Akriti Assignment-1
Akriti Assignment-1
Akriti Assignment-1
Conducted by HR department along with direct Multiple stakeholders are involved as the
managers process is ongoing
Employees likely feel stressed and overworked, and they might feel that
performance management is one more item to add to their to do-list list. This
perception increases if their company hasn't clearly articulated the details of the
performance management program and its benefits for employees.
3. Limited budget-
HR leaders can work with other higher-ups to look for software that's less
expensive, even if it doesn't meet all the organization's requirements.
Another option is to take a less formal approach and encourage leaders to
regularly provide verbal feedback and use the tools the company already
has, such as an employee recognition platform.
4. Software challenges-
If the software for the review process doesn't work as expected, it can negatively impact
the whole program. For example, if employees encounter problems logging into the
review platform, it could sour their view of the process from the start.
The vendor might be able to fix the problem or find a workaround until the problem is
resolved. Communicating and being upfront with employees about some of the
challenges and potential workarounds is essential.
A successful performance management program requires the proper skill sets on the
HR team. For example, an employee must lead the program design, while another must
configure the application, another must communicate about and sell the program
internally, and another must train employees and leaders. The same employees could
perform some of these tasks, but HR staff must be able to take care of all the tasks
needed to carry out a successful performance management review program.
Depending on the timeline, HR leaders may be able to arrange training for HR
employees. Another option is to hire an external consultant to support the team in areas
where skills are lacking.
Q3. Discuss –
Ans. Key Result Areas (KRA) are a set of goals and objectives that each organization assigns
for their employees at the beginning of their evaluation period. They are expected to perform a
fixed number of tasks based on which their performance evaluation is conducted. An employee’s
KRAs depend on their department and functional role. They also help employees direct their
efforts solely towards achieving predetermined goals while also helping the company fulfill its
business objectives.
1. Key Result Area can be described as the essential areas of business that requires excellent
performance to obtain the favourable result, to survive and grow in the industry. On the
other hand, Key Performance Indicator, or otherwise called as KPI is a performance
metric, used by the organization to ascertain how effectively the firm is performing.
2. Key result area is a strategic business unit, wherein great efforts are needed to achieve
success. As against, the key performance indicator is a metric that gauges the level to
which business goals are achieved.
3. KPI is a quantifiable measure, meaning that it gauges the performance of a product,
service or the business unit in the market, in quantitative terms. On the contrary, KRA is
qualitative in nature, in the sense that it determines the areas that can help in attaining
high value for the organization.
4. The key result area is used to find out the scope of a particular product or unit. In
contrast, key performance indicator measures the success of the organization towards
goals at various levels.
b) KPI-
Ans. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics used by organizations to measure
their employees’ efforts and suggest improvements. Every company gives their employee
a fixed number of tasks at the beginning of their evaluation period. It is essential to
evaluate their performance against those duties during or after the completion of that
period. It also helps the management understand their employees’ contribution to overall
organizational goals and suggest course corrections if required.
The KPIs for employees depends on – their job role and the department to which they belong.
Eventually, the growth of an employee depends on both fulfillment of department goals and
scores against individual KPIs. A KPI-based evaluation framework helps companies reward top
performers and also provide meaningful feedback.
Revenue Growth
Revenue growth is a KPI that monitors the performance of sales over a period of time. It is an
important metric to calculate and measure profitability which is the barometer of success of a
business. It helps to know the negative growth that may require immediate action. Also, it is one
of the key metric to look for in a candidate’s profile when hiring sales executive.
Income Sources
The income source metric is a KPI that helps to know the sources of revenue and the
performance of each revenue source. Companies can use this metric to calculate revenue
generated per client or on every product sold to get a clearer picture of the company’s growth
It is the most critical KPI as it helps the company to track income and expenses that can be
compiled to know the profit or loss the company may have incurred. It helps in analyzing the
business over a period of time. It helps to know areas where expenses can be reduced. This helps
in eliminating unnecessary expenses.
Working Capital
Working capital is the day-to-day fund needed to run the business operations in the company. It
is another important metric because it ensures that the organization has enough funds to carry out
all essential activities.
Ans. KSAs are knowledge, skills, and abilities that a person must possess in order to
perform the duties of his or her position. KSAs are listed on each position's job
description and serve as a guide for applicants, employees, and departments to
evaluate and assess a person's likelihood for success in a job.