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Gemü 1436 Cpos: Operating Instructions

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GEMÜ 1436 cPos

Intelligent positioner and integrated process controller

EN Operating instructions

further information
webcode: GW-1436
All rights including copyrights or industrial property rights are expressly reserved.
Keep the document for future reference.
© GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG

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1 Quick commissioning

1 Quick commissioning

Hazardous situation
▶ Risk of injury or damage possible.
● For correct commissioning, the product must be calibrated to the process valve via
the initialization process.
● During this commissioning, the valve is automatically opened and closed several
times. It must therefore be ensured in advance that this does not lead to a dangerous

Incorrect initialization
● Always carry out initialization without operating medium pressure on the process valve. Carry out initialization of the pro-
cess valve in neutral position (NO/NC).

● For delivery of the product assembled on a valve at the factory, the complete construction is already ready for operation at
a control pressure of 5.5 to 6 bar without operating pressure. A reinitialization is recommended if the plant is operated with
a different control pressure or if the mechanical end positions have been changed (e.g. seal replacement on the valve or ac-
tuator replacement). The initialization is retained even in the event of voltage cutoff.

● For delivery of the product without default setting (e.g. for delivery without valve) initialization must be carried out once for
correct operation. This initialization must be repeated every time that the process valve is changed (e.g. seal replacement
or actuator replacement).

Operating errors
● Prior to commissioning, familiarize yourself with the operation of the product.

The initialization is absolutely essential for the correct operation of the positioner and must be carried out once.
For delivery of the product pre-assembled on a valve at the factory, the complete construction is already ready for operation at a
control pressure of 5.5 to 6 bar without operating pressure - the positioner is in automatic operation. A reinitialization is recom-
mended if the plant is operated with a different control pressure or if the mechanical end positions have been changed (e.g. seal
replacement on the valve or actuator replacement).
The initialization is retained even in the event of voltage cutoff.

- Mounted to the valve.
- Air supply, max. 7 bar, connected.
- 24 V DC supply voltage connected.
- Set value and actual value signals need not be connected.
- For correct commissioning proceed as described in the following flow chart:

Tip for use
▶ During automatic initialization of actuators whose movement profiles are not continuous (i.e. with undefined stopping or
stalling, e.g. with large size butterfly valves), it may not be possible to clearly detect the end positions and unjustified error
messages may appear (for example LEAKAGE).
▶ Manual initialization with sequential movement through the menu by the operator or, if possible, acknowledging the error
message to repeat the step may help here (see “Manual initialization“, page 32).

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1 Quick commissioning

Menu sequence for quick initialization of the positioner

Switching message after connecting

the supply voltage Press for
(without default setting) (Valve
3 seconds
can be StartInitValve
opened and closed) OK ESC

= automatic initialization

Init Valve ESC

The determined travel time of the valve for OK

both directions (open/close) is displayed. To

change the travel time, this step can be
interrupted by pressing the -> key ("adjust
nozzle(s)" display) and influenced via the Message appears for 5
pneumatic throttles at the rear. Fine
adjustment is carried out by repeating the seconds and then goes
travel time measurement several times and out automatically.
sequentially changing the throttle position. If Alternatively this can be
values of <1.0 sec. are displayed, it is
strongly advisable to use the throttles. hidden by pressing the "+"
Travel times of >1.0 sec. are recommended key.
in order to achieve optimal control results
-> See also chapter "Throttle settings"

The product is
ready for operation and reacts
to the externally
specified set value.
In the case of the "Process
controller" option,
this must be activated separately.

Automatic quick initialization:

The positioner adapts to the valve when automatic initialization is started (via the Start Init Valve parameter). Relevant paramet-
ers are independently and automatically retrieved. This procedure can take a few minutes, dependent on the valve. The initializa-
tion can alternatively be started via the Init Valve parameter in the Set Basics menu item.
If the message Init Valve Ok appears, the product is ready for operation and can be set to the desired operating mode. Further
information (see “Working level (Mode)“, page 39).
If an error message appears during the initialization process (see “Error messages during initialization“, page 35).

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1 Quick commissioning .......................................... 3 12.2.2 Connection diagram for double act-
2 General information ............................................. 6 ing valves .......................................... 25
2.1 Information .................................................... 6 12.2.3 Note for vertical pneumatic connec-
2.2 Symbols used ................................................ 6 tions .................................................. 25
2.3 Definition of terms ........................................ 6 12.3 General information ...................................... 25
2.4 Warning notes ............................................... 6 13 Electrical connection ........................................... 25
3 Safety information ............................................... 7 14 Fail safe function ................................................. 29
4 Product description ............................................. 7 15 Commissioning .................................................... 29
4.1 Construction .................................................. 7 15.1 With default setting (positioner supplied
4.2 Description ..................................................... 7 mounted to the valve) ................................... 29
4.3 Function ......................................................... 8 15.2 Without default setting (when supplied
4.4 Fail safe function ........................................... 8 without a valve) ............................................. 30
4.5 Product label ................................................. 8 15.3 Setting the throttle screws ........................... 38
5 GEMÜ CONEXO .................................................... 8 15.3.1 Travel time measurement during
initialization ...................................... 38
6 Intended use ........................................................ 9
16 Operation ............................................................. 39
7 Order data ........................................................... 10
17 Troubleshooting .................................................. 64
8 Technical data ..................................................... 11
18 Inspection and maintenance ................................ 67
9 Dimensions ......................................................... 16
18.1 Spare parts .................................................... 67
9.1 Positioner dimensions .................................. 16
18.2 Cleaning the product ..................................... 67
9.2 Direct mounting to quarter turn actuators ... 17
9.3 Dimensions of the travel sensor, mounting 19 Disassembly ........................................................ 67
options and mounting facilities ................... 17 20 General information regarding control engineer-
10 Manufacturer's information .................................. 18 ing ....................................................................... 67
10.1 Delivery .......................................................... 18 21 Glossary .............................................................. 70
10.2 Transport ....................................................... 18 22 Disposal .............................................................. 70
10.3 Storage ........................................................... 18
23 Returns ................................................................ 70
11 Assembly ............................................................. 18
24 EU Declaration of Conformity in accordance with
11.1 Preparations for assembly to the valve ....... 18
2014/30/EU (EMC Directive) ................................ 71
11.2 Linear travel sensor mounting kit assembly
for remote mounting ..................................... 18 25 EU Declaration of Conformity In accordance with
11.3 Threaded adapter assembly (linear actu- 2011/65/EU (RoHS Directive) ............................... 72
ator) ................................................................ 18 26 Declaration of Incorporation according to
11.4 Preparations for assembly to the valve 2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive) ....................... 73
(quarter turn actuator) .................................. 19 27 Keyword index ..................................................... 74
11.5 Rotary travel sensor mounting kit as-
sembly ............................................................ 19
11.6 Direct mounting on linear actuators ............ 20
11.7 Remote mounting on linear actuators ......... 21
11.8 Direct mounting to quarter turn actuators ... 21
11.9 Remote mounting to quarter turn actuators 22
11.10 Checking the mechanical mounting ............ 23
11.11 Mounting the mounting bracket ................... 23
12 Pneumatic connection ......................................... 23
12.1 Connection diagram for linear actuators ..... 24
12.1.1 Connection diagram for NC valves
(Normally Closed) ............................ 24
12.1.2 Connection diagram for NO valves
(Normally Open) ............................... 24
12.1.3 Connection diagram for double act-
ing valves .......................................... 24
12.2 Connection diagram for quarter turn actuat-
ors .................................................................. 24
12.2.1 Connection diagram for NC/NO
valves (Normally Closed/Normally
Open) ................................................ 24

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2 General information

2 General information The following signal words and danger levels are used:

2.1 Information DANGER

- The descriptions and instructions apply to the standard ver- Imminent danger!
sions. For special versions not described in this document ▶ Non-observance can cause death or
the basic information contained herein applies in combina- severe injury.
tion with any additional special documentation.
- Correct installation, operation, maintenance and repair work
ensure faultless operation of the product. WARNING
- Should there be any doubts or misunderstandings, the Ger- Potentially dangerous situation!
man version is the authoritative document. ▶ Non-observance can cause death or
- Contact us at the address on the last page for staff training severe injury.
- For ProfiNet, Profibus DP and DeviceNet fieldbus variants,
separate documents are available for the fieldbus-specific CAUTION
and relevant procedures.
General commissioning and basic operation have already Potentially dangerous situation!
been described in this document. ▶ Non-observance can cause moderate
to light injury.
2.2 Symbols used
The following symbols are used in this document:
Symbol Meaning
Potentially dangerous situation!
Tasks to be performed
▶ Non-observance can cause damage to
Response(s) to tasks property.
– Lists

2.3 Definition of terms The following symbols for the specific dangers can be used
within a warning note:
Working medium
The medium that flows through the GEMÜ product. Symbol Meaning
Control function Danger of explosion
The possible actuation functions of the GEMÜ product.
Control medium
The medium whose increasing or decreasing pressure causes Exhaust air and cycle duties generate noise
the GEMÜ product to be actuated and operated.
Speed Assembly and Programming, a particularly
Corrosive chemicals!
user-friendly commissioning function for fast mounting, auto-
mated setting and initialization of GEMÜ products. Dependent
on type, activation uses an external impulse signal or existing
precautions on the device (magnetic or housing switch).
Changeover to normal operating mode takes place automatic-
ally after successful completion.

2.4 Warning notes

Wherever possible, warning notes are organised according to
the following scheme:

Possible Type and source of the danger
symbol for the
Possible consequences of non-observance.
Measures for avoiding danger.

Warning notes are always marked with a signal word and

sometimes also with a symbol for the specific danger.

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4 Product description

3 Safety information 4 Product description

The safety information in this document refers only to an indi-
4.1 Construction
vidual product. Potentially dangerous conditions can arise in
combination with other plant components, which need to be
considered on the basis of a risk analysis. The operator is re-
sponsible for the production of the risk analysis and for com- 1
pliance with the resulting precautionary measures and re-
gional safety regulations.
The document contains fundamental safety information that 2
must be observed during commissioning, operation and main-
tenance. Non-compliance with these instructions may cause:
- Personal hazard due to electrical, mechanical and chemical
effects. 3
- Hazard to nearby equipment.
- Failure of important functions.
- Hazard to the environment due to the leakage of dangerous
The safety information does not take into account: 5
- Unexpected incidents and events, which may occur during
installation, operation and maintenance. Item Name Materials

- Local safety regulations which must be adhered to by the 1 Operating unit with dis- Polyester film with ac-
operator and by any additional installation personnel. play rylic glass
2 Housing cover PSU
Prior to commissioning: 3 Housing base PP 30% glass fibre rein-
1. Transport and store the product correctly. forced
2. Do not paint the bolts and plastic parts of the product. 4 Travel sensor (integ-
3. Carry out installation and commissioning using trained rated linear poten-
personnel. tiometer, integrated
rotary potentiometer or
4. Provide adequate training for installation and operating
connector for external
travel sensor depending
5. Ensure that the contents of the document have been fully on version)
understood by the responsible personnel.
5 Mounting kit, valve-spe- Materials/parts, valve-
6. Define the areas of responsibility.
cific specific
7. Observe the safety data sheets.
8. Observe the safety regulations for the media used. 4.2 Description
The GEMÜ 1436 cPos digital electro-pneumatic positioner has
During operation:
an optional integrated process controller to control pneumat-
9. Keep this document available at the place of use. ically operated process valves with single acting or double
10. Observe the safety information. acting linear or quarter turn actuators. When using the op-
11. Operate the product in accordance with this document. tional process controller, the signals from the sensors (e.g.
flow, level, pressure, temperature) are detected and the media
12. Operate the product in accordance with the specifications.
adjusted according to the specified set value. GEMÜ 1436
13. Maintain the product correctly. cPos has a robust aluminium housing with protected operat-
14. Do not carry out any maintenance work and repairs not de- ing keys and an LCD display which allows the product to be in-
scribed in this document without consulting the manufac- dividually adapted to complex control tasks. With additional
turer first. equipment, the positioner can be used directly in fieldbus en-
In cases of uncertainty:
15. Consult the nearest GEMÜ sales office.

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4.3 Function Device Firmware version Effective Changes

version from
The product is an intelligent electro-pneumatic positioner for
mounting to pneumatic actuators. It can be operated as a po- 11 V2.0.3.5 11/2018 Adaptation to the
sitioner or a process controller depending on the design. new display con-
The product is directly mounted on the actuator as standard.
The travel sensor is already integrated in the positioner (the 12 V2.0.3.5 12/2018 No change to the
product can be optionally ordered with an M12 connector for firmware
remote mounting of the travel sensor). 13 V2.0.3.6 05/2019 Profinet and Error-
The travel sensor measures the current position of the valve Action function ex-
and reports it to the electronic system of the product, which tension,
correlates the actual value of the valve with the set value and "Safe" selection op-
adjusts the valve if necessary. tion
If the positioner is ordered with an additional process control-
ler (optional), a current actual value signal (e.g. level, pres- 5 GEMÜ CONEXO
sure, temperature, flow) is evaluated and the positioner ad-
Order variant
opts the function of a process controller.
In the corresponding design with CONEXO, this product has
The information required can be called up on the two-line dis-
an RFID chip (1) for electronic identification purposes. The po-
play of the product. Self-explanatory help texts that explain
sition of the RFID chip can be seen below. The CONEXO pen
the meaning of the parameters called-up are also displayed.
helps read out information stored in the RFID chips. The CON-
The product is operated locally using four keys. EXO app or CONEXO portal is required to display this informa-
4.4 Fail safe function
The product has a fail safe function, which switches the out-
puts in a controlled manner if the pneumatic air supply or the
electrical supply voltage fails (see “Fail safe function“,
page 29). This fail safe function does not replace the re-
quired plant-specific safety devices. The product is not a
safety control system.
4.5 Product label
Design in accordance Max. permissible
with order data control pressure

1436000Z1SA010001030 For further information please read the operating instructions

D-74653 Ingelfingen
Fritz-Müller-Str- 6-8

PST max 7,0bar for CONEXO products or the CONEXO datasheet.

24V Iw:0/4-20mA 0-60° C
single 150l/min Year of Products such as the CONEXO app, the CONEXO portal and
Device 13 2017 the CONEXO pen are not included in the scope of delivery and
version 88254004 - 10563677 | 0001 need to be ordered separately.

Batch number
Item number Serial number

Device version
▶ These instructions are valid for devices from device ver-
sion 10. It is possible to determine which firmware has
been used on the basis of the device version. For older
devices (device version older than 10), different operating
instructions with potentially different operating specifica-
tions are used. A change to the device version can also
be due to technical changes to the hardware, which is
why several device versions describe the same firmware

Device Firmware version Effective Changes

version from
10 V2.0.0.0 05/2014

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6 Intended use

6 Intended use

Danger of explosion
▶ Risk of severe injury or death.
● Do not use the product in potentially
explosive zones.
● The product can control valves in po-
tentially explosive areas using special
wiring (installation of the positioner
outside the EX area).

Improper use of the product!
▶ Risk of severe injury or death
▶ Manufacturer liability and guarantee will be void.
● Only use the product in accordance with the operating
conditions specified in the contract documentation and in
this document.
The product is not intended for use in potentially explosive
The product with integrated pilot valves is designed for linear
actuators, has a microprocessor-controlled intelligent position
control as well as an analogue travel sensor system (poten-
tiometer) and is connected in a force-locking way with the ac-
tuator spindle by means of a mounting kit (spring, operating
bush). The valve position and the integrated travel sensor can
be monitored via the electrical connections. The pneumatic
actuator is directly operated and controlled by means of the
pilot valves.
● Use the product in accordance with the technical data.

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7 Order data

7 Order data
The order data provide an overview of standard configurations.
Please check the availability before ordering. Other configurations available on request.
Note: Pneumatic connecting components (union and compressed air tube) for the connection between the process valve and
positioner are included with each positioner.
Note: A valve specific mounting kit is required for assembly. For designing the mounting kit, the valve type, nominal size, control
function and actuator size must be stated.

Order codes
1 Type Code 7 Flow rate Code
Positioner, 1436 150 l/min 01
electro-pneumatic 200 l/min 02
300 l/min (Booster) 03
2 Fieldbus Code
8 Travel sensor length Code
Without 000
Potentiometer, 30 mm length 030
DeviceNet DN
Potentiometer, 50 mm length 050
Profibus DP DP
Potentiometer, 75 mm length 075
Profinet PN
Potentiometer, 90° travel 090
3 Accessory Code Remote potentiometer, S01
Accessory Z M12 connector

4 Action Code 9 Type of design Code

Single acting 1 Standard

Double acting 3 Dead zone presetting 2% 2442

Dead zone presetting 5% 2443
5 Device version Code Inversed direction, 6960
Positioner SA01 for quarter turn valves control function NO (2)
Positioner and process controller PA01
10 CONEXO Code
6 Option Code Without
Without 00 Integrated RFID chip for electronic identification and C
2 additional digital inputs 24 V DC 01 traceability

Order example
Ordering option Code Description
1 Type 1436 Positioner,
2 Fieldbus 000 Without
3 Accessory Z Accessory
4 Action 1 Single acting
5 Device version SA01 Positioner
6 Option 00 Without
7 Flow rate 01 150 l/min
8 Travel sensor length 030 Potentiometer, 30 mm length
9 Type of design Standard
10 CONEXO Without

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8 Technical data

8 Technical data
8.1 Medium
Working medium: Compressed air and inert gases

Dust content: ≤ 10 mg/m³/particle size ≤ 40 µm (class 7)

Pressure dew point: Class 4, max. pressure dew point +3 °C

Oil content: Class 4, max. oil concentration 5 mg/m³

Quality classes to DIN ISO 8573-1

8.2 Temperature
Ambient temperature: 0 — 60 °C
0 — 50 °C (Profinet code PN)

Storage temperature: 0 — 60 °C

8.3 Product conformity

EMC Directive: 2014/30/EU
Technical standards used:
Interference emission: DIN EN 61000-6-4 (09/2011)
DIN EN 61326-1(industry) (01/2006)
Interference resistance: DIN EN 61000-6-2 (03/2006)
DIN EN 61326-1(industry) (10/2006)

8.4 Pressure
Operating pressure: 1.5 — 7 bar
The applied pressure must not exceed the maximum control pressure of the process valve.

Flow rate: Flow rate (code) Specification l / min 1) Specification Nl / min 2)

Code 01 150 l/min 84 Nl/min
Code 02 200 l/min 100 Nl/min
Code 03 (Booster) 300 l/min 172 Nl/min
1) Reference condition: 6 → 0 bar at 25 °C

2) Reference condition: 6 → 5 bar at 25 °C

Air consumption: 0 Nl/min (when idle)

8.5 Mechanical data

Installation position: Optional

Protection class: IP 65 acc. to EN 60529

Weight: 600 g

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8 Technical data

Travel sensor: Integrated for direct mounting

Linear design Quarter turn

Detection range: 0–30 mm 0–50 mm 0–75 mm Angle of rota-
0 - 93°
Operating range: 0–30 mm 0–50 mm 0–75 mm Angle of rota-
0 - 93°
Minimum travel sensor change: ≥ 3 % (only relevant for initialization)
Resistance R: 3 kΩ 5 kΩ 5 kΩ 3 kΩ
Correlation - Travel sensor Retracted (top) 90° ≙ 100%
spindle/valve position ≙ 100% (valve open) (valve open)
Extended (bottom) 0° ≙ 0% (valve
≙ 0% (valve closed) closed)
1) Type of design code 6960: Inversed mode of action compared with description
(Travel sensor signal inversed). For valves with inverted correlation.

8.6 Acoustic data

Noise emission: > 80 dB (A)

8.7 Electrical data

8.7.1 Power supply
Supply voltage: 24 V DC (-5/+10%)

Power consumption: Order variant

Without fieldbus Profinet fieldbus Profibus fieldbus DeviceNet fieldbus
(code 000) (code PN) (code DP) (code DN)
Single acting: ≤ 4.5 W ≤ 8.6 W ≤ 5.2 W ≤ 4.5 W
Double acting / ≤ 6.2 W ≤ 10.7 W ≤ 7.1 W ≤ 6.4 W
plus in each max. 24 W for act- -
case: ive digital outputs
with max. on-load

Reverse battery protec- Yes


Duty cycle: Continuous duty

Electrical protection III


8.7.2 Analogue inputs

Set value / actual value: - Set value and actual value input are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage
- Set value and actual value input are not galvanically isolated from the actual value output
- Set value and actual value input are not galvanically isolated from each other

Set value input: 0/4 - 20 mA (adjustable)

Process actual value in- 0/4 - 20 mA (adjustable)

put: Only for device version code PA01

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8 Technical data

Input type: passive

Input resistance: 120 Ω (+ approx. 0.7 V voltage drop due to reverse battery protection)

Accuracy/linearity: ≤ ±0.3% of full flow

Temperature drift: ≤ ±0.3% of full flow

Resolution: 12 bit

Reverse battery protec- Yes


Overload proof: Yes (up to ± 24 V DC)

8.7.3 Analogue output

Actual value output: 4–20 mA

Output type: Active

Load resistor: Max. 600 Ω

Accuracy: ≤ ±1% of full flow

Temperature drift: ≤ ±0.5% of full flow

Resolution: 12 bit

Short-circuit proof: Yes

Overload proof: Yes (up to ± 24 V DC)

8.7.4 Digital input

Note: The additional digital inputs 1 / 2 must be ordered via the ordering option "Option".
In the fieldbus versions, the function of the digital inputs can be used as standard via the bus com-

Inputs: 1/2

Function: selectable via software

(DigIn 1; DigIn2; DigInW; DigInX) (reference: GND X1:3)

Input voltage: 24 V DC

Input current: 2.5 mA DC at 24 V DC

High level: >14 V DC

Low level: < 8 V DC

8.7.5 Digital output

Switching outputs: K1 / K2

Function: Can be selected using software

Switching voltage: Supply voltage

max. 0.5 A

Drop voltage: Max. 2.5 V DC at 0.5 A

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8 Technical data

Type of contact: PNP

Pull-Down resistance: 120 kΩ

Short-circuit proof: Yes

Overload proof: Yes (up to ± 24 V DC)

8.7.6 Travel sensor input (for travel length code S01 – remote potentiometer)
Note: Travel sensor input galvanically isolated from supply voltage, not galvanically isolated from the set
value/actual value inputs and actual value output.

Input voltage 0 to UP+


Supply Typically 10 V DC
voltage UP+:

Resistance range of re- 1 to 10 kΩ

mote potentiometers:

Input resistance: 620 kΩ

Accuracy/linearity: ≤ ±0.3% of full flow

Temperature drift: ≤ ±0.3% of full flow

Resolution: 12 bit

Short-circuit proof: Yes

Overload proof: Yes (up to ± 24 V DC)

8.7.7 Positioner data

Note: The following diagram is valid for valves with a standard assignment of the spindle position to the
valve position.
(See section "Mechanical data, correlation between travel sensor spindle/valve position")

Control diagram: Default setting / The control characteristic is adjustable.

Valve opening degree [%]




0 5 10 15 20 mA
4 8 12 16 20 mA
Set value input (mA)

During initialization, the 1436 cPos positioner automatically detects the control function of the
valve and adjusts itself by default so that the valve is closed when the signal is 0/4 mA.*
The assignment can subsequently be changed using parameters.
* For double-acting actuators, depends on the pneumatic actuator

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8 Technical data Positioner
System deviation 1 % default setting
(dead zone): ≥ 0.1 % (adjustable)
≤ 2.0 % (preset, K-no. 2442)
≤ 5.0 % (preset, K-no. 2443)

Parameterisation: adjustable

Initialization: automatic or manual

Close tight function: option Process controller

Option only for device version code PA01
Controller type: Continuous controllers

PID parameters: adjustable

Process actual value in- 0/4 - 20 mA (adjustable)


8.7.8 Interfaces

RS232 Profibus DP DeviceNet Profinet

Function Parameterization via Parameterization/process data
web browser
Transmission rates - 9.6k /19.2k / 45.45k / 125k / 250k / 500k 100M baud***
93.75k / 500k / 1.5M / baud
3M / 6 M / 12 M baud**

** Auto Baud: The device has an Auto Baud function and therefore automatically adjusts to the bus-side configuration of the
transmission rate.
*** Two switches are connected in series internally between connection X1 and X3.
Communication lead time during operation in line structure (connection X1 and X3) therefore double that of a "standard two-
port device".

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9 Dimensions

9 Dimensions
9.1 Positioner dimensions
□90 □90

SW 27 M 16x1

X2 G 1/8
G 1/8

X1 X3

G 1/8

□90 26,5

Travel sensor X
030 10.3
050 32.5
075 57.5

Dimensions in mm

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9 Dimensions

9.2 Direct mounting to quarter turn actuators

□90 □90




Shaft height Hole spacing A C

20.0 80.0 40.0 100.0
30.0 80.0 50.0 100.0
50.0 130.0 70.0 150.0

Dimensions in mm

9.3 Dimensions of the travel sensor, mounting options and mounting facilities
For dimensions of travel sensors 4231 and 4232, which are used to measure the travel from the process valve, as well as the
mounting bracket for wall mounting and the external mounting option with the corresponding mounting bracket for quarter turn
actuators of the 1436, see the 1436 cPos datasheet.

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10 Manufacturer's information

10 Manufacturer's information CAUTION

10.1 Delivery Do not scratch the spindle!
▶ A damaged spindle surface may cause failure of the
● Check that all parts are present and check for any damage travel sensor.
immediately upon receipt.
The product's performance is tested at the factory. The scope Item Name
of delivery is apparent from the dispatch documents and the 1 Travel sensor
design from the order number. 2 Spindle
10.2 Transport 3 Spring
4 Operating bush
1. Only transport the product by suitable means. Do not drop.
Handle carefully. 5 Guide bush*
2. After the installation dispose of transport packaging ma- 6 Threaded adapter**
terial according to relevant local or national disposal regu-
*Included depending on version
lations / environmental protection laws.
**If a threaded adapter is included, it must be screwed into
10.3 Storage the actuator top of the process valve
The process described below refers to the mounting kit as-
1. Store the product free from dust and moisture in its ori-
sembly for direct and remote mounting. For direct mounting,
ginal packaging.
the travel sensor that is shown is integrated in the housing of
2. Avoid UV rays and direct sunlight. the positioner.
3. Do not exceed the maximum storage temperature (see
chapter "Technical data").
4. Do not store solvents, chemicals, acids, fuels or similar 1
fluids in the same room as GEMÜ products and their spare
5 1
11 Assembly
1 2 5
11.1 Preparations for assembly to the valve
3 2
1. Move the actuator A into zero position (actuator vented). 3
2 4
2. Remove optical position indicator 2 and / or protective cap 4
1 from the actuator top.

1 1. Pull the spindle 2 out of the travel sensor 1.

2. If included, push the guide bush 5 taper over the spindle 2
3. Push the spring 3 over the spindle 2 and secure with the
operating bush 4.
4. Tighten the operating bush 4 by turning it clockwise.
A 5. Push in the spindle 2 as far as it will go on the spring 3
and then slowly release the pressure on the spring 3.

11.2 Linear travel sensor mounting kit assembly for 11.3 Threaded adapter assembly (linear actuator)
remote mounting With some mounting kits, it is necessary to install a threaded
adapter as well. This threaded adapter is enclosed with the re-
CAUTION quired mounting kits. Valves with a normally open and double
Pretensioned spring! acting control function (code 2+3) also include additional O-
▶ Damage to the device. rings (1+2).
● Slowly release the tension in the spring.

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11 Assembly

1 11.5 Rotary travel sensor mounting kit assembly

Determining the rotational direction of the actuator
1. Move the actuator to the closed position. ▶ When viewed from above, the rotational direction of the
2. Place O-rings 1 and 2 into threaded adapter 3. actuator must be anticlockwise, when the actuator moves
3. Screw threaded adapter 3 into the actuator opening as far from the CLOSED to the OPEN position. In cases where
as it will go and tighten. the actuator turns in a clockwise direction, the travel
sensor's end position, contrary to given instructions,
11.4 Preparations for assembly to the valve (quarter needs to be in the opposite direction.
turn actuator)
1. Move the actuator A into zero position (actuator vented).

1. The shaft of the rotary travel sensor is provided with a
2. Remove the screw 1 from the trigger cam 2. marking 2. CLOSED


2. Set the marking 2 so that it is correctly aligned with the 0°

position on the underside of the travel sensor housing.
The 0° position is located on the left-hand side of the
cable exit (the electrical operating range is located in the
travel range between the 0° and 90° positions).

3. Place the adapter 4 onto the shaft of the rotary travel

sensor 2 without twisting the shaft.

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11 Assembly

11.6 Direct mounting on linear actuators


6 3

4. Mount the black housing of the rotary travel sensor 4 in

parallel to the mounting bracket 6 in a longitudinal direc-
1. Mount (see “Linear travel sensor mounting kit assembly
for remote mounting“, page 18)the travel sensor mounting
2. Move the actuator 3 to the open position.
7 3. Guide the product 1 as far as it will go into the actuator
opening or the adapter, and screw it in in a clockwise dir-
ection against the initial spring tension, and tighten it us-
ing a suitable WAF27 open-ended spanner.
4 4. Connect the product's pneumatic supply and connect the
product to the process valve.

Damage to internal stop
▶ Do not turn the internal stop when assembling the
If correctly mounted to the corresponding valve, the product
can be turned 320°.

5. Mount the external rotary travel sensor 7 with the adapter

4 on the mounting bracket 6.

6. Note the direction of the scale 8.

ð View from below of the travel sensor 7 with mounting
bracket 6.

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11 Assembly

11.7 Remote mounting on linear actuators 11.8 Direct mounting to quarter turn actuators




1. Place the product 1 with adapter 4 and mounting bracket

3 6 on the actuator 3.

▶ The adapter lug 4 must engage in the actuator shaft

1. Mount (see “Linear travel sensor mounting kit assembly

for remote mounting“, page 18)the travel sensor mounting
2. Move the actuator 3 to the open position.
3. Guide the travel sensor 4 as far as it will go into the actu-
ator opening or the adapter, and screw in in a clockwise
direction against the initial spring tension, and tighten it
using a suitable WAF27 open-ended spanner.
4. Secure the product 1 in a suitable position. 3

Mounting bracket
▶ The GEMÜ 1436 000 ZMP mounting bracket, which is
available separately, can be used for this.
5. The 5-pin M12 travel sensor connector must be connected
to the 5-pin M12 socket on the base of the product.
6. Connect the product's pneumatic supply and connect the
product to the process valve.

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11 Assembly

▶ The travel sensor's cable exit protective coating is not UV-
resistant and must therefore be protected against direct
exposure to weather.



2. Mount the mounting bracket 6 on the actuator 3 using the
screws, washers and spring washers provided.
11.9 Remote mounting to quarter turn actuators 3

1. Fix the positioner 1 somewhere suitable.

Mounting bracket
▶ The GEMÜ 1436 000 ZMP mounting bracket, which is
available separately, can be used for this.
2. Mount (see “Rotary travel sensor mounting kit assembly“,
page 19)the travel sensor mounting kit.

Installation position
▶ Observe the correct orientation of the operating range of
the rotary travel sensor (see “Checking the mechanical
mounting“, page 23).
3. Place the travel sensor 7 with adapter 4 and mounting
bracket 6 on the actuator 3.

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12 Pneumatic connection

NOTICE 11.11 Mounting the mounting bracket

▶ The adapter lug 4 must engage in the actuator shaft NOTICE

● Ensure adequate stability of the base used for attach-
4. Mount the mounting bracket 6 on the actuator 3 using the ment.
screws, washers and spring washers provided. ● The product must be protected against mechanical
5. The 5-pin M12 rotary travel sensor connector must be con- stress by the operator.
nected to the 5-pin M12 socket on the base of the product. ● Do not use the product as a foothold.
6. Connect the pneumatic supply to the positioner and con- 1. Push the product connection adapter through the hole in
nect to the quarter turn actuator 3. the mounting bracket and fix it with the enclosed nut.
2. Use the bolt holes and appropriate fixings to attach the
NOTICE mounting bracket securely.
Note for the rotary travel sensor
▶ The slotted holes should be positioned in the centre on 12 Pneumatic connection
the screws. If the travel is not correctly set (determined
by checking the attachment), loosen the two screws CAUTION
slightly and twist the travel sensor. Set the travel up cor-
rectly and tighten the screws again. ▶ Observe the maximum control pressure of the actuator.

X2 4 2
X1 X3 V3 V2
V4 V1

1 V5

Connection in ac- Designation Size

cordance with
DIN ISO 1219-1
11.10 Checking the mechanical mounting 1 Air supply connec- G1/8
1. Connect the product to the power (see “Electrical connec- tion
tion“, page 25) and air supply (see “Pneumatic connec- 3 Venting connection G1/8
tion“, page 23) (see electrical connection and pneumatic with silencer
connection). V1 Supply air throttle -
2. The following message is displayed: for connector 2
V2 Exhaust air throttle -
for connector 2
V3 Exhaust air throttle -
for connector 4*
V4 Supply air throttle -
3. By pressing the and keys, the mounted actuator for connector 4*
can be moved to the OPEN and CLOSED position. V5 Check valve -
4. Important: The displayed valve position must be between 2 Working connec- G1/8
2% and 98%. If the display leaves this area, check the tion for process
mechanical mounting again and, if necessary, readjust the valve (control func-
orientation of the rotary travel sensor. In the case of linear tion 1 and 2)
travel sensors, check the mounting parts used for compat-
4 Working connec- G1/8
tion for process
valve (control func-
tion 3)

* only double acting type (code 3)

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12 Pneumatic connection

1. Establish a connection between pneumatic positioner out- 12.1.2 Connection diagram for NO valves (Normally Open)
let 2 (single acting) or connector 4 (double acting) and the
pneumatic control air inlet (control air inlets) of the actu-
ator. X2
4 X1 X3 2
2. Connect the auxiliary power (supply air) to air supply con-
nection 1 (max. 7 bar or 101 psi).

V2 V3 V2
V1 V4 V1 ● Fit tubing from 2 to the upper connection of the process
3 V5 3 V5
12.1.3 Connection diagram for double acting valves

4 X1 X3 2

Single acting Double acting

= Supply air (compressed air)/
working connection 2
= Exhaust air
working connection 2
= Supply air (compressed air)/
● Fit tubing from 2 to the lower connection of the process
working connection 4
valve and 4 to the upper connection of the process valve.
= Exhaust air
working connection 4 12.2 Connection diagram for quarter turn actuators
In order to regulate the flow rate and thereby the speed, 12.2.1 Connection diagram for NC/NO valves (Normally
throttle screws (V1 and V2 single acting, V3 and V4 double Closed/Normally Open)
acting) are installed at the rear. See chapter "Setting the
throttle screws" for further information. NOTICE
The connections to be used are fitted with push-in fittings for ▶ The control function can be adjusted via the butterfly disc
tubes (outside diameter 6 mm) at the factory. or by turning the shaft.

12.1 Connection diagram for linear actuators

12.1.1 Connection diagram for NC valves (Normally Closed) X2
4 X1 X3 2

4 X1 X3 2 2 4

● Fit tubing from 2 to connector 2 of the quarter turn actu-


● Fit tubing from 2 to the lower connection of the process


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13 Electrical connection

12.2.2 Connection diagram for double acting valves

Voltage cutoff
X2 ▶ To ensure safe start-up of the positioner following inter-
4 X1 X3 2 ruption of the power supply, the power interruption must
be longer than three seconds.

2 4 Position of the connectors

Fit tubing from 2 to connector 2 of the quarter turn actuator X2

and 4 to connector 4 of the quarter turn actuator.
X1 X3
12.2.3 Note for vertical pneumatic connections
In the case of a vertical connection, please observe the follow-
ing pneumatic connection assignment:
Connector 4

13.1 24 V, ordering option Fieldbus, code 000

Connector 2 Position of the connectors

Connection X1
12.3 General information
Exhaust air and cycle duties generate
▶ Hearing damage 5-pin M12 plug, A-coded
● Wear hearing protection
Pin Signal name
The exhaust air connection is equipped with a silencer as
1 Uv, 24 V DC supply voltage
standard to reduce noise emissions. Other commercially
available silencers with G1/8 male thread can also be fitted. 2 Switching output K1, 24 V DC (switches Uv 1))
Alternatively, the recessed G1/8 thread can be used to attach 3 GND, (supply voltage, DigIn1+2+W +X; K1+2)
commercially available pneumatic screw connections in order 4 Switching output K2, 24 V DC (switches Uv 1))
to be able to discharge the exhaust air in a targeted manner.
5 Digital input 1 (only for Option code 01)

1) Switching output switches device supply voltage Uv - drop voltage

13 Electrical connection

Risk of cable break
▶ Overtightening can result in damage to the internal
● Turn electrical connections once by max. 360°.

3 5 1

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13 Electrical connection

Connection X2 13.2 Order option with external actual value

potentiometer, code S01

3 5 1 Position of the connectors


5-pin M12 plug, B-coded

Pin Signal name

1 I+, actual value out- 4-20 mA internal supply; active X4
2 I-, actual value out-
3 RxD, Receive Data, TxD-P
4 TxD, Transmit Data, RS 232
5 GND, RS 232

Connection X3

2 Connection X4
3 5 1
4 4 5 2
5-pin M12 plug, A-coded

Pin Signal name 5-pin M12 built-in socket, A-coded

1 W+, set value input
Pin Signal name
2 W-, set value input / Digital In W (only for Option code
1 UP+, potentiometer output, supply voltage (+)
2 UP, potentiometer input, wiper voltage
3 X+, process actual value Working as a
input process controller 3 UP-, potentiometer output, supply voltage (-)

4 X-, process actual value in- 4 n.c.

put / Digital In X (only for 5 n.c.
Option code 01)
5 Digital input 2 (only for Option code 01) 13.3 Supply voltage
Plug Pin Signal name Wiring
X1 1 24 V DC
internal external
+ 24 V DC power supply

13.4 Set value input (AUTO operating mode)

Plug Pin Signal name Wiring
X3 1 W+, set value input
internal external 0 - 20 mA /
4 - 20 mA

2 W-, set value input - GND

13.5 Actual value input (sensor signal for process

Plug Pin Signal name Wiring
X3 3 X+, process internal external 0 - 20 mA /
4 - 20 mA

actual value input - GND

4 X -, process
actual value input

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13 Electrical connection

13.6 Actual value output 13.8 Digital inputs

Plug Pin Signal name Wiring The product offers the option of using digital inputs for cer-
tain functions. It is also available to order with two exclusively
X2 1 I+, actual value out-
internal external 0 - 20 mA /
4 - 20 mA

digital inputs.
put - GND
internal supply; active
In addition to this, it provides the option of using the analogue
2 I-, actual value out- actual value and set value input as a digital input under cer-
put tain conditions as standard. The special wiring of the ana-
logue inputs in the following chapter only applies if the
13.7 Relay outputs product is delivered without an optional digital input card.
Plug Pin Signal name Wiring The option of two additional digital inputs describes "normal"
wiring of the inputs (see “Optional digital inputs“, page 28).
X1 2 Output K1
internal external
+24 V DC + 24 V DC voltage

On the Profinet, Profibus DP and DeviceNet fieldbus versions,


+24 V DC + 24 V DC voltage
the digital input functions can be used in addition as standard
4 Output K2 and do not need to be ordered separately.
The digital inputs facilitate the use of different functions to
NOTICE control the positioner in addition to the analogue control sig-
▶ The mode of operation of the outputs can be changed nals.
over from NO (make contact) to NC (break contact) in the - Up to four parameter sets with different settings (including
3 SetFunction – K1 Switch/K2 Switch menu item. valve positions) can be stored and called up by two digital
inputs through a logical connective (ParmSet Bx function).
- The positioner can be stopped by the signal from a digital
input (automatic control system deactivated, current valve
position is maintained) or by moving the valve to the safety
position defined under ErrorAction (function OFF/ON or
- The output source of the analogue actual value output can
also be controlled externally (function Poti/Ix).
13.8.1 Use of actual value and set value inputs as digital inputs
The actual value and set value input can be used as a digital
input under the following conditions:

Control system Operating Set value in- Actual value

mode put as digital input as di-
input "in W" gital input "in
Positioner AUTO X
Positioner MANUAL X X
Process con- AUTO
Process con- MANUAL X


8mA 11mA

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13 Electrical connection

In order to address the two digital inputs "In W" and "In X" a Digital input 1 and 2
resistor (R=1.2KΩ±5 %) must be connected in series with the
Plug Pin Signal name Wiring
input according to the circuit diagram. The switching levels
are > 11 mA for a High-Signal and < 8 mA for a Low-Signal. X1 5 Digital input 1 internal external
+ High level (14...28 V DC)
Low level (0...8 V DC)

X1 3 GND - GND

Special wiring – Use of set value input as digital input "In W" + High
X3 5 Digital input 2
level (14...28 V DC)
Low level (0...8 V DC)

Plug Pin Signal name Wiring

X3 1 W+, set value input internal external

+ 24e.g.VPLC
DC voltage
digital output

X3 2 W-, set value input

R=1.2KΩ ±5 %


Special wiring – Use of actual value input as digital input "In


Plug Pin Signal name Wiring

X3 3 X+, actual value in- internal external

+ 24e.g.VPLC
DC voltage

digital output

R=1.2KΩ ±5 %

X3 4 X-, actual value input

13.8.2 Optional digital inputs

In the design with the option of two additional digital inputs,
the product has a total of four digital inputs, whereby the set
value and actual value input can continue to process ana-
logue signals.
The actual value and set value input can be used as a digital
input under the following circumstances:

Control system Operating Set value in- Actual value

mode put as digital input as di-
input "in W" gital input "in
Positioner AUTO X
Positioner MANUAL X X
Process con- AUTO
Process con- MANUAL X

Use of set value input as digital input "In W"

Plug Pin Signal name Wiring

X3 2 I-, set value input internal external

+High level (14...28 V DC)

Low level (0...8 V DC)

X1 3 GND

Use of actual value input as digital input "In X"

Plug Pin Signal name Wiring

X3 4 I-, actual value input internal external

+High level (14...28 V DC)

Low level (0...8 V DC)

X1 3 GND

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15 Commissioning

14 Fail safe function 15 Commissioning

- Prior to commissioning, familiarize yourself with the opera-
Fail safe function: tion (see “Operation“, page 39) of the product.
No. Error Outlet A1 Outlet A2
1 Power supply Single acting: Single acting:
failure vented non existent Corrosive chemicals!
Double acting: Double acting: ▶ Risk of caustic burns
vented pressurized ● Wear appropriate protective gear.
● Completely drain the plant.
2 Compressed Single acting: Single acting:
air supply fail- vented non existent
ure Double acting: Double acting: CAUTION
not defined Closed
This fail safe function is not a substitute for specific plant ▶ Emission of dangerous materials
safety requirements. ● Provide precautionary measures against exceeding the
maximum permitted pressures caused by pressure
Adjustable safety reactions: surges (water hammer).
No. Error Outlet A1 Outlet A2
1 Set value < 4.0 Single acting: Single acting: -
mA adjustable Cleaning agent
function ▶ Damage to the GEMÜ product.
(range below I
● The plant operator is responsible for selecting the clean-
Min W can be
ing material and performing the procedure.
adjusted from Double acting: Double acting:
adjustable adjustable 1. Commission the product.
0...22 mA)
function function 2. Use suitable connectors.
2 Set value > (Open, Close*, (Open, Close*,
20.0 mA 3. Connect the control medium lines tension-free and
Hold, Safe) Hold, Safe)
(range below I without any bends or knots.
Max W can be
15.1 With default setting (positioner supplied mounted
adjusted from
to the valve)
0...22 mA)
3 Actual value < NOTICE
4.0 mA ● For delivery of the product assembled on a valve at the
(range below I factory, the complete construction is already ready for op-
Min X can be eration at a control pressure of 5.5 to 6 bar without oper-
adjusted from ating pressure. A reinitialization is recommended if the
0...22 mA) plant is operated with a different control pressure or if the
mechanical end positions have been changed (e.g. seal
4 Actual value >
replacement on the valve or actuator replacement). The
20.0 mA
initialization is retained even in the event of voltage
(range below I
Max X can be
adjusted from
0...22 mA)
▶ In the case of the Process controller option, this must be
*Close = default setting. The valve is moved to the CLOSED
activated separately.
No. 3 and 4 only available for device version code PA01

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15 Commissioning

When the supply voltage is connected, the product emits one

of the following two messages in its display after a short soft-
ware check: ▶ For valves with control function 8 (double acting with
opening spring), for which automatic control function re-
cognition has not worked, the parameter CtrlFn must be
converted to DNO in the manual initialization sequence.
After assembly and all electrical and pneumatic connections,
the positioner must be initialised.
While doing this, it is possible to choose between automatic
A: The positioner is in automatic operation and reacts to the
initialization and manual initialization.
externally specified set value.
Automatic initialization can be started as follows via quick

M: The positioner is in manual operation and the valve posi-

tion can be specified manually using the keys.

The operating mode can be selected as follows:


Mode A: w XX.X: x XX.X SETUP


automatic operation


Mode M: w XX.X: x XX.X


manual operation
manueller Betrieb



Konfigurationsmenü menu

15.2 Without default setting (when supplied without a


Initialization failure
▶ It may be necessary to close the internal positioner
throttles a little (V1 and V2 for single acting actuators
and V1, V2, V3 and V4 for double acting actuators) if the
actuator volume is very low, in order to increase the valve
travel time. This should be done only during initialization
in the adjTime program step. A modification to the
throttle setting independent of initialization may lead to
error messages and/or poor control results. It is therefore
recommended to carry out initialization again after every
change of throttles

▶ Experience has shown that valve travel times of approx.
1–2 seconds produce optimal positioner results. It may
not be possible to reach this operating time range for
large-volume actuators.

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15 Commissioning

15.2.1 Automatic initialization

Tip for use
▶ During automatic initialization of actuators whose movement profiles are not continuous (i.e. with undefined stopping or
stalling, e.g. with large size butterfly valves), it may not be possible to clearly detect the end positions and unjustified error
messages may appear (for example LEAKAGE).
▶ Manual initialization with sequential movement through the menu by the operator or, if possible, acknowledging the error
message to repeat the step may help here (see “Manual initialization“, page 32).

▶ The initialization can alternatively be started via the Init Valve parameter.

Switching message after connecting

the supply voltage Press for
(without default setting) (Valve
3 seconds
can be StartInitValve
opened and closed) OK ESC

= automatic initialization

Init Valve ESC

The determined travel time of the valve for OK

both directions (open/close) is displayed. To

change the travel time, this step can be
interrupted by pressing the -> key ("adjust
nozzle(s)" display) and influenced via the Message appears for 5
pneumatic throttles at the rear. Fine
adjustment is carried out by repeating the seconds and then goes
travel time measurement several times and out automatically.
sequentially changing the throttle position. If Alternatively this can be
values of <1.0 sec. are displayed, it is
strongly advisable to use the throttles. hidden by pressing the "+"
Travel times of >1.0 sec. are recommended key.
in order to achieve optimal control results
-> See also chapter "Throttle settings"

The product is
ready for operation and reacts
to the externally
specified set value.
In the case of the "Process
controller" option,
this must be activated separately.

Automatic quick initialization:

The positioner adapts to the valve when automatic initialization is started (via the Start Init Valve parameter). Relevant paramet-
ers are independently and automatically retrieved. This procedure can take a few minutes, dependent on the valve. The initializa-
tion can alternatively be started via the Init Valve parameter in the Set Basics menu item.
If the message Init Valve Ok appears, the product is ready for operation and can be set to the desired operating mode. Further
information (see “Working level (Mode)“, page 39).
If an error message appears during the initialization process (see “Error messages during initialization“, page 35).

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15 Commissioning

15.2.2 Manual initialization

When manual initialization is started, the positioner goes
through an initialization program that is similar to the auto-
matic initialization. The various program steps must, however,
be started and confirmed by the operator during manual ini-

tialization by pressing the key.

Manual initialization should only be applied if the automatic
initialization does not achieve satisfactory control character-
istics or in case of problems (e.g. leakage).
The menu items goClose and goOpen should be executed
several times for very small valve strokes in order to ensure
an optimum adaptation of the positioner to the valve.
Emergency operation of the automatic control system is pos-
sible if at least the goClose and goOpen menu items are car-
ried out.
In order to prevent incorrect operation, the parameters from
manual initialization are only accepted when they comply with
the requirements for correct function.
- For manual initialization proceed as described on the next

GEMÜ 1436 cPos 32 / 76 www.gemu-group.com

can be
opened and closed.

Switching message after connecting

the supply voltage

without default setting
Automatic Manual

CtrlFn Auto goClose XX.X% goOpen XX.X%

Auto NC
= automatic initialization Auto NO
Auto DA
Auto NC B
Auto NO B
goClose XX.X% goOpen XX.X%
Auto DNO
DNO Valid? OK ESC Valid? OK ESC
Boost NC
Boost NO

15.2.3 Menu structure – automatic and manual initialization

Return Init Pilot findCoefficent adjTime X.X: X.X

The product is

33 / 76
The product is r3w3
ready for operation and reacts Init Valve Man Init Pilot findCoeff X.X % adjTime X.X: X.X
ready for operation and reacts OK ESC OK ESC OK ESC
to the externally
to the externally
specified set value.
specified set value.
In the case of the
In the case of the

Manual initialization
"Process controller" option,

Automatic initialization
"Process controller" option,Press twice
this must be activated
this must be activated
Press twice

A: w XX.X: x XX.X SETUP Mode Auto


* In the "adjTime" step, the determined travel time of the valve is displayed for
both directions (open/close). To change the travel time, this step can be
interrupted by pressing the -> key ("adjust nozzle(s)" display) and influenced via
the pneumatic throttles at the rear. Fine adjustment is carried out by repeating the
travel time measurement several times and sequentially changing the throttle
position. If values of <1.0 sec. are displayed, it is strongly advisable to use the
throttles. Travel times of >1.0 sec. are recommended in order to achieve optimal
control results
-> See also chapter "Throttle settings"

GEMÜ 1436 cPos

15 Commissioning
15 Commissioning

15.2.4 Initialization parameters Init Pilot:

The minimum travel times for the internal pilot valves are ad-
InitValve: justed to the process valve.
Automatic or manual initialization (adaptation of the posi- In the case of manual initialization, this function must be star-
tioner to the valve) is started.
ted by pressing the key .
CtrlFn: After initialization, various messages may appear in the dis-
The control function type for the valve can be selected during play depending on the status determined at initialization:
manual initialization. This setting also influences subsequent
automatic initializations. Init Valve OK:
The initialization was carried out successfully.
Go Close:
No errors were determined during initialization.
The closed valve position is scanned during initialization.
The positioner is ready for operation.
In the case of manual initialization, this must be confirmed
Init Valve Man:
with the key .
The initialization was carried out manually.
Go Open: The end positions were determined successfully.
The open valve position is scanned during initialization. Any other possible errors are not taken into consideration for
In the case of manual initialization, this must be confirmed manual initialization.
The positioner is ready for operation.
with the key .
Init Valve Error:
An error was determined during initialization.
The valve control function is determined (only in the case of
automatic initialization). Operation is not possible.
Check the mechanical mounting and the pneumatic system.
AdjTime: Then carry out the initialization again.
Only displayed if goOpen and goClose were carried out. Carrying out manual initialization enables emergency opera-
The minimum travel times for the valve are determined during tion.
initialization. With an automatic initialization process, the
measured travel time is displayed for 5 seconds and the pro- Init Valve ESC:
cedure is then continued with these values without pressing a The initialization was aborted by the user.
key. Within this time, the procedure can be continued directly Emergency operation of the automatic control system is pos-
by pressing the arrow key . sible if at least the goClose and goOpen menu items were car-
ried out.
Pressing the arrow key pauses the procedure ("adjust
nozzle(s)" display) so that the travel times can be changed.
During manual initialization, this step must be confirmed with

the displayed values by pressing the key.

Travel times between 1...2 seconds are recommended in or-
der to achieve optimal control results. In the case of display
values of <1.0 seconds, adaptations should be made (see
chapter "xy throttle settings"). The times for the two directions
should ideally coincide (<±50%).

Find Coefficient:
Only displayed if adjTime was carried out.
The valve is checked for control features at various positions
between the end positions.

Call Point Qty:

The quantity of calibration points when initializing can be
Example: QtyCalPoint=9 means: The valve will be examined
for control features between the end position stops in 9 posi-
tions (10% steps here).

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15 Commissioning

15.2.5 Error messages during initialization

No. Error message Description Condition for the occurrence of the er- Error cause
020 Pot wrong dir Error The potentiometer has recog- Parameter "CtrlFn" is set to AUTO and a The pneumatic connections
nised the wrong control func- valve with control function 3 is recog- for "CLOSED" and "OPEN" on
tion during initialization. nised, from which the actuator has the valve have been switched
moved in the wrong direction. or the parameter "Pot Dir" is
Parameter "CtrlFn" is set for a fixed set on "fall".
control function. This set control func- The wrong control function is
tion is not in accordance with the con- set.
trol function determined during initializ-
021 Wrong function An incorrect control function Parameter "CtrlFn" is set for a fixed The wrong control function is
Error was recognised during auto- control function. This set control func- set in the "CtrlFn" parameter.
matic initialization. tion is not in accordance with the con- If the parameter is set to
trol function determined during initializ- AUTO, the product determ-
ation. ines the corresponding con-
trol function and stores it (not
for control function 8 - in this
case carry out manual initial-
ization or set the "CtrlFn"
parameter to "DNO").
022 Pneumatic Error During automatic initialization The minimum stroke was undershot Check the pneumatic system
of the valve a pneumatic error End positions cannot be reached for stroke, leakage and end
was detected. positions.
Leakage in the system
023 Leakage error During automatic initialization The positioner is in initialization mode. Check the pneumatic system
of the valve leakage was de- for leakage and carry out ini-
tected. tialization again.
060 TrvlSensErr error A cable break or short-circuit Cable break or short-circuit in
in the sensor connection the sensor connection (travel
(travel sensor) was detected. sensor) detected.
In 1 no Signal No signal at digital input In 1 Parameter In 1 is set to OFF / ON or Connect signal to digital input
Safe / ON In 1
In 2 no Signal No signal at digital input In 2 Parameter In 2 is set to OFF / ON or Connect signal to digital input
Safe / ON In 2
In W no Signal No signal at digital input In W Parameter In W is set to OFF / ON or Connect signal to digital input
Safe / ON In W
In X no Signal No signal at digital input In X Parameter In X is set to OFF / ON or Connect signal to digital input
Safe / ON In X

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15 Commissioning

15.2.6 CtrlFn initialization parameters

Parameters Value Description Automatic initialization Manual initialization

function function4)
CtrlFn Auto Automatic search of the Automatic detection of Complies with NC²⁾ set-
control function during the control function ting. If the valve control
automatic initialization. function differs, do not
Complies with manual use this setting.
initialization of control
function 1 (NC).
Auto NC Control function 1 Automatic detection and Control function 1
(closed by spring force) modification of the con- (Closed by spring force)
with automatic adapta- trol function
tion/modification for
automatic initialization
Auto NO Control function 2 Automatic detection and Control function 2
(opened by spring force) modification of the con- (Opened by spring force)
with automatic adapta- trol function
tion/modification for
automatic initialization
Auto DA Control function 3 Automatic detection and Control function 3
(double acting) with modification of the con- (double acting)
automatic adaptation/ trol function
modification for auto-
matic initialization
Auto NC B³⁾ Control function 2 Automatic detection and Control function 2
(opened by spring force) modification of the con- (opened by spring force)
– for increased control- trol function – with increased con-
ler air output (only 300 l/ troller air output (only
min) with automatic ad- 300 l/min)
during automatic initial-
Auto NO B³⁾ Control function 2 Automatic detection and Control function 2
(opened by spring force) modification of the con- (opened by spring force)
– for increased control- trol function – with increased con-
ler air output (only 300 l/ troller air output (only
min) with automatic ad- 300 l/min)
during automatic initial-
Auto DNO¹⁾ Control function 8 Automatic detection and Control function 8
(double acting with modification of the con- (double acting with
opening spring) – with trol function¹⁾ opening spring)
automatic adaptation/
modification for auto-
matic initialization
DNO¹⁾ Control function 8 Control function 8 Control function 8
(double acting with (double acting with (double acting with
opening spring) opening spring) opening spring)
NC²⁾ Control function 1 Control function 1 (nor- Control function 1 (nor-
(Closed by spring force) mally closed) mally closed)
NO²⁾ Control function 2 Control function 2 Control function 2
(Opened by spring force) (opened by spring force) (opened by spring force)
DA²⁾ Control function 3 Control function 3 Control function 3
(Double acting) (double acting) (double acting)

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15 Commissioning

Parameters Value Description Automatic initialization Manual initialization

function function4)
Boost NC²⁾³⁾ Control function 1 Control function 1 Control function 1
(closed by spring force) (closed by spring force) (closed by spring force)
– with increased con- – with increased con- – with increased con-
troller air output (only troller air output troller air output (only
300 l/min) 300 l/min)
Boost NO²⁾³⁾ Control function 2 Control function 2 Control function 2
(opened by spring force) (opened by spring force) (opened by spring force)
– with increased con- – with increased con- – with increased con-
troller air output (only troller air output troller air output (only
300 l/min) 300 l/min)

¹⁾The fixed control function setting "DNO" should be used for valves with control function 8 (double acting with opening spring).
When using the "Auto DNO" setting, a deviating control function may be incorrectly detected during an automatic initialization,
and the initialization cannot be completed. The "Wrong Function" error message appears.

²⁾Fixed control functions (NC, NO, DA, Boost NC and Boost NO) must match in terms of the actuator's control function. An incor-
rect assignment may lead to faults and/or inverted action, and should therefore only be used if the correct control function is
known. In case of doubt, give preference to an "auto" detection.

³⁾On versions with 300 l/min flow capability (booster), double the number of pilot valves are installed and connected in parallel.
If, in these versions, a control function is set for simple pilot valves, this leads to a reduction in the flow capability.

⁴⁾A manual initialization should only ever be carried out if you have not achieved satisfactory control characteristics with the
automatic initialization or this was aborted due to an error message.

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15 Commissioning

15.3 Setting the throttle screws Additionally for double-acting design:

For all designs:

V3 V2 = Supply air
V4 V1
(compressed air)/
3 V5
working connection 2
= Exhaust air
3 V5 working connection 2
= Supply air
= Supply air
(compressed air)/
(compressed air)/
working connection 2
working connection 4
= Exhaust air = Exhaust air
working connection 2 Double acting
working connection 4

Single acting V3 regulates the flow rate flowing back from the process
valve actuator connected to working connection 4 toward
Throttle screw V1 regulates the flow rate flowing out of work- venting connection 3 (silencer).
ing connection 2 toward the connected process valve actu- V4 regulates the flow rate flowing out of working connection
ator. 4 toward the connected process valve actuator.
Throttle screw V2 regulates the flow rate flowing back from
15.3.1 Travel time measurement during initialization
the process valve actuator connected to working connection
2 toward venting connection 3 (silencer). The determined travel time of the valve for both directions
(open/close) is displayed. To change the travel time, this step
Function and adjustment of the throttles can be interrupted by pressing a key ("adjust nozzle(s)" dis-
The flow rate and thereby the speed are reduced/throttled by play) and influenced via the pneumatic throttle screws at the
screwing in clockwise. Opening anticlockwise increases the rear. Fine adjustment is carried out by repeating the travel
flow rate. In both directions, a mechanical stop marks the time measurement several times and sequentially changing
max. setting. the throttle position. If values of <1.0 second are displayed, it
is strongly advisable to use the throttles. Travel times of >1.0
Screwed all the way in = 100% throttle effect and thereby low-
second are recommended in order to achieve optimal control
est air flow.
results. (see “Setting the throttle screws“, page 38)
The throttle settings should only be changed during initializa-
tion in the AdjustTime step. In this step, the currently meas-
ured travel times for both directions (open/close) are dis-
played next to one another for around 5 seconds. If these
times do not meet expectations, the initialization process

must be paused by pressing the Wait key in order to carry

out throttle adjustment. If the key is not pressed, the initializa-
tion process is automatically continued after around 5
seconds – if necessary even if the travel times are unfavour-
able. The process can, provided that the travel times are ac-

ceptable, also be continued directly by pressing the Next

The throttles should be set in such a way that a constant
travel profile is achieved at the desired speeds. Travel times
of <1.0 seconds are not generally recommended. Experience
has shown that travel times in the range between 1…2
seconds lead to optimal control results. The times for the two
directions should ideally coincide (< ± 50 %).
If the throttles are adjusted during operation, a new initializa-
tion should be carried out so that the device can perform an
updated self-calibration with any conditions that have
changed. Otherwise this could result in negative control res-
ults and incorrect error messages.

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16 Operation

16 Operation A (AUTO):
The positioner is triggered by an external set value signal
16.1 Operating and display elements when using the AUTO operating mode.
The positioner also processes an external actual value signal
when operated as a process controller.


4 If MANUAL is selected together with operation as a posi-
3 5 tioner, the valve can be opened and closed manually using the

and keys.
If MANUAL is selected together with operation as a process
Item Name controller, the set value can be changed manually using the
1 Display, 2-line
and keys.
2 Back key
Sollwert 30,0% Sollwert 50,0% Sollwert 40,0% Sollwert 50,0%
3 Forwards key
4 Plus key When switching from AUTO to MANUAL the last set value in-
5 Minus key put when MANUAL was last selected is adopted. On first use,
50.0% is selected.
16.2 Menu levels
The product contains two menu levels. These are the working
level (Mode) and the configuration level (Setup). The working If MANUAL-FLEX is selected together with operation as a po-
level for selecting the operating mode is only available after sitioner, the valve can be opened and closed manually using
successful initialization.
the and keys.
16.2.1 Selection of the operating mode If MANUAL-FLEX is selected together with operation as a pro-
Selection of the operating mode and entering the configura- cess controller, the set value can be changed manually using
tion menu is carried out as follows: the and keys.

Mode A: w XX.X: x XX.X SETUP

Sollwert 30,0% Sollwert 30,0% Sollwert 40,0% Sollwert 40,0%
automatic operation


M: w XX.X: x XX.X
When switching from AUTO to MANUAL-FLEX the last set
manual operation
manueller Betrieb
value connected under AUTO is adopted.

T (Test):

In TEST mode in the standard setting as positioner the device

may be operated manually for test purposes. It does not pro-
Konfigurationsmenü menu
cess any external input signals
16.2.2 Working level (Mode) and works as a mere positioner.

Mode: OFF (pause mode):

The product is automatically at this level (Mode) after the sup- If switched to OFF the positioner is in pause mode and then
ply voltage is switched on. does not react to any changes to the input signals. The valve
pauses in the last position.
Display Function Value range Default set-
Mode Select operating AUTO AUTO
mode MAN

The Mode menu item can be used to select between the oper-
ating modes A (Auto), M (Manual), F (Manual-Flex), T (Test)
and OFF (pause mode).

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16 Operation

16.2.3 Configuration level (Setup) Changes in the configuration menu

Various parameter values of the product can be changed in Changes can be made to the factory settings according to the
the configuration menu. The parameter name appears in the menu overview below.
top left line of the display and the parameter value in the top Before changes to the configuration menu, familiarize your-
right. self with the operation (see “Operation“, page 39) of the
In order to enable immediate use of the product, the most product.
common values were entered as factory settings.
In this case, the small squares , , and rep-
NOTICE resent the product keys that must be pressed to reach the
▶ The submenus which are only required for the process next menu item or within the menu to get to the various set-
controller are only available for the design with integrated tings.
process controller (PA01). Change of parameters
The relevant submenus are highlighted in grey.
Using the , , and keys, the various menus in

accordance with the

Configuration menu chapter are selected for the product.
Fieldbus The changes to the parameters required are made using
brackets that are put round the respective parameters.
The configuration menu consists of five submenus with the
following functions:
The or keys can be used to move the cursor to the
Service The Service menu is used to
read out all information/dia- relevant parameter, and the or keys can then be
gnostics regarding the posi- used to change the parameter.
tioner, the connected signals
and errors that occur. User Example:
management via password
The operating mode is to be changed from OFF to Auto.
protection can also be set up
here, whereby only certain ac-
cess rights exist in various
SetBasics The SetBasics menu is used
to set the basic settings for
the product such as the initial-
ization, selection of input sig-
nals and resetting to default
SetFunction The SetFunction menu is
used to activate or deactivate
special functions of the posi-
tioner and set the control
parameters. The optional pro-
cess controller (only available
in the design with integrated
process controller (PA01))
can also be activated and ad-
apted to the process.
SetCalibration The SetCalibration menu is
used to set the directions,
characteristic curves, stroke
limiters and seal adjusters as
well as error limit values.
Communication The Communication menu is
used to set the various op-
tions for communication with
the product.

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16 Operation Quick guide to control settings Changing the set value signal and actual value signal
Mode A: w XX.X: x XX.X SETUP

automatic operation

Mode M: w XX.X: x XX.X

manual operation
manueller Betrieb


Service SetBasics
1 2

r0w3 r0w3
W-Input: 4-20 mA X-Input: 4-20 mA

0-20 mA 0-20 mA
4-20 mA 4-20 mA Switching the process controller on or off (optional)


Mode A: w XX.X: x XX.X SETUP


automatic operation


Mode M: w XX.X: x XX.X


manual operation
manueller Betrieb


Service SetBasics SetFunction

1 2 3

ProcCtrlMode: OFF


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16 Operation Changing the control parameters (Proc P, Proc I, Proc D and Proc T)

Mode A: w XX.X: x XX.X SETUP


automatic operation

Mode M: w XX.X: x XX.X


manual operation
manueller Betrieb


Service SetBasics SetFunction

1 2 3

Only available
Nur verfügbar bei when ProcCtrlMode:
ProcCtrlMode: ON ON
ProcCtrlMode: OFF ProcCtrl


Proc-P: 0.50


Proc-I: 2,0 s

0,1...999,9 s

Proc-D: 0.0


Proc-T: 1000 ms

1...10000 ms Access authorization in the configuration menu

In order to hinder unwanted changes to the parameter values, the configuration level of the product is secured with three differ-
ent access codes.

The factory code setting is as follows:

Code 1: Password 0 → (New Code: 1)

Code 2: Password 0 → (New Code: 2)
Code 3: Password 0 → (New Code: 3)

After entering the factory codes, these codes can be changed by the operator at any time.
The access priorities needed are marked in the configuration menu.
The way in which access codes can be changed is described under "Activation or deactivation of user access". (see “Activating/
deactivating user access“, page 51)

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16 Operation Parameter overview

Menu levels Submenu Display Function Value range Default setting

Mode Select operating mode AUTO AUTO
1 Service I/O status Submenu for displaying inputs and outputs
ActiveParaSet Displays the current act- P1 ... P4 P1
ive parameter set
min-Pot-max Displays travel sensor
position in percent
Iw Value of set value signal
in mA
I x* Value of actual value sig-
nal in mA as a process
I Out Value of actual value out-
put in mA
W Proc X* Value of set value signal
in relation to actual value
W Pos X Comparison of set value
and valve position
Pot Abs Travel sensor position
Valve 1:2:3:4 Displays the current posi-
tion of the internal pilot
Proc Ctrl In* Deviation between set
value and actual value
(process controller) (%)
Proc Ctrl Out* Deviation between set
value and actual value
(process controller)
Pos Ctrl In Deviation between set
value and actual value
(positioner) (%)
Pos Ctrl Out Deviation between set
value and actual value
In w:x:1:2 Displays the current sig-
nals of the digital inputs
Relais K1:K2 Displays the current posi-
tion of the internal out-
Login Submenu for setting access authorisations
Code Password entry 0 ... 10000 0
Logout Block access OK
New Code: 1 Release the lowest prior- 0 ... 10000 0
New Code: 2 Release the medium pri- 0 ... 10000 0

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16 Operation

Menu levels Submenu Display Function Value range Default setting

New Code: 3 Release the 0 ... 10000 0
top priority
Diagnosis Submenu for displaying diagnostic messages
Error List Displays error messages
hrs Displays operating hours
Warnings Display warnings during ON / OFF ON
Errors Display errors during op- ON / OFF ON
SensTest Switch sensor test on or Disable / Enable1 Disable
Clear Error List Delete error list OK
1436 specific Submenu for displaying the tool identification
Release Shows the current soft-
ware release
S/N Displays current serial
TAG1 11-digit ID number can
be set
TAG2 11-digit ID number can
be set
2 SetBasics
W-Input Type of set value signal 4–20 mA / 0–20 mA 4–20 mA
X-Input* Type of actual value sig- 4–20 mA p / 0–20 4–20 mA p
nal mA
Default Reset to default settings Yes / No Yes
Init All Submenu for carrying out the initialization
GoClose Scanning the closed pos-
GoOpen Scanning the open posi-
FindFunct Valve control function is
AdjTime Scanning the travel times
FindCoefficent Optimization of control
Init Pilot Setting the minimum
travel times for internal
pilot valves
CalPointQty Quantity of calibration 1 ... 19 9
points when initializing
D.Refresh Time for display refresh 0.1 ... 1.0 s 0.1 s
DLight Setting the display light- OnKey / On OnKey
AutoReturn Time for an automatic re- 1 ... 60 min 5 min
turn to the working level -
HelpLanguage Text language D / GB / N D
HelpText Display the help text ON / OFF ON
3 SetFunction

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16 Operation

Menu levels Submenu Display Function Value range Default setting

ProcCtrlMode* Switch process controller ON / OFF OFF
on or off
ProcCtrl* Submenu for setting process controller parameters
Proc-P KP amplification of the 0,0 ... 100,0 0,5
process controller
Proc-I Ti reset time for the 0.0 ... 999.9 s 2.0 s
process controller
Proc-D KD component of the 0,0 ... 100,0 0,0
process controller
Proc-T Process controller Tv 1 ... 10,000 ms 1000 ms
IxType Defines the type of OFF / RC / avr OFF
actual value filter
IxTime Filter time for actual 0.10 ... 20.00 s 0.10 s
value input
PosCtrl Submenu for setting positioner parameters
Pos P P amplification of the po- 0.0 ... 100,0** 1.0
Pos D D amplification of the po- 0,0 ... 100,0 0.0
Pos T Decay time of the D com- 1 ... 5000 ms 100 ms
ponent of the positioner
MinPos Closing limit = lower pos- 0 ... 100 % 0.0 %
ition of control range
MaxPos Stroke limitation = upper 0 ... 100 % 100 %
position of control range
CloseTight Lower close tight func- 0 ... 20 % 0%
OpenTight Upper close tight func- 80 ... 100 % 100 %
DeadBand Permissible system devi- 0.1 ... 25 % 1.0%, K-no.
ation 2442: 2.0%, K-
no. 2443: 5.0%
Digital input Submenu for setting the digital inputs
In W Determines the function OFF / ON OFF
of the digital input "In W" Safe / ON
Poti / Ix
In X Determines the function OFF / ON OFF
of the digital input "In X" Safe / ON
Poti / Ix
In 1 Determines the function OFF / ON OFF
of the digital input "In 1" Safe / ON
Poti / Ix

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16 Operation

Menu levels Submenu Display Function Value range Default setting

In 2 Determines the function OFF / ON OFF
of the digital input "In 2" Safe / ON
Poti / Ix
Digital output Submenu for setting the digital outputs
K1 Switch Defines the type of NC / NO NO
K1 Fn Determines the function no no
of output K1 P min
P max
P min/max
W min
W max
W min/max
X min
X max
X min/max
SSE min
SSE max
SSE min/max
AlarmMaxK1 Switch point that 0.2 ... 99.8 % 10.0 %
switches after K1 is ex-
AlarmMinK1 Switch point that 0.2 ... 99.8 % 90.0 %
switches after K1 is un-
SSE1Time Delay time between error 0.1 to 100.0 s 5.0 s
detection and error mes-
sage to K1
K2 Switch Defines the type of NC / NO NO
K2 Fn Determines the function no no
of output K2 P min
P max
P min/max
W min
W max
W min/max
X min
X max
X min/max
SSE min
SSE max
SSE min/max

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16 Operation

Menu levels Submenu Display Function Value range Default setting

AlarmMaxK2 Switch point that 0.2 ... 99.8 % 10.0 %
switches after K2 is ex-
AlarmMinK2 Switch point that 0.2 ... 99.8 % 90.0 %
switches after K2 is un-
SSE2Time Delay time between error 0.1 to 100.0 s 5.0 s
detection and error mes-
sage to K2
ErrorTime Delay time between error 0.5 ... 100 s 0.2 s
detection and error mes-
ErrorAction Function of the process Close / Open / Hold / Close
valve if there is an error Safe
Warn. Time Delay time between de- 0.0 ... 100.0 s 0.0 s
tection and output of
CpyParaSet Copies parameters to
various working memor-
ies (P1/P2/P3/P4)
AnalogOut Function of analogue Poti / Ix Poti
4 SetCalibration X-Direction* Determines the direction rise / fall rise
of the actual value signal
W-Direction Determines the direction rise / fall rise
of the set value signal
W-Function The control character- Lin./1:25/1:50/free lin.
istic is defined
Set W-free 10 control characteristic W 0 % 0 ... 100 % 0.0 %
points can be pro- W 10 % 0 ... 100 % 10.0 %
grammed as desired
W 20 % 0 ... 100 % 20.0 %
W 30 % 0 ... 100 % 30.0 %
W 40 % 0 ... 100 % 40.0 %
W 50 % 0 ... 100 % 50.0 %
W 60 % 0 ... 100 % 60.0 %
W 70 % 0 ... 100 % 70.0 %
W 80 % 0 ... 100 % 80.0 %
W 90 % 0 ... 100 % 90.0 %
W 100 % 0 ... 100 % 100.0 %
Y-Direction* Determines the direction rise / fall rise
of the process controller
output (rising/falling)
OutMinPos Valve position at actual 0 ... 100 % 0.0 %
value output signal
0/4 mA

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16 Operation

Menu levels Submenu Display Function Value range Default setting

OutMaxPos Valve position at actual 0 ... 100 % 100.0 %
value output signal
20 mA
I Min W Switch-off limit for cable 0.0 ... 22.0 mA 3.5 mA
break recognition of the
set value
I Max W Switch-off limit for ex- 0.0 ... 22.0 mA 20.5 mA
cess current recognition
of the set value
I Max X Switch-off limit for ex- 0.0 ... 22.0 mA 20.5 mA
cess current recognition
of the actual value
Scaling Submenu for scaling the actual value and set value display
Scaling Switches the scaled dis- ON / OFF OFF
play on
Decimalpoint Determines the number 0 ... 2 1
of digits displayed after
the decimal point
4 mA ≙ Defines the display which 0%
corresponds to a 0/4 mA
20 mA ≙ Defines the display which 100 %
corresponds to a 20 mA
5 Communication Fieldbus Submenu for setting the fieldbus connection
Fieldbus** Submenu for setting the OFF OFF
fieldbus connection
Web server Submenu for setting the server connection
RS 232 Defines the type of RS Auto Auto
232 connection Serial
Bdrate RS Defines the baud rate of 38400 115200
the RS 232 connection 57600

*Only for activated process controllers

**Parameter value is automatically calculated and set by the positioner during initialization

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I / O Status Login Diagnosis Gemü specific Return

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

r0w- r0w3 r0w- r0w3 r0w3

V: ID S/N 743984/ 1 TAG1 TAG2 Return Seriennummer TAG1 Nummer TAG2 Nummer

www.gemu-group.com Menu 1 Service

r0 r0w- r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3

Error List hrs. XXXXX:XX:XX Warnings ON Errors ON SensTest Enable 1 Clear Error List Return

ON...OFF ON...OFF Disable OK

Enable 1

w0 r1w1 r1w1 r2w2 r3w3

Code: 0 Logout? NewCode:1 0 NewCode:2 0 NewCode:3 0 Return
Active Level: 3
(0...10000) OK 0...10000 0...10000 0...10000

Only available when "ProcCtrlMode: ON"

ActiveParaSet P1 min - Pot - max I w: XX.X mA I x: XX.X mA I Out: XX.X mA W Proc X W Pos X Pot Abs XX.X % Valve 1:2:3:4
0,0 % 100 % XX.X % XX.X % XX.X % XX.X%

49 / 76
Return Relais K1 : K2 In w : x : 1 : 2 Pos Ctrl Out Pos Ctrl In Proc Ctrl Out Proc Ctrl In
XX.X % XX.X %

GEMÜ 1436 cPos

16 Operation
16 Operation Explanation of parameters for 1 Service Scanning the input and output signals


Service SetBasics SetFunction SetCalibration Communication Return

1 2 3 4 5 6

I / O Status

Displays the current active memory which is read off.
Displays the minimum and maximum travel sensor position in percent. To ensure correct function, this value must lie between
2% and 98%.
Displays the value of the current set value signal in mA.
Displays the value of the current actual value signal (when operated as a process controller).
W Proc X:
Displays the value of the current set value signal compared to the current actual value signal (when operated as a process con-
W Pos X:
Displays the value of the current set value signal compared to the current valve position in %.
Pot Abs:
Displays the current travel sensor position (Caution, this value may be different to the Pos x value as the valve does not make
full use of the full 0-100% range of the travel sensor).
Displays the current position of the internal pilot valves ( = valve open).
Proc Ctrl In:
Displays the deviation between set value and actual value (when operated as a process controller) in %.
Proc Ctrl Out:
Displays the deviation between set value and actual value (when operated as a process controller).

▶ If the deviation is too large, this is shown by a dot on the left-hand side or right-hand side of the display. In this case, the po-
sitioner can no longer work. All parameters on the control system route must be checked.
Pos Ctrl In:
Displays the deviation between set value and actual value (when operated as a positioner) in %.
Pos Ctrl Out:
Displays the deviation between set value and actual value (when operated as a positioner).

▶ If the deviation is too large, this is shown by a dot on the left-hand side or right-hand side of the display. In this case, the po-
sitioner can no longer work. All parameters on the control system route must be checked.
In w:x:1:2
Displays the current conditions of the digital inputs ( = Signal High).

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16 Operation

Displays the current position of the internal relays K1 and K2 ( = Relay switched). Activating/deactivating user access


Service SetBasics SetFunction SetCalibration Communication Return

1 2 3 4 5 6

I / O Status Login
1.1 1.2

The configuration level of the product is protected in certain areas by various codes against unauthorised changing of paramet-
The operating levels are pre-defined and intended for three different user groups:
- Level 3: All customer settings available and alterable, including the option of defining the physical (e.g. system installer, oper-
ator, manager).
- Level 2. Reduced customer settings available and alterable, specially reduced to the most important parameters for fault
clearance. Option of adaptation within the set physical (e.g. system manager or machine manager).
- Level 1. Customer settings are not available or alterable, only status information is shown.
All menu items are marked by symbols indicating their write and read protection.

Example based on r0w2 (read 0, write 2):

The following symbols are used for this purpose:

r0: no release required for reading

w0: no release required for writing

r1: lowest priority release code 1 required for reading

w1: lowest priority release code 1 required for writing

r2: medium priority release code 2 required for reading

w2: medium priority release code 2 required for writing

r3: top priority release code 3 required for reading

w3: top priority release code 3 required for writing

The codes can be changed or activated in the following menu:

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16 Operation


I/O Status Login

1.1 1.2

r1w1 r1w1 r2w2 r3w3

Code: 0 Logout? NewCode:1 1 NewCode:2 2 NewCode:3 3 Return
Active Level: 3
(0...10000) OK 0...10000 0...10000 0...10000

Enter code for user access. The currently released user level is displayed at Active Level.
In Active Level 0 the positioner is disabled in all three user levels.
Only the parameters marked by the symbol r0w0 can be read and changed.
Serves to log out of write protected and read protected areas in the menu. This function disables various menus depending on
the user level activated.
User level 0 is displayed in parameter Active Level.
Enter the new code for the lowest user level (user level 1) (default setting 0).
Enter the new code for the medium user level (user level 2) (default setting 0).
Enter the new code for the highest user level (user level 3) (default setting 0).

▶ Factory setting 0 means that all three codes are assigned 0. This means that all parameter menus are released.
If user level 2 is to be disabled, user level 2 and also user level 3 must be assigned a code.

▶ During activation or deactivation of the user levels via the RS232-interface, other codes can be assigned in the same way as
the direct input of codes via the product keypad.
▶ This ensures specific disabling of the use of the positioner either directly via the positioner or via the RS232-interface de-
pending on the type of operation.
The codes for operation via the RS232-interface can only be assigned, activated or deactivated via the RS232-interface. The
codes for direct operation via the product keypad can only be assigned, activated or deactivated via the keypad on the device it-
self. Reading out, deleting and deactivating error messages


Service SetBasics SetFunction SetCalibration Communication Return

1 2 3 4 5 6

I / O Status Login Diagnosis

1.1 1.2 1.3

Error List:

GEMÜ 1436 cPos 52 / 76 www.gemu-group.com

16 Operation

The positioner stores the last 100 error messages in this menu. The errors are also stored in the error memory in the operator
interface during operation.
The operating hours of the positioner are counted here.
The warning messages can be masked or displayed here.The positioner continues normal operation when a warning is given.
Messages are stored in ErrorList.
The error messages can be masked or displayed here.Messages are stored in ErrorList.
Switches the monitoring of the sensor (travel sensor) ON or OFF.
The positioner goes to the error mode when there is an error message and moves to the position defined under ErrorAction.
Messages are stored in ErrorList.
- Enable1: Sensor monitoring activated
- Disable: Sensor monitoring deactivated
Clear Error List:

Press the key here to delete the error list for the positioner. Display serial number, software version and ID, enter TAG number


Service SetBasics SetFunction SetCalibration Communication Return

1 2 3 4 5 6

I / O Status Login Diagnosis Gemü specific

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Displays the current software release.
Displays the positioner serial number
An 11-digit TAG number can be entered for identification of the positioner.
An 11-digit TAG number can be entered for identification of the positioner.

www.gemu-group.com 53 / 76 GEMÜ 1436 cPos

16 Operation Menu 2 SetBasics Explanation of parameters for 2 SetBasics

0.1 s

0.1...1.0 s

On Key

On Key
On Definition of actual value and set value inputs
D. Refresh


Defines the type of set value input signal 0-20mA / 4-20mA.



Defines the type of actual value input signal 0-20mA /



1...19 Reset


Serves to reset the positioner to the default settings. All val-


ues changed by the operator are consequently deleted. An ini-

tialization that has already taken place will also be deleted.

Only the parameter set currently stored in the working

memory is reset, however. Stored parameter sets remain un-
Auto Man
Init Valve

Init Valve Carrying out initialization



Automatic or manual initialization (adaptation of the posi-
tioner to the valve) is started.


ON...OFF Making the display settings


The time for display refresh can be changed.



The features of the display lighting can be switched between
4-20 mA p

the following settings:

0-20 mA
4-20 mA

- OnKey – Display lighting is activated by pressing a key. The

display lighting remains activated after the last key is
pressed for the period set using AutoReturn.


- On – The display lighting is permanently activated.

The time for the automatic return to the working level after
0-20 mA
4-20 mA

last activating a key can be set. This time setting is also ef-
4-20 mA

fective for the display lighting (DLight).



For the text language, you can choose between D-German,


GB-English and N-Norwegian.

The help texts that appear as a default in the second line of
the display can be masked.
If the help texts are masked, the key assignment is displayed.

GEMÜ 1436 cPos 54 / 76 www.gemu-group.com

Nur verfüg ba r wenn K1/K2 Func dies erford ert.
Only ava ilab le when req uired by K1/K2 func tion.
r0w1 r0w1 R0w
AlarmMinK1 10.0 % AlarmMaxK1 10.0 % SSE1Time 5.0 s

0.2...99.8 % 0.2...99.8 % 0.1...100.0 s

Nur verfügba r wenn K1/K2 Func dies erfordert.

Only ava ilab le when req uired by K1/K2 func tion.
r0w1 r0w1 R0w
AlarmMinK2 10.0 % AlarmMaxK2 10.0 % SSE2Time 5.0 s

0.2...99.8 % 0.2...99.8 % 0.1...100.0 s

r0w1 r0w2 r0w1 r0w2 r0w1 r0w1
K1 Switch NO K1 Fn no K2 Switch NO K2 Fn no Error Time 0.2 s Error Action close Return Menu 3 SetFunction

NO P min NO P min 0.5...100 s close

NC P max NC P max open
P min/max P min/max hold
W min W min
W max W max
W min/max W min/max
X min X min
X max X max
X min/max X min/max
SSE min SSE min
SSE max SSE max
SSE min/max SSE min/max
Active Active
Error Error
Warning Warning

Nur verfügb ar b ei Proc CtrlMode: ON
Only a vaila ble when Proc CtrlMode: ON
r0w3 r0w2 r0w2 r0w3 r3w3 r3w3
ProcCtrlMode: OFF ProcCtrl PosCtrl DeadBand 1.0 % DigitalInput DigitalOutput CpyParaSet OFF AnalogOut Poti Return

ON...OFF 0.1...25.0 % P1<=W Poti

P1=>P2 Ix
Nur verfüg ba r b ei Reglera usführung P1=>P3
PA01 (m it integriertem Prozessregler) P1<=P3
Only ava ila b le for p ositioner d esign P1=>P4

55 / 76
PA01 (with integ ra ted p roc ess P1<=P4

r0w3 r0 w 3 r0 w3 r0w3
In W OFF In X OFF In 1 OFF In 2 OFF Return


safe / ON safe / ON safe / ON safe / ON
ParmSetB0 ParmSetB0 ParmSetB0 ParmSetB0
ParmSetB1 ParmSetB1 ParmSetB1 ParmSetB1
Poti / Ix Poti / Ix Poti / Ix Poti / Ix

r0 w3 r0 w3 r0 w 3 r0w3
Pos P 1.0 Pos D 1.0 Pos T 100 ms MinPos 0.0 %

0.0...100.0 0.0...100.0 1...5000 ms 0.0...100.0 %

r0 w1 r0 w 1 r0w3
Return OpenTight: 100% CloseTight: 0% MaxPos 100.0 %

90-100% 0...10% 0.0...100.0 %

r0 w 3 r0 w 3 r0 w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3

Proc-P: 0.50 Proc-I: 2,0 s Proc-D: 0.0 Proc-T: 1000 ms IxType OFF IxTime 0.10 s Return

0.1...100.0 0,1...999,9 s 0.0...100.0 1...10000 ms OFF 0.10...20.00 s

Nur verfüg ba r wenn Proc D > 0
Only ava ila b le when Proc D > 0

GEMÜ 1436 cPos

16 Operation
16 Operation Explanation of parameters for 3 SetFunction Setting the positioner parameters
Submenu for setting positioner parameters.
- Pos P: Corresponds to the positioner’s KP amplification.
The optimum value is determined by the controller during Setting the process controller parameters
- Pos D: Corresponds to the positioner’s D amplification.
The following menus are only available for the design with in-
- Pos T: Corresponds to the decay time for the positioner’s D
tegrated process controller (PA01).
- MinPos: Defines the lower position of the control range
ProcCtrlMode: (serves as a closing limit).
Switches the process controller on or off. - MaxPos: Defines the upper position of the control range
ProcCtrl: Submenu for setting process controller parameters. (serves as a stroke limit).
Only available when ProcCtrlMode: is ON.
- Proc-P: Indicates the KP amplification of the process con- Physical stroke x [%]
- Proc-I: Indicates the Ti reset time for the process controller. Unlimited stroke
- Proc-D: Indicates the Kd process controller differential 80

component. 60
- Proc-T: Indicates the Tv delay time for the process control-
40 Limited stroke
ler. Only available if Proc-D > 0.
- IxType: Defines the type of actual value input filter. 20
Set value w
- OFF: Actual value input filter deactivated.
20 40 60 80 100[%]

IxType [OFF]
Signal input unfiltered
IxType [OFF] Signal input unfiltered
OpenTight and CloseTight: Determines the close tight func-
tion areas (complete pressurization or ventilation of the actu-
With this function the valve can be moved into the seat using
the maximum possible actuator force. The close tight func-
tion can be activated for one end or both end positions.
RC: The actual value input signal is filtered via a low pass fil- Example:
ter. If the setting CloseTight 0.5 % and OpenTight 99.5 % is made,
the valve closes or opens fully according to the following dia-
IxType [RC] gram.
Signal input unfiltered The hysteresis is 1 %.
x [%]


Signal input filtered

Avr: The actual value input signal is calculated by averaging.

IxTime: Defines the filter time for the actual value input.
Set value w [%]
IxType [avr] IxType [avr]

If the control characteristic curve is changed to the values

Signal input unfiltered Signal input unfiltered

1:25 or 1:50, the value for CloseTight should be set at >2.0 (if
the characteristic curve is 1:50) or >4.0 (if the characteristic
curve is 1:25) in order to close the valve fully.
Signal input filtered
Signal input filtered Setting the dead zone


GEMÜ 1436 cPos 56 / 76 www.gemu-group.com

16 Operation

Defines the permissible control deviation (dead zone) Parameters Function Function at Function at
between set value and actual value. low signal high signal
Effects both the positioner and the process controller. level level
Poti / Ix Defines the Poti: Ix:
NOTICE function of the Valve position Process ac-
▶ The level of the system deviation should always corres- actual value tual value
pond to the requirements of the valve and the control cir- output
cuit. It is recommended that you do not set a value of <
1.0%, since this could cause oscillating control character-
istics (especially for actuators with discontinuous move- Current signal for Current signal for Memory which is
ment profiles). This could put a great deal of stress on ParmSetB1 ParmSetB0 read out
the internal pilot valves and cause them to reach the end 0 0 P1
of their service life more quickly.
0 1 P2
▶ The following principle applies: The smaller the set value,
the greater the wear and the shorter the service life. 1 0 P3
Therefore, the value should only be set to the exact value 1 1 P4
NOTICE Setting the optional digital input parameters
▶ Before loading another parameter set, this must be
Digital Input: loaded into the relevant memory.
Submenu for setting the digital inputs. If a digital input (In W, In X, In 1 or In 2) is set to the OFF / ON
- In W: Defines the functions of the High signal at digital input or Safe / ON function and the digital signal "High" is not con-
In W (connection at set value input, only effective for nected, the following messages will be displayed:
manual operation). - In 1 no Signal: The positioner moves to the safe position or
- In X: Defines the functions of the High signal at digital input is stopped.
In X (connection at actual value input, only effective when - In 2 no Signal: The positioner moves to the safe position or
operating as a positioner). is stopped.
- In 1: Defines the functions of the High signal at digital input - In W no Signal: The positioner moves to the safe position or
1. is stopped.
- In 2: Defines the functions of the High signal at digital input - In X no Signal: The positioner moves to the safe position or
2. is stopped.
Parameters Function Function at Function at Setting output functions and switch points
low signal high signal
level level DigitalOutput:
OFF Digital inputs Submenu for setting relay outputs K1 and K2.
deactivated - K1 Switch: Defines the output contact type.
OFF/ON Sets the posi- OFF: ON: NO – make contact or NC – break contact
tioner to the Positioner in Positioner act- - K1 fn: Determines the function of output K1.
pause mode pause mode ive
(no) No function
Safe/ON Moves the po- Safe: ON:
(P min) Below the valve position pre-
sitioner into Positioner Positioner act- set under AlarmMinK1
the safety po- moves to the ive
sition (P max) Above the valve position pre-
set under AlarmMaxK1
defined under
Error Action (P min/max) Above or below the preset
valve positions
ParmSetB0 Loads para- See following table
meter sets (W min) Below the set value preset un-
into the work- der AlarmMinK1
ing memory (W max) Above the set value preset un-
ParmSetB1 Loads para- der AlarmMaxK1
meter sets (W min/max) Above or below the preset set
into the work- value
ing memory (X min) Lower than the actual value
preset under AlarmMinK1

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16 Operation

(X max) Above the actual value preset Warning Warning message

under AlarmMaxK1
- AlarmMinK2: Sets the switch point in % under which output
(X min/max) Above or below the preset ac- K2 is switched.
tual value
- AlarmMaxK2: Sets the trigger threshold in % over which
(SSE min) Below the control deviation output K2 is switched.
preset under AlarmMinK1
- SSE2Time: Determines the delay time for output K2
(SSE max) Above the control deviation between error detection and error message for a permanent
preset under AlarmMaxK1 system deviation.
(SSE min/max) Above or below the preset ac-
tual value
Active Active if the controller is in
the OFF-mode
Error Error message
Warning Warning message

- AlarmMinK1: Sets the switch point in % under which output

K1 is switched.
- AlarmMaxK1: Sets the trigger threshold in % over which Setting the error time and error action
output K1 is switched.
- SSE1Time: Determines the delay time for output K1
between error detection and error message for a permanent Determines the delay time between error detection and error
system deviation. message.
- K2 Switch: Defines the output contact type. ErrorAction: Defines the behaviour of the valve if there is an
NO – make contact or NC – break contact error message.
- K2 fn: Determines the function of output K2. - Close: The valve is moved to the CLOSED position.
- Open: The valve is moved to the OPEN position.
(no) No function
- Hold: Valve remains at its current position.
(P min) Below the valve position pre-
set under AlarmMinK2 - Safe: The valve is vented and thereby moved to its safety
(P max) Above the valve position pre-
set under AlarmMaxK2 Storing parameter sets
(P min/max) Above or below the preset CpyParaSet:
valve positions
The current positioner settings can be copied and read out in
(W min) Below the set value preset un- different memories.
der AlarmMinK2
It is not possible to load all changed control parameters into
(W max) Above the set value preset un- the programme memories. Please refer to chapter 16.4 for an
der AlarmMaxK2 overview of the parameters which can be stored. If a para-
(W min/max) Above or below the preset set meter cannot be stored, it is active in all memories.
(P1 <= W) Write from W to P1
(X min) Lower than the actual value
preset under AlarmMinK2 (P1 => P2) Write from P1 to P2

(X max) Above the actual value preset (P1 <= P2) Read from P2 to P1
under AlarmMaxK2 (P1 => P3) Write from P1 to P3
(X min/max) Above or below the preset ac- (P1 <= P3) Read from P3 to P1
tual value (P1 => P4) Write from P1 to P4
(SSE min) Below the control deviation (P1 <= P4) Read from P4 to P1
preset under AlarmMinK2
(OFF) Storage function deactivated
(SSE max) Above the control deviation
P1 Memory 1
preset under AlarmMaxK2
P2 Memory 2
(SSE min/max) Above or below the preset ac-
tual value P3 Memory 3

Active Active if the controller is in P4 Memory 4

the OFF-mode W Default setting
Error Error message

GEMÜ 1436 cPos 58 / 76 www.gemu-group.com

16 Operation

The product automatically stores all parameters in working

memory P1. Defining the actual value output

Defining the function of the 4-20 mA actual value output
The actual valve position is emitted at the 4-20 mA output.
The current actual value is displayed at the 4–20 mA output
(only available in the version with integrated process control-

www.gemu-group.com 59 / 76 GEMÜ 1436 cPos

r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3
Scaling OFF Decimalpoint 1 4mA = 0% 20mA = 100.0 % Return

ON / OFF 0...2 0.0...9999 0.0...9999

16 Operation

r0w3 r3w3 r3w3 r3w3 r3w3

GEMÜ 1436 cPos

Return Scaling I Max X 20.5 mA I Min X 3.5 mA I Max W 20.5 mA I Min W 3.5 mA

0.0...22.0 mA 0.0...22.0 mA 0.0...22.0 mA 0.0...22.0 mA Menu 4 SetCalibration

r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w2 r0w2

X-Direction: rise W-Direction: rise W-Function: lin. Y-Direction: rise PotiDir rise OutMinPos 0.0 % OutMaxPos 100.0 %

rise...fall rise...fall lin. rise...fall rise 0.0...100.0 % 0.0...100.0 %

1:25 fall

SetCalibration Only available when "W-Function: free"

4 r0w3
Set W-free

r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3

W 90% 90.0 % W 100% 100.0 % Return W 0% 0.0 % W 10% 10.0 % W 20% 20.0 %

0.0...100.0 % 0.0...100.0 % 0.0...100.0 % 0.0...100.0 % 0.0...100.0 %

60 / 76
r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3
W 80% 80.0 % W 70% 70.0 % W 60% 60.0 % W 50% 50.0 % W 40% 40.0 % W 30% 30.0 %

0.0...100.0 % 0.0...100.0 % 0.0...100.0 % 0.0...100.0 % 0.0...100.0 % 0.0...100.0 %

16 Operation Explanation of parameters for 4 SetCalibration


Service SetBasics SetFunction SetCalibration Communication Return

1 2 3 4 5 6 Determining the direction of actual value and set value

Defines the direction of the set value signal (rising/falling).
Defines the direction of the actual value signal (rising / falling). Only available when positioner is working as a process control-
Working as a positioner:

Stroke x
Valve 100



0 Set value w [%]
CLOSED 20 40 60 80 100

Working as a process controller:

Input signal
in mA 20 W-Direction[rise]

12 X-Direction[fall]

Set value w [%]
20 40 60 80 100 Actual value x [%]

www.gemu-group.com 61 / 76 GEMÜ 1436 cPos

16 Operation Defining the characteristics of the control curve - Quarter turn actuators: Viewed from above, shaft turns
clockwise when valve opens.
In combination with the respective direction of the valve,
The characteristics of the control characteristic can be
these settings mean that the valve opens when the signal
defined (linear/ 1:25 / 1:50 / free).
rises and the display and output values have the same direc-
tion of action. If valves are operated in reverse (rising signal
closes valve), the W-Direction parameter must be reset, other-

100,0 100,0
wise the display and the output signal would be inversed.

80 Defining the actual value output signal

60,0 60

1:25 52,5
40,0 40
38,1 ▶ If a higher value is entered for OutMinPos than for Out-
MaxPos, the direction of the output signal is inverted.
20,0 20 20,0 20,9

4,0 3,0 4,4

Defines the valve position at which an actual value signal of 4

0,0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120

mA is emitted at the output.

In order to be able to close the valve fully at a characteristic OutMaxPos:
selection of 1:25 or 1:50, the close tight function must be set Defines the valve position at which an actual value signal of
to the value >2.0 (for characteristic 1:50) or >4.0 (for charac- 20 mA is emitted at the output.
teristic 1:25). Determining switch points for error monitoring
Eleven calibration points on the control characteristic can be I Min W:
programmed as required. Defines the point below which the set value signal activates
an error message.
Display Func- P1 P2 P3 P4 Default
tion setting I Max W:

Set W- 0% 0% Defines the point above which the set value signal activates
free an error message.
10 % 10 %
I Min X:
20 % 20 %
Defines the point below which the actual value signal activ-
30 % 30 % ates an error message.
40 % 40 % I Max X:
50 % 50 % Defines the point above which the actual value signal activ-
60 % 60 % ates an error message.
70 % 70 % Scaling the actual value and set value display
80 % 80 %
90 % 90 %
Submenu for scaling the actual value and set value display,
100 % 100 %
which defines whether the actual value and set value display
Y-Direction: is to be displayed as a scaled variable or in percent.
Defines the direction of the process controller output (rising / ON: display as scaled variable; OFF: display in percent
falling). An inverted process control system can be realized. This setting point can be used to adapt the display to the
physical variable of the controlled system to be regulated. Defining the direction of the travel sensor
This means that the variable to be regulated can be entered
Pot Dir: and read directly.
The direction of the actual value potentiometer can be With the control of process variables (ProcCtrl Mode: ON), the
defined. setting must correspond to the signal output of the process
Rise: For valves with rising direction of action sensor.
- Linear actuators: Valve spindle rises when valve opens The physical unit is entered separately from the value in the
- Quarter turn actuators: Viewed from above, shaft turns anti- same context.
clockwise when valve opens.
Typical setting values:
Fall: For valves with falling direction of action
- xx °C / °F → temperature control
- Linear actuators: Valve spindle falls when valve opens
- xx bar / psi → pressure control
- xx l/h / m³/h → flow control

GEMÜ 1436 cPos 62 / 76 www.gemu-group.com

16 Operation Menu 5 Communication

- Decimalpoint: Determines the number of digits displayed
after the decimal point.
- 4 mA ≙: Defines the value which is displayed when there is
a 0/4 mA signal.
- 20 mA ≙: Defines the value which is displayed when there is

a 20 mA signal.
Possible setting values for the freely scalable actual and set

value inputs:

Only available for the positioner design with integrated Bluetooth interface
r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3 r0w3

BT Code
Scaling OFF Decimalpoint 1 4mA = 0% 20mA = 100.0 % Return

ON / OFF 0...2 0.0...9999 0.0...9999

r0w3 r0w3
4mA = 0% 20mA = 100.0 %
Return Scaling
Zurück zu SetCalibrat.

1436 cPos
Setting range: Available characters:
X-Direction: rise
-99.99 to 999.9 0 to 9
rise...fall at decimal point 0: A to Z

BT Name
-9999...9999 a to z
SetCalibration /

Display when Scaling OFF is set:

Mode A: w XX.X: x XX.X SETUP



BT Function
Mode M: w XX.X: x XX.X

manueller Betrieb
manual operation






Display when Scaling ON (e.g. mbar) is set:



Mode A: W XX.X mbar SETUP

Bdrate RS

AUTO X XX.X mbar



Mode M:W XX.X mbar


Man X XX.X mbar

manual operation
manueller Betrieb

RS 232







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17 Troubleshooting Explanation of parameters: 5 Communication


Service SetBasics SetFunction SetCalibration Communication Return

1 2 3 4 5 6 13.5.1. Setting the fieldbus parameters

Only available in fieldbus version
For details see separate operating instructions. 13.5.2. Setting the communication parameters

▶ For details on how to use the GEMÜ e.sy-com interface and operating the browser see separate operating instructions.
Submenu for setting the communication parameters
RS 232:
Defines the type of RS 232 connection

Auto with connection to a PC/laptop or industrial modem

Serial with connection to a PC/laptop

Bdrate RS:
Defines the transmission rate of the serial connection.

Bdrate RS 38400 baud

57600 baud
115,200 baud (default setting)

17 Troubleshooting
No. Error message Description Condition for the occurrence Error cause
of the error
000 NO ERROR There are no errors - -
010 Iw < 4 mA The set value signal is The positioner is in auto- A cable break at the set value in-
Error lower than 4 mA matic mode put
011 Iw > 20 mA The set value signal is The positioner is in auto- The set value signal is higher
Error higher than 20 mA matic mode than 20 mA
012 Ix < 4 mA The actual value signal is The process controller is A cable break at the actual value
Error lower than 4 mA active input
013 Ix > 20 mA The actual value signal is The process controller is The actual value signal is higher
Error higher than 20 mA active than 20 mA

GEMÜ 1436 cPos 64 / 76 www.gemu-group.com

17 Troubleshooting

No. Error message Description Condition for the occurrence Error cause
of the error
020 Pot wrong dir The potentiometer has re- Parameter "CtrlFn" is set to The pneumatic connections for
Error cognised the wrong con- AUTO and a valve with con- "CLOSED" and "OPEN" on the
trol function during initial- trol function 3 is recognised, valve have been switched or the
ization. from which the actuator has parameter "Pot Dir" is set on
moved in the wrong direc- "fall".
tion. The wrong control function is
Parameter "CtrlFn" is set for set.
a fixed control function. This
set control function is not in
accordance with the control
function determined during
021 Wrong func- An incorrect control func- Parameter "CtrlFn" is set for The wrong control function is set
tion tion was recognised dur- a fixed control function. This in the "CtrlFn" parameter. If the
Error ing automatic initializa- set control function is not in parameter is set to AUTO, the
tion. accordance with the control product determines the corres-
function determined during ponding control function and
initialization. stores it (not for control function
8 - in this case carry out manual
initialization or set the "CtrlFn"
parameter to "DNO").
022 Pneumatic Er- During automatic initializ- - Control air failed Check the stroke of the pneu-
ror ation of the valve a pneu- - The minimum stroke was matic system. Check leakage
Error matic error was detected undershot and end positions. Observe the
min. control pressure of the
- End positions cannot be
- Leakage in the system
023 Leakage During automatic initializ- The positioner is in initializa- Check the pneumatic system for
Error ation of the valve leakage tion mode. leakage and carry out initializa-
was detected. tion again
030 Air missing A failure of the com- The product tries to change - Leakage in the system
Warning pressed air was dis- the valve position, but it - No compressed air
covered. changes in the wrong direc-
- Failure of the internal pilot
Please note: Dependent on
- Valve mechanically locked
the positioner’s set value re-
action time, the error may be
acknowledged in the mean-
time. It then recurs.
060 TrvlSensErr A cable break, short-cir- - Wrong mounting kit
Error cuit or exceeded range in - Incorrect mounting
the travel sensor connec-
- Faulty travel sensor
tion or in the travel
sensor was detected. - Faulty travel sensor connec-
200 EEPROM error An error has occurred This error is generated if the The error is only displayed for 1
Error with the external EEP- calibration data from the IO minute when the controller is
ROM. card EEPROM could not be switched on and then disappears
read. automatically. The automatic
control system still operates cor-
rectly, but the controller must be
sent to GEMÜ for examination.

www.gemu-group.com 65 / 76 GEMÜ 1436 cPos

17 Troubleshooting

No. Error message Description Condition for the occurrence Error cause
of the error
201 Intern. error An error has occurred This information is displayed The message is generated if an
Information with an EEPROM. if an error has occurred EEPROM could not be read from
while attempting to access or written to. Send the controller
an EEPROM. to GEMÜ for repair.

Error message Description Condition for the occurrence Error cause

of the error
In 1 no Signal No signal at digital input Parameter In 1 is set to OFF / Connect signal to digital input In
In 1 ON or Safe / ON 1
In 2 no Signal No signal at digital input Parameter In 2 is set to OFF / Connect signal to digital input In
In 2 ON or Safe / ON 2
In W no Signal No signal at digital input Parameter In W is set to Connect signal to digital input In
In W OFF / ON or Safe / ON W
In X no Signal No signal at digital input Parameter In X is set to Connect signal to digital input In
In X OFF / ON or Safe / ON X

All error messages can be read in the menu item ErrorList (1 Service / 1.3 Diagnosis).
The menu item ClearErrorList (1 Service / 1.3 Diagnosis) can be used to clear the internal error memory.

Occurrence of the error in the "NoInit" menu:

The error message is displayed in the "NoInit" menu. Pressing the or key switches off the display of the error, and

"NoInit" appears with the display of the current valve position. The valve can be moved by pressing the and keys.
The error message is displayed again when the action is complete. To end the action, the menu must be exited by pressing the

or key.

NoInit XX.X%

Setup 060: TrvlSensErr Setup

GEMÜ 1436 cPos 66 / 76 www.gemu-group.com

20 General information regarding control engineering

18 Inspection and maintenance 20 General information regarding control engineer-

The equipment is subject to pressure! 20.1 The control circuit
▶ Risk of severe injury or death
● Depressurize the plant. Reference variable w
● Completely drain the plant. Desired volume flow
GEMÜ 1436
Use of incorrect spare parts!
▶ Damage to the GEMÜ product Controlled

▶ Manufacturer liability and guarantee will be void variable x:

● Use only genuine parts from GEMÜ. Current volume


Disturbance variable z
Exceptional maintenance work! Control valve
Volume flow fluctuations
▶ Damage to the GEMÜ product GEMÜ GEMÜ 3021 flowmeter

● Any maintenance work and repairs not described in these

operating instructions must not be performed without
20.2 Control engineering terminology
consulting the manufacturer first.
Reference variable (see Glossary)
The operator must carry out regular visual examinations of
the products, depending on the operating conditions and the Controlled variable (see Glossary)
potentially hazardous situations, in order to prevent leakage Control difference (see Glossary)
and damage. Correcting variable y (see Glossary)
1. Have servicing and maintenance work performed by Disturbance variable z (see Glossary)
trained personnel.
2. Wear appropriate protective gear as specified in the plant 20.3 Control parameters
operator's guidelines.
Explanation of product parameters:
3. Shut off plant or plant component.
4. Secure the plant or plant component against recommis-
Proc P: Kp
Proc I: Tn
5. Depressurize the plant or plant component.
Proc D: Kd
6. Actuate products which are always in the same position
four times a year. Proc T: Tv
Proportional band Xp (see Glossary)
18.1 Spare parts Proportional action factor Kp (see Glossary)
No spare parts are available for this product. If it is faulty, Derivative action time Tv (see Glossary)
please return it to GEMÜ for repair. Differential component (D component) (see Glossary)
18.2 Cleaning the product Integral-action component (I component) Ki (see Glossary)
Reset time Tn (see Glossary)
- Clean the product with a damp cloth.
- Do not clean the product with a high pressure cleaning 20.4 Adaptation of the controller to the controlled
device. system
Optimisation of the controller:
19 Disassembly
In order to achieve good behaviour of the control circuit, it is
1. Disassemble in reverse order to assembly. necessary to adapt the positioner to the process. Good valve
2. Unscrew the electrical wiring. behaviour, for instance, can be quick adjustment of maximum
3. Deactivate the control medium. power for pre-shooting or non-overshooting-free adjustment
of maximum power if the adjustment of power takes longer.
4. Disconnect the control medium line(s).
The optimum control parameters must be determined "manu-
5. Disassemble the product. Observe warning notes and ally" by trial and error through experimentation or rule of
safety information. thumb.
Explanation of product parameters:
Proc P: Kp

www.gemu-group.com 67 / 76 GEMÜ 1436 cPos

20 General information regarding control engineering

Proc I: Tn 20.6 Effects of the positioner parameters on the

Proc D: Kd automatic control system
Proc T: Tv Proc P:

Interpretation of the controller parameters according to Larger: The controller controls more
Ziegler-Nichols: quickly but tends to oscillate
and is less precise in its con-
The following process is intended to help to adapt the control-
trol. The set value is achieved
ler to the controlled system (however this process can only be
in larger steps by increasing
implemented on controlled systems where it is possible to let
the manipulated variable
the controlled variable oscillate of its own accord).
Smaller: The controller controls more
- Set the values for Kp (Proc P) and Tv (Proc T) to their min-
slowly as the set value is
imum and the value for Tn (Proc I) to 0 (this leads to the
achieved in smaller steps by
smallest possible effect of the positioner).
reducing the correcting vari-
- Enter the desired set value manually in manual mode. able. Control is more accur-
- Slowly increase Kp (Proc P) (decrease Xp), until the con- ate.
trolled variable starts to oscillate harmoniously. Ideally, the
control circuit should be stimulated to oscillate by erratic
set value changes during the Kp adjustment. Proc I:
- Note the Kp value thus obtained as a critical proportional Larger: The positioner reacts more
action factor Kp,krit. slowly to changes to actual
- Following this, determine the duration of an oscillation as values. Proc I should be in-
Tkrit. If possible, use a stopwatch to measure several oscil- creased for actual value
lations and use the arithmetic mean as Tkrit. sensors with relatively slow
- Use the values thus determined for Kp,krit and Tkrit to cal- output signals.
culate the missing Kp, Tn and Tv parameters according to Smaller: The controller reacts more
the following table. quickly to changes to actual
Kp = Proc Tn = Proc I Proc D Tv = Proc
P 0.50 x 0 0 0 Proc D:
Larger: Slows down the manipulated
PI 0.45 x 0.85 x Tkrit 0 0 variable y when moving to the
Kp,krit set value. Control is slower.
PID 0.59 x 0.50 x Tkrit 0.59 x 0.12 x Tkrit Smaller: Set value is achieved faster.
Kp,krit Kp,krit

- If necessary, re-adjust the Kp and Tn values a little until the

control system shows satisfactory behaviour Proc T:
Larger: The system deviation has a
20.5 Differential equation of the product longer effect although set
value = actual value

GEMÜ 1436 cPos 68 / 76 www.gemu-group.com

20 General information regarding control engineering

20.7 Control characteristics and transitory responses

Transit function


Control response Transitory response

P Kp * xd


Kp * xd ; y0 = 0


Kp * xd

D component

I component

Kp * xd P component
≈T v

www.gemu-group.com 69 / 76 GEMÜ 1436 cPos

22 Disposal

Control difference ult, i.e. the positioner reacts faster and harder with a small
The control difference is the difference between the reference proportional band. If a too small proportional band is chosen,
variable and the controlled variable. It is labelled with xd. The this leads to oscillation of the control circuit.
controlled variable is calculated as follows: xd = w - x.
Reference variable
Controlled variable The reference variable is the set value and labelled with w.
The controlled variable is the actual value and is labelled with The reference variable is the input variable of the control cir-
x. The controlled variable represents the currently measured cuit. The reference variable must follow the controlled vari-
volumetric flow. able in the specified dependence.
Correcting variable y Reset time Tn
Input variable for the controlled system. The process control- The reset time Tn determines the duration how long a system
ler guidance to the positioner regarding the position in which deviation is adjusted. If a high value is preset for the reset
the triggered control valve must be driven in order to achieve time Tn this means a small influence of the I component and
the desired volumetric flow. vice-versa. During the reset time Tn the controlled variable
change caused by the P component is added again. Thus
Derivative action time Tv
there is a fixed relationship between the P component and the
It is used to set the intensity of the D component.
I component. If the P component is thus changed, the time re-
Differential component (D component) sponse changes too if the Tn value remains constant. Ki = 1/
For an inverse controller (heating) the D component has the Tn
following effects: If the controlled variable is reduced due to a
disturbance in the controlled system, the D component coun-
22 Disposal
teracts the change by creating a positive regulation ratio. If
the controlled variable increases due to a disturbance in the 1. Pay attention to adhered residual material and gas diffu-
controlled system, the D component counteracts this change sion from penetrated media.
by creating a negative regulation ratio. The higher the derivat- 2. Dispose of all parts in accordance with the disposal regu-
ive action time Tv is set, the stronger the dampening reaction. lations/environmental protection laws.

Disturbance variable z
An external variable that influences the controlled system that 23 Returns
normally cannot be influenced (e.g. volume flow fluctuations). Legal regulations for the protection of the environment and
Integral-action component (I component) Ki personnel require that the completed and signed return deliv-
The I component Ki changes the controller regulation ratio ery note is included with the dispatch documents. Returned
continuously until the actual value reaches the set value. The goods can be processed only when this note is completed. If
regulation ratio will be integrated upwards or downwards as no return delivery note is included with the product, GEMÜ
long as a system deviation exists. The influence of the I com- cannot process credits or repair work but will dispose of the
ponent will become larger the longer a system deviation ex- goods at the operator's expense.
ists. The shorter the reset time Tn and the larger the system 1. Clean the product.
deviation, the stronger (faster) the effect of the I component. 2. Request a return delivery note from GEMÜ.
The I component hinders a constant system deviation. 3. Complete the return delivery note.
Proportional action factor Kp 4. Send the product with a completed return delivery note to
Instead of the designation proportional band, the expression GEMÜ.
proportional-action factor Kp is used frequently. Conversion
of Xp to Kp is: Xp = 100[%]/Kp or Kp = 100[%]/Xp The Kp value
indicates how much the controlled variable x changes if the
correcting variable y is adjusted. Kp = ∆x/∆y = x2 – x1/y2 – y
In order to obtain a unit-independent relationship in the equa-
tion above, x and y must be divided by their respective max-
imum values (100%). In this case, a high Kp value results in
smaller deviation. However, if the Kp value is set too high, it
leads to an increased tendency for the control circuit to oscil-
Proportional band Xp
The proportional band tells us the extent to which the con-
trolled variable x changes when the manipulated variable y is
adjusted. Xp can be used to adapt the controller amplification
to the controlled system. If a small proportional band is selec-
ted, it has a large manipulated variable y (e.g. 20 mA) as a res-

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24 EU Declaration of Conformity in accordance with 2014/30/EU (EMC Directive)

24 EU Declaration of Conformity in accordance with 2014/30/EU (EMC Directive)


EU Declaration of Conformity
in accordance with 2014/30/EU (EMC Directive)

EMC introductory text

We, the company GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG
Fritz-Müller-Strasse 6–8
74653 Ingelfingen-Criesbach, Germany

hereby declare under our sole responsibility that the below-mentioned product complies with the regulations of the above-men-
tioned Directive.
EMC texts

Product: GEMÜ 1436

Product name: Intelligent positioner and integrated process controller
The following harmonized standards (or EN 61326-1:2013; EN 61000-6-4:2007/A1:2011; EN 61000-6-2:2005/AC:2005
parts thereof) have been applied:

M. Barghoorn
Head of Global Technics

Ingelfingen, 24/07/2023

GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG www.gemu-group.com

Fritz-Müller-Straße 6-8 D-74653 Ingelfingen-Criesbach [email protected]

www.gemu-group.com 71 / 76 GEMÜ 1436 cPos

25 EU Declaration of Conformity In accordance with 2011/65/EU (RoHS Directive)

25 EU Declaration of Conformity In accordance with 2011/65/EU (RoHS Directive)


EU Declaration of Conformity
In accordance with 2011/65/EU (RoHS Directive)

EMC introductory text

We, the company GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG
Fritz-Müller-Strasse 6–8
74653 Ingelfingen-Criesbach, Germany

hereby declare under our sole responsibility that the below-mentioned product complies with the regulations of the above-men-
tioned Directive.
EMC texts

Product: GEMÜ 1436

Product name: Intelligent positioner and integrated process controller
The following harmonized standards (or EN IEC 63000:2018
parts thereof) have been applied:

M. Barghoorn
Head of Global Technics

Ingelfingen, 24/07/2023

GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG www.gemu-group.com

Fritz-Müller-Straße 6-8 D-74653 Ingelfingen-Criesbach [email protected]

GEMÜ 1436 cPos 72 / 76 www.gemu-group.com

26 Declaration of Incorporation according to 2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive)

26 Declaration of Incorporation according to 2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive)


EU Declaration of Incorporation
according to the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex II B

Machinery Directive introductory text

We, the company GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG
Fritz-Müller-Strasse 6–8
74653 Ingelfingen-Criesbach, Germany

hereby declare under our sole responsibility that the below-mentioned product complies with the relevant essential health and
safety requirements in accordance with Annex I of the above-mentioned Directive.
Machinery Directive texts

Product: GEMÜ 1436

Product name: Intelligent positioner and integrated process controller
The following essential health and safety 1.1.2.; 1.1.3.; 1.1.5.; 1.3.2.; 1.3.4.; 1.5.1.; 1.5.4.; 1.5.8.; 1.6.1.; 1.7.1.; 1.7.2.; 1.7.3.; 1.7.4.;
requirements of the EC Machinery Dir-;;
ective 2006/42/EC, Annex I have been
applied or adhered to:
The following harmonized standards (or EN ISO 12100:2010
parts thereof) have been applied:

We also declare that the specific technical documents have been created in accordance with part B of Annex VII.
The manufacturer undertakes to transmit relevant technical documents on the partly completed machinery to the national au-
thorities in response to a reasoned request. This communication takes place electronically.
This does not affect the industrial property rights.
The partly completed machinery may be commissioned only if it has been determined, if necessary, that the machinery into
which the partly completed machinery is to be installed meets the provisions of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.

M. Barghoorn
Head of Global Technics

Ingelfingen, 24/07/2023

GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG www.gemu-group.com

Fritz-Müller-Straße 6-8 D-74653 Ingelfingen-Criesbach [email protected]

www.gemu-group.com 73 / 76 GEMÜ 1436 cPos

Keyword index I
20 mA ≙ .................................................................................... 63 I Max W ..................................................................................... 62
4 mA ≙ ...................................................................................... 63 I Max X ...................................................................................... 62
I Min W ...................................................................................... 62
A I Min X ....................................................................................... 62
A (Auto) .................................................................................... 39 In 1 ............................................................................................ 57
ActiveParaSet........................................................................... 50 In 1 no Signal............................................................................ 57
AdjTime .................................................................................... 34 In 2 ............................................................................................ 57
AlarmMaxK1............................................................................. 58 In 2 no Signal............................................................................ 57
AlarmMaxK2............................................................................. 58 In W ........................................................................................... 57
AlarmMinK1.............................................................................. 58 In W no Signal........................................................................... 57
AlarmMinK2.............................................................................. 58 In X ............................................................................................ 57
AnalogOut................................................................................. 59 In X no Signal............................................................................ 57
AutoReturn ............................................................................... 54 Init Pilot..................................................................................... 34
Avr ............................................................................................. 56 Init Valve Error .......................................................................... 34
Init Valve ESC ........................................................................... 34
B Init Valve Man........................................................................... 34
Bdrate RS.................................................................................. 64 Init Valve OK ............................................................................. 34
InitValve .............................................................................. 34, 54
C Iw............................................................................................... 50
Call Point Qty............................................................................ 34 Ix.......................................................................................... 50, 59
Clear Error List.......................................................................... 53 IxTime ....................................................................................... 56
Close ......................................................................................... 58 IxType ....................................................................................... 56
CloseTight ................................................................................ 56
Code.......................................................................................... 52
Communication........................................................................ 40 K1 fn.......................................................................................... 57
CpyParaSet............................................................................... 58 K1 Switch.................................................................................. 57
CtrlFn .................................................................................. 34, 36 K2 fn.......................................................................................... 58
K2 Switch.................................................................................. 58
D.Refresh .................................................................................. 54
Deadband ................................................................................. 56 Logout....................................................................................... 52
Decimalpoint ............................................................................ 63
Default ...................................................................................... 54
Digital input .............................................................................. 57 M (MANUAL) ............................................................................ 39
DigitalOutput ............................................................................ 57 MaxPos..................................................................................... 56
DLight........................................................................................ 54 MinPos...................................................................................... 56
Min-Pot-Max ............................................................................. 50
E Mode ......................................................................................... 39
Error List ................................................................................... 52
ErrorAction ............................................................................... 58
Errors ........................................................................................ 53 NewCode1 ................................................................................ 52
ErrorTime.................................................................................. 58 NewCode2 ................................................................................ 52
NewCode3 ................................................................................ 52
F (MANUAL FLEX).................................................................... 39
Fieldbus .................................................................................... 64 OFF...................................................................................... 39, 56
Find Coefficient........................................................................ 34 Open.......................................................................................... 58
FindFnct.................................................................................... 34 OpenTight ................................................................................. 56
OutMaxPos............................................................................... 62
G OutMinPos................................................................................ 62
Go Close ................................................................................... 34
Go Open .................................................................................... 34
Pos Ctrl In ................................................................................. 50
H Pos Ctrl Out .............................................................................. 50
HelpLanguage .......................................................................... 54 Pos D......................................................................................... 56
HelpText ................................................................................... 54 Pos P......................................................................................... 56
Hold........................................................................................... 58 Pos T......................................................................................... 56
hrs ............................................................................................. 53 Pot Abs ..................................................................................... 50

GEMÜ 1436 cPos 74 / 76 www.gemu-group.com

Pot Dir ....................................................................................... 62
Potentiometer .......................................................................... 59
Proc Ctrl In................................................................................ 50
Proc Ctrl Out ............................................................................. 50
ProcCtrl..................................................................................... 56
ProcCtrlMode ........................................................................... 56
Proc-D ....................................................................................... 56
Proc-I......................................................................................... 56
Proc-P ....................................................................................... 56
Proc-T ....................................................................................... 56

RC.............................................................................................. 56
RS 232....................................................................................... 64

S/N ............................................................................................ 53
Safe........................................................................................... 58
Scaling ...................................................................................... 62
SensTest................................................................................... 53
Service ...................................................................................... 40
SetBasics.................................................................................. 40
SetCalibration........................................................................... 40
SetFunction .............................................................................. 40
SetW-free .................................................................................. 62
SSE1Time ................................................................................. 58
SSE2Time ................................................................................. 58

T (Test) ..................................................................................... 39
TAG1 ......................................................................................... 53
TAG2 ......................................................................................... 53

V: X.X.X.X.................................................................................. 53
Valve ......................................................................................... 50

W Pos X .................................................................................... 50
W Proc X ................................................................................... 50
Warnings................................................................................... 53
W-Direction ............................................................................... 61
WebServer ................................................................................ 64
W-Function ............................................................................... 62
W-Input ..................................................................................... 54

X-Direction ................................................................................ 61
X-Input ...................................................................................... 54

Y-Direction ................................................................................ 62

www.gemu-group.com 75 / 76 GEMÜ 1436 cPos

GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG
Fritz-Müller-Straße 6-8, 74653 Ingelfingen-Criesbach, Germany Subject to alteration
Phone +49 (0) 7940 1230 · [email protected]
www.gemu-group.com 10.2023 | 88243865

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