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STEICO Construction Guide LVL en I

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Design Guide

STEICO LVL / Laminated Veneer Lumber

Construction elements –
made naturally out of wood

Technical detailing

Overview S. 02
Sole and top plates S. 06
Wall studs S. 08
Lintels S. 13
Rimboards S. 16
Ceilings S. 18
Roof and floor slabs S. 21
Roof overhangs S. 23
Mechanical properties S. 26
Calculation software S. 28
Fasteners S. 29
Other properties S. 30
General Information S. 31
Delivery options S. 32

engineered by nature
Thickness from
21 - 90 mm

up to 18.00 m
up to 2.50 m STEICO G LVL with glued
STEICO LVL veneers.
Find out more about STEICO G LVL at

STEICO LVL  /  Laminated Veneer Lumber

Dimensional stability, high strength and load bearing capacity
STEICO LVL is one of the most stable engineered wood products. It consists of several layers
of approx. 3 mm thick, glued softwood veneers (spruce/pine). Defects are evenly distributed
resulting is a nearly uniform cross section. This structure gives STEICO LVL maximum strength.

Hot water storage Scanner based sorting

Gluing Pressing Cutting Ripping


Cutting to length Veneer cutting Drying Veneer lay-up Calibrating


No drying shrinkage A high-performance Uniform strength Dimensional Higher strength Large-format
because STEICO LVL is material from throughout, since stability due to compared to production allows
made with a moisture automated testing defects like knots waterproof bonding softwood due the cutting of all
content of approx. and strength are limited to a – no twisting, to densification sizes, sticks and
9 % (corresponds to grading of every single sheet of no shrinkage, during pressing. panels.
in-use equilibrium single veneer. veneer. absolutely straight
moisture). components.

STEICO LVL Furnierschichtholz

Laminated Veneer Lumber Laminated Veneer Lumber with cross-layers

ross- Layers
20% C
STEICO LVL R components STEICO LVL X components
consist of veneers that are consist of veneers where
all bonded in longitudinal approximately one-fifth
layer orientation. are bonded in cross-
Powerful wood material orientation increasing
for beam and stud the load-carrying capacity when used as panels as well as the
applications. dimensional stability and rigidity.

• Floor joists • Rimboards
• Rafters • Load-bearing walls Allgemeine
• Main beams • Roofs and ceilings Zulassung
• Studs • Trusses
• Sole and top plate • Roof overhangs
• Lintels • Curved components
• Beam reinforcements and many more
and many more

The product for highest requirements in timber construction

Easy to handle and easy Dimensional High Extremely

to design stable strength resistant
up to 5 mm shrinkage
24 cm

mge 4Sl8im%
3.6 2.5
XPress rink
a mer N/mm² N/mm²

STEICO LVL consists of Timber C24 STEICO LVL X Timber C24 / STEICO LVL R STEICO LVL R Timber C24 /
Glulam 120 mm 63 mm Glulam
softwood veneer and is easy fm,k = 24 N / mm² fm,0,edge,k = 44 N / mm²
to process - pre-drilling of STEICO LVL X has the smallest Extreme resistance where
fasteners is not necessary. swelling and shrinkage under High-strength cross sections it matters most such
The design is carried the common engineered allow for slender structures as sole and top plates.
out according to EC 5 / wood products. Drying - or significantly stronger Not only is material and
AbZ Z-9.1-842. The design shrinkage is avoided thank structures when compared weight reduced, but also
software Xpress is available to the production moisture to the same cross sections compression settlements are
at STEICO. content of approx. 9%. out of solid wood. avoided.

Characteristic strength and stiffness properties (N / mm²) for STEICO LVL for design according to EC 5


The characteristic density of STEICO LVL R and Flatwise loading Edgewise Flatwise loading Edgewise
STEICO LVL X is 480 kg / m³. loading loading

Bending II to the grain fm,0,k / to the grain fm,90,k 50.0 / – 44.0 / – 36.0 / 8.0 32.0 / 8.0
Tension II to the grain ft,0,k 36.0 36.0 18.0 18.0
Compression II to the grain fc,0,k / to the grain fc,90,k 40.0 / 3.6 40.0 / 7.5 30.0 / 4.0 30.0 / 9.0
Shear fv,k 2.6 4.6 1.1 4.6
Modulus of elasticity II to the grain E0,mean / to the grain E90,mean 14,000 / – 14,000 / – 10,600 / 2,500 10,600 / 3,000

* Values for 27 mm ≤ t ≤ 75 mm. A complete overview of the values can be found on p. 26.

Saving potential using STEICO LVL R

Up to 67 % material saving
Due to the higher strength and stiffness properties of STEICO LVL R when compared to solid softwood products, significant
material savings are obtained.

Equivalent cross-section widths:

• Smaller sections due to higher strength properties
• Lighter components thanks to material savings
• Easier handling thanks to reduced cross section widths (E.g. using smaller circular saws)

The following table shows the dimensions and material savings of STEICO LVL when compared to other building materials.
As the basis for this comparison for beams with a constant height of 240 mm, solid wood of class C24 is used and compared
to glulam GL 24c and STEICO LVL R. The width varies according to the material-saving potential.

Solid Timber C24 Glulam GL 24c STEICO LVL R

Height Height Height

h=240 mm h=240 mm h=240 mm

Material Material Material

Property Width Property Width Property Width
savings savings savings
Bending 24.0 24.0 44.0
fm,0,edge,k N / mm²
140 mm 0% N / mm²
128 mm* 9% N /mm²
74 mm* 47%

Shear 4.0 4.6

fv,0,edge,k N / mm²
140 mm 0% 3.5 N / mm² 112 mm* 20% N / mm²
61 mm* 57%

Compression II 21.0 21.5 40.0

fc,0,k N / mm²
140 mm 0% N / mm²
137 mm 2% N / mm²
74 mm 48%

Compression 2.5 2.5 7.5

fc,90,edge,k N / mm²
140 mm 0% N / mm²
140 mm 0% N / mm²
47 mm 67%

Tension II 14.0 17.0 36.0

ft,0,k N / mm²
140 mm 0% N / mm²
105 mm* 25% N / mm²
54 mm 61%

Elastic modulus 11,000 11,000 14,000

E0,mean N / mm²
140 mm 0% N / mm²
140 mm 0% N / mm²
110 mm 21%

350 kg / m³ – – 365 kg / m³ – – 480 kg / m³ – –
density app. ρk

Boundary conditions
kc,90 = 1.0
* In considering of correction factors


STEICO LVL – Range of applications

Range of Applications

G STEICO LVL is a high-strength versatile

material. In the following, selected
fields of application in housing
construction are presented as well
its advantages and detailed design

D A Sole and top plates........ S. 06

F B Wall studs...................... S. 08

E C Lintels............................S. 13
D Rimboard........................S. 16
B E Ceilings...........................S. 18

F Roof and floor slabs........S. 21

G Roof overhangs.............. S. 23

Future-oriented material
in a trend-setting building system
The more demanding the requirements, the better its suitability – STEICO LVL is
the high-performance material for innovative wood construction. Together with
the other components of the STEICO product family (I-joists and natural insulating
materials), a complete range for structural and insulating building envelope
materials is available for wood construction – a complete house from one source.
That's the STEICO Natural Building System.
NEW λD 0.038
λD 0.036

Laminated I-joists STEICOjoist and Rigid and flexible Wood fiber and Sealing system for
Veneer Lumber: STEICOwall wood-fiber insulation cellulose air injected the building shell
STEICO LVL insulation

A STEICO LVL as sole an top plates

Sole and top plates:

extreme resistance, prevention of settlements

Walls in wood frame construction can be optimized in many areas through the use of STEICO LVL
as sole and top plates. Due to the high compressive strength perpendicular to the grain, stud
cross-sections can be reduced in both exterior and interior walls and sole-plates can be extended
beyond the edge of the concrete slab.

Advantages at a glance
Compressive strength perpendicular to the grain in-plane, flatwise
applications 1
• STEICO LVL R: fc,90,flat,k = 3.6 N/mm²
• STEICO LVL X: fc,90,flat,k = 4.0 N/mm²
Optimum utilization of wood / reducing wood consumption
• Reduced cross-sections of highly loaded studs, e.g. next to windows
fc,90,flat 1
• Increased useable living space through reduced indoor wall depth
• Optimal in combination with STEICO I-joists

Optimized socket detail 2 Extended walls with

• Possibility for extended walls STEICO LVL sole plates.
• Creation of drip edges The connection detail to
• Economic construction with thin render boards the wall insulation (drip
edge) is possible with
Sole plates without the use of chemical wood protection thin render boards.
• Use class 0 (GK0) in accordance with DIN 68800-2 – no risk due to moisture or
insect infestation, thus no chemical wood protection necessary
• Wood protection by design in accordance with DIN 68800-2 must be applied 2
• Use of STEICO LVL similar to solid softwood members

Reduction of sole plate height from 60 mm to 45 mm 3 Structures with slender

• Saving material soleplates using
• Minimising heat bridges STEICO LVL. Shear
anchors with 2-part
• Reducing compression perpendicular to the grain settlements
shear bracket eg.
• Two part shear anchors for soleplate heights from 45 mm, for example from
SC2P from Simpson
Simpson Strong Tie®, are available. Strong Tie® or
Shear brackets on
timber batten within
service void.


STEICO LVL as sole and top plates

Preliminary design of
STEICO LVL R sole and top plates
The table contains the maximum loads for STEICO LVL R sole plates,
considering the following boundary conditions:
• For load-bearing exterior walls, the detail can extend up a maximum of half the
stud depths beyond the load-carrying floor below. Only the supported section is
considered for the design check
• Studs in the end-section of the sole plate are to be checked separately
Full support,
• Alternatively, STEICO LVL X can be used equally valid for
Characteristic resistance per post exterior and
interior walls.
Stud depth Full support
Half support
(Interior and
Type (Exterior walls)
exterior walls) 1 2
[mm] Rk in [kN] Rk in [kN]
80 45.4 –
100 56.7 – Half support,
120 68.0 – exterior walls
STEICO LVL R 200 113.4 56.7 with extended
Stud width
bST  =   45 mm 220 124.7 62.4 construction.
240 136.1 68.0
280 158.8 79.4
300 170.1 85.1
80 50.5 –
100 63.2 –
120 75.8 –
STEICO LVL R 200 126.4 63.2
Stud width
bST =  57 mm 220 139.0 69.5
240 151.6 75.8 hST
280 176.9 88.5
300 189.5 94.8
80 58.3 –
100 72.9 – 30 mm bST 30 mm

120 87.5 –
STEICO LVL R The bearing check is carried out with a
200 145.8 72.9
Stud width kc, 90 value of 1.25 as for solid wood.
bST =  75 mm 220 160.4 80.2
In addition, the increase factor for the
240 175.0 87.5
service class 1 according to German
280 204.1 102.1
approval AbZ Z-9.1-842 is set to 1.20.
300 218.7 109.4
80 51.8 –
100 64.8 –
Solid timber 120 77.8 –
Stud width
bST =   60 mm 200 129.6 64.8
220 142.6 71.3
240 155.5 77.8
80 60.5 –
100 75.6 –
Solid timber 120 90.7 –
Stud width
bST =  80 mm 200 151.2 75.6
220 166.3 83.2
240 181.4 90.7
General notes

These tables are to be used for preliminary design and do not replace a static design check.
The design value of the compressive strength is calculated as: Nd = Table-value (RK) * kmod / γm.
The characteristic values on page 26 are to be used for individual design checks.

B STEICO LVL R for wall studs

Wall Studs:
high-capacity, slims posts

Due to the high strength and stiffness of STEICO LVL R, the stud cross-sections for walls in wood
frame construction can be reduced, respectively higher loads can be carried. Wall studs from
STEICO LVL R are thus well suited for highly loaded components such as studs next to window
openings or in load-bearing interior walls.

Advantages at a glance
Compressive strength parallel to the grain 1
• STEICO LVL R: fc,0,k = 40.0 N / mm²
High load-carrying capacity
• Ideal for heavily loaded studs such as next to window openings
• Even small stud cross-sections can carry high loads
• Straight product, thus improved imperfection reduction factor of βc  = 0.1 fc,0
(measure of eccentricity)

Slender interior walls 2 Reduction of buckling and lateral

• Reduced wall depth, thus gains in usable space and increase of the real estate torsional buckling risk.

Technically refined product

• Dry, dimensionally stable, thus no risk of shrinkage cracks
≥35 / 40

• Form stable components, thus large wall depths possible

• Permanently straight, thus benefits during use ✗
Other advantages of STEICO LVL R as a wall stud • Interior side: stabilisation through
• Reduced cross-sections for minimized thermal bridges panels (OSB or gypsum board).
• Exterior side: stabilisation through
• Matched to the height of STEICO I-joists
STEICOuniversal or STEICOprotect H.

Learn more about

bracing wood-fiber insulation at:
Slender interior walls with STEICO LVL 2 www.steico.com/aussteifung

Wall depth Wall depth with

with solid STEICO LVL
wood studs
gains in usable space


STEICO LVL R for wall studs

Preliminary design of STEICO LVL R as

a wall stud

The table contains the maximum loads (axial pressure) for STEICO LVL R wall
studs, considering the following boundary conditions:
• The table shows a full stud support for exterior or interior walls and a half
support for extended exterior walls.
• Buckling: The loaded studs are supported in-plane of the wall, means the table
values only consider bending (and buckling) about the strong axis of the stud
(Euler buckling case 2 | β = 1,0 | Lef = h).
• The design check for compression perpendicular to the grain can be done using Fk Fk
the table on page 7.

Characteristic resistance per stud

Stud depth Full support 1 2
Half support
(Interior and
Type (Exterior walls)
exterior walls)
hST HWall = 3.0m HWall = 4.0m HWall = 3.0m HWall = 4.0m
[mm] Rk in [kN] Rk in [kN]
80 24.2 13.8 – –
100 46.6 26.7 – –
120 78.9 45.6 – –
STEICO LVL R 200 289.2 196.2 144.6 98.1
Stud width
bST = 45 mm 220 340.9 251.5 170.4 125.7
240 387.5 309.7 193.8 154.9

Half support
Full support

280 472.0 421.0 236.0 210.5

300 512.0 470.6 256.0 235.3
80 30.7 17.5 – –
100 59.0 33.8 – –
120 100.0 57.8 – –
STEICO LVL R 200 366.3 248.5 183.2 124.2 1 2
Stud width
bST = 57 mm 220 431.8 318.5 215.9 159.3
240 490.9 392.3 245.4 196.2
280 597.9 533.3 299.0 266.6
300 648.5 596.1 324.3 298.0
80 40.3 23.0 – –
100 77.6 44.5 – –
120 131.6 76.0 – –
STEICO LVL R 200 482.0 327.0 241.0 163.5
Stud width
bST = 75 mm 220 568.1 419.1 284.1 209.6
240 645.9 516.2 322.9 258.1
280 786.7 701.7 393.4 350.8
300 853.3 784.3 426.7 392.2

General notes
These tables are to be used for preliminary design and do not replace a static design check.
The design value of the normal strength is calculated as: Nd = table-value (RK) * kmod / γm.
Structures with slender wall studs using
The table considers a simply supported element (Euler buckling case 2).
STEICO LVL R. Calculation tables and
The characteristic values on page 26 are to be used for individual design checks.
installation instructions for tension tie
HTA and Vplus from the company Würth
are available. Two-part tension tie e.g.
HD2P from Simpson Strong Tie®.

STEICO LVL R for wall studs

Design example wall stud Design check

System Bending (buckling) about the strong axis (y-axis): Fk, perm = 40.0 kN
Rk=289.2 kN (see table on page 9) Fk, med = 20.0 kN
Wall height Hwall = ................ 3.00 m
Support condition = ...... Full support Nd, med 84, 0
med = Rk, y * k mod, med = 289.2 * 0, 8 = 0.47 #1.0
Stud width b = ....................... 45 mm
M 1.3
Stud depth h = ..................... 200 mm

Loads Nd, perm 54.0

perm = Rk, y * k mod, const = 289.2 * 0.6 = 0.40 #1.0
M 1.3
Fk, perm = ..............................40.0 kN
Fk, med = ...............................20.0 kN

Wall height hwall = 3.0 m

For wind load on the exterior wall, the design
Design loads check according to clause 6.3.2 of EN 1995-1-1
(equation 6.23) has to be done.
Nd, med = γG * Nk, perm + γQ * Nk,med =
1.35 * 40.0 + 1.5 * 20.0 = 84.0 kN

Nd, perm = γG * Nk, perm =

1.35 * 40.0 = 54.0 kN

Buckling coefficients kc for STEICO LVL R

For the simplified design check of STEICO LVL R stud cross-sections, the buckling
coefficients kc are tabulated as a function of slenderness λ. The buckling check
has to be according to clause 6.3.2 of EN 1995-1-1 b = 45 mm
h = 200 mm
Buckling coefficients kc for STEICO LVL R according to EN1995-1-1: 2010-12 clause 6.3.2
Buckling Buckling Buckling
slenderness slenderness slenderness
coefficient coefficient coefficient
λ kc λ kc λ kc
[-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-]
10 1.000 105 0.254 200 0.072
15 1.000 110 0.232 205 0.069
20 0.992 115 0.213 210 0.065
25 0.980 120 0.196 215 0.062
30 0.966 125 0.181 220 0.060
35 0.947 130 0.168 225 0.057 Schematic
40 0.920 135 0.156 230 0.055 of buckling
45 0.883 140 0.145 235 0.052 of a slender
50 0.829 145 0.136 240 0.050 column.
55 0.759 150 0.127 245 0.048
60 0.681 155 0.119 250 0.046
65 0.605 160 0.112 255 0.045
70 0.536 165 0.105 260 0.043
75 0.475 170 0.099 265 0.041
80 0.423 175 0.094 270 0.040
85 0.378 180 0.089 275 0.038
90 0.340 185 0.084 280 0.037
95 0.307 190 0.080 285 0.036
100 0.279 195 0.076 290 0.035

≥ 7.5d (4) Mindestabstand
(3) Mindestabstand (a_2) nach (a_1) nach

Rechnerische Mindestständerbreite ohne Ber

≥ 15
Rechnerische Mindestständerbreite ohne Berücksichti
der Holzwerkstoffplatte und ohne Toleranz der Befesti
der Holzwerkstoffplatte und ohne Toleranz d
Gutachten von DIN EN 1995-1-1
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Blaß. Tab. 8.3 zwischen
(11.5 mm)
Klammern parallel zur Faser.
(4) Mindestabstand (a_1) nach
DIN EN 1995-1-1 Tab. 8.3 zwischen
Klammern LVL Faser.
Mindesteinbindetiefe (t_2)

(2 x 7.5 + 10) x d = 25d = 38.25 mm

nach DIN EN 1995-1-1
STEICO LVL R for wall Tolerance
studs (5) Mindesteinbindetiefe (t_2)

(2 x 7.5 + 10) x d = 25d = 38.25 mm

Abschnitt 8.4
nach DIN EN 1995-1-1 (3)
Abschnitt 8.4 (3)


(je 1.3 mm) Beispielbemaßungen
Beispielbemaßungen der der
(je 1.3 mm)
Mindestabstände beziehen beziehen
sich auf untensich
auf unten stehende

d = 1.53 mm

d = 1.53 mm
Load-bearing board joint on 45 mm

STEICO LVL R wall stud
STEICO SE * Otto-Lilienthal-Ring 30 * D-85622 Feldkirchen * TEL 0 89 - 99 15 51 0 FAX: 0 89 - 99 15 51 26 www.steico.com

Stud width
z.B.: Haubold KG 700
45.0 mm
Randabstände nach Rückenbreite
Staple geometry
9.0 7.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 9.0
All dims. DIN EN 1995-1-1
Stud widthund
≥ 10d
e.g. mm
11.25 z.B.:
Haubold KG Haubold
700 KG 700
in mm Gutachten von20.0 mm STEICO LVL R STEICO SE * Otto-Lilienthal-Ring 30 * D-85622 Feldkirchen * TEL 0 89 - 99 15 51 0 FAX: 0


Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Blaß
Wood-based Rückenbreite Drehwinkel

9.72 mm
Rechnerische Mindestständerbreite ohne Berücksichtigung einer Verlegefuge

≥ 10dnach
(1) Mindestrandabstand
DIN EN 1995-1-1 NA.13 für eg.: OSB
11.25 mm R
20.0 mm
OSB- und Spanplatten. 9.0 7.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 9.0

All dims.

in mm G
der Holzwerkstoffplatte und ohne Toleranz der Befestigungsmittel:

(22.0 mm)

3.00 mm
(2) Mindestrandabstand (a_4,c)
≥ 3d 3.0

nach Gutachten Prof. Dr.-Ing. Blaß 9.72 mm
≥ 14d

zum unbeanspruchten Rand.

* According to the expert opinion of Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. J. Blaß from 23.04.2018, Adoption of rules into General Building Approval Z-9.1-842 for STEICO LVL Laminated Veneer Lumber applied for.
(4.6 mm)

Staple length
(46.0 mm)

eg.: OSB
≥ 15d

Rechnerische Mindestständerbreite ohne Berücksichtigung einer Verlegefuge

≥ 7.5d (3) Mindestabstand (a_2) nach
Gutachten von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Blaß. (1)
(11.5 mm) DI
(4) Mindestabstand (a_1) nach OS
DIN EN 1995-1-1 Tab. 8.3 zwischen
(22.0 mm)

Klammern parallel mm
zur Faser.

der Holzwerkstoffplatte und ohne Toleranz der Befestigungsmittel:

≥ 3d (2)
≥ 14d

(5) Mindesteinbindetiefe (t_2) na

(2 x 7.5 + 10) x d = 25d = 38.25 mm

Nominal Ø

Staple length
nach DIN EN 1995-1-1 = 1.53 mm (4.64.86
mm) zu

(46.0 mm)
Tolerance Abschnitt 8.4 (3)

≥ 15d

≥ 7.5d (3)
Randabstände HRB Plattenstoß
Beispielbemaßungen der
(je 1.3 mm) Calculated minimum stud width without consideration Gu
Datum: 05-03-2018 beziehen
Detailnummer: (11.5 mm)
of staggered board
sich auf untenjoints or tolerances of the fixings
Änderung: keineKlammergeometrie.
Bearbeiter: SHEI Maßstab: 1 : 1.0 (4)
(2 * 7,5 + 10) * d = 25 * 1,53 = 38,3 mm) DIN
d = 1.53 mm

Board joint

(2 x 7.5 + 10) x d = 25d = 38.25 mm

Nominal Ø na
= 1.53 mm
Tolerance 4.86 mm Ab

Stud width z.B.: Haubold KG 700
(je 1.3 mm) Be
45.0 mm Mi
Randabstände HRB Plattenstoß
Rückenbreite Drehwinkel Schematic diagram of the
≥ 10d sic
mm andDatum: 05-03-2018
of staple Detailnummer:
11.25 mm in STEICO LVL* board joint Kla


Änderung: keine Bearbeiter: SHEI Maßstab: 1 : 1.0

d = 1.53 mm


Spacing 1 9.72 mm
Board joint

board Angle Min. Spacing

(see figure 8.10 in EN 1995-1-1)
eg.: OSB
Θ ≥ 30°: (10+5· cos α) d
a₁ Spacing parallel to grain 0° ≤ α ≤ 360°
Θ < 30°: (15+5· cos α) d
(22.0 mm)

3.00 mm
Θ ≥ 30°: (5+10· sin Θ) d K
≥ 14d

a2 (perpendicular to grain) 0° ≤ α ≤ 360°

Staple length

Θ < 30°: 10d Stud width

a3,t (loaded end) -90° ≤ α ≤ 90° (15+ 5· cos α) d 45.0 mm
a3,c (unloaded end) 90° ≤ α ≤ 270° 15d Rü
≥ 10d
a4,t (loaded edge) 0° ≤ α ≤ 180° (10 + 5· sin α) d
20.0 mm STEICO LVL R
a4,c (unloaded edge) 180° ≤ α ≤ 360° (5 + 5· sin Θ) d
α is the angle of the load to the grain and Θ theNominal
angle Øbetween the back of the staple Wood-based
and the grain = 1.53 mm 4.86 mm board
t strength  1) Definition of the minimum spacing on page 29 eg.: OSB
embedmen timber
Randabstände HRB37 % higher
lid C 24
red to so
Datum: 05-03-2018compaDetailnummer: ings
% fewer fix
sults in 10
Änderung: keine which re Bearbeiter: SHEI
(22.0 mm)

Maßstab: 1 : 1.0 3.00 mm

≥ 14d

Embedment strength for staples in STEICO LVL Laminated Veneer Lumber

Staple length

When calculating the load bearing strength to Eurocode 5 for staples in STEICO LVL, the char-
acteristic embedment strength of staples that are fixed perpendicular to the grain can be calcu-
lated as follows: *

Slender wall studs STEICO LVL R

In this context: ρk Characteristic raw density according to declaration of performance
ρk = 480 kg/m³ for STEICO LVL R and STEICO LVL X | d Nominal diameter of staple in mm |
Randabstände HRB Plattenstoß
β Angle between staple shaft and board face | kc=1 for STEICO LVL R, kc=3 for STEICO LVL X
Datum: 05-03-2018
Stud with Detailnummer:
solid Stud with
(to d=3 mm) | The embedment depth into the small face of STEICO LVL should be a minimum
Änderung: keine timber C 24Bearbeiter: STEICO
SHEI LVL R Maßstab: 1 : 1
of 12 d.

STEICO LVL R for wall studs

Material- and thermalbridge reduction

using slender STEICO LVL R wall studs
The use of high load bearing STEICO LVL R wall studs, in combination with
STEICO LVL sole plates, can result in significant material savings. This is made
possible due to the high compression and bending strength of Laminated
Veneer Lumber. The following table shows the material saving potential of using
STEICO LVL R Laminated Veneer Lumber instead of wall constructions which
utilize solid C 24 timbers.

Solid timber
C 24 for wall
Middle stud
studs and
for wall studs and sole / header plates
sole / header
120 mm
Middle stud 1 Edge stud 2
From stud Material Material
depths of Stud width Stud width saving against Stud width saving against C24
[mm] [mm] [mm] C 24 [mm] C 24
60 mm
60 45 25 % 45 25 %
80 45 44 % 45 44 %
100 45 55 % 57 43 %
120 45 63 % 57 53 % ving
120 Material sa
140 57 59 % 75 46 % up to 63 %
160 75 53 % 45 + 45 44 % 45 mm

180 45 + 45 50 % 57 + 45 43 %
200 57 + 45 49 % 57 + 57 43 %
General information 45 mm
From a stud depth of 120 mm the compression of the sole plate is critical (Examined Buckling LVL R
length 3,0 m, in a braced wall). The bearing check uses a kc,90-value of 1,25 the same as solid
timber. The increase factor for fc,90,flat,k in SC 1 in accordance with AbZ Z-9.1-842 with k = 1,20
was used. The increased contact length in accordance with DIN EN 1995-1-1 in considered with 1
30 mm on both sides of a middle stud and 30 mm on an edge stud.
Edge stud
Example calculation for wall stud
80 mm
Solid Timber C 24: 120 mm * 200 mm STEICO LVL R 45 mm * 200 mm

Sole plate compression (middle stud): Sole plate compression (middle stud):
= fc,90,k * Aef * kc,90 = fc,90,flat,k * Aef * kc,90 * k
60 mm
= 2,5 * 200 * (30+120+30) * 1,25 = 3,6 * 200 * (30+45+30) * 1,25 * 1,20 C24
= 112,5 kN

= 113,4 kN ≥ 112,5 kN


Material sa
Rbuckling,C24,k = 388,9 KN ≥ 112,5 kN Rbuckling,LVLR,k = 289,2 KN ≥ 113,4 kN up to 44 %
 Buckling not critical  Buckling not critical
45 mm

Advantages of slender STEICO LVL R wall studs

• Up to 63 % less timber used
• Reduced cross section with minimal thermal bridge
• One product for sole plate and stud hence less stock requirement 45 mm
• Up to 10 % saving in fixings due to 37 % higher embedment strengths
• Dry, stable material for accurate construction
• Reduced timber material for robust construction

C STEICO LVL R as lintel

STEICO LVL R lintels

for maximum loads

Traditional connections and details for lintels can be optimised through the use of STEICO LVL statically
as well as in regards to building physics. Using intelligent design, filigree members can be used, which
offer multiple advantages.

Advantages at a glance

Bending strength and elastic modulus parallel to the grain with

edgewise application 1
• STEICO LVL R: fm,0,edge,k = 44.0 N / mm²
• STEICO LVL R: E0,mean = 14,000 N / mm²

Compressive strength perpendicular to the grain with edgewise fm,0,edge and E0,edge
application 2
• STEICO LVL R: fc,90,edge,k = 7.5 N/mm² F

Lintel details for large wall depths a / b

• Lintels in addition to shading
• Studs can be interrupted
• Slim lintels, static height optimized
• Design as single span or multiple-span beam fc,90,edge
• Reduced material usage 2
• Improved detailing in regards to building physics
Lintel details
Lintel details for small wall depths c
• Exchange of steel beams without design changes
• Simpler details when compared to using steel beams
• Reduced section height compared to glued laminated timber members
• Reduced bearing lengths compared to glued laminated timber
a b c d
(reduced stud cross section)
• Design as single span or multiple-span beam a / b: Lintel details for large wall depths
• Block-laminated STEICO G LVL R beams or mechanically jointed multi-part as single span or multiple-span beam
STEICO LVL R beams possible c: Lintel details for small wall depths

d: Lintel detail using steel beams –

not desirable in wood construction

STEICO LVL R as lintel

Multi-part STEICO LVL R beams, mechanically connected 1

Fk Multi-part
• For uniformly distributed loads, it is sufficient to connect the individual
STEICO LVL R strips with nails, screws or dowels.
Uniformly distributed
loads from floor beams
Design examples
a STEICO LVL R lintel installed edgewise as a single-span beam 1
- Lintel as a single-span beam just over the openings
- Wall studs without notches in areas without openings

Notched stud with continuous lintel

b STEICO LVL R lintel installed edgewise as multi span beam

- Continuous lintel as multi span beam
- floor joists spacing independent of the wall stud locations

Notched stud with continuous top

plate and lintel

c Glued multi-part STEICO G LVL R lintel as continuous beam

- Lintel as a single-span or multi-span continuous beam
- Floor joists spacing independent of the wall stud locations

Glued multi-part STEICO G LVL R lintel

as continuous top plate


STEICO LVL R as lintel

Preliminary design of STEICO LVL R

as lintel
Based on the reference building for the variant a (STEICO LVL R as wall lintel
installed edgewise as a single-span beam) the STEICO LVL R lintel is designed.
The table shows the maximum clear opening and the required bearing length
(depth of stud at the opening).

Lintel installed edgewise as a single-span beam reference building

Beam width Beam height
[mm] hTräger [mm] Maximum clear opening l Required bearing length lA Saddle roof Roof slope
[m] [mm]
gk=1.2 kN / m² 30 degree
200 1.45 45
sk=1.0 kN / m²
STEICO LVL R 240 1.75 57
b = 1 * 45 mm 280 2.05 75
300 2.20 80
200 1.60 45
Floor as single
STEICO LVL R 240 1.95 45
Wall (h = 1.5m) span beam
b = 1 * 57 mm 280 2.30 60
gk = 1.0 kN / m² gk = 2.0 kN / m²
300 2.45 75
200 1.80 45 qk = 2.0 kN / m²

STEICO LVL R 240 2.15 45

b = 1 * 75 mm 280 2.55 45
gk = 9.12 kN/m
300 2.70 57
qk = 4.50 kN/m
200 1.95 45
sk = 2.25 kN/m
STEICO LVL R 240 2.35 45
b = 2 * 45 mm 280 2.75 45
300 2.90 45
200 2.10 45
STEICO LVL R 240 2.55 45 4.50 m 4.50 m
b = 2 * 57 mm 280 3.00 45
300 3.20 45 STEICO LVL R lintel
200 2.35 45
STEICO LVL R 240 2.80 45
b = 2 * 75 mm 280 3.30 45
300 3.55 45
30 mm increase of contact length
Support condition 1 kc,90=1,0

The design check in the lintel section on the wall stud will be done out with a clear opening width
kc, 90 value of 1.0. The bearing on the sole plate and the buckling of the stud
have to be checked separately, see tables on pages 7 and 9. For two-part lintels, STEICO LVL R wall stud 1
the load has to be equally transferred to both parts.

Boundary conditions Deflection limits are based on: Ultimate Limit State check (ULS):
winst ≤ l/400
Service class = 1 Checks for bending and shear according
wnet,fin ≤ l/400
Live load: to DIN EN 1995-1-1. It is assumed that the
wfin ≤ l/300
Category A (Load duration class = medium) compression side is supported to prevent
Snow load: the building is In certain cases, where these limits might be buckling. The tables and its valued do not
≤ 1000 m above sea level too generous, we recommend that you make substitute the static design check.
(Load duration class = short) specific arrangements with the owner in
Serviceability Limit State check (SLS):

Done in accordance with clause 7.2 of

DIN EN 1995-1-1.

D STEICO LVL X as rimboard

STEICO LVL X as rimboard:

Prevention of settlements at storey interface

In order to avoid compression wrinkles in the facade, settlements at storey interfaces must be prevented
constructively. The use of STEICO LVL X as rimboard reduce the amount of wood in compression
perpendicular to the grain and ensure a perfect load transfer. In combination with a slender STEICO LVL
sole an top plate, a highly resilient and dimensionally stable interface is generated, which prevents any

Advantages at a glance F

Compressive strength perpendicular to the grain in edgewise application: 1

• STEICO LVL X: fc,90,edge,k = 9.0 N / mm²
Swelling and shrinkage
• Delivery moisture content = Equilibrium moisture content at use, thus no fc,90,edge
shrinkage and swelling 1
• With STEICO LVL X approx. 20 % of the veneer layers are vertical
• Dimensionally stable component

Avoiding settlements
• High compressive strengths in edgewise application kN/m kN/m
• Very small compression (high compression modulus of elasticity)
240 mm

• Secure load transfer thanks to cross-wise veneers

• No settlements, thus compression wrinkles in the facade are prevented

Reduced cross section 2

• Due to the high compressive strength, the cross-section can be significantly
reduced compared to solid timber of strength class C24 100 mm 57 mm
Solid timber  / Glulam STEICO LVL X
Further advantages of STEICO LVL X as rimboard
"Half the cross-section – twice the
• Rimboard to prevent tilting of joists load-carrying capacity“
• Can be connected in the edge face
1 meter rimboard made of solid timber
• No rimboard splicing required
C 24 resp. Glulam (all classes) with
• Continuous rimboard required for diaphragm behaviour
a cross-section 100/240 mm has a
(absorption of tensile forces from the floor) characteristic compression capacity of
• Optimal in combination with slender STEICO LVL sole and top plates 250 kN/m. The strength and stiffness
(reduction of wood loaded perpendicular to the grain) of STEICO LVL X due to the cross-wise
veneer layers is significantly higher.
A STEICO LVL X rimboard with a width
of only 57 mm can carry 513 kN/m.


STEICO LVL X as rimboard

STEICO LVL X: Design advantages though direct floor support

Solid timber C 24 –
Comparison between balloon-type construction (C24 / Glulam) and Significant shrinkage
construction with direct floor support (STEICO LVL X)
Balloon-frame construction Direct floor support
(C24/Glulam) with STEICO LVL X rimboard

8s.1 mamge

Simple and cost-effective

fastening technology
6 ✔
Sound insulation 6 ✔ Height of rimboard (C24) 240 mm
Same internal and external wall Depth of sole an top plate
heights, thus same panel sizes 6 ✔ of the adjacent wall 60 mm
and stud length elements (C24)
Cost savings through possible Permissible wood moisture
avoidance of installation level
6 ✔ up to 18%
content at delivery
Direct support for "simple" load Swelling and shrinkage coef-
6 ✔
ficient in % for 1 % change 0.25
Air tightness ✔ ✔ of wood moisture content

Dimensional stability ✔ ✔ Equilibrium moisture

approx. 9%
­content during use
Effort High Low
Change of moisture content −9%
Platform-type construction offers a significantly more economical solution for timber houses. Shrinkage up to 8.1 mm
The mounting of floor elements on the wall element can be realized more efficiently, the direct
bearing also permits designing for a simpler load path. This type of construction is also superior
STEICO LVL X – completely
in terms of sound insulation.
dimensionally stable
STEICO LVL X: Highest safety for timber construction

Comparison of different wood products when used as rimboard

Glued laminated
Solid timber C24
timber (all classes)
0hrm me
Veneer Lumber
S inkag

Compressive strength 2.5 N / mm² 2.5 N / mm² 9.0 N / mm²

­perpendicular to the grain 100% 100% 360% Height of rimboard ( LVL X  ) 240 mm
Wood moisture content at Depth of sole and top plate
up to 18% up to 15% approx. 9%
delivery of the ­adjacent wall elements 45 mm
( LVL X/R )
Possible shrinkage for cross-
up to 7 mm up to 5 mm 0 mm
section height of 300 mm Permissible wood moisture approx.
content at delivery 9%
Swelling and shrinkage
coefficient in % for 1 % change Swelling and shrinkage
0.25 0.25 0.03
of wood moisture content ­coefficient in % for 1 % change 0.03
(lower = better) of wood moisture content
Processing without pre-drilling yes yes yes Equilibrium moisture content approx.
during use 9%
Free weathering during the
yes yes yes
construction phase Change of moisture content 0%
Suitable as rimboard With restrictions With restrictions yes Shrinkage 0 mm

STEICO LVL X as rimboard combines dimensional stability, high strength and easy processing –
STEICO LVL X is therefore the best choice for modern timber constructions with the highest

E STEICO LVL for floor structures

Floor structures with STEICO LVL:

Economical, wide-span floor structures

The use of STEICO LVL R enables economic, wide-span floor structures. Thanks to the high strength
and stiffness combined with the available slender cross-sections, STEICO LVL R is ideally suited for floor

STEICO LVL as joist: advantages F

Bending strength and longitudinal modulus of elasticity for edgewise

application 1
• STEICO LVL R: fm,0,edge,k = 44.0 N / mm²
• STEICO LVL R: Emean = 14,000 N / mm²
fm,0,edge and E0,edge
Wide-span floor structures 2 1
• High stiffness
• High strength
Cross-sections with same
bending stiffness
Technically refined product
Solid timber C24 /
• Straight product, no pre-deformation
glued laminated STEICO LVL R
• Dry and dimensionally stable, thus no risk of shrinkage cracks timber GL 24c
• Slender cross-sections, thus low weight
240 mm

240 mm

Small bearing lengths

• High compressive strength perpendicular to the grain if used in edgewise
application 2Sl1im%
• Supports in the installation level possible
• Point supports possible without the use of steel plates 80 mm 63 mm
• Load bearing dovetailed connection according to the German Technical Approval
AbZ Z-9.1-649 possible Solid timber C24 /
glued laminated
Planning security timber GL 24c
• STEICO LVL R joists are available in many heights, no change of material required
240 mm

260 mm

as for solid timber (for example, change to glued laminated timber)

• Recommended slenderness = 1/8
- e.g.: STEICO LVL R 75 mm * 600 mm or 45 mm * 360 mm 3M2at%
Joists for heavy floors
• Floors with a natural frequency ≤ 8 Hz are possible 120 mm 75 mm
• Special investigations, e.g. According to Information sheet 02.04 by the Federal 2
Association of German Prefabricated Buildings (BDF)
• Larger spans possible If the required boundary conditions are met


STEICO LVL for floor structures

Floor construction for false ceiling with wet screed 1

1 Floor covering = 0.10 kN / m²
2 Wet screed 5 cm = 1.20 kN / m²
3 STEICOtherm SD wood fiber insulation board = 0.05 kN / m²
4 Wood material panel = 0.15 kN / m²
5 STEICO LVL R beam with 100 mm STEICOflex = 0.30 kN / m²
6 Gypsum board 12.5 mm on spring clips = 0.20 kN / m²

Total dead load gk = 2.0 kN / m² 1

Floor construction for false ceiling with wet screed system and filling 2
1 Floor covering = 0.10 kN / m²
2 Wet screed 5 cm = 1.20 kN / m²
3 STEICOtherm SD wood fiber insulation board = 0.05 kN / m²
4 Bounded filling = 0.75 kN / m²
5 Wood material panel = 0.15 kN / m²
6 STEICO LVL R beam with 100 mm STEICOflex = 0.30 kN / m²
7 Gypsum board plate 12.5 mm on spring clips = 0.20 kN / m² 2
Total dead load gk = 2.75 kN / m²

Maximum span in meters [m] for single-span beams

when using STEICO LVL R
Vibration performance considered Life load qk = 2.8 kN / m²
Dead load gk = 2.00 kN / m² 1 Dead load gk = 2.75 kN / m² 2
Thickness Joist spacing [cm] Joist spacing [cm]
Height H [mm]
41.7 50.0 62.5 41.7 50.0 62.5
200 3.75 3.55 3.25 3.50 3.30 3.05
220 4.05 3.85 3.60 3.75 3.60 3.35
240 4.30 4.15 3.90 4.00 3.80 3.60
STEICO LVL R 45 280 4.85 4.65 4.40 4.45 4.30 4.05
300 5.10 4.85 4.60 4.70 4.50 4.25
360 5.85 5.55 5.25 5.40 5.15 4.90
400 6.30 6.05 5.70 5.85 5.55 5.25
200 4.00 3.80 3.55 3.70 3.55 3.35
220 4.30 4.10 3.90 3.95 3.80 3.60
240 4.60 4.40 4.15 4.25 4.05 3.85
STEICO LVL R 57 280 5.15 4.90 4.65 4.75 4.55 4.30
300 5.40 5.15 4.90 5.00 4.75 4.50
360 6.20 5.90 5.60 5.70 5.45 5.15
400 6.70 6.40 6.05 6.20 5.90 5.60
200 4.30 4.10 3.85 3.95 3.80 3.60
220 4.60 4.40 4.15 4.25 4.05 3.85
240 4.90 4.70 4.45 4.55 4.35 4.10
STEICO LVL R 75 280 5.50 5.25 4.95 5.05 4.85 4.60
300 5.80 5.50 5.25 5.35 5.10 4.85
360 6.60 6.35 6.00 6.10 5.85 5.50
400 7.15 6.85 6.45 6.60 6.30 6.00

Boundary conditions Serviceability Limit State check (SLS): Limit frequency for vibration performance
Exposure: Service Class = 1 This check in done in accordance with
clauses 7.2 and 7.3 of DIN EN 1995-1-1 f1, Limit > 8.0 Hz
Live load category = A
under consideration of the German National Ultimate Limit State check (ULS):
Load duration class = medium Application Document (version 2013):
One-way bending and shear are considered.
Calculation using STEICOxpress winst ≤ l / ........... 300 Bearing pressure, wind and point loads are
wnet,fin ≤ l / ....... 300 not considered in the table values. These
wfin ≤ l / ............ 200 tables are to be used for preliminary design
and do not replace a static design check.

STEICO LVL for floor structures

STEICO LVL for floor structures: Advantages

For large-span floors where conventional constructions reach their performance
limits, composite floor systems offer an interesting and economical alternative –
Composite systems consisting either of STEICO LVL X sheathing, STEICO LVL R ribs
or mass-panel elements from STEICO G LVL R.

Composite structures
• Static activation of STEICO LVL X sheathing for vertical load transfer
• Stiffening and fast production thanks to large-format STEICO LVL X panels
• Wide-span floor construction for flexible, open floor plan design
• Manual production of mechanically joined composite elements using clamps,
nails or screws
• Production of glued elements by certified producer, glue certification C 2
according to DIN 1052-10

Composite construction: STEICO LVL X rib elements 1

• Top sheathing: STEICO LVL X
• Rib: STEICO LVL R Manual
• Composite action: mechanically joined or glued production
Mechanically joined
Composite construction: STEICO LVL box elements 2
composite elements
• Top and bottom sheathing: STEICO LVL X
using clamps, nails or
X screws.
• Rib: STEICO LVL R (No glue certification required.)
• Composite action: mechanically joined or glued LVL

STEICO LVL Rib Elements

Mass-panel elements
STEICO G LVL R Solid floor panel 3
• Multiple glued STEICO LVL R ribs
• High-strength element for large spans LVL

• Appealing fineline look

Comparision of spans for different floor systems
STEICO LVL Box elementsR


ength X
STEICO G LVL R Span 8,25 m

Mass-panel elements
R 2
Box elements 5,2 m 133% LVL
STEICO G LVL R Mass-panel elements
(mechanically joined)
clam 4,6 m
Rib elements 117%
(mechanically joined) LVL

Slid timber C24

Rib elements
3,9 m 100% Product certified according to
(no composite action) German Technical Approval R
AbZ Z-9.1-870 3
3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m
Boundary conditions:
Single-span beams | Service class 1 | Category A | Dead load gK = 2.20 kN/m² | Life load qk = 2.0 kN/m² |
Limit frequency for vibration performance > 8 Hz | Spacing of the ribs e = 625 mm |
Rib height hw = 240 mm and hLVL solid = 280 mm | Rib width bw, C24 = 60 mm and bw, LVL R = 57 mm
| STEICO LVL X sheathing t = 27 mm | Mechanical fasteners: wire clamp d = 2.0 mm, clamp length
l = 70 mm, clamp spacing sVM = 30 mm

F STEICO LVL X as roof and floor diaphragm

Roof and floor diaphragm:

high strength and high stiffness

Roof and floor diaphragm made of STEICO LVL X are used as load-bearing sheathing and as stiffening
diaphragm. Due to the high strength and stiffness in combination with the available dimensions (large
format panels) STEICO LVL X is exceptionally suitable for these applications. Furthermore, special
applications like curved components can be used according to the German technical approval
AbZ Z-9.1-842.

Advantages at a glance

Bending strength parallel to the grain and longitudinal modulus of

elasticity for upright application (t≥ 27 mm) 1
• STEICO LVL X: fm,0,flat,k = 36.0 N / mm²
• STEICO LVL X: E0,mean = 10,600 N / mm² fm,0,flat and E0,flat
Shear strength when used as diaphragm 1
• STEICO LVL X: fv,edge,k = 4.6 N/mm²
Increased spacing of joists and purlins
High strength and stiffness 2
• Increased spacing of joists and purlins
• Improved load-distribution, positive for the vibration performance
• Easy installation of fasteners without pre-drilling 2

Large format panels available 3 Quick installation thanks to large

format panels
• Widths up to 2.5 m and lengths up to 18 m
• Plate thickness up to 63 mm
• Enables multiple-span systems
• Accelerated installation, less work steps ✔
• Reduction in number of plate joints

Further advantages of STEICO LVL X as roof and floor diaphragm

• Dimensional stability through approx. 20 % cross-wise layers
• Reduced creep compared to OSB and particle boards Reduction in number of plate joints and
accelerated installation with less work
steps thanks to large-format panels with
widths of up to 2.5 m and lengths up to
18 m. 3

STEICO LVL X as roof and floor diaphragm

Preliminary dimensioning of STEICO LVL X Construction metal roof

as roof boarding
Maximum span as single-span beam / plate gk+ s
spanned in the direction of the strong axis l

Metal roof 1 Gravel roof 2

Dead load [kN / m²] 0.35 2.0
1 Metal sheet = 0,34 kN/m²
Snow load [kN / m²] 0.52 0.68 0.88 0.52 0.68 0.88 2 Fiber board = 0,01 kN/m²
Plate thickness [mm] maximum span l [m] 3 STEICO LVL X = automatic
27 1.70 1.70 1.65 1.05 1.05 1.05
33 2.05 2.05 2.00 1.30 1.30 1.30 g total, k = 0.35 kN/m²
39 2.35 2.35 2.35 1.50 1.50 1.50 1
45 2.70 2.70 2.65 1.75 1.75 1.75
51 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.95 1.95 1.95 Construction gravel roof
57 3.30 3.30 3.30 2.20 2.20 2.20
63 3.55 3.55 3.55 2.40 2.40 2.40
Laying direction 69 3.85 3.85 3.85 2.60 2.60 2.60

Maximum span as double-span beam / plate gk+ s

spanned in the direction of the strong axis

Metal roof Gravel roof

1 Gravel layer (6 cm) = 1.20 kN/m²
Dead load [kN / m²] 0.35 1 2.0 2 2 Sealing = 0.07 kN/m²
Snow load [kN / m²] 0.52 0.68 0.88 0.52 0.68 0.88 3 STEICOroof = 0,60 kN/m²
Plate thickness [mm] maximum span l [m] 4 Vapour barrier = 0.07 kN/m²
27 2.20 2.10 1.95 1.40 1.40 1.40 5 STEICO LVL X = automatic
33 2.70 2.55 2.40 1.70 1.70 1.70
g total,k = 2.0 kN/m²
39 3.15 3.00 2.85 2.05 2.05 2.05 2
45 3.60 3.45 3.25 2.35 2.35 2.35
51 4.00 3.85 3.65 2.65 2.65 2.65
Ceiling beams = STEICO LVL R
57 4.40 4.25 4.10 2.95 2.95 2.95
Roof boarding = STEICO LVL X
63 4.80 4.70 4.50 3.25 3.25 3.25
Laying direction 69 5.15 5.10 4.90 3.50 3.50 3.50

Boundary conditions Serviceability Limit State check (SLS): Ultimate Limit State check (ULS):

Service class = 2 These checks are done in accordance One-way bending and shear as for man-load
with clause 7.2 of DIN EN 1995-1-1 under are considered according to DIN EN 1995-1-1
Load duration class = short
consideration of the German National and DIN EN 1991-1 / NA: 2010 Tab. 6.10
(Building height above sea level ≤ 1000 m)
Application Document (version 2013):
The snow load was reduced by the
Roof slope: α = 0 degrees
winst..............≤ l/200 coefficient μ for roof slopes of 0° ≤ α ≤ 30°
The dead weight of the STEICO LVL X panels wnet,fin......... ≤ l/250 and uniformly distributed.
has already been taken into account and wfin .............. ≤ l/150
Bearing pressure, wind and point loads are
therefore does not have to be added.
In certain cases, where these limits might not considered in the table values.
For more detailed information on building be too generous, we recommend that you
These tables are to be used for preliminary
physics considerations when using veneer make specific arrangements with the owner
design and do not replace a static design
laminated wood in a flat roof structure, in advance.
please refer to the publication "Flat roofs in
wood construction" by Informationsdienst

G STEICO LVL X as roof overhang

STEICO LVL X as roof overhang:

slender, elegant and strong

Slender overhangs with fine roof lines can be realized economically and simply with STEICO LVL X
panels. It is recommended to take the panel orientation and joints into consideration during the design
stage. The largest deflections are to be expected at the corner areas, for which special solutions are

Advantages at a glance F

Bending strength parallel to the grain and longitudinal modulus of

elasticity for flatwise application (t ≥ 27 mm) 1
• STEICO LVL X: fm,0,flat,k = 36.0 N / mm²
fm,0,flat and E0,mean
• STEICO LVL X: E0,mean = 10,600 N / mm² 1
Bending strength perpendicular to the grain and transverse modulus of
elasticity for flatwise application ( t≥ 27 mm) 2 F

• STEICO LVL X: fm,90,flat,k = 8.0 N / mm²

• STEICO LVL X: Em,90,flat,mean = 2,500 N / mm²

Architecturally appealing roof detailing

• Fine-line continuous roof lines fm,90,flat,k and E90,flat,mean
• Application for steep and flat roofs
• Large format panel dimensions, reduction of panel joints
Possibilities of
• Roof overhangs of up to 2.0 m possible panel joint detailing

Connections Surface splines

• Simple connection details to the façade
• No flying rafters and stillage boards required
a) Eingelassenes Stoßholz b) Überblattung
• Easy prefabrication a) Eingelassenes Stoßholz Half-laps b) Überblattung
• Additional connections around rafters are omitted

a) Eingelassenes Stoßholz b) Überblattung

Complexa)joint detail with
Eingelassenes Stoßholz b) Überblattung
solid timber rafter
Butt joints with
extra timber

✔ Simple joint detail with

c) Stoßholz
c) Stoßholz Interior spines
d) Lose Feder
d) Lose Feder

c) Stoßholz d) Lose Feder

c) Stoßholz d) Lose Feder

STEICO LVL X as roof overhang

Preliminary design of STEICO LVL X as overhang panels

Minimum panel thickness t in mm for STEICO LVL X in regular overhang areas

Panel spanning in the direction of the strong axis

Loads [kN / m²] Overhang length lk [cm] LA

Dead load Snow load 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 125 150 175 200
sk = 0.52 27 27 27 27 27 27 33 33 39 45 51 57
gk = 0.15 sk = 0.68 27 27 27 27 27 27 33 33 39 45 51 60
sk = 0.88 27 27 27 27 27 33 33 39 39 51 57 63
sk = 0.52 27 27 27 27 27 33 33 39 45 51 57 63
gk =0.65 sk = 0.68 27 27 27 27 27 33 39 39 45 51 63 69
sk = 0.88 27 27 27 27 33 33 39 39 45 57 63 69
sk = 0.52 27 27 27 33 33 39 39 45 51 63 69 –
gk = 1.5 sk = 0.68 27 27 27 33 33 39 45 45 51 63 69 –
sk = 0.88 27 27 27 33 33 39 45 45 51 63 – –

Minimum panel thickness t in mm for STEICO LVL X in regular overhang areas

Panel spanning in the direction of the weak axis
Loads [kN / m²] Overhang length lk [cm] Lk
Dead load Snow load 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 125
sk = 0.52 27 27 27 33 39 45 45 51 57
gk = 0.15 sk = 0.68 27 27 33 33 39 45 51 51 63
sk = 0.88 27 27 33 39 45 45 51 57 63
sk = 0.52 27 27 33 39 45 51 51 57 69
gk = 0.65 sk = 0.68 27 27 33 39 45 51 57 63 69
sk = 0.88 27 33 39 39 45 51 57 63 69
sk = 0.52 27 33 39 45 51 57 63 69 –
gk = 1.5 sk = 0.68 27 33 39 45 51 57 63 – –
sk = 0.88 27 33 39 51 57 63 69 – –

Minimum panel thickness t in mm for STEICO LVL R in overhang corner areas

Panel reinforcement when spanning in the direction of the strong axis

Loads [kN / m²] Overhang length lk [cm]

Dead load Snow load 40 / 40 50 / 50 60 / 60 70 / 70 80 / 80 90 / 90 100 / 100 110 / 110 125 / 125
sk = 0.52 27 * 215 27 * 275 27 * 340 33 * 300 33 * 530 39 * 520 45 * 520 51 * 530 57 * 670
gk = 0.15 sk = 0.68 27 * 215 27 * 275 27 * 340 33 * 340 39 * 350 39 * 580 45 * 580 51 * 590 57 * 720
sk = 0.88 27 * 215 27 * 275 27 * 380 33 * 385 39 * 400 45 * 420 45 * 660 51 * 670 57 * 820
sk = 0.52 27 * 220 27 * 290 33 * 275 39 * 315 39 * 565 45 * 600 51 * 640 57 * 680 63 * 885
gk =0.65 sk = 0.68 27 * 220 27 * 290 33 * 275 39 * 315 39 * 565 45 * 600 51 * 640 57 * 680 63 * 885
sk = 0.88 27 * 220 27 * 290 33 * 275 39 * 315 39 * 565 45 * 600 51 * 640 57 * 680 63 * 885
sk = 0.52 27 * 235 33 * 230 39 * 295 45 * 360 51 * 430 57 * 500 60 * 670 69 * 645 75 * 870
gk = 1.5 sk = 0.68 27 * 235 33 * 230 39 * 295 45 * 360 51 * 430 57 * 500 60 * 670 69 * 645 75 * 870
sk = 0.88 27 * 235 33 * 230 39 * 295 45 * 360 51 * 430 57 * 500 60 * 670 69 * 645 75 * 870

Design example

1. Input values: E.g. dead load gk=0.65 kN / m²; Snow load on the roof sk= 0.68 kN / m²; Overhang length lk= 60 cm

2. Define STEICO LVL X panel thickness (from tables)

Regular overhang areas with panel spanning in the direction of the strong axis: t = 27 mm,
Regular overhang areas with panel spanning in the direction of the weak axis: t = 33 mm,
STEICO LVL R corner reinforcement (from table) t = 33 mm and b = 275 mm


STEICO LVL X as roof overhang

Detailing of corner reinforcement

The corner detail is to be designed separately, because here the projection is
Construction of corner reinforcement
diagonally measured greater than in the regular areas. As simple measure, a with STEICO LVL R
STEICO SE * Otto-Lilienthal-Ring 30 * D-85622 Feldkirchen * TEL 0 89 - 99 15 51 0 FAX: 0 89 - 99 15 51 26 www.steico.com

corner reinforcement from STEICO LVL R can be used. This reinforcement has the
advantage that the regular areas can be used for the design of the overhang and
a one-dimensional replacement system can be used for the calculation.

Design recommendation

Overhang panel

Gable wall
gable end
Since overhang structures cool down significantly overnight, STEICO recommends

an additional top insulation of the STEICO LVL X panels. This minimizes

condensation on the underside of the overhang. STEICOuniversal panels can

be used for this insulation. Further recommendations are included in the
publication 5-2-2 “Wood protection – constructural measures” from German
Overhang panel
"Informationsdienst Holz" (Timber Information Service). eaves

STEICO LVL X is a structural product, the veneers are primarily sorted according to
strength criteria, therefore a surface sheathing is recommended.

Refraining from surface sheathing, a coating system is required and should be

planned carefully. Information on suitable coating systems is provided e.g. by the
company Remmers (transparent or opaque coating available).

Wichtiger Hinweis:
Die vorstehende Abbildung stellt lediglich einen Planungsvorschlag dar. Anwendbarkeit, Vollständigkeit und Übereinstimmung mit dem jeweils
geltenden Stand der Technik sind vom Verarbeiter / Kunden eigenverantwortlich zu prüfen. In keinem Fall kann dieser Planungsvorschlag
individuelle planerische Detailvorgaben ersetzen.

Vordach - Ecklösung, STEICO LVL R_vereinfacht

Datum: 18-03-2016 Detailnummer: VD-E-LVLR-1
Änderung: 28-11-2016 Bearbeiter: A.Luz Maßstab: 1 : 20.0

Thanks to the corner reinforcement

with STEICO LVL R, a safe load-path is
provided in the corner area, without the
need to increase the panel thickness in
the regular areas.

Boundary conditions Serviceability Limit State check (SLS): Ultimate Limit State check (ULS):

Service Class = 2 These checks are done in accordance One-way bending and shear as for man-load
with clause 7.2 of DIN EN 1995-1-1 under are considered according to EN 1995-1-1.
Load duration class = short
consideration of the German National
(Building height above sea level ≤ 1000 m) Bearing pressure and connection forces are
Application Document (version 2013):
not considered in the table values.
Rood slope: α = 0 degrees
winst............ ≤ l/150
The table values are valid only for linearly
Anchoring the overhang: Lk ≤ LA wnet,fin....... ≤ l/150
supported panels.
wfin............. ≤ l/100
Considered wind load: wk=0.325 kN / m²
These tables are to be used for preliminary
In certain cases, where these limits might be
Considered man load: Qk=1.0 kN design and do not replace a static design
too generous, we recommend that you make
Static system: fixed cantilever specific arrangements with the owner in
Panel weight is taken into account

Mechanical properties of STEICO LVL

Mechanical properties of STEICO LVL

The following table summarizes the STEICO LVL characteristic strength and stiffness properties in N/mm². In addition, other
characteristics of STEICO LVL R and STEICO LVL X are included. The respective symbols are identified in the figures on the
next page.


Main parameters Symbol Figure Unit STEICO LVL R
(t ≤ 24 mm) (t ≥ 27 mm)
Bending strength
Edgewise, parallel to grain
(depth 300 mm)
fm,0,edge,k A N / mm² 44 30 32

Size effect parameter s – 0.15 0.15 0.15

Edgewise, perpendicular to grain B
fm,90,edge,k N / mm² NPD 10 8
(depth 300 mm)
Flatwise, parallel to grain fm,0,flat,k C N / mm² 50 32 36

Flatwise, perpendicular to grain fm,90,flat,k D N / mm² NPD 7 8

Tensile strength
Parallel to grain (length 3 000 mm) ft,0,k E N / mm² 36 18 18

Perpendicular to grain, edgewise ft,90,edge,k F N / mm² 0.9 7 5

Compression strength
Parallel to grain fc,0,k G N / mm² 40 26 30

Perpendicular to grain, edgewise fc,90,edge,k H N / mm² 7.5 9 9

Perpendicular to grain, flatwise fc,90,flat,k I N / mm² 3.6 4 4

Shear strength
Edgewise parallel to grain fv,0,edge,k J N / mm² 4.6 4.6 4.6

Edgewise perpendicular to grain fv,90,edge,k K N / mm² NPD 4.6 4.6

Flatwise, parallel to grain fv,0,flat,k L N / mm² 2.6 1.1 1.1

Flatwise, perpendicular to grain fv,90,flat,k M N / mm² NPD 1.1 1.1

Modulus of elasticity
Parallel to grain E0,mean A C N / mm² 14,000 10,000 10,600

Parallel to grain E0,k A C N / mm² 12,000 9,000 9,000

Perpendicular to grain, edgewise E90,edge,mean1 B N / mm² 430 3,500 3,000

Perpendicular to grain, edgewise E90,edge,k 2 B N / mm² 350 2,700 2,300

Perpendicular to grain, flatwise Em,90,flat,mean D N / mm² NPD 1,300 2,500

Perpendicular to grain, flatwise Em,90,flat,k D N / mm² NPD 1,000 1,800

Shear modulus
Edgewise, parallel to grain G0,edge,mean J N / mm² 600 600 600

Edgewise, parallel to grain G0,edge,k J N / mm² 400 400 400

Flatwise, parallel to grain G0,flat,mean L N / mm² 560 150 150

Flatwise, parallel to grain G0,flat,k L N / mm² 400 130 130

Flatwise, perpendicular to grain G90,flat,mean M N / mm² NPD 150 150

Flatwise, perpendicular to grain G90,flat,k M N / mm² NPD 130 130

Mean value ρmean – kg / m³ 550 530 530
Fifth percentile value ρk – kg / m³ 480 480 480
Reaction to fire – – – D-s1, d0 D-s1, d0 D-s1, d0
Release of formaldeyde – – – E1 E1 E1
Natural durability against biological attack – – – 4 4 4

Note: NPD – No Performance Determined

1 ) STEICO LVL R: Ec,90,edge,mean | STEICO LVL X: Em,90,edge,mean
2) STEICO LVL R: Ec,90,edge,k | STEICO LVL X: Em,90,edge,k


Mechanical properties of STEICO LVL

Explanation of the mechanical properties

The following table describes the relation between support, loading and labelling. The symbols refer to the table
"Mechanical properties of STEICO LVL" on the previous page.

Bending stregth fm and elastic modulus E



A fm,0,edge
fm,0,edge and
andEE B fm,90,edge and E90,edge C fm,0,flat
fm,0,flatand E0,flat
and E0,flat D fm,90,flat
0,edge fm,90,edge and E90,edge
Edgewise, parallel to grain♦ Edgewise, perp. to grain♦♦ Flatwise, parallel to grain♦ Flatwise, perp. to grain♦♦

Tensile strength ft


F ft,90,edge
E ft,0 parallel fto
t,0 grain♦ ft,90,edge
Edgewise, perp. to grain♦♦

Compressive strength fc



H fc,90,edge I fc,90,flat f
G fc,0 parallelfc,0
to grain♦ fc,90,edge c,90,flat
Edgewise, perp. to grain♦♦ Flatwise, parallel to grain♦♦

Shear strength fv and modulus G




J fv,0,edge and G0,edge K fv,90,edge L fv,0,flat and G0,flat M fv,90,flat and G90,flat
Edgewise, and G
parallel tov,0,edge
grain♦ fv,90,edge
Edgewise, perp.and Gv,90,edge
to grain ♦♦ fv,0,edge
Flatwise, andtoGgrain
parallel ♦
v,0,edge fv,90,edge
Flatwise, perp.and Gv,90,edge
to grain ♦♦

♦ parallel to the top veneer grain ♦♦ perpendicular to the top veneer grain

Calculation software

Calculation programs for STEICO LVL Laminated

Veneer Lumber und STEICOjoist I-Joists
For the structural calculation of building components the designer has numerous design programs
available. The following details the various programs available with which both STEICO LVL
Laminated veneer lumber and STEICOjoist I-Joists can be calculated.

BauStatik von
STEICOxpress is a free structural design program which mb AEC Software
allows simple and efficient design of STEICO LVL and GmbH
STEICOjoist. Regardless of whether single or multi span,
STEICO LVL is available for the user of the
floor or roof applications, the calculation of STEICO LVL mb Work Suite in following applications:
and STEICOjoist can be carried out in a few simple steps. • S110.de/at Wood rafter
The calculation of service holes is also possible. • S120.de/at Wood rafter plumb / square cut
• S130.de/at Wood purlin in roof pitch
• S172.de Wood mono pitch binder
There are many other programs alongside STEICOxpress which are available.
• S201.de Wood concrete composite floor
The following programs have both STEICO LVL and STEICOjoist available in their • S202.de Wood vibration check
databases. • S302.de/at Wood continuous, DIN EN 1995-1-1
• S322.de/at Wood continuous, double bending
Software solutions for calculation of • S400.de/at Wood column
• S410.de Wood column system, DIN EN 1995-1-1
STEICO LVL and STEICOjoist I-joists • S602.de Wood calculation, framework
• S852.de/at Wood calculation, table values
STEICOxpress   www.steico.com
STEICO LVL is available for the user of the
Frilo software in following applications:

mb AEC N E W • H01+ Wall stud (new)

Software GmbH  – www.mbaec.de • H011+ Timber calculation (new)
• DLT+ Continuous member (integration in planning)

Software  – www.frilo.eu/de
Harzer Statik
Harzer Statik
Software  1  www.harzerstatik.de STEICOjoist I-joists can be calculated in the
following modules:
• Floor joists
Dlubal • Floor beams
Software   www.dlubal.com In addition the user can freely define the material

SOFiSTiK  1
– www.sofistik.de RFEM und RSTAB
von Dlubal
VC Master  1, 2  1
STEICOjoist I-joists can be calculated in
the following modules:
PCAE 2 – www.pcae.de
STEICO LVL is available for the user of RFEM/
RSTAB software from Dlubal in the following
1) Manual input of material data required modules:
2) Implementation of STEICO LVL into database in progress • RF-/HOLZ Pro
In addition the user can freely define the material.


Fasteners in STEICO LVL

Up to 37 % higher Stabdübel und Bolzen

Nägel etc. vorgebohrt STEICO LVL R 60 %

hole bearing strength Nägel etc. nicht vorgebohrt


For the connection design in STEICO LVL, the specification of the German tech- Sch
Easy kflä
Dec to work with

nical approval AbZ Z-9.1-842 apply in combination with the requirements No pre-drilling
according to DIN EN 1995-1-1 for solid timber (STEICO LVL R ) and plywood necessary

(STEICO LVL X ). Accordingly, nails, screws, clamps, dowels, pins, split-rings and

Nails, screws and clamps Stabdübel und Bolzen
shear plates are allowed. can be inserted into
STEICO LVL without predrilling, thus
Nägel etc. vorgebohrt
STEICO LVL R 80 % fast
In contrast to conventional wood-based materials, dowel-type fasteners working progress

Nägel etc. nicht vorgebohrt

nicht zulässig
may also be installed in the edge face of STEICO LVL STEICO LVL R 100 %

Definition of the faces

• STEICO LVL consists of softwood and is easy to process
• Installation of nails, screws and clamps without drilling possible
• Due to the high material strength, fewer fasteners with smaller diameters and at
larger spacings can be used
• Fasteners may also be installed in the edge face

The table summarizes the modification factors which apply for fasteners used in
shear in STEICO LVL
Fastener STEICO LVL R STEICO LVL X Wide face
Nails, screws, clamps, Edge face
137% 137% End face
not predrilled
Nails, screws, clamps,
face 110% 110%
Drift pins 110% 110%
Nails, screws, clamps,
96% 55% Spacing in STEICO LVL
not predrilled
Edge a4,c a
Nails, screws, clamps, 2 a4,t
face 82% 41% ,c
predrilled a3
Drift pins 82% 41% a1

End face According to fastener product approval ,t
fa ce
The table above is showing modification factors for shear in different applications and Ed
compares solid timber C24 to STEICO LVL. The modification factors for not pre-drilled fasteners ide
a4,t a2

refer to equation 8.15 of DIN EN 1995-1-1, and for pre-drilled fasteners to equation of 8.16. CO

If specific fastener product approvals include rules for the design in laminated veneer lumber,

then these rules may be applied to STEICO LVL.

Spacing in STEICO LVL 1
The spacings (edge and end distances) are specified in the adjacent drawing as
t a 3, c
defined by DIN EN 1995-1-1. The minimum spacings can be taken either from DIN
EN 1995-1-1 in conjunction with the national application document or from the a₁ Distance parallel to the grain
specific fastener (e.g. screws) product approval. a₂ Distance perp. to the grain
a₃,t Distance to loaded end
a₃,c Distance to unloaded end
a₄,t Distance to loaded edge
a₄,c Distance to unloaded edge
α Angle between force and
grain direction

Further properties of STEICO LVL

Further properties of STEICO LVL

The following table summarizes physical and other technical data of STEICO LVL R and STEICO LVL X

STEICO LVL R Pine and/or spruce FSC® certified (PEFC® on request)

Wood species
STEICO LVL X Pine and/or spruce FSC® certified (PEFC® on request)
Average wood moisture content u = approx. 9%
Service class 1 and 2
Bonding of the veneer scarf joints on the
Melamine Adhesive Clear glue joint, waterproof
board top surface
Bonding of the layers and all other scarf joints Phenolic Adhesive Dark glue joint, waterproof
DIN EN 717-1 and
Release of formaldehyde 0.03 ppm according to
QDF♦ – Guideline A 01
Surface quality Non-vision quality Structural product
Thermal conductivity λR= 0.13 W/mK
µwet= 75 According to
Diffusion resistance, air tightness Approved as airtight layer
µdry= 205 DIN 4108-7 Table 6.1.3
β0= 0.65 mm/min For panels According to
Charring rate DIN EN 1995-1-2
βn= 0.70 mm/min For beams Table 3.1
Length l ± 5 mm For all lengths
± 2 mm b ≤ 400 mm
Width b According to
Tolerances ± 0.5 % b > 400 mm DIN EN 14374:2005-02
Thickness t For all thicknesses
In % per 1% humidity change below the
fiber saturation point
According to
0.01 In veneer longitudinal direction (length)
DIN EN 1995-1-1/NA
STEICO LVL R 0.32 In veneer cross direction (width/height) Table NA.7
Swelling and shrinkage
0.32* Perpendicular to the glue line (thickness)
0.01 In veneer longitudinal direction (length) * Internal producer
STEICO LVL X 0.03 In veneer cross direction (width/height)
0.32* Perpendicular to the glue line (thickness)
250 Hz to 500 Hz α = 0.1 According to
Sound insulation
1000 Hz to 2000 Hz α = 0.3 DIN EN 13986 Table 10
Natural durability against biological attack 4 Durability corresponding to the veneers DIN EN 350-2
Waste disposal (AVV/EAK) 030105 / 170201 Disposal like wood and wood materials
♦QDF = Quality consortium of German construction fabrication

Lay-up of STEICO LVL

The lay-ups of STEICO LVL R and STEICO LVL X are shown below. In STEICO LVL R, all veneers run parallel.
However, in STEICO LVL X, 20% of the veneers are glued cross-wise in transverse direction to the other veneers.


Number of veneer layers
[mm] Lay-up Lay-up number of cross-layers
21 7 ||||||| I-III-I oder II-I-II 2
24 8 |||||||| II-II-II 2
27 9 ||||||||| II-III-II 2
33 11 ||||||||||| II-IIIII-II 2
39 13 ||||||||||||| II-III-III-II 3
45 15 ||||||||||||||| II-IIII-IIII-II 3
51 17 ||||||||||||||||| II-IIIII-IIIII-II 3
57 19 ||||||||||||||||||| II-III-IIIII-III-II 4
63 21 ||||||||||||||||||||| II-III-III-III-III-II 5
69 23 ||||||||||||||||||||||| II-IIII-III-III-IIII-II 5


General Information STEICO LVL


Storage and transportation • Standing water as well as long term exposure to direct
weathering should be avoided. If exposed to direct
weathering localised delamination of the veneers can
occur where knots, fissures or scarf joints are present.
The top surface of the veneer becomes rougher and
unevenness and existing fissures become more apparent.
The strength is not effected.
• Moisture contents in LVL should be established using an
average result from an oven drying method (EN 322).
• STEICO LVL should be stored flat on bearers and on a dry Standard moisture meters, that measure moisture content
load bearing surface. via electrical resistance, will not get accurate results for
• During Transport, Storage and through the building phase STEICO LVL.
STEICO LVL should be protected from moisture (eg stored
indoors or covered on site etc.)
Machining and processing
• Where the possibility of rain splash back exists STEICO LVL
should be stored a minimum of 30cm above ground level.
• As with softwood, moisture content levels may vary due to
localised climate conditions.
• Care should be taken when walking on protective coverings
and packaging due to the risk of slipping.
• Product should be securely stored once removed from
original packaging and banding has been removed.
• Standard STEICO LVL packs can weigh up to 3 tonnes and
• For handling and cutting of STEICO LVL, as with softwood,
therefore suitable lifting and transportation equipment
please use standard wood working tools and machinery
should be used
along with the appropriate PPE (Personal Protective
• Damaged product should not be used.

Directions for use with moisture

Notes to the product surface

Stand 07 / 2017. Irrtum und technische Änderungen vorbehalten.

• STEICO LVL can be used in Service Class 1, 2 & 3. In Service

Class 3 chemical additives are required.
• Delivered product is unhanded and designed for use as a
• STEICO LVL is one of the most dimensionally stable
non­visual construction product.
timber products. Moisture content direct from production
• Exposure to light can lead to changes in colour as with
is approx. 9% and therefore no shrinkage should be
standard timber products.
expected. However, if subjected to unregulated moisture
• With exposure to increased moisture content the
exposure dimensional variations such as shrinkage or
formation of mold is possible as it is with standard
swelling can occur.
• Differentiations in moisture content within single
• For surface coatings the rules and regulations of the
STEICO LVL boards can lead to cupping.
surface coating manufacturer should be followed
• Large format, horizontally laid applications should utilise
(Sanding, easing of edges, coating thickness etc.).

Delivery formats of STEICO LVL R Laminated Veneer Lumber
Length Thickness Width / Height Nr. / Weight / package [t]
[m] [mm] [mm] package L = 9.00 m L = 12.00 m
Veneer Lumber are produced and quality-
200 36 1.52* 2.03
controlled according to the harmonized
220 30 1.39* 1.86
European product standard EN 14374, are CE
240 30 1.52 2.03
39 certified and have German technical approvals.
300 24 1.52 2.03
FSC®- (Forest Stewardship Council®) and PEFC®-
360 18 1.37* 1.82
certified products are available upon request.
400 18 1.52 2.03
200 36 1.75* 2.34
220 30 1.61* 2.14
240 30 1.75 2.34
9.00 45 280 24 1.64* 2.18
12.00 300 24 1.75 2.34
360 18 1.58* 2.10
400 18 1.75 2.34
200 24 1.95* 2.60
220 20 1.79* 2.38
240 20 1.95 2.60 kg

75 280 16 1.82* 2.42

300 16 1.95 2.60
360 12 1.75* 2.34
400 12 1.95 2.60
High load Very small
* Not in stock. Delivery on request.
carrying capacity, tolerances
large spans
Delivery formats of STEICO LVL X Laminated Veneer Lumber
Length Thickness Width / Height Nr. / Weight / package [t]

Printed on FSC certified paper. Date 02/2019. The current valid version applies. Valid to subsequent revisions.
[m] [mm] [mm] package L = 6.00 m L = 12.00 m
30 1,250 10 1.35 2.70
33 1,250 8 1.19 2.38
39 1,250 6 1.06 2.11
57 1,250 4 1.03 2.06
63 1,250 4 1.14 2.27 High dimensional Easy to process

Delivery formats of STEICO LVL X rimboards

Length Thickness Height Nr. / Weight / package [t]
[m] [mm] [mm] package L = 6.00 m L = 12.00 m
240 50 1.30 2.60
260 40 1.13 2.25
240 40 1.15 2.29
6.00 260 32 0.99 1.98 Adapted to
12.00 240 30 1.02 2.03 STEICO I-joists
260 24 0.88 1.76
240 20 0.99 1.97
260 16 0.86 1.71
Storage / transport
Information on available formats for STEICO LVL RL wall studs is available in the STEICO LVL laminated veneer lumber must be
current price list. stored flat and on a dry surface. STEICO LVL
should be protected from dirt and moisture
Special formats, special qualities and deliveries with special packaging units of during transportation and storage.
STEICO LVL are available upon request (maximum 90 mm thick, 2.50 m width and
length of 18.0 m); 6.0 m 14-16 packages/truck; 13.0 m 7-8 packages /truck International applicability
Please note: This is a courtesy translation
Allgemeine of the German construction guide. Special
Zulassung national regulations may apply and have to
Z-9.1-842 be observed if necessary.

Your STEICO Dealer


engineered by nature

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