ft. cone of
INT WIS CHA sticky, acidic webbing. Each creature
6 (-2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) in that area must succeed on a DC 15
Constitution saving throw. On a failure,
a creature takes 21 (6d6) acid damage
Skils Athletics +8, Perception +4 and becomes restrained. They may
abiltesunr DmgV thunder repeat the save at the end of each turn.
DamgeIunits acid Gravitate. The spiderling manipulates
objects with gravity. As a bonus action,
esitancDmgR cold, the spiderling may target a Medium or
poison; bludgeoning, piercing, smaller creature The target must make
and slashing from nonmagical a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
attacks be moved up to 30 ft. The target takes
Sens blindsight 60 ft. (blind 13 (3d8) bludgeoning damage from
beyond this radius), passive the attack, plus 13 (3d8) bludgeoning
Perception 14 damage if it collides with a solid object.
Langues - The target’s movement ends if it collides
with a solid object larger than itself.
Chaleng 6 (2,300 XP)

Living Rock. The spiderling does not need

to breathe, and has advantage on saving
throws against being charmed, petrified,
poisoned, and knocked prone.

Higher or Lower Level?

If this adventure is being played by a party of player characters of higher or lower experience
level, refer to the difficulty adjustment guide available at our website.

Search for the Prepare to take your table
Star Sanctum into this wondrous one-shot!


• Your epic-tier party has received a tip on the location of the Lost
Sanctum: an ancient castle of untold wealth and wonder! Set sail in
this space faring adventure filled with deadly combat, plot twists,
and new rules for running ship battles in space!
• This Wondrous One-shot is intended to be played as a stand-alone
adventure, compatible with 5e.
• Use the battle maps for the Sunrider Astral ship and Lost Sanctum
to run the adventure presented in this one-shot!

Visit our site for more information!


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