Rehman225 - Physics Units and Dimensions

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Physics - Units and dimensions Cheat Sheet

by rehman225 via

Physical quantity Dimens​ional Formulas List

Physical Quantity is a quantity that can be measured or can be Physical Quantity Formula Dimens​ional
quanti​fied. Formula
Examples : Mass, Length, Force. Area (A) Length x Breadth [M0L2T 0]
Physical quantity can be classified into,
Speed (s) Distance / Time [M0L1T -1]
1. Fundam​ental or base quanti​ties.
Velocity (v) Displa​cement / Time [M0L1T -1]
2. Derived Quanti​ties.
Accele​ration (a) Change in velocity / Time [M0L1T -2]
Derived Quantities Linear Mass x Velocity [M1L1T -1]
The physical quantities that depend on other quantities and can be momentum (p)
derived from other physical quantities are known as derived quanti​‐ Force (F) Mass x Accele​ration [M1L1T -2]
ties. Work (W) Force x Distance [M1L2T -2]
The units of derived physical quantities are called as derived units. Energy (E) Work [M1L2T -2]
Example : Area, Volume, Density etc. Impulse (I) Force x Time [M1L1T -1]
Pressure (P) Force / Area [M1L-1T -2]
S.I System of Units
Power (P) Work / Time [M1L2T -3]
Fundam​ental Quantity Unit Symbol
Angular velocity( Angle / Time [M0L0T -1]
Length Meter m
Mass Kilogram Kg
Angular accele​‐ Angular velocity / Time [M0L0T -2]
Time Second s ration( α )
Electric current Ampere A Angular Moment of inertia x Angular [M1L2T -1]
Temper​ature Kelvin k momentum (J) velocity

Intensity of light Candela cd Torque ( ) Moment of inertia x Angular [M1L2T -2]

Quantity of substance Mole mol
Temper​ature —— [M0L0T 0K1]
Supple​mentery Quantities
Heat (Q) Energy [M1L2T -2]
Plane angle Radian rad
Latent heat (L) Heat / Mass [M0L2T -2]
Solid Angle Steradian sr

By rehman225 Published 6th July, 2022. Sponsored by

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Physics - Units and dimensions Cheat Sheet
by rehman225 via

Fundam​ental or Base Quantities Dimensions (cont)

The physical quantities that do not depend on other quantities and where,
exits indepe​ndently are known as fundam​ental or base quanti​ties. M - Mass
The units of fundam​ental quantities are called as fundam​ental units. L - Length
Example : Length, Mass, Time etc. T - Time
θ - Temper​ature
Dimens​ional Constant
Measur​ement of any physical quantity is expressed in terms of an
The constants having dimens​ional formulae are called dimens​ional
intern​ati​onally accepted certain basic standard called unit.
Four main system of repres​ent​ation of units are,
Ex : Plank's Constant, universal gravit​ational constant
FPS - Foot pound second

CGS - Centimeter gram second Homoge​neity, Applic​ations and limita​tions of D.F

MKS - Meter kilogram second The physical quantity on the left side of the equations should have
SI - Intern​ati​onally system of units. the same dimensions as on the right side of the equation
Applic​ation of Dimens​ional Formula
Advantages of SI system
(a) To verify the correc​tness of the equation.
Coherent system of units i.e., units are derived by the multip​lic​ation
(b) To convert the one system of units to another system.
or division of set of fundam​ental units.
(c) To derive relati​onship among different physical quanti​ties.
Rational system of units i.e., uses ine unit for one physical quanity.
Limita​tions of Dimens​ional Method
S.I is a decimal system and makes the calcul​ation work easy.
(a) The values of dimens​ionless constants and propor​tio​nality
S.I system is a combin​ation of practical and theore​tical work.
constants cannot be determined using dimens​ional analysis.
(b) This method is not applicable if an equation is sum or difference
of two or more quanti​ties.
The powers to which the fundam​ental units are to be raised to obtain
(c) It is not applicable to the trigon​ometry, logari​thmic and expone​‐
one unit of the quantity are termed as dimensions of a physical
ntial functions.
(d) It cannot be used to find propor​tio​nality constants.
Dimens​ional Formula
The expression showing the powers to which the fundam​ental units
are to be raised to obtain one unit of a derived quantity is termed as
dimens​ional formula of that quantity.
Dimens​ional formula of any quantity can be expressed as
[MaLbT c θd]

By rehman225 Published 6th July, 2022. Sponsored by

Last updated 6th July, 2022. Everyone has a novel in them. Finish
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