"THE VOICE" June 2024
"THE VOICE" June 2024
"THE VOICE" June 2024
JUNE 2024
Online at www.ggmbenefice.uk
Fun in the River Thet © Gina Watling
Save on your
Car, Bike and
Home Insurance
At Adrian Flux we have over 45 years experience
tailoring insurance to suit yo ur specific needs. We can offer cover for your:
We don’t believe i n “one size fits all” when it comes
to insurance, which is why you could sa ve t ime and Car Home Caravan
m oney by c alling a member of our team directly. Bike Van Motorhome
Car ports
Fascias & guttering
Cedral Lap Weatherboards
GRP Roofing
Composite doors
Bi-folding external doors
All glass repairs including double glazed units
Fire escape ladders -
have you got your exits covered?
June sees me with a few more miles on the clock and heading for 'Old Banger'
status, but may I remind you, that much fun can be had with 'Old bangers!' When I
was first driving, it was a given that your first car was already quite stately, but most
of us will remember it with fond memories. My first car was an Austin A40 and one of
the first to have a letter A number plate. Also the first 'hatchback' as you lifted the
back window up and opened the boot down. That car saw me through two babies –
took the front seat out to accommodate the carrycot and my late brother-in-law
managed to weld two anchor points to fit the car seat in the middle at the back??
And we survived – somehow!
Ah, happy days and I hope your June is filled with the same. Gina
Next issue to be collected June 28th Copy in by June 18th please
Our Pastoral Team
John Currey Gayton 01553 636814 [email protected]
Sarah Kerkham Gayton Thorpe 01553 636253 [email protected]
Sarah Byatt Ashwicken, Leziate
& Bawsey 01553 630993 [email protected]
Bill Lewis East Walton 0797 477 0067 [email protected]
Steve Williamson Website editor 01553 636413 [email protected]
Church Contacts
All Saints Church, Ashwicken & Leziate with St James, Bawsey
Churchwarden: Steve Williamson 01553 636413 [email protected]
St Mary’s Church, East Walton
Churchwarden: Bill Lewis 0797 477 0067 [email protected]
St Mary’s Church, Gayton Thorpe
Churchwarden: Sarah Kerkham 01553 636253 [email protected]
St Nicholas Church, Gayton
Churchwarden Stan Watkinson 01553 636629 [email protected]
Grimston Medical Centre
01485 600341
West Norfolk Coastal Primary
Care Network and additional
Did you know that Grimston Medical
Centre is part of an organisation
known as The West Norfolk Coastal
Primary Care Network, or PCN?
A PCN is a group of GP Practices
that work closely together and have
access to specialists who can deliver
a wide variety of services and
support locally. Without this local
access, patients may have needed to be referred to a clinic much further afield.
Through such collaborative working we can now quickly and easily give our
patients direct assistance from a wide range of practitioners such as First Contact
Practitioners, MIND Mental Health Support workers, Paramedics, Clinical
Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians, Social Prescribers and an experienced
Nursing Team with a multitude of specialities.
The PCN also utilises their shared experience to create multi-disciplinary teams to
target specific groups of patients, such as the recent Frailty Project which aimed to
help frail patients manage their condition and support them, their families and
carers to plan for the future.
We continue to work with our colleagues and other agencies to deliver the best
possible care and outcomes for you, the patient, and hope to further improve the
services we offer, including our planned delivery service when we can recruit a
suitable driver to our team. If this position may be of interest to you, please contact
the surgery.
Dear Friends
Well, we are now almost half way through the year just moving into
the month of June with hopefully more sunnier days and less rain!!
Things are still busy and there is a lot going on. In Grimston we are looking forward
to the annual Tractor Rally on Sunday 16th June the same day as Father's Day so a
real treat out for dads. At the end of June there is a festival weekend at Harpley.
There is always something going on in our parishes, that is the lovely thing about
living in the countryside the seasons come and go but there is always something to
do, especially in our gardens.
Unfortunately, in my garden the weeds grow faster than the plants and it is an
ongoing battle to root them out. I think it is like that with our lives as well we often
find things taking over out time and our lives. So, what feeds and sustains your life
today? What relationships, values, and beliefs nourish your life? Who are the people
that enrich and enliven your life? What are you needing and asking for when you
pray that God will give you your daily bread?
In whatever ways you might have answered those questions you've described the
wheat in the garden of your soul. And wherever there is a garden you'll also find
weeds. We don't plant them, and we don't want them, but somehow they always
manage to show up. Weeds happen. And that's true whether it's the garden or the
garden of your life.
The wheat and weeds of our lives grow side by side. Their roots can intertwine. And
sometimes what looks like wheat is really false wheat, a weed. It means that every
gardener of life must be discerning about what she or he is growing, what needs to
be tended to, and what needs to be uprooted.
Anything that is not wheat is probably a weed. Weeds are the things that try to take
over the field of our life, disfigure the beauty of our garden, and choke out the wheat
that feeds, sustains, and nourishes our soul.
We need time to be still and look at things, not always easy, but we have to root out
the things that hold us back and encourage growth in the things that are better for us
and our families.
Take a look at your garden today. What do you see? Happy Gardening
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King’s Lynn PE30 1JN
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Gayton Parish Council News
The Parish held the Annual Parish
thank Sandi at the village hall for all the
Meeting on Wednesday 1st May 2024
hard work she puts into it, distressingly
at the Jubilee Hall
we were informed that behind the
Thank you to all those who attended and
scenes support is not so forth coming
supplied reports they were very
and it’s taking it’s toll on Sandi. The Hall
welcome, apologies for the absence of
is looking for more volunteers to become
our speaker from the Borough Council
the committee and trustees. I seriously
who was to give a talk on ways the
can't stress how important it is that the
Council can help with energy efficienacy
hall gets the support it needs as without
improvements of your home. This has
it the hall could close. The Parish
been rescheduled for the June Parish
council being the ultimate arbiters of its
council meeting, see agenda for
ownership doesn't have the personnel
resources to deal with the day to day
running of it and we would need to have
The Parish Council held the Annual
a discussion whether to close it until a
General Meeting on Thursday the 9th
team can be recruited. I hope we will not
May 2024 at the Jubilee Hall
have to get to this point and the great
I'm pleased to say I was elected Chair
community of Gayton will do, what it’s
for the year again and hope to carry on
good at and rally round and help out.
serving you to the best of my abilities.
The vice chair is yet to be elected and The Council discussed the playing field
will be done at the June meeting. area at Gayton Thorpe and with the
The Parish Council held an ordinary insightful input from a parishioner, there
meeting on Thursday the 9th May 2024 is a will to make some amendments of
after the AGM in the Hall this space to move forward.
Well hasn't May been a month of
meetings, it was good to hear from all Gayton Playground. We’re looking at
the local groups who submitted reports I some possible safety improvements to
thank you all for your time and it was the makeshift entrance opposite the
pleasing to hear what everyone has footpath from St Nicolas close. Oh, and
been up to. not to sound like a scratched record but
come on! Clear up your dog mess
Village Matters please!
First of all, the Parish Council wishes to More Gayton PC News Page 11
DOG Cards, Gifts & Tea Room
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146 Lynn Road, Roydon, PE32 1AQ
GROOMING Tuesday - Saturday
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Large Fully Equipped Salon Tea Room closes at 4.30 pm
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Tea Room closes at 3.30 pm
01485 601409 www.heatherandbear.co.uk 01485 524666
Visit our Facebook page at Our rates are £10.50 per hour for bookings,
https://www.facebook.com/gaytonjubileehall/ and £50.00 for a party.
Our calendar of events, including regular (half day or evening).
weekly and monthly events can be viewed email at:
online at : [email protected]
By Appointment to
Her Majesty The Queen
Painters and Decorators
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Together being the best
that we can be in mind,
body and spirit!
Each SATs morning started with a breakfast, cereal, yoghurts, fruit, toast (with plenty of
Nutella), OJ and both strawberry and chocolate milkshake (thanks Mrs Woodhouse!)
The final SATs paper was powered by sausages, as the children also had bangers as part
of their breakfast! Well done again Year6!
Classical Musician and Wimbledon Tennis
Athlete Visit
During May we also had a learning together day
with Middleton Primary Academy. During their
visit we were delighted to welcome cellist
Rebecca Hepplewhite. She played a number
of pieces and spoke to the children about
She led the children from each class through a series of high
tempo exercises to raise money for sports equipment and then
ended by giving a talk about her life as an
certainly a
day that
Reception Places for September 2024.Please contact the office if you would like a visit. You can
visit our website for more photographs, news and helpful advice. If anyone would like to visit the
school please contact us to book an appointment. Ring 01553636267 or email
[email protected] Visit our Website on -
Painting & Decorating
Located in Grimston, King’s Lynn we offer : Interior & Exterior
Carpentry - Fencing - Decking
Doggy Daycare Wood Flooring - Patios
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Dog Walking
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Aerial ‘N’ Telephone
Specialising in Free view
For a fast reliable service
Call Stuart
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Mobile: 07958 284442
‘To point you in the right direction’
More Gayton Parish Council News
Back Street, there will be two new providing me, over my time, with a
locations for our Vas sign. With the data shining example of how professionalism
the Speed Watch Team collate it helps in local governance can be achieved.
the police target speeding problems. The Thank you so so much. Its not going to
Speeding Survey group are gearing up to be the same without you. Best of Luck!!!
go full throttle after reporting to the PC on The Parish Council next meets on
the outcomes of the Speeding survey Thursday June the 6th at 7pm in the
carried out in March this year. Jubilee Hall Gayton
Parish Clerk – Susie Mullins Telephone
Finally, I'd just like to extend my thanks to 07378408078 Email
Cllr Beales who has taken the decision to [email protected]
resign after his new appointment as Agendas will be posted on the village
Leader of the Borough Council after noticeboards 5 days before the meeting
twenty-three years of service to the and on the Parish Council website
Parish Council. The PC are very grateful www.Gaytonpc.org.uk
for his dedication in all these years and a Yours Thankfully the Chaiman (again).
personal thank you from myself for Andrew Dewing
Congratulations to our own David Flux who has been appointed High Sheriff
of Norfolk. David was sworn into office in King's Lynn Town Hall last month
accompanied by his wife Lisa. He has lived locally since he was four, educated and
in business in the area, employing around 1,800 people across the Country.
Mark’s Gardening Service
email: [email protected] FRUIT & VEG 2U
Established 2019. Based in Gayton
Seasonal Produce
Weekly, Fortnightly or Ad Hoc produce boxes
delivered to your door.
Original Mixed Fruit & Veg Box - Fruit Box
Choose your own Bespoke Box.
Other Seasonal Specials throughout the year.
Find me on Facebook, Instagram, call or message me
Worzels Roofing
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Fascias & gutters
construction job Leadwork
Loft insulation
We are operating in: 18 years experience
Kings Lynn Free estimates
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Fakenham & Hunstanton areas 01760 755024, 07990 972381
Call Family Owned & Managed - Established 1851
A complete caring and personal service offered by a local family business
NIGEL DREW providing advice and guidance at your time of need when you need it most.
24HR Personal Family Caring Service
Cross Roads Individually Tailored Funerals At A Competitive Price
Gayton Thorpe 5th Generation Independent Family Service.
Gayton Past Times
This photo was given to me recently, with some names. One of which was my
Grandfather, but I have no idea what the other names are, or what the event was.
Looking closely at the picture, they appear to be wearing a lapel badge/ rosette, can
anyone name the event or Gentlemen in the photo?
Looking at the age of my Grandad I would say it taken in the 1920s. He sadly died in
1935 aged 52yrs. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance, Kenny Dewing.
I’ve taken a job working shifts at a chess piece making factory - I’m on
knights this week!
Air Conditioning
& Refrigeration
Electrical Services
Facility Maintenance
Wi fi& Data
Need Help
Personal Care Respite Care
Dementia Care Getting Out
Station Road, Leziate Tel : 01553 841407 Meals & Companionship
M.O.T`s, SERVICING & GENERAL REPAIRS Experience In Home & Hospital Care
DBS Certificate Care Certificate
FREE RE-TESTS DIESELS TESTED Insured Flexible - Book as Needed
In the King’s Lynn / PE32 area
PARAFFIN and " FLO " GAS STOCKIST Call or Text Anna:
Opening Hours :- 07436 238819
Mon - Fri : 8.00am to 5.00pm email Anna:
[email protected]
Saturdays 8.00am to 1.00pm
Guides, Brownies & Rainbows
We need to add to our Leadership team!
As much as I really enjoy Guiding and the time spent watching the girls grow and
have fun, I have realised that I can't keep going forever.
We are looking for some new members to join our team, so that they will be in a
position to take over when the time comes.
We asked the girls what they thought was needed in a Guide Leader and they came
up with some really cool suggestions:
If you think you have some – or all of these qualities, please do get in touch. No
previous Guiding experience is necessary. We owe it to the wonderful girls in our unit
to have a fresh Leadership team in place before us oldies hang up our woggles!
Linda Watkinson 01553 636629 [email protected]
Vauxhall Independent Specialists
Unit 8 Bryggen Road, North Lynn Industrial Estate, King’s Lynn, PE30 2HZ.
Although we are a well-known and established Vauxhall servicing specialist in Kings Lynn,
we are able to provide servicing on any make and model of car or light commercial vehicle.
Tel: 01553 770343
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For all your water treatment needs…
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Waxing, Facials,
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& Preparatory School cabin, Gayton Road, Bawsey.
for boys & girls to 13 yrs
Contact Danielle on 07828 268125
Tel: 01485 532 809
glebehouseschool.co.uk Flexible/evening appointments available
Gayton Plant Fair - April 2024
We chose to use the warm and dry facilities of Gayton Church this year because the
weather has been so awful. This proved a popular move, and Stan was very
accommodating, yes, we had some heating on too! Set-up on Friday evening didn't
quite go to plan, but we had the bones of it and Liz Owens got there very early on
Saturday morning to re-arrange a bit more, to accommodate the massive amount of
plants donated. And they kept coming in, another table was added, then another. My
blood pressure rose slightly – how were we going to shift this massive array of plants
of all sizes?
Amazingly we did shift most of them and a staggering amount of £338.20 was raised
plus £55.00 refreshments money and any donations for the plants left in the Church
Porch. A massive thank you to all who was involved in whatever capacity.
Thank you to Ruth, Steve, Liz, Boomerang Marion (she kept disappearing, then
coming back for more!) Mel, Delphi, Vic, Vicki, Margaret and Stan for all your efforts
re set up, clear up, manning the stalls and plants donated. We had such a huge
variety, it was a joy to behold. See photos supplied by Liz. Thank you Helen and Val,
refreshment ladies and every single one of you who donated and/or bought plants. A
truly magnificent effort. Some funds are available for local charities if you think you
qualify, please get in touch with me at The Voice.
Gina's Page: a page of fun things
Here's a recipe for those of you who 'Can't cook, won't cook!' I
Inspired by my grandsons who love a wrap.
For two wraps you will need: 2 large wraps. Some sweet hot chilli
sauce. Some tzatziki, some crisp lettuce leaves, plus a few other salad leaves like
Lamb's lettuce/rocket/mixed leaves. 5” of cucumber cut lengthways, ½ red pepper. ½
yellow pepper thinly sliced lengthways. 2 Spring onions – top and tailed and sliced
thinly lengthways. A small tin of chickpeas. A drizzle of Olive oil and a tiny bit of
honey plus salt and pepper.
Place one-at-a-time wrap in the microwave oven for 8 secs. Or in a large frying
pan - med. heat - for 15 secs. Gently place on two large plates. First wrap; smear
generously with the chilli sauce. Then repeat with the Tzatziki. Place the lettuce,
salad leaves, cucumber, peppers, onion and chickpeas down the centre of the wrap.
Season with salt and pepper and a drizzle of Olive oil. Then just a tiny teaspoon of
honey drizzled over the whole lot. Fold the top and the bottom of the wrap (near
impossible!) and the sides to overlap in the middle. With a sharp knife cut in half.
Repeat with the second wrap. Enjoy. I’m not sure a finger bowl will cut it - maybe a
Still got some wraps left? Try switching the chickpeas and spring onion for crumbled
Feta Cheese and 3 or 4 halved stoned olives. Two recipes for the price of one!
3rd July
9am St Lawrence Harpley Holy Communion
Parish Registers
5th May at St Nicholas Gayton
Ewan Tomlinson, Finlay Tomlinson Harmony
Heather Lynn Tomlinson
26th May at St Nicholas Gayton
Jasper James Corner
26th May at All Saints Ashwicken
Samuel Jack Mace
25th May at St Nicholas Gayton
2nd June 1st Sunday after Trinity Karen Grief and Adam Aubrey
Deuteronomy 5 verses 12 to15
2 Corinthians 4 verses 5 to 12 Funerals and Burial of Ashes
Mark 2 verse 23 to 3 verse 6
19th April at St Mary Great Massingham Irene
th nd
9 June 2 Sunday of Trinity Allen
Genesis 3 verses 8-15
2 Corinthians 4 verse13 to 5 verse 1 1st May at St Nicholas Gayton
Mark 3 verses 20 to 35 Pamela Mude Wenn
2nd May at Mintlyn Crematorium Leslie Griffin
16th June 3rd Sunday of Trinity
Ezekiel 17 verses 22 to 24 7th May at Nar Green Pentney Michael
2 Corinthians 5 verses 6 to 10 and Valentine.
14 to 17
10th May at St Mary Great Massingham
Mark 4 verses 26 to 34
Raymond (Ray)George Howell
23rd June 4th Sunday of Trinity 20th May Mintlyn Crematorium Graham
Job 38 verses 1 to 11 Anthony Malkan
2 Corinthians 6 verses 1 to 13
Mark 4 verses 35 to 41 23rd May at St Mary Great Massingham
Denys (Deny) Edwin Christopher Winner
30th June 5th Sunday of Trinity 24th May at All Saints Ashwicken Theo
Lamentations 3 verses 23 to 33 Cockerill
2 Corinthians 8 verses 7 to 15
Mark 5 verses 21 to 43
7th July 6th Sunday of Trinity I’ve got a date with a woman who
Ezekiel 2 verses 1 to 5
identifies as a wheelie bin, but I can’t
2 Corinthians 12 verses 2 to 10
Mark 6 verses 1 to 13 remember if I’m taking her out on
Tuesday or Wednesday
Walks around the Parishes in 2024:
This year there are a few new additions to our usual series of walks. There
is a range of walks for all abilities so there
should be something to suit almost everyone.
If you're not a walker why not come along and
join us for refreshments? Over the last few
years these walks have proved to be popular
~ they are also great social events, a chance
to chat and get to know others from our sister
churches across the Benefice.
Remember to wear strong footwear as these
walks include roads, tracks and fields which
are uneven or possibly muddy.
Why not join us sometimes? Mark the dates in your diaries!
Sat 24th Aug 3pm from Abbey Farm, East Walton PE32 1PP
Walk of about 3 miles
Refreshments at 4:30pm
Mobile Paint Repairs At your Home or
Scratch Repairs Continue to renew your CAR TAX at the Post Office,
Windscreen Chips CASH out FREE
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pre-order Foreign Currency, EURO notes on demand,
Alloy Wheel Repairs
PO phonecards, Health Lottery, Gas & Electric Keys
Bumper Scuffs
recharged, One4all Gift Vouchers and much more
Call Stuart on Open Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 9.00am - 5.30pm,
07506 691407. Wed and Sat 9.00 - 12.30
For a free quotation Closed for lunch 12.30 - 1.30pm
Gutters cleared, repaired
and replaced from as little
as £35.
No job too small. Free
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Leziate Parish Leziate, Ashwicken & Bawsey WI
1. Concerns have been
At our May meeting
raised by residents regarding the
members were given advice
number of HGV's that are using
on Wills and LPAs.
East Winch Road as a cut
through. The Parish Council will In June there will be a flower
be monitoring via cameras, and arranging demonstration and
this will be happening over the in July we will be visiting Norfolk
coming weeks. Lavender where we expect to see the
2. Parking issues on Brow of the Hill Lavender in full bloom.
– Cllr Moriarty has contacted NCC
We do not meet in August, but will
for an update on the proposed
return again on 17th September 2024.
seasowill update residents as We meet every 3rd Tuesday of the
soon as we have more month from 2pm - 4pm in Leziate
information. Village Hall and welcome guests and
3. Concerns were raised by
new members.
residents regarding the scramble
For further information please contact
motorbikes and 4x4 vehicles using Ali South (Vice Secretary) on 01553
Holt House Lane. After further 841267
research it has been confirmed
that Holt House Lane is a Postman Pete retiring after 43 years
maintained unsurfaced road, but For full story see page 29
the vehicles must be insured,
taxed and have mot. We are
asking residents to report any
sightings to the police for action.
4. Our next Parish Council meeting
will be held on Friday 12th July at
6:30pm at Leziate Village Hall,
hope to see you all there!
5. Any concerns with matters, please
don't hesitate to email
[email protected]
Victoria Kempley Vice Chairman
Terrington St Clement JOINERY
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Low Road,Congham,King’s Lynn
Gayton Jubill Hall
Many of you will already have heard about THE WEDDING, but for the
sake of those in the dark let me explain. A young couple in our village are
getting wed on 25th May in St Nicholas Church, Gayton.
The Bride has very recently lost her father, having already lost her gran and mum.
The groom is estranged from his family, and with finances very tight their wedding
was going be a very quiet and humble affair. Well, not any more. We, the coffee
morning crew and community lunch regulars have banded together to make it a day
to remember. We have a photographer coming along who is just charging for
expenses, hair, make up, and nail technician's all giving their time and expertise for
free including a local lady who is doing all the flowers for the hall and table
decorations and making the wedding cake.
My partner is driving the bride to church and then taking the newlyweds to the
reception in the Jubilee Hall. A lovely lady from Grimston has donated Prosecco and
some beautiful champagne flutes for the toast . The wedding breakfast is being
cooked by yours truly with help from some amazing ladies, providing sausage rolls,
quiches and Cheesecakes whilst another helper is in charge of tea and coffee. We
also had a whip round and raised £280, including a very kind donation from The
Voice. Thank you Gina. A very nice hotel in Hunstanton was found and I booked a 2
night honeymoon stay for the Happy couple and when I explained to the manager
what we are doing he gave us another 2 nights for free!
Donations and offers of help and various services have come from Gayton, Pott
Row, Grimston, Roydon and Congham and of course, Hunstanton. I have been truly
humbled by the generosity of so many people, several of whom do not know the
couple at all. I'm so proud to have been a part of all of this. In next month's issue, as
this month's issue will go to press before the wedding, I will let you all know how the
day went and share a photo of the event with you. Sandi Rose ,
For the last 10 years, Peter Curgenven has delivered to 300 or so customers around
the villages of Leziate, Bawsey and Middleton.
More than 150 of them turned out at a surprise party at Leziate Village Hall on Bank
Holiday Monday, to say farewell to the man known to villagers as Postman Pete.
"I was absolutely overcome, " said Peter, as he made his rounds on one of his final
deliveries afterwards. “I was speechless - and that doesn't happen very often with
me. I'd like to thank everyone personally because that really hit home."
Peter was also famed for becoming friends with all the dogs on his round - one or
two of which came bounding out to greet him after hearing his van pull up on Friday.
Viky Kempley
A great finish starts with RKB,
your local tradesman...Locksmi
Check the web site for details:
Fix Up My Appliance offers SAME DAY and NEXT DAY REPAIRS Full, part or assisted DIY livery
so call for an HONEST, AFFORDABLE service to keep all your Secure yard, trailer parking
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01553 813 050 / 07760 782 202
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Votice Board
Gayton Lunch Club
Hello fellow diners. You will have noticed that I missed the last lunch. This was due
to me having a fall at home and fracturing my hip and I can say that I do not
recommend this activity as a pastime! I'm pinned and stitched like a dressmaker's
dummy but doing ok and look forward to being back with you all before too long. The
next lunch is on June 5th 12.30 for 1pm at Gayton Crown. New members
welcome. Take care. Dione.
Articles for The Voice
We are always pleased to receive articles for the Voice and are blessed with some
really great contributors. However, if you have a grievance re some content, please
feel free to contact us at [email protected], giving your full name and contact
number, so we can address your concern. Likewise, if you really like something, let
us know. Gina
Editor in Training update
Well what can I say, emailing Gina back in January asking for details on the editor
job was one of the best decisions I have made! My training started in February and
its progressing at great speed. Im learning a lot and gaining knowledge on how The
Voice works. A few minor blips along the way but loving every minute of it. The best
part is getting to work with Gina and gaining a friend and also being welcomed into
her family. Vicky
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Rural Matters
It's Tick Season!
Ticks are active all year round, but particularly from April to September.
They live on animals, sucking their blood to stay alive. Then they fall off and can lurk
in grass and woodland areas, waiting for an animal or human
to pass and then they leap aboard for another feed.
They are a small spider-like creature 2-5mm long, which
expands as it feeds on its host animal, to look like a tiny
bean. As they go from animal to animal they can pick up
various micro-organisms which they can pass on to their next
host and infect it.
What to do if I find a Tick? If it is moving around on you and not attached yet, brush
it off with something. If it is attached it should be removed gently by using narrow
pointed tweezers, pulling upwards so none of the tick is left in you. Do not twist when
removing. A Tick removal tool is also available from a veterinary surgery or pet
supplier. Do check all of your body, they can crawl anywhere!
What symptoms would I have following a Tick bite? As with any bite itching and
redness at the site which will settle down. The classic symptom of Lyme Disease is a
rash surrounding the bite, which looks like a bullseye, although this does not happen
in every case. 'Flu-like symptoms, feeling tired, headache, general muscular aches
and pains. These can occur any time from 3 days to 4 weeks after being bitten. If
these symptoms occur, even if you do not remember being bitten, see your GP as
soon as possible and a course of antibiotics should resolve the disease.
Prevention is better than cure. When you (or the children) have been outside where
there is long grass, trees, shrubs or Bracken, just check one hasn't hopped on to
you. There are a lot of deer about here who carry them through the area. Keeping
your limbs covered or using an insect repellent when out in the countryside is a good
idea, although they do not seem to like the smell of Mint, Lemon, Bergamont either!
Don't forget they can get inside loose clothing too.
The risk of being ill from a bite is low, but one lady who was organising a plant stall
(not in this village) found one on her arm two weeks ago. John Hayes
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Proud Champion of Malting Barley
Congratulations to our own Bob King who has lived in Gayton with his wife for 38
years and has just won the prestigious Timothy Coleman prize awarded annually
by the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association for an outstanding contribution to the
County's food and farming.
After growing up in Cambridgeshire and studying geography and economics at
London University, Bob came to Norfolk with his wife Pauline and after a brief spell
as trainee malting barley trader for Dalgety in King's Lynn, he joined Crisp Maltings
at Gt Ryburgh as a malting barley buyer and was commercial director for more than
20yrs until he retired last year.
During Bob's 35 year career at the
Crisp Maltings, near Fakenham, he
helped Norfolk malt grow into a
world-renowned commodity. By
fostering collaboration between
growers, grain merchants and
maltsters, a long-term, sustainable
supply line was created to meet
the specific changing demands of
customers around the world – as
customers tastes changed from ale
to lager, followed by a boom in the
whisky distilling and the
emergence of the craft brewing sector. 'It was about getting the message out and
about what the end market wanted. 20 year's ago, most farmers hadn't got a clue
where their product was going. So we told the merchants and growers we wanted to
work in partnership. We said 'We know you can produce the best malting barley in
the country.' We told them what the market wanted and which varieties work best.'
“It was always such a friendly part of the industry, the corn markets - Bury St
Edmunds on a Wednesday, Diss on a Friday during the harvest. I have got lots of
friends in the business. A lot of growers have a warm spot for growing malting barley.
I think it is the link to the beer. Yes, they might grow wheat for the bread or animal
feed, but then they go to the pub!'
Bob King played a key role in reviving the fortunes of malting barley grown in Norfolk
and further afield. He said. “His vision of working collaboratively with farmers, grain
merchants and seed breeders built a partnership model which thrives today and
raised the profile of Norfolk's malting barley”.
Mr King replied: “I have had a fantastic career. We have got the best malting barley
in the world, even in my retirement I would like to carry on promoting Norfolk farming,
Norfolk beer and whiskey”. Gina
Met Matters
Over a number of years I've discovered I can't do stage whispers. Three episodes
spring to mind
1969 film premiere at the Dominion Theatre Tottenham Court Road. Temporary
metal barriers were erected to control the crowd. I can't remember the film or the
stars but two VIP attendees were Prime Minister Harold Wilson, pipe in hand
wearing signature Gannex raincoat, with wife Mary and the Queen Mother. After
entering the theatre I “whispered” to my colleague “No matter how rich or famous
you are, what position you hold in society or how good your tailor is if you are
shaped like a sack of spuds you end up looking like a sack of spuds.” I got a round of
applause from the assembled masses. Ooops.
About the same time we discovered after night shift, around 7am that we could go to
a pub in Covent Garden, that fed and watered the market workers. Along with two
colleagues from Tottenham Court Road nick, we had a few pints and a big steak
breakfast, then back to the section house (accommodation for single officers) for
cups of coffee laced with scotch, followed by a shot of mead when one of my
colleagues, Frank remembered he had a case at juvenile court that morning. We all
went to their nick (I hadn't previously been there) in Martin's VW beetle, Breathalyser
what breathalyser??? Martin went into the nick to find the other officer in the case,
leaving us in the car. I was dying for a pee so Frank took me in the back door and
showed me where the toilet was. Having relieved myself I was met by a man on the
stairs wearing a white shirt which signified the rank of inspector or above who
challenged me with the words “ Who are you sir?” I replied “ PC 330 Dale from
Albany Street sir” He shouted “ Get out of my Police Station.” I whispered to Frank
“Who is that fat !%*$.” Get out of my station before I have you arrested.”
Years later I was reserve officer manning radio base station, telephones etc. Having
a cup of tea at 8pm with station officer (sergeant) duty officer (inspector) and others
generally chewing the fat. I said “ I despair, the youngsters these days can't hold
their drink.” The chief inspector had joined us and said, grinning “ PC Dale, I don't
think you can speak on that subject and we both know what we are talking about
don't we. I said “Farque moi Guv I knew elephants had long memories but...” Great
guy, never bore a grudge.
Years later I was now an authorised firearms officer at Heathrow and was guarding
the Israeli airline (EL Al) check in Terminal 3 along with another colleague. Despite
the area being festooned with signs we were bombarded with questions asking for
directions. If asked politely I was help itself and when the person was out of earshot I
whispered "Now **** off and stop bothering me.” A large lady passing by said in a
broad Australian accent " I heard that Bruce. Now where can I get a good pint of
lager round here?" I directed her to T3 arrivals next door. 30 minutes later she was
back. She gave me a playful punch on the shoulder, nearly knocking me over and
said " You were right . I had a bonza pint of Fosters. I like you Bruce , I like your
sense of humour, have a drink on me" at the same time stuffing a fiver into the top
pocket of my tunic. Despite my protestations I had to accept if only to avoid a second
punch. Aww, happy days. John Dale
Taking place on site at our very own Second World War Pillbox so bring weather
appropriate clothing. Refreshments will be provided.
A collection will be taken.
Please come along. Visitors welcome. Admission £4 on the night; free to NarVOS
For more information contact Paul Fuller or Alan Schpot via
[email protected] or [email protected] or go to
Grimston Cricket Club
And Finally....
Captain Kirk to Riker; ‘I accidently rubbed ketchup in my eyes. Riker; ‘Really
Captain Kirk; ‘I now have Heinzsight.’
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