CH2-Relational Data Model

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2-Relational Data Model

Q: 2 Marks Question:

1. Write syntax for creating and Renaming a table.

2. Enlist arithmetic and logical SQL operators.

Q: 4 Marks Question:

1. State and explain 2NF with example.

2. Describe any four responsibilities of Database Administrator.
3. I) Create table Student (S_id, S_name, S_addr, S_marks) with proper data type and size.
Ans : Create table Student(S_id int primary key, S_addr varchar(20) ,S_marks float);

ii) Insert row (5, ‘ABC’, ‘RRRRR’, 79) into student table.

Ans: Insert into Student values (5,’ABC’,’RRRRR’,79);

iii) Update marks of student 85 where S_id is 5.

Ans: Update Student Set marks=85 where S_id=5;

Q: 6 Marks Question:

1. Consider the table Student (name, marks, dept, age, place, phone, birthdate) Write SQL query
for following :
(i) To list students having place as ‘Pune’ or ‘Jalgaon’.

Ans : select * from Student where Place=’Pune’ or ‘Jalgaon’;

(ii) To list students having same department (dept) as that of ‘Rachana’.

(iii) To change marks of ‘Rahul’ from 81 to 96.

Ans : Update Student set marks=96 where name=’Rahul’.

(iv) To list student name and marks from ‘Computer’ dept.

Ans : Select name ,marks from Student where dept=’Computer’.

(v) To list student name who have marks less than 40.

Ans: select name from student where marks<40.

(vi) To list students who are not from ‘Mumbai’.

Ans : select * from student where place Not In (‘Mumbai’);

2. Write SQL queries for following. Consider table stud (roll no, name, subl, sub2, sub3).

(i) Display names of students who got above 40 marks in sub2.

Ans : Select name from Stud where sub2>40;

2-Relational Data Model

(ii) Display names of students whose name start with 'A' by arranging them in ascending order of
subl marks.

Ans : select * from stud where name like ‘A%’ order by sub1;

(iii) Display student name whose name ends with h' and subject 2 marks are between 60 to 75.

Ans : select name from stud where name like ‘h%’ and Between 60 and 75.

(iv) Display names of student who got minimum mark in subl.

Ans : select name from stud where sub1=(select min(sub1) from stud);

3. Consider the following table employee (Emp_id, Emp_name, Emp_age)

Display details of employees whose age is less than 30.

Ans : select * from employee where Emp_age <30.

Display details of employees whose age is in between the range 30 to 60.

Ans : select * from employee where Emp_age Between 30 and 60.

Display names of employees whose name starts with 'S'.

Ans : select Emp_name from employees where Emp_name like ‘S%’;

Display details of employees whose name end with 'd'.

Ans : select * from employees where Emp_name like ‘%d’;

Display details of employees whose age is greater than 50 and whose name contain 'e'.

Ans : select * from employees where age>50 and Emp_name like ‘%e%’;

4. Consider the following database

(i) Display the emp_id of employee who live in city ‘Pune’ or ‘Nagpur’.

Ans: select emp_id from Employee where emp_city=’Pune’ or emp_city=’Nagpur’

(ii) Change the employee name ‘Ayush’ to ‘Ayan’.

Ans: Update Employee set emp_name=’Ayan’ where emp_name=’Ayush’

(iii) Display the total number of employee whose dept is 50.

Ans : Select count(*) from Employee where emp_dept=50

2-Relational Data Model

5. Write a command to crate table student (rollno, Stud_name, branch, class, DOB, City,
Contact_no) and

Ans : SQL>Create table student( Rollno number(5), Stud_name char(10, branch varchar(10), class
varchar(10), DOB date, city varchar(15), Contact_no number(12) );

write down queries for following:

(i) Insert one row into the table

Ans : SQL>Insert into student values(1,‟Ram‟,‟CO‟,‟FirstYear‟,‟12- jun-2001‟,‟Pune‟,98576867) ;

(ii) Save the data

Ans : SQL> commit;

(iii) Insert second row into the table

Ans : SQL>Insert into student values(2,‟Raj‟,‟CO‟,‟FirstYear‟,‟22-Sep2002‟,‟Mumbai‟,98896863);

(iv) Undo the insertion of second row.

Ans : SQL> rollback;

(v) Create save point S1.

Ans : SQL>Savepoint s1;

(vi) Insert one row into the table.

Ans : Insert into student values(3,‟Beena‟,‟CO‟,‟FirstYear‟,‟30- Dec-2002‟,‟Mumbai‟,97846455);

6. Consider following schema: EMP (empno, deptno, ename, salary, designation, join_date, DOB,
Write down SQL queries for following:

(i) Display employees name & number in decreasing order of salary.

Ans : SQL> select ename,empno from EMP order by salary desc;

(ii) Display employee name & employee number whose designation is Manager.

Ans : SQL> select ename,empno from EMP where designation=‟Manager‟;

(iii) Display total salary of all employees.

Ans : SQL> select sum(salary) from EMP ;

2-Relational Data Model

(iv) Display employee names having deptno as 20 and dept_location is Mumbai

Ans : SQL> select enamefrom EMP where deptno=20 and dept_location=‟Mumbai‟;

(v) Display name of employee who earned lowest salary.

Ans : SQL> select ename from EMP where salary=(select min(salary) from EMP);

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