Jury Deliberation and Verdict

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Jury Deliberation - Re-charge

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-against- CHARGE

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100 Centre Street
New York, New York 10013
May 30, 2024
B E F O R E:

A P P E A R A N C E S:
One Hogan Place
New York, New York 10013
Assistant District Attorneys

Attorneys for the Defendant
Principal Court Reporter
Senior Court Reporters

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberation - Re-charge

1 SERGEANT: All rise.

2 Part 59 is now in session. The Honorable Juan

3 Merchan is presiding.

4 THE COURT: You may be seated.

5 THE CLERK: This is The People of the State of

6 New York against Donald J. Trump. Indictment 71543 of '23.

7 Appearances, starting with the People.

8 MR. STEINGLASS: For the People, ADAs Joshua

9 Steinglass, Matthew Colangelo, Susan Hoffinger, Becky

10 Mangold, Christopher Conroy, Katherine Ellis.

11 Good morning, everyone.

12 THE COURT: Good morning.

13 MR. BLANCHE: Good morning, Your Honor.

14 Todd Blanche, and I am joined by Emil Bove, Susan

15 Necheles, and Kendra Wharton, and President Trump to my

16 left.

17 Good morning.

18 THE COURT: Good morning.

19 Good morning, Mr. Trump.

20 So, as promised, I did review the disputed

21 sections of read-back, and I sent you an email this morning

22 telling you what I had decided.

23 In substance, I determined that all of the areas

24 that were in dispute, which at this point weren't really

25 very many, they should all come in.

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberation - Re-charge

1 Subsequent to that, I received another email

2 suggesting that if I was going to include one section, that

3 I should include another; and my position is that you

4 should as well.

5 Anything that either one of you would like to put

6 on the record regarding that?

7 MR. STEINGLASS: No thank you, Judge.

8 MR. BLANCHE: No, your Honor.

9 THE COURT: So, I think we are ready for the read

10 back.

11 We did receive another note that I would like to

12 put on the record. It's marked as Court Exhibit Number 6,

13 signed by the Jury Foreperson at 9:32 this morning, and it

14 says:

15 We, the jury, request:

16 First, that the read-back of the instructions

17 begin with the description of how the jury considers the

18 evidence and what inferences can be drawn from the facts,

19 example, rain metaphor, through the description of the law

20 with respect to Count 1.

21 As I see it, what they are asking then is for me

22 to begin on Page 7 and continue to Page 35.

23 MR. BLANCHE: We agree.

24 THE COURT: You agree?

25 MR. BLANCHE: Yes.

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberation - Re-charge

1 MR. STEINGLASS: Do you want to start on Page 6?

2 MR. BLANCHE: I guess the only question is

3 whether to start on Page 6, instead of 7, where the charge

4 starts, Evidence. They certainly pointed to Page 7, which

5 is the window, rain example, but they don't have a hard

6 copy of the --

7 THE COURT: We can start on Page 6, that's fine.

8 And then there was a second request:

9 Whether or not we can be provided with headphones

10 with a 3.5 MM input jack for use with the evidence laptop.

11 I confirmed that we can provide them with such

12 headphones, and I am also told that we can provide them

13 with speakers that they can connect to the computer. This

14 way they can all listen to it at the same time, which they

15 can not do if they have headphones.

16 MR. STEINGLASS: We would just suggest both.

17 MR. BLANCHE: Agreed.

18 THE COURT: All right.

19 Okay. If there is nothing else to clarify, let's

20 bring in the jury.

21 MR. STEINGLASS: I don't think the Court

22 Reporters have the last thing added this morning. I just

23 want to put that on the record, if you give me one minute,

24 please.

25 So, we are adding Page 1481, Line 4 through Page

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberation - Re-charge

1 1482, Line 25. There was a piece of that that was already

2 there, but it's now a more fulsome section.

3 Okay.

4 MR. BLANCHE: And we agree with that.

5 MR. STEINGLASS: May I, for the record, both

6 parties were given a copy of Court Exhibit 6, which is a

7 note from this morning and signed at 9:32 am.

8 It is the one that your Honor just read into the

9 record.

10 THE COURT: Yes. Thank you for you acknowledging

11 receipt.

12 And I read it correctly?

13 MR. BLANCHE: Yes, your Honor.

14 THE COURT: Yesterday, at the end of the day I

15 mentioned that the laptop did not have Wi-Fi capability. I

16 wasn't sure that was put on the record.

17 You both acknowledge that you heard that?

18 MR. BLANCHE: Yes.



21 THE COURT: Okay.

22 You can bring in the jury now.

23 SERGEANT: All rise.

24 Jury entering.

25 (Whereupon, the jury entered the courtroom

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberation - Re-charge

1 and were properly seated.)

2 THE COURT: Please be seated.

3 THE CLERK: Do all parties stipulate that all

4 jurors are present and properly seated?



7 THE CLERK: Thank you.

8 THE COURT: Good morning, Jurors.

9 Welcome back.

10 Jurors, it has been a little bit since I last

11 read your two notes from yesterday, so I am going to

12 re-read them now.

13 First note was signed by the Jury Foreperson at

14 2:56. It was marked as Court Exhibit Number 4, and it

15 says: We, the Jury, request:

16 First, David Pecker's testimony regarding the

17 phone conversation to Donald Trump while David Pecker was

18 in the investor meeting.

19 Two, David Pecker's testimony regarding the

20 decision not to finalize and fund the assignment of

21 McDougal's life rights.

22 Three, David Pecker's testimony regarding the

23 Trump Tower meeting.

24 And four, Michael Cohen's testimony regarding

25 Trump Tower meeting.

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberation - Re-charge

1 Okay. We have located that testimony, and we are

2 ready to read it back to you in just one moment.

3 You also sent us another note which was signed by

4 the Jury Foreperson at 3:51. It was marked as Court

5 Exhibit 5.

6 It says:

7 We, the jury, request to re-hear Judge's

8 instructions.

9 I then asked if you wanted to hear the entire set

10 of instruction or just a portion of it.

11 And this morning you gave us another note. That

12 note has been marked as Court Exhibit Number 6, and it is

13 signed by the Jury Foreperson at 9:32. And it says:

14 We, the jury, request that the read back of the

15 instructions begin with the description of how the jury

16 considers the evidence and what inferences can be drawn

17 from the facts, for example, the rain metaphor, through the

18 description of the law with respect to Count 1.

19 Did I read that correctly, Mr. Foreperson?


21 THE COURT: So, Mr. Foreperson, should I assume

22 that you no longer need to deal with Court Exhibit Number

23 5, that this replaces Court Exhibit Number 5?


25 THE COURT: There was a second request on this

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberation - Re-charge

1 note, and that is:

2 Whether or not we can be provided with headphones

3 with a 3.5 MM input jack for use of the evidence laptop.

4 Did I read that correctly, Mr. Foreperson?


6 THE COURT: I am told that, yes, you can be

7 provided with such a headphone, but I am also told that you

8 can be provided with speakers that can be connected to the

9 laptop so that more than one person can listen to it at a

10 time.

11 The choice is yours. I am letting you know you

12 have the choice to make. And just let me know later, send

13 me another note, you don't have to come back out, let me

14 know if you want the headphones or the speakers.

15 Ordinarily, I read the notes in the order in

16 which they come out. But I wanted to ask whether you

17 wanted the instructions read back first or you wanted the

18 read-back first?

19 JURY FOREPERSON: The instructions first, please,

20 your Honor.

21 THE COURT: Okay.

22 So, the instructions will be Pages 6 through 35.

23 When you judge the facts, you are to consider

24 only the evidence.

25 The evidence in this case includes:

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberation - Re-charge

1 The testimony of the witnesses, the exhibits that

2 were received in evidence, and the stipulations agreed to

3 by the parties.

4 Remember, a stipulation is information the

5 parties have agreed to present to the jury as evidence,

6 without calling a witness to testify.

7 Testimony which was stricken from the record or

8 to which an objection was sustained must be disregarded by

9 you.

10 Exhibits that were received in evidence are

11 available, upon your request, for your inspection and

12 consideration.

13 Exhibits that were just seen during the trial, or

14 marked for identification but not received in evidence, are

15 not evidence, and are thus not available for your

16 inspection and consideration.

17 Testimony based upon those exhibits that were not

18 received in evidence may be considered by you.

19 In evaluating the evidence, you may consider any

20 fact that is proven and any inference which may be drawn

21 from such fact.

22 To draw an inference means to infer, find,

23 conclude that a fact exists or does not exist based upon

24 proof of some other fact or facts.

25 For example, suppose you go to bed one night and

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberation - Re-charge

1 it is not raining, and when you wake up in the morning, you

2 look out your window. You do not see rain, but you see

3 that the street and sidewalk are wet, and that people are

4 wearing raincoats and carrying umbrellas. Under those

5 circumstances, it may be reasonable to infer, that is

6 conclude, that it rained during the night.

7 In other words, the fact of it having rained

8 while you were asleep is an inference that might be drawn

9 from the proven facts of the presence of the water on the

10 street and sidewalk, and people in raincoats and carrying

11 umbrellas.

12 An inference must only by drawn from a proven

13 fact or facts, and then, only if the inference flows

14 naturally, reasonably and logically from the proven fact or

15 facts, not if it is speculative.

16 Therefore, in deciding whether to draw an

17 inference, you must look at and consider all the facts in

18 light of reason, common sense and experience.

19 As you know, certain exhibits were admitted into

20 evidence with some portions blacked out or redacted. Those

21 redactions were made to remove personal identifying

22 information and to ensure that only relevant admissible

23 evidence was put before you.

24 You may not speculate as to what material was

25 redacted or why, and you may not draw any inference,

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberation - Re-charge

1 favorable or unfavorable against either party, from the

2 fact that certain material has been redacted.

3 You may recall that I instructed you several

4 times during the trial that certain exhibits were being

5 accepted into evidence for a limited purpose only, and that

6 you were not to consider that evidence for any other

7 purpose.

8 Under the law we refer to that as a limiting

9 instruction. I will now remind you of some of the limiting

10 instructions that you were given during the course of the

11 trial.

12 You will recall that you heard testimony that

13 while David Pecker was an executive at AMI, AMI entered

14 into a Non-Prosecution Agreement with Federal prosecutors,

15 as well as the Conciliation Agreement with the Federal

16 Election Commission, the FEC. I remind you that evidence

17 was permitted to assist you, the jury, in assessing David

18 Pecker's credibility and to help provide context for some

19 of the surrounding events. You may consider that testimony

20 for those purposes only.

21 Neither the Non-Prosecution Agreement, nor the

22 Conciliation Agreement is evidence of the Defendant's

23 guilt, and you may not consider them in determining whether

24 the Defendant is guilty or not guilty of the charged

25 crimes.

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberation - Re-charge

1 You also heard testimony that the Federal

2 Election Commission conducted an investigation into the

3 payment to Stormy Daniels and of responses submitted by

4 Michael Cohen and his attorneys to the investigation. That

5 evidence was permitted to assist you, the jury, in

6 assessing Michael Cohen's credibility and to help provide

7 context for some of the surrounding events. You may

8 consider that evidence for those purposes only.

9 Likewise, you will recall that you heard

10 testimony that Michael Cohen pled guilty to violating the

11 Federal Election Campaign Act, otherwise known a FECA. I

12 remind you that evidence was permitted to assist you, the

13 jury, in assessing Mr. Cohen's credibility as a witness and

14 to help provide context for some of the events that

15 followed. You may consider that testimony for those

16 purposes only.

17 Neither the fact of the FEC investigation,

18 Mr. Cohen and his attorney's responses, or the fact that

19 Mr. Cohen pleaded guilty constitutes evidence of the

20 Defendant's guilt, and you may not consider them in

21 determining whether the Defendant is guilty or not guilty

22 of the charged crimes.

23 You will recall that certain Wall Street Journal

24 news articles were accepted into evidence during the trial.

25 I remind you now that the articles were accepted and may be

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 considered by you for the limited purpose of demonstrating

2 that the articles were published on or about a certain date

3 and to provide context for the other evidence.

4 The exhibits may not be considered by you as

5 evidence that any of the assertions in the articles are

6 actually true.

7 There were other exhibits which contained hearsay

8 and were not accepted for the truth of the matter asserted

9 but for another purpose.

10 For example, there were several National Enquirer

11 headlines and an invoice from Investor Advisory Services

12 which is People's 161 in evidence. Those were accepted for

13 the limited purpose of demonstrating that the articles were

14 published and the document created.

15 There were also some text messages that were

16 accepted with a similar limitation.

17 For example, People's Exhibit 171-A with respect

18 to Gina Rodriguez's texts and 257 with respect to Chris

19 Cuomo's texts, those text messages were accepted for the

20 limited purpose of providing context for the responses by

21 Dylan Howard and Michael Cohen.

22 The exhibits which were accepted into evidence

23 with a limiting instruction are 152, 153-A, 153-B, 153-C,

24 161, 171-A, 180, 181 and 257.

25 If you have any additional questions or need

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 clarification as to which exhibits were accepted into

2 evidence with limitations, just send me a note with your

3 question, and I will be happy to clarify.

4 We now turn to the fundamental principles of our

5 law that apply in all criminal trials: The presumption of

6 innocence, the burden of proof, and the requirement of

7 proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

8 Throughout these proceedings, the Defendant is

9 presumed to be innocent. As a result, you must find the

10 Defendant not guilty, unless, on the evidence presented at

11 this trial, you conclude that the People have proven the

12 Defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

13 In determining whether the People have satisfied

14 their burden of proving the Defendant's guilt beyond a

15 reasonable doubt, you may consider all of the evidence

16 presented, whether by the People or by the Defendant.

17 In doing so, however, remember that even though

18 the Defendant introduced evidence, the burden of proof

19 remains on the People.

20 The fact that the Defendant did not testify is

21 not a factor from which any inference unfavorable to the

22 Defendant may be drawn.

23 The Defendant is not required to prove that he is

24 not guilty. In fact, the Defendant is not required to

25 prove or disprove anything.

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 To the contrary, the People have the burden of

2 proving the Defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

3 That means, before you can find the Defendant guilty of a

4 crime, the People must prove beyond a reasonable doubt

5 every element of the crime including that the Defendant is

6 the person who committed that crime.

7 The burden of proof never shifts from the People

8 to the Defendant.

9 If the People fail to satisfy their burden of

10 proof, you must find the Defendant not guilty, and if the

11 People satisfy their burden of proof, you must find the

12 Defendant guilty.

13 What does our law mean when it requires proof of

14 guilt beyond a reasonable doubt?

15 The law uses the term of proof beyond a

16 reasonable doubt to tell you how convincing the evidence of

17 guilt must be to permit a verdict of guilty.

18 The law recognizes that in dealing with human

19 affairs, there are very few things in this world that we

20 know with absolute certainty. Therefore, the law does not

21 require the People to prove a defendant guilty beyond all

22 possible doubt.

23 On the other hand, it is not sufficient to prove

24 that the Defendant is probably guilty. In a criminal case,

25 the proof of guilt must be stronger than that. It must be

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 beyond a reasonable doubt.

2 A reasonable doubt is an honest doubt of the

3 Defendant's guilt for which a reason exists based upon the

4 nature and the quality of the evidence. It is an actual

5 doubt, not an imaginary doubt. It is a doubt that a

6 reasonable person, acting in a matter of this importance

7 would be likely to entertain because of the evidence that

8 was presented or because of the lack of convincing

9 evidence.

10 Proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt is proof

11 that leaves you so firmly convinced of the Defendant's

12 guilt, that you have no reasonable doubt of the existence

13 of any element of the crime or of the Defendant's identity

14 as the person who committed the crime.

15 In determining whether the People have proven the

16 Defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, you should be

17 guided solely by a full and fair evaluation of the

18 evidence.

19 After carefully evaluating the evidence, each of

20 you must decide whether that evidence convinces you beyond

21 a reasonable doubt of the Defendant's guilt.

22 Whatever your verdict may be, it must not rest

23 upon baseless speculation. Nor may it be influenced in any

24 way by bias, prejudice, sympathy, or by a desire to bring

25 an end to your deliberations or to avoid an unpleasant

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 duty.

2 If you are not convinced beyond a reasonable

3 doubt that the Defendant is guilty of a charged crime, you

4 must find the Defendant not guilty of that crime, and if

5 you are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the

6 Defendant is guilty of a charged crime, you must find the

7 Defendant guilty of that crime.

8 As judges of the facts, you alone determine the

9 truthfulness and accuracy of the testimony of each witness.

10 You must decide whether a witness told the truth

11 and was accurate, or instead, testified falsely or was

12 mistaken.

13 You must also decide what importance to give to

14 the testimony you accept as truthful and accurate.

15 It is the quality of the testimony that is

16 controlling, not the number of witnesses who testified.

17 If you find that any witness has intentionally

18 testified falsely as to any material fact, you may

19 disregard that witness's entire testimony, or you may

20 disregard so much of it as you find was untruthful and

21 accept so much of it as you find to have been truthful and

22 accurate.

23 There is no particular formula for evaluating the

24 truthfulness and accuracy of another person's statements or

25 testimony. You bring to this process all of your varied

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 experiences. In life, you frequently decide the

2 truthfulness and accuracy of statements made to you by

3 other people. The same factors used to make those

4 decisions should be used in this case when evaluating the

5 testimony.

6 Some of the factors that you may wish to consider

7 in evaluating testimony of a witness are as follows:

8 Did the witness have an opportunity to see or

9 hear the events about which he or she testified?

10 Did the witness have the ability to recall those

11 events accurately?

12 Was the testimony of the witness plausible and

13 likely to be true, or was it implausible and not likely to

14 be true?

15 Was the testimony of the witness consistent or

16 inconsistent with other testimony or evidence in the case?

17 Did the manner in which the witness testified

18 reflect upon the truthfulness of that witness's testimony?

19 To what extent, if any, did the witness's

20 background, training, education or experience affect the

21 believability of that witness's testimony?

22 Did the witness have a conscious bias, hostility

23 or some other attitude that affected the truthfulness of

24 the witness's testimony?

25 Did the witness show an unconscious bias, that

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 is, a bias that the witness may have even unknowingly

2 acquired from stereotypes and attitudes about people or

3 groups of people, and if so, did that unconscious bias

4 impact that witness's ability to be truthful and accurate?

5 You may consider whether a witness had, or did

6 not have, a motive to lie.

7 If a witness had a motive to lie, you may

8 consider whether and to what extent, if any, that motive

9 affected the truthfulness of that witness's testimony.

10 If a witness did not have a motive to lie, you

11 may consider that as well in evaluating the witness's

12 truthfulness.

13 You may consider whether a witness hopes for or

14 expects to receive a benefit for testifying. If so, you

15 may consider whether and to what extent it affected the

16 truthfulness of the witness's testimony.

17 You may consider whether a witness has any

18 interest in the outcome of the case, or instead, whether

19 the witness has no such interest.

20 You are not required to reject the testimony of

21 an interested witness, or to accept the testimony of a

22 witness who has no interest in the outcome of the case.

23 You may, however, consider whether an interest in

24 the outcome, or the lack of such interest, affected the

25 truthfulness of the witness's testimony.

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 You may consider whether a witness has been

2 convicted of a crime or has engaged in criminal conduct,

3 and if so, whether and to what extent it affects your

4 evaluation of the truthfulness of that witness's testimony.

5 You are not required to reject the testimony of a

6 witness who has been convicted of a crime or who has

7 engaged in criminal conduct, or to accept the testimony of

8 a witness who has not.

9 You may, however, consider whether a witness's

10 criminal conviction or conduct has affected the

11 truthfulness of the witness's testimony.

12 You may consider whether a witness made

13 statements at this trial that are inconsistent with each

14 other.

15 You may consider whether a witness made previous

16 statements that are inconsistent with his or her testimony

17 at trial.

18 You may consider whether a witness testified to a

19 fact here at trial that the witness omitted to state at a

20 prior time, when it would have been reasonable and logical

21 for the witness to have stated that fact. In determining

22 whether it would have been reasonable and logical for the

23 witness to have stated the omitted fact, you may consider

24 whether the witness's attention was called to the matter,

25 and whether the witness was specifically asked about it.

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 If a witness has made such inconsistent

2 statements or omissions, you may consider whether and to

3 what extent they affect the truthfulness or accuracy of

4 that witness's testimony here at this trial.

5 The contents of a prior inconsistent statement

6 are not proof of what happened. You may use evidence of a

7 prior inconsistent statement only to evaluate the

8 truthfulness or accuracy of the witness's testimony here at

9 trial.

10 You may consider whether a witness's testimony is

11 consistent with the testimony of other witnesses or with

12 other evidence in the case.

13 If there were inconsistencies by or among

14 witnesses, you may consider whether they were significant

15 inconsistencies related to important facts, or instead were

16 the kind of minor inconsistencies that one might expect

17 from multiple witnesses to the same event.

18 You have heard testimony about the prosecution

19 and defense counsel speaking to a witness about the case

20 before the witness testified at this trial.

21 The law permits the prosecution and defense

22 counsel to speak to a witness about the case before the

23 witness testifies, and permits the prosecutor and defense

24 counsel to review with the witness the questions that will

25 or may be asked at trial, including the questions that may

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 be asked on cross-examination.

2 You have also heard testimony that a witness read

3 or reviewed certain materials pertaining to this case

4 before the witness testified at trial. The law permits a

5 witness to do so.

6 Speaking to a witness about his or her testimony

7 and permitting the witness to review materials pertaining

8 to the case before the witness testifies is a normal part

9 of preparing for trial.

10 It is not improper as long as it is not suggested

11 that the witness depart from the truth.

12 The People have the burden of proving beyond a

13 reasonable doubt, not only that a charged crime was

14 committed, but that the Defendant is the person who

15 committed that crime.

16 Thus, even if you are convinced beyond a

17 reasonable doubt that a charged crime was committed by

18 someone, you cannot convict the Defendant of that crime

19 unless you are also convinced beyond a reasonable doubt

20 that he is the person who committed that crime.

21 Under our law, Michael Cohen is an accomplice

22 because there is evidence that he participated in a crime

23 based upon conduct involved in the allegations here against

24 the Defendant.

25 Our law is especially concerned about the

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 testimony of an accomplice who implicates another in the

2 commission of a crime, particularly when the accomplice has

3 received, expects or hopes for a benefit in return for his

4 testimony.

5 Therefore, our law provides that a defendant may

6 not be convicted of any crime upon the testimony of an

7 accomplice, unless it is supported by corroborative

8 evidence tending to connect the Defendant with the

9 commission of that crime.

10 In other words, even if you find the testimony of

11 Michael Cohen to be believable, you may not convict the

12 Defendant solely upon that testimony unless you also find

13 that it was corroborated by other evidence tending to

14 connect the Defendant with the commission of the crime.

15 The corroborative evidence need not, by itself,

16 prove that a crime was committed or that the Defendant is

17 guilty. What the law requires is that there be evidence

18 that tends to connect the Defendant with the commission of

19 the crime charged in such a way as may reasonably satisfy

20 you that the accomplice is telling the truth about the

21 Defendant's participation in that crime.

22 In determining whether there is the necessary

23 corroboration, you may consider whether there is material,

24 believable evidence, apart from the testimony of Michael

25 Cohen, which itself tends to connect the Defendant to the

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 commission of the crime.

2 You may also consider whether there is material,

3 believable evidence, apart from the testimony of Michael

4 Cohen, which, while it does not itself tend to connect the

5 Defendant with the commission of the crime charged, it

6 nonetheless so harmonizes with the narrative of the

7 accomplice as to satisfy you that the accomplice is telling

8 the truth about the Defendant's participation in the crime

9 and thereby tends to connect the Defendant to the

10 commission of the crime.

11 I will now instruct you on the law applicable to

12 the charged offense. That offense is Falsifying Business

13 Records in the First Degree, 34 counts.

14 Our law recognizes that two or more individuals

15 can act jointly to commit a crime, and that in certain

16 circumstances, each can be held criminally liable for the

17 acts of the others. In that situation, those persons can

18 be said to be, acting in concert with each other.

19 Our law defines the circumstance under which one

20 person may be criminally liable for the conduct of another.

21 That definition is as follows:

22 When one person engages in conduct which

23 constitutes an offense, another is criminally liable for

24 such conduct when, acting with the state of mind required

25 for the commission of that offense, he or she solicits,

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 requests, commands, importunes, or intentionally aids such

2 person to engage in such conduct.

3 Under that definition, mere presence at the scene

4 of a crime, even with knowledge that the crime was taking

5 place, or mere association with a perpetrator of a crime,

6 does not by itself make a defendant criminally liable for

7 that crime.

8 In order for the Defendant to be held criminally

9 liable for the conduct of another which constitutes an

10 offense, you must find beyond a reasonable doubt:

11 First, that he solicited, requested, commanded

12 importuned, or intentionally aided that person to engage in

13 that conduct.

14 And second, that he did so with the state of mind

15 required for the commission of the offense.

16 If it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that

17 the Defendant is criminally liable for the conduct of

18 another, the extent or degree of the defendant's

19 participation in the crime does not matter.

20 A defendant proven beyond a reasonable doubt to

21 be criminally liable for the conduct of another in the

22 commission of crime is as guilty of the crime as if the

23 Defendant, personally, had committed every act constituting

24 that crime.

25 The People have the burden of proving beyond a

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 reasonable doubt that the Defendant acted with the state of

2 mind required for the commission of the crime, and either

3 personally, or by acting in concert with another person,

4 committed each of the remaining elements of the crime.

5 Your verdict on each count you consider, whether

6 guilty or not guilty, must be unanimous. In order to find

7 the Defendant guilty, however, you need not be unanimous on

8 whether the Defendant committed the crime personally, or by

9 acting in concert with another, or both.

10 The First Count is Falsifying Business Records in

11 the First Degree:

12 Under our law, a person is guilty of Falsifying

13 Business Records in the First Degree when, with intent to

14 defraud that includes an intent to commit another crime or

15 to aid or conceal the commission thereof, that person:

16 Makes or causes a false entry in the business

17 records of an enterprise.

18 The following terms used in that definition have

19 a special meaning:

20 Enterprise means any entity of one or more

21 persons, corporate or otherwise, public or private, engaged

22 in business, commercial, professional, industrial, social,

23 political or governmental activity.

24 Business record means any writing or article,

25 including computer data or a computer program, kept or

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 maintained by an enterprise for the purpose of evidencing

2 or reflecting its condition or activity.

3 Intent means conscious objective or purpose.

4 Thus, a person acts with intent to defraud when

5 his or her conscious objective or purpose is to do so.

6 Intent does not require premeditation. In other

7 words, intent does not require advance planning. Nor is it

8 necessary that the intent be in a person's mind for any

9 particular period of time.

10 The intent can be formed, and need only exist, at

11 the very moment the person engages in prohibited conduct or

12 acts to cause the prohibited result and not at any earlier

13 time.

14 The question naturally arises as to how to

15 determine whether a defendant had the intent required for

16 the commission of a crime.

17 To make that determination in this case, you must

18 decide if the required intent can be inferred beyond a

19 reasonable doubt from the proven facts.

20 In doing so, you may consider the person's

21 conduct and all of the circumstances surrounding that

22 conduct, including, but not limited to, to the following:

23 What, if anything, did the person do or say?

24 What result, if any, followed the person's

25 conduct?

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 And was that result the natural, necessary and

2 probable consequence of that conduct.

3 Therefore, in this case, from the facts you find

4 to have been proven, decide whether you can infer beyond a

5 reasonable doubt that the Defendant had the intent required

6 for the commission of this crime.

7 As I previously explained, a person acts with

8 intent to defraud when his or her conscious objective or

9 purpose is to do so.

10 In order to prove an intent to defraud, the

11 People need not prove that the Defendant acted with the

12 intent to defraud any particular person or entity. A

13 general intent to defraud any person or entity suffices.

14 Intent to defraud is also not constricted to an

15 intent to deprive another of property or money and can

16 extend beyond economic concerns.

17 For the crime of Falsifying Business Records in

18 the First Degree, the intent to defraud must include an

19 intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the

20 commission thereof.

21 Under our law, although the People must prove an

22 intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the

23 commission thereof, they need not prove that the other

24 crime was, in fact, committed, aided, or concealed.

25 The People allege that the other crime the

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 Defendant intended to commit, aid, or conceal is a

2 violation of New York Election Law Section 17-152.

3 Section 17-152 of the New York Election Law

4 provides that any two or more than persons who conspire to

5 promote or prevent the election of any person to a public

6 office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon

7 by one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of

8 conspiracy to promote or prevent an election.

9 Under our law, a person is guilty of such a

10 conspiracy when, with intent that conduct be performed that

11 would promote or prevent the election of a person to public

12 office by unlawful means, he or she agrees with one or more

13 persons to engage in or cause the performance of such

14 conduct.

15 Knowledge of a conspiracy does not by itself make

16 the Defendant a co-conspirator. The Defendant must intend

17 that conduct be performed that would promote or prevent the

18 election of a person to public office by unlawful means.

19 Intent mean conscious objective or purpose.

20 Thus, a person acts with the intent that conduct

21 be performed that would promote or prevent the election of

22 a person to public office by unlawful means when his or her

23 conscious objective or purpose is that such conduct be

24 performed.

25 Evidence that Defendant was present when others

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 agreed to engage in the performance of a crime does not by

2 itself show that he personally agreed to engage in the

3 conspiracy.

4 Although you must conclude unanimously that the

5 Defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of

6 any person to public office by unlawful means, you need not

7 be unanimous as to what those unlawful means were.

8 In determining whether the Defendant conspired to

9 promote or prevent the election of any person to a public

10 office by unlawful means, you may consider the following:

11 One, violations of the Federal Election Campaign

12 Act, otherwise known as FECA.

13 Two, the falsification of other business records.

14 Or three, violation of tax laws.

15 The first of the People's theories of unlawful

16 means, which I will now define for you as a Federal

17 Election Campaign Act.

18 Under the Federal Election Campaign Act, it is

19 unlawful for an individual to willfully make a contribution

20 to any candidate with respect to any election for Federal

21 office, including the Office of President of the United

22 States, which exceeds a certain limit.

23 In 2015 and 2016, that limit was $2,700. It is

24 also unlawful under the Federal Election Campaign Act for

25 any corporation to willfully make a contribution of any

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 amount to a candidate, or a candidate's campaign in

2 connection with any Federal election, or for any person to

3 cause such a corporate contribution.

4 For purposes of these prohibitions, an

5 expenditure made in cooperation, consultation, or concert

6 with, or at the request or suggestion of a candidate or his

7 agents, shall be considered to be a contribution to such

8 candidate.

9 The terms contribution and expenditure include

10 anything of value, including, any purchase, payment, loan,

11 or advance, made by any person for the purpose of

12 influencing any election for Federal office.

13 Under Federal law, a third party's payment of a

14 candidate's expenses is deemed to be a contribution to the

15 candidate unless the payment would have been made

16 irrespective of the candidacy.

17 If the payment would have been made even in the

18 absence of the candidacy, the payment should not be treated

19 as a contribution.

20 FECA's definitions of contribution and

21 expenditure do not include any cost incurred in covering or

22 carrying a news story, commentary or editorial by a

23 magazine, periodical publication or similar press entity,

24 so long as such entity is a normal, legitimate press

25 function. This is called the press exemption.

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 For example, the term, legitimate press function,

2 includes solicitation letters seeking new subscribers to a

3 publication.

4 Second, of the People's theories of unlawful

5 means which I will define for you now is the falsification

6 of other business records.

7 Under New York law, a person is guilty of

8 Falsifying Business Records in the Second Degree when with

9 intent to defraud, he or she makes or causes a false entry

10 in the business records of an enterprise.

11 I previously defined for you the terms of

12 entries, business records and intent to defraud.

13 For purposes of determining whether Falsifying

14 Business Records in the Second Degree was an unlawful means

15 used by a conspiracy to promote or prevent an election

16 here, you may consider:

17 One, the bank records associated with Michael

18 Cohen's account formation paperwork for Resolution

19 Consultants LLC and Essential Consultants LLC.

20 Two, the bank records associated with Michael

21 Cohen's wire to Keith Davidson.

22 Three, the invoice from Investor Advisory

23 Services Inc. to Resolution Consultants LLC.

24 And, four, the 1099-miscellaneous forms that the

25 Trump Organization issued to Michael Cohen.

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
1 The People's third theory of unlawful means,

2 which I will define for you now, is a violation of tax

3 laws.

4 Under New York State and New York City law, it is

5 unlawful to knowingly supply or submit materially false or

6 fraudulent information in connection with any tax return.

7 Likewise, under Federal law it is unlawful for a

8 person to willfully make any tax return, statement, or

9 other document that is fraudulent or false as to any

10 material matter or, that the person does not believe to be

11 true and correct as to every material matter.

12 Under these Federal State and Local laws, such

13 conduct is unlawful, even if it does not result in the

14 underpayment of taxes.

15 In order for you to find the Defendant guilty of

16 the crime of Falsifying Business Records in the First

17 Degree under Count 1, the People are required to prove,

18 from all of the evidence in the case, beyond a reasonable

19 doubt, each of the following two elements:

20 First, that on or about February 14, 2017, in the

21 County of New York and elsewhere, the Defendant,

22 personally, or by acting in concert with another person, or

23 persons, made or caused a false entry in the business

24 records of an enterprise, specifically, an invoice from

25 Michael Cohen dated February 14, 2017, marked as a record

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberations - Read back

1 of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust and kept or

2 maintained by the Trump Organization.

3 And two, that the Defendant did so with intent to

4 defraud that included an intent to commit another crime or

5 to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

6 If you find that the People have proven beyond a

7 reasonable doubt each of those two elements, you must find

8 the Defendant guilty of this crime.

9 If you find that the People have not proven

10 beyond a reasonable doubt either one or both of those

11 elements, you must find the Defendant not guilty of this

12 crime.

13 I believe that concludes my response to your

14 first question.

15 Was that responsive to you?


17 THE COURT: We will get the read-back, now.

18 THE COURT REPORTER: I will read the questions as

19 if I am the lawyer and my colleague will read the answers

20 as if she was the witness.

21 The first read back relates to the first question

22 you had for David Pecker's testimony, re: Phone

23 conversation with Donald Trump while Pecker was in investor

24 meeting.

25 (Whereupon, the testimony as requested was

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberations - Read back

1 read back in open court.)

2 THE COURT REPORTER: This is cross-examination by

3 Mr. Bove of the witness David Pecker.

4 (Whereupon, the testimony as requested was

5 read back in open court.)

6 THE COURT REPORTER: This is in response to your

7 request number two.

8 This is redirect examination of David Pecker by

9 Mr. Steinglass.

10 (Whereupon, the testimony as requested was

11 read back in open court.)

12 THE COURT REPORTER: We are now on request number

13 three, David Pecker's testimony of the Trump Tower meeting.

14 This is, again, direct examination of David

15 Pecker by Mr. Steinglass.

16 (Whereupon, the testimony as requested was

17 read back in open court.)

18 THE COURT REPORTER: This is cross-examination of

19 David Pecker by Mr. Bove.

20 (Whereupon, the testimony as requested was

21 read back in open court.)

22 THE COURT REPORTER: This is still cross

23 examination. It is just the next day.

24 (Whereupon, the testimony as requested was

25 read back in open court.)

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberations

1 THE COURT REPORTER: Going to page 1346.

2 This is redirect examination of David Pecker by

3 Mr. Steinglass.

4 (Whereupon, the testimony as requested was

5 read back in open court.)

6 THE COURT REPORTER: Now we are up to request

7 number four.

8 Michael Cohen's testimony regarding Trump Tower

9 meeting.

10 This is direct examination of Michael Cohen by

11 Ms. Hoffinger.

12 (Whereupon, the testimony as requested was

13 read back in open court.)

14 THE COURT REPORTER: This is cross-examination of

15 Michael Cohen by Mr. Blanche.

16 (Whereupon, the testimony as requested was

17 read back in open court.)

18 THE COURT: Jurors, I believe that concludes the

19 read back.

20 Have we responded to your notes?

21 JURY FOREPERSON: Yes, you have.

22 THE COURT: So, I will excuse you now to continue

23 your deliberation.

24 I would like you to please let us know if you

25 would like the headphones or the speakers.

Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter
Jury Deliberations


2 THE COURT: Please let the record indicate that

3 the foreperson has responded both.

4 We will provide them for you.

5 You can step out.

6 COURT OFFICER: All rise.

7 THE COURT: Please do not deliberate while the

8 audio is being set up.

9 (Whereupon, the jury retired to the jury

10 room to continue deliberations.)

11 THE COURT: You may be seated.

12 You are excused.

13 (Whereupon, court is held in recess while

14 the jury deliberates.)












Susan Pearce-Bates, RPR, CCR, RSA

Principal Court Reporter

1 (The following is continued from the previous
2 page.)
3 (Whereupon, the case is in recess while the jury
4 deliberates.)
5 **************************************
6 THE COURT: Good afternoon.
7 Thank you for coming down.
8 I asked that you come down at 4:15 just to make
9 you aware that, at this time, I'm going to excuse the jury
10 about 4:30.
11 We'll give them a few more minutes, and then
12 we'll excuse them.
13 MR. BLANCHE: All right.
14 THE COURT: I am going to step out for a few
15 minutes.
16 (Whereupon, the case is in recess while the jury
17 continues to deliberate.)
18 *********************************************
19 THE SERGEANT: Remain seated.
20 Come to order. Part 59 is back in session.
21 THE COURT: I apologize for the delay.
22 We received a note. It was signed by the jury
23 foreperson at 4:20. It's marked as Court Exhibit Number 7.
24 It reads: "We, the jury, have a verdict. We
25 would like an extra 30 minutes to fill out the Forms. Will

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 that be possible?"
2 You can hand this down so you all can look at it.
3 (Whereupon, the jury note is given to the
4 parties.)
5 THE COURT: I am sure you will hear from the
6 Sergeant and Major and everyone else.
7 Please, let there be no outbursts, no reactions
8 of any kind once we take a verdict.
9 I will be right back in a few minutes.
10 MR. STEINGLASS: Thank you.
11 (Whereupon, a recess is taken.)
12 ***************************************
13 THE SERGEANT: All rise.
14 Part 59 is now in session. The Honorable Juan
15 Merchan is now presiding.
16 THE COURT: Thank you.
17 Please be seated.
18 As I indicated a short time ago, we did receive a
19 note. I read it into the record.
20 You both had a chance to look at it?
21 MR. STEINGLASS: Yes, Judge.
22 MR. BLANCHE: Yes.
23 THE COURT: It's been marked Court Exhibit
24 Number 7, signed by the jury foreperson at 4:20.
25 It says: "We, the jury, have reached a verdict.

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 We would like an extra 30 minutes to fill out the Forms.
2 Would that be possible?"
3 Are we ready to bring out the jury?
4 MR. STEINGLASS: Yes, Judge.
6 THE COURT: Bring out the jury, please.
7 COURT OFFICER: Alternate jurors entering.
8 (Whereupon, the alternate jurors enter the
9 courtroom and are seated in the first row of the audience
10 at 5:04 PM.)
11 COURT OFFICER: All rise.
12 Jury entering.
13 (Whereupon, the jurors are present and properly
14 seated at 5:05 PM.)
15 THE COURT: Remain seated.
16 THE CLERK: Do both parties stipulate that all
17 jurors are present and properly seated?
19 MR. BLANCHE: Yes.
20 MR. BOVE: Yes.
21 THE COURT: Jurors, we received a note from you.
22 It was signed by your jury foreperson at 4:20.
23 It's been marked as Court Exhibit Number 7.
24 It says: "We, the jury, have a verdict. We would
25 like an extra 30 minutes to fill out the Forms. Would that

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 be possible?"
2 Mr. Foreperson, without telling me the verdict,
3 has the jury, in fact, reached a jury?
4 JUROR #1: Yes, they have.
5 THE COURT: Take the verdict, please.
6 THE CLERK: Will the foreperson please rise.
7 Have the members of the jury agreed upon a
8 verdict?
9 JUROR #1: Yes, we have.
10 THE CLERK: How say you to the first count of the
11 indictment, charging Donald J. Trump with the crime of
12 falsifying business records in the first degree, guilty or
13 not guilty?
14 JUROR #1: Guilty.
15 THE CLERK: How say you to count two?
16 JUROR #1: Guilty.
17 THE CLERK: How say you to count three?
18 JUROR #1: Guilty.
19 THE CLERK: How say you to count five?
20 JUROR #1: Guilty.
21 THE CLERK: How say you to count six?
22 JUROR #1: Guilty.
23 THE CLERK: How say you to count seven?
24 JUROR #1: Guilty.
25 THE CLERK: How say you to count eight?

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 JUROR #1: Guilty.
2 THE CLERK: How say you to count nine?
3 JUROR #1: Guilty.
4 THE CLERK: How say you to count ten?
5 JUROR #1: Guilty.
6 THE CLERK: How say you to count 11?
7 JUROR #1: Guilty.
8 THE CLERK: How say you to count 12?
9 JUROR #1: Guilty.
10 THE CLERK: How say you to count 13?
11 JUROR #1: Guilty.
12 THE CLERK: How say you to count 14?
13 JUROR #1: Guilty.
14 THE CLERK: How say you to count 15?
15 JUROR #1: Guilty.
16 THE CLERK: How say you to count 16?
17 JUROR #1: Guilty.
18 THE CLERK: How say you to count 17?
19 JUROR #1: Guilty.
20 THE CLERK: How say you to count 18?
21 JUROR #1: Guilty.
22 THE CLERK: How say you to count 19?
23 JUROR #1: Guilty.
24 THE CLERK: How say you to count 20?
25 JUROR #1: Guilty.

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 THE CLERK: How say you to count 21?
2 JUROR #1: Guilty.
3 THE CLERK: How say you to count 22?
4 JUROR #1: Guilty.
5 THE CLERK: How say you to count 23?
6 JUROR #1: Guilty.
7 THE CLERK: How say you to count 24?
8 JUROR #1: Guilty.
9 THE CLERK: How say you to count 25?
10 JUROR #1: Guilty.
11 THE CLERK: How say you to count 26?
12 JUROR #1: Guilty.
13 THE CLERK: How say you to count 27?
14 JUROR #1: Guilty.
15 THE CLERK: How say you to count 28?
16 JUROR #1: Guilty.
17 THE CLERK: How say you to count 29?
18 JUROR #1: Guilty.
19 THE CLERK: How say you to count 30?
20 JUROR #1: Guilty.
21 THE CLERK: How say you to count 31?
22 JUROR #1: Guilty.
23 THE CLERK: How say you to count 32?
24 JUROR #1: Guilty.
25 THE CLERK: How say you to count 33?

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 JUROR #1: Guilty.
2 THE CLERK: And how say you to count 34?
3 JUROR #1: Guilty.
4 THE CLERK: Please be seated.
5 (Whereupon, the court officer takes the jury's
6 Verdict Sheet from the foreperson, gives it to the Court,
7 and then gives it to the clerk of the court.)
8 THE CLERK: Members of the jury, listen to your
9 verdict as it stands recorded. You and each of you say
10 through your foreperson that you find the Defendant,
11 Donald J. Trump, guilty of all 34 counts charging
12 falsifying business records in the first degree, and so
13 say you all.
14 Is this the verdict?
16 (Whereupon, the jurors nod and verbally respond
17 in the affirmative.)
18 THE CLERK: Would either party like the jury
19 polled?
20 MR. BLANCHE: Yes, please.
21 THE CLERK: Members of the jury, you have said
22 through your foreperson that you find the Defendant,
23 Donald J. Trump, guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying
24 business records in the first degree.
25 Juror Number 1, is that your verdict?

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 JUROR #1: Yes, it is.
2 THE CLERK: Juror Number 2, is that your verdict?
3 JUROR #2: Yes, it is.
4 THE CLERK: Juror Number 3, is that your verdict?
5 JUROR #3: Yes, it is.
6 THE CLERK: Juror Number 4, is that your verdict?
7 JUROR #4: Yes.
8 THE CLERK: Juror Number 5, is that your verdict?
9 JUROR #5: Yes.
10 THE CLERK: Juror Number 7, is that your verdict?
11 JUROR #7: Yes, it is.
12 THE CLERK: Juror Number 8, is that your verdict?
13 JUROR #8: Yes.
14 THE CLERK: Juror Number 9, is that your verdict?
15 JUROR #9: Yes.
16 THE CLERK: Juror Number 10, is that your
17 verdict?
18 JUROR #10: Yes.
19 THE CLERK: Juror Number 11, is that your
20 verdict?
21 JUROR #11: Yes.
22 THE CLERK: And Juror Number 12, is that your
23 verdict?
24 JUROR #12: Yes.
25 THE CLERK: Your Honor, the jury has been polled.

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 THE COURT: Thank you.
2 Jurors, I want to thank you very much for your
3 service in this case.
4 We started picking a jury here on April 15th. We
5 had opening statements on April 22nd. And we didn't have
6 summations until May 21st. That's a long time. That's a
7 long time you were away from your jobs, your families,
8 your other responsibilities.
9 But, not only that, you were engaged in a very
10 stressful and difficult task.
11 I want you to know that I really admire your
12 dedication and your hard work.
13 I observed you. As I said before, I observed you
14 during the course of the trial, and I could see how
15 involved you were, how engaged you were, how invested you
16 were in this process. And you gave this matter the
17 attention it deserved. I want to thank you for that.
18 I want to thank the alternate jurors, as well.
19 We couldn't do this without you.
20 I've had plenty of trials where I've had to use
21 one or all of my alternate jurors. Without service of the
22 alternate jurors, I would not have completed those trials.
23 Thank you very much.
24 Jurors, you'll remember, during the course of the
25 trial I gave you certain admonitions many, many times.

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 I want you to know that those admonitions no
2 longer apply.
3 You are free to discuss the case with anyone you
4 would like to discuss it with, but you're also free not
5 to. No one can make you do anything that you don't want to
6 do. The choice is yours.
7 In a few minutes, if it's okay with you, I would
8 like to meet with you in the jury room, just to thank you
9 personally for your work.
10 Bear in mind, I'm not allowed to discuss the
11 facts of the case. I'm also not permitted to discuss your
12 deliberations.
13 But, I do want to personally thank you for your
14 service, and I'd also like to get your feedback, get a
15 sense of what we did right, what we did wrong.
16 There are a couple of matters I need to take care
17 of here. I'll do that quickly so I can join you in the
18 back.
19 At this time, I thank you very much.
20 You're excused with the gratitude of the Court.
21 (Whereupon, the jurors are excused and discharged
22 at 5:11 PM and exit the courtroom, and the alternate
23 jurors are excused and discharged and exit the courtroom.)
24 THE COURT: You may be seated.
25 Any motions, applications, anything to go over at

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 this time?
3 We move for a Judgment of Acquittal and to set
4 aside the verdict for the reasons we previously stated.
5 Just to emphasize a few significant reasons that
6 came out since we made it: There's no basis and there's
7 no way this jury could have reached a verdict without
8 accepting the testimony of Mr. Cohen; and we believe
9 unequivocally that that testimony, even though it would
10 stand in this courtroom, that he lied, there was perjury
11 committed.
12 And there is no reason that the Court should
13 allow a verdict, knowing that one of the witnesses that,
14 necessarily, had to be part of the crime that was
15 committed and the offense should be used to convict
16 President Trump.
17 And so, for that reason, combined with the fact
18 that there was no evidence, certainly limited evidence
19 that had any -- any connection between the charged conduct
20 and President Trump, and the limited connection was
21 Michael Cohen, we believe in light of that fact, which I
22 don't think is in dispute, the Court should enter a
23 Judgment of Acquittal, notwithstanding the verdict.
24 THE COURT: I'm sure you misspoke when you said
25 "knowing".

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 You're not suggesting that I "know" anybody
2 committed perjury; right?
3 MR. BLANCHE: Correct.
4 THE COURT: People?
5 MR. STEINGLASS: Very briefly, we, of course,
6 disagree with Mr. Blanche's characterization of Michael
7 Cohen's testimony.
8 For all the reasons set forth in the summation
9 and the entire trial record, there's more than enough
10 evidence in this case for a reasonable jury to have
11 reached the verdict that it did.
12 So, we urge your Honor to reject the Defense
13 motion.
14 THE COURT: Your motion is denied.
15 Any other motions or applications before we
16 adjourn the matter?
17 MR. BLANCHE: May we approach, briefly, your
18 Honor?
19 THE COURT: On the record.
20 (Whereupon, the following proceedings were held
21 at sidebar:)
22 MR. BLANCHE: I just wanted to ask about the
23 sentencing date and be heard on the date.
24 I didn't know what the Court's practice was.
25 THE COURT: Sure.

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 We can do that in open court.
2 MR. BLANCHE: I didn't know the process.
3 THE COURT: We can do that in open court.
4 (Whereupon, the following proceedings were held
5 in open court:)
6 THE COURT: Yes, Mr. Blanche?
7 MR. BLANCHE: Your Honor, we would ask for a date
8 for sentencing on some date in mid to late July.
9 The reason for that is, as the Court is aware,
10 President Trump faces other charges in other
11 jurisdictions.
12 In the case in Florida, there is a three-day
13 hearing scheduled for late June; and the work ahead of
14 that hearing requires Counsel to be in Florida, inside a
15 SCIF, for much of the time between now and the date of
16 hearing and, also, the date of the hearing itself, which
17 will require us to just not be able to focus on this
18 matter.
19 So, we, respectfully, request a date at some
20 point in mid to late July for sentence.
21 MR. STEINGLASS: Judge, the standard adjournment
22 for an out I and S is six weeks.
23 So, we don't oppose a date in mid-July.
24 THE COURT: We will adjourn this matter for
25 sentence to July 11th.

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

1 We will order a Probation Report.
2 Mr. Blanche, the clerk of the court will give you
3 instructions on how to go about scheduling that Probation
4 interview and getting that Probation Report.
5 This will be July 11th, at 10:00 AM.
6 If there are going to be any motions filed, I
7 direct the Defense to file their motions no later than
8 June 13th. That would be two weeks from today.
9 If any motions are filed by that date, the People
10 are directed to respond by June 27th.
11 And that's the parameter of time that the Court
12 would have to decide any motions.
13 If there's nothing else, you're excused.
14 Thank you very much.
15 MR. STEINGLASS: Thank you.
16 THE COURT: What is the current bail status?
17 MR. STEINGLASS: There is no bail.
18 THE COURT: Mr. Trump remains ROR'd.
19 (Whereupon, the case is adjourned for sentence to
20 July 11th, 2024 at 10:00 A.M.)

Laurie Eisenberg, CSR, RPR

Senior Court Reporter

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