11GN 2012 of 250 The-High-Court Commercial-Division-Procedure-Rules-2012
11GN 2012 of 250 The-High-Court Commercial-Division-Procedure-Rules-2012
11GN 2012 of 250 The-High-Court Commercial-Division-Procedure-Rules-2012
(CAP. 358)
Section Title
1. Citation.
2. Application.
3. Interpretation.
4. Administration.
5. Jurisdiction.
6. Court Users' Committee.
7. Responsibility of the Commercial Court Users' Committee.
8. Assessors remuneration.
9. Appointment and remuneration of mediators.
28. Power to make orders and give directions for disposal of suits.
29. Pre-trial conferences to be held when directed by the Court.
30. Notification of pre-trial conferences.
31. Failure to appear of one or more of parties.
32. Speed track of case.
33. Mediation.
34. Attendance to Mediation.
35. Authority to settle.
36. Failure to attend.
37. Restoration of the suit dismissed for non appearance to
38. Purpose and nature of mediation.
39. Confidentiality.
40. Duration of mediation.
41. End of Mediation.
42. Failure to reach settlement by mediation.
High Court (Commercial Division) Procedure
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73. Powers of Registrars.
74. Consequences of a defective affidavit.
75. Amendment of Judgment, Ruling and order.
76. Revocation and Savings.
High Court (Commercial Division) Procedure
1. These rules may be cited as the High Court (Commercial Division) Citation
Procedure Rules, 2012.
2.-{ I) These Rules shall unless expressly provided otherwise apply Aj:pOCa.iioo
to all commercial cases before the Court with lenience in application
during the first year.
(2) In the case of any lacuna in these Rules the provisions of the Cap. 33
Code shall apply.
3. In these Rules unless the context otherwise requires> Interpre-
Jurisdic- 5.-(1) These shall be a Commercial Division of the High Court of
tion Tanzania vested with both original and appellate jurisdiction over
commercial cases.
(2) The Court shall have and exercise original jurisdiction in a
commercial case in which the value of the claim shall be at least one
hundred million shillings in case of proceedings for recovery of
possession of immovable property and at least seventy million shillings
in proceedings where subject matter is capable of being estimated at a
money value.
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(5) The mediators shall, on first appointment, subscribe to the oath
or affirmation in the form set out in the Second Schedule to this Act.
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(3) The defendant's request for time to pay shall be supported by a
statement of his financial position including details of all his bank
(4) The statement shall be verified on oath by the defendant as being
correct and may be used as evidence of the defendant's financial position
at the date it was signed in any subsequent proceedings with regard to
the enforcement of any judgment given upon the plaintiff's claim.
(5) For the purposes of this rules "request for time to pay" means a
proposal by a party against whom a claim is made of a date of payment
or a proposal to pay by installments at the rate specified in the request.
Proce- 26.-{1) Upon the defendant filing an admission of the claim and
dure request for time to pay, the Court shall enter judgment on the amount
claimed and admitted.
time is
not (2) Where the plaintiff does not accept the defendant's offer as to
agreed the time of payment, he shall state his reasons for rejecting the defendant's
proposal as to the time of payment.
(3) The Registrar shall consider the defendant's request for time to
pay and the plaintiff's objection and make orders as to the installments
payable and interest if claimed on such terms as he considers fit, provided
that the aggrieved party may refer the matter to a judge whose decision
shall not be appealable.
Conse- 27. Upon failure by the defendant to make any of the installments
which are due, the defendant's right to pay by installment shall be
of failure
to pay by abrogated and the plaintiff and be entitled to execute the decree for the
install- outstanding sum in full without further notice.
ment PART IV
Power to 28.-{ 1) The Court shall, within fourteen working days from the day
make and
of completion of pleadings, on its own motion direct any party or parties
direc- to the proceedings to appear before it, in order that the Court may make
tions for such order or give such direction in relation to any interim applications
disposal which the parties have filed or intend to file as it considers just, for the
of suits just, expeditious and economical disposal of the suit.
(2) Where any party fails to comply with any order made or direction
given by the Court under sub rule (1). the Court may dismiss the suit,
strike out the defence or counterclaim or make such other order as it
considers just.
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(3) The Court may, in exercising its powers under sub-rule (2), make
such order as to costs as it considers just.
(4) Any order or direction given or made against any party who does
not appear before the Court when directed to do so under sub-rule (1),
may be set aside or varied by the Court on such terms as it considers
29.--(1) Without prejudice to sub-rule (1) of rule 24, at any time Pre-trial
before any case is tried; the Court may direct parties to attend a pre-trial confer-
ences to
conference relating to the matters arising in the suit or proceedings. be held
(2) The Court may, at the pre-trial conference, consider any matter when
including the possibility of setlement of all or any of the isssues in the directed
suit or proceedings and require the parties to furnish the Court with any by the
such information as it considers fit, and may give all such directions as
it appears necessary or desirable for securing the just, expenditious and
economical disposal of the suit or proceedings.
(3) The court may, having made directions under this rule or rule 24,
on its own motion or upon the application by any party, if any party
defaults in complying with any such directions, dismiss such suit or
proceedings or strike out the defence or counterclaim or enter judgment
or make such order as it considers fit.
(4) Any judgment or order made under sub-rule (3) may be set aside
by the Court, on the application ofthe party against whom such judgment
or orders was made, on such terms, as it considers just.
(5) The Court may, at any time during the pre-trial conference where
the parties are agreeable to a setlement of some or all of the matters in
dispute in the suit or proceedings, enter judgment in the suit or
proceedings or make such order to give effect to the settlement.
30.--(1) Party to the proceedings shall be informed of the date and Notifica-
time appointed for the holding of the pre-trial conference in their presence tion of
or by way of a notice in Form No.2 set out in the Schedule to these
Rules. ences
(2) Each party shall comply with any directions given viva voce or
in such notice as the case may be.
3l.--( 1) Where at the time appointed for the pre-trial conference, Failure to
one or more of the parties fails to attend, the Court may:- appear of
one or
(a) dismiss the suit or proceedings; more of
(b) strike out the defence or courterclaim; parties
(c) enter judgment;
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(3) Subsequent to the first adjournment, ifall parties fails attend the
pre-trial conference, the court shall dismiss the suit.
Speed 32.-( 1) Except for circumstances not provided for under these Rules,
track of the provisions of Order VIII A and Order VIIlB of the Code shall not
apply in determining speed track of commercial cases.
(2) All commercial cases shall proceed and be determined within a
period of ten months from the date of commencement, and not more
than twelve months.
(3) Thirty days before the expiry of the time prescribed under sub
rule (2), any party to the proceedings may orally apply to the Court for
extension of life span of the case, and the Court may upon sufficient
reasons adduced grant the application and the party in favour of whom
the extension is made shall bear the costs of such extension, un less the
Court directs otherwise.
Media- 33. Where the suit is not settled or dismissed under the provisions
tion or rules 28,29 or 32 of these Rules, the Court shall direct the parties to
submit to mediation and upon making such Order the Court shall appoint
a mediator who shall, within seven (7) days of his appointment, set a
date for the first session of mediation.
Atten- 34.-( 1) The party or his advocate or both, where the parties are
dance to
represented shall be notified in the form set out in Form No.3 in the
tion Schedule, and shall attend the mediation session.
(2) Where a third party may be liable to satisfy all or part of a
judgment in the suit or to idemnify or reimburse a party for money paid
in satisfaction of all or part of a judgment in the suit, the third party or
his advocate may also attend the mediation session, unless the Court
orders otherwise.
Author- 35.-{ 1) A party to a mediation session shall have authority to settle
ity to any matter during the mediation session.
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(d) fourteen days expires from the date of the first session of
42. Where upon the conclusion of mediation no settlement agreement Failure to
is reached, the suit shall revert to the trial judge who shall continue with reach
the proceedings from the point when and at which the suit was referred ment by
for mediation. media-
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55. Where a witness statement in respect of an intended witness is Conse-
not served on the other party within the time prescribed by these Rules, quences
the witness may not be summoned for cross examination unless with ~!lurre to
leave of the Court, in the absence of which lesser weight shall be accorded serve
to such statement unless the other party elects not to have witness called witness
for cross examination. statement
56.-{1) A party who intends to rely on a witness statement as Cross
evidence shall cause his witness to attend for cross-examination. examina-
(2) Where the witnesss fails to appear for cross examination, the
Court shall strike out his stament from the record, unless the Court is
satisfied that there are exceptional reasons for the witness's failure to
(3) Where the Court admits a witness statement of a witness who
has failed to appear for cross examination, lesser weight shall be attached
to such statement.
57. Except as provided by th is ru Ie, a witness statement may be used Use of
only for the purpose of the proceeding in which it is served except where witness
the witness gives consent in writing to some other use of it or the Court
ments for
gives permission for some other use ofthe witness statement which has other
been put in evidence. purposes
59.-( I) An official record shall be made of every hearing and such Record-
record shall consist of the following.- ing of
(a) in a hearing where an electronic recording system approved
and managed by the Court or any other person appointed
by the Court is used, the audio recording; and
(b) in a hearing where an electronic recording system is not
used, the notes of hearing recorded in such manner as the
Court may determine.
(2) Any party may, in writing, request for a copy or a transcript of
the official record of hearing upon payment of such fees as the Registrar
may determine.
(3) A request for a copy of an official record of hearing consisting of
an electronic recording shall be made in writing.
(4) The granting of the request shall be subject to approval of the
Court if made by a person other than th arties to the suit.
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(5) The registrar may, in approving the request under sub rule (3),
impose such conditions or make directions in relation to the release and
use of the copy of the electronic record as he considers fit.
Certifica- 60.-( 1) The Court shall, after the conclusion of the case and upon
tion of request of a party, produce an official transcript of the hearing to be
provide to the parties simultaneously in soft copy at the parties' costs.
(2) The parties shall proof read the transcript and make necessary
corrections which shall be tracked or highlighted without altering the
content of the proceedings.
(3) The parties shall submit their corrected transripts to the registrar
and serve each other within a period of twenty one days from receipt of
the Registrar's transcript.
(4) Where any dispute arises as to the correctness of the transcripts
verified by the parties, the aggrieved party shall notify the Registrar
within a period of seven (7) days from receipt of the corrected transcript.
(5) The Registrar shall upon receipt of notification under sub rule
(4) or suo motu invite the parties to resolve any dispute by making
reference to the official audio recording and his decision on such dispute
shall be final.
(6) On receipt of the corrected transcripts from the parties; or upon
resolving any dispute in terms of sub rule (4), or upon failure to comply
with sub rules (3) and (4), the registrar shall certify the authenticity ofa
transcript of the official record of hearing.
Prohibi- 61.-(1) A person shall not make any electronic recording of any
tion of
hearing without the approval of the Court.
rized (2) A person who contravenes the provision of sub rule (1) commits
audio an offence of contempt of court and shall, upon conviction be liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or a fine not exceeding
three million shillings, or to both such fine and imprisonment.
62. Every official record of hearing shall be kept for a period of five
for which
record is years from the date of final determination of the case or if an appeal is
to be kept preferred five years from the date of determination of the appeal.
63. A Judge may without hearing the effected party:-
out an
applica- (a) strike out an affidavit, counter affidavit or reply to counter
tion and affidavit which in his opinion contravenes any provision of
an the law currently in force, and shall subsequently notify the
said party;
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(b) make any consequent order, including striking out the hearing
application, where he deems fit.
64. Submissions shall proceed orally, preceded by skeleton written Skeleton
arguments submitted to the trial judge at least three working days before written
the oral submissions, provided that failure to prepare skeleton
submissions shall not be a ground for adjournment or seeking extension
of time to file skeleton written arguments and the hearing shall proceed
notwithstanding the failure to present such skeleton written arguments.
65.-{ I) Oral arguments in support of an application or in reply or a Time
rejoinder shall not exceed twenty minutes for each party submitting, limit for
provied that the Court upon a request made prior to commencement of
arguments and after taking into consideration the nature of the matter,
may extend time within which to make arguments.
(2) Notwithstanding the generality of sub rule (l), the parties or
their advocates may with the consent of the Court file written
(3) Where the Court grants leave to file written submissions, the
same shall be filed within seven days.-
(a) after the conclusion of the trial;
(b) from the date of the order requiring filing of such
submissions, or such other period as the judge may direct;
Provided that time for filing and exchange of submissions, reply
and rejoinder does not exceed a total of thirty days.
66.-{ 1) An advocate or a party to the proceedings after the closure Prepara-
of the defendant's case may apply for leave of the Court for time to tion for
prepare closing submissions, provided that the time allowed shall not
exceed seven days or as the Court may consider fit.
(2) Where the Parties or advocates are under an obligation or duty
to file legal documents such as plaint or written statement of defence, or
reply to the written statement of defence, originating or chamber
summons, affidavit, written submissions or skeleton submission or any
other documents shall conform to rule 18 and shall be filed in Court
accompained with electronic copies to the Court's official email
67.-(1) The Court shall, at the conclusion of hearing deliver Judgment
judgment within a period of sixty days in case of a judgment or thirty and
days in case of ruling. decree
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(2) Where a judge fails to comply with the provisions of sub rule
(1), he shall state in the Court record the reason for such failure.
(3) Every judgment shall embody at the end a summary of the reliefs
granted by the Court.
Summary 68. Notwithstanding the provisions of Order XXXV of the code,
Judgment the court may give summary judgment against a party on the whole of a
claim or on a particular issue if it considers that:-
(a) the plaintiff has no real prospect of succeeding on the claim
or issue; or
(b) the defendant has no real prospect of successfully defending
the claim or issue; or
(c) there is no other reason why the case or issue shall be disposed
of at a trial.
73. In addition to the provision of Order XLITI of the Code, and Powers
rule 10 of the High Court Registry Rules, the Registrar of the Court in of
the proceedings before the Court may conduct mediation under Part IV
GN. No.
of these Rules. 96 of
74.-(1) Where the Registrar is of the opinion that an affidavit in Conse-
support of an application or a counter affidavit contravenes Order XIX quences
of the Code and section 8 of the Notaries Public and Commissioners for ofa
Oaths Act, he may reject the application or the counter affidavit and affidavit
notify the relevant party or parties.
Cap. 12
(2) Notwithstanding the provision of sub rule (1), the affidavit or
counter affidavit shall not be deemed defective unless»
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Revocation 76.-(1) Rules 5A, 5B and 5C of the High Court Registry Rules are
hereby revoked.
GN.No. (2) Notwithstanding sub-rule (1), any proceedings, orders, decision
960f2005 or anything lawfully made or done under the revoked rules shall contin ue
and be deemed to have been made under these Rules.
(Made under rules 21(1), 26(/). 30(1). 68(2), (6), 69(6) and 72(4))
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a) .
b) .
c) .
Date 11- _
AT .
...................................................................................................................................... PLAINTIFF
................................................................................................................................. DEFENDANT
(Rule 26)
To .
Take notice that you are required to attend before the Hon. Judge or Registrar
.............................. on day of'.. 20 at PM/AM
for a pre-trial conference.
Please take further note that in the event that a plaintiff and, ifrepresented, the plaintiff's advocate
does not appear at the Pre-trial Conference, the Hon. Judge may dismiss the suit or proceedings.
In the event that a defendant and, if represented, the defendant's advocate, does not appear at the
Pre-trial conference, the Judge may strike out the defence or counterclaim or enter judgment
or make such other order as it considers fit.
Given under my under hand and the seal of this court on the day of 20 .
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FORM No. 3
To Plaintiff/Defendant
Take Notice that this case has been set for mediation on day of 20 .
at AM/PM before Mediator in and ALL PARTIES
and their advocates are hereby ORDERED to appear. Unless an agreement disposing of this case
is filed in advance of this date, the mediation will occur as scheduled.
Please note:
I. All parties who must approve a settlement and at least on advocate for each party if represented
by an advocate, must appear on the date and time in the mediation room listed below. If the
settlement must be approved by someone other than a party to the suit, the person should be
available by telephone, if possible, during the scheduled mediation. Institutional parties must
have an individual with the authority to settle the case present at the mediation.
2. Each party or advocate must bring to the mediation (I) if damages are requested, an outline of
how they have been or should be calculated (including, if appropriate, the time, period, and
rates of interest), and (2) relevant documentation, such as appraisals, receipts, and records.
3. All proceedings at the mediation, including any statement made or document prepared by any
party, advocate, or other participants, are confidential and will not be disclosed to the trial
judge or affect the case if it is not settled at this time. No party shall be bound by anything said
or done in the mediation unless a settlement is reached. If a settlement is reached, the agreement
will be put in writing and will be binding upon the parties to the agreement.
4. In the event that a plaintiff and, if represented, the plaintiff's advocate do not appear at the
mediation, the Mediator may dismiss the case. In the event that a defendant and, if represented,
the defendant'S advocate, do not appear at the Mediation, the Mediator may strike out the
Given under my under hand and the seal of this court on the Day of 20 .
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I do hereby solemnly verify that all
what is stated herein above is true to the best of my knowledge.
Advocate/Applicant .
Tel: E.mail .
Date Signature .
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AT .
.............. Applicant
.................................................................................... Respondent
The Registrar of High Court (T) Commercial Division
take notice that the above named
plaintiff (or defendant) being dissatisfied with the decision of the .
Court at given on the .
day of 20 appeals to the High Court (T)
Commercial Division against the whole of the said decision (or such part of the said decision) as
decides that, (set out details).
Dated this day of 20 .
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(Rille 68(6))
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(Rule 71(5))
I. having been appointed as Mediator for
the Commercial Division of the High Court, do hereby swear/affirm/declare that) will freely and
without fear or favour, affection or ill-will, discharge the functions of a mediator, and that I will not
directly or indirectly reveal any matters relating to such functions to any unauthorized person or
otherwise than in the course of duty.
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(2) be fully legible and should normally be typed on one side of the paper only;
(3) Where possible, be bound securely in a manner which would not hamper filing, or otherwise
each page should be endorsed with the case number and should bear the initials of the witness;
(4) Have the pages numbered consecutively as a separate statement (or as one of several
statements contained in a file);
(5) Be divided into numbered paragraphs;
(6) Have all numbers, including dates. expressed in figures, and
(7) Give the reference to any document or documents mentioned either in the margin or in
bold text in the body of the statement.
4.2. It is usually for a witness statement to follow the chronological sequence of the events or
matters dealt with, each paragraph of a witnes statement should as far as possible be confined to a
distinct portion of the subject.
S, Statement of Truth
5.1. A witness statement is the equivalent of the oral evidence which that witness would, if
called, give in evidence; it must include a statement by the intended witness that he believes the
facts in it are true.
5.2. To verify a witness statement the statement of truth is as follows:
'I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true'
6. Jurat
Every notary public and Commissioner for oaths before whom the witness statement is taken
or made shall state truly in the jurat of attestation at what place and on what date the statement is
taken or made.