Sophos Future of Cybersecurity Apj 2022 WP

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The Future of

Cybersecurity in
Asia Pacific and Japan
3nd Edition, April 2022
A TRA report sponsored by Sophos

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

The Research Findings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Cybersecurity Maturity, Strategy and Execution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Strategy and Execution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Changes in Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Cybersecurity Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Strengthening Defences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

In closing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Cybersecurity in Australia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Cybersecurity in India. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Cybersecurity in Japan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Cybersecurity in Malaysia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Cybersecurity in the Philippines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Cybersecurity in Singapore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

A View from Sophos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Demographics and Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Welcome to the 3rd edition of the “The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan”. First published in
2019, the reports examine cybersecurity issues confronting businesses throughout the region.

Not confined to attack vectors and vulnerabilities, our report series has always looked beyond cybersecurity
technologies to broader issues such as maturity levels, budgets, awareness, education and training, and
other practical factors shaping how companies manage their cybersecurity environment.

As with previous editions, this year’s report provides a snapshot of business’ views of three key issues:

Ì Cybersecurity strategy and execution

Ì Education and skills

Ì Defending against threats

This year we also expanded our focus to include issues relating to:

Ì Educating the board

Ì The cybersecurity skills shortage and those areas most in demand

Ì The most frequent attack vectors experienced by our research group

Ì The importance of threat hunting to companies’ defence strategies

Drawn from a survey of 900 cyber and cybersecurity decision makers in Australia, India, Japan, Malaysia,
the Philippines and Singapore, the research revealed a number of key findings:

Cyber Strategy and Execution

Ì Spending is up, just. On average, cybersecurity spending represents 11%
of 2022 technology budgets, an increase from previous years.

Ì Maturity ≠ capability. Cybersecurity maturity levels continue to rise yet organisations continue
to struggle with the same issues year on year. Either the self-assessed maturity levels are
too optimistic or there are some serious systemic issues that are yet to be addressed.

Ì Cybersecurity is not a part-time responsibility. There is a clear trend of

companies appointing dedicated security specialists rather than subsuming
security responsibilities within the roles of current IT professionals.

Education and Skills

Ì The cybersecurity skills shortage is here to stay. 73% of companies expect to have
difficulty recruiting cybersecurity employees in the coming two years.

Ì Board level education is critical. Only 40% of companies believe their board truly understands
cybersecurity and the top frustration cybersecurity professionals experience is that
the board and executive level assume that the company will never get attacked.

Ì Vendors have a role to play in educating boards and executive teams. 60% of
respondents do not believe cybersecurity vendors fully provide them with the
right information to help educate their boards and executive suites.

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Ì Outsourcing or keeping in-house? The approach depends on the need. Strategy development,
data management and compliance, and PII management remain mostly in-house.
Operations such as threat hunting, remediation, incident response and penetration testing
are typically outsourced or follow a blended mix of do-it-yourself and outsourced.

Defending against Threats:

Ì Threat hunting is key to defence. 90% of our respondents are using threat hunting as a means of
protecting their organisation. 85% of current users rate it as ‘important’ or ‘critical’ to a successful
cybersecurity capability.

Ì Today’s top attack vectors are phishing, credentials, supply chain

vulnerabilities, unpatched vulnerabilities, and malicious employees.

Ì Tomorrow’s top attack vector contents are similar to today, sort of. Phishing, malware,
poorly configured systems, corporate espionage and nation state attacks.

This report comprises three sections – the research findings, individual country insights containing key
data points and considerations from the report sponsor, Sophos.

We sincerely hope the data and commentary provide you with insights as you consider your organisation’s
cybersecurity capabilities and environment.

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

The Research Findings

The research results are presented in three sub-sections, each with important data and findings

1. Cybersecurity Maturity, Strategy and Execution

2. Education and Skills

3. Strengthening Defences

Cybersecurity Maturity, Strategy and Execution

Since 2019, we have asked respondents to self-assess their cybersecurity maturity (the assessment
criteria definitions can be found in the appendix) and they have reported continued improvements in their
maturity levels, capabilities and understanding of the cybersecurity landscape.

Indeed, the 2022 data shows that 21% of companies surveyed believe themselves to be at the top level of
maturity (‘optimising’), a stark increase from the first edition of this report in 2019 when only 2% felt they
were at that level.

Cybersecurity Maturity Level 2019-2022 (Self-Assessed)

35% 32%
25% 25%
25% 22%
20% 19%
20% 18%


9% 9%
6% 6%
2% 2%
No plan Initial Managed Defined Quantitatively Optimising
2019 2021 2022

The chart clearly indicates a right shift over time towards higher levels of maturity, however it is interesting
to take a closer look at individual countries, revealing that:

Ì Australia’s profile shows the highest percentage of organisations considered mature (28%)
yet also a relatively high level of those still developing capabilities (31% ‘managed’).

Ì India shows clear progression towards increased maturity with a similar profile to
Australia of ‘optimising’ and ‘managed’, weighted more towards ‘managed’.

Ì Japan’s data reveals that 9% of companies have ‘no plan’ and a further
7% are in the ‘initial’ stage of developing capabilities.

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Ì Similar to India, Malaysia shows 31% of companies are at the ‘managed’ level and
has the highest percentage of all countries at the ‘initial’ stage, 10%.

Ì Philippines shows the highest level of organisations in the ‘quantitatively

managed’ stage with 31%, suggesting that the companies in the country should
continue their good progress towards ‘optimising’ in the coming year.

Ì Singapore arguably ranks second in maturity, just behind Australia with 50% of all
respondents ranking themselves as either ‘quantitatively managed’ or ‘optimising’.

Cybersecurity Maturity Level 2019-2022 (Self-Assessed) by Country, 2022








Australia India Japan Malaysia Philippines Singapore

No plan Initial Managed Defined Quantitatively Managed Optimising

It is pleasing to see ongoing improvements in maturity levels. At the same time, we harbour a concern that
companies are too optimistic with their self-assessment and offer two observations in support of this:

1. First, as we will see in the next section, with some respondents, there appears to be a reactionary
tendency to change cybersecurity strategies after a breach or attack, creating an ‘attack, change,
attack, change …’ cycle.

2. Second, despite ongoing improvements in maturity, of the common frustrations experienced

by cybersecurity professionals, the data suggests that it is not technology solutions but rather
misconceived assumptions and misunderstandings regarding the threat environment. I.e. issues related
to education and awareness.

We’re certainly not suggesting cybersecurity strategy and education are ‘do once and forget’ approaches,
yet we are concerned that organisations are doing themselves a disservice by assigning artificially high
levels of maturity and creating a false level of optimism around their capabilities.

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The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Strategy and Execution

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) lead strategy in 35% of organisations with another 34% of
respondents stating that IT executives (CIO, CTO) are responsible. 31% of companies follow a blended model
with responsibilities spread across others in the executive and management group. This has remained
relatively stable since our first report in 2019.

Who Leads Cybersecurity Strategy?

31%  e have a chief information security officer

35% (CISO) leading our strategy

 n IT executive like a CIO, CTO or IT Director is

primarily responsible for security

 ll management and executives are given

explicit responsibilities regarding security


Our data also reflects appointing dedicated operational cybersecurity staff is preferred to tasking ‘regular’ IT
staff or other non-security employees with security in addition to their other responsibilities.

How does your organisation approach cybersecurity operations?

Regular staff are tasked with security

in addition to their other responsibilities
IT staff are tasked with security in
addition to their other responsibilities
Dedicated security specialists working in
multiple departments outside of IT
Dedicated security specialists working
within the IT team
Dedicated security team operates
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Looking at how companies assign responsibilities between inhouse, outsourced or a combination of the
two varies considerably depending on the tasks required. What can be said is that no requirement shows
a majority choice of ‘in-house’ and in many cases a ‘better together’ ethos combining outsourced and in-
house is evidenced.

Broadly speaking, strategy development, education and data management, and compliance are marginally
preferred in-house. Compared to 2021 when we stated – “The majority of organisations continue to
keep most capabilities in-house, and only in a few areas such as penetration testing and training does
outsourcing become a more common approach.” – this in-house preference has decreased in 2022.

Areas relating to defending and recovering from attacks (e.g. penetration testing, incident response, threat
hunting, remediation, etc) show preference for either a directly outsourced or blended approach.

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Changes in Strategy
Our last finding within this section considers the reasons for, and frequency of, changes in cyber-security
strategy. Respondents were asked when they last made a significant change in their approach and why.

In contrast to data from 2019 and 2021, 2022 data highlighted that organisations are making more
changes in a shorter time:

Ì 31% made changes in the last 7-12 months

Ì 15% within the last 3-6 months

Ì 9% make frequent changes every quarter

When was the last time you made a significant change in your information or cybersecurity approach?

33% 31% 31%
30% 27%

18% 18%
20% 16%
14% 15%
8% 9%
10% 6%

More than 24 12 to 24 6 to 24 months Within last 6 Frequent basis
months ago months ago ago months (every quarter)

2019 2021 2022

The primary factor causing organisations to change their cybersecurity strategy is experiencing an attack
or breach in their own environment or in another organisation.

We also saw this when we asked organisations when they will next review and potentially change their
strategy. 16% said they will make quarterly changes and another 33% said they will make a change in the
coming 4-6 months. Why? Again, due to attacks experienced.

This factor has held the top spot so far in every edition of the research whilst other considerations including
changing overall technology strategy, adoption of a new technology solution, budget issues, digital
transformation programs, the impact of regulator changes, etc have all fluctuated in their importance.

We cannot help but consider if companies are stuck in a cybersecurity spiral: the more attacks, the more
potentially reactionary changes come into play creating a cycle of new threat, new change, new tool, new
threat … and repeat.

In some instances, a lack of understanding of cyber realities by non-cybersecurity professionals and

executives exacerbates the problems of the security spiral and it is the issue of education and skillsets,
which we will now look at.

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The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Education and Skills

As a preface to this section, we asked our research participants to rate their level of agreement with the
following statement, “The biggest challenge to our security in the next 24 months will be the awareness
and education of our employees and leadership”.

Ì 35% of companies ‘totally agreed’

Ì 53% of companies ‘somewhat agreed’

Ì 12% of companies ‘disagreed’

Please rate your agreement with the following statement: The biggest challenge to our security in the
next 24 months will be the awareness and education of our employees and leadership

35% 53% 10% 2%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Totally agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Disagree

No wonder then that we see this issue arise in many of the common frustrations cybersecurity
professionals experience in their roles.

Common Strategy and Operational Frustrations

In previous reports, we have asked cybersecurity professionals what frustrates them most about their
company and its experience with security.

This year our top 5 saw significant upward movement in 4 of the 5 factors and we broadly consider the
majority are related to frustrations around awareness, perception, messaging and education.

1. Wishful thinking or blissful ignorance. ‘Executives assume we’ll never get attacked’. Regardless of
wishful or blissful, the top frustration is a view through rose-tinted glasses that ‘it will never happen to
us’. Until it happens … usually triggering a change in strategy and subsequent disruption.

2. Lack of skilled security specialists. ‘We can’t employ enough skilled security specialists.’ Specialists
can be expensive and keeping the ones you have from being poached, even more so. Yet companies
don’t put enough investment and time into training and educating general employees to support
security capabilities (see #6 in the table).

3. We’re all doomed and going to die (i). ‘There’s too much “fear and doubt” messaging making it hard to
talk about cybersecurity.’ The much-abused fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) messaging has regained
its prominence after last year. It’s hard to educate when the audience has their heads out the window
looking for a non-existent meteor.

4. We’re all doomed and going to die (ii). ‘Executives assume our company will get attacked but there’s
nothing we can do to stop it.’ ‘Ah yes, there’s the meteor. We knew it was going to happen. Why didn’t you
stop it? While you’re at it, clean up the mess immediately.’

5. It’s all moving too fast. ‘We can’t keep up with the pace of security threats.’ It’s impossible to keep
across everything that could happen so we’ll do the best we can and revert to #1 on the list.

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Top Issues Causing Frustration 2019 2021 2022

1. Our executives assume our company will never get attacked 7 7 1

2. We can’t employ enough skilled security specialists 5 3 2

3. There’s too much ‘fear and doubt’ messaging that makes

4 11 3
it hard to talk accurately about cybersecurity
4. O
 ur executives assume our company will get attacked
10 8 4
but there’s nothing we can do to stop it

5. We can’t keep up with the pace of security threats 8 9 5

6. We don’t put enough investment and time into training our general staff 6 6 6

7. There is not enough budget for cybersecurity 2 2 7

8. The executive team pay lip-service to cybersecurity but don’t truly believe in it 9 5 8

9. There is too much noise regarding security 11 10 9

10. Our executives assume cybersecurity is easy and me/my

3 1 10
cybersecurity peers over exaggerate threats and issues

11. Cybersecurity is frequently relegated in priority 1 4 11

With the exception of lacking skilled security specialists (ranked #2 in the previous table), we’d suggest the
other top 5 factors are addressable through concerted education and awareness programs, starting at the
board and executive level and flowing through to the rest of the organisation.

There’s just one issue with that approach: our data suggests cybersecurity professionals perceive low levels
of security understanding amongst their company’s board.

Approximately only 4 in 10 cybersecurity professionals believe their company board truly understands
cybersecurity. This issue is compounded by our research data that shows 22% of respondent companies
had boards that require monthly or quarterly updates on cybersecurity (and this number is expected to
increase to 26% of boards in 2024).

In your opinion does your company board truly understand cybersecurity?

3% 19% 37% 39% 1%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Not at all A little Moderately well Very well Unsure

It is unclear as to what percentage of those boards really understand the issues contrasted with those that
are following a compliance, ‘check-box’ tick philosophy without truly comprehending the issues.

Regardless, there is definitely an educational need to address here. In many instances, companies look to
vendors or a mix of internal resources and vendors to help educate, especially in areas such as strategy,
awareness and training.

Our data suggests that whilst vendor intentions are honourable, the outcomes are not quite as hoped for:
only 40% of companies feel their cybersecurity vendors provide the right information to help educate the
board about cybersecurity.

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Do you feel your cybersecurity vendors provide you with the right information to help educate your
board about cybersecurity?

3% 16% 40% 40% 1%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Not at all A little Moderately well Very well Unsure

Of course, it’s not just as simple as pointing the finger at vendors and decrying ‘Aha, it’s your fault!’ There is
a larger issue at play here where both business and technology executives have traditionally struggled to
clearly communicate with each other pretty much since the first IT person plugged in an electrical cord and
someone in the business said, ‘Oh, what does that do?’

So, what are the key areas that require an educational focus?

The (very short) cybersecurity education issues to help educate list

This is a cascading approach that builds layer upon layer and provides a starting point for organisations
considering their first steps.

1. The crown jewels gambit. The first priority revolves around helping boards understand that it’s
impossible to protect everything and it’s more effective to focus on identifying the most critical
information, data and systems to protect.

2. We know what we want to protect, where do we start? Cybersecurity 101 courses educate on basic
principles, the genuine likelihood of attack, attack vectors, threat actors and other terminology that is
second language to cybersecurity principals and sometimes mystifying to those who aren’t.

3. Strategy and implications on our digital transformation program. With the basics clearly defined,
developing the strategy and integrating with the inevitable digital transformation program is a critical

4. The practicalities. Once steps 1-3 are clearly articulated the focus becomes more operational in nature
– what legislation is applicable, what to do if breached, ransom payment policy, gap assessments and
future roles and obligations, etc.

5. Compliance. Underpinning many of the issues is the need to clearly understand compliance, the
regulatory environment under which the business operates, what’s legally required when breached and
what are the appropriate controls around data security and management.

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

What information would you like to educate your company board?

Board role and obligations

How to assess gaps

Steps to take if breached

Cybersecurity legislation

Importance to digital transformation

How to develop strategy

101 essentials
IDing most critical info, data,
systems to protect

Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3

With the board education issue addressed, let’s look at the one remaining issue in our top 5 frustrations,
skills shortages.

Cybersecurity Skills
A new coverage area for this report, our data indicates a clear problem for our survey cohort with ongoing
skills shortages. Given the impact of this issue, we will be incorporating analysis into future editions of the

On average, 73% of firms expect to have problems with recruiting cybersecurity employees over the coming
24 months (26% face a major challenge, 29% face a moderate challenge and 18% face a minor challenge).

What is your view on the availability of skills security employess for your organisation in the next 24

 e will have enough security specialists,
no problems recruiting more

We will face a minor challenge recruiting

We will face a moderate challenge recruiting

 e will face a major challenge recruiting,

struggle to recruit security specialists

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The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Skills and Capabilities in Demand

Of course, the issue does vary considerably by country with Japan (35% of companies), Philippines (31%
of companies) and India (29% of companies) expecting to experience major challenges recruiting in the
coming 24 months.

Interestingly, another 38% of organisations in the Philippines expect no problems over the same period.
Australia (31% of companies) and Malaysia (30% of companies) round out the top 3 countries expecting no
issues with recruiting.

With recruiting being problematic, companies have clearly identified several areas where they would like to
increase skills and capabilities for their internal security specialists:

1. Cloud security policies and architecture

2. ‘Train the trainer’ employee and executive cybersecurity training skills

3. Software vulnerability testing

4. Staying up to date with the latest threats

5. Policy compliance and reporting

6. Offensive security capabilities including threat hunting

7. Automation of incident handling

8. Forensic analysis

9. Edge computing security

The following table provides some greater insight into the top 3 skills priorities identified in each country:

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3

Knowledge of cloud security Staying up to date with

Australia Employee and executive training
policies/architecture the latest threats
Knowledge of cloud security
India Software vulnerability testing Employee and executive training
Staying up to date with
Japan Employee and executive training Software vulnerability testing
the latest threats
Staying up to date with
Malaysia Policy compliance and reporting Employee and executive training
the latest threats
Knowledge of cloud security Staying up to date with
Philippines Software vulnerability testing
policies/architecture the latest threats
Knowledge of cloud security Staying up to date with
Singapore Software vulnerability testing
policies/architecture the latest threats

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The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Strengthening Defences
Common Attack Vectors
Another new question for 2022, we asked organisations what were the most common security attack
vectors their company experienced and, in a related theme, which threats they perceived as the most
important now and in 24 months’ time.

The first two vectors are addressable in part through ongoing education and awareness campaigns:
phishing and whaling (where threat actors target the C-suite and board) and weak or compromised
employee credentials.

What are the most common security attack vectors your company experiences?

Don't know - root cause analysis

Don't know - no root cause analysis

Man in middle

Social engineering


Malicious employees

Unpatched vulnerability

Supply chain vulnerability

Weak/compromised credentials


Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3

From a country perspective, there was little variation in attack vectors, with companies from all 6 countries
identifying phishing/whaling as the most prevalent activity.

Vector 1 Vector 2 Vector 3

Australia Phishing/whaling Weak/compromised credentials Supply chain vulnerability

India Phishing/whaling Weak/compromised credentials Social engineering

Japan Phishing/whaling Unpatched vulnerability Supply chain vulnerability

Malaysia Phishing/whaling Malicious employees Supply chain vulnerability

Philippines Phishing/whaling Weak/compromised credentials Malicious employees

Singapore Phishing/whaling Misconfigurations Man in middle

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The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Threat Landscape Rankings

As in previous years, we asked our respondents to rate which threats they perceived as the most serious to
their organisation.

Consistent with our findings on attack vectors, phishing topped the list, followed by malware. Both threats
have been ranked as either a top 1 or 2 issue in previous research and we were not surprised to see them
again for 2022.

It was more noteworthy to consider the rise of ‘poor systems’ to third place, up from 13th in 2021. Its
prominence raises an interesting question over the effectiveness of the ‘security by design’ approach
adopted by many APJ organisations (casting another slight shadow over the actual cybersecurity maturity
assessment levels raised earlier in this report).

Other noticeable ranking changes in 2022 include:

1. Malicious employees rising from 11th in 2021 to 7th in 2022

2. Social engineering falling from 4th (2021) to 9th in 2022

3. Distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks dropping from 5th (2021) to 12th (2022)

4. Zero-day vulnerabilities falling from 8th (2021) to 13th (2022)

Threat Rankings 2019 2021 2022

Phishing and whaling 1 2 1

Malware 2 1 2

Poor systems 13 13 3

Corporate espionage 6 6 4

Nation state attacks 5 3 5

Encryption backdoors 4 7 6

Malicious employees 7 11 7

AI/ML attacks 10 12 8

Social engineering 3 4 9

3rd party errors 8 10 10

Employee errors 9 9 11

Distributed denial of service (DDOS) 12 5 12

Zero-day vulnerabilities 11 8 13

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The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Threat Hunting Adoption and Importance

Alongside maintaining up-to-date security tools, active threat hunting emerged in this year’s research as a
key consideration for strengthening cybersecurity defences.

On average, across our survey cohort, 90% of organisations stated they undertook threat hunting to bolster
their cybersecurity capabilities.

The story is one of overarching positivity for threat hunting across the region. 85% of all threat hunting users
stated the approach is critical (21%) or important (64%) to their company’s overall cybersecurity capability.

Does your organisation undertake threat-hunting activities to bolster its cybersecurity defence?

Yes with in-house resources
49% Yes using an external partner

41% No


We would caution slightly against the ebullience in the data. Whilst not quantitatively tested, we made an
observation that some users may consider log analysis, incident response, digital forensics, pen-testing
and vulnerability assessments as valid examples of threat hunting consequently potentially inflating the
adoption numbers.

Technologies and Issues Impacting the Cybersecurity Defence Landscape

Every year we ask our respondents which technologies or issues they think will impact their organisation’s
cybersecurity in the coming 24 months.

When it comes to technology, the survey respondents indicated that the technologies that will most impact
their organisation’s security in the next 24 months are IT and OT convergence, digital transformation,
artificial intelligence and machine learning, workflow digitisation, and IoT devices.

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The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Which of the following technologies or issues do you think will impact your organisation's security in
the next 24 months?

IT/OT convergence

Digital transformation


Workflow digitisation

IoT devices

Agile development


Gov encryption policies

Public cloud




Quantum computing


Autonomous vehicles

Will help Will be neutral Will hurt

We were a little surprised to see containerisation (a way of encapsulating software code so it can run
uniformly on any infrastructure) rank very low as an issue. Many organisations suffer from container
sprawl in their cloud infrastructure and require a solution (such as Kubernetes) to effectively manage
their environment. This, in turn, potentially increases the surface attack area as additional components
are added. We expect to see containerisation rise in ranking as more large enterprises and government
organisations continue their adoption.

In our 2021 report, we noted that, “While there is a lot of hype and confusion around AI and ML in the
market, the research results indicate there is considerable interest and appetite in how these technologies
can help in the future.” Our latest data indicates fluctuation in the use of AI for data analysis and fraud
mitigation and we expect this to continue year on year as the technology evolves and familiarity improves.

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The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

There is a clear trend towards increased adoption of AI and ML for other use cases and we expect it to be
built into all security platforms more deeply going forward. Of note too is the overall decrease in the number
of companies that stated they did not use AI and ML in 2019 (22%) and those that don’t use it today (12%).

What is the role of AI and machine learning in your organisation’s approach to security today?
30% 27%
22% 22%
20% 19% 19%
20% 18%
13% 13%

We use it We use it for We use it We use it We don't We use it in
for analysis proactive to scan and to provide use it threat hunting
of data we defense test our own recommen-
have already or fraud systems for dations on
collected mitigation in vulnerabilities strategy
real time
2019 2022

In closing
The issue isn’t technology. It’s education.

Increasing spend on cybersecurity (be this on staff, managed security providers or technology) is sub-
optimal unless organisations understand from the top down the true nature and critical threat that
cybersecurity attacks constitute to an entities’ existence, operational capabilities, and customers.

A true and frank assessment of actual cybersecurity maturity may give some organisations a pause for
thought and possible rethinking of their true capabilities. Likewise, sustained and concerted board and
executive level education campaigns are important to both improve management comprehension of
cybersecurity issues and remove one of the major frustrations experienced by cybersecurity professionals.

In last year’s conclusion we stated, “Combining a robust platform approach to cybersecurity that is
hardened by skilled experts and partners with an improved operational and cultural emphasis will help our
chances of success in the future.” That statement remains valid today.

The following sections of the report provide relevant data points for each of the 6 countries included in our

1. Australia
2. India
3. Japan
4. Malaysia
5. Philippines
6. Singapore

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Cybersecurity in Australia
Spend on cybersecurity as percentage of total technology budget: 11.8%

Cybersecurity Maturity Profile

Cybersecurity Maturity Rating – Australia
30% 28%


15% 14%


5% 3%
No plan Initial Managed Defined Quantitatively Optimising

Who leads cybersecurity strategy?

CISO: 38%, CIO/CTO: 32%, Shared Group Responsibility/Other: 29%

Top frustrations of cybersecurity professionals:

1. Cybersecurity is frequently relegated in priority

2. There is not enough budget for security

3. Our executives assume cybersecurity is easy and me/my cybersecurity peers over exaggerate threats
and issues

Board Level Understanding of Cybersecurity

Perceived Board Level Understanding of Security – Australia
How well do you think your company board understands cybersecurity issues?


40% 38%


1% 0%
Not at all A little Moderately well Very well Unsure

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Cybersecurity Professional Recruitment Difficulty Level

What is your view on the availability of skilled security employees for your organisation in the next
24 months? Australia

50% 31%



We have We will face We will face We will face a major
enough security a minor a moderate challenge recuiting
specialists and challenge challenge where we struggle to
have no problems recruiting recruiting recruit any security
recruiting more specialists

Top skills in demand:

1. Knowledge of cloud security policies/architecture

2. Staying up to date with the latest threats

3. Employee and executive training

Top attack vectors:

1. Phishing and whaling

2. Weak or compromised credentials

3. Supply chain vulnerabilities

Top rated threats in 2022:

1. Poorly designed systems

2. Malware

3. Phishing and whaling

4. Nation state attacks

5. Corporate espionage

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Rated threats 2021-2022

2021 2022

Malware Poorly designed systems

Phishing and whaling Malware

Ransomware Phishing and whaling

Nation state Nation state

Backdoors Corporate espionage

DDoS Encryption backdoors

Corporate espionage Ransomware

Employee error DDoS

Poorly designed systems Social engineering

AI/ML attacks Employee error

Partner/3rd party error Malicious employees

Malicious employee AI/ML attacks

Zero-day vulnerabilities Zero-day vulnerabilities

Social engineering 3rd party error

Adoption of threat hunting

66% of companies do in-house, 31% use an external partner, 3% no/unsure

Please rate your agreement with the following statements – Australia

The information we receive from
cybersecurity vendors is lacking
and makes it difficult to elevate 25% 55% 18% 3%
the discussion to the executive
committee and board level

Cybersecurity vendors are

'AI-washing' their solutions
and it's very hard to determine
33% 51% 15% 2%
true benefits and effectiveness
of artificial intelligence for

The biggest challenge to our

security in the next 24 months
will be the awareness and 36% 59% 4% 2%
education of our employees
and leadership
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Totally agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Totally disagree

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Cybersecurity in India
Spend on cybersecurity as percentage of total technology budget: 10.7%

Cybersecurity Maturity Profile

Cybersecurity Maturity Rating – India



21% 21%


No plan Initial Managed Defined Quantitatively Optimising


Who leads cybersecurity strategy?

CISO: 34%, CIO/CTO: 34%, Shared Group Responsibility/Other: 32%

Top frustrations of cybersecurity professionals:

1. Our executives assume cybersecurity is easy and me/my cybersecurity peers over exaggerate threats
and issues

2. There’s too much ‘fear and doubt’ messaging that makes it hard to talk accurately about cybersecurity

3. Cybersecurity is frequently relegated in priority

Board Level Understanding of Cybersecurity

Perceived Board Level Understanding of Security – India
How well do you think your company board understands cybersecurity issues?




10% 1%
Not at all A little Moderately well Very well Unsure

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Cybersecurity Professional Recruitment Difficulty Level

What is your view on the availability of skilled security employees for your organisation in the next 24
months? India



We have enough We will face a We will face a We will face a major
security specialists minor challenge moderate challenge challenge recruiting
and have no problems recruiting recruiting where we struggle to
recruiting more recruit any security

Top skills in demand:

1. Knowledge of cloud security policies/architecture

2. Software vulnerability testing

3. Employee and executive training

Top attack vectors:

1. Phishing and whaling

2. Weak or compromised credentials

3. Social engineering

Top rated threats in 2022:

1. Malware

2. Malicious employees

3. Third party error

4. Poorly designed systems

5. Phishing and whaling

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Rated threats 2021-2022

2021 2022

Malware Malware

Phishing and whaling Malicious employees

Backdoors 3rd party error

AI/ML attacks Poorly designed systems

Ransomware Phishing and whaling

Nation state Encryption backdoors

Poorly designed systems Social engineering

Malicious employee Corporate espionage

Zero-day vulnerabilities AI/ML attacks

Social engineering Zero-day vulnerabilities

Corporate espionage Employee error

Employee error Nation state

Partner/3rd party error DDoS

DDoS Ransomware

Adoption of threat hunting:

54% of companies do in-house, 41% use an external partner, 6% no/unsure

Please rate your agreement with the following statements – India

The information we receive from

cybersecurity vendors is lacking and
makes it difficult to elevate the discussion 42% 44% 11% 4%
to the executive committee and board

Cybersecurity vendors are 'AI-washing'

their solutions and it's very hard to
determine the true benefits and 42% 46% 10% 3%
effectiveness of artificial intelligence for

The biggest challenge to our security in

the next 24 months will be the awareness
49% 44% 6% 2%
and education of our employees and

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Totally agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Totally disagree

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Cybersecurity in Japan
Spend on cybersecurity as percentage of total technology budget: 12.3%

Cybersecurity Maturity Profile

Cybersecurity Maturity Rating – Japan

20% 17%

10% 9%

No plan Initial Managed Defined Quantitatively Optimising
Who leads cybersecurity strategy?
CISO: 32%, CIO/CTO: 33%, Shared Group Responsibility/Other: 35%

Top frustrations of cybersecurity professionals:

1. We can’t employ enough skilled security specialists

2. We can’t keep up with the pace of security threats

3. There’s too much ‘fear and doubt’ messaging that makes it hard to talk accurately about cybersecurity

Board Level Understanding of Cybersecurity

Perceived Board Level Understanding of Security – Japan
How well do you think your company board understands cybersecurity issues?





10% 8%
Not at all A little Moderately well Very well Unsure

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Cybersecurity Professional Recruitment Difficulty Level

What is your view on the availability of skilled security employees for your organisation in the next
24 months? Japan

34% 35%

20% 17%


We have enough We will face We will face We will face a major
security specialists a minor a moderate challenge recruiting
and have no challenge challenge where we struggle to
problems recruiting recruiting recruiting recruit any security
more specialists

Top skills in demand:

1. Employee and executive training

2. Software vulnerability testing

3. Staying up to date with the latest threats

Top attack vectors:

1. Phishing and whaling

2. Unpatched vulnerabilities

3. Supply chain vulnerabilities

Top rated threats in 2022:

1. Phishing and whaling

2. Malicious employees

3. Employee error

4. Ransomware

5. Corporate espionage

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Rated threats 2021-2022

2021 2022

Employee error Phishing and whaling

Malicious employee Malicious employees

Poorly designed systems Employee error

Ransomware Ransomware

Malware Corporate espionage

Phishing and whaling Malware

DDoS Poorly designed systems

Backdoors AI/ML attacks

Partner/3rd party error Zero-day vulnerabilities

Nation state Nation state

Corporate espionage 3rd party error

Zero-day vulnerabilities Encryption backdoors

AI/ML attacks DDoS

Social engineering Social engineering

Adoption of threat hunting:

27% of companies do in-house, 52% use an external partner, 23% no/unsure

Please rate your agreement with the following statements – Japan

The information we receive from

cybersecurity vendors is lacking and
makes it difficult to elevate the discussion 15% 55% 27% 4%
to the executive committee and board

Cybersecurity vendors are 'AI-washing'

their solutions and it's very hard to 12% 61% 25% 3%
determine the true benefits and
effectiveness of artificial intelligence for

The biggest challenge to our security in

15% 63% 20% 4%
the next 24 months will be the awareness
and education of our employees and
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Totally agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Totally disagree

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Cybersecurity in Malaysia
Spend on cybersecurity as percentage of total technology budget: 8.6%

Cybersecurity Maturity Profile

Cybersecurity Maturity Rating – Malaysia


30% 29%

20% 18%


No plan Initial Managed Defined Quantitatively Optimising

Who leads cybersecurity strategy?

CISO: 35%, CIO/CTO: 38%, Shared Group Responsibility/Other: 27%

Top frustrations of cybersecurity professionals:

1. We can’t keep up with the pace of security threats

2. We can’t employ enough skilled security specialists

3. We don’t put enough investment and time into training our general staff

Board Level Understanding of Cybersecurity

Perceived Board Level Understanding of Security – Malaysia
"How well do you think your company board understands cybersecurity issues?"

50% 47%


30% 29%


10% 4%
Not at all A little Moderately well Very well Unsure

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Cybersecurity Professional Recruitment Difficulty Level

What is your view on the availability of skilled security employees for your organisation in the next
24 months? Malaysia


30% 29%
30% 26%



We have enough We will face We will face We will face a major
security specialists a minor a moderate challenge recruiting
and have no challenge challenge where we struggle to
problems recruiting recruiting recruiting recruit any security
more specialists

Top skills in demand:

1. Staying up to date with the latest threats

2. Policy compliance and reporting

3. Employee and executive training

Top attack vectors

1. Phishing and whaling

2. Malicious employees

3. Supply chain vulnerabilities

Top rated threats in 2022:

1. Malware

2. Malicious employees

3. Employee error

4. Ransomware

5. Corporate espionage

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Rated threats 2021-2022

2021 2022

Phishing and whaling Malware

Ransomware Malicious employees

Malware Employee error

Malicious employee Ransomware

AI/ML attacks Corporate espionage

Social engineering Encryption backdoors

DDoS Phishing and whaling

Backdoors AI/ML attacks

Poorly designed systems Zero-day vulnerabilities

Zero-day vulnerabilities Poorly designed systems

Corporate espionage 3rd party error

Employee error Nation state

Partner/3rd party error DDoS

Nation state Social engineering

Adoption of threat hunting:

20% of companies do in-house, 60% use an external partner, 20% no/unsure

Please rate your agreement with the following statements – Malaysia

The information we receive from

cybersecurity vendors is lacking and
makes it difficult to elevate the discussion 38% 47% 15%
to the executive committee and board

Cybersecurity vendors are 'AI-washing'

their solutions and it's very hard to 34% 55% 11%
determine the true benefits and
effectiveness of artificial intelligence for

The biggest challenge to our security in

31% 62% 7%
the next 24 months will be the awareness
and education of our employees and
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Totally agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Totally disagree

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Cybersecurity in the Philippines

Spend on cybersecurity as percentage of total technology budget: 13.3%

Cybersecurity Maturity Profile

Cybersecurity Maturity Rating – Philippines


31% 31%

20% 18%


No plan Initial Managed Defined Quantitatively Optimising
Who leads cybersecurity strategy?
CISO: 33%, CIO/CTO: 36%, Shared Group Responsibility/Other: 31%

Top frustrations of cybersecurity professionals:

1. Cybersecurity is frequently relegated in priority

2. Our executives assume cybersecurity is easy and me/my cybersecurity peers over exaggerate threats
and issues

3. Our executives assume our company will never get attacked

Board Level Understanding of Cybersecurity

Perceived Board Level Understanding of Security – Philippines
How well do you think your company board understands cybersecurity issues?



20% 16%

2% 2%
Not at all A little Moderately well Very well Unsure

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Cybersecurity Professional Recruitment Difficulty Level

What is your view on the availability of skilled security employees for your organisation in the next
24 months? Philippines

40% 38%




We have enough We will face We will face We will face a major
security specialists a minor a moderate challenge recruiting
and have no challenge challenge where we struggle to
problems recruiting recruiting recruiting recruit any security
more specialists

Top skills in demand:

1. Knowledge of cloud security policies/architecture

2. Software vulnerability testing

3. Staying up to date with the latest threats

Top attack vectors:

1. Phishing and whaling

2. Weak or compromised credentials

3. Malicious employees

Top rated threats in 2022:

1. Phishing

2. Poorly designed systems

3. Malware

4. Encryption backdoors

5. AI/ML attacks

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Rated threats 2021-2022

2021 2022

Phishing and whaling Phishing and whaling

Malware Poorly designed systems

Ransomware Malware

Corporate espionage Encryption backdoors

Malicious employee AI/ML attacks

AI/ML attacks Corporate espionage

Poor systems Malicious employees

Employee error Employee error

Partner/3rd party error Nation state

Zero-day vulnerabilities DDoS

Backdoors Social engineering

Social engineering Zero-day vulnerabilities

Nation state 3rd party error

DDoS Ransomware

Adoption of threat hunting:

24% of companies do in-house, 69% use an external partner, 8% no/unsure

Please rate your agreement with the following statements – Philippines

The information we receive from

cybersecurity vendors is lacking and
makes it difficult to elevate the discussion 48% 41% 11%
to the executive committee and board

Cybersecurity vendors are 'AI-washing'

their solutions and it's very hard to
determine the true benefits and 41% 52% 7%
effectiveness of artificial intelligence for

The biggest challenge to our security in 63% 32% 4%

the next 24 months will be the awareness
and education of our employees and
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Totally agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Totally disagree

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Cybersecurity in Singapore
Spend on cybersecurity as percentage of total technology budget: 11.23%

Cybersecurity Maturity Profile

Cybersecurity Maturity Rating – Singapore



No plan Initial Managed Defined Quantitatively Optimising

Who leads cybersecurity strategy?

CISO: 33%, CIO/CTO: 36%, Shared Group Responsibility/Other: 31%

Top frustrations of cybersecurity professionals:

1. Our executives assume cybersecurity is easy and me/my cybersecurity peers over exaggerate threats
and issues

2. There’s too much ‘fear and doubt’ messaging that makes it hard to talk accurately about cybersecurity

3. Cybersecurity is frequently relegated in priority

Board Level Understanding of Cybersecurity

Perceived Board Level Understanding of Security – Singapore
How well do you think your company board understands cybersecurity issues?

50% 50%

40% 37%


1% 1%
Not at all A little Moderately well Very well Unsure

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Cybersecurity Professional Recruitment Difficulty Level

What is your view on the availability of skilled security employees for your organisation in the next
24 months? Singapore


30% 28%

20% 21%


We have enough We will face We will face We will face a major
security specialists a minor a moderate challenge recruiting
and have no challenge challenge where we struggle to
problems recruiting recruiting recruiting recruit any security
more specialists

Top skills in demand:

1. Knowledge of cloud security policies/architecture

2. Software vulnerability testing

3. Staying up to date with the latest threats

Top attack vectors:

1. Phishing and whaling

2. Misconfigurations

3. Man in the middle

Top rated threats:

1. Malware

2. Phishing

3. DDoS

4. Social engineering

5. Ransomware

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Rated threats 2021-2022

2021 2022

Ransomware Malware

Malicious employee Phishing and whaling

AI/ML attacks DDoS

Malware Social engineering

Backdoors Ransomware

Phishing and whaling Nation state

Nation state Corporate espionage

Zero-day vulnerabilities Employee error

Corporate espionage 3rd party error

Poorly designed systems Malicious employees

DDoS Poorly designed systems

Employee error Encryption backdoors

Partner/3rd party error Zero-day Vulnerabilities

Social engineering AI/ML attacks

Adoption of threat hunting:

23% of companies do in-house, 61% use an external partner, 16% no/unsure

Please rate your agreement with the following statments – Sinagpore

The information we receive from

cybersecurity vendors is lacking and
makes it difficult to elevate the discussion 48% 41% 11%
to the executive committee and board

Cybersecurity vendors are 'AI-washing'

their solutions and it's very hard to 7%
41% 52%
determine the true benefits and
effectiveness of artificial intelligence for

The biggest challenge to our security in

24% 51% 18% 7%
the next 24 months will be the awareness
and education of our employees and
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Totally agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Totally disagree

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

A View from Sophos

These latest results from TRA indicate that that the tide may have turned this year and APJ organisations
really are taking cybersecurity more seriously – hopefully this sentiment is now the new-normal.

While you may scoff at the thought that those outside your organisation think you don't take cybersecurity
seriously, historically though, it was the reality. And with more organisations moving up the self-ranked
cybersecurity maturity charts, it's a clear indicator that there was room for the improvements that were
desperately needed.

But how much of that self-ranked maturity will translate into preparedness you can rely on when something
goes inexplicably wrong?

Evaluations and self-ranking aside, very few organisations put into practice and validate their resilience
when faced with a real cybersecurity incident.

"Everyone has a plan until they're punched in the nose."

The TRA research shows that organisations that do have plans, might not have fully tested them against a
serious attack scenario. In some cases where a real incident has unfolded, plans and response actions have
been bespoke. Sometimes plans can’t be retrieved as they’re on the desktops and servers that have just
been ransom(war)ed!

Much of this murkiness in cyber resilience is attributed to issues of comprehension of the threats and
diversification of cybersecurity roles and responsibilities within an organisation. Comprehension is
the primary reason organisations across APJ fail to live up to their own expectations when it comes to
adequately planning for a cyber incident because board and executive levels often do not understand how
cyber issues can disrupt and eviscerate the bottom line.

Don’t leave the door open for attackers to take advantage of you – as they likely will.

Even though we’ve all witnessed high impact vulnerabilities take main stage and threat actors wreak
havoc across businesses of all sizes from all industries – employing everything from ProxyShell to Log4J
– by stealing corporate data and using extortion tactics, it’s not just the big oh-days that we should be
looking to mitigate. Basic cybersecurity hygiene is still problematic for many organisations with unpatched
applications and operating systems allowing attacks to easily unfold, and even simplistic phishing and
credential harvesting operations giving cyber-criminal groups access far and wide.

Looking for solutions to solve these very complex and deeply rooted issues isn’t an overnight thing, and
don’t expect a single piece of software or policy control to be a silver bullet. Once again, the human element
comes into play with phishing and user interaction still common ways attackers make their way through
the front door. Understanding the threats we face on an almost daily basis and how to deal with them –
regardless of whether you’re a C-suite executive or working in the mail room – is essential to protect the
organisation. Bottom line – everyone needs the same level of insight and training on how to spot and deal
with fraudsters attempting to infiltrate the business.

On the diversification of cybersecurity roles and responsibilities front, mitigating controls are technical even
though theoretically autonomous. These types of extremely technical controls need expertise to make
sense of and to action the items that are important. This is why having a diverse team with different skill
types within your cyber resiliency ranks will bolster how your organisation responds to an incident.

By addressing comprehension and diversification, you will be one step closer to successfully detecting and
remediating an attack before it gets its hooks into you, your employees, your business and the information
you hold dearest.

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

Definitions for the Cybersecurity Maturity Model:

Ì No plan: As it reads – there is no cybersecurity capability in place.

Ì Ad-hoc: Reactive to specific projects and initiatives but no overall strategy to govern activities.

Ì Untested in real life: Theoretical plan that has yet to be implemented within the organisation,
group or division.

Ì Managed: Basic level strategy in place that ensures projects and activities are undertaken in a
planned manner with basic performance, measurement and controls in place to track progress.

Ì Defined: Capability is proactive rather than reactive and organisation-wide with

appropriate guidance for projects and activities in a co-ordinated program.

Ì Quantitative: Capabilities, performance and assessment are metrics-based with

quantified objectives that are aligned to company cybersecurity strategy and goals.

Ì Optimised: Focus on continuous improvement cycles with a proven ability to adapt to change.

Demographics and Methodology

In January 2022, Sophos commissioned Tech Research Asia (TRA) to undertake research into the Asia
Pacific and Japan cybersecurity landscape. This included a major quantitative component with a total of
900 responses captured – 100 each in Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore, and 200 each in Australia, India
and Japan.

Employee Size By role

500-999 10% 12%
24% 1,000-1,499 10%
19% CDO
1,500-1,999 LoB Manager
2,000-2,499 CEO/MD
22% 15%
9% 2,500+ 24% Purchasing
11% Other

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan


Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services
Wholesale Trade
Retail Trade
Accommodation and Food Services
Transport, Postal and Warehousing
Information Media and Telecommunications
Financial and Insurance Services
Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
Administrative and Support Services
Federal Government
State Government
Local Government
Education and Training
Health Care and Social Assistance
Arts and Recreation Services

About Sophos
Sophos is a worldwide leader in next-generation cybersecurity, protecting more than 500,000 organisations
and millions of consumers in more than 150 countries from today’s most advanced cyberthreats. Powered
by threat intelligence, AI and machine learning from SophosLabs and SophosAI, Sophos delivers a broad
portfolio of advanced products and services to secure users, networks and endpoints against ransomware,
malware, exploits, phishing and the wide range of other cyberattacks. Sophos provides a single integrated
cloud-based management console, Sophos Central – the centerpiece of an adaptive cybersecurity
ecosystem that features a centralised data lake that leverages a rich set of open APIs available to
customers, partners, developers, and other cybersecurity vendors. Sophos sells its products and services
through reseller partners and managed service providers (MSPs) worldwide. Sophos is headquartered in
Oxford, U.K. More information is available at

A Sophos Whitepaper. April 2022

The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan

About Tech Research Asia

TRA is a fast-growing IT analyst, research, and consulting firm with an experienced and diverse team
in Sydney | Melbourne | Singapore | Kuala Lumpur | Hong Kong | Tokyo. We advise executive technology
buyers and suppliers across Asia Pacific. We are rigorous, fact-based, open, and transparent. And we
offer research, consulting, engagement and advisory services. We also conduct our own independent
research on the issues, trends, and strategies that are important to executives and other leaders that want
to leverage the power of modern technology. TRA also publishes the open and online journal, TQ.

For more information on how to protect your business

from cybersecurity threats visit

Copyright and Quotation Policy: The Tech Research Asia name and published materials are subject to trademark and copyright protec-
tion, regardless of source. Use of this research and content for an organisation’s internal purposes is acceptable given appropriate attri-
bution to Tech Research Asia. For further information on acquiring rights to use Tech Research Asia research and content please contact
us via our website or directly. Disclaimer: You accept all risks and responsibility for losses, damages, costs and other consequences
resulting directly or indirectly from using this research document and any information or material available from it. To the maximum
permitted by law, Tech Research Asia excludes all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from using this research and content
and any information or material available from it. This report is provided for information purposes only. It is not a complete analysis of
every material fact respecting any technology, company, industry, security or investment. Opinions expressed are subject to change
without notice. Statements of fact have been obtained from sources considered reliable but no representation is made by Tech Research
Asia or any of its affiliates as to their completeness or accuracy.

© Copyright 2022. Sophos Ltd. All rights reserved.

Registered in England and Wales No. 2096520, The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, Abingdon, OX14 3YP, UK
Sophos is the registered trademark of Sophos Ltd. All other product and company names mentioned are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

2022-03-31 (WP-NP)

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