Solving Schrodinger Equations Using Physically Constrained Neural Network
Solving Schrodinger Equations Using Physically Constrained Neural Network
Solving Schrodinger Equations Using Physically Constrained Neural Network
quantum many-body problems using variational optimization, various physical constraints have to
be injected into the neural network by construction, to increase the data and learning efficiency. We
build the unitary constraint to the variational wave function using
R x a monotonic neural network to
represent the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) F (x) = −∞ ψ ∗ ψdx0 . Using this constrained
neural network to represent the variational wave function, we solve Schrodinger equations using auto-
differentiation and stochastic gradient descent (SGD), by minimizing the violation of the trial wave
function ψ(x) to the Schrodinger equation. For several classical problems in quantum mechanics,
we obtain their ground state wave function and energy with very low errors. The method developed
in the present paper may pave a new way in solving nuclear many body problems in the future.
Keywords: Deep neural network; auto differentiation; variational problems; the Cumulative
Distribution Function; ground state wave function
PACS numbers:
III. Results
1 2 3 4
4 0.9995717 0.9999767 0.9999705 0.9999618
8 0.9999416 0.9999797 0.9999910 0.9999932
16 0.9999861 0.9999923 0.9999936 0.9999967
32 0.9999789 0.9999909 0.9999896 0.9999922
64 0.9999744 0.9999746 0.9999903 0.9999941
proximation function for the grond state wave function. from zero to infinity at the boundary. We think that this
is due to the fact that the soft constraint cannot handle
the infinite potential energy at the boundary well, so the
probability density at the boundary is not 0.
IV. Conclusions
ciency. Third, the anti-symmetric constraints of the wave No.12075098), the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei
function should be considered for many fermion systems. Province (Grant No.2019CFB563), the Hubei Province
Although further efforts have to be done to improve the Department of Education (Grant No. D20201108), Hubei
current method, it shows good properties in solving clas- Province Department of Science and Technology (Grant
sical quantum mechanical problems. The next step is No. 2021BLB171). LG Pang and KF Pu also acknowl-
to solve the ground state energy and wave functions of edge the support provided by Huawei Technologies Co.,
Deuteron. It also paves a new way in solving many nu- Ltd. Computations are performed at the NSC3 super
cleon problems. cluster at CCNU and High-Performance Computing Cen-
ter of Wuhan University of Science and Technology.
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