A Review of Mega IV Volume 31 in NST October 2001
A Review of Mega IV Volume 31 in NST October 2001
A Review of Mega IV Volume 31 in NST October 2001
Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels: Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Edited under the auspices of the Internationale Marx-EngelsStiftung. Section IV, Exzerpte, Notizen, Marginalien. Volume 31: Naturwissenschaftiliche Exzerpte und Notizen. Mitte 1877 bis Anfang 1883. Editorial team: Anneliese Griese, Friederun Fessen, Peter Jckel, and Gerd Pawelzig. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. 1999. ISBN 3-050-03399-1.
MEGA IV/31 consists of two books: Text and (text-critical) Apparatus. The texts are divided into two parts. Part I contains Marxs incomplete excerpts and notes on inorganic and organic chemistry, and electricity (3473). Part II contains Engelss excerpts and notes on parts of physics and ecology (475 614). The text-critical Apparatus contains a general introduction to the volume; separate introductions to the subsections of the texts; inventories of variant readings, corrections and comments everywhere indicating the corresponding page and line number of the text; a name index; indexes of the literature used by the authors and the editors and finally, a subject index (6151055). The technical standards of editing and production are veritable examples for others to follow. MEGA IV/31 provides new materials related to the hitherto little-noticed natural-science studies of Marx, and some materials related to Engelss Dialectics of Nature. These materials are of interest for the study of the interrelationships of the natural and social sciences of nineteenth century, and through them, for the study of the relations of the sciences with the modern movement for socialism. MEGA IV/3: Text 1. Marxs excerpts and notes on chemistry are spread in six notebooks. They appear in the present volume as : [1] On the atomic theory (520); [2] Tabular summary of inorganic and organic chemistry (21151); [3] Tables of chemistry (153204); [4] Tables of inorganic and organic chemistry I (205376); [5] Tables of inorganic and organic chemistry II (377442); and [6] Formulae of organic chemistry (44373). The sources of these excerpts and notes are Hermann 1874; Jukes 1872; Kuhne 1868; Meyer 1872; Ranke 1875; Roscoe 1873; Roscoe and Schorlemmer 1877 and 1879; Schorlemmer 1874; and Witzschel 1858. While working on any single topic, Marx always used more than one of these sources. That is why it is not possible to establish a one-to-one correspondence between a single source and a single text. The texts do not contain any independent remark or comment of Marx. The excerpts titled On the atomic theory Marxs notebook 1 contain discussion of: (1) the atomistic principles propounded by John Dalton (17661844); (2) the related stoichiometric laws of combination of chemical elements; and (3) the determination of molecular weights of elements and compounds, including the law of Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (17781850), and the principle of Lorenzo Romano Amadeo Carlo comte di Quaregna e Ceretto Avogadro (17761856), together with such
follow-up corollaries as the relation between vapor density and molecular weight, accompanied by illustrations. Marxs chemistry notebooks 26 contain excerpted tables for nonmetals and metals; the periodic system of Julius Lothar Meyer (18301895); quantitative discussions of valence, discussions about oxides, hydroxides, mineral acids, and salts; tables for various groups of organic compounds like the paraffins, carbohydrates, aromatic compounds, alkaloids, uric acid and related substances, carbonyl and sulfocarbonyl compounds, etheric and anhydride substances, ammonia and its derivatives, various carboxylic acids. In the present volume, Marxs chemistry excerpts are followed by his excerpts on electricity from Hospitalier 1882. These excerpts contain discussion on: (1) sources of electricity such as voltaic piles and galvanic batteries, and the physical nature of their functioning; (2) the characteristics of electric current, Ohms law, and related issues; and (3) the units of measure for electric current, voltage, resistance, etc. It may be assumed that Marx made these notes about the facts and theories of chemistry and electricity for some possible future use. His death in 1883 foreclosed the realization of such possibility. 2. Engels excerpts and notes are from Alembert 1743, Fraas 1847, Helmholtz 1847, Thomoson 1864, Thomson and Tait 1867, and Wiedemann 1874. These are followed by a note on heat and a note on electric units by Engels. He used most of these excerpts and notes (except the excerpts from Fraas 1847) in the following articles of his Dialectics of Nature: The Measure of MotionWork, Tidal Friction. Kant and Thomson-Tait, Heat, Electricity, and The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to man (see MECW 25:378-464). The excerpts from Fraas 1847 indicate that in this period Engels continued his study of evolution of the species and of changes in environment. Any further use of the Fraas excerpts by him, however, remains untraced. 1 MEGA IV/31: Contexts 1. The sources of Marx chemistry notebooks date back to the period 1858 1879. Their conceptual system corresponds to the stage of structural chemistry (ca. 1800 1870) (see Kuznetsov 1977a, 1977b). The emergence and development of structural chemistry coincided with the transition from the manufactory stage to the factory system of capitalist industrial production. It stimulated and demanded the processing of great quantities of substances of mineral, vegetable, and animal origin. These circumstances, together with the discovery of isomerism and polymerism in the early nineteenth century, created the possibility of solving the problem of genesis of properties of substances depending on their structure. This stage in the history of chemistry was governed by the introduction of atomic and molecular theories, the theories of structure and bonds, and the periodic systems. Marxs excerpts and notes mirror all these developments, at least in part. For instance, in the case of periodic systems, Marx was acquainted with the work of Lother Meyer, but not with that of Dimitry I. Mendeleev (1834-1907). Marxs interest in the chemistry of his time was directly connected with his study of agriculture and industry under capitalism. Already in 1853, Marx noted that, [C]hanges in soils fertility and its degree in relation to society depend on changes in the science of chemistry and its application to agronomy (Marx to Adolf Cluss, 5 October 1853, MECW 39:382). In 1866, for the treatment of ground rent in what was to become his Capital, he considered the new agricultural chemistry in Germany, in particular Liebig and Schnbein to be more important than all the economists put together (Marx to Engels, 13 February 1866, MECW 42:227). In Capital III, part VI, chapter 39, we read on soil fertility: Aside from climatic factors, etc., the difference in natural fertility depends on the chemical composition of the top soil, that is, on its different plant nutrition content. However, assuming the chemical composition and natural fertility in this respect to be the same for two plots of land, the actual effective fertility differs depending on whether these elements of plant 2
nutrition are in a form which may be more or less easily assimilated and immediately utilized for nourishing the crops. Hence, it will depend partly upon chemical and partly upon mechanical developments in agriculture to what extent the same natural fertility may be made available on plots of land of similar natural fertility. Fertility, although an objective property of the soil, always implies an economic relation, a relation to the existing chemical and mechanical level of development in agriculture, and therefore, changes with this level of development. (MECW 37:644). Elsewhere in the same volume (chap. 46), Marx remarked that the real natural causes leading to an exhaustion of the soil were unknown to all economists writing on differential rent owing to the level of agricultural chemistry in their day (767). On the role played by modern chemistry in the development of the capitalist mode of production, he wrote: Every advance in chemistry not only multiplies the number of useful materials and the useful application of those already known, thus extending with the growth of capital its sphere of investment. It teaches at the same time how to throw the excrements of the process of production and consumption back into the circle of the process of reproduction, and thus, without any previous outlay of capital, creates new matter for capital. Like the increased exploitation of natural wealth by the mere increase in the tension of labour power, science and technology give capital a power of expansion independent of the given magnitude of the capital actually functioning. (MECW 35:601). The contemporary developments in technology, emanating, from the sciences of materials, information, life, and environment, fully corroborate these observations of Marx. It is evident from what has been indicated above that Marxs study of chemistry predates his excerpts and notes of 1877 1883 published in the present volume. His London Notebooks of 1850 1853, manuscripts on political economy, and correspondence bear testimony of his direct or indirect exposure to at least some of the works of James Finlay Weir Johnston (1796 1855), Justus Freiherr von Liebig (1803 1873), August Wilhelm von Hofmann (1818 1892), Auguste Laurent (1807 1853), Christian Friedrich Schnbein (1799 1868), Charles Frdric Gerhardt (1816 1856), Charles Adolphe Wurtz (1817 1884), and Friedrich August Kekule von Stardonitz (1829 1896) (see MEGA II/3.6:2307; II/4.2:753, 786; IV/9:110, 172 213, 276 317, 372 86; MECW 34:263; 35:313 n. 2; 38:476; 42:227, 232, 382 83, 385, 387). Professor of chemistry in Manchester, friend and associate of Marx and Engels, Carl Schorlemmer (1834 1892) greatly influenced Marxs study of chemistry. Schorlemmer was a student of Robert Wilhelm Bunsen (1811 1899), Heinrich Will (1812 1890), and Hermann Kopp (1817 1892) (see Engels on Schorlemmer in MECW 27:304 6). Some of the sources of Marxs chemistry notebooks mirror his interest in the interfaces of chemistry and the proximate sciences of physics (Witzschel 1858), physiology (Hermann 1874, Kuhne 1868, and Ranke 1875), and geology (Jukes 1872). Some of his notes on physics (Hospitalier 1882) have been included in the present volume. Others will be included in MEGA IV/10, 18, 22. His notes and excerpts on physiology will be included in MEGA IV/18, 23. Some of his notes and excerpts on geology, soil science, and agricultural chemistry have been published in MEGA IV/6, 8-9. Yet others will be included in MEGA IV/1718, 2628 (see Jckel and Krger 1997: 9598). Some of his mathematical manuscripts and notes (Marx 1968), as well as his technological notebooks (Marx 1981, 1982), have been published separately. These will be included in MEGA I/28 and IV/10, 23, 30. One of the editors of the present MEGA volume has elsewhere indicated how Marxs study of physiology provided some of the sources of his excerpts on inorganic and organic chemistry (Jckel 1997). It may be mentioned here that Marx was alert to the emerging discipline of biochemistry already in 1868 (see MECW 43:162). Interest in the chemical composition of minerals connects Marxs study of chemistry and geology. In the section on anhydrides, in his Tables of inorganic and organic chemistry I, he took notes from Jukes 1872, 2023. This connection would again resurface in his yet to be published geological excerpts on crystallization and the corresponding chemical reactions. Marxs excerpts from Hospitalier 1882 document his interest in electricity. The year of publication of this book coincided with the Second International Exhibition of Electrical Technology, held at Munich. Long before this, back in July 1850, Marx was convinced that electricity was going to 3
supersede steam as the source of energy for industry and transport (see Liebknecht 1896 [1978]: 65). In April and May 1851, he discussed with Engels and Roland Daniels the possible use of electricity in agriculture, in the context of an article published earlier in The Economist (see Marx to Engels, 5 May 1851, and Engels to Marx, 9 May 1851 in MECW 38:34445, 35051; Roland Daniels to Marx, 12 April and 25 may 1851 in Voprosy Filosofii, no. 5 [1983]:109, 11516; and Remarkable Discovery Electricity and Agriculture, The Economist 3, nos. 1718 [26 April and 3 may 1845]). In his discussion entitled The Division of Labour and Mechanical Workshop. Tool and Machinery in the Economic Manuscripts of 186163, Marx inserted an excerpt Electromagnetism (MECW 33:457 and 462), from The Industry of Nations. Part II (London 1855), a report of the Great Exhibition held at London in 1851 (the editors have inadvertently mentioned it as a report of the Paris World Fair of 1861; see MEGA IV/31:64). This excerpt mentions the use of electromagnetic telegraphic signals in the United States. The excerpts from Hospitalier included in MEGA IV/31 indicate a rekindling of Marxs interest in the theoretical and practical knowledge of electricity. 2. Engelss study of the natural sciences has received the attention of interested investigators for quite some time. 2 He worked on the Dialectics of Nature from the beginning of 1873 to the middle of 1882. Between 1876 and 1878 he wrote the polemical treatise Anti-Dhring. His physics excerpts and notes published in Part II of the texts also belong to this period. The editors of MEGA IV/31 have suggested that excerpts indicate a certain shift in his conceptual orientation around 1879/1880. After a break in the writing of the chapter Dialectics (in the Dialectics of Nature), Engels began a further critical analysis of the theoretical developments in the natural sciences, starting with theoretical mechanics. For this he made intensive use of Thomson and Tait 1867, and of Helmholtz 1847. He raised the issue of Helmholtzs strictly mathematical derivation of the principle of conservation of energy, but was more favorably inclined towards the philosophically oriented mode of argumentation of Lother Meyer (see MEGA I/26:183, 195; IV/31:632). In the years 188182 Engels intensively studied the theory of electricity from Wiedemann 1874. The impulse for this came from the First International Exhibition of Elecrical Technology and the First World Congress of Electricians, held simultaneously in Paris in September 1881. The industrial revolution was entering into the phase of electrification around this time. Up to 187980, Engels was concerned with the attainments of nineteenth-century science. Now he had to take stock of a new phase of the relations between science, material production, and culture in general. The publication of the natural-science excerpts and notes of Marx and Engels in one volume for the period under consideration offers us an opportunity to compare their close approaches toward, and distinct styles of, processing the data and theories of the sciences. Conclusion MEGA IV/31 documents only a phase and some aspects of Marxs and Engelss study of the natural sciences. When the totality of Marxs natural-science related notes and excerpts will be published, it is only then that the students of history of science and socialism will be able to arrive at a comprehensive assessment of their role in the history of human knowledge and action. As of now, the editors of MEGA IV/31 have done a great job for us. They have traced the evolution of Marxs natural-sciencerelated ideas through his doctoral dissertation (184041), Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, The Holy Family (1845), The German Ideology (184546), and Capital I (1867), with the help of his voluminous correspondence. Marxs study of the natural sciences was influenced by his study of the philosophical materialism of antiquity, that of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, of Hegel, Feuerbach, Fourier, and Saint Simon. Much of this is common ground. Of special interest, however, is Marxs access to Aristotle via Hegel. Marxs Aristotle studies have been documented in MEGA I/1, 2; II/15; IV/1, 79. Marxs treatment of the labor process and political economy was not oriented on classical mechanics. Here a possible influence could have come from Aristotle, who was oriented toward the organic as distinct from the mechanical facts. The influence of Aristotle (mediated through Hegel) also remains plausible as a source of inspiration for Marxs journey through the natural 4
sciences, and for his attempts at comparing the characteristic forms of the natural and social sciences (MEGA IV/31:63438). It is on record that Marx considered Aristotle to be the first great thinker to have analyzed the many forms of thought, society, and nature (MECW 35:69). Marxs excerpts on the history of technology in 1851 show that his interest in the natural sciences first centered around the mechanical theory of heat propounded by the German physician and physicist Julius Robert von Mayer (18141878), and physiologist and physicist Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (18211894).3 Marx was also familiar with the earlier theory of heat presented in Poppes book of 1830. In the 1860s Marx dealt with the mechanical theory of heat and the atomistic conception underlying it. He read some of the same literature that Engels used. In a letter to Engels dated 31 August 1864, Marx described the English jurist and physicist William Robert Grove (1811 1896) as the most philosophical among the English (and even German!) natural scientists (MECW 41:553). The editors of MEGA IV/31 have rendered a great service by supplementing their survey with searches into the partially reconstructed personal libraries of Marx and Engels.4 They have found a handed down copy of the 4th edition of John Tyndalls Heat, a mode of Motion (London 1870), containing many red pencil markings in Marxs hand. Between the end of 1875 and beginning of 1876 Marx copied excerpts from Adolf Ficks book on the forces of nature in their interrelations (Fick 1869). These excerpts also deal with the atomistic foundations of the mechanical theory of heat.5 Marxs physiology excerpts of MarchMay 1876 contain larger corresponding passages.6 In December 1878 he came back to the same problem, studied Emil Heinrich du Bois Reymond (18181896) on Leibnitzs contributions to modern natural science (Bois-Reymond 1870), and Leibnitz and Descartes in the originals.7 A copy of Ernst Machs book on the history and origin of the principle of conservation of energy (Mach 1872), filled with many markings, has also been located in Marxs library. Marx mentioned this publication in a notebook of 1875 and in a list of books dated 1877.8 Marx took note of Machs treatment of Preyer 1873 on life, and again dealt with the recognized results of Mayer and Helmholtz on the foundations of the principle of conservation of energy. Marxs underlines in Machs book concern the details of physics and history of science and Machs critique of the mechanistic view of nature. Marx made no explicit comment of Mach. Marxs interest in Darwin is well known (see MECW 41:232, 24647). He was of the opinion that Darwin helped refute teleology in natural science and supplied the natural-historical foundations for scientific study of human society. In his Economic Manuscripts of 186163, he used Darwins discovery of geometrical progression in the animal and plant kingdom for a natural historical refutation of the Malthusian theory of human population, which incidentally, was based upon Andersons theory of rent and was refuted by Anderson himself (MECW 31:35051). In these manuscripts and in Capital I, Marx referring directly to Darwin pointed to the analogous character of the differentiation of the organs of living beings in the course of evolution and the gradual changes of the working tools of human labour (MECW 33:38788; 35:346, 375). Marx noted the concept of geological formation from Johnston 1851 (MEGA IV/9:32, 3739). In 1863 he emphasized the analogy between geological and socioeconomic formations, when he wrote: Just as one should not think of sudden changes and sharply delineated periods in considering the succession of the different geological formations, so also in the case of the creation of the different economic formations of society (MECW 33:442). His excerpts from Lyell 1863 are from the same year. In 1878 Marx began extensive geological studies, starting with Jukes 1872, Yeats 1872, and Johnston 1877. During the last years of his life, besides the natural sciences, Marx also studied ethnology, land relations, economics, world history, prehistory, ancient history, and mathematics. His chronological excerpts on world history from Schlosser 18441857, and the ethnological excerpts starting with Morgan 1877 originated in this period. The editors of MEGA IV/31 could have mentioned Marxs mathematical manuscripts in their extensive historical introduction, in view of the symbiotic relations between classical mechanics and classical analysis. In these manuscripts (Marx 1994),9 we come
across Marxs exposure to Alembert, Descartes, Euclid, Euler, Lagrange, Leibnitz, Newton, and the Newtonians like MacLaurin and Taylor, among others. In view of the unfinished character of Marxs study of the various disciplines of his time, any analysis of his relation to them is bound to remain open-ended. This seems to be in the fitness of things also in view of the requirement that the relation of socialism with the sciences of civil society has to remain open ended. To consider this relation closed is to make socialism dogmatic and utopian. The task before the forces of socialism today, as always, is to engage in the study of all the sciences in all their possible interconnections, following Marxs lead. Only such study can give shape to an appropriate guide to action for today and tomorrow. Kolkata, India
NOTES 1. For Marx on Fraas 1847, see MECW 42:558 59. 2. See Engels 1925 and 1927, Kedrov 1974, MECW 25, MEGA I/26, and Griese und Pawelzig 1995. 3. See Karl Marx, Notebook 15, Marx-Engels Archives, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, 4.
shelf-mark B56, 6 8. See Vorauspublication zu MEGA IV/32. 1999. Die Bibliotheken von Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels. Annotiertes Verzeichnis des ermittelten Bestandes, edited by Hans-Peter Harstick, Richard Sperl und Hanno Strau in cooperation with Gerald Hubmann, Karl-Ludwig Knig, Larisa Miskevich, and Ninel Rumiantseva. Berlin:Akademie Verlag. See Karl Marx, Notebook 116, Marx-Engels Archives, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, shelf-mark B127. See Karl Marx, Notebooks 119 21, Marx-Engels Archives, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, shelf-mark B130 B132. See Karl Marx, Notebook 136 and Notebook 152, Marx-Engels Archives, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, shelf-mark B148, and B149. See Karl Marx, Excerpt from 1875, Russian State Archive, shelf-mark f.1 op.1, d.3601; Notebook 131 MarxEngels Archives, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, B139. See Marx 1994 for comprehensive English and Russian editions. Other partial editions exist in English, French, German and Italian. Marxs mathematical manuscripts will be published as MEGA I/28 and IV/30.
6. 7.
MECW refers to Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works. 1975. New York: International Publishers. MEGA refers to Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Gesamtausgabe. 19751998. Berlin: Dietz Verlag / 1998. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. Alembert, Jean Baptiste Le Rond d. 1743. Trait de dynamique Paris. Du Bois-Reymond, Emil. 1870. Leibnizische Gedanken in der neueren Naturwissenschaft. In Monatsberichte der Kniglich Preuischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 835ff. Engels, Frederick, 1922. Natur Dialektik. Dialektika Prirody. In vol. 2 of Arkhiv K. Marksa i F. Engelsa, edited by D. Ryazanov, 2440. Moscow. . 1927. Dialektik und Natur. In vol. 2 of Marx-Engels-Archiv, edited by D. Ryazanov, 117395. Frankfurt am Main. Fick, Adolf, 1869, Die Naturkraefte in ihrer Wechselbeziehung. Wrzburg: Stahel. Fraas, Carl. 1847. Klima und Pflanzenwelt in der Zeit: Ein Beitrag zur Geshichte beider. Landshut. Griese, Anneliese, and Gerd Pawelzig. 1995. Friedrich Engels Dialektik der Natur: Eine vergleichende Studie zur Editionsgeschichte. MEGA-Studien (Amsterdam) 1:3360. Helmholtz, Hermann. 1847. ber die Erhaltung der Kraft. Berlin. Hermann, Ludimar. 1874. Grundriss der Physiologie des Menschen. 5th ed. Berlin.
Hospitalier, douard. 1882. La physique moderne : Les principales applications de lletricit. 2nd ed. Paris: Corbeil. Jckel, Peter. 1997. Arbeiten zur Physiologie als Quellen der Marxchen Exzerpte zur unorganischen und organischen Chemie. In Karl Marx: Zwichen Philosophie und Naturwissenschaften, edited by Anneliese Griese and Hans Jrg Sandkhler, 189203. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Jckel, Peter, and Peter Krger. 1997. Aktualisierte bersicht ber die naturewissenschaftlichen Exzerpte von Marx (1846 bis 1882). In Karl Marx:Zwischen philosophie und Naturwissenschafter, edited by Anneliese Griese and Hans Jrg Sandkhler, 93104. Frankfurt am Main:Peter Lang. Johnston, James F. W. 1847. Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. 2nd ed. London: W. Blackwood. . 1849, Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. 23rd ed. London: W. Blackwood. . 1885. Notes on North America: Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. 23rd ed. London:W.Blackwood. . 1877. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. Edinbrugh. Jukes, Joseph B. 1877. The Students Manual of Geology. 3rd ed. Edinburgh:A. and C. Black. Kedrov, Bonifati M. 1974, Polveka raboty nad tekstami i zamyslami F. Engelsa. In Filosofiya i estestvozniya: K semidesiyatiletiu akademika Bonifatiya Mikhajlovicha Kedrova: 25768. Moscow:Nauka. Kuhne, Wilhelm F. 1868. Lehrbuch der Phsiologischen Chemie. Leipzig. Kuznetsov, Vladimir. 1977a. Philosophical Concepts of the Development of Chemistry. In Philosophical Concepts in Natural Science, 14254. Moscow: Social Sciences Today, USSR Academy of Sciences. . 1977b. Unity of Social and Object Factors in the Development of Science. In Soviet Studies in the History of Science, 3250. Moscow: Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology, USSR Academy of Sciences. Liebknecht, Wilhelm. 1896. Reminiscences of Marx. Reprint, 1978. In: Marx and Engels through the Eyes of Their Contemporaries, 61119. Moscow:Progress. Lyell, Charles. 1863. The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man with Remarks on the Theories of the Origin of Species by Variation. London: J. Murray. Mach, Ernst. 1872. Die Geschichte und die Wurzel des Satzes von der Erhaltung der Arbeit. Prague. Marx, Karl. 1981. Die technologisch-historischen Exzerpte: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe. Frankfrut am Main: Ullstein. . 1982. Exzerpte ber Arbeitsteilung. Maschinerie und Industrie. Berlin:Ullstein. . 1994. Mathematical manuscripts. Translated from Russian and edited by Pradip Baksi. Calcutta: Viswakos. Russian edition Matematicheskie Rukopisi. Edited by sofya Aleksandrovna Yanovskaya. 1968 Moscow: Nauka. Meyer, Lother. 1872. Die modernen Theorien der Chemie und ihre Bedeutung fr die chemische static. 2nd ed. Breslau. Morgan, Lewis Henry. 1877. Ancient Society. New York: H.Holt. Poppe, Johann H. M. 1830. Die Physik vorzglich in Anwendung auf Knste, Manufakturen und andere ntzliche Gewerbe. Tbingen. Preyer. William T. 1873. ber die Erforschung des Lebens. Jena. Ranke, Johannes. 1875, Grundzge der Physiologie des menschen mit Rcksicht auf die Gesundsheitspflege. 3rd ed. Leipzig: W. Engelmann. Roscoe, Henry E. 1873. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Chemie. 4th ed. Brunswick. Roscoe, Henry E., and Carl Schorlemmer. 1877. Ausfhrliches Lehrhuch der Chemie. Vol 1. Nichtmetalle. 1879. Vol. 2 Die Metalle und spectralanalyse. Brunswick: F. Vieweg. Schlosser, Friedrich C. 18441857. Weltgeschichte fr das deutsche Volk. Vols. 119. Frankfurt am Main. Schorlemmer, Carl. 1874. Lehrbuch der Kohlenstoffverbindungen oder der organischen Chemie. 2nd ed. English translation published under the title The Rise and Development of Organic Chemistry. Manchester: J. E. Cornish, 1879. Thomson, William, and Peter G. Tait, 1867. Treatise on Natural Philosophy. Vol. 1. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Wiedemann, Gustav. 1874. Die Lehre vom Galvanismus und Electromagnetismus. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Brunswick. Witzschel, Benjamin. 1858. Die Physik falich dargestellt nach ihrem neuesten Standpukte. 2nd ed Leipzig. Yeats, John. 1872. The Natural History of the Raw Materials of Commerce. London.
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