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International Journal of Data and Network Science 6 (2022).


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International Journal of Data and Network Science


The effect of digital marketing on purchase intention: Moderating effect of brand equity

Maher Alwana and Muhammad Turki Alshuridehb,c*

Marketing Department, Faculty of Business, Al-Zaytoonah University, Jordan
Department of Marketing, School of Business, The University of Jordan, Amman 11942, Jordan
Department of Management, College of Business, University of Sharjah, Sharjah 27272, United Arab Emirates

Article history: This study aims to investigate the effect of digital marketing, social media marketing and electronic
Received: October 8, 2021 word-of-mouth EWOM, on the purchase intention with moderating effect of brand equity. A quan-
Received in revised format: No- titative research approach was used to achieve the research objectives. The data was collected from
vember 28, 2021
a sample consisting of 254 online shoppers of IKEA Jordan. By using a random sampling technique,
Accepted: February 17, 2022
Available online: February 19 the data was collected through an electronic questionnaire. Statistical analyses were conducted such
2022 as data normality and scale reliability by using IBM SPSS 21 software, followed by measurement
Keywords: model and hypothesis testing by using Smart PLS3 software. The results assessed the validity of the
Digital marketing measurement model, structural model as well moderation analysis that was conducted based on the
Social media marketing study objectives. The findings confirmed the assumptions which stated the digital marketing had a
EWOM positive significant effect on purchase intention, and the moderating effect of brand equity revealed
Purchase intention a significant effect. The study has contributed to the existing literature by providing future research
Brand equity suggestions and directions linked to this topic in the context of Jordan social media marketing and

© 2022 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada.

1. Introduction

The current marketing business and communication provides new integrated marketing communication which offer modern
easy and appropriate tools to help to effectively communicate with different stakeholders, mainly the customer about the
offers as well as marketing campaigns (Alshurideh et al., 2017; Alyammahi et al., 2020; Alzoubi et al., 2020). The benefits
of internet proliferation have provided entertainment and less consumed time during the shopping process, also it contributes
in changing the face of modern business landscapes for all multinational organizations which result in exponential growth of
the online businesses like Amazon and IKEA (Kannan, 2017; Alshurideh, 2022; Alshurideh et al., 2022). According to inter-
national studies, the consumers have spent millions on online shopping since modern applications and smartphones make this
process easier and more available with lower costs, and most people spend many hours a day browsing various shopping
services (Statista., 2019; Sweiss et al., 2021). The results of this developed marketing attitude have led to intensive competition
in the e-commerce markets and the key players in this field are seeking for more innovative methods to attract more online
customers as well retaining the current consumers (Obeidat et al., 2019; Safie et al., 2019).

As the integrative marketing activities have evolved, an emerging new concept called digital marketing also has occurred and
brings some dramatic changes in the marketing area and it is replaced the common traditional marketing communication for
many companies in order to effectively communicate with the customers particularly through the online shopping world
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. T. R. Alshurideh)

© 2022 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada.

doi: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2022.2.012

(Athapaththu & Kulathunga, 2018; Al-Dmour et al., 2021; Leo et al., 2021). Today’s companies are interested to increase
their capabilities with focus on the purchase intentions of the customers to accept and use the modern marketing means that
encourage these companies to integrate and employ digital marketing strategies and focus on the usage of online platforms
like social media (Ahmed & Zahid, 2014; Ahmad et al., 2021a; Lee et al., 2022a&b; Tariq et al., 2022a). Thus, this research
would offer a comprehensive overview associated with the topic of relationship between digital marketing (social media
marketing and electronic word-of-mouth EWOM) and purchase intention, the findings of this study present whether the busi-
ness trends in the future are mainly dependent on the consumer preferences and attitudes. Further, this research intends to
examine the phenomenon in Jordan of the moderating effect of brand equity among the relationship between digital marketing
dimensions and purchase intention, as a lack of empirical research attempts in this issue. Therefore, the key research objectives
are (1) To identify the effect of digital marketing (social media marketing and electronic word-of-mouth) on purchase inten-
tion; (2) To examine the moderated effect of brand equity on this relationship. So, the corresponding research questions are:
(1) To which extent does digital marketing (social media marketing and electronic word-of-mouth) influence the purchase
intention? (2) What is the moderated effect of brand equity on the relationship between digital marketing and purchase inten-

2. Literature Review

The concept of digital marketing could be defined as applications of modern digital technologies integrated with the traditional
marketing strategies in order to achieve the ultimate marketing objectives. The companies adopt this new type of marketing
also to gain big momentum to support the easy trade through advanced applications found in the smartphones which encourage
the trading activities and have become a marketplace (Leeflang et al., 2014; Almaazmi et al., 2021; Tariq et al., 2022b). During
the past decades and in the midst of launching search engines, new major marketing challenges have arisen from the severity
of non-conventional business competition which contributes to the concept of digital marketing and its connected aspect’s
(Ahmed et al., 2020; Diventy et al., 2021). The paradigm of digital marketing has resulted in drastic changes and shifting in
the worldwide markets and increased the prevalence of customer’s purchase intentions and power, and this resulted in several
implementations of advanced business technologies that have been created as responding to the business changes (Poyurak &
Softic, 2019; Khasawneh et al., 2021a&b).

The factors that contribute to digital marketing are the boom of available digital technologies like laptops, smartphones and
e-commerce platforms as well as artificial intelligence (AI) (Alhashmi et al., 2021; AlShamsi et al., 2021; Nuseir et al., 2021;
Yousuf et al., 2021). These factors also showed effect on the shifts of consumer’s attitudes towards the purchases, and they
reshape the future of marketing strategy (Sivasankaran, 2013; Abuhashesh et al., 2021; Hasan et al., 2022). E-shopping and
commerce offers additional values for the customers compared to the old traditional commerce which may also impact con-
sumers' online purchase intention (Al Dmour et al., 2014; Dastane, Goi, & Rabbanee, 2020). However, the customers can
reach their marketplaces from anywhere and anytime through the diversity and available web pages that have attractive and
informative texts, graphics, as well audio that overcome the shortcomings of the traditional marketing channels and develop
the users’ experiences (Gabriel & Kolapo, 2015; Alshurideh, 2019; Alshurideh et al., 2019). Hence, digital communication
supports building modern opportunities for social media involvement in the marketing activities to control and decrease the
marketing costs of the traditional marketing (Aljumah et al., 2021; Al-Maroof et al., 2021; Kurdi et al., 2021).

Furthermore, today’s marketers are facing some new challenges during integration appropriate and blended marketing strate-
gies to reach as much as potential consumers and to create brand loyalty and awareness for successful and effective interacting
with the customers through direct feedback (Tamrakar, Pyo, & Gruca, 2018; Alshurideh et al., 2020; Hamadneh et al., 2021a).
Digital marketing has a capacity to attract mass and wide range of customers and allow the companies to interact with them
quickly and sufficiently through different online platforms and media to instruct them during the purchase process (Lodhi &
Shoaib, 2017; Ahmad et al., 2021b&c). Also, digital marketing plays a role in strengthening the brand's value through reduc-
ing brand misunderstanding when the customers share their feedback and experience which might lead to greater purchase
intentions. The investment in the digital marketing sector requires big budget and technical infrastructure with skilled and
talent staff, but the management should firstly address the benefits gained of this integration and compare it to the potential
losses of the traditional marketing channels to support the tracks of investment returns (Teixeira, Barbosa, & Pinto, 2019;
Hamadneh et al., 2021b; Shamout et al., 2022).

Digital marketing also offers multi-setting platforms for the consumers to guide and control the purchase processes by prod-
ucts browsing and reviewing (Akour et al., 2021; Ghazal et al., 2021). Moreover, the sales conversion is a complex process
without adequate marketing and product content to influence and convince the customers for a prospective sale and to ensure
repeat purchase (Swieczak & Łukowski, 2016; Almazrouei et al., 2020). The trust among consumers towards some products
enables the research engines to gain some personal data to enhance the customer relationship for greater performance of
marketing strategies (Al-Khayyal et al., 2020; Alsharari & Alshurideh, 2020). Also, the privacy and security assurance of this
data encourage the consumers to be a part of many feedback and quality-related surveys that design to explore their digital
experiences. As information security and privacy are important, this issue has become crucial in digital marketing due to
sharing data of customers which might violate their confidentiality without consent (Whitler & Farris, 2017).
M. Alwan and M. T. R. Alshurideh / International Journal of Data and Network Science 6 (2022) 839

The doubts among customers have grown about the reliability of the digital marketing tools therefore they suggest that the
companies try to build brand awareness and trust with great branding as a method of marketing. Even so, a lot of companies
invest in digital marketing as a future business development and sustainability. Failure adoption in the digital marketing
campaigns of the companies indicate high cost and time-consuming efforts with lower business competitiveness, as Jordan
still has poor experience with digital marketing and lack of needed infrastructure, culture as well skills (AL-Azzam & AL-
Mizeed, 2021; Al-bawaia et al., 2022). The process of purchase intention is highly influenced by the electronic searching
among the customer and the time spent browsing some e-shopping web pages (Nofal et al., 2021). Currently, the E-businesses
try to attract new consumers and maintain the current customers; and this would be achieved through better grasping the
effects of digital marketing on purchase intention. The innovative companies also focus on developing the methods of com-
munication process by incorporating a mix and blend of advanced technologies to handle the rigorous competition (Wong et
al., 2019). The issue of impacts of digital media on consumer’s purchase intention was addressed by many scholarly works
(e.g., Rehmani & Khan, 2011) and the findings confirmed this effect and emphasized the growing future smartphone usage
which requires integrative strategies of the marketing department to understand this emerging business issue.

Furthermore, the studies addressed the history of purchase intention from different views and they focus on this term due to
the growing development of advanced technology and consumers’ changes and preferences in the shopping process. As the
significance of digital marketing increasing, the existing relevant literature that examined the purchase intention has not fully
found the effect of digital marketing on purchase intention (Dastane, 2020), and further expand the related knowledge with
some proposed conceptual model with mediating or moderating effects of numerous constructs e.g., brand awareness in the
relationship between digital marketing and purchase intention in different contextual field (Putri, 2021). The findings were
relatively similar and valued to the existing literature and future scholars evidenced by these studies to fulfil research gaps in
a research niche of Jordanian context related to digital marketing and purchase intention, which has become an essential topic
in the marketing field as evidenced by contemporary studies.

Digital marketing is considered as one of the most modern marketing methods that is widely used for customer communication
and products/services promotion with no limitation on place, time, and cost (Monfared et al., 2021). Wibisurya (2018) showed
that digital marketing had a positive significant effect on purchase intention, with main effect on the attractive contents and
customisation for the customers. Similarly, Poyurak and Softic (2019) who have also confirmed this result with a positive
effect of the digital marketing on purchase intention by exchanging ideas and opinions with numerous customers. On other
hand, Chaf and Chadwick (2019) have found insignificant impact and relationship between digital marketing and purchase
intention, which this attempt doesn’t support, the purchase intention while using the modern digital marketing tools and meth-
ods. Therefore, this study intends to examine the relationship and propose the following main research hypothesis.

Digital marketing has various methods and tools involved in this process and supports the prevalence of this modern marketing
process. Tsitsi (2013) indicated a system which allows the marketer to involve, communicate, and promote their entities to
the buyers, and is commonly known with the social media marketing which also gives all people chances to participate in
different marketing purposes. Social media marketing has become a form of both direct and indirect marketing activities that
used to establish brand awareness and recognition. Currently, people use this tool from different social webs like social net-
working and bookmarking content (Genelius, 2011) as well. Kim and Ko (2012) refer to three measurements of social media
marketing factors called entertainment, interaction, and trendiness. Another important dimension of the digital marketing
namely Electronic Word Of Mouth (e-wom) which is a statement either negative or positive established by real previous or
potential customers experience regarding a brand or company which this opinion is important for people or companies through
the social media (Jalilvand and Samiei, 2012). The electronic word of mouth has become a vital place for customers to share
their feedback and experiences and give them to potential customers; also, it is considered an effective approach than the
traditional one of word of mouth (Priansa, 2017). Charo (2015) demonstrates that the electronic word-of-mouth EWOM fa-
cilitates the information exchange and knowledge by online platforms using numerous social media channels. Cheung &
Thadani (2010) also emphasized that E-WOM has four factors namely communicator, stimulus, response, and receiver. Based
on this evidence, the researcher postulates the research hypothesis as follows H1: Digital marketing (social media marketing
and electronic word-of-mouth) has a significant effect on purchase intention.

Brand equity as discussed in the relevant literature indicates the product or service added value that also indicates the percep-
tions of the consumers and their reflection or experience toward a particular brand, and this includes the price, package,
quality, market share, and brand profits (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Additionally, Aaker (1992) indicated that the strong brand
can view through the customer brand equity that encompasses some key dimensions, like perceived quality, brand awareness
and loyalty (Ra’d Almestarihi et al., 2021). For example, brand awareness indicates the ability of customers to maintain in
mind or remember this brand over many diverse situations (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Further, the brand awareness is a key
component and influential factor among the decision making of the consumers, they tend to buy the product which is well-
known and has various benefits as well meet their expectations (Soewandi, 2015). Brand association has a role in forming the
brand equity and it is defined as memorized signs connected to a brand which might include experience, perception, feeling,
and attitude, and anything which represents the brand characteristics (Kotler & Keller, 2012). The greater brand association,
the greater brand equity that may result in a greater positive relationship of the brand in the customers’ perspectives. Empiri-
cally, the studies about this concept were conducted to present some evidence which concluded that brand awareness has two
components called brand association and awareness, and they combine together as one single dimension. Based on this

evidence, the researcher postulates the research hypothesis as follows H2: brand equity moderates the relationship between
digital marketing and purchase intention.

3. Method

This study adopted and used the scientific quantitative method linked with the positivist paradigm in order to test research
hypotheses. For this purpose, the data was collected by questionnaire from the respective sample, which was a customer of
IKEA Jordan, and then the study hypotheses were tested by using common statistical software of Smart PLS3. As stated early,
this research aimed to examine the causal effects between three constructs namely: digital marketing with two dimensions
namely (social media marketing and electronic word-of-mouth), purchase intention, and brand equity. The study also adopted
a cross-sectional research approach to test the individuals’ characteristics at period. In this research, the major elements for
data collection from large numbers of respondents were the quantitative approach utilized by the study instrument of the
survey questionnaire. It also used a random sampling technique in the purpose of collecting data from the target sample of
online consumers and shoppers of IKEA in Jordan, then the data was analysed by using a statistical program. The study
conducted various statistical analyses such as demographic analysis, measurements normality and scale reliability by using
IBM SPSS 21, as well it had been evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling using Smart
PLS3. The validity and moderation analysis of the measurement model was also evaluated using the same program of Smart
PLS3. The hypotheses were tested, and subsequently the results were addressed and discussed. In this study, the survey ques-
tionnaire was developed based on previous relevant studies that addressed the same constructs and led the methods to carry
out the study strategy. Fig. 1 shows the conceptual model of this research which represents an independent variable (with its
two perspective dimensions), dependent variable as well the moderator.

Independent variable Dependent variable

Social media marketing

Digital marketing H1 Purchase intention

Electronic word of mouth H2

Moderator Brand equity

Fig. 1. Research Conceptual Model

The survey questionnaire was edited and prepared then distributed by an electronic questionnaire style after having approval
from the store management. The electronic questionnaire was selected due to the many benefits gained from this tool e.g easy
to reach sample because of the advanced smartphones which make it easier to send the questionnaire as a link by using some
common social media platform such as Whatsapp, and it enables easy retrieval of the data. It was designed through Google
Form which allows synthesizing the questionnaire as a link to send it to the participants smoothly, as well the researcher can
obtain direct results in a real time (Kitagaki, Tomita, & Hikita, 2004). The questionnaire was prepared in Arabic language for
more convenience to the sample and to avoid ambiguity among the statements, so the respondents were aware of the items as
well the research objectives. The questionnaire was also divided into three parts. The first part about demographics data of
the respondents such as gender, age, education level, etc. the importance of demographic data was vital for some certain
reasons: to identify the individual characteristics and behaviours of a particular group and to enable generalize the accuracy
of the respective sample to broad target sample (Hughes, Camden, & Yangchen, 2016). The second part of the questionnaire
was designed to ask the participants about their agreement or not regarding the effects of digital marketing dimensions (six
items) on the purchase intention (five items), and the moderated role of brand equity (four items) in this causal effect. The
measurement scale adopted Five-Likert scale ranging from 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree to assess the measurement
items. Table 1 presents the measurement items and their sources during designing the research instrument.

Table 1
Research Instrument
Statements Source
Digital Marketing Dimensions
Social Media Marketing
1 The social media marketing provides wide range of feedback and information products and helps searching Sivasankaran (2013); Yuvaraj
the best product. & Indumati (2018)
2 Social media platforms offer good quality information about brand/firm.
3 Social media channels also provide detailed methods while using online media and marketing tools.
Electronic Word-Of-Mouth
4 Electronic WOM acts as a tool to make products comparison prior shopping online.
5 Electronic WOM provides real different customer’s experiences and opinion exchange through brands so-
cial networks.
6 Electronic WOM facilitates shopping activities and products evaluation and brand awareness.
M. Alwan and M. T. R. Alshurideh / International Journal of Data and Network Science 6 (2022) 841

Table 1
Research Instrument (Continued)
Statements Source
Purchase Intention
1 In the future I would intend to become online shopper. Laksamana (2018); Gabriel &
2 My intention to become online shopper is positive and enthusiastic. Kolapo (2015)
3 I am capable to be online shopper over many purchase activities.
4 I have a great intention to replace the traditional shopping pattern with the E-shopping.
5 While browsing a product, I plan to conduct the purchase process online.
Brand Equity
1 It makes sense for me to buy the brands with online facilities instead of other brands. Yoo & Donthu (2001); Yoo,
2 Even if different brands have the same features, I will prefer to buy a brand with online aspects. Donthu, & Lee (2000)
3 If there is different brand's online performance, I would prefer to buy the brand with more digital features.
4 If the digital concern of a brand is different from another brand, it looks easier to purchase this brand.

4. Results

4.1 Demographic Analysis

Sample demographics are presented in Fig. 2 which shows how the sample demographic characteristics were distributed
during the process of data analysis. As a part of the research sample study, the results of demographics obtained from 254
participants were collected after designing an electronic form using Google Form, and the research instrument included the
following questions: gender, age, education level, and profession. The results showed out of a total of 254 participants, 100
male and 154 female samples which contribute around 39.4% male and 60.6% female. The selection process was gender-
based to confirm a belief which states that women use E-shopping more than men (39.4% vs. 60.6%). The results provided
from the questionnaire analysis, the dominant age group was 30-40 years (35.8%), followed by the group aged less than 30
years (33.1%), 40-50 years (17.3%), and above 50 years (13.8%). In terms of the educational levels of the overall participants,
the results showed that the majority were bachelor’s degree holders (53.5%), followed by Master holders (16.1%), secondary
school degree holders (15.7%), and only (4.3%) were doctorate holders. Based on the profession, run a business category
contributed the majority with 25.2%, followed by employee in private sector (22.4%), unemployed (19.7%), and employee in
government sector (14.2%), housewife/husband (11%) and lastly, student unemployed (7.5%).

100, 39% 84, 33%
44, 17%
154, 61%

91, 36%

Male Female <30 30--40 41--50 >50

Gender Age group

11, 4% 40, 16% 28, 11% 36, 14%

41, 16%
19, 8%
26, 10%
57, 22%
50, 20%

64, 25%

Secondary degree Diploma degree Government Private

Bachelor degree Master degree Run a business Unemployed
PhD degree Student Housewife/husband

Education level Profession

Fig. 2. Sample Demographics


4.2 Normality & Reliability Analyses

The study has conducted other important required analyses related to the descriptive statistics which show the extent of the
dataset has normal distribution, and how reliable of the measurement items used in this study. The results of this test are
provided in Table 2 which provides both normality assessment by using the most common tests namely skewness and kurtosis
available in SPSS software to determine the normal distribution of the data collected. George and Mallery (2010) stated that
all variables achieved great and acceptable if the values of skewness and kurtosis ranged between -1.0 and +1.0, which is
considered a good rule-of-thumb. was shown for the normal distribution. The findings provided in Table 3 showed that the
normality test of all research variables involved in this study had normal distribution through great values of skewness and
kurtosis with good symmetric normal distribution of the data.

Table 2
Descriptive Statistics & Reliability
Item Mean Std. Deviation Skewness Kurtosis Outer loadings Scale reliability
DM1 3.99 0.606 0.005 -0.250 0.70 0.71
DM2 3.89 0.764 -0.447 0.059 0.73
DM3 4.11 0.660 -0.117 -0.706 0.63
DM4 3.94 0.856 -0.543 0.285 0.74 0.75
DM5 4.14 0.689 -0.187 -0.889 0.74
DM6 4.10 0.684 -0.127 -0.858 0.75
PI1 4.14 0.714 -0.214 -1.018 0.79 0.85
PI2 3.92 0.837 -0.454 -0.121 0.82
PI3 3.81 0.933 -0.388 -0.576 0.81
PI4 4.06 0.692 -0.083 -0.897 0.78
PI5 4.13 0.713 -0.195 -1.017 0.75
BE1 3.91 0.923 -0.873 0.756 0.79 0.71
BE2 3.98 0.638 -0.260 0.327 0.75
BE3 4.15 0.650 -0.162 -0.669 0.69
BE4 4.21 0.683 -0.290 -0.856 0.68

Reliability Assessment was also assessed by the most common test in this analysis called Cronbach’s alpha which was used
in this study to measure the internal consistency of the coefficient reliability for questionnaire items. As the values of reliability
test debatable, but mostly the increases of alpha value would improve the variables correlation and reliable alpha value more
than 0.70 consider good and reliable scale (Kline, 2000), and the alpha value less than 0.7 is subject to low reliability. How-
ever, the results as illustrated in Table 2 showed that the reliability score had ranged from 0.71 to 0.85 which indicated
favourable reliability.

4.3 Measurement & Structural Model Analysis

PLS-SEM approach was conducted in the current research which requires analysing two types of model, firstly measurement
model which include testing the reliability of the constructs through two popular measures namely average variance extracted
AVE and composite reliability CR. The findings of this test as shown in Table 4 indicated the values of both AVE and CR
for each variables were more than 0.50 and 0.60 respectively with higher outer loading e.g 0.70 (Wong, 2013) which suggested
that the measurement items with a value of 0.70 and more considered valid, and the low outer loadings (below 0.4) are
suggested to be skipped from further analysis to ensure greater results and to not affect the reliability of the research constructs
(Hair et al., 2021). The reliability results test as shown in Table 4 indicated that all study variables namely digital marketing
dimensions marketing (social media marketing and electronic word-of-mouth EWOM), purchase intention and brand equity
as the Cronbach’s Alpha, AVE and CR values for all achieved the threshold suggested values by expertise (0.70, 0.50, & 0.60
accordingly) (Ramayah et al., 2018). Next test is related to the structural model which was assessed in order to determine the
amount of R-square value which indicated the amount of variance in the dependent variable caused by the respective inde-
pendent variable. The result showed that the R-square value was 0.650, and this result indicated that the independent variable
(digital marketing) influences the dependent variable (purchase intention) by 65%, which means that digital marketing sig-
nificantly affects purchase intention. Therefore, it would conclude that the independent variable explains around 65% of the
dependent variable.

Table 3
Measurement Model Results
Variable AVE CR R2
Social media marketing 0.64 0.84
EWOM 0.68 0.86
Purchase intention 0.62 0.89 0.65
Brand equity 0.53 0.82
M. Alwan and M. T. R. Alshurideh / International Journal of Data and Network Science 6 (2022) 843

4.4 Hypotheses Testing

The results of hypothesis testing, and the respective results are presented in Table 4 as well the graphic illustrated in Fig. 3.
The first hypothesis states that digital marketing (social media marketing and electronic word-of-mouth) has a significant
effect on purchase intention testing, the derived results of this hypothesis provided a T-statistic value of 48.968 and 75.674
respectively which is greater than the tabulated T-value of 1.96, with a P value of 0.000 which is less than 0.05 of a significance
level. This result indicated a significant effect between these variables, and the coefficient value obtained was 0.873 and 0.897
respectively which also indicated a significant and positive effect between digital marketing dimension’s (social media mar-
keting and electronic word-of-mouth) and purchase intention. Therefore, the study accepted the first proposed research hy-
pothesis stated early. The second research hypothesis states that brand equity moderates the relationship between digital mar-
keting and purchase intention. The derived results of this hypothesis provided a T-statistic value of 5.901 which is greater
than the tabulated T-value of 1.96, with a P value of 0.000 which is also less than 0.05 of a significance level. These results
indicated a moderation effect of brand equity among the relationship between these variables, and the coefficient value ob-
tained was 0.267 which also indicated the brand equity acts as a moderator. Therefore, the study accepts the second proposed
research hypothesis.

Table 4
Path Coefficients
Path Path estimate Standard deviation T-statistics P-value Result
Social media marketing → purchase intention 0.873 0.018 48.968 0.000 Supported
Electronic WOM → purchase intention 0.897 0.012 75.674 0.000 Supported
Brand equity → purchase intention 0.267 0.045 5.901 0.000 Supported

Fig. 2. T-statistics

5. Discussion

From the findings gained by the analysis, they revealed that there was a positive significant effect of the digital marketing (as
independent variable) on the purchase intention variable (as dependent variable). The results of the regression coefficient also
revealed a significance level of less than 0.05. This showed that digital marketing (social media marketing and electronic
word-of-mouth) had a significant influence on purchase decisions. The study results are in line with some different contextual
empirical studies e.g. (Zanjabila & Hidayat, 2017) which was conducted on SMEs products, and it concluded that the social
media marketing had a significant effect on purchase consumers’ decisions. In addition, the current results of this research
supported the assumption that social media marketing highly contributed to the purchase decisions of the consumers for Small
& Medium Enterprises SME products. Also, from the research results on the moderating effect of brand equity on the rela-
tionship between digital marketing and purchase intention, they showed a positive significant moderating effect of this over
the respective relationship.

The consumers showed their agreement that digital marketing provides a wide range of products and the best purchasing
practices of the products through E-shopping and electronic word-of-mouth. Digital marketing offers good quality information
about these products which make the shopping process easier and more interesting, and the work of mouth also supports the

smooth information exchange. In the same vein, they also agreed that digital marketing provided opinions exchanging and
discussion with the negative or positive traits of a product which also enabled the consumers to form a clear picture against a
particular product before making a purchase. These results are also consistent with some studies e.g. Erlangga, (2021) that
demonstrated that media marketing had a significant impact on purchase decisions of the consumers. The findings also ad-
dressed the role of brand equity through the awareness about the brand and sharing customer’s experiences among others
which also support this crucial role on the purchase intention of customers to use advanced marketing tools e.g. social media
to conduct their purchases. Electronic word of mouth has revealed an important role for customers to share their actual expe-
riences with a particular brand with a firm and this method considers more effective and interesting tools to enable the cus-
tomers to clearly evaluate the brands/products.

However, the previous studies also suggested involve new critical factor that might influence the purchase decisions and
intentions of the customers with more emphasis on the emerging situations e.g COVID-19 which also encourage online shop-
ping and limit the chances of traditional marketing behaviours and practices due to the pandemic spreads that also limit the
direct and personal interactions to curb this health threat. In Jordan, the mix marketing elements in place and the information
provided about this key element which includes the supplies and equipment correspond with the emerging crisis of COVID-
19 pandemic that helps in generating the customer’s intention to go through the digital marketing tools in the future. Due to
the major goal of the contemporary businesses associated with retention and attracting new customers, it has become more
difficult because of this new condition worldwide. The digital marketing methods provide the customers with a wide range of
alternatives which enables them to make the right decision based on their determined criteria e.g. price or quality. Therefore,
attracting potential customers through adopting new marketing shopping and strategies can offer productive purchase trends
which in turn encourage the customers to involve more into the modern shape of marketing activities.

It would justify the obtained results in two folds, firstly the developed marketing aspects have enabled to create a direct
positive association between digital marketing methods and purchase intention, thereby indicating that the digital marketing
methods have improved, reflecting the value of brand and increasing brand awareness. Secondly, the brand equity levels lead
to understanding the attitudes among customers and their expectations to see modern and satisfied marketing tools e.g social
media to meet their needs and expectations which in turn lead to greater levels of satisfaction then loyalty to the brand.
Unsurprisingly, this given result has noted the same effect and showed that it will be valuable for management and marketers
to pay more attention and invest more in the current technological infrastructure to enhance the quality of products/services
when maintaining the product preferences and distinctiveness to ensure long-term customer relationship. On other hand, the
current study findings contradict with other works (e.g., Nurhandayani et al., 2019) which based on their study demonstrated
that using the influencers in the social media to influence the customer’s purchase intention was not given a significant effect,
this outcome could assist the brand equity strategy to establish and build a strong perceived image in the minds of customers
to boost the brand image and drive their considerations to repeated future purchases.

Additionally, this contradiction would expand the existing similar studies to explore the most factors that might influence
consumers’ purchasing decisions to find out the attractive marketing means for them with convenient alternative shopping
alternatives to encourage them with adequate purchases based on the available information and options e.g., product content.
Moreover, the revolution among the information technology largely helps the business to integrate advanced methods of
marketing to meet the growing diverse customers’ needs and expectations, mainly looking for entertaining methods and ways
while making their daily shopping activities for competitiveness in the intensive business environment which require more
adaptive business measures for goals gaining.

6. Conclusion & Implication

The literature and empirical works have revealed that digital marketing was a key factor and significantly affected the purchase
intention of the customers with some support from relevant previous study results. In the current research, the digital market-
ing dimension’s (social media marketing and electronic word-of-mouth) had a significant and positive effect on purchase
intention. Therefore, this concept has taken its importance because the advanced technological devices have become part of
customers’ life like computers, smartphones, and tablets. The study offers some practical implications to increase the levels
of purchase intention to IKEA products, the study suggested that the store management should incorporate advanced forms
of positive brand value to enhance the brand awareness through digital marketing approaches e.g. social-media platforms.
According to the findings of this research, moderating the role of brand equity would improve the need to integrate more
updated marketing means with more focus on the prevailing purchasing behaviours to effectively respond to the critical
changes in this field. Moreover, marketing managers are invited to strive to work the most influential digital marketing tools
such as social-media and the great benefits and influence could gain behind this implementation. And this should be accom-
panied with sufficient marketing plans to achieve greater brand equity for profitable purchase decisions of consumers.

The research contributes to the theory through establishing a relationship between digital marketing dimensions (social media
marketing and electronic word-of-mouth) and purchase intention with moderation role of brand equity has not been examined
in the developing context like Jordan. Practically, the research results provide meaningful insights and useful understanding
for the digital marketers regarding the brand value that would act as attraction for new potential customers. Generally, the
study concluded that customers favour easy and advanced marketing methods with various aspects of this process for good
M. Alwan and M. T. R. Alshurideh / International Journal of Data and Network Science 6 (2022) 845

marketing performance. Finally, graphics with light or natural background colours are preferred to darker ones. This research
has some limitations. First, it used the quantitative research approach through survey questionnaires to conduct an online
research instrument to reflect the internet population's views, so the offline customers were not considered in this study.
Second, because of resource constraints, the sample size representing the current study population was limited to only 254
participants which may limit the generalization chance. Third, the findings are limited only to IKEA Jordan context that was
addressed among this research, hence can’t not be generalized to other contexts. Future research directions and avenues in-
clude investigating the impact of social media sources on purchase decisions over other different industries and contexts with
different sample and cultural perspectives for deeper understanding and exploration of critical phenomena linked to custom-
ers’ expectations and perceptions of marketing preferences.


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