The Heroes of The Trojan War Handouts

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1.HELEN- fairest woman in the world. The reason the


Characters: 2.MENELAUS- Helen’s husband and King of Sparta chosen

by King Tyndareus. He gathers support from Greece to wage
1.ERIS - The evil goddess of Discord. Left out from the war on Troy after Helen’s disappearance.
banquet at an important marriage.
3.KING TYNDAREUS- Helen’s father, who wisely raises her
2.KING PELEUS AND THETIS - The couple who got to ensure safety by making all her suitors swear an oath to
married and threw a banquet. protect her marriage.

3.APHRODITE - The goddess of love and beauty. Has a 4.PARIS- Prince of Troy who started the Trojan War. Son of
condition for Prince Paris that the fairest woman in all the King Priam and Queen Hecuba.
world should be his.
5.CHIEF AGAMEMNON- brother of Menelaus and father of
4.HERA - The goddess of marriage. Promised Prince Paris to Iphigenia. He led the forces of Greeks against Troy and the
make him the Lord of Europe and Asia. one who refused to return Chryseis.

5.ATHENA - The goddess of wisdom. She assured Paris that 6.ODYSSEUS - King of the island Ithaca, one of the
he would lead the Trojans to victory against the Greeks and shrewdest and most sensible men in Greeks.
lay Greece in ruins.
7.ACHILLES - Greatest warrior of the Greeks, known for his
6.PRINCE PARIS/ ALEXANDER- A Shepard. An excellent unmatched courage and strength. Son of Peleus and the sea
judge of beauty. Living with a lovely nymph named Oenone. nymph Thetis.

7.PRIAM- Paris' father. The king of Troy 8.CALCHAS- a prophet

Summary of the story: 9.IPHIGENIA - daughter of Chief Agamemnon and

Clytemnestra and a sacrifice maiden to appease Artemis.
The judgment of Paris was a contest between the three most
beautiful goddesses of Olympus—Aphrodite, Hera, and 10.AJAX AND DIOMEDES- other two great champions in
Athena—for the prize of a golden apple addressed "To the Greeks
11.PROTESILAUS- first man to leap the shore then die.
The story began with the wedding of Peleus and Thetis
which all the gods had been invited to attend except for Eris, 12.HECTOR- Prince of Troy and known for being a devoted
goddess of discord. When Eris appeared at the festivities she son, husband, and father.
was turned away and, in her anger, cast the golden apple
amongst the assembled goddesses addressed "To the
13.PATROCLUS- close companion of Achilles
Fairest." Three goddesses laid claim to the apple--Aphrodite,
Hera, and Athena. Zeus was asked to mediate, and he
commanded Hermes to lead the three goddesses to Paris of 14.NESTOR- oldest among the chieftains
Troy to decide the issue. The three goddesses appear before
the shepherd prince, each offering him gifts for favor. He 15.ATHENA, HERA, APHRODITE, ZEUS, ARTEMIS,
chose Aphrodite, swayed by her promise to bestow upon APOLLO, POSEIDON- Gods & Goddesses
him. Helen; the most beautiful woman, for a wife. The
subsequent abduction of Helen led directly to the Trojan War Summary of the story
and the fall of the city.

Moral of the story:

It highlights the dangers of desire and the power of the

gods. It also shows that beauty is subjective and that
different people can have different opinions on what is
The Trojan War sparked by the abduction of Helen, splendid armor of Achilles which all the trojans knew and
the most beautiful woman in the world by Paris, prince of feared, and he led the myrmidons, Achilles men to the
Troy, who was swayed by Aphrodite's promise of Helen's battle. At the first onset trojans wavered to him but at last
love. This act enrages Helen's husband, Menelaus, who calls he met Hector face to face and his doom was sealed as
upon all of Greece, led by his brother Agamemnon, to wage Hector’s spear gave him a mortal wound and his soul fled
war against Troy and retrieve Helen. While Paris established from his body down to the house of Hades. Achilles received
himself as a prince of Troy the legitimate son of King Priam the message that Patroclus was killed by Hector and had his
and Queen Hecuba and when he returns home together with armor igniting Achilles' fury and driving him to seek
Helen his sister Cassandra opposes him because of the vengeance on Hector. This was the last fight between the
prophecy she sees that even King Priam did not believe two great champions. Hector, torn between saving himself
because of Apollo’s curse, resulting in her being locked in a and redeeming his honor, came face to face with Achilles
palace cell. through Athena’s tricks pretending to be his brother leading
to his demise. Achilles, moved by Priam's plea, granted him
In the Greek camp, Odysseus and Achilles are Hector's body for a proper funeral, signaling the end of the
initially reluctant to join the war but are eventually Iliad.
persuaded to participate. Under the leadership of
Agamemnon, they met in Aulis and there, Agamemnon is
compelled to sacrifice his daughter, Iphigenia, to appease Moral of the story:
the goddess Artemis and ensure favorable winds for the It highlights the consequence of everyone’s action from
Greek fleet. The war begins with both sides experiencing selfish desires, pride, and unchecked ego. Also the power of
losses, with Hector emerging as Troy's main defender and fate because despite the effort made by both Trojans and
Achilles as the Greeks greatest warrior. However, internal Greeks just like what they have seen in prophecy they
conflicts arise among the Greeks, particularly between ultimately fulfill their fates. Their actions are inevitable as
Achilles and Agamemnon, leading to discord within the Greek their fate is beyond human control. Moreover, the story
camp. A woman was a reason again, Chryseis, daughter of emphasizes the enduring power of human suffering and
Apollo’s priest whom the Greeks had carried off and given to compassion because even though there is violence and
Agamemnon. Apollo shot fiery arrows that resulted in the tragedy on both sides, Achilles granting King Priam’s plea to
Greek army sickened and died as he heard his server cry for get his son’s body shows the capacity of humans to forgive
the abduction of his beloved daughter, Chryseis. Under the and let Hector’s family mourn for him.
leadership of Achilles, they appease Apollo with the help of
prophet calchas and other chieftains that made Agamemnon
obliged to follow. Achilles’ mother learned that her son was
still joining the army, so she went up to heaven and asked  THE FALL OF TROY
Zeus to give success to the Trojans. The gods took part in
the war now affecting the outcomes of various battles. On Characters:
the Greek side, Ajax and Diomedes emerged as formidable
champions inflicting heavy losses upon the Trojans. 1.PARIS- Son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba
Diomedes even wounded Prince Aeneas, saved only by his
mother Aphrodite's intervention and Apollo. However,
2.HECTOR -is a Trojan prince and one of four sons of the
Diomedes faced Hector and Ares, with Athena's
King of Troy Priam and Queen of Troy Hecuba. He was a
encouragement leading to Ares' injury and subsequent
hero and the greatest warrior for Troy during the Trojan
retreat. Zeus at that time remembered his promise to Thetis,
Achilles mother. He ordered all other immortals to stay in
Olympus as he himself went down to earth to help the
Trojans. There was rejoicing in Troy but grief and despair in 3.ACHILLES- Was the greatest of all the Greek warriors. He
the Greek camp. Nestor, the oldest among the chieftains, was the son of Nereid Thetis and Peleus, king of Phthia and
spoke out boldly and told Agamemnon that if he had not famous Argonaut.
angered Achilles they would not have been defeated.
Agamemnon realized his mistake and begged Odysseus to 4.PARIS- Prince of Troy who started the Trojan War. Son of
take his offer to Achilles. Odysseus and the two chieftains King Priam and Queen Hecuba.
chosen to accompany him found Achilles with his friend
Patroclus, who of all men on earth was dearest to him.
5.THETIS- Mother of Achilles
Achilles welcomed them, but they received an absolute
refusal when they told him what they had come but he said
not all the treasures of Egypt could buy him. Odysseus 6.PRINCE MEMNON- Prince of Ethiopia the son of the
brought back the answer Achilles gave to the counsel then Goddess of the dawn.
again, they went into battle with desperate courage of brave
men cornered resulting in them driven back. 7.EOS- Goddess of the dawn. Mother of Prince Memnon

Meanwhile, in Olympus, Hera, discontented with 8.ANTILOCHUS- swift-footed. Old Nestor's son
Zeus’ favor towards trojans, employs her charm to distract
him. Overwhelmed by desire, Zeus forgets his obligations 9.ODYSSEUS also known by the Latin variant Ulysses, is
and promises, leading to a shift in the battle’s tide in favor of a legendary Greek king of Ithaca
Greeks. But it didn’t last long when Zeus woke up and
realized Hera’s crafty, crooked ways. He summoned a
messenger to command Poseidon to withdraw from the 10.PATROLOCHUS- Trojan War and was most famous for
battlefield as Hera begged Poseidon to help the Greek camp. his close friendship with the Greek hero, Achilles.
Once Again, the Greeks were hopeless, thinking only of
dying bravely. Patroclus saw the rout with horror and could 11.PROPHET CALCHAS the son of Thestor (a priest of
stay longer away from the battle. Patroclus put on the Apollo) and the most famous soothsayer (a person supposed
to be able to foresee the future) among the Greeks at the would thus offend Athena and bring misfortune to the city.
time of the Trojan War. Trojans, feeling like they are getting the last laugh,
triumphantly bring the horse into the city.
12.AJAX or Aias is a Greek mythological hero, the son of
King Telamon and Periboea, and the half-brother of Teucer. The horse is hollow, however, and Greek chieftains
He plays an important role in the Trojan War, being second are hiding inside. At night, they creep out and open the city
only to Achilles among Greek heroes of the war. He is also gates. The Greek army, hiding nearby, sweeps into the city
referred to as "Telamonian Ajax", "Greater Ajax", or "Ajax and massacres the Trojans. Achilles’ son kills Priam. Of the
the Great", which distinguishes him from Ajax, son of Oileus, major Trojans, only Aeneas escapes with his father on his
also known as Ajax the Lesser. Through his uncle Peleus shoulders and his son holding his hand. All the men are
(Telamon's brother), he is the cousin of Achilles. killed, and the women and children are separated and
enslaved. In the war’s final act, the Greeks take Hector’s
13.OENONE- a fountain nymph of Mount Ida, and the infant son, Astyanax, from his mother, Andromache, and
beloved of Paris. Oenone and Paris had a son, Corythus, but throw him off the high Trojan walls. With this death, the
Paris deserted her for Helen. legacy of Hector and Troy itself is finished.
Moral of the story:
14.SINON- a Greek soldier and spy who convinces the
Trojans to bring the Trojan horse inside the city walls. The Iliad offers several lessons, the Fall of Troy highlights
the importance of the power of creativity, unconventional
thinking, and being wise— these are the characteristics that
15.ASTYANAX Hector and Andromache’s infant son.
leaders must have. It reminds us that we should not limit
ourselves to the things that worked in the past.
16.PROPHET HELENUS son of King Priam of Troy and his
wife Hecuba, brother of Hector, and twin brother of the
prophetess Cassandra. According to Homer, he was a seer
and warrior. TROY TO ITALY

17.PHILOCTETES OR PHILOTHETES - was the son of Characters:

Poeas, king of Meliboea in Thessaly, and Demonassa or
Methone. He was a Greek hero, famed as an archer, and a AENEAS Son of Venus and Anchises
participant in the Trojan War.
ANDROMACHE Hector’s Wife who was given to
Summary of the Story: Neoptolemus after Troy fell down.

The war does not end with Hector’s funeral, and HARPIES were mythical monsters in Greek
Virgil continues the account. Hector is replaced by Prince mythology, having the form of a bird and a human face.
Memnon of Ethiopia, a great warrior, and the Trojans have They carried evildoers to be punished by the Erinyes.
the upper hand for a time. But Achilles soon kills Memnon as
well, driving the Trojans back to the Scaean gates. There, NEOPTOLEMUS also known as Pyrrhus, Achilles’ son who
however, Paris kills Achilles with Apollo’s help: Paris shoots killed the old Priam at the altar.
an arrow and the god guides it to Achilles’ heel, his one
vulnerable spot. (Thetis tried to make the infant Achilles
JUNO also known as Hera in her counterpart in Greek
invulnerable by dunking his body in the mystical River Styx
Mythology, who is Troy’s bitterest enemy during the war
but forgot to submerge the heel by which she held him.) The
Greeks decided Achilles’ divine armor should be given to
either Odysseus or Ajax, the two greatest Greek warriors JUPITER Juno’s brother who reprimanded Aeolus to
remaining. When Odysseus is chosen, Ajax plots revenge, calm the sea during the Troy blood’s journey, he is also
but Athena makes him go crazy. Ajax massacres some cattle, known as Zeus.
then comes to his senses and, mortified, kills himself.
AEOLUS King of the wind that help Juno in return
The prophet Calchas then tells the Greeks that they for her loveliest nymph to be his wife
must capture the Trojan prophet Helenus to win. They do so,
and Helenus tells them that Troy can only be defeated by DIDO a widowed-beautiful woman who fell in love deeply
the bow and arrows of Hercules. Hercules gave these for Aeneas and the ruler of Carthage.
weapons to Philoctetes, who set out for Troy with the
Greeks, who abandoned him along the way. Odysseus and a VENUS Aeneas mother, and Juno’s rival, who helped his
few others set out to apologize and get him back. Philoctetes son from Juno after several ways of blocking Juno to achieve
returns and promptly kills Paris. The Greeks learn that the his goals.
Trojans have a sacred image of Athena, the Palladium, that
protects them. Odysseus and Diomedes sneak behind enemy
lines and steal it. Yet Troy still has the protection of its MERCURY The one who sent by Jupiter to awake the
gigantic walls, which prevent the Greeks from entering. mind of Aeneas after getting distracted to life that he
Finally, Odysseus comes up with a plan to build a giant shouldn’t be entertaining in the first place for so long of
wooden horse and roll it up to the gates, pretending they time.
have surrendered and gone home. One man, Sinon, stays
behind, acting as if he is a traitor to the Greeks. He says that Summary of the story:
although the Greeks retreated, they left the horse as an
offering to Athena. He says the Greeks assumed the Trojans Aeneas was one of the most famous heroes who fought in
would not take it inside the city because of its size, which Trojan war. In Trojan side, he is only second to Hector. After
the Greeks captured completely the Troy, he was able to Carthage. After they arrived, they were approached by dido
escape the city with the help of his mother with his father with a train of companion or attendants. After getting to
and son, and sail away to find a new home. A lot of Trojan know him, they received and welcome them graciously. She
had joined him in the journey. gave them banquet where Aeneas told his story upon
reaching this journey. While, telling the story, Cupid
Several times they built their own city, but misfortunes and effectively done his part and unconsciously Dido started to
bad omens always come after them. One time, Aeneas feel things to him where she gave everything on him, even
dreamt and told that there is a city that is destined for him making Carthaginians treat him and his company as if he is
which from the west side called as Hesperia (Italy). This also the ruler of the kingdom. However, Aeneas started to
group began again at once to make a long voyage despite of feel less attractive on the country. Juno was satisfied with
its unknown direction in the seas. However, long time had what is happening and Venus is quite undisturbed but didn’t
passed, and many things happened which if they had known feel discouraged. She was sure that Aeneas would make it to
beforehand, it might check their eagerness. Italy. Afterwards, Jupiter sent Mercury to Aeneas to tell him
that he is wasting his time in luxury idle in Carthage. In
result, he got awakened and told his men to prepare for
They route to Harpies, Greek mythical monsters having the
departure. Yet, Dido wasn’t feeling happy about it, and kept
form of a bird and a human face, bound from Crete after
telling him how he suffices her needs in everything. She felt
Greeks became bolder. At the next landing place, they met
helpless when Aeneas told him that he was not the man to
Andromache who was given to Neoptolemus after Troy is
deny that he appreciates all of her efforts and will never
captured, but, he abandoned her for Hermione, Helen’s
forget her. Nevertheless, it is a reminder that they were not
daughter. After his death, Andromache married the Trojan
married so he is free to go whenever he wants to leave. She
prophet Helenus. The place they were ruling was part of
can’t take it and hid from him. The Trojans that night still
Epirus. The Trojans were treated with utmost hospitability.
continues to depart. While departing he is looking on the
walls of the place and saw them illuminated by fire. All
Before they leave, Helenus gave them advice for their long unknowingly it is Dido’s funeral pyre.
journey. They must not land on the nearest coast of Italy,
the east coast that is full of Greeks. They must not also take
the shortest way and go up between Sicily and Italy due to
Scylla and Charybdis, both mythical monsters who guards
the area. Instead make a long circuit southward around Despite the reality of experiencing blockages, we must not
Sicily and reaching Italy far to the north of the both feel to lose our desire to continue our goals. Life is
monsters. However, Helenus forgot to tell them that the meaningful if it was meant to reach your goals. On the other
southern part of Sicily is occupied by Cyclopes. They reached hand, we must not use other people in deceiving a person. It
the island after sunset and made camp on the shore without will ruin him or her. Damages can be fatal as well.
They reached after the sunset and made camp without INTO LOWER WORLD
hesitation in the shore. During their route to Sicily they were
struck by the storm, one after another of big waves. The one CHARACTERS:
who was back of it was Juno because of her hatred to Troy
bloods. She did everything to drown Aeneas because of two
reasons. First, he is a prophecy holds that a race from Aeneas - son of Venus and Anchises
Trojans meant to destroy her favorite city, known as the
Carthage. Second, she holds a permanent grudge for Venus Sibyl of Cumae - the woman of wisdom who guides
after winning the divine beauty contest decided by Paris. She Aeneas in the underworld.
asks Aeolus, the king of the wind, to sink the ships of
Trojans, in return he will have her loveliest nymph as his
wife. It won’t possibly happen if it wasn’t for Neptune. Achates - the ever-faithful hero who helped Aeneas to
Jupiter being Juno’s brother, known for not caring about her look for golden bough.
sister’s action. However, he made a stern reprimand to
Aeolus to calm the sea that made Trojans landed to the Charon - the ferryman who owns the skiff
north coast of Africa. Juno still wanted to make something
out of disadvantages of their arrival and advantage for

Carthage is founded by Dido, a beautiful and widow woman After Aeneas leaves Carthage, he visits the prophetess Sibyl
who is still its ruler and making it growing and splendid. Juno of Cumae, who directs him to visit the underworld and
planned of making them fall for each other since Aeneas lost consult with his father, Anchises, who died before the storm
his wife during the fall of Troy. This will divert him from his took their ship to Carthage. She instructs Aeneas to take a
goal of reaching the destined country for him. In contrary, golden tree branch to ensure safe passage, and Venus helps
Venus had a plan of blocking Juno’s plan by asking Jupiter in Aeneas find such a branch. The Sibyl acts as a guide to
Olympus to protect his son, and he reassured her and Hades, making sacrifices to Hecate, the goddess of night,
comforted that he is meant to be the ancestor of a race and guiding Aeneas past the figures of Disease, Care,
where Romans will be his descendants. Despite that, she Hunger, War, and Discord. The golden bough convinces
asked for Cupid’s help by making Dido fall in love to Aeneas Charon, the ferryman of the dead, to transport them across
in order to aid the impression have made to Aeneas. the river into Hades. The Sibyl gives a bit of cake to the
guard dog, Cerberus.

The next morning, after the Trojans arrived they tried to

explore the unknown country. Then, Venus started her plan Aeneas encounters Dido in the Fields of Mourning. She does
by disguising as a huntress who sent them the direction to not respond to him at all, but Aeneas becomes emotional at
the meeting. Aeneas finds Anchises in the Elysian Fields, the army is led by Turnus, along with Mezentius and Camilla, a
paradise reserved for mortals of great honor. Anchises shows famous female warrior who scorns marriage. Aeneas get
Aeneas the souls drinking from the River Lethe, the river of help from Father Tiber who told, the god of famous Roman
forgetfulness, so they can return to life in the world above. river who tells him to go to upstream and find Evander, a
These souls, he says, will become the great inhabitants of king of a little town that will one day become Rome itself.
Rome. Then he advises Aeneas how to best settle in Italy Evander advised Aeneas to ask help from Etruscans who are
and endure the challenges ahead. Aeneas and the Sibyl eager to avenge themselves against Menzentius. Evander
return to the surface, and Aeneas sets sail along the Italian also send some of his men including his son. The trojans are
coast "looking for their promised home." beset by Turnus’ army. They are greatly outnumbered and
will fall unless they can get word to Aeneas. There are two
MORALE: Trojans friends, Nisus and Euryales, decide to slip through
the enemy lines and find Aeneas. They kill many men in
silence but Euryales is captured. Instead of running away,
Being determined in doing something will always lead or
Nisus tried to save his friend and both of them died fighting.
result with good outcomes. Despite the struggles along the
Aeneas return with and army of Etruscans and it started a
way, what matters most is the bright future that lies ahead
long list of battles. Camilla, Mezentius and Pallas are all died
of us.
in that battle. Turnus and Aeneas meet in single combat but
Aeneas transformed from normal human hero into
THE ADVENTURES OF AENEAS: THE WAR IN something larger and almost like a god. He killed Turnus.
ITALY Aeneas married Lavinia and founded the Roman race, which
Virgil said, destined to rule over the earth and crush all pride
Characters: and resistance.

AENEAS The son of Venus and Anchises MORAL OF THE STORY

LATINUS A great grandson of Saturn and the king of The lesson of "War in Italy" from "The Adventures
the City of Latium of Aeneas" emphasizes the importance of determination,
duty, and moral integrity in the face of difficulties. Aeneas'
journey shows the need of perseverance in the face of
QUEEN AMATA The wife of King Latinus multiple hardships, representing the idea that great
leadership involves making difficult decisions while being
FAUNUS Father of Latinus, Grandfather of Lavinia true to one's beliefs. The story also emphasizes the
importance of loyalty and friendship, demonstrating the
LAVINIA Daughter of Latinus and Queen Amata. strength of unity and collaboration in overcoming challenges.
Finally, "War in Italy" emphasizes that facing difficulties with
courage and commitment is critical to accomplishing one's
TURNUS The King of Rutulians and suitor of Lavinia
goals and fulfilling one's destiny.

ASCANIUS Young son of Aeneas

MEZENTIUS A great warrior who was so cruel to his


PALLAS Son of Evander

EVANDER King of little town (Rome)


The aged Latinus had been warned by his father,

Faunus, not to marry his daughter Lavinia, His only child, to
any man in the country, but to a stranger who was soon to
arrive. Latinus felt convinced that Aeneas was the son-in-law
Faunus had predicted. Juno stepped in and causes new
troubles for Aeneas in Italy. Things go well at first. Latinus,
the king of Latins receives Aeneas hospitality and hopes that
he will marry his daughter, Lavinia who is fated to marry a
foreigner. Juno summoned Alecto, one of the Furies to ruin
Latinus plan. Alecto inflamed the heart of Queen Amata, wife
of Latinus, to violently oppose a marriage between Lavinia
and Aeneas. Alecto flies to Rutulians, their king was the one
to marry Lavinia before Aeneas came. Alecto’s third act of
discord involves a farmer’s pet stag who is very popular with
the latins. Alecto guides the unwitting Ascanius, Aenea’s
young son, to kill the stag which made the Latins, along with
the Rutulians to turn against the Trojans. King Latinus also
stops helping Aeneas. Juno herself open the gates of Janus
temple which means start of war. Rutulians and Latins
marched against the small group of Trojans. The advancing

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