MRP Oracle
MRP Oracle
MRP Oracle
The purpose of this document is to take you from forecasting through the Master
Production Schedule, launching Material Resource Planning and then to release
planned orders from your Planners Workbench. Use an existing Forecast to load
your MPS. From your planning responsibility, select MPS > Load/Copy/Merge.
This process is like running a report process. You should see the Parameters
screen below.
Fill in the parameters as shown. You may or may not choose to overwrite. Once
you have set your parameters, submit the process and make sure it completes
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Materials Resource Planning
Prepared by: Larry Sherrod Release Date: 02/10/2008
If the process was successful, you should be able to open the MPS and view the
schedule lines as shown below. From your MPS menu select Entries. Query up
your MPS.
This information
should reflect what
you see in your
forecast. It should
have the same items,
schedule dates and
quantities. You can
modify the MPS and
add or delete lines as
you feel necessary.
You can check your
schedule in the
bucketed view by
pressing the
BUCKETED button.
You can check Sales
Order Reliefs to the
schedule by pressing
the RELIEFS button.
Once you are satisfied with the MPS, you can use it to run you MRP. To Launch
your MRP run, go to your MRP menu and select Launch. It runs as a
background process just like reports. Navigate to the Parameters screen, as
shown below.
View your requests to confirm all of the MRP processes completed normally.
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Materials Resource Planning
Prepared by: Larry Sherrod Release Date: 02/10/2008
You can now use planners workbench to view the recommended releases based
on the plan. From your MRP menu, select Workbench.
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Materials Resource Planning
Prepared by: Larry Sherrod Release Date: 02/10/2008
After you have reviewed the exceptions, you need to release work orders and
purchase requisitions. Go back to your main planner workbench form and press
the SUPPLY button.
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Materials Resource Planning
Prepared by: Larry Sherrod Release Date: 02/10/2008
If you select all for release, the lines will change color, as shown below.
This will send the information to the Purchasing interface and generate Purchase
To release work orders from the workbench, follow the same steps as above
except you must change your filter options to “make” instead of “buy”. The work
orders will come over as Unreleased. You will need to change their status before
you begin working on them.
This covers only the basics of MRP. If you wish to exploit deeper functionality
and features, you must read the documentation Oracle provides. It is also a
good idea to find documentation covering the basic concepts of planning. This
can be obtained at
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