Haghighi y Maerefat, 2015
Haghighi y Maerefat, 2015
Haghighi y Maerefat, 2015
1 INTRODUCTION glass surface oriented to the south and an absorber wall that
works as a solar radiation-capturing surface. The air in contact
Power plants, motor vehicles and industries burn fossil fuels and with this surface is heated up. Heating enhances the pressure dif-
emit a large amount of pollutants, which imperil human health, ference between the inlet and outlet of the chimney; thus, the
impose heavy economic costs and degrade the natural environ- rate of natural ventilation increases significantly.
ment. Although most of today’s energy comes from fossil fuels, Many researchers have studied the EAHE for passive heating
new technologies offer a range of options for generating electri- and cooling applications in the recent decades. Hollmuller [1]
city, heating and cooling demands where they are needed. These considered a periodic input for the air in the buried pipe, yield-
new options include renewable energy technologies. ing a physical interpretation of the amplitude-dampening and
Energy consumption in the building for providing thermal the phase-shifting of the periodic input signal. Al-Ajmi et al. [2]
comfort and ventilation continues to increase; however, new developed a theoretical model of an EAHE for predicting the
studies show that reduction or suppression of air conditioning outlet air temperature and cooling potential of these devices.
may be achieved using passive or low-energy techniques. Two of They showed that it has the potential for reducing cooling
such systems are the earth-to-air heat exchanger (EAHE) and energy demand in a typical house by 30% over the peak summer
the solar chimney (SC), which may be used for reducing energy season. Tittelein et al. [3] used response factors method for nu-
consumption in the buildings. The EAHE ventilates air to the merical modeling of earth-to-air heat exchanger. The results
indoor spaces through one or several horizontally or vertically showed that the calculation time is reduced using response
buried pipes. In this way, the ground large thermal capacity and factors compared with 3D model based on the finite volume ap-
relatively stable temperatures are used to preheat or pre-cool the proach. Bansal et al. [4] investigated the use of earth– pipe – air
supply fresh air, resulting in energy savings. The SC can be used heat exchanger to reduce the heating load of buildings in winter.
to improve the natural ventilation and provides heating demand A transient and implicit model based on computational fluid
of buildings alone or together with an EAHE. It consists of a dynamics was developed to predict the thermal performance
Figure 2. Cross section of an EAHE with grid system of the soil region.
rows and columns are spaced dday (m) apart. The heat transfer
from the soil to the air is modeled as a laminated cylinder with
internal convection and external conduction. The following
equation is used to calculate the rate of heat transfer:
2pðTsoil Tf Þ
Q¼ ð4Þ
where Rtotal represents the overall thermal resistance and is given
by equation (5) as follows [8]:
1 1 1 rti þ tt 1 dday
Rtotal ¼ þ ln þ ln 1þ
2pDL hft kt rti ks rti þtt
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of heat transfer in the SC. u dday 2
þ t 1þ 1 ð5Þ
rti þ tt
sc, solar chimney; su, undisturbed soil; s, soil. t and t0 are the
times of the year (in days) and the day of minimum surface tem- where r represents radius (m); t, pipe; i, internal.
perature, respectively. The location of lower boundary depends In the above equation, DL is the grid spacing along the EAHE
on the soil diffusivity and the temperature cycle frequency and is and Tsoil represents the soil temperature, which is the distance-
obtained through the following equation [1]: weighted average temperature of the three closest nodes to the
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi tube node. A three-dimensional array is used to define the pos-
d¼ ð2Þ ition of each node.
The convection heat transfer coefficient inside the pipe is
where ls ¼ ks /ðrs Cs Þ; and v is 2p day21 and 2p year21 for daily defined by:
and annual variation, respectively, where C represents specific
heat of air (J kg21 K21). Nut kft
The upper boundary temperature is considered to be equal to hft ¼ ð6Þ
the ambient air temperature.
Following Ref. [13], the Nusselt number for air flow in the pipe
The general energy equation for solids used to determine soil
with smooth internal surface depends on Reynolds number and
temperature is as follows:
it is given by equation (7.a and b).
rs Cs ¼ r ks rTs ð3Þ Nu ¼ 3:66 if Re , 2300 ð7aÞ
habs Aabs ðTabs Tfsc Þ þ hg Ag ðTg Tfsc Þ Draf tRoom ¼ ðrfr rfsco ÞgHscoro ð22Þ
mCfsc ðTfsc Tfto Þ where H represents distance (m).
¼ ð15Þ
g The required draft for heating system DraftSystem is the sum of
Based on the experimental relation reported in Ref. [15], the the pipe pressure loss DPEAHE and the positive pressure
Table 1. Comparison of experimental and theoretical results for SC-induced ACH number.
Solar radiation (W m22) Absorber Inlet chimney Ambient ACH Errors of
length (m) dimension
(m m) Temperature Experimental Theoretical Theoretical [17] (%) Present
(K) [17] [17] (present study) study (%)
300 0.7 1.0 0.3 295– 302 4.400 4.173 4.366 5.16 0.77
0.8 1.0 0.2 298– 304 5.330 4.054 4.757 23.94 10.75
0.9 1.0 0.1 294– 296 2.400 2.704 2.368 12.66 1.33
500 0.7 1.0 0.3 295– 302 4.800 5.160 4.454 7.50 7.21
0.8 1.0 0.2 298– 304 4.530 4.895 4.816 8.06 6.31
0.9 1.0 0.1 294– 296 2.660 3.461 2.970 30.11 11.65
700 0.7 1.0 0.3 295– 302 5.600 5.810 5.404 3.75 3.5
0.8 1.0 0.2 298– 304 5.330 5.175 5.480 2.91 2.81
0.9 1.0 0.1 294– 296 2.930 3.671 3.217 25.29 9.79
Figure 6. (a) ACH variation with changes of outlet size of SC. (b) Room air temperature variation with changes of outlet size of SC. (c) ACH variation with
changes of outlet size of room. (d) Room air temperature variation with changes of outlet size of room.
the room air temperature. This means that around the noon, the diameter and length of the EAHE have been investigated. The
system reaches to its highest effectiveness. effect of the pipe diameter on the system performance is sum-
Other important dimensions that affect the system perform- marized in Table 3. The results indicate that smaller diameters
ance are the inlet and outlet size of room. are preferred from a thermal point of view, but they also corres-
The ACH variation due to change of the inlet size of the pond to higher friction loss and lead to lower ACH. A compara-
room is shown in Figure 6a. This figure shows that there is an tive survey shows that as the diameter of EAHE increases up to
optimum inlet (z1) size beyond which the ACH would begin to almost 0.5 m, any further increase does not have a significant
decrease. By increasing z1 (Figure 1), the pressure loss decreases effect on the ACH and the room air temperature. Therefore, this
and it causes an increase in the ACH. However, increasing the value is adopted as the default value of diameter in the present
room inlet size corresponds to the decrease in the absorber area, study. Table 4 shows the effect of length of EAHE on the system
and consequently, the amount of heat transfer is reduced. performance. When the pipe length increases, the lateral surface
Accordingly, the Draftsc (given by equation 19) and ACH tend to area of the buried pipe and consequently the amount of heat
decrease. This optimum value is 0.2 m. The effect of room transfer will be increased. This leads to lower ACH, and the time
inlet size on the room air temperature is shown in Figure 6b. As for heat transfer along the SC and EAHE is increased. The find-
shown in Figure 6b, increasing the z1 would finally lead to de- ings show that under this condition, an increase in air tempera-
crease in the room air temperature. It is due to the decrease in tures through the SC compensates the reduction in mass flow rate;
the energy gained by the absorber wall. therefore, the room air temperature will increase. It is also found
The outlet size of the room (z2) can also change the system that the use of long EAHE for low insulated spaces may not be
performance. Figure 6c and d shows the effect of this parameter useful and the chimney effect can hardly compensate the total
on the ACH and room air temperature, respectively. They indi- pressure losses and the system performance will be reduced signifi-
cate that the variation of outlet size of the room has less effect cantly. Thus, for the pipe longer than 35 m, the comfort tempera-
on the ACH and room air temperature. However, a design of ture may not be provided, and shorter EAHE should be employed.
room with variable inlet and outlet may assist the inhabitants to
keep the room air temperature in the range of thermal comfort
even at low solar intensity. The recommended size is 0.20 m for 5.2 Effects of environmental conditions
the SC outlet and 0.05 for the room outlet. on the system performance
The thermal performance of the EAHE – SC system is also Thermal behavior of the system is influenced by environmental
affected by the pipe configuration. In this study, the effects of conditions. The environmental conditions are comprised of
heating demand of inhabitant, outdoor ambient temperature, longer EAHE may not be efficient. Table 5 shows the summary
solar radiation and soil temperature. Table 4 shows the effects of of results of the calculations for different environmental condi-
heating demand on the system performance. It shows that when tions. According to the results, when the ambient air tempera-
the heating demand increases, the ACH decreases. This is ture increases, thermal comfort may be achieved at lower solar
because of the reduction in room average air temperature that radiation. It should be noted that, when the solar intensity
causes an increase in DraftRoom (last term of the equation 27) increases, the wall temperature of SC rises. This has two effects:
and finally leads to lower chimney effect. Although this effect higher ACH and air flow temperature, which enhance the
increases the performance of EAHE, the indoor air temperature heating gain. It is also found that when the heating demand is
decreases due to the increase in the room heat loss. The findings high, thermal comfort can be achieved only at higher solar radi-
also show that when the heating demand increases, the use of ation. However, with proper insulation and reduction of the
heating demand, SC can provide good indoor condition in the remains nearly constant throughout the year. This temperature
poor solar intensity of 250 W and low ambient air temperature is equal to the mean annual ground surface temperature and
of 08C (see forth row of Table 5). The findings show that the depends on climatic conditions of each region. Table 6 shows the
system can provide the required indoor temperature and ACH system performance at different soil temperature. The findings
number even at harsh environmental condition of low tempera- show that when the soil temperature increases, thermal comfort
ture of 08C and high heating demand of 1000 W. As shown in may be achieved at lower solar radiation. This result is caused by
Table 5, for poor insulated room with high heating demand, the the increase in the heat transfer from the earth, which leads to
use of EAHE with small length may be useful. Under this condi- higher room air temperature. It is found that if the room is
tion, when the buried pipe is longer than 15 m, the SC will not properly insulated, the EAHE – SC system will provide the
be able to provide the necessary stack effect and the use of a thermal comfort condition even at the low soil temperature of
small fan can help the air to flow from EAHE into the room to 138C. It is also concluded that this technique is suitable to
realize thermal comfort condition. supply the heating demand of building especially in the moder-
Another parameter, which affects the system performance, is ate climates where the mean annual air temperature is usually
the soil temperature. Due to the fact that the ground exhibits high.
high thermal inertia, the EAHE is usually placed below the Table 7 shows the summary of results of the calculations for
ground surface at a certain depth where the soil temperature different room sizes and environmental conditions. The results
show that the required number of EAHEs and SCs should be 6. CONCLUSIONS
increased to retain the thermal comfort condition when the room
size and heating demand are increased simultaneously. It is found Natural ventilation and heating a room using a passive system
that one 4.0 3.125 m SC is required for each 50 m3. Accordingly, comprising of SCs and EAHEs was proposed and studied in this
the required number of SC is calculated by (room volume/50. It is paper. This study shows that the system performance depends
also found that the required number of EAHEs is 2 number on solar radiation, outdoor air temperature, heating demand of
of SCs þ 1. The findings show that when the heating demand room, the soil temperature, as well as the configuration of both
increases, thermal comfort is only realized at higher solar inten- the SC and the EAHE. It is found that there is an optimum size
sities. Moreover, with proper insulation, thermal comfort condi- for air gap size of SC (0.2 m) and diameter of heating pipe (0.5 m).
tion is provided during most times of a day, and the required In addition, the indoor air temperature always decreases as the
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