Avaliacao de Inglesh 77a Classe PDF Final

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Final Inglish Language Assessment 7 𝒕𝒉 Grade
Name________________________________________. Date____/_____/____Class______

The assessment includes five (4) questions. Answer each question with clarity and certainty.

1. In your class you talked about greetings. Complete the sentences using the following (5.p)
words: am, thank you, you, I am, too and are.
A: Good morning, Mr. Chadapi!
B: Good morning, Mrs. Luana! How are ____?
A: I ____ fine, _____. And how ____ you?
B: ______ fine_____.

2. Find six nationalities in the crosswords and write them down on your right-hand side (5.p)

3.complete the sentences below using places of Scholl that you studied (4.p)

a) In the break we stay at……………………...............

b) The Head master stay in……………………………
c) we study in a………………………………………..
d)The books stay at……………………………………

4. Write down the numbers in words:

a) 66 ______________________ b) 35 __________________ c) 84 _________________

d) 91 ___________________ e) 43 ___________________f) 78 ________________________

5. Look at the different clocks and write down the right time (6.p)

1.It Is………………………………………
2.It Is………………………………………
Uma gravidez não planeada irá mudar a sua
3.It Is………………………………………
vida. Concretize os seus sonhos e as suas
4.It Is……………………………………… ambições. Faça planos para o seu futuro! Por
5.It Is……………………………………… isso evite a gravidez prematura abstendo - se da
6.It Is……………………………………… actividade sexual
Complete the sentences below using the classroom commands that follow: Keep quiet, hurry
up, Listen, Sit here

a) _______________! You are making noise. b) ______________! The bus is coming.

c)_______________! This is your place d_______________! He is playing good songs.

2. Look at the pictures again and write the names of 5 countable and 5 uncountable nouns

Countable uncountable
1._________________.1. ________________
2._________________.2. ________________
3._________________.3. ________________
4._________________.4. ________________
5._________________.5. ________________
3. Complete the questions using many and much
a) How _____________ scissors are there on the table?
b) How _____________ firewood do we need?
c) How _____________ tea do you need for the students?
d) How _____________ cheese do we need for the teachers?
e) How _____________ books are there on the table?
4. Look at the different clocks and write down the right time

1. It is____________________________________________

2. It is____________________________________________
Uma gravidez não planeada irá mudar a sua
3. It is____________________________________________ vida. Concretize os seus sonhos e as suas
ambições. Faça planos para o seu futuro! Por
isso evite a gravidez prematura abstendo - se
4 It is____________________________________________ da actividade sexual

5 It is____________________________________________

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