MGT 1103
MGT 1103
MGT 1103
Categorical Data
Statistical Studies - Observational
• In observational (nonexperimental) eludies no
• Labels or names used to identify an attribute attempt Is made to control or influence the
variables of Interest
of each element
• Often referred to as qualitative data - A sur vey is a good example
• Use either the nominal or ordinal scale of • Studies of smokers and nonsmokers are
observational studles because researchers do
measurement not determine or control who will smoke and
• Can be either numeric or nonnumeric who will not smoke
• Appropriate statistical analysis is rather
Statistical Studies - Experimental
limited • In experimental studies the variable of
interest is first identified.
Quantitative Data • Then one or more variables are identifled and
controlled so that data can be obtained about
how they influence the variable of interest.
• Quantitative data indicate how many or how - The largest experimental study ever
much: conducted is believed to be the 1954 Public Health
Service experiment for the Salk polio vaccine.
- discrete, if measuring how many Nearly t wo million U.S. children (grades 1- 3) were
- continuous, if measuring how much selected.
• Quantitative data are always numeric
• Ordinary arithmetic operations are
meaningful for quantitative data.
Data Acquisition Considerations Statistical Analysis Using Microsoft Excel
• Population - The set of all elements of interest in • Analysis of the data In the warehouse might
a particular study. aid in decisions that will lead to new
• Sample - A subset of the population. strategles and higher profits for the
• Statistical inference - The process of using data organization.
obtained from a sample to make estimates and • Using a combination of procedures from
rest hypotheses about the characteristics of a statistics, mathematics, and computer
population. science, analysts "mine the data" to convert
• Census - Collecting data for the entire it into useful information.
population. • The most effective data mining systems use
• Sample sur vey - Collecting data for a sample. automated procedures to discover
relationships in the data and predict future
outcomes, prompted by only general, even
vague, queries by the user.