Data Analytics –
The phrase "data analytics" refers to the act of analyzing datasets in order to derive conclusions about
Overview the information contained within them. Data analysis techniques allow you to take raw data and derive
Data Analytics – important insights from it by uncovering patterns.
Preprocessing and
Basics of Big Data Many data analytics approaches nowadays rely on specialized systems and software that combine
Data Analytics – machine learning algorithms, automation, and other features.
Data Analytics –
Businesses may use data to better understand their consumers, optimize their advertising efforts, tailor
Preprocessing & Basics their content, and boost their profits. The benefits of data are numerous, but you can't take use of them
of Big Data MCQs without the right data analytics tools and methods. While raw data has a lot of promise, data analytics
Data Analytics – may help you harness the power to build our company. In their research, data scientists and analysts
Sampling MCQs
apply data analytics methodologies, and companies use it to guide their judgments. Data analysis may
Data Analytics – assist businesses in better understanding their clients, evaluating their advertising efforts, personalizing
Measures of Central
Tendency in Data Sets
content, developing content strategies, and developing new goods. Finally, firms may employ data
MCQs analytics to improve their bottom line and raise their performance.
All Data Analytics MCQs
Data Analytics
For businesses, the data they employ might be historical data or new information gathered for a specific
project. They may also get it directly from their customers and site visitors, or they can buy information
from other businesses. Data acquired by a corporation about its own consumers is referred to as first-
party data; data obtained from a recognized entity that collected it is referred to as second-party data;
and aggregated data purchased from a marketplace is referred to as third-party data. Data regarding an
audience's demographics, interests, and actions, among other things, may be used by a firm.
A. Statistical figures
B. Numerical aspects
C. Statistical methods
D. None of the mentioned above
To gain insights from data, Data Analytics use statistical approaches. Organizations can use data
analytics to uncover trends and develop insights by analyzing all of their data (real-time, historical,
unstructured, structured, and qualitative).
2. Amongst which of the following is / are the branch of statistics which deals with the development of
statistical methods is classified as ___.
A. Industry statistics
B. Economic statistics
C. Applied statistics
D. None of the mentioned above
The discipline of statistics that works with the development of statistical procedures is known as applied
statistics. Planning for data collecting, maintaining data, analyzing, interpreting, and drawing
conclusions from data, and finding issues, solutions, and opportunities utilizing analysis are all part of
applied statistics. In data analysis and empirical research, these major fosters critical thinking and
problem-solving skills.
3. Linear Regression is the supervised machine learning model in which the model finds the best fit ___
between the independent and dependent variable.
A. Linear line
B. Nonlinear line
C. Curved line
D. All of the mentioned above
Linear Regression is a supervised Machine Learning model that identifies the best fit linear line between
the independent and dependent variables, i.e., the linear connection between the dependent and
independent variables.
There are two forms of linear regression: simple and multiple. Simple Linear Regression is used when
there is only one independent variable and the model must determine the linear connection between it
and the dependent variable. Multiple Linear Regression is employed more than one independent
variable in the model to determine the link.
5. Amongst which of the following is / are the true about regression analysis?
Regression analysis is used to describe relationships within data, and so it is a collection of statistical
methods for estimating relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent
variables. There are various types of regression analysis, including linear, multiple linear, and nonlinear.
Simple linear and multiple linear models are the most frequent. Nonlinear regression analysis is typically
employed for more difficult data sets with a nonlinear connection between the dependent and
independent variables.
6. Linear regression analysis is used to predict the value of a variable based on the value of another
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
Linear regression analysis predicts the value of one variable depending on the value of another. The
variable we wish to forecast is referred to as the dependent variable. The variable we are utilizing to
predict the value of the other variable is referred to as the independent variable.
7. A Linear Regression model's main aim is to find the best fit linear line and the ___ of intercept and
coefficients such that the error is minimized.
A. Optimal values
B. Linear line
C. Linear polynomial
D. None of the mentioned above
The basic goal of a Linear Regression model is to determine the best fit linear line and the ideal
intercept and coefficient values such that the error is minimized. A linear regression model describes
the relationship between one or more independent variables, X, and a dependent variable, y. A multiple
linear regression model is a type of regression model that has numerous lines of regression. A multiple
linear regression model is yi=β0+β1Xi1+β2Xi2+⋯+βpXip+εi, i=1,⋯,n
8. Error is the difference between the actual value and Predicted value and the goal is to reduce this
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
In statistics, the actual value is the value derived from observation or measurement of the available
data. It is also known as the observed value. The expected value is the predicted value of the variable
based on the regression analysis. Linear regression is most commonly used to calculate model error
using mean-square error (MSE). MSE is derived by measuring the distance between the observed and
anticipated y-values at each value of x and then computing the mean of the squared distances.
A. Decoding
B. Structure
C. Enumeration
D. Coding
Answer: C) Enumeration
Enumeration is the term for the process of quantifying data. Any quantifiable information that can be
used for mathematical calculations or statistical analysis is referred to as quantitative data. This type of
information aids in the development of real-world decisions based on mathematical derivations. To
answer inquiries like how many, quantitative data is used. How often do you do it? How much is it? This
information can be confirmed and validated.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
Text analytics uses a combination of machine learning, statistical, and linguistic tools to analyze vast
amounts of unstructured material (text that does not have a preset format) in order to draw insights
and trends. It enables corporations, governments, researchers, and the media to make critical decisions
based on the vast amounts of data available to them.
11. ___ are used when we want to visually examine the relationship between two quantitative variables.
A. Bar graph
B. Scatterplot
C. Line graph
D. Pie chart
Answer: B) Scatterplot
Dots are used to indicate values for two different numeric variables in a scatter plot, also known as a
scatter chart or a scatter graph. The values for each data point are indicated by the position of each dot
on the horizontal and vertical axes. Scatter plots are used to see how variables relate to one another.
12. A graph that uses vertical bars to represent data is called a ____.
A. Bar graph
B. Line graph
C. Scatterplot
D. All of the mentioned above
A bar graph is a graph that employs vertical bars to represent data. Bar graphs are visual
representations of data (usually grouped) in the shape of vertical or horizontal rectangular bars, with
bar length proportional to data measure. Bar charts are another name for them. In statistics, bar graphs
are one of the data management methods.
A. Inspecting data
B. Data Cleaning
C. Transforming of data
D. All of the mentioned above
The process of reviewing, cleansing, and manipulating data with the objective of identifying usable
information, informing conclusions, and assisting decision-making is known as data analysis. Data
analysis is important in today's business environment since it helps businesses make more scientific
decisions and run more efficiently.
A. Linear polynomial
B. Linear regression
C. Linear sequence
D. None of the mentioned above
Linear regression employs the Least Square Method. The least-squares approach is a type of
mathematical regression analysis that determines the best fit line for a collection of data, displaying the
relationship between the points visually. The relationship between a known independent variable and
an unknown dependent variable is represented by each piece of data.
A. A statement that the researcher wants to test through the data collected in a study
B. A research question the results will answer
C. A theory that underpins the study
D. A statistical method for calculating the extent to which the results could have happened by chance
Answer: A) A statement that the researcher wants to test through the data collected in a studyp
A hypothesis is a proposition that a researcher wishes to evaluate using data from a study. A hypothesis
is a conclusion reached after considering evidence. This is the first step in any investigation, where the
research questions are translated into a prediction. Variables, population, and the relationship between
the variables are all included. A research hypothesis is a hypothesis that is tested to see if two or more
variables have a relationship.
16. Linear-regression models are relatively simple and provide an easy-to-interpret mathematical
formula that can generate ___.
A. Predictions
B. Interpretation
C. Conclusion
D. None of the mentioned above
Answer: A) Predictions
Linear-regression models are straightforward and provide a basic mathematical method for generating
predictions. Linear regression can be used in a variety of corporate and academic study.
17. Amongst which of the following is / are the applications of Linear Regression,
A. Biological
B. Behavioral
C. Social sciences
D. All of the mentioned above
Linear regression is utilized in a variety of fields, including biology, behavioral science, environmental
research, and business. Linear regression models have proven to be a reliable and scientific means of
forecasting the future. Because linear regression is a well-known statistical process, its properties are
well understood and linear regression models may be trained quickly.
18. With reference to data, dependent and independent variables should be quantitative.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
Dependent and independent variables should be quantitative when it comes to data. Both the
dependent and independent variables should have a numerical value. Religious, major field of study and
residential region categorical factors must be represented as binary variables or other sorts of contrast
19. For each value of the ___, the distribution of the dependent variable must be normal.
A. Independent variable
B. Depended variable
C. Intermediate variable
D. None of the mentioned above
The dependent variable's distribution must be normal for each value of the independent variable. For all
values of the independent variable, the variance of the dependent variable's distribution should be
constant. The dependent variable should have a linear relationship with each independent variable, and
all observations should be independent.
20. Residual plot helps in analyzing the model using the values of residues.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
The residue plot aids in the analysis of the model by displaying the values of the residues. It's shown as
a line between the projected values and the residual. Their values are all the same. The point's distance
from 0 indicates how inaccurate the prediction was for that number. If the value is positive, the
probability of success is minimal. If the value is negative, the probability of success is high. A number of
0 implies that the forecast is perfect. The model can be improved by detecting residual patterns.
21. Amongst which of the following is / are not a major data analysis approach?
A. Predictive Intelligence
B. Business Intelligence
C. Text Analytics
D. Data Mining
The practice of collecting data about consumers' and potential consumers' behaviors/actions from a
number of sources and perhaps integrating it with profile data about their qualities is known as
predictive intelligence.
Discuss this Question
Answer: C) ZB
It is projected that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day, with the volume of digital data
expected to reach Zeta Byte by 2025.
A. Null Hypothesis
B. Research Hypothesis
C. Simple Hypothesis
D. None of the mentioned above
The alternative hypothesis is the assertion that is being tested against the null hypothesis. Ha or H1 are
common abbreviations for alternative hypotheses. The alternative hypothesis is the hypothesis that is
inferred from a null hypothesis that has been rejected. It is best stated as an explanation for why the
null hypothesis was rejected. It is also known as the research hypothesis. Unlike the null hypothesis, the
researcher is usually most interested in the alternative hypothesis.
24. If the null hypothesis is false then which of the following is accepted?
A. Alternative Hypothesis.
B. Null Hypothesis
C. Both A and B
D. None of the mentioned above
The alternative hypothesis is accepted if the null hypothesis is untrue. An alternative theory is a
proposition that a researcher is testing in hypothesis testing. From the researcher's perspective, this
assertion is correct, and it finally proves to reject the null hypothesis and replace it with a different one.
The difference between two or more variables is anticipated in this hypothesis.
25. Amongst which of the following is / are not an example of social media?
A. Twitter
B. Instagram
C. Both A and B
D. None of the mentioned above
Social media is a type of computer-based technology that allows people to share their ideas, thoughts,
and information with others via virtual networks and communities. Social media is an internet-based
platform that allows people to share content such as personal information, documents, films, and
images quickly and electronically.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
The rate at which data is generated, distributed, and gathered is referred to as data velocity. High data
velocity is created at such a rapid rate that it necessitates the use of specialized processing techniques.
The faster data can be captured and processed, the more valuable the data collected will be and the
longer it will hold its worth.
27. ___ refers to the ability to turn your data useful for business.
A. Value
B. Variety
C. Velocity
D. None of the mentioned above
Answer: A) Value
The ability to turn our data into business value is referred to as value. The usefulness of obtained data
for our business is referred to as data value. Data, regardless of its magnitude, is rarely useful on its
own; to be useful, it must be transformed into insights or knowledge, which is where data processing
comes in.
A. One
B. Two
C. Zero
D. All of the mentioned above
Answer: B) Two
Correlation is the strength of a relationship between two variables, and the Pearson's correlation
coefficient measures how strong that relationship is. The correlation of two variables is the statistical
link between them. A positive correlation means that both variables move in the same direction, while a
negative correlation means that when one variable's value rises, the other variable's value falls.
29. The Mean Squared Error is a measure of the average of the squares of the residuals.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
The degree of inaccuracy in statistical models is measured by the mean squared error (MSE). The
average squared difference between observed and expected values is calculated. The MSE equals zero
when a model has no errors. Its value rises as the model inaccuracy rises. The mean squared deviation
is another name for the mean squared deviation (MSD). The average squared residual is represented by
the mean squared error in regression.
30. Logistic regression is used to find the probability of event = Success and event = ____.
A. Failure
B. Success
C. Both A and B
D. None of the mentioned above
Answer: A) Failure
The likelihood of event=Success and event=Failure is calculated using logistic regression. When the
dependent variable is in nature, we should utilize logistic regression. For classification difficulties, logistic
regression is commonly employed. There is no requirement for a linear relationship between the
dependent and independent variables in logistic regression. Because it uses a non-linear log
transformation on the anticipated odds ratio, it can handle a wide range of relationships.
A. Data mining
B. Data wrangling
C. Data warehouse
D. None of the mentioned above
A smart data analytics solution incorporates self-service data wrangling and data preparation features
so that data may be simply and quickly gathered from a range of incomplete, difficult, or messy data
sources and cleansed for mashup and analysis.
32. To glean insights from the data, many analysts and data scientists rely on ___.
A. Data mining
B. Data visualization
C. Data warehouse
D. All of the mentioned above
Many analysts and data scientists use data visualization, or the graphical depiction of data, to assist
individuals visually explores and finds patterns and outliers in the data in order to get insights. Data
visualization features are included in a good data analytics system, making data exploration easier and
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
The approach or practice of utilizing data to generate projections about the possibility of certain future
events in your organization is known as predictive analytics, which is a form of advanced analytics.
Predictive analytics models unknown future occurrences by combining historical and current data with
advanced statistics and machine learning approaches. It is commonly characterized as utilizing data
science and machine learning to learn from an organization's previous collective experience in order to
make better decisions in the future.
34. With reference to Predictive analytics, it allows organizations to predict customer behavior -
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
Predictive analytics enables businesses to forecast consumer behavior and business results by
combining historical and real-time data. Furthermore, predictive modeling is a subset of this activity that
entails constructing and maintaining models, testing and iterating with existing data, and embedding
models into applications.
Customer analytics includes churn analysis and prevention, marketing: cross-sell and up-sell, and
pricing: leakage monitoring, promotional effects tracking, and competitive price reactions.
36. ___ is the cyclical process of collecting and analyzing data during a research study.
A. Extremis Analysis
B. Constant analysis
C. Interim Analysis
D. All of the mentioned above
The cyclical process of gathering and assessing data throughout a research Endeavour is known as
interim analysis.
37. An advantage of using computer programs for qualitative data is that they ___.
Qualitative data is that they can reduce time required to analyze data, help in storing and organizing
data and make many procedures available that are rarely done by hand due to time constraints.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
The practice of evaluating data items and their relationships with other things is known as data
modeling. It's utilized to look into the data requirements for various business activities. The data models
are constructed in order to store the information in a database.
A. Categories
B. Data chunk
C. Numeric figures
D. None of the mentioned above
Answer: A) Categories
The fundamental building elements of qualitative data are categories. The descriptive and conceptual
results gathered through surveys, interviews, or observation is referred to as qualitative data. We can
explore concepts and further explain quantitative outcomes by analyzing qualitative data.
40. Metadata and data modeling tools support the creation and documentation of models -
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
Models representing the structures, flows, mappings and transformations, connections, and quality of
data may be created and documented using metadata and data modeling tools.
41. The Process of describing the data that is huge and complex to store and process is known as ___.
A. Analytics mining
B. Data cleaning
C. Big data
D. None of the mentioned above
Big data is a term used to describe the process of describing data that is large and difficult to store and
interpret. Big data analytics is the use of advanced analytic techniques to very large, heterogeneous big
data sets, which can contain structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, as well as data from
many sources and sizes ranging from terabytes to zettabytes.
42. In descriptive statistics, data from the entire population or a sample is summarized with ___.
A. Numerical descriptor
B. Decimal descriptor
C. Integer descriptor
D. All of the mentioned above
Data from the full population or a sample is summarized using numerical descriptors in descriptive
43. Customer behavior analytics is about understanding how your customers act -
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
Understanding how your customers behave across each channel and interaction point is the goal of
customer behavior analytics. Understanding consumer behavior may aid in customer acquisition,
engagement, and retention for your company.
A. John Tukey
B. Hans Peter Luhn
C. Gregory Lon
D. None of the mentioned above
John Tukey, a statistician, defined data analysis. Tukey began his career in statistics, and he was
fascinated with data analysis challenges and methodologies. Some people remember him for pioneering
exploratory data analysis, but he also made significant contributions to analysis of variance, regression,
and a wide range of applications. This study examines some of the most notable contributions in these
45. Amongst which of the following is / are the challenges overcome by the data strategy to make a
business in a strong position -
A. Data privacy, data integrity, and data quality issues that undercut your ability to analyze data
B. Inefficient movement of data between different parts of the business
C. Lack of deep understanding of critical parts of the business
D. All of the mentioned above
Data strategy aids in the development of a strong firm. It also puts a company in a good position to
overcome obstacles. Issues with data privacy, integrity, and quality that limit your capacity to evaluate
data Lack of understanding of important business components and the processes that keep them run
Inefficient data transportation between different portions of the organization, or data duplication by
several business units, as well as a lack of clarity about current business needs and goals.
A. Visualization
B. Analytical
C. Data Exploration
D. All of the mentioned above
Tableau is a visualization software program. Tableau gives data scientists a versatile front-end for data
exploration with the analytical depth they need. Data scientists may execute complicated quantitative
studies in Tableau and communicate visual findings to encourage improved understanding and
collaboration with data by utilizing advanced computations, R and Python integration, quick cohort
analysis, and predictive capabilities.
47. Big data analytics refers to collecting, processing, cleaning, and analyzing large datasets -
A. True
B. False
Answer: A) True
Big data analytics is the process of gathering, processing, cleaning, and analyzing enormous datasets in
order to assist businesses operationalize their data.
48. Amongst which of the following is / are the features of Tableau for data analytics -
A. Data Blending
B. Real time analysis
C. Collaboration of data
D. All of the mentioned above
Tableau software's finest features are data blending, real-time analysis, and data collaboration. The
beautiful thing about Tableau software is that it can be used without any technical or programming
knowledge. The tool has piqued the curiosity of people from many walks of life, including business,
researchers, and other industries.
49. ___ is a category, also called supervised machine learning methods in which the data is split on two
A. Classification
B. Clustering
C. Data mining
D. None of the mentioned above
Answer: A) Classification
Classification is a type of supervised machine learning approach in which the data is divided into two
parts: a training set and a validation set. A model is trained from the training set by extracting the most
discriminative characteristics that are previously connected with known outputs. This model is then
tested on a test set, in which we evaluate the learnt model's efficiency by creating appropriate outputs
for a particular set of input values.
A. Supervised
B. Unsupervised
C. Both A and B
D. None of the mentioned above
Answer: B) Unsupervised
Unsupervised data analysis includes clustering. Without any prior knowledge, the data's hidden
structure is discovered and emphasized. Popular clustering techniques include K-means, K-nearest
neighbors, and hierarchical clustering.
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