Etech S1

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Name: ______________________________________ Name: ______________________________________

Section: _____________ Section: _____________

DIRECTION: Read each instruction carefully. Strictly NO DIRECTION: Read each instruction carefully. Strictly NO
I. Identification: Identify what is being described. Write your I. Identification: Identify what is being described. Write your
answer on the space provided. answer on the space provided.
_______________1. It refers to technologies that are used to _______________1. It refers to technologies that are used to
support the processing, storing, securing, and transmitting support the processing, storing, securing, and
of information transmitting of information
_______________2. It refers to electronic devices that are _______________2. It refers to electronic devices that are
characterized by their portability or their ability to be characterized by their portability or their ability to be
carried or transported easily. carried or transported easily.
_______________3. It generally seeks to increase or improve _______________3. It generally seeks to increase or improve
the functional capability of individuals who face mental or the functional capability of individuals who face mental or
physical challenges. physical challenges.
_______________4. It is the most popular type of social _______________4. It is the most popular type of social
media due to their capability to provide users with a real- media due to their capability to provide users with a real-
time conversation via text messages, audio, or video chat. time conversation via text messages, audio, or video chat.
_______________5. It builds a connection between _______________5. It builds a connection between
individuals who have used or availed the products and individuals who have used or availed the products and
customers who are interested in purchasing. customers who are interested in purchasing.
_______________6. It is a social media platform for people _______________6. It is a social media platform for people
who are searching for information or ideas that will help who are searching for information or ideas that will help
them on a project they are working on. them on a project they are working on.
_______________7. It can be described as websites or _______________7. It can be described as websites or
applications that give people the capability to exchange applications that give people the capability to exchange
messages and to share information and media content with messages and to share information and media content with
one another. one another.
_______________8. It is used for sharing multimedia _______________8. It is used for sharing multimedia
contents like photos, images, audio, and videos. contents like photos, images, audio, and videos.
_______________9. It is a social media site that provide its _______________9. It is a social media site that provide its
users with the tools that will help them to publish their users with the tools that will help them to publish their
content in a creative and engaging manner. content in a creative and engaging manner.
_______________10. It refers to computer components that _______________10. It refers to computer components that
are physical and tangible in nature. are physical and tangible in nature.
_______________11. It includes sets of numbers, the _______________11. It includes sets of numbers, the
characters in a document or website, audio and video characters in a document or website, audio and
recordings, and transaction records that can be processed. video recordings, and transaction records that can
_______________12. It is the actions performed in a certain be processed.
order and condition to make sure an ICT system runs _______________12. It is the actions performed in a certain
smoothly. order and condition to make sure an ICT system runs
_______________13. It is designed for individuals who are smoothly.
avid fans of forums and debates. _______________13. It is designed for individuals who are
_______________14. It refers to individuals who are avid fans of forums and debates.
responsible for the development, improvement, and _______________14. It refers to individuals who are
maintenance of an ICT system. responsible for the development, improvement, and
_______________15. It is the generic term for programs and maintenance of an ICT system.
applications installed on your personal computer, laptop, or _______________15. It is the generic term for programs and
smartphone. applications installed on your personal computer, laptop, or
II. COMPLETION: Complete the table below by giving at least smartphone.
one example of each type of social media. II. COMPLETION: Complete the table below by giving at least
Social Networking Site one example of each type of social media.
Media Sharing Site Social Networking Site
Discussion Site Media Sharing Site
Content Curation Site Discussion Site
Consumer Review Network Content Curation Site
Consumer Review Network
III. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS: Identify the type of social media

Prepared by: Ms. Jessa M. Duco 😊

needed by the character in the given situations. Provide a
short statement (1-2) explaining your answer. (3 points
each) III. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS: Identify the type of social media
Situation 1. Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) named Ricardo needed by the character in the given situations. Provide a
wishes to get in touch with his former high school short statement (1-2) explaining your answer. (3 points
classmates from Batangas National High School. He wants each)
to set up an alumni homecoming for their batch so that Situation 1. Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) named Ricardo
they can meet each other again after ten years. What type wishes to get in touch with his former high school
of social media does Ricardo need to employ in this classmates from Batangas National High School. He wants
situation? to set up an alumni homecoming for their batch so that
they can meet each other again after ten years. What type
of social media does Ricardo need to employ in this

Situation 2. Raymart wants to buy a new laptop computer for

his work as a programmer in Makati City. He wants to know
what brand or model of laptop is best for his purchase.
Raymart needs a website that can offer him information Situation 2. Raymart wants to buy a new laptop computer for
about the products as well as how satisfied customers are his work as a programmer in Makati City. He wants to know
after purchasing the product. What type of social media can what brand or model of laptop is best for his purchase.
you suggest to Raymart? Raymart needs a website that can offer him information
about the products as well as how satisfied customers are
after purchasing the product. What type of social media can
you suggest to Raymart?

IV. ESSAY: Read the following questions carefully. Provide 1-2

sentences to explain your answer.
1. Is it advantageous or disadvantageous for students to
bring their smartphones or tablets to school? Explain your IV. ESSAY: Read the following questions carefully. Provide
answer. 1-2 sentences to explain your answer.
1. Is it advantageous or disadvantageous for students to bring
their smartphones or tablets to school? Explain your

2. Why do you think we must develop electronic devices or

programs that will assist persons with disabilities in
accomplishing their tasks?
2. Why do you think we must develop electronic devices or
programs that will assist persons with disabilities in
accomplishing their tasks?
Prepared by: Ms. Jessa M. Duco 😊

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