UWA X Sasin - GMBA Brochure 24 - 11 - 2023

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First-Year Certification by

Global MBA
2 Years | Online + Campus Immersion

Earn MBA Degree from UWA and a Certificate in Business

Management from Sasin School of Management
Program Summary - UWA Global MBA

Institute Name Program Duration Cost

UWA 24 Months USD 9,000

Learning Mode Weekly effort Faculty

Online – pre-recorded videos, 4-6 hours mandatory and 11-13 1st year content by Sasin faculty and
weekly live session with Industry hours for additional activities 2nd year content by UWA faculty
experts or faculty member

Payment Options Special Pricing Guest Faculty/

Flexible Payment Yes. Corporate pricing up to Industry Experts
options available 10% discount is available if you Mid- Senior Industry
enrol with your co-workers.
Course Leaders Eligibility Certificate
Subject-Matter Experts/ Minimum graduate or diploma Upon successful completion of the
Industry Practitioners holder with 50% and minumnum 2 program, participants will be awarded
year of work experience with dual credentials –PCBM from
Sasin School of Management and
MBA degree by UWA

Learning Experience
Glossary Course Leaders Industry Practionner Office Hours Asyncronous Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any LIVE sessions with the institute faculty in this program?
This program includes live sessions that will be conducted either by institute faculty or course leaders.
What is the role of the Course Leader? Are they institute faculty?
Course leaders are Industry Practitioners/ Subject-Matter Experts who help with doubt clearing, cover specific topics deeper,
and share real-world examples wherever needed. They are not faculty of the institute.
Who grades/ gives inputs on the assignments and projects?
The assignment grading frameworks are created in collaboration with the Emeritus grading team, and a few selected
assignments would be graded by course leaders.
Is there a qualifying mark/ grade to get the final certification in this program?
Yes, the qualifying mark is a minimum 60% weighted average mark overall.
What if I miss the assignments for a particular week? Can I attempt them later?
First-Year Assignment Submission Policy:
Assignment Submission Deadline: To ensure smooth and timely processing of your assignments, we request that you
adhere to a one-week deadline for each submission.
Resubmission Policy: To empower you to improve upon your initial submissions, we provide the opportunity for a single
resubmission per assignment. This is after we've completed our initial review and shared our feedback and grades. Please
note, that it's important to send any resubmissions within 7 days of receiving your graded work to allow for effective
feedback and grading.
Late Submissions: We will accept late submissions up to two weeks after the assignment's due date. However, to keep
things fair and manageable, we cannot offer the resubmission option for late submissions.
Who is the faculty for live online sessions/doubt-clearing sessions?
Live sessions will be conducted either by institute faculty or course leaders, who have real-world experience in the domain.
Doubt-clearing sessions are conducted by the course leaders, as they monitor individual student progress.
Do I get the Alumni status of the Institute upon completion of this course
This program offers you UWA and Sasin associalte alumni status access, which allows you to network with other UWA and
Sasin alumni and a host of other benefits. However, this is not the same as the UWA or Sasin alumni status accorded for full-
time campus courses.
Will Emeritus/ Institute help with placement services?
Emeritus offers career services in this program. Sasin or UWA are not involved in any way and make no commitments
regarding the career services.
What if I don’t find the program appropriate for me after starting the sessions? Can I seek a refund?
We encourage our learners to complete the program to fully understand the concepts and derive valuable learning
outcomes. Should you still feel the need to stop your learning journey, a refund request can be initiated before the program
commencement. However, after the program commences, fee becomes non-refundable.
What type of certificate will I receive?
Upon successfully achieving 60% overall for the program, you will receive a smart digital marksheet (called AHEGS) as well as
a hard copy of your degree certificate. You can share the digital smart certificate with your family, friends, and prospective
employers. You should expect to receive the AHEGS in about 6-8 weeks after the program ends and your electronic and hard
copy certificate in about 12 weeks after the program ends.
How long will I have access to the learning materials?
You will have access to the online learning platform, all the videos, and program materials for 24 months following the
program's end date. Access to the learning platform is restricted to registered participants per the terms of the agreement.

Note: This program summary is provided only for your convenience. You are advised to refer to the complete program brochure for more information.
Why a
global MBA?

A global MBA places significant emphasis
on understanding the complexities of
conducting business on an international
scale. You'll be equipped with the
knowledge and skills to navigate the of CEOs said it was ‘very
challenges and opportunities presented important’ to increase
by the global marketplace. global outsourcing to
manage fixed costs and
Renowned for its curriculum, our global shift risk.
MBA blends in-depth academic Source (EY 2023 CEO Survey)
learning with beneficial real-world

experience. You'll acquire the latest
skills in business and strategic thinking.

Broaden your business acumen by

learning how multinational of employers hired MBA
corporations work and innovate. graduates against other
graduates across all
industries in 2022.
Source (Statista Research
Department, 2023)

Southeast Asia is primed for growth. The region is
likely to attract more foreign direct investment (FDI)
and catapult many of its companies into global
territory. In this scenario, professionals seeking to
succeed in global business need a world-class
global MBA program to equip them with the
necessary knowledge and skills. Our program is
tailored to help with your global career goals,

offering a comprehensive, strategic perspective and
invaluable knowledge. With top faculty and leaders
available to you, our global MBA will be a big step
towards achieving your professional goals.

Senior Lecturer
UWA Business School
Best Business
School in
(AFR BOSS Best Business
Schools 2023)

No. 1
School in
(Eduniversal Ranking
Embark on a global career
with this MBA program
This global MBA offers a unique blend of global business knowledge, providing
practical insights that enhance shareholder returns. This program, tailored for
emerging leaders, equips you with advanced international business expertise
and a diverse perspective crucial in today's globalised economy.

Manage human Lead financial Acquire advanced

capital in a decision-making managerial
global context economics skills

Lead change and Lead Develop expertise

transformation organisations in international
more effectively strategy and
management skills
Amplify your
leadership potential
Invest in yourself

According to the Boston Consulting Group, growth leaders will be

differentiated by their ability to leverage business models that reflect the new
global paradigm. As a result, more and more organisations are strengthening
their core offerings while operationalising new models.

For leaders who want to assist companies in capitalising on the new economic
patterns in globalisation and seize the future, this program offers the following

Analytical and Problem identification and

numerical capabilities problem-solving skills

Critical mindset for Effective interpersonal

critical appraisal and team-building skills
Become a global
business leader
Designed for mid- to senior-level working professionals interested in
advancing their managerial careers, this program will give professionals an
edge over their peers in a global context.

For business leaders wishing to influence a globalised market, this program

will enhance their managerial expertise in all corporate activities with
cutting-edge insights.

Gain a 360-degree global Lead business growth

view of business and transformation

Drive innovation through a Develop an effective

customer-centric approach operations strategy

Make impactful Communicate seamlessly

business decisions with global teams

Earn credentials from both Sasin and UWA

Get one step closer to your global career.
Program features
Global curriculum and
1 Pursue an online MBA
while you work award-winning teachers and

Association to Advance Dual alumni status from UWA - a
Collegiate Schools of Business
(AACSB) and European Quality
4 network of 145,000+ international
alumni and Sasin
Improvement System (EQUIS)
accredited MBA

5 6
Two days of on-campus Recognition of prior learning:
immersion* at Sasin grants credit for the completion
School of Management of the Professional Certificate in
Business Management from
Sasin School of Management

Latest, real-life
management examples
delivered through case
8 Career services from


*On-campus immersion is mandatory

Recognition of prior
Program structure

Global MBA
1st Year 2nd Year
Complete the Professional Complete the
Certificate in Business modules offered by UWA.
Management from Sasin
School of Management.

Modules from
+ 6
= 12Modules
Sasin School of from UWA (Global MBA
Management degree)

The MBA - Global degree is

awarded solely by UWA.
Year 1 program courses
The first year of the program will be taught
via recorded videos by leading Sasin School of
Management faculty.

Managing human capital in a global context

Operations and supply chain management

Accounting for decision making

International strategy and management

Statistical methods for management decisions

Entrepreneurship and new venture formulation
Renowned faculty
from the Sasin School of Management

Paul Tiffany Lance Richards

International Strategy Managing
and Management, Human Capital,
Sasin Sasin

Evan Douglas Stefano Starita

Entrepreneurship Statistical Methods for
and New Venture Management Decisions,
Formulation, Sasin Sasin

Arnab Basu Thomas Connelly

Operations and Supply Accounting for
Chain Management, Decision Making,
Sasin Sasin
from the Sasin School of Management
The global MBA degree program prepares professionals like you to experience
the rapidly changing global business world, first-hand. When you graduate
with a minimum 60% score overall, you will be able to continue into the
second year of the Global MBA degree.

Professional Certificate in Business Management

from the Sasin School of Management

All certificate images are for illustrative purposes only and may be subject to change at the discretion
of the Sasin School of Management.
Year 2 program courses
The second year of the program will be taught via
recorded videos by UWA's award-winning teachers
and researchers.

Managerial economics


Business strategy

Leadership in organisation

Organisational change and transformation

Managerial finance
Award-winning teachers
and researchers from UWA

Paul Crompton Joanne Sneddon

Managerial Marketing, UWA
Economics, UWA Centre for Human
Business School and Cultural Values

Russell Poskitt Dee Roche

Managerial Leading Change and
Finance, UWA Transformation,
Business School UWA Business School

David Blyth Jenny Hoffman

Business Strategy, Leadership in
UWA Business Organisation, UWA
School Business School
Global MBA degree
from UWA
On completing the second year of this program, taught by UWA, with a
minimum of 60% weighted average mark overall, participants will receive a
Master of Business Administration - Global from UWA, along with alumni

Global MBA degree from UWA

All certificate/degree images are for illustrative purposes only and may be subject to change at
the discretion of UWA.
The program
in numbers

15+ Learn in-demand concepts,

Leading faculty members, principles and theories of core
teachers and researchers management areas.

Assimilate cognitive skills to

respond appropriately to
110+ regulatory, ethical, social, and
Hours of pre-recorded sustainability issues.
videos and podcasts
Nurture the ability to confidently
operate in culturally diverse
40+ settings and uncertain
Live sessions with faculty/ environments.
industry experts*
Build the capacity to critically
assess and formulate effective
real-world strategies.
Discussion boards Lead with strategic decision-
making and data-driven insights
to improve business outcomes.

210+ Succeed with value-creating

Case studies, quizzes, real- innovative and agile thinking
world examples and across functional and technical

*The live session schedule and speaker(s) are subject to change. Confirmation will be provided after the
commencement of the program.

**The final number of quizzes, assignments, and discussions will be confirmed closer to the
commencement of the program.
Sasin associate
alumni benefits
Student privileges
Get Sasin Executive Education Student ID

Receive a 10% discount at Sasin ScanNGo store

Access to available parking space at Sasin School of


Associate alumni benefits

Receive exclusive invitations to public Sasin events
(online and in person)

Become part of Sasin School of Management

Associate Alumni Network

Receive a 10% discount at Sasin ScanNGo store

Receive Sasin e-newsletters

Get a 10% discount on Sasin Executive Education


Access to the online alumni directory of Sasin

Professional Certificate in Business Management
UWA alumni benefits
Join a global network of over 145,000 alumni

Invitations to exclusive UWA alumni events and

networking opportunities

Receive alumni communications, including the

Community Connect e-newsletter

Two editions per year of Uniview, the University's digital


UWA digital ID Card

career support
Emeritus provides the following career preparation services:

UWA, Sasin, and Emeritus do not offer a job placement or promise a

progression in your current job. Our career services are offered as a service that
empowers you to manage your career proactively. UWA and Sasin are not
involved in any way and make no commitments regarding the career services
mentioned here.

Résumé building Interview LinkedIn profile-

videos preparation videos building videos

Interview Glossary of résumé

guidebooks templates
Program fee
Easy instalment options
Duration 2 years

Program start date 28 June 2024

Program fee USD $9,000*

The student must bear travel and accommodation expenses associated with the on-campus immersion.

Admissions are on a first-come, first-served basis. There might not be subsequent rounds if enrolment for
this program is filled in the initial rounds.
Eligibility for program
Applicants must meet at least one component of each of five parts:

Part 1- Academic requirement

Part 2- Work experience requirement
Part 3- English proficiency requirement
Part 4- Domicile requirement

Part 1 - Academic requirement

a) (i) Graduates (10+2+4) or graduates (6+6+4)- equivalent degree from a
recognised university*; and
(ii) At least 50 UWA weighted average mark.
b) (i) Graduates (10+2+4)or Graduates (6+6+4) -equivalent degree from a
recognised university*; and
(ii) A valid Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) score of at least 550
(validity is 5 years).
c) (i) Graduates (10+2+4) or Graduates (6+6+4) -equivalent degree from a
recognised university*; and
(ii) At least 2 additional years of relevant documented professional experience
considered by UWA to be sufficient to permit satisfactory completion of the
d) (i) A UWA graduate certificate, which articulates with this program, and
(ii) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 65.
e) (i) A Graduate Certificate in Business, or an equivalent qualification from a
post-experience and accredited course, as recognised by UWA; and
(ii) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 70.

*Government recognition

Part 2 - Work experience requirement

Minimum of 2 years of full-time work experience in a registered
firm/company/industry, educational and/or government institution or
autonomous organisation post-graduation as of the program start date.
Part 3 - English proficiency requirement


to be met)

A Grade 12 completion from a Senior Higher Secondary Established by legislation or

recognised International School Education Diploma presidential decrees
with min 50% in English subject

B Pearson Written English Test and Maximum 2 attempts possible : Get in touch with Emeritus
Pearson Spoken English Test Minimum score required -59 program advisor for additional
(Offered via Emeritus*) information

C Eruditus/Emeritus Programs Completion of Postgraduate Completed

Diploma course from Singapore within two
accredited by Council for Private years of
Education (CPE). application.

D GCE A-level Minimum grade E in either English Must be endorsed by CIE, OCR,
language or English Literature or Edexcel, AQA or other UK authority
English Language and Literature. (independent and school-assessed
A-levels are not sufficient).

E GCE AS-level (General Paper) Minimum grade C Must be awarded by

Cambridge International

F C1 Advanced Minimum grade of 180 with no Formerly known as

band less than 170. Cambridge English: Advanced

G IELTS (Academic) OR IELTS for Minimum overall score of 6.5 with Results are
UKVI (Academic) Pen & Paper no band less than 6.0. valid for two
based years.

H IELTS (Academic) Computer Minimum overall score of 6.5 with

Delivered no band less than 6.0.

I English A1 at HL or SL - Minimum Higher Level or

score 4 Standard Level

J International Baccalaureate English A2 at HL or SL - Minimum Higher Level or

Diploma (IB) score 4 Standard Level

K English B at HL - Minimum score 5 Higher Level

L PTE (Academic) An overall score of 64 with a Results are valid

minimum score of 59 in the speaking for two years.
and writing sections, and no less
than 54 in the listening and reading

M TOEFL Essay Rating / Test of Written Results are valid

English (TWE) of 4.5 and either 230 for two years.
(computer based) or 570
(Paper-based) score

N Next Generation TOEFL (IBT or Overall score of 82 Results are valid

paper) - All sections: Minimum 20 for two years.

O Overseas secondary studies Secondary teaching and Completed

taught and examined in English examination in English is acceptable within two years
if deemed equivalent to Australian of application.
matriculation (Year 12) with a pass in
the final year English paper.

Degree studies taught and At least one successful year of Completed

examined in English outside full-time or equivalent degree within two years
Australia studies, undertaken in Canada of application.
(excluding Quebec), Ireland, New
Zealand, the United Kingdom or the
United States of America
Required documents
Part 4 - Domicile requirement
Applicants to provide evidence of any one of the following:
Electric/internet/landline/water bill (within 3 months)
Employment/payslip along with passport
Thai house registration book
Thai certificate of residence

Educational qualifications
Colour-scanned copy of graduation certificate and transcript

Work experience
Colour-scanned copy of experience letter or relieving letter (on company’s
letterhead) displaying the start and end date for each company that the
participant has worked with and a copy of the latest résumé

English proficiency requirement

Any document as per Part 3 - English Proficiency Requirement
Important information

This is a competitive selection process, which means that whilst you

may meet the admission requirements, you may not be successful
in securing an offer for the program. We recommend you make any
significant decisions after receiving an offer letter.

We encourage you to review the document requirements and take

colour copies before commencing the application process as this
may cause unnecessary delays.

If you are unsure whether you meet the admission/English

requirements, please submit your application, and we will advise of
any additional information that will be required.

Submission of the online application requires an application

processing fee, which is nonrefundable. You must have a valid
credit/debit card issued in Thailand at the time of application.

All fee payments will be accepted only in USD from a credit/debit card
issued in Thailand or through Thailand-originating wire transfers.
About the Sasin School of
The first internationally accredited business school
in Thailand
Established in 1982 through a collaboration among Chulalongkorn University,
the Kellogg School of Management, and the Wharton School of the University
of Pennsylvania, Sasin School of Management was the first AACSB and EQUIS
accredited business school in Thailand. In 2019, The Times Higher Education /
Wall Street Journal (THE/WSJ) ranked Sasin #43 in the world for 2-year MBA
programs, the only business school in Southeast Asia to feature in this ranking.

Sasin School of Management partners with 51 world-class institutions in 22

countries/territories around the world, providing you the context and the
opportunities to take your career or your business to the next level.
About The University
of Western Australia
As Western Australia’s only top 72 university (QS 2023), a degree from the UWA
Business School is your passport to the world. The UWA Business School is one
of a few institutions in Australia to be accredited by both the European Quality
Improvement System (EQUIS) and Association to Advance Collegiate Schools
of Business (AACSB). These are leading business school accreditations in
Europe and North America, meaning employers around the world recognise
the quality of a UWA degree in business. The UWA Business School is also a
signatory of the UN PRME.

By working alongside industry partners on real challenges, and taking on

networking opportunities, work placements and internships, you’ll gain the
skills, knowledge and connections to kick-start your dream career.
Connect with a program advisor


Apply for the program here


WhatsApp an advisor at +63822260224*

*This number does not accept any calls. All queries are to be sent by

For registration and any other information,

get in touch with us at [email protected]
In collaboration with

CRICOS: 00126G | PRV12169, Australian University

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