M02 Install and Optimise Oper - Syst

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Hardware and Network Servicing

Based on March 2021, Curriculum Version 1

Module Title: - Installing and Optimizes Operating

system Software
Module code: EIS HNS2 M02 1221
Nominal duration: 40Hours

Prepared by: Ministry of Labour and Skill

August, 2022
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Table of Content
Introduction to the Module 5

Unit one: Function of operating system 7

1.1. The purpose and functionality of operating systems 8
1.2. Batch system VS real-time system VS multi-tasking system 11
1.3. Comparing and contrast different operating systems 13
1.4. Virtual Memory 19
Self-Check 1 20

Unit Two: Obtain operating system 22

2.1. Technical Specifications and system Requirement 23
2.2. Operating system installation process and components 27
2.3. Licensing, hardware and security 32
Self-Check 2 34

Unit Three: Installation, configuration and optimization of operating system

3.1. Installing, configuring and testing operating system 37
Operation sheet 1.1. Install Windows 10 Operating System 37
3.2. User Interface 46
3.3. System Optimization 48
Self-Check 3 51
LAP Test-1 52

Unit Four: New software requirements 53

4.1. Instruction about changes in software 53
4.2. Client Feedback 55
Self-Check 4 56

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Ministry of Labor and Skills and Ministry of Health wish to extend thanks and appreciation
to the many representatives of TVET instructors and respective industry experts who donated
their time and expertise to the development of this Teaching, Training and Learning Materials

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OS - Operating System
FAT- File Allocation Table

NTFS- New Technology File System

CDFS- Compact Disk File System

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Introduction to the Module

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware, software
resources, and provides common services for computer programs.
Time-sharing operating systems schedule tasks for efficient use of the system and may also
include accounting software for cost allocation of processor time, mass storage, printing, and
other resources.
For hardware functions such as input and output and memory allocation, the operating system
acts as an intermediary between programs and the computer hardware, although the application
code is usually executed directly by the hardware and frequently makes system calls to an OS
function or is interrupted by it. Operating systems are found on many devices that contain a
computer – from cellular phones and video game consoles to web servers and supercomputers.
This module is designed to meet the industry requirement under the hardware and Networking
service occupational standard, particularly for the unit of competency: Install and optimize
operating system software.
This module covers the units:
 Function of operating system
 Operating system
 Installation, configuration and optimization of operating system
 new software requirements
Learning Objective of the Module
 Determine function of operating system
 Obtain operating system
 Install, configure and optimize operating system
 Provide instruction to meet new software requirements

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Module Instruction
For effective use this modules trainees are expected to follow the following module instruction:
1. Read the information written in each unit
2. Accomplish the Self-checks at the end of each unit
3. Perform Operation Sheets which were provided at the end of units
4. Do the “LAP test” giver at the end of each unit and
5. Read the identified reference book for Examples and exercise

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Unit one: Function of operating system
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
 The purpose and functionality of OS
 Batch system VS real-time system VS multi-tasking system
 Comparison of different operating systems
 Virtual memory
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Identify and understand operating system functionality and purpose
 Distinguish between batch system, real-time system, multi-tasking system
 Compare and contrast different operating systems
 Identify management of virtual memory

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1.1. The purpose and functionality of operating systems

An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the
computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you
to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language.
Without an operating system, a computer is useless.
Your computer's operating system (OS) manages all of the software and hardware on the
computer. Most of the time, there are several different computer programs running at the same
time, and they all need to access your computer's central processing unit (CPU), memory,
and storage. The operating system coordinates all of this to make sure each program gets what it
needs. To explain this in more specific way an operating system is a computer program that is
initially loaded into a processor by a boot program. It then manages all the other programs in the
processor. The other programs are called applications or tasks.

Fig 1.1. Functionality

The purpose of operating systems is to manage computer memory, processes and the operation
of all hardware and software. An operating system is the most important software on a computer
as it enables the computer hardware to communicate effectively with all other computer
Program Execution: The Operating System is responsible for execution of all types of programs
whether it be user programs or system programs. The Operating System utilizes various
resources available for the efficient running of all types of functionalities.
Handling Input/output Operations: The Operating System is responsible for handling all sort
of inputs, i.e., from keyboard, mouse, desktop, etc. The Operating System does all interfacing in
the most appropriate manner regarding all kind of Inputs and Outputs.
For example, there is difference in nature of all types of peripheral devices such as mouse or
keyboard, then Operating System is responsible for handling data between them.

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Manipulation of File System: The Operating System is responsible for making of decisions
regarding the storage of all types of data or files, i.e. floppy disk/hard disk/pen drive, etc. The
Operating System decides as how the data should be manipulated and stored.
Error Detection and Handling: The Operating System is responsible for detection of any types
of error or bugs that can occur while any task. The well secured OS sometimes also acts as
countermeasure for preventing any sort of breach to the Computer System from any external
source and probably handling them.
Resource Allocation: The Operating System ensures the proper use of all the resources
available by deciding which resource to be used by whom for how much time. All the decisions
are taken by the Operating System.
Accounting: The Operating System tracks an account of all the functionalities taking place in
the computer system at a time. All the details such as the types of errors occurred are recorded by
the Operating System.
Information and Resource Protection: The Operating System is responsible for using all the
information and resources available on the machine in the most protected way. The Operating
System must foil an attempt from any external resource to hamper any sort of data or
Security: The operating system uses password protection to protect user data and similar other
techniques. It also prevents unauthorized access to programs and user data.
Control over system performance – Monitors overall system health to help improve
performance. Records the response time between service requests and system response to having
a complete view of the system health. This can help improve performance by providing
important information needed to troubleshoot problems.

Job accounting – Operating system Keeps track of time and resources used by various tasks and
users, this information can be used to track resource usage for a particular user or group of users.

Error detecting aids – The operating system constantly monitors the system to detect errors and
avoid the malfunctioning of a computer system.

Coordination between other software and users – Operating systems also coordinate and
assign interpreters, compilers, assemblers, and other software to the various users of the
computer systems.

Memory Management – The operating system manages the Primary Memory or Main Memory.
Main memory is made up of a large array of bytes or words where each byte or word is assigned
a certain address. Main memory is fast storage and it can be accessed directly by the CPU. For a
program to be executed, it should be first loaded in the main memory. An Operating System
performs the following activities for memory management:
It keeps track of primary memory, i.e., which bytes of memory are used by which user program.
The memory addresses that have already been allocated and the memory addresses of the
memory that has not yet been used. In multiprogramming, the OS decides the order in which

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processes are granted access to memory, and for how long. It allocates the memory to a process
when the process requests it and DE allocates the memory when the process has terminated or is
performing an I/O operation.
Processor Management – In a multi-programming environment, the OS decides the order in
which processes have access to the processor, and how much processing time each process has.
This function of OS is called process scheduling. An Operating System performs the following
activities for processor management. Keeps track of the status of processes. The program which
performs this task is known as a traffic controller. Allocates the CPU that is a processor to a
process. De-allocates processor when a process is no more required.

Device Management – An OS manages device communication via their respective drivers. It

performs the following activities for device management. Keeps track of all devices connected to
the system. Designates a program responsible for every device known as the Input/output
controller. Decides which process gets access to a certain device and for how long. Allocates
devices in an effective and efficient way. Reallocates
devices when they are no longer required.

File Management – A file system is organized into directories for efficient or easy navigation
and usage. These directories may contain other directories and other files. An Operating System
carries out the following file management activities. It keeps track of where information is
stored, user access settings and status of every file, and more… These facilities are collectively
known as the file system.

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1.2. Batch system VS real-time system VS multi-tasking system

1.1.1. Batch Operating System

The users of a batch operating system do not interact with the computer directly. Each user
prepares his job on an off-line device like punch cards and submits it to the computer operator.
To speed up processing, jobs with similar needs are batched together and run as a group. The
programmers leave their programs with the operator and the operator then sorts the programs
with similar requirements into batches. The problems with Batch Systems are as follows:
 Lack of interaction between the user and the job.
 CPU is often idle, because the speed of the mechanical I/O devices is slower than the
 Difficult to provide the desired priority.
1.1.2. Real-Time Operating System
A real-time system is defined as a data processing system in which the time interval required to
process and respond to inputs is so small that it controls the environment. The time taken by the
system to respond to an input and display of required updated information is termed as the
response time. So in this method, the response time is very less as compared to online
processing. Real-time systems are used when there are rigid time requirements on the operation
of a processor or the flow of data and real-time systems can be used as a control device in a
dedicated application. A real-time operating system must have well-defined, fixed time
constraints, otherwise the system will fail.
For example, scientific experiments, medical imaging systems, industrial control systems,
weapon systems, robots, air traffic control systems, etc. There are two types of real-time
operating systems.
 Hard real-time systems
Hard real-time systems guarantee that critical tasks complete on time. In hard real-time systems,
secondary storage is limited or missing and the data is stored in ROM. In these systems, virtual
memory is almost never found.
 Soft real-time systems
Soft real-time systems are less restrictive. A critical real-time task gets priority over other tasks
and retains the priority until it completes. Soft real-time systems have limited utility than hard
real-time systems. For example, multimedia, virtual reality, Advanced Scientific Projects like
undersea exploration and planetary rovers, etc.
1.1.3. Multi-tasking operating system
Multi-tasking is nothing but the need to time-share the CPU to ensure that things are happening
in time. Fractional slices of a second are allotted to myriad demands that are lined up for the
CPU. The problem just gets worse when there are multiple activities competing for CPU
attention. This chapter explores the demands of these complex systems. It investigates the

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underlying challenges and comes up with a strategy for dealing with them—the real-time
operating system. It's no longer the program sequence which determines what happens next, but
the operating system that controls it. It further provides an understanding of the challenges posed
by multi-tasking, the meaning and implication of real time, and the process of sequential
programming. The requirement of multi-tasking, common to almost every embedded system,
carries with it some valuable concepts—tasks, deadlines, and priorities. A system operating in
real time is one that is able to meet its deadlines. More sophisticated multi-tasking real-time
systems require the use of a real-time operating system. Smooth use of a real-time operating
system depends on the programmer's clarity of understanding the underlying principles of the
operating system.

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1.3. Comparing and contrast different operating systems

1.1.4. Types of operating systems

Operating systems usually come pre-loaded on any computer you buy. Most people use the
operating system that comes with their computer, but it's possible to upgrade or even change
operating systems. The three most common operating systems for personal computers are
Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Modern operating systems use a graphical user interface, or GUI (pronounced gooey). A GUI
lets you use your mouse to click icons, buttons, and menus, and everything is clearly displayed
on the screen using a combination of graphics and text.
Each operating system's GUI has a different look and feel, so if you switch to a different
operating system it may seem unfamiliar at first. However, modern operating systems are
designed to be easy to use, and most of the basic principles are the same.

A. Microsoft Windows
Microsoft created the Windows operating system in the mid-1980s. There have been many
different versions of Windows, but the most recent ones are Windows 10 (released in 2015),
Windows 8 (2012), Windows 7 (2009), and Windows Vista (2007). Windows comes pre-loaded
on most new PCs, which helps to make it the most popular operating system in the world.

Fig 1.2. Windows interface

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 Operability
Compared to Linux and macOS windows operability is poor yet still, it is the most popular OS.
Several historical reasons can be cited for its popularity such as its early introduction of GUI,
large market share, various productivity apps, gaming convenience, pirated windows,
preinstalled OS, etc. (19 Reasons Why Windows OS Is Popular, 2021). However, windows have
some of the poorest operability features such as frequent crashes, slowing down over time, virus,
error codes, memory leak, blue screen of death, black screen, WIFI issues, battery problems, and
apps suddenly stopping, etc. (updated, 2021; Darlington, 2022)
 Features
Windows have some similar features to Linux but some features that are special to Windows are
Windows shows the available physical memory, the cached operating system code, and the
allocated pool-paged-resident and pool-nonpaged memory, shows how much time the CPU
spends on user processes, and system processes, has a start menu, has tablet mode in Windows
10, has a game center which can be connected with XBOX, has multiple desktops and task
views, has Cortana assistant manager, unified settings and action center (Low, 2014; Operating
System Performance Metrics, n.d.).
 Strength
Windows looks good for GUI, is easy to learn, has lots of productivity apps, has good gaming
functionalities and support, has an app store, has some decent diagnostic and administrative
tools, and setting up is easier than Linux, and has a large support base among other strengths.
 Weakness
Windows is costly and some services require paid subscriptions. Windows is less secure than
Linux and macOS. Windows can be slow over time and its performance is reduced and requires
frequent updates which sometimes fail as well.
 Competitive Edge
Based on the competitive strength of Office and cloud products, Morningstar gives Microsoft a
significant economic moat. The three divisions that makeup Microsoft's business are more
personal computing, intelligent clouds, and productivity and business processes. (Downie, 2019)

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B. MacOS
MacOS (previously called OS X) is a line of operating systems created by Apple. It comes
preloaded on all Macintosh computers, or Macs. Some of the specific versions
include Mojave (released in 2018), High Sierra (2017), and Sierra (2016).
According to StatCounter Global Stats, macOS users account for less than 10% of global
operating systems—much lower than the percentage of Windows users (more than 80%). One
reason for this is that Apple computers tend to be more expensive. However, many people do
prefer the look and feel of macOS over Windows.

Fig 1.3 macOS

 Operability
MacOS has been more operable than Windows given its proprietary nature. As Apple develops
both the hardware and the OS there are fewer issues facing macOS. Apple has thus been able to
provide consistent performance, security, and support to its home users. Providing quality user
experience has been a top priority for macOS and they have been delivering it consistently.
 Features
MacOS uses proprietary hardware. With OS X, you get a completely integrated system in which
hardware and software interact flawlessly to provide you with the finest Mac experience
possible. The fact that your Mac's apps can communicate with those on your iOS devices is due
to the practical iCloud. To give you an example, anything you do in apps on your Mac will also
be reflected on your other iOS devices. (Poole, 2021)

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 Strength
MacOS has fewer virus attacks than Windows, has good customer support, consistent GUI for all
its products, provides great speed and availability and due to its superior hardware provides long
life. It also supports the Windows file system and can run Windows. (Rehman, 2019b)
 Weakness
MacOS is the most expensive, provides less software than Windows, has poor support for
Gaming, and has no hardware customization. MacOS also does not provide cloud or server
Services like Windows and Linux.
 Competitive Edge
Security, ease of use, hardware-software harmony, and superior quality of the hardware is what
make macOS standout from the rest. With Apple, you are in control.
C. Linux
Linux (pronounced LINN-ux) is a family of open-source operating systems, which means they
can be modified and distributed by anyone around the world. This is different from proprietary
software like Windows, which can only be modified by the company that owns it. The
advantages of Linux are that it is free, and there are many different distributions—or versions—
you can choose from.
According to StatCounter Global Stats, Linux users account for less than 2% of global
operating systems. However, most servers run Linux because it's relatively easy to customize.

Fig 1.4. Linux OS

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 Operability
Linux easily defeats Windows in terms of speed. When using numerous processes, Linux, in
contrast to Windows, tends to reduce "bogging." Linux's Ext4 file system does a great job of
maintaining the device's efficiency. Linux no longer supports defragmentation. Any Windows
OS can be slowed down to unacceptable and agonizing levels by even reasonable and minimal
use; this can only be prevented by strictly adhering to a use plan. When several processes are
active, memory and disc hogging frequently occurs. Users of Linux benefit from an operating
system that respects their privacy. Additionally, Linux systems come with built-in, cutting-edge
encryption, so users can be confident of improved security and less intrusion from other apps. In
general, Linux is safer than Windows. Linux still has attack vectors, but because of its open-
source technology, anyone may review the vulnerabilities, which speeds up and simplifies the
process of finding and fixing them. Since its debut, the Linux operating system has placed a
major emphasis on uptime, process control, and system security.
Linux has never strayed from putting this emphasis over the years. As a result, it can be referred
to as a well-known secure and dependable operating system (Achodio, 2009; Bhattia, 2022;
Software Testing Help, 2019). So, in terms of these operability metrics, Linux is an excellent OS.
 Features
The Linux OS consists of several components: the boot loader, the kernel, the init system,
daemons, graphical server, desktop environment, and various applications (Linux, 2018). Linux
shows how much total system memory is currently used, cached, buffered, or free, shows how
much time the CPU spends performing system and user duties, stealing jobs from virtual
operating systems, waiting for I/O to finish, and processing pleasant tasks, shows the amount of
work that a computer system performs like Windows and macOS, tracks growth or reduction in
the amount of available disk space used like windows and macOS and other features such as disk
utilization, queuing, latency and throughput (Operating System Performance Metrics, n.d.).
 Strength
Linux is an OS where you would battle less with obstacles like viruses, malware, slowdowns,
crashes, costly repairs, and licensing fees (Linux, 2018). Linux is also open source which means
it is flexible to use, changes can be made easily, and distributions can be shared among peers and
updated easily. Every type of user can utilize one of the many versions of Linux. You can select
a "variant" of Linux to suit your needs, whether you're a novice user or a die-hard. Distributions
(or "distros" in the short form) are the names for these variations. Almost all Linux distributions
are available for free download, burning to disc (or USB thumb drive), and installation (on as
many machines as you like) (Linux, 2018).
 Weakness
Some device drivers are not available for Linux, which is one of the problems that most Linux
users encounter. Because they have more customers than Linux, hardware manufacturers choose
to create drivers for Windows or Mac. Beginners can easily get up and running with Windows,
but understanding Linux is challenging. The command-line interface requires some learning, and
finding new software can be challenging. Finding a remedy is difficult if you experience any
operating system issues. Compared to Windows and Mac, Linux has fewer experts.

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Also, there are not many software alternatives for Linux. Consider the popular graphic editing
program Photoshop as an illustration. Photoshop can be found on Windows, but not on Linux.
Although there is various photo altering software, Photoshop is the most effective. Another
example of a program that is unavailable to Linux users is Microsoft Office. Games are typically
created for Windows, but not Linux. Game developers are more interested in Windows because
it is a commonly used platform (Rehman, 2019).

 Competitive Edge
Linux’s competitive edge comes from its’ appeal to a specific category of customers and users.
These are people who would prioritize security, speed, cost, and ease of maintenance. For
example, speaking to LinuxLine about the benefits of switching to Linux on IBM, Kuznetsova
points out that clients can benefit from both the inherent attributes of Linux and the underlying

Capabilities of IBM servers by switching to Linux on IBM. "Due to its improved flexibility with
subscription-based pricing, lack of fees for version upgrades, and compact footprint, Linux
generally presents exceptional cost reduction opportunities. Additionally, Linux operating on all
IBM servers fully utilizes the features of the underlying platforms, such as dynamic memory
upgrade on mainframes and live partition mobility on Power Systems, to offer clients exceptional
performance, virtualization, and system management capabilities." (Linux and IBM Provide
Competitive Edge, 2009)

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1.4. Virtual Memory

Virtual memory is a technique that allows the execution of processes which are not completely
available in memory. The main visible advantage of this scheme is that programs can be larger
than physical memory. Virtual memory is the separation of user logical memory from physical
memory. This separation allows an extremely large virtual memory to be provided for
programmers when only a smaller physical memory is available. Following are the situations,
when entire program is not required to be loaded fully in main memory.
 User written error handling routines are used only when an error occurred in the data or
 Certain options and features of a program may be used rarely.
 Many tables are assigned a fixed amount of address space even though only a small amount of
the table is actually used.
 The ability to execute a program that is only partially in memory would counter many benefits.
 Less number of I/O would be needed to load or swap each user program into memory.
 A program would no longer be constrained by the amount of physical memory that is available.
 Each user program could take less physical memory, more programs could be run the same
time, with a corresponding increase in CPU utilization and throughput.

Fig 1.5 virtual memory

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Self-Check 1 Written Test

Name:- Date: -

Instruction: Answer all the questions listed below, if you have some clarifications-
feel free to ask your teacher.
1. Linux is an OS where you would battle less with obstacles like viruses and malware.T
2. Modern operating systems use a CLI.F
3. The users of a batch operating system do not interact with the computer directly. T
4. Security is one the operating system functionality. T
5. Compared to Linux and macOS windows operability is poor yet still, it is the most
popular OS.T

II. Multiple choice

1. ___________is a technique that allows the execution of processes which are not
completely available in memory.

A. Virtual Box C. RAM

B. Virtual memory D. ROM

2. One of the following is the need to time-share the CPU to ensure that things are
happening in time.

A. Multi-tasking OS C. Real Time

C. Batch OS D. Time Base OS

3. Which one of the following is NOT Function of operating system

A. Program Execution C. Accounting

B. Manipulation of File System D. Temporary storage

4. From Real time OS one is less restrictive

A. soft real time C. Batch Real time
B. Hard real Time D. Multi-Tasking Real time

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5. One of the following operating system is open source type.
A. windows C. MacOS
B. Linux D. XP

1. Program Execution B A. uses password protection to protect user data
2. Security A B. execute of all types of programs
3. Job accounting F C. organized into directories
4. Device Management D D. communication via their respective drivers.
5. File Management C E. decides the order in which processes have access to the processor
F. Keeps track of time and resources used by various tasks and users
G. OS decides the order in which processes have access to the

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Unit Two: Obtain operating system
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
 Technical Specifications and system Requirement
 Operating system installation process and components
 licensing, hardware and security
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Obtain Technical Specifications for Operating system requirements
 Identify Operating system installation process and components
 Document adjustment recommendations and provide to appropriate person
 Determine and apply knowledge of licensing, hardware and security requirements

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2.1. Technical Specifications and system Requirement

Technical requirements, otherwise known as technical specifications or specs, refer to the

implemented solutions professionals use to resolve technical problems and issues involving
software. When working on a project or creating software, technical requirements describe the
technical aspects and issues that you need to address for the project or software to work and
execute successfully. These technical aspects can refer to factors like performance-related
concerns, how reliable the software is and how readily accessible it is. Essentially, technical
requirements function as solutions to technical issues.

For example, you created an online word processing software and developed it so it only works
for a specific web browser because of an important integration system that allows your software
to function properly on that web browser. In this scenario, having to use the software in a
specific browser is the technical requirement.

2.1.1. Why is it important to have technical requirements?

Technical requirements are important because they describe how software should function and
what its behavior should be. This helps developers and users to understand the best way to use
the software. A document of clearly defined specifications helps to create a project or software
that has a proper process for implementation. Developers and other technicians refer to this as
technical requirement documentation.

The purpose or look of a technical requirement document may vary depending on the specific
project, but they need to all perform for the same universal goal. That is, to ensure that the
owners of the software and its developers have an established understanding of its future details
and project estimations. Project estimations refer to an important part of project planning that
involves cost estimates, resource allocating and the duration of development. Knowing what
technical requirements you need for your software can help you determine these factors more

2.1.2. Technical requirements

Technical requirements vary depending on the product or industry. Though there is no all-
encompassing list of technical requirements that apply to every project or development, here is a
sample list of 17 technical requirement examples:

 Accessibility

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Accessibility refers to a technical requirement that seeks to make a service, software or
technology accessible to all users and parties. Adding closed captions to a tutorial video for users
who are hard of hearing or deaf is an example of an accessibility technical requirement.

 Authentication and authorization

This is a technical requirement that states that a system must abide by certain authentication and
authorization policies. Authentication refers to assessing data as valid and authorization provides
clearance for users to access it.

 Availability
Availability is a technical requirement that functions more like a metric. This metric tracks time
as a percentage and verifies how long a software or resource is available for users to operate.

 Data quality
Data quality is a technical requirement that refers to data and information that is of a certain
quality. Ideally, you want high-quality data that you can use for operational and decision-making

 Human error
This is a technical requirement where software can detect when people have inputted inaccurate
information. If the software detects this error, it notifies the user and advises them to fix the

 Information security
This technical requirement refers to the encryption and security of user credentials and personal
private information within an online storage base or transit system. This level of security would
also involve a requirement for encrypting highly classified information as well.

 Internal controls
The internal controls technical requirement means that only certain users can access the
decryption keys for encrypted user and highly classified data. These individuals, called data
stewards, can only access the data when a higher official allows it.

 Interoperability
The interoperability technical requirement states that software must offer comprehensive
compatibility. This means that it needs to work on all the major operating systems, web browsers
and technical devices. These requirements may function based on the technology needs of

 Maintainability

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Maintainability simply means that software must maintain its integrity. To elaborate, a system
needs to identify and resolve technical problems in a set timeframe. Most repairs need to resolve
in only an hour.

 Performance
The performance technical requirement determines average wait times and how long it takes for
software or a page to load. For example, it is best practice to set a technical requirement for loads
times to exceed only two seconds.

 Privacy
Privacy refers to protecting a customer's sensitive data from internal data professionals and
employees. For example, a privacy technical requirement may not allow employees to view a
customer's social security number stored within a customer database.

 Productivity
The productivity technical requirement refers to processes that allow users to be more
productive. For example, creating a system that auto generates data so users can skip inputting
data multiple times.

 Reliability
Reliability refers to the average time that a system or software operates between downtimes or
failures. This a metric that averages the time for applications and services that are critical to

 Serviceability
Serviceability is an important technical requirement because most software and systems undergo
regular updates or some kind of modification. This technical requirement states systems must not
completely shut down when software upgrades or changes.

 Standards
The standards technical requirement states that a system or software must follow and comply
with the security and architectural requirements. This refers to how to design and structure a
system for flexibility, reusability and feasibility.

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 System errors
When a system has an error, this technical requirement causes an error code to communicate this
discrepancy with the user. The error code gets documented within a help database and helps the
user service the incident to a swift resolution.

 Vendor lock-in
Vendor lock-in is a technical requirement that means software or system is open-sourced. Open-
sourced software means that it is not owned by a proprietary or private company, but is available
to be manipulated with custom code by any user.

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2.1. Operating system installation process and components

2.1.3. Boot methods

Here are the several boot methods which are available to one;

USB: One should know that with the absence of a CD or DVD, one might prefer to use a USB
drive as a boot media. However, so as to boot from a USB, one should create a bootable USB
version through the help of some programs. After that, one should now copy the operating
system on the USB flash drive ready to commence installation. This is quite advantageous since
it gives an allowance for updating any information in the flash drive especially if there are many
computers to be installed with the OS where updating them is required.

CD-ROM: One should understand that many at times, the windows installation media is
normally stored in a CD-ROM. In such a scenario, the computer onto which one are installing
the OS must possess an in-built CD-ROM reader or it can be external in cases where it is not in-

DVD: One might find out that the DVD boot method is quite similar to that of a CD-ROM. This
is due to the fact that the specific computer must have a DVD-ROM reader. If the reader is
absent, then it automatically means one cannot install an OS stored on such media.

PXE: The Pre boot Execution Environment is a capability that is present in most computers
which allows for automatic installation of an operating system whose files are on a network
drive. In this case, physical media is not required.

2.1.4. Type of installations

 Creating image: One should know that this task basically requires the installer to come up
with a windows operating system that is a cloned by taking an existing OS version and make
sector copies of everything on the computer.
 Unattended installation: Unattended installation is one that is quite common in large
organizations. This is a type of installation where the IT expert or installer must not be present
so as to respond to the numerous prompts that come during the installation. In this case, one
should create a unattend.xml file which will undergo the whole process owing to the fact that
it already has all the answers to all questions and responses to all prompts. One should
customize the xml file in one's windows installation media and the installation will run all by
itself without the intervention of any individual.
 Upgrade: In-place upgrade is a type of OS installation where the installation begins with the
presence of the previous operating system. Once it identifies the existence of an existing
operating system, it automatically makes an upgrade to the latest version without altering any
applications or files present.

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 Clean install: Clean installation is a kind of OS installation that is far much different from in-
place upgrade. This is because clean installation means erasing of every file in the computer.
In this case, it calls for backup of the important files so as to avoid losing them. An external
hard disk can serve this purpose well or even a cloud backup. Such an installation erases all
documents and all configured personal settings. One should therefore move such items to a
separate drive prior to installation so as to avert losing them.
 Repair installation: A repair installation is one that normally takes place in instances where
the Operating system files are corrupted or damaged probably because of a bad hard drive
section, a virus or Trojan attack among many others. Once the windows installation starts up,
one should see some options prompting for a repair installation. Here, one installs the
operating system files again without making any configuration changes or hard drive
modifications. Such an installation simply means repairing operating system files present on
the windows version.
 Multi boot: At times, one may desire to install a new operating system version without
having to do away with the old or existing operating system. In such a case, one should be in a
position to support a Multi boot configuration also known as dual boot configuration. In this
configuration, one should have two different operating systems in two distinct hard drive
partitions. With this kind of configuration, there is always a prompt that one should see on
start-up asking one which operating system one would like to run either the new one or old
one. For instance, one can have windows seven and windows eight both in one's computer. In
case one wants to change over to the other operating system, one should just restart one's
 Remote network installation: Remote network installation is another magnificent way of
installing an OS. This especially comes into place where physical media is not required during
the installation. One should put all one's windows installation files and configurations in a
network drive. The Pre-boot Execution Environment allows one's system to run onto the
network and access all the installation files on the network drive. In this kind of installation,
one should have a single centralized server to undertake all the installation.
 Image deployment: This simply involves cloning the particular OS image to another PC if
there is need for the machine to be deployed. On start-up, one should realize that the windows
information is similar to that of the old system and hence one must not go through the
installation program when bringing up a computer onto the network.

2.1.5. Partitioning
Hard drive partitioning is a prompt that one should come across when installing any windows
operating system especially if it is a first time installation. Presently, most of the available
computers run a Master Boot Record Partition Table which supports four partitions on one hard
disk. The newer Globally Unique Identifier partition table supports 128 partitions.
 Dynamic: A dynamic disk partition is one that has the capability to deny addition of any new
drive in addition to spanning of data from the basic partition into the newly installed drive.
This dynamic disk partition can be supported by several Windows operating systems.

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 Basic: A basic disk partition is an idea of Microsoft. This either has a Disk Operating System
or Windows installed on it. It can bear primary and logical partitions with logical drives also
 Primary: A primary partition is basically a partition that one's operating system can boot
from. A primary partition allows performance of Multi boot capability where one of the
partitions is designed as the active partition which automatically launches once the computer
is powered on.
 Extended: Extended partitions come into use when one wants to have more than four
partitions in a disk. One can also create more partitions on the extended partition. Extended
partitions are not as flexible as primary partitions since one can't boot from them.
 Logical: Logical partitions are basically partitions that are created inside of an extended
partition. An OS cannot boot from such partitions.

2.1.6. File system types/formatting

File systems must be created so that any information can be written on a particular drive. The file
system one prefers to use should be one that the operating system can understand. One should
choose a file system that can be easy for an operating system to read and write files. Some
operating systems can read from multiple file systems while others can only read from specific
file systems.
 FAT: File Allocation Table was among the pioneer file systems for personal computers which
have been on constant update throughout years.
 FAT32: is considered an update or rather advancement of the FAT. It began with Windows
2000 and now in all later versions. It allowed for one to have volume sizes of almost two
terabytes with files of a four gigabytes maximum size.
 NTFS: is a file system type that has more improvements compared to FAT32. This file
system allows for file compression and encryption utilities without having to use specific
software. It is a utility built to function with the file system and operate with the OS. It also
has data recovery features and additional security in addition to many improvements regarding
this file system. It has many versions with version 1.0 being the first.
 CDFS: The Compact Disk File System is one that is present in operating systems that allow
the reading of compact disks or DVD-ROMS. It can be used on Microsoft windows, UNIX,
Linux and Macintosh systems being an ISO standard number 9660. It simplifies the task of
writing information on a CD.
 Quick formatting VS Full Format
Quick formatting is a specific type of formatting that occurs very fast. It generally erases data
from the drive, formats it with the specified file system without going through the drive to check
for bad errors. Quick format is an option only available for Windows XP installation and not
Windows Vista and 7.

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Full format on the other hand involves putting on the new file system meaning that it wipes data
and puts the file system in place. Contrary to quick format, this one goes through all sectors in
the entire storage device so as to make sure that data can be readily written on it.
 Load alternate third party drivers when necessary
Loading of alternate third party drivers may be a consideration when installing an OS. This
occurs where the disk controllers in the computer lack drivers built in the installation programs
thus making them inaccessible by the installation program. In such case, an option to install a
third party driver may be available and hence one should have the driver available so as to access
disks inside the system
 Workgroup vs. Domain setup
When installing an operating system, there are some networking configurations that must be
made. There is always a prompt asking whether the machine should be part of a workgroup or
domain. In the domain setup, it means that the machine will be in an Active Directory domain
most probably in a business. A workgroup setup on the other hand mainly arises when one's base
of operation is mainly at home where one runs all one's activities.
 Time/date/region/language settings
During Windows installation, there is a prompt to ensure that one's date, time and region are set.
This is due to the fact that there are different time zones and regions and therefore one should
make sure one is properly conversant with all these aspects. Make sure one is aware of the time
zone one's country is in. If the installation is on a home-based machine, the time should be the
same but if the machine is office-based, one may need to double check especially if the machine
is used in different offices. Language settings must also be adjusted with the Windows operating
system giving a wide range of languages to choose from. For instance, do not choose English if
one are not conversant with it.
 Driver installation, software and windows updates
For a windows configuration to be complete, it must be accompanied by loading and running of
some extra drivers. Some of the drivers one may install include Graphics drivers, Chipset
drivers, and Wireless LAN drivers among many others. Windows updates must also be properly
configured and set. This allows the operating system to be always updated. For windows
operating system, it recommends a computer user to adjust settings in such a manner that the
operating system can automatically check for updates and install them. This keeps the machine
up to date with the latest version of drivers and security patches.

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 Factory recovery partition
Creation of a factory recovery partition can be an additional activity that one should undertake so
as to ensure that a recovery partition has been created by the operating system during its
installation. One can also build one by one's self if need be. Through creation of this recovery
partition, the user of the specific machine gets the option of resetting everything back to its
default factory state created after building a special type of recovery partition for Windows.
Basically, prior to installation and configuration of an operating system, there are some
important aspects that one must keep in mind. This is because these are aspects that are very
important when it comes to the OS running and operation. So making sure that those tasks are
done can improve the rate of the success that one would have while installing the configuring the
operation system.

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2.2. Licensing, hardware and security

An Operating System license is almost like a proof of purchase. Operating System licenses are
sometimes called an “OS License Key”. After entering a valid OS license that you purchased,
you will be able to use the OS without any limitations thereafter.

Majority of Operating System licenses are long not just because there are many people who use
the OS, but there are also some values that are invalid. Sometimes OS license values are recycled
(reused) after all the valid values are used up, however this happens after a very long period of
time (usually a lot more than just a couple of years).The reason why OS license keys are sold, is
to prevent the sale of pirated OS copies from being sold. Pirated OS copies are copies of OS, but
the when sold none of the commissions go to the developers of the OS.

2.3.1. Estimating Employee Growth

There always needs to be a balance on the number of licenses to get. Having a low amount could
result in last minute purchasing or possibly halting hiring process. Having an overabundance
would be wasted money that can be used for something else. It would be helpful to work with
your colleagues on seeing the growth of the company and getting an appropriate amount of OS
licensing based off of that.

2.3.2. Consolidate Infrastructure Hardware & Software

This is arguably one of the most important steps depending on how big your infrastructure is. For
example Microsoft declares that a license for Windows Server is per core versus per processor.
This can dramatically change the price of licensing given you have beefy servers with many
multi-core processors (common with today’s standards). That’s why it is imperative to plan out
your setup on a few factors. Things to consider such as

 Deciding if the server can go virtual or physical?

 Does the service a server provides require redundancy/high availability?

 Is it able to run on older Server OS (Windows Server 2012 or 2016 versus 2019)?

 How many multi-core processors do you want on your high-valued servers?

 Are there other ways to improve performance of the server (RAM, SSD, GPU, etc.)?

What it truly boils down to is making the decision to invest in the hardware upgrades or software
upgrades. That is when proper planning comes into play and comparing the costs.

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2.3.3. Choosing the right OS version for you

It’s important to consider what version of Windows your company is going to use. With the
announcement of Windows 7 reaching end of support this year, your options are down to
Windows 8,8.1, or 10. Windows 10 is the recommended option being its Microsoft’s project they
constantly improve for the world. However, there’s the decision of which type of Windows 10
operating system to buy. For Enterprise level, it usually comes down to Pro or Enterprise.
Comparing the two, Enterprise includes a few more features for security, but costs more money.
The decision will need to be made of what the company wants their OS to come with natively.

2.3.4. Control the activation

Microsoft offers many options for regulating the license count you purchased for your
organization. It’s very important to make sure you utilize the licenses in an appropriate manner.
Otherwise, you may reach the limit quicker than expected forcing deactivation or fork over more
money for additional licensing. Controlling activation with Volume Activation Management
Tools, can help monitor your inventory.

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Self-Check 2 Written Test

Name:- Date: -

Instruction: Answer all the questions listed below, if you have some clarifications-
feel free to ask your teacher.
1. Operating System licenses are sometimes called an “OS License Key”. T

2. During Windows installation, there is a prompt to ensure that one's date, time and region
are set. F

3. The newer Globally Unique Identifier partition table supports 100 partitions. F

4. FAT32 begun on windows XP. F

5. A primary partition is basically a partition that one's operating system can boot from.T

II. Multiple choice

1. From type of OS installation one is begins with the presence of the previous OS
A. Clean Installation C. Upgrade
B. Unattended installation D. Creating image
2. One of the following boot method is suitable for operating system whose files are on a
network drive.
3. _________ technical requirement states that a system or software must follow and comply
with the security and architectural requirements.
A. Serviceability C. Reliability
B. Standards D. Productivity
4. _________ technical requirement protecting a customer's sensitive data from internal data
professionals and employees
A. Serviceability C. Reliability
B. Privacy D. Productivity

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1. Accessibility E A. system must abide by certain authentication and authorization policies
2. Availability C B. data and information that is of a certain quality
3. Human error D C. functions more like a metric
4. Information security G D. software can detect when people have inputted inaccurate
5. Internal controls F E. seeks to make a service, software or technology accessible to all users
and parties
F. only certain users can access the decryption keys for encrypted user
and highly classified data
G. encryption and security of user credentials and personal private

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Unit Three: Installation, configuration and optimization of operating system
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
 Installing, configuring and testing operating system
 User interface
 System Optimization
 Documentation of the system
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Install, configure and test appropriate operating system using boot-utility options
 Use appropriate operating system user interface
 Optimize the system to meet organizational requirements
 Document the system according to organizational requirements

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1.1. Installand
As a matter of fact, it has come to the realization of many that an operating system is a very
important aspect when it comes to the running and functioning of any computer device. This is
due to the fact that, it is the operating system which controls every activity occurring in a
computer. For an OS to run on a device, it must be installed and configured to run in the device.
Windows installation is quite an easy activity which takes a maximum of one hour. With
installation entailing putting the operating system in the device, configuration on the other hand
means making all the necessary system settings so that the installed operating system can
function properly with all hardware and other software components.

Operation title: installing operating system

Purpose: to run a computer hardware with appropriate system software

Instruction: Ask for software and necessary materials from your instructor and implement the
following steps

Tools and Equipment: Windows 10 and Personal Computer

Precautions: insert the disk in appropriate manner and follow safety rules.


1. First input the windows 10 installer media you are using (flash or DVD).

Then turn on the computer, then go first to the BIOS to set up First Boot. The way when the new
computer is on, press the F2 key, or some existing computer uses the DEL key to enter the BIOS.
Just adjust it. After setting the first boot, press F10, save and restart. The computer will boot
through the Windows 10 installer media, and if the prompt Type any key to boot from CD or
DVD appears, press any key directly, don’t be late! Then the process will be continued soon.

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2. Select Language to install, Time and currency format, and Keyboard or input method.
If it is selected, click next.

3. Then click Install now.

4. Setup is starting, wait for the process to continue at the next stage.

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5. Then enter the serial number that you have. If you don’t have it, just click skip.

6. In this section, you can customize the Windows 10 that you will install. Adjust it to
each of your choices or needs! If it is selected, click next.

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7. Then check the “I accept the license terms” section. Then click next.

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8. In this section, there are two options, which you can choose between upgrade and
custom. Since we will reinstall our computer or laptop, then I choose custom.

9. Then we will continue with a split of partitions. Urgent! Here I hope you are very
careful, especially for the first time. Because if it’s wrong, your data might be lost
(therefore, don’t forget to backup data before reinstalling the computer/laptop).

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10. Next are the steps in the process of allocating Windows files from the installer media to
the hard disk. Wait for the process to finish.

11. Then the computer will ask to restart itself. Just click Restart now.

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12. Now almost finished, follow for the next step to the Windows 10 desktop. Then, enter
the serial number if asked. If you don’t have it, click Do this later.

13. Select I own it. Then click next.

14. Create an account for your computer. Enter your username, password, and HINT (for a
reminder if you forget your password), don’t leave it blank because if forget your password
have to format the data. When it is selected, click next.

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15. Wait for the process for a moment. Soon you will be on the desktop Windows 10.

16. Congratulations you guys have successfully installed windows 10 on your computer or

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Qulity criteria : Make a partation C and D with 60% to 40%

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3.2. User Interface

3.2.1. User Operating-System Interface

There are two fundamental approaches for users to interface with the operating system. One
technique is to provide a command-line interface or command interpreter that allows users to
directly enter commands that are to be performed by the operating system. The second approach
allows the user to interface with the operating system via a graphical user interface or GUI.

3.2.2. Command Interpreter

Some operating systems include the command interpreter in the kernel. Others, such as Windows
XP and UNIX, treat the command interpreter as a special program that is running when a job is
initiated or when a user first logs on (on interactive systems). On systems with multiple
command interpreters to choose from, the interpreters are known as shells. For example, on
UNIX and Linux systems, there are several different shells a user may choose from including the
Bourne shell, C shell, Bourne-Again shell, the Korn shell, etc. Most shells provide similar
functionality with only minor differences; most users choose a shell based upon personal
preference. The main function of the command interpreter is to get and execute the next user-
specified command. Many of the commands given at this level manipulate files: create, delete,
list, print, copy, execute, and so on. The MS-DOS and UNIX shells operate in this way. There
are two general ways in which these commands can be implemented. In one approach, the
command interpreter itself contains the code to execute the command.

For example, a command to delete a file may cause the command interpreter to jump to a
section of its code that sets up the parameters and makes the appropriate system call. In this case,
the number of commands that can be given determines the size of the command interpreter, since
each command requires its own implementing code. An alternative approach—used by UNIX,
among other operating systems —implements most commands through system programs. In this
case, the command interpreter does not understand the command in any way; it merely uses the
command to identify a file to be loaded into memory and executed. Thus, the UNIX command to
delete a file rm file.txt would search for a file called rm, load the file into memory, and execute it
with the parameter file.txt. The function associated with the rm command would be defined
completely by the code in the file rm. In this way, programmers can add new commands to the
system easily by creating new files with the proper names. The command-interpreter program,
which can be small, does not have to be changed for new commands to be added.

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3.2.3. Graphical User Interfaces
A second strategy for interfacing with the operating system is through a user friendly graphical
user interface or GUI. Rather than having users directly enter commands via a command-line
interface, a GUI allows provides a mouse-based window-and-menu system as an interface. A
GUI provides a desktop metaphor where the mouse is moved to position its pointer on images, or
icons, on the screen (the desktop) that represent programs, files, directories, and system
functions. Depending on the mouse pointer's location, clicking a button on the mouse can invoke
a program, select a file or directory—known as a folder— or pull down a menu that contains
commands. Graphical user interfaces first appeared due in part to research taking place in the
early 1970s at Xerox PARC research facility. The first GUI appeared on the Xerox Alto
computer in 1973.

However, graphical interfaces became more widespread with the advent of Apple Macintosh
computers in the 1980s. The user interface to the Macintosh operating system (Mac OS) has
undergone various changes over the years, the most significant being the adoption of the Aqua
interface that appeared with Mac OS X. Microsoft's first version of Windows—version 1.0—was
based upon a GUI interface to the MS-DOS operating system. The various versions of Windows
systems proceeding this initial version have made cosmetic changes to the appearance of the GUI
and several enhancements to its functionality, including the Windows Explorer. Traditionally,
UNIX systems have been dominated by command-line interfaces, although there are various
GUI interfaces available, including the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) and X-Windows
systems that are common on commercial versions of UNIX such as Solaris and IBM's AIX

However, there has been significant development in GUI designs from various open source
projects such as K Desktop Environment (or KDE) and the GNOME desktop by the GNU
project. Both the KDE and GNOME desktops rim on Linux and various UNIX systems and are
available under open-source licenses, which means their source code is in the public domain. The
choice of whether to use a command-line or GUI interface is mostly one of personal preference.
As a very general rule, many UNIX users prefer a command-line interface as they often provide
powerful shell interfaces. Alternatively, most Windows users are pleased to use the Windows
GUI environment and almost never use the MS-DOS shell interface. The various changes
undergone by the Macintosh operating systems provides a nice study in contrast. Historically,
Mac OS has not provided a command line interface, always requiring its users to interface with
the operating system using its GUI.

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3.2. System Optimization


However, with the release of Mac OS X (which is in part implemented using a UNIX kernel), the
operating system now provides both a new Aqua interface and command-line interface as well.
The user interface can vary from system to system and even from user to user within a system. It
typically is substantially removed from the actual system structure. The design of a useful and
friendly user interface is therefore not a direct function of the operating system. In this book, we
concentrate on the fundamental problems of providing adequate service to user programs. From
the point of view of the operating system, we do not distinguish between user programs and
system programs.

Contrary to popular belief, the Windows operating system is not any less in regard to
performance compared to its contemporary like macOS and Linux. In this article, we will look
into various ways you can optimize the performance of your Windows 10 machine. Here are
some ways you can optimize the performance of your Windows 10 computer.

 Upgrading Windows

Updating Windows contains new features, better security, eliminate bugs, and also included
performance enhancements.

 Updating Device drivers

A device driver is a computer program that operates or works intermediate between the operating
system and particular devices to communicate. So, it is necessary to update device.

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 Optimize your Hard Drive

Fragmentation occurs when the allotted memory is larger than the memory requested by the
program, then the difference between allotted and requested memory is known as fragmentation.
So, we need to run a disk defragmenter to rearrange fragmentation which makes drives work
more efficiently.

 Disk Clean-up

Disk Clean-up is a computer maintenance utility tool used to remove temporary files, files in the
recycle bin, and other items that you no longer need.

 Adjust for Best Performance

Lowering or customizing the settings of Windows visual effects will increase the performance of
your devices.

 Turn off Transparency Effects

Transparency effects will make your Windows device slow as it consumes resources. You can
disable transparency to reclaim that resources.

 Uninstall Programs you never use

Reclaim the hard disk space by uninstalling the programs which are not in use for a long time.
To reclaim your memory on the hard disk.

 Disable Background Apps

There may be some bloatware (pre-installed applications) on your Windows device which runs
in the background even if you are using them. You can even disable the background applications.

 Limit Start-up programs

Start-up programs are the programs that are configured to start when you log in. In most cases,
apps will start minimized or may only start in background tasks.

 Check for Viruses and Spyware

Virus and spyware can not only slow down your device but even can corrupt your data and do
identity theft. So, it’s better to scan for viruses and spyware to remove it by using Windows
Defender/Security or other anti-spyware programs.

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 Change the size of Virtual Memory

A paging file is an area on the hard disk that Window uses as if it were RAM. We can adjust this
paging file size to improve window performance.

 Close running applications that are not in use

Every running application consumes resources like CPU and memory. So, it is necessary to close
all the application which is not used to reclaim the allocated resources.

 Turn Off Tips and Notifications

We can also stop some background services that provide tips and suggestions to use Windows.

 Improve Hardware

To improve the performance of Windows PC we can also upgrade the hardware. Adding better
technology hardware will definitely improve the read and write speed of your device.

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Self-Check 3 Written Test

Name:- Date: -

Instruction: Answer all the questions listed below, if you have some clarifications-
feel free to ask your teacher.
1. We can adjust paging file size to improve window performance. T
2. You can even disable the background applications boost your computer performance. T
3. Rather than having users directly enter commands via a command-line interface, a GUI
allows provides a mouse-based window-and-menu system as an interface. T
4. All operating systems include the command interpreter in the kernel. F
5. When “I accept the license terms” section appear During OS installation you can click
and proceed “I don’t accept “button. F
1. Enumerate ways of Optimization
2. Enumerate the type of operating system interface
III. Explain the following
1. Disk Clean-up

2. Upgrading Windows

3. Limit Start-up programs

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LAP Test-1 Practical Demonstration

Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________

Time started: ________________________ Time finished: ________________

Instructions: Ask for all necessary templates, tools and materials you are required to perform the
following tasks within --- hour.

Task 1: Format and create two partition (C drive 70% and D drive 30%) of computer hard

Task 2: Install windows 10 on partition C

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4.1. Instruction about changes in software

Unit Four: New software requirements

This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:

 instruction about changes in software

 client feedback

This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:

 Provide required instruction about changes to the client or users

 Obtain client feedback about new system to ensure requirements met

Standardizing on your tech stack is key to making your practice efficient. To fully standardize,
you need to roll-out software to your entire client base. Migrating clients to new software is the
fifth stage in the workflow adoption curve. Getting this process right makes standardizing
significantly easier.

Here’s how great practitioners approach migrating clients to new software:

4.1.1. Make one person accountable

A complex project like client migration needs a team member responsible for managing it. They
will have support from you and the rest of the team. And will be able to call on vendor and
partner resources. But they have ownership of the process. It’s their responsibility to get all your
clients on-boarded effectively.

They don't just define and manage timelines. They are charged with maintaining or improving
client relationships as the tech roll-out happens. They look for efficiencies, make the workflow
cleaner and reduce client frustration.

They are accountable for responding to client issues if something breaks down. All staff should
be primed to over-communicate. They need to raise any issues to the point person right away.

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If you have one, your technology operations leader would be a good candidate to take on this
role. Or your onboarding manager. If you have neither of those, look to one of your most tech-
savvy bookkeepers; someone who understands the workflow and has tech experience. They
might be a great point person to lead the migration.

4.1.2. Revisit learnings from the Initial Adoption Trial

Prior to the roll-out, take time to review what you learned during the initial adoption trial.
Interview the clients, staff and vendors involved. Ask them, what went well? What processes and
behaviors do you want to emphasize during the roll-out to the rest of the client base? But also
probe for any issues that arose during the trial. How do you plan to support your clients if they
recur? Make sure all staff are aware of the problems that may crop up. Train them on how best to
handle them.

4.1.3. Segment your client base

When it comes to the roll-out, you have choices about how you want to handle it. One across the
board roll-out completed all at once. Or a staged approach in which you complete the on-
boarding of one group before moving on to the next.

A lot depends on the size and profile of your client base. And also on the size of your firm.
Rolling out to all clients at once can be resource intensive. If you have an onboarding and/or a
tech operations team, this may be a suitable strategy for you. But if you are a smaller firm with
more limited resources you may need to do it in chunks—say 25% of your clients at a time.

If you take the staged approach, you need to segment your clients. Sort them from easiest to
hardest in terms of the potential difficulty of onboarding. Consider their current frustration level
with the existing tech and workflow. Their level of tech competence. Their openness to new
processes and behaviors.

4.1.4. Create a migration system

Some new tech roll-outs will be simpler than others. For some, there won’t be much new
information to communicate to your clients. The app may be easy to use and require little
training. Great. But other installations will require more hands-on support. Regardless, you need
a plan for training and support. It should get the information across effectively, positively impact
the client experience and it should be scalable.

In your plan, identify the different needs of your clients. Consider what each of them will need to
know. Keep in mind people in different roles will have different needs. They will use the
technology for different things.

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4.1. Client Feedback
4.1.5. Set clear client expectations
Make sure to include a step in your plan in which you set expectations. Take the time to speak
with each client before the roll-out. Show them the benefits of the new app. Demonstrate how it
fits in the workflow. Communicate how you expect them to work with it. Then show them how it

Customer feedback is information provided by customers about their experience with a product
or service. Collecting customer feedback can help product, customer success, customer support,
and marketing teams understand where there is room for improvement. Feedback can be
collected proactively by polling and surveying customers, interviewing them, asking for reviews,
or implementing the right tools that collect implicit feedback.

How do you know if what you are doing is right or wrong? How do you know the way your
customers are reacting? Customer feedback is the guiding light for your company.

It not just helps improve your product, but impacts every part of your business. Be it marketing,
sales, or customer service, customer feedback helps you understand what your customers truly
like and dislike. Being close to your customers will set you on a growth trajectory that you
haven’t experienced before.

But remember, there is no one-size-fits-all tactic to gain information from your users. Different
situations require different methods of collecting customer feedback. For example, a survey form
sent to an already disgruntled user will only make matters worse; a phone call works better here.

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Self-Check 4 Written Test

Name: - Date: -

Instruction: Answer all the questions listed below, if you have some clarifications-
feel free to ask your teacher.
1. Customer feedback is information provided by customers about their experience with a
product or service. T

2. Migrating clients to new software is the fifth stage in the workflow adoption curve.
Getting this process right makes standardizing significantly easier. T

3. A complex project like client migration needs a team member responsible for managing
it. T

II. Explain the following

1. Client feedback

2. Client base

III. Enumeration

1. What are the approach in migrating clients to new software






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Participants of this Module (training material) preparation
No Name Qualification Field Organization/ Mobile E-mail
(Level) of Institution number

1 ZERIHUN ABATE A (MSC) IT Sabata Poly_technic 0911858358 [email protected]


2 MICHAEL B (BSC) IT Misrak Poly_technic 0989308914 [email protected]


3 SEWAYEHU A (MSC) IT Sodo Poly_technic 0911716733 [email protected]


4 YONAS BEYANE A (MSC) IT EthioItaly 0915007456 [email protected]


5 ABEBE MULATU B (BSC) IT Daye Poly_technic 0904834788 [email protected]


6 SOLOMON YILMA A (MSC) IT APTC (ASSOSA) 0911954729 [email protected]

7 YOHANNES B (BSC) CS Hawassa (HPTC) 0939497218 [email protected]


8 TEWDROS GIRMA A (MSC) IT Sheno Poly_technic 0911835002 [email protected]


9 SUBAGADIS GIGAR B (BSC) CSIT MoLS 0920193853 [email protected]

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