2 Future-Perspectives-On-New-Innovative-Technologies-C - 2023 - Computers-and-Elec
2 Future-Perspectives-On-New-Innovative-Technologies-C - 2023 - Computers-and-Elec
2 Future-Perspectives-On-New-Innovative-Technologies-C - 2023 - Computers-and-Elec
Keywords: The increase in the dispatchable amount of renewable energy and rural access to the point is
Vehicle energy management proposed. The fuel is used to generate power and electrical energy for the machine. This causes
Renewable energy systems the electricity to manage the single connection point to analyze the hybrid generations.
Fuel cell electric vehicles
Improving this hybrid generator of renewable power resources can be enabled for the analysis.
Hybrid renewable energy
Photovoltaic power sources have been introduced for converting the power loads and the dumps.
Storage-based hydropower
Storage-based geothermal The vehicle energy power management technique and the renewable energy system have been
used for the analysis. This study shows how vehicle and renewable energy management can help
develop geothermal against hydrothermal vents. Hydropower and vehicles can enable bioethanol
for vehicle biodiesel. This study allows for the analysis of hydrothermal and biodiesel. In this
study, the power of the energy enables the hybrid system, and the combination of the power
generator to access the vehicle is proposed.
1. Introduction
Generating electricity from one or more sources to form single connections is proposed as a hybrid renewable energy system. This
hybrid system allows the capacity of the battery, and the use of the battery throughout the hybrid inverter system enables the battery’s
capacity and service throughout the hybrid inverter [1]. Vehicle Energy Management maximizes the Optimization control and the
battery lifetime. This allows the Electric Vehicle (EV) context and the prolonged factors for the analysis.
This makes the implementation stages and the water vapor stages arranged [2]. This fuel electricity bicycle produces electricity
rather than electricity from the battery. This is similar in the vehicle and the pollution system, which can do in the car and tailpipe
emissions. Some advantages of Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) are the gas emissions and the carbon dioxide to form the climate to
contribute vehicle pollution. This results in how renewable energy systems help make efficient vehicle energy management. The
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Kannan).
Received 10 April 2023; Received in revised form 28 July 2023; Accepted 4 August 2023
Available online 16 August 2023
0045-7906/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
N. Kannan et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 111 (2023) 108910
Bioethanol and Bioenergy for the analysis are neutralized in this study [3]. The main contribution of the paper is as follows:
○ The various vehicle energy management behaviors use the renewable energy system to arrange the vehicles’ classification.
○ Innovations related to the factorization and the fuel cell electric facilities in the system’s networks are performed.
The structure of the paper is organized as follows: the literature review of the proposed model is discussed in Section 2; then
renewable energy systems with the hydropower-based vehicle is discussed in Section 3 and its sub-sections; Section 4 and its sub-
sections represent the bioenergy-based vehicles for bioethanol vehicles and biodiesel vehicles; geothermal-based vehicle with hot
springs and underwater hydrothermal vents is discussed in Section 5; discussion about the obtained results is represented in Section 6;
finally, an overall summary of the proposed model is discussed in Section 7 as a conclusion.
2. Literature review
Gonzalez et al. [4] propose that the renewable energy system develops the climate changes and the hydropower to make the
framework of the designs and the expanding intermittent for the intelligence. The problem of artificial intelligence-assisted multisector
design framework is analyzed [5]. Implications of intercontinental renewable electricity, the emission of the regions, and the
ultra-high voltage facilities can be enabled in this study. Also, the transmission line that is based on global energy and climate change
can be enabled for the analysis to be performed [6]. Deliver that the Caribbean and Latin American countries enable renewable energy
failure. Rectifying this transition of the key drivers enables both cases to be performed for regular reforms. The opportunity of the
regional leaders enables the formation of renewable energy sources [7]. Enables the interdependent analysis of investing the power
selector can be enabled in this study. Also, the work can be optimized for co-optimization. This study analyzes the simulation of
renewable energy that can be enabled for Saudi Arabia [8]. Proposes that afforestation, which removes climate change, can be enabled.
The removal of carbon dioxide can be performed for the analysis of sufficient water resources can be enabled. The desalination plants’
sequestration potential during climate change can be enabled [9]. Analyzes this novel’s formate renewable of sunlight, carbon dioxide,
and biomass. The reduction of sustainable energy-abundant production can be enabled for the analysis [10]. Proposed that the sto
chastic regression of the technology and the deployment of the regression can be enabled to reduce the financial consumption of
carbon dioxide can be enabled in green financing.
This research focuses on how renewable energy systems help make efficient vehicle energy management. Vehicle energy man
agement refers to managing a vehicle’s energy usage, such as petrol and diesel. Vehicle energy management aims to optimize the
performance and efficiency of the vehicle’s powertrain while minimizing energy consumption and emissions. Effective vehicle energy
management can significantly improve fuel efficiency, range, and overall performance. These energy sources are considered more
sustainable and environmentally friendly compared to traditional sources of energy like coal, oil, and natural gas, which are finite
resources that generate significant carbon emissions and other pollutants [11] (Fig. 1).
Renewable energy technologies have advanced significantly in recent years, making them more efficient and cost-effective. Wind
N. Kannan et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 111 (2023) 108910
and solar power have become increasingly popular, accounting for significant global energy production. Hydropower remains an
essential renewable energy source, particularly in areas with large rivers and waterfalls. As the world seeks to transition to a more
sustainable energy future, the importance of renewable energy sources is becoming increasingly recognized [12]. Renewable energy is
classified into hydropower, bioenergy, and geothermal [13].
Hydropower energy is produced by harnessing the kinetic energy of falling water or the flow of a river and then using this energy to
drive turbines that generate electricity. This hydropower concept is used in vehicles to reduce pollution in the environment (Fig. 2)
FCEVs use hydrogen as a fuel and a fuel cell to convert the hydrogen into electricity. They offer several advantages, including Zero
emissions: FCEVs produce zero emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants during operation, making them clean and clean
sustainable transportation solutions. FCEVs can have longer ranges than battery-electric vehicles, as they can be refueled quickly with
hydrogen and have longer driving ranges.
Creating hydropower and developing fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) can positively and negatively affect the environment and
society [15].
In summary, the impact of creating hydropower and developing FCEVs depends on various factors, such as the specific projects, the
location, and the regulatory framework. Both technologies can be essential in transitioning to a more sustainable energy future. Still,
careful consideration should be given to their potential impacts on the environment and society [16] (Table 1).
From the above comparison criteria: Hydropower uses electricity from water, and FCEVs use hydrogen fuel cells to generate
electricity. Hydropower has a high efficiency of 80-90%, while FCEVs have a moderate efficiency of 40-60%. Hydropower performs
well, while FCEVs have good performance due to hydrogen fuel cell technology limitations. Hydropower has a limited range, while
FCEVs have a high range due to their larger fuel tanks and higher energy density of hydrogen [17].
Bioenergy refers to the energy produced from organic materials, such as plants and animal waste. This can include various
technologies, such as burning wood for heat, generating electricity from crops like corn or sugar cane, or producing biogas from
organic waste (Fig. 3).
Bioenergy is considered renewable energy because the organic materials used to produce it can be replenished through agricultural
practices or waste management. Biogas can be used as a fuel for heating or electricity generation. Bioenergy, Bioethanol, and biodiesels
N. Kannan et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 111 (2023) 108910
Table 1
Comparison table for hydropower-based vehicles with Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) Vs. hydropower.
Criteria Fuel cell electric vehicles hydropower
Source Utilizes hydrogen fuel, which can be produced from various sources such as Energy generated from the force of moving water
natural gas or renewable sources
Availability It can be used anywhere with access to hydrogen fuel Limited to areas with flowing water sources
Energy Output Limited energy output for individual vehicles High output potential with large-scale infrastructure
Infrastructure Requires specialized infrastructure for hydrogen production, storage, and Requires significant infrastructure for energy
refueling production and distribution
Environmental The emissions-free operation, but the production of hydrogen fuel can have It can have environmental impacts such as habitat loss
Impact environmental impacts depending on the source and altered river ecosystems
Cost High initial investment due to specialized infrastructure requirements Increased initial investment due to infrastructure
Efficiency Efficiency can vary depending on the hydrogen fuel source and the fuel cell It can be highly efficient with established infrastructure.
technology. Moderate (40-60%) High (80-90%)
Application Suitable for individual vehicles or small-scale energy production Ideal for large-scale energy production
Refueling Time Moderate Fast
Performance Moderate Good
Table 2
Comparison table for Bioethanol vehicle & biodiesel vehicle Vs. bioenergy.
Criteria Bioethanol vehicle& biodiesel vehicle bioenergy
Energy Source Derived from crops such as corn or sugarcane (bioethanol) or oils Utilizes organic materials such as agricultural waste, forestry waste, or
such as soybean or canola (Biodiesel) energy crops
Availability Limited to areas with suitable crops for bioethanol/biodiesel Can utilize a wide range of organic materials from various sources
Energy Output Limited energy output for individual vehicles Can have high energy output potential for large-scale energy
Infrastructure Requires specialized infrastructure for bioethanol/biodiesel Requires specialized infrastructure for organic material collection,
production and distribution processing, and energy production
Environmental It can have environmental impacts such as land use change and It can have environmental impacts such as land use change and
Impact fertilizer use emissions from energy production
Cost High initial investment due to specialized infrastructure Can have increased initial investment depending on the technology
requirements used and organic material sources
Efficiency Efficiency can vary depending on the type of vehicle and fuel Efficiency can vary depending on the technology used and organic
used. Moderate (20-30%) material sources. Moderate to High (30-80%)
Application Suitable for individual vehicles or small-scale energy production Ideal for large-scale energy production
Refueling Time Fast Fast
Performance Moderate to good Moderate
N. Kannan et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 111 (2023) 108910
Bioethanol is a type of alcohol made by fermenting sugars and starches from crops such as corn, sugarcane, or barley. It can be used
as a substitute for gasoline in internal combustion engines. It is typically blended with gasoline to create a fuel called E10 (10% ethanol
and 90% gasoline) or E85 (85% ethanol and 15% gasoline). Bioethanol vehicles have similar performance characteristics to gasoline
vehicles and can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is typically blended with petroleum diesel to create an energy called B20
(20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum diesel) or B100 (100% biodiesel). Biodiesel vehicles have similar performance characteristics to
diesel vehicles. In addition, biofuels can provide economic benefits by creating jobs and supporting local agricultural industries [19].
Renewable geothermal energy comes from the earth’s heat. Geothermal energy can be used in transportation in a few ways, but not
to power vehicles directly. The steam can be used to drive turbines, which generate electricity that can be fed into the grid or used to
charge electric vehicle batteries. While some technical and logistical challenges are associated with using geothermal energy in ve
hicles, it is an exciting area of research and development that could offer a sustainable and renewable alternative to traditional fossil
fuels (Table 2).
Bioethanol and Biodiesel vehicles have a moderate efficiency of 20–30%, while bioenergy has a medium to high efficiency of 30-
80%. Bioenergy utilizes various sources, while Bioethanol and Biodiesel vehicles only use suitable crops. Bioethanol and Biodiesel
vehicles have a low to moderate environmental impact as they emit greenhouse gases during combustion [20].
In contrast, bioenergy has a low to high environmental impact depending on the biomass source and production process. Bio
ethanol and Biodiesel vehicles have a moderate cost, while Bioenergy cost varies depending on the biomass source and production
process. Bioethanol and Biodiesel vehicles have moderate to good performance, while Bioenergy has an average performance [21]
(Table 3).
Biodiesel production requires more water than bioethanol production, which can have significant environmental impacts in areas
with water scarcity. Biodiesel production is typically more expensive than bioethanol production, which can impact the overall cost
and accessibility of the bioenergy [22].
All technologies - Bioenergy, bioethanol vehicles, and biodiesel vehicles - have advantages and disadvantages. Bioenergy is a
versatile energy source that can be used for electricity, heat, and fuel. Bioethanol and biodiesel vehicles offer lower carbon emissions
than traditional gasoline and diesel vehicles. Choosing these technologies depends on the specific application, available resources, and
environmental priorities [4].
Hot spring cars use a system of pipes to capture the hot water from the spring and transfer it to a boiler, where it is heated to create
steam. The steam is then used to power a steam engine or a turbine, which drives the vehicle’s wheels. The steam is also cooled and
condensed into the water, then returned to the hot spring. Additionally, hot spring cars produce zero emissions, making them a clean
and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional gasoline or diesel vehicles [23].
Geothermal energy refers to the heat from within the earth’s core. Geothermal energy is a clean, renewable energy source that
emits few greenhouse gases. Overall, creating geothermal vehicles could significantly impact the environment, economy, and society
(Table 4).
The Hot Springs and Underwater Hydrothermal Vents vehicles use the heat generated from natural geothermal sources. In contrast,
Geothermal vehicles use heat from the earth’s core. Hot Springs and Underwater Hydrothermal Vents vehicles have a low to moderate
efficiency of 10-20%. Geothermal vehicles have a high efficiency of up to 95%. Hot Springs and Underwater Hydrothermal Vents
Table 3
Comparison table for impact created on the bioenergy against the Bioethanol vehicle & biodiesel vehicle.
Criteria Bioenergy Bioethanol and Biodiesel Vehicle
N. Kannan et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 111 (2023) 108910
Table 4
Comparison table for the vehicle with (hot springs and underwater hydrothermal vents) versus geothermal.
Criteria a vehicle with (hot springs, underwater hydrothermal vents geothermal
Energy Source Hot springs and underwater hydrothermal vents Geothermal reservoirs
Availability Limited to areas with hot springs and hydrothermal vents Restricted to areas with geothermal reservoirs
Energy Output Generally lower compared to geothermal energy systems Generally, higher compared to individual vehicles
Infrastructure Requires specialized equipment and maintenance Requires significant infrastructure for large-scale energy
Environmental May disturb or harm natural hot springs and hydrothermal vents It can have environmental impacts, such as land subsidence
Impact and seismic activity
Cost Higher initial investment due to specialized equipment More increased initial investment due to infrastructure
Efficiency It can be less efficient due to the smaller scale and need for specialized It can be more efficient due to a larger scale and established
equipment. Low to Moderate (10-20%) infrastructure. High (up to 95%)
Refueling Time Moderate to Slow Moderate to Slow
Performance Poor to Moderate Moderate
vehicles have a low to moderate environmental impact depending on the location and scale of the operation [24].
Hot Springs and Underwater Hydrothermal Vents vehicles have a moderate to slow refueling time. In comparison, Geothermal
vehicles also have a moderate to slow refueling time. Hot Springs and Underwater Hydrothermal Vents vehicles have poor to good
performance, while Geothermal vehicles have good performance (Table 5).
Hydropower can have significant social impacts, as it usually involves the construction of large dams and reservoirs that can
displace communities and have negative environmental consequences. On the other hand, fuel-cell electric vehicles typically have
lower social impacts as they do not involve significant community displacement or other adverse social effects. Ultimately, the choice
between these technologies depends on the specific application and the available resources (Table 6).
Both hydropower and fuel cell electric vehicles require high amounts of water to produce energy, which can have significant
environmental impacts in areas with water scarcity. Both hydropower and fuel cell electric vehicles can be expensive to grow, with
costs often higher than traditional fossil fuels. Hydropower can have significant social impacts, as it usually involves the construction
of large dams and reservoirs that can displace communities and have negative environmental consequences.
The above Fig. (4) shows how renewable resources are helpful for the environment. Fossil fuel combustion releases large amounts
of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas contributing to global climate change. As we use up the easily accessible reserves, we must dig
deeper or extract oil from more challenging environments, such as deep-sea oil rigs or tar sands, which can be more expensive and
environmentally damaging. The price of fossil fuels can be volatile, as it is influenced by factors such as global supply and demand,
political instability, and natural disasters. This can make it difficult for businesses and consumers to plan for the future. Many countries
rely on imports of fossil fuels to meet their energy needs, which can leave them vulnerable to disruptions in the supply chain or political
instability in producing countries.
Biofuels are made from renewable resources such as plants, algae, and other organic matter, which can be grown or produced
continuously. Biofuels emit less carbon dioxide than fossil fuels, which can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat
climate change. The production and distribution of biofuels can create jobs in rural communities, where many raw materials are grown
and harvested. Biofuels emit fewer pollutants than fossil fuels, improving air quality and reducing health risks associated with air
pollution. Some biofuels, such as Biodiesel, can be made from recycled cooking oil or animal fats, reducing waste and providing a
valuable resource for energy production. Fossil fuels are creating a negative impact on the environment. So, to reduce the pollution
against the background, these energies are created as a vehicle (Table 7).
Table 5
Comparison table for the impact of creating hydropower against the Fuel cell electric vehicles.
Criteria Hydropower Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
N. Kannan et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 111 (2023) 108910
Table 6
Comparison table for the impact of creating hydropower against the Fuel cell electric vehicles.
Criteria Hydropower Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
Table 7
Comparison table for impact creating geothermal against the vehicle with hot springs and car with underwater hydrothermal vents.
Criteria Geothermal Energy A vehicle with Hot Springs Vehicle with Underwater Hydrothermal Vents
Source of Energy The heat from the earth The heat from Underwater Hydrothermal Vents
Efficiency High Low
Carbon Emissions Low Zero
Cost The increased initial investment, low operating costs The high initial investment, high operating costs
Availability Dependent on the location of geothermal resources Limited availability of underwater hydrothermal vents
Flexibility Reliable and consistent power source Limited by range and refueling options
Environmental Impact Minimal impact on land and wildlife Potential impact on hydrothermal vents and local ecosystems
Energy Storage Large-scale energy storage possible Limited energy storage capacity
Maintenance Low to moderate High
Scalability Highly scalable Limited scalability
Land Use/Feed Moderate Low
Water High High
Economics High Low
N. Kannan et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 111 (2023) 108910
Geothermal energy has a high energy output, while vehicles with hot springs or underwater hydrothermal vents have a low energy
output. Geothermal energy has low to moderate emissions, while vehicles with hot springs or underwater hydrothermal vents have low
to average emissions. Geothermal energy requires reasonable land use, while vehicles with hot springs or underwater hydrothermal
vents require everyday land use. Geothermal energy has highly scalable and is usually tied to a specific location. At the same time,
vehicles with hot springs or underwater hydrothermal vents also have limited scalability. They are determined by the availability of
hot springs or underwater hydrothermal vents.
Comparing transportation energy sources may indicate their strengths and weaknesses. Hydropower, bioenergy, and geothermal
energy results are compared to different vehicles. Transportation energy depends on availability, reliability, cost, and environmental
impact. Hydropower, bioenergy, and geothermal energy each have pros and cons, so which to use depends on transportation needs.
Hydropower, bioenergy, and geothermal are compared to fuel cell electric vehicles, bioethanol vehicles, and vehicles with underwater
hydrothermal vents. First, we examine growth over the approximate years examined.
Table 8 can be used to compare the growth rates of hydropower and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) for different fiscal years. The
table shows that in 2012, the hydropower growth rate was 3.2%, meaning that the amount of energy generated from hydropower
increased by 0.5% from the previous fiscal year. In the same year, the fuel cell electric vehicle growth rate was 1.0%, meaning that the
number of fuel cell electric vehicles sold decreased by 0.5% from the previous fiscal year.
Fig. 5 shows the annual growth rate of hydropower and fuel-cell electric vehicles from 2010 to 2020. The data shows that hy
dropower had a steady growth rate of around 2-3% per year. In contrast, the growth rate of fuel-cell electric vehicles has been more
volatile, with periods of high growth followed by periods of stagnation. In 2013, the Hydropower Growth Rate was 3.2%. The Fuel Cell
Electric Vehicle Growth Rate was 2% in 2016 because hydropower is a well-established technology that can be deployed on a large
scale, while the production and transportation of hydrogen fuel are still in the early stages of development. The choice between these
two technologies depends on a range of factors, including the availability of resources, the specific environmental conditions of the
region, and policy incentives. The construction of hydropower facilities can significantly impact ecosystems and local communities. At
the same time, the production and transportation of hydrogen fuel can also have environmental impacts.
In this Table 9, the Fiscal Year column shows the years for which data is presented. The Bioethanol & Biodiesel vehicle column’s
Energy Efficiency (%) of the Bioethanol & Biodiesel vehicle column shows the percentage of energy derived from bioethanol and
biodiesel fuels converted into mechanical energy to power a vehicle.
Fig. 6 displays the energy efficiency of Bioethanol and Biodiesel vehicles compared to bioenergy over the years. The x-axis rep
resents the years, while the y-axis represents the energy efficiency in percentage (%). In 2010, the energy efficiency of Bioenergy
vehicles was 40%, while that of Biodiesel vehicles Bioethanol was the lowest, at 25%. Over the years, energy efficiency has gradually
increased for all three energy sources. By 2015, the energy efficiency of bioenergy had risen to 55%, while that of Biodiesel and
Bioethanol vehicles had also increased. However, it was still the lowest, at 40%. In 2020, the energy efficiency of bioenergy had further
increased to 80%, while that of Biodiesel and Bioethanol vehicles had also increased to 65%. However, it was still the lowest among the
three energy sources. The graph shows bioenergy has higher energy efficiency than Bioethanol and Biodiesel vehicles. However, all
three energy sources have gradually improved energy efficiency.
Table 10 shows the specific data on the energy consumption of geothermal energy and vehicles using hot springs and underwater
hydrothermal vents over some time. The energy consumption of vehicles with hot springs & vehicles with underwater hydrothermal
vents and Geothermal are expressed in megawatt-hours (MWh).
Fig. 9 shows the total cost of ownership of A vehicles with hot springs & vehicles with underwater hydrothermal vents and
Geothermal over the years. The geothermal vehicle energy cost of 250€ for the fluid, and the vehicles with hot springs & vehicles with
underwater hydrothermal vents have an energy cost of 650€. From this, the total cost of ownership of the geothermal is not dominating
the fluid. Fig. 7 shows the CO2 emission over the periods using geothermal and A vehicles with hot springs & vehicles with underwater
hydrothermal vents. Fig. 8 compares energy consumption over time for geothermal energy and vehicles using hot springs and un
derwater hydrothermal vents. We measure the approximate data on the energy consumption of each of these sources over some time.
Table 11 provides information on Bioethanol and Biodiesel vehicles and Bioenergy for Cost and Availability of resources (tons)
parameters. The table provides information on the costs and resources required for producing Bioethanol and Biodiesel and a better
understanding of the relative usage and effectiveness of each type of bioenergy.
Fig. 11 shows the cost of Bioethanol & Biodiesel, and bioenergy vehicles over time would typically have the years displayed on the
x-axis and the cost of the vehicles on the y-axis. The numerical measure used for the cost of the vehicles could be in any currency. Still,
it is usually in USD or Euros. Each point on the graph would represent the cost of the respective fuel type in that year. For instance, the
threshold for 2018 might show that a bioethanol/biodiesel vehicle costs $24,500 while energy costs $22,500.
Fig. 10 shows the percentage change in resource availability over the years. The y-axis measures resource availability for biofuel
production, such as corn or soybean oil. The x-axis would represent the fiscal year or a range of years, such as 2015-2022. As the years
passed, the availability of products also increased. In the year 2015, the availability of the resource for Bioethanol vehicles and
biodiesel vehicles is 5000 tons of products, and bioenergy has 10000 tons of products. In 2022, bioethanol and biodiesel vehicles had
11000 tons, and bioenergy had 27500 tons of resources for fuel production.
Table 12 shows data on renewable energy systems, bioethanol/biodiesel vehicles, and bioenergy systems in terms of MWh
(megawatt hours) for each month. The MWh measurement indicates the total energy output of these systems in megawatt hours over a
N. Kannan et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 111 (2023) 108910
Table 8
Comparison of hydropower and fuel cell electric vehicle growth rates by fiscal year.
Fiscal Year Hydropower Growth Rate (%) Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Growth Rate (%)
2010 2.1 0
2011 2.5 0.5
2012 2.7 1.5
2013 3.2 1.0
2014 3.1 0.5
2015 2.9 1.5
2016 2.8 2.0
2017 2.7 0.5
2018 2.6 0.5
2019 2.4 1.0
2020 2.3 1.5
Fig. 5. Analysis graph for the impact of creating hydropower against the Fuel cell electric vehicles
Table 9
compares the production, installed capacities, and potential bioenergy resource against the Bioethanol
and biodiesel vehicles.
Years Energy Efficiency (%)
2010 25 40
2011 28 43
2012 31 47
2013 34 50
2014 37 52
2015 40 55
2016 44 59
2017 48 65
2018 53 71
2019 58 75
2020 65 80
Fig. 12 shows the energy output of renewable energy systems Vs. Bioethanol vehicles & biodiesel vehicles Vs Bioenergy over a year.
Overall, the renewable energy systems vehicle shows the highest energy output over the fiscal year, followed by the bioethanol and
biodiesel vehicles and the bioenergy system.
In this Table 13, we can see the actual values for the energy output of each energy source every month. We can use this table to
compare the relative energy outputs of each source over time and calculate the average or total energy output over the fiscal year.
In Fig. 13, Summer’s solar and wind energy production increases the renewable energy systems vehicle’s energy output.
Geothermal thermal power plants produce energy year-round, with a slight increase in winter. Hot springs or underwater hydro
thermal vent-powered vehicles produce more energy in some months than others.
N. Kannan et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 111 (2023) 108910
Fig. 6. analysis graph against the impact of creating Bioenergy against the Bioethanol vehicle & biodiesel vehicle
Table 10
Comparison of geothermal vehicles using hot springs and underwater hydrothermal vents: total cost of ownership, C02 emissions, and energy
Years Vehicles with hot springs & vehicles with underwater hydrothermal vents Geothermal
Total Cost of C02 Energy consumption Total Cost of C02 Energy consumption
Ownership Emissions (GtC/ (Gigajoule) Ownership Emissions (Gigajoule)
(k€) yr) (k€) (GtC/yr)
Fig. 7. Comparison analysis of resources based on the total cost of ownership measures over 2018-2025
7. Conclusion
Renewable energy production is being utilized in vehicles to store data in networks, including biodiesel and bioenergy-related
vehicles. This analysis is performed using bioethanol vehicles, which manage the system’s formation. Geothermal-related vehicles
in hydropower and underwater vehicle-related renewable energy can be studied. Hydrothermal vents are proposed to analyze hy
dropower, bioenergy, and geothermal-based energy management. The graph-based analysis is proposed to analyze renewable energy
and hydropower facilities, enabling the study of underwater vents. This study aims to combat vents and biodiesel vehicles, enabling
electric vehicles to access renewable energy. The creation of bioenergy and biodiesel can positively impact electric vehicles. The
geothermal power plant has more energy than a vehicle powered by hot springs or underwater hydrothermal vents. Overall, renewable
energy systems vehicles show the highest energy output over the fiscal year, followed by geothermal energy systems and hot springs/
underwater hydrothermal vents vehicles.
N. Kannan et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 111 (2023) 108910
Fig. 10. Based on cost factor analyzing the effect created by renewable energy systems Vs. Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) Vs hydropower
Table 11
Comparison of bioethanol &biodiesel vehicles, bioenergy for cost and resource availability.
Years Bioethanol vehicle and biodiesel vehicle Bioenergy
N. Kannan et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 111 (2023) 108910
Fig. 11. Based on the availability of resource factor analyzing the effect created by renewable energy systems Vs. Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs)
Vs hydropower
Table 12
sustainable energy generation over a year by renewable energy systems vehicle (MWh), Bioethanol/Biodiesel Vehicle (MWh), and Bioenergy System
Month Renewable Energy Systems Vehicle (MWh) Bioethanol/Biodiesel Vehicle (MWh) Bioenergy System (MWh)
Fig. 12. Analysis graph against renewable energy systems Vs. Bioethanol vehicle & Biodiesel vehicle Vs Bioenergy
N. Kannan et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 111 (2023) 108910
Table 13
Monthly energy generation from various sources.
Month Renewable Energy Systems Vehicle (MWh) Hot Springs/UW Hydrothermal Vents Vehicle (MWh) Geothermal Energy (MWh)
Fig. 13. analysis graph against renewable energy systems vs. vehicles with (hot springs and underwater hydrothermal vents). Vs. geothermal
Code availability
Not applicable.
Authors’ contributions
All authors contributed to the design and methodology of this study, the assessment of the outcomes, and the writing of the
Data availability
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Nithiyananthan Kannan is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Adbulaziz University, Rabigh
branch, KSA. He has 23 years of Teaching/Research experience. He completed his Ph.D. in the area of Power system engineering from the College of Engineering Guindy
campus, Anna University, India in 2004. He had published books and could able to publish more than 90 research papers in reputed International Journals.
Kamal Upreti is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, CHIRST (Deemed to be University), Delhi NCR, Ghaziabad, India.
Now, he is doing Postdoc at the National Taipei University of Business, TAIWAN funded by MHRD. He has published 50+ Patents, 35+ Books, 32+ magazine issues, and
70+ Research papers in various international Conferences and reputed Journals.
Rahul Pradhan is a researcher in the field of Statistics, language models, and various allied fields. He was a vast experience in teaching and research, he took courses
such as databases, statistics, data analysis, and search engines. He had published papers in peer-reviewed journals, and conferences and had a patent to his accolades. He
had also consultant to a few companies in the domain of data analysis, & blockchain.
Mallika Dhingra received her B.Sc. (Hons) Mathematics degree from Delhi University, New Delhi, India, and her M.Sc. Mathematics degree from Panjab University
Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India. She is currently a researcher in the Department of Mathematics at Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur, India. Her research interests
include fuzzy logic, automata theory, and computation.
S. Kalimuthu Kumar received the Ph.D. degree from Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil, Tamilnadu, India in the year 2023. He is having
more than 11 years of experience in the field of teaching and 1 year in the industry. His research interests include Renewable Energy, Embedded Systems, IoT, and
Wearable device. He published papers in 07 journals, 7 international conferences, and 4 national conferences.
Mahaveerakannan. R is an Associate Professor at Saveetha School of Engineering, Institute of Computer Science and Engineering, Saveetha University in Chennai. He
has completed a Ph.D. Degree during the year 2021. He has 13 years of teaching experience and three years of industrial experience. He has published more than 30
articles in various international journals and conferences.
R. Gayathri was born in Cuddalore, she has completed her master’s degree at Anna University, Chennai. She worked as an Assistant Professor at V.R.S College of
Engineering and Technology, Villupuram, and at GITAM School of Technology, Bangalore. She is currently working at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology,
Dindigul. She has done publications in various fields like Data Mining, Big data, Computer Networks, and IoT.