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Ô nhiễm không khí SCRIPT 2
Ô nhiễm không khí SCRIPT 2
Air pollution is a major change in the composition of the air, mainly due to smoke, dust, vapor or strange
gases being introduced into the air, emitting odors, reducing visibility, causing climate change. It also
causes illness in humans and can also harm other organisms such as animals and food crops, it can
damage the natural or built environment.
Most of the air pollution takes place due to the incomplete burning of fossil fuels. These include coal, oil,
and gasoline to produce energy for electricity or transportation. The release of CO at a high level
indicates how much fossil fuel is burned. This also emits other toxic pollutants like nitrogen oxides into
the air, which are responsible for acid rain.
Mining Activities
In the mining process, the minerals below the earth are extracted using large pieces of equipment. The
dust and chemicals released during the process not only pollute the air, but also deteriorate the health
of the workers and people living in the nearby areas
Agricultural activities frequently emit ammonia, a severely hazardous atmospheric gas. Insecticides,
pesticides and fertilizers cause both chemical air and water pollution. Farmers also set controlled fires to
fields and old crops to clear them for the next round of sowing. However, this burning also releases
harmful pollution-causing gases into the air.
Air pollution is usually thought of as smoke from large factories or exhaust from vehicles. But there are
many types of indoor air pollution as well. Heating a house by burning substances such as kerosene,
wood, and coal can contaminate the air inside the house. Ash and smoke make breathing difficult, and
they can stick to walls, food, and clothing.
Naturally occurring radon gas, a cancer-causing material, can also build up in homes. Radon is released
through the surface of the Earth. Inexpensive systems installed by professionals can reduce radon levels.
-Choose public transport rather than personal vehicles to reduce the amount of emission fumes
- replace conventional cars with electric cars. This is to reduce co2 (mostly), nitric oxide gases (overall
formula: NxOy), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ... emissions.
- all factories require to have some kind of catalytic converter (basically it helps all gases react with the
help of heat. Eg: NxOy --> N2 (nitrogen gas)) *any converter is fine since we need to reduce the variety
of gases in the emission.
- Biogas produced by any form of farming needs to be collected and transferred to the authorities
(biogas is mostly methane (a greenhouse gas). By using ethanol, we can dissolve methane, and by
distillation, we can extract the gas and liquid.)
5. Raise awareness
Continually check air quality information
Our eyes alone are unreliable tools in understanding air pollution. Check reliable air quality information
using the free AirVisual air quality app in English and Mongolian, which reports real-time and forecast
measurements from both state-run monitors and PIN’s Right to Breathe air quality monitoring network.
The app reports air quality levels using color-coded icons, which indicate how serious they are to your
health. It also provides recommendations as to how you can protect yourself.
Try to stay indoors when air pollution levels are high, especially if you are particularly at risk
Pregnant women, children, elders and people at risk of illnesses are highly vulnerable to air pollution
and its impacts. Therefore, these groups are particularly encouraged to stay indoors and limit outdoor
activities when the air pollution levels are high. When it is necessary to go outside, they should always
wear PM2.5 filtering masks
Improved fuel is a mixture of compressed crushed coal pieces and additional flammable chemicals.
While still not as efficient as electricity, compared to raw coal, improved coal is more energy efficient
and emits less smog, ash and moisture.