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Faith Education - Biology Revision Checklist 2023

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Biology Revision Checklist (195 hot concepts)

Topic What you should be able to? Checklist
Molecules of life
Water and inorganic ions 1. Identify the structure of water, inorganic ions and
(e.g. nitrogen, magnesium, biomolecules. {Knowledge}
calcium and iron) 2. Relate the significance of water, inorganic ions and
biomolecules to life. {Knowledge}
Biomolecules: carbohydrates, 3. Be aware of the applications of biological knowledge
lipids, proteins and nucleic acids of cells and molecules of life in society. {Knowledge}
 Building blocks 4. Realize the possible benefits of drinking mineral water
 Functions or isotonic drinks {Knowledge}
5. Appreciate the role of science and technology in
understanding the molecular basis of life. {Values}

Cellular organization
Discovery of cells 6. Appreciate the contribution of the technological
development of the microscope to the discovery of
cells. {Values}
7. Prepare temporary mounts of specimens for
examination, and make observations and drawings
under a light microscope. {Skills}
8. Make careful observations and accurate records (e.g.
examine prepared slides or temporary mounts of
tissues and make biological drawings). {Skills}
9. Identify cell organelles as seen under light and
electron microscopes. {Knowledge}
10. Recognize that the development of microscopic,
computing and image analyzing technology may lead
to the advancement of biological knowledge.

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Cell membrane 11. Use the fluid mosaic model to explain the properties
 Properties and functions and functions of cell membrane. {Knowledge}
12. Appreciate the uses and limitations of scientific
models. {Values}
Sub-cellular structures and their 13. Compare the cellular organization of animal and plant
functions (e.g. Nucleus and cells. {Knowledge}
chromosomes, endoplasmic 14. Discuss the variations of the number of mitochondria
reticulum, mitochondrion, in different tissues and cell types. {Knowledge}
chloroplast, cell wall and
Prokaryotic cells 15. Compare the sub-cellular organization of prokaryotic
(e.g. bacterial cells) and eukaryotic cells. {Knowledge}
and eukaryotic cells
Movement of substances across membrane
Diffusion, osmosis and active 16. Account for the movement of substances across
transport membrane using the concepts of diffusion, osmosis
and active transport. {Knowledge}
17. Apply the concept of osmosis to explain plasmolysis
and haemolysis. {Skills}
18. Study osmosis at cellular, tissue or organ levels.
19. Examine live cell images of the processes involved in
the movement of substances across membrane. (e.g.
the study of osmosis). {Skills}
Occurrence of phagocytosis in 20. Recognize the process of phagocytosis. {Knowledge}

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Enzymes and Metabolism
Occurrence of catabolic and 21. Distinguish between catabolic and anabolic processes.
anabolic processes in cells {Knowledge}
22. Recognize the properties of enzyme and its roles in
metabolism. {Knowledge}
23. Identify and explain the importance of control
variables in scientific investigations (e.g. the study of
enzymatic activities, osmosis, photosynthesis and
respiration). {Skills}
Properties and roles of enzyme 24. Explain enzyme specificity in terms of active site.
 Active site and specificity {Knowledge}
25. Explain the effects of factors on the rate of enzymatic
Factors (temperature, pH and
reactions. {Knowledge}
inhibitors) affecting the rate of
26. Appreciate the various application of enzyme in
enzymatic reactions
everyday life. {Values}
27. Investigate the effects of temperature and pH on the
activities of enzymes. {Skills}
28. Reveal some commercial applications of enzymes (e.g.
bioactive washing powder and meat tenderizer).
29. Investigate the effects of environmental factors (e.g.
light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration) on
the rate of photosynthesis. {Skills}
30. Investigate the effects of temperature and pH on the
rate of aerobic and anaerobic respiration in organisms.

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Photosynthesis 31. Perform practical work to identify the photosynthetic
 Site of photosynthesis products. {Skills}
- Leaves and chloroplasts
32. Examine the morphology 形態 and the internal
 Requirement for
structure of leaves, and the photomicrographs or live
- Light, carbon dioxide, cell images of chloroplasts. {Skills}
water and chlorophyll 33. Outline the major steps of photochemical reactions
and carbon fixation. {Knowledge}
 Photochemical reactions 34. Realize the dependence of carbon fixation to the
- Light absorption
photochemical reaction. {Knowledge}
- Photolysis of water for the
35. Explain the effects of environmental factors on the rate
generation of NADPH
- Generation of ATP of photosynthesis. {Knowledge}
 Carbon fixation: Calvin 36. Design and perform investigation to study the effects
cycle of environmental factors (e.g. light intensity and
- Carbon fixation and carbon dioxide concentration) on the rate of
formation of 3-C compound photosynthesis. {Skills}
- Reduction of 3-C
37. Interpret, analyze and evaluate data relating to
compound leading to the
investigate on photosynthesis. {Skills}
formation of glucose
- Regeneration of carbon
dioxide acceptor

 Conversions of
photosynthetic products
into other biomolecules
Factors (light intensity and
carbon dioxide concentration)
affecting the rate of

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Respiration 38. Understand the significance of respiration.
 Sites of respiration {Knowledge}
- Cytoplasm and
39. State the role of ATP in energy transfer. {Knowledge}
40. Outline the major steps of glycolysis, aerobic and
 Glycolysis
- Breakdown of glucose to anaerobic pathways. {Knowledge}
3-C compound (triose 41. Be aware of the occurrence of anaerobic respiration
phosphate) during exercise. {Knowledge}
- Oxidation of triose 42. Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
phosphate to pyruvate
- Production of NADH and
43. Compare the processes of respiration and
photosynthesis. {Knowledge}
 Aerobic pathway 44. Be aware of the interconversions of biomolecules
- Conversion of pyruvate to through biochemical pathways. {Knowledge}
acetyl-CoA 45. Design and perform investigation to study aerobic and
- Outline of Krebs cycle
anaerobic respiration in organisms. {Skills}
 Combination of acetyl-CoA
46. Interpret, analyze and evaluate data relating to
with a 4-C compound to
form a 6-C compound investigate on respiration. {Skills}
 Regeneration of 4-C 47. Discuss the application of anaerobic respiration in the
compound with the release food industry. {Skills}
of carbon dioxide 48. Recognize the contributions of various scientists to
 Production of NADH,
development in biology. {Values}
- Oxidative phosphorylation
 Regeneration of NAD and
 Formation of ATP

 Anaerobic pathway
- Formation of lactic acid in
muscle cell
- Formation of ethanol and
carbon dioxide in yeast

 Industrial applications of
anaerobic respiration

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Essential life process in animals
Nutrition in humans 49. Distinguish between heterotophs and autotrophs.
 Humans as heterotrophs {Knowledge}
Food requirements and functions 50. Investigate the presence of certain food substances in
of food samples by various food tests. {Skills}
different food substances
51. Perform common biochemical tests (e.g. Benedict’s
 Carbohydrates
test, iodine test, grease spot test, glucose test paper,
 Lipids
 Proteins and protein test paper, DCPIP test) to identify the
 Vitamins presence of biomolecules in living tissues. {Skills}
 Minerals 52. Explain the effect of age, activity and pregnancy on
 Dietary fibre dietary requirements. {Knowledge}
 Water 53. Relate health problems (lifestyle disease/
non-infectious disease) to improper diet. {Skills}
Balanced diet 54. Evaluate the impact of the application of dietary
requirement. {Values}
Nutrition in humans 55. Identify the dentition of humans. {Knowledge}
 Ingestion 56. Point out the importance of mastication. {Knowledge}
 Digestion 57. Describe the general plan and the function of the
 Absorption and digestive system {Knowledge}
Assimilation 58. Recognize the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and
 Egestion lipids in various parts of the alimentary canal.
59. Identify the structural adaptation of small intestine for
food absorption. {Knowledge}
60. Recognize the role of liver. {Knowledge}
61. Describe the routes of the transport of absorbed food
and their fates in cells and tissues. {Knowledge}

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Gas exchange in humans 62. Relate the structure of various parts of the breathing
 General plan of the system to gas exchange {Skills}
breathing system 63. Recognize the exchange of respiratory gases between
 Gas exchange in air sacs the body cells and the external environment
 Mechanism of ventilation {Knowledge}
64. Identify the routes of transport of respiratory gases
65. Recognize the relationship between air pressure and
air flow direction {Knowledge}
Transport of substances in 66. Relate the structure of various components of the
humans circulatory system and lymphatic system to transport
 General plan of the {Skills}
circulatory system and 67. Identify the structures of the heart {Knowledge}
lymphatic system 68. Compare the structures of blood vessels {Knowledge}
 Exchange of materials 69. Identify the composition and functions of blood
between blood and body {Knowledge}
cells 70. Describe the formation and removal of tissue fluid
71. Identify the composition and functions of tissue fluid
72. Identify the composition and functions of lymph
73. Describe the exchange of materials and the formation
of tissue fluid {Knowledge}

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Essential life process in plants
Nutrition in plants 74. Understand the significance of photosynthesis (e.g.
 Plants as autotrophs food chain/ gas exchange). {Knowledge}
 Photosynthesis
75. Appreciate the significance of plants as autotrophs
 Needs for minerals
 Absorption of water and
minerals 76. Explain the need of minerals in plants {Skills}
77. Relate the structure of roots to their functions in water
absorption. {Skills}
78. Relate the structure of leaves and chloroplasts to their
functions in photosynthesis. {Knowledge}
79. Design and perform investigations to study the effects
of different minerals ions on plant growth. {Skills}
Gas exchange in plants 80. Relate the feature of leaves to gas exchange and
 Occurrence of gas prevention of water loss {Knowledge}
exchange in different parts
81. Design and perform investigations to study the effects
of plant
of light intensity on gas exchange in land or water
 Gas exchange in leaves
plants by using hydrogencarbonate indicator solution
82. Explain the effects of light intensity on gas exchange

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Transpiration 83. Make connections between transpiration, absorption
 Process and significance and transport of water and cooling of plants {Skills}
 Factors affecting the rate of
84. Design and perform investigations to study the
distribution of stomata on both sides of a leaf {Skills}
85. Explain the effects of environmental factors (e.g.
humidity, light intensity, temperature and wind speed)
on the rate of transpiration {Skills}
86. Design and perform investigations to study the effects
of environmental factors on the rate of transpiration by
using potometers (including bubble photometer and
weight photometer) {Skills}
87. Analyze the results shown by the potometer {Skills}
Transport of substances in plants  Describe the path of materials transport in flowering
 Transport of water and plants {Knowledge}
 Compare the adaptive features of xylem vessels and
 Transport of organic
phloem vessels {Skills}
Support in plants  Appreciate the significance of different types of
 Cell turgidity support {Values}
 Physical nature of xylem
 Compare the means of support in herbaceous and
and phloem vessels
woody dicotyledonous plants {Skills}

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Cell cycle and division
Stage of cell cycle 88. Identify the importance of cell division in growth and
 Cell growth, nuclear reproduction {Knowledge}
division and cytoplasmic
89. Recognize the various stages of cell cycle
Nuclear division
 Mitosis 90. Outline the process of mitosis and meiosis
 Meiosis {Knowledge}
91. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis {Skills}
Reproduction, growth and development
Asexual reproduction 92. Outline with an example, the process of vegetative
 Binary fission in bacteria propagation in flowering plants {Knowledge}
 Vegetative propagation in
flowering plants
Sexual reproduction in flowering 93. Relate the structure of various floral parts to
plants reproduction {Knowledge}
 Floral parts
94. Understand the importance of pollination {Knowledge}
 Pollination
95. Compare the adaptive features of insect-pollinated
 Fertilization
 Significance of seed and flowers and wind-pollinated flowers {Skills}
fruit dispersal 96. Outline the process of fertilization leading to the
formation of seed and fruit {Knowledge}
97. Discuss the significance of asexual and sexual
reproduction {Values}

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Reproduction in humans 98. Relate the structure of various parts of the
 General plan of male and reproductive systems to their functions {Knowledge}
female reproductive
99. Recognize the roles of sperm and ovum in sexual
reproduction {Knowledge}
 Structure of sperm and
ovum 100. Describe the transfer of semen during sexual
 Menstrual cycle intercourse and the process of fertilization
- Cyclic changes in {Knowledge}
uterine lining 101. Relate the structure of the placenta to its role in the
- ovulation
development of foetus. {Skills}
 Fertilization
102. Recognize the significance of parental care and the
 Development of embryo
and foetus advantages of breast-feeding {Knowledge}
- placenta 103. Appreciate the biological basis of various methods of
 Identical twins and fraternal birth control. {Values}
 Birth process
 Parental care
 Birth control
Growth and development 104. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using
 Concepts of growth and various parameters to measure growth {Skills}
105. Identify the different stages of growth from growth
 Germination of seed and its
curves of plants and humans. {Knowledge}
development into a new
 Stages of growth in annual
plants and humans
 Measurement of growth in
plants and humans
 Growth parameters (e.g.
weight, height and area)
 Growth curves

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Basic genetics
106. Understand the law of segregation and law of
Mendel’s laws of inheritance
independent assortment. {Knowledge}
107. Apply Mendel’s laws of inheritance to solve genetic
Inheritance in humans
problems. {Knowledge}
 Multiple alleles: ABO
108. Use diagrams as visual representation of phenomena
blood groups
and relationships arising from the data (e.g. genetic
 Sex linkage
diagrams). {Skills}
 Sex determination
109. Understand the inheritance of ABO blood groups and
sex-linked traits. {Knowledge}
Pedigree analysis
110. Recognize the role of sex chromosomes in sex
determination of humans. {Knowledge}
Variations in characteristics
111. Analyze pedigree to study the inheritance of
 Continuous variation
characteristics. {Skills}
 Discontinuous variation
112. Explain the causes of different types of variations in
 Causes of variation
characteristics. {Knowledge}
- hereditary information
113. Be aware of the application of knowledge of basic
- environmental factors
genetics in society and its social, ethical and economic
- mutation
implications. {Values}

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Molecular genetics
Chromosomes, genes and 114. Describe the structural and functional relationships of
nucleic acids chromosomes, genes and nucleic acids. {Knowledge}
115. Outline the process of protein synthesis. {Knowledge}
Gene expression and protein 116. Distinguish between chromosome and gene mutation.
synthesis {Knowledge}
 transcription and translation 117. Recognize the applications of recombinant DNA
technology and DNA fingerprinting. {Knowledge}
Mutation 118. Recognize the contributions and limitations of the data
 Chromosome mutation (e.g. obtained from the HGP. {Knowledge}
Down syndrome) and gene 119. Examine photomicrographs of karyotypes of
mutation (e.g. Sickle-cell chromosome mutation. {Skills}
anaemia) 120. Construct models of DNA and RNA. {Skills}
 Spontaneous and induced 121. Distinguish the sources of mutagenic agents and their
mutation effects on human health. {Knowledge}
 Causes of mutation (e.g. 122. Appreciate the joint effort of scientists in international
radiation and chemical) genomics projects. {Values}

 Recombinant DNA
 DNA fingerprinting
 Human Genome Project
(HGP) and its implications

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Biodiversity and evolution
Diversity of life forms 123. Appreciate the existence of various life forms in the
world, and the different ways through which
Classification of organisms organisms adapt to their habitats.
 Need for classification 124. Be aware that modern classification is based on the
 Classification approaches phylogenetic relationships of organisms.
proposed by Carl Woese 125. Appreciate that classification systems are subject to
- Six kingdoms (Eubacteria, change when new evidence appears.
Archaebacteria, Protista, 126. Recognize the use of classification systems and
Fungi, Plantae and binomial nomenclature.
Animalia) 127. Construct and use dichotomous keys to identify
- Three domains (Bacteria, unknown organisms.
Archaea and Eukarya) 128. Classify organisms into six kingdoms.
129. Appreciate that there are various explanations for the
Origins of life origins of life.
130. Be aware of the limitations of using fossil record as
Evolution evidence of evolution, and the presence of other
 Origin of species evidence.
 Speciation 131. Relate speciation to evolution.
- genetic variation 132. Outline the mechanism of evolution.
- isolation

 Mechanism of evolution
- natural selection
 Evidence of evolution (e.g.
fossil record)

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Coordination and response
Stimulus, receptors and 133. Understand the roles of sense organs and receptors in
responses detecting changes in the environment. {Knowledge}
 Light as stimulus: the
134. Relate the structure of major parts of the eye to vision.
human eye
- Major parts of the eye
- Rod cells and cone 135. Explain the causes of eye defects. {Knowledge}
cells 136. Describe how long sight and short sight are corrected
- Colour vision with glasses. {Knowledge}
- Eye accommodation 137. Be aware of the surgical methods for eyesight
- Eye defects (long sight,
correction. {Skills}
short sight and colour
138. Recognize the significance of phototropism.
 Light as stimulus: {Knowledge}
phototropic response in 139. Understand the mechanism of phototropic responses in
plants root and shoot. {Knowledge}
- Responses of root and 140. Relate the structure of major parts of the ear to
hearing. {Skills}
- Role of auxins
 Sound as stimulus: the
human ear
- Major parts of the ear
 Nervous coordination in 141. Recognize the role of the central nervous system.
humans {Knowledge}
 General plan of the nervous
142. Distinguish different types of neurones in terms of
structure and function. {Knowledge}
- Central nervous system
- Functions of main parts 143. Describe the transmission of nerve impulses across a
of the brain: cerebrum, synapse. {Knowledge}
cerebellum and 144. Compare the nature of reflexes and voluntary actions
medulla oblongata with examples. {Knowledge}
- Functions of spinal
- Neurone: sensory
neurone, interneurone
and motor neurone
- Synapse
 Reflex arc and reflex action

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 Voluntary actions
Topic What you should be able to? Checklist
Hormonal coordination in 145. Understand the nature of hormonal coordination.
humans {Knowledge}
 Nature of hormonal
146. Use an example to illustrate hormone mediated response.
 General plan of the
endocrine system 147. Compare hormonal and nervous coordination.
Movement in humans 148. Understand the roles of different components of the
 Components of the musculo-skeletal system. {Knowledge}
musculo-skeletal system:
149. Compare the degree of movement between hinge
skeleton, muscles, joints,
joints and ball-and-socket joints. {Knowledge}
tendons and ligaments
 Joints: hinge joints (e.g. 150. Describe how a nerve impulse transmits across the
elbow/knee) and neuromuscular junction leading to muscle contraction.
ball-and-socket joints (e.g. {Knowledge}
shoulder/hip) 151. Explain coordination in terms of stimulus, receptor,
 Action of opposing muscle
coordination system, effector and response.
 Initiation of muscle
contraction by nerve
Concept of homeostasis 152. Explain the principle of feedback mechanism with
 Importance of homeostasis reference to the regulation of blood glucose level.
 Feedback mechanism
153. Appreciate that the internal environment of the human
Parameters of the internal
environment body is maintained by the nervous system and the
 Glucose level and gas endocrine system. {Values}
content in blood, water
content and body

Regulation of blood glucose

 Roles of liver, pancreas,
insulin and glucagon

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

 Levels of organization 154. Be aware that organisms and their environment are
- Species, population, studied at different levels of organization. {Knowledge}
community, ecosystem,
biome and biosphere
 Major ecosystem types
- Freshwater stream, 155. Appreciate the existence of a variety of ecosystems in the
rocky shore, mangrove, local environment. {Values}
grassland and
Components of an ecosystem 156. Identify the abiotic factors of a habitat and explain their
 Abiotic factors effects. {Knowledge}
 Biotic community
157. Describe the different types of relationships between
- Niche and habitat
organisms in a habitat. {Knowledge}
- Species diversity and
dominant species 158. Outline the process of ecological succession.
- Relationships between {Knowledge}
 Predation, competition,
mutualism and
- Ecological succession
 Primary and secondary
 Climax community

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Functioning of an ecosystem 159. Use food chains, food webs, pyramids of numbers and
 Energy flow biomass to represent the feeding relationships of
- Source of energy
organisms and energy flow between different trophic
- Energy flow between
levels. {Knowledge}
different trophic levels
- Feeding relationships 160. Understand the efficiency of energy transfer in an
of organisms ecosystem. {Knowledge}
 Materials cycling 161. Understand the cycling of materials in an ecosystem.
- Carbon and nitrogen {Knowledge}
162. Be aware of the interactions between the biotic
 Roles of producers,
community and the abiotic factors of an ecosystem.
consumers and
decomposers in energy {Skills}
flow and materials cycling
Conservation of ecosystem 163. Recognize the need for conservation. {Knowledge}
 Impacts of human activities 164. Evaluate the impact of the application of biology to
human activities (e.g. dietary requirement, birth
control and pollution control). {Skills}
Study of a local habitat 165. Conduct and report an ecological study of a local
 Distribution and abundance habitat. {Knowledge}
of organisms
- Sampling methods
 Quadrats
 Line and belt transects
 Measurement of abiotic
factors (e.g. light intensity,
pH, wind, temperature,
oxygen, humidity and

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Regulation of water content 166. Relate the structure of nephron to its function in
(osmoregulation) regulation of water content. {Knowledge}
 Importance of regulation of 167. Realize the adaptive features of nephron. {Knowledge}
water content 168. Understand the action of ADH. {Knowledge}
- Regulation of water
169. Recognize the excretory function of the kidney.
- General plan of the
170. Apply the biological knowledge on the dialysis
urinary system
machine. {Skills}
- Structure and function
171. Appreciate the medical advancement to treat kidney
of nephron
failure. {Values}
 Processes in urine
- Ultrafiltration
- Reabsorption
- Action of antidiuretic
hormone (ADH)
 Biological principles of the
dialysis machine (kidney
Regulation of body temperature 172. Understand the structural mechanisms of body
 Importance of body temperature regulation. {Knowledge}
temperature regulation 173. Understand the physiological mechanisms of body
 Mechanisms of temperature temperature regulation. {Knowledge}
regulation 174. Understand the behavioural mechanisms of body
- Skin temperature regulation. {Knowledge}
- Regulatory centre
- Circulation
- Hormone (thyroxine)
- Muscle
- Behavioural methods

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Regulation of gas content in 175. Understand the control mechanism of breathing.
blood {Knowledge}
 Importance of regulation of 176. Outline the major events during the cardiac cycle.
gas content in blood {Knowledge}
- Control of rate and 177. Understand the nervous and hormonal control of
depth of breathing cardiac output. {Knowledge}
 Nervous control 178. Explain how the gas content in blood is regulated
- Respiratory centre and during and after exercise. {Knowledge}
- Effects of carbon
dioxide concentration
- in blood

 Control of cardiac output

- Heart rate and stroke
- Pacemaker and cardiac

 Nervous control
- Vagus nerve and
sympathetic nerves
- Hormonal control
- Adrenaline

 Effects of exercise
- Rate and depth of
- Oxygen debt
- Cardiac output
Hormonal control of 179. Understand the significance of hormonal control of the
reproductive cycle menstrual cycle. {Knowledge}
 Interaction of hormones in 180. Explain how hormones can be used as contraceptives
the menstrual cycle and in the treatment of infertility. {Knowledge}
 Use of hormones as 181. Interpret graphs showing the fluctuation of hormones
contraceptives and in the and the changes of the uterine lining of the menstrual
treatment of infertility cycle. {Skills}

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Human impact on the 182. Evaluate the impact and control of rapid human
environment population growth. {Skills}
 Human population growth 183. Recognize the impacts of malpractices in fisheries and
- Impact of rapid human agriculture. {Knowledge}
population growth on 184. Explain the ecological impacts of land clearance and
the environment reclamation. {Knowledge}
- Need for population 185. Recognize the effects of air and water pollution on the
control environment and human health. {Knowledge}
186. Account for the accumulation of toxic substances along
 Use of resources a food chain. {Knowledge}
- Types of resources: 187. Design and perform investigation to study air or water
renewable and pollution. {Skills}
- non-renewable
- Fisheries and

 Impacts
- Overexploitation (e.g.
in fisheries)
- Environmental
degradation (e.g.
- chemical pollution in

 Effects of urbanization and

- Land clearance and
- Health problems
related to pollution
 Air pollution (e.g.
respiratory illnesses)
 Water pollution (e.g.

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Topic What you should be able to? Checklist

Pollution control 188. Recognize strategies for pollution control.
- Reduce, reuse, recycle {Knowledge}
and replace 189. Describe the biological principles of sewage treatment.
- Sewage treatment {Knowledge}
Conservation 190. Understand the need for conservation. {Knowledge}
 Importance of biodiversity 191. Recognize measures to preserve biodiversity.
Conservation of species {Knowledge}
- Endangered species in 192. Be aware of the economic, ecological, aesthetic and
Hong Kong moral issues related to conservation. {Values}
193. Discuss the roles of individuals and government in
 Measures to protect conservation. {Knowledge}
endangered species

 Conservation of habitats
- Conservation areas
(e.g. Sites of Special
Scientific Interest
(SSSI), country parks,
marine parks and the
Ramsar site)

 Ecological restoration of
damaged land
 Global issues 194. Recognize the causes and problems of global issues.
- Sustainable {Knowledge}
development 195. Use local examples to illustrate how resources are
- Management of managed. {Knowledge}
resources: fisheries
and agriculture
- Global warming
- Acid rain
- Eutrophication and
algal boom

Faith Education 2023 Edition @Stanley Leung

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