Class 7 - PT 1 MATH 1 QP

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TERM 1 PERIODIC TEST 1 2021 - 22
Class: 7 Max. Marks: 30
Date:19/07/2021 Time: 1 hour
No. of Pages: 02
General Instructions: -
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The question paper consists of 21 questions.
Questions 1 to 15 carry 1 mark each
Questions 16 to 19 carry 2 marks each
Question No. 20 carries 3 marks
Question No. 21 carries 4 marks

Choose and write the correct option in each of the following:

1) The product of rational number and its reciprocal is
−4 2 4
a) b) c) 1 d)
9 3 9

2) 0.7625 lies between

a) 0.7 and 0.76 b) 0.77 and 0.78
c) 0.76 and 0.761 d) 0.76 and 0.763
3) The decimal form of 3 is
a) 3.375 b) 3.75 c) 3.075 d) 3.35
4) [(−8) × (−3)] × (−4) is not equal to
a) (– 8) × [(– 3) × (– 4)] b) [(– 8) × (– 4)] × (– 3)
c) [(– 3) × (– 8)] × (– 4) d) [( – 8) × (– 4)] × [(−3) × (– 4)]
5) Which one of the following statements is true?
a) |(−35) ÷ 7| = −5
b) Additive inverse of {(−66) ÷ (57 + 9)} is 1.
c) Difference in the temperatures 16℃ and −24℃ is 8℃
d) 0 ÷ (−6) is not defined
Fill in the blanks:
6) The additive identity for integers is ________.
7) The standard form of is __________.
−3 2
8) The multiplicative inverse of ( × ) is ______.
5 7

9) Kapil consumes 75 𝑚𝑙 of milk and 2.7 𝑙 of water. The ratio of his total daily fluid
intake to that of milk is______ .
10) 15.268 + 7.007+ 0.421 _________.
Answer in one or two steps:
11. Is (−39) ÷ 13 the same as (−13) ÷ 39? Justify your answer.
12. Express as a rational number with denominator 14.

13. By how much less is 28 km than 42.6 km?

2 −4
14. The sum of two rational numbers is . If one rational number is , find the other.
5 7

15. Find the sum of the predecessor of−23 to the successor of −11.

Solve the following

16. By how much does the sum of 17.443 and 29.657 exceed the sum of 13.687 and
17. Represent on the number line.

18. Find the product, using suitable property and name the property used.
(−57) × (−19) − (−57) × 1
19. Arrange the following rational numbers in descending order
−4 −5 −7 −2
, , ,
9 12 18 3

20. The height of Mt. Everest is 8848 m. Its base

is at an elevation of 5448 m. On a particular
8848 m
day the temperature at the base is −6 ℃.
Find the temperature at the top, if the
temperature at the base drops at the rate
of 1℃ per 100 metres.

5 −7 −44 51
21. Divide the sum of and by the product of and
−8 12 9 88

Prepared by: Ms. Girija T Parallel Teacher: Ms. Shwethashree
Teacher Incharge: Ms. Krishnaveni


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