Chants and Nursery Rhymes
Chants and Nursery Rhymes
Chants and Nursery Rhymes
Wednesday, Thursday just for you, Knees and toes, knees and toes,
Friday, Saturday, that’s the end, Head, shoulders, knees, and toes,
Now we start all over again! Eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.
Red, yellow, green, and blue, Apples, bananas, grapes, and pears,
These are colors just for you. Fruits are healthy, eat them with care.
Colors make the world so bright! Vegetables are good for me!
What's the weather? What's the weather? Happy, sad, angry, surprised,
Cat, hat, bat, and mat, This is my brother, fun all day.
Rhyming words are where it's at. This is my family, we love each other,
Dog, frog, log, and hog, Practicing sentences with one another.
Rhyming words, come sing along. Family sentences are fun to say,
I wake up in the morning, brush my teeth, I’m good, I’m great, how about you?
I go to school, I learn and play, Nice to meet you, let’s play a game!
Good morning, good morning, Round and round the seasons go.
Car, bus, bike, and train, What to wear, let’s take a vote!
Tick tock, tick tock, what’s the time? And one for the little boy
It’s time to sing this little rhyme. Who lives down the lane.
21. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, All the king's horses and all the king's men
How I wonder what you are. Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Jack and Jill went up the hill 28. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Jack fell down and broke his crown, Gently down the stream.
The mouse ran up the clock. The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water
The clock struck one,
Down came the rain and washed the spider
The mouse ran down,
Hickory dickory dock.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
London Bridge is falling down, Three blind mice, three blind mice,
My fair lady. See how they run, see how they run!
Build it up with silver and gold, They all ran after the farmer's wife,
Silver and gold, silver and gold, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,
Build it up with silver and gold, Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
Eating her curds and whey; The cat and the fiddle,
Along came a spider who sat down beside The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed to see such fun,
And frightened Miss Muffet away.
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
32. Pat-a-Cake
35. This Little Piggy
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man,
This little piggy went to market,
Bake me a cake as fast as you can.
This little piggy stayed home,
Pat it and prick it and mark it with B,
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none, 39. Star Light, Star Bright
And this little piggy cried, "Wee, wee, wee," Star light, star bright,
Little children want to play, Hot cross buns, hot cross buns,