Tell It Again!™ Read-Aloud Image Cards
Tell It Again!™ Read-Aloud Image Cards
Tell It Again!™ Read-Aloud Image Cards
We would like to extend special recognition to Program Directors Matthew Davis and Souzanne Wright who were
instrumental to the early development of this program.
We are truly grateful to the teachers, students, and administrators of the following schools for their willingness to
field test these materials and for their invaluable advice: Capitol View Elementary, Challenge Foundation Academy
(IN), Community Academy Public Charter School, Lake Lure Classical Academy, Lepanto Elementary School, New
Holland Core Knowledge Academy, Paramount School of Excellence, Pioneer Challenge Foundation Academy, New
York City PS 26R (The Carteret School), PS 30X (Wilton School), PS 50X (Clara Barton School), PS 96Q, PS 102X (Joseph
O. Loretan), PS 104Q (The Bays Water), PS 214K (Michael Friedsam), PS 223Q (Lyndon B. Johnson School), PS 308K
(Clara Cardwell), PS 333Q (Goldie Maple Academy), Sequoyah Elementary School, South Shore Charter Public School,
Spartanburg Charter School, Steed Elementary School, Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy, Three Oaks Elementary,
West Manor Elementary.
And a special thanks to the CKLA Pilot Coordinators Anita Henderson, Yasmin Lugo-Hernandez, and Susan Smith,
whose suggestions and day-to-day support to teachers using these materials in their classrooms was critical.
Every effort has been taken to trace and acknowledge copyrights. The editors tender their apologies for
any accidental infringement where copyright has proved untraceable. They would be pleased to insert
the appropriate acknowledgment in any subsequent edition of this publication. Trademarks and trade
names are shown in this publication for illustrative purposes only and are the property of their respective
owners. The references to trademarks and trade names given herein do not affect their validity.
All photographs are used under license from Shutterstock, Inc. unless otherwise noted.
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