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Handling editor: X Ou Improving energy utilization efficiency to extend the range of vehicle is the common issue concerned by various
forms of electric vehicles. In order to reveal the influence of electric flywheel and electromechanical flywheel on
Keywords: vehicle economy, two kinds of hybrid energy systems are studied. Firstly, based on the operating characteristics
Electric flywheel of the two types of flywheels, the topology schemes of the two hybrid energy systems are designed. On this basis,
Electromechanical flywheel
to make full use of the advantages of electric flywheel and electromechanical flywheel, energy management
Composite energy system
strategies based on wavelet algorithm and logic threshold are designed. Finally, economy tests of the two hybrid
Energy management
Vehicle economy energy systems are conducted. Results show that compared with the single energy scheme with lithium battery,
under CLTC, as the control motor of the electric flywheel operates under high speed and low torque range
frequently, the energy consumption improvement of lithium battery is not enough to compensate for the flywheel
energy loss. The net loss of the lithium battery-electric flywheel energy system increases by 2.61%. Profit from
efficiency improvement of lithium battery system, increase of regenerative energy recovery and better efficiency
of main drive motor, the net loss of the lithium battery-electromechanical flywheel energy system decreases by
source plays an important role in the optimization of the main one [13,
1. Introduction 14]. By parameters design of the composite energy system and coordi
nated control of auxiliary energy source, the negative influence of
1.1. Introduction of research background vehicle conditions on main energy source is able to be reduced. Owing to
this, stable and efficient operation of main energy source is achieved
Improving utilization efficiency of on-board energy remains the [15–17]. The second method is the apply of distributed drive [18,19]. To
focus of the automotive industry [1,2]. Optimization design of on-board improve the efficiency of power system, two or more motors are used to
energy system plays an important role in the improvement of vehicle improve the matching degree between power system and vehicle oper
energy efficiency [3]. Different topology schemes of energy and power ations [20,21]. Parameters design and coordinated control of the
systems require different optimization design of on-board energy. As for distributed motors are essential [22,23].
the fuel vehicle, development of efficient engine is essential. Technol
ogies, such as advanced intake and exhaust system design, efficient 1.2. Introduction of flywheel system
thermodynamic cycle design and so on, have been developed [4–6]. To
improve the economy of hybrid vehicle, different parameters design and High power density and long life are the advantages of flywheel
power distribution methods of engine and motor have been proposed energy storage device [24,25]. Based on the configuration characteris
[7–10]. Consequently, mature and efficient hybrid systems have been tics of different flywheels, auxiliary power source or energy source has
developed and used. been developed and used [26]. Owing to the high power and fast
For pure electric vehicle, technical ways to improve the efficiency of response intervention, flywheel devices are able to effectively reduce the
on-board energy system can be summarized into two categories. The impact of vehicle load change on main power source or main energy
first one is the use of composite energy system [11,12]. Auxiliary energy source [27,28]. Based on the perspective of structure and energy flow,
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Li).
Received 16 October 2023; Received in revised form 11 February 2024; Accepted 20 March 2024
Available online 25 March 2024
0360-5442/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Sun et al. Energy 295 (2024) 131069
B. Sun et al. Energy 295 (2024) 131069
flywheel. Consequently, as shown in Table 1, compared with the other What are the efficiency influences of it on main energy source, main
two types of flywheels, electromechanical flywheel device shows greater power source and composite energy system?
freedom for design, control and application. By taking the advantage of Secondly, as the flywheel device has itself energy loss issue, economy
motor vector control, the device can accurately control the bidirectional analysis from the perspective of the composite energy system is neces
power and energy depth of flywheel. Therefore, the electromechanical sary. Specifically, what is the characteristic of the energy loss of flywheel
flywheel device can be designed as an energy source to adjust and device? How the energy loss effects the system economy? Does the en
optimize the working efficiency of main energy source. Moreover, it can ergy loss is greater or less than the energy optimization of the main
also be used as a power source to optimize the working state and effi energy source?
ciency of main power source. Finally, as the energy management strategy based on rule-based,
global optimization and local optimization algorithms are unable to
1.3. Introduction of energy management strategy balance energy optimization and real-time performance, based on
existing hardware conditions, how to design an appropriate energy
The core of energy management is to develop efficient energy allo management strategy for the composite energy system that can achieve
cation control strategy that matches the topology of the vehicle energy engineering application with best energy optimization?
and power system under different working conditions [35,36]. It is the
key to ensuring the efficient performance of vehicle. According to the 1.5. Introduction of novelty and creativity in this paper
different algorithms used, the current energy management strategies for
vehicle hybrid systems can be summarized into three types: strategy Given the above analysis, this paper provides a deep analysis on the
based on rule-based algorithm, global optimization algorithm, and local influence of electric flywheel and electromechanical flywheel on electric
optimization algorithm [37–39]. vehicle economy. This paper attempts to make three notable contribu
The energy management strategy based on rule-based algorithm uses tions and improvements to the current study, as shown in the followings:
given mode switching rule by experience to control energy. It has the Specially structured electromechanical flywheel device was
characteristics of simple algorithm structure, strong real-time perfor designed: To solve the challenges of limited energy control range and
mance, but relatively poor energy efficiency [40]. The energy manage extremely high cost of electric and mechanical flywheel systems, the
ment strategy based on global optimization algorithms, such as genetic electromechanical flywheel based on planetary gear was designed. The
algorithm, population algorithm and so on, are able to deeply explore device is able to act as both auxiliary energy source and power source,
the potential of efficient energy utilization, and shows perfect energy thereby, can realize the efficiency improvement of lithium battery and
efficiency. However, as the algorithm is complex, poor real-time per main drive motor. The new flywheel system is able to achieve flywheel
formance restricts its practical engineering applications [41]. The last energy control from 0 to 100% by a speed regulating motor and plan
type of energy management focus on local optimization, by using dy etary gear. Furthermore, it can achieve frequent braking energy recov
namic programming, can solve the efficient application of system energy ery. Thereby, the maximum design speed of flywheel is reduced. Due to
within limited time interval working conditions [42]. The algorithm still the reduction in the maximum design speed, it is unnecessary to use
has very high hardware requirement for the controller. expensive designs such as vacuum chamber and magnetic levitation
bearing, which is conducive to the promotion and application of it.By
1.4. Introduction of proposing research question using the new flywheel system, under CLTC cycle, compared with the
electric flywheel scheme, the net consumption of the lithium battery and
In general, compared with electric and mechanical flywheel systems, the whole hybrid system decreases by 8.05% and 113.88%.
the electromechanical flywheel shows significant advantages on low Energy management strategy based on two-stage power split
cost and easy application. However, as the electromechanical flywheel was proposed: To fully leverage the fast-response and high-power ad
has special structure and energy flow, there are still unresolved issues. vantages of electric flywheel, an energy management based on two-stage
First of all, since the new scheme uses steel bearing and atmospheric power split was proposed. The first stage was designed by using rule-
environment, does it really have advantage in efficiency optimization? based control strategy to achieve the basic power allocation. The sec
ond one was proposed with the use of wavelet algorithm to decompose
Table 1 the high and low frequency of the power required by vehicle. Compared
Comparison of different types of flywheels. to the rule-based strategy, the new energy management strategy shows
Representative Electric Mechanical Electromechanical greater advantage on improvement of lithium battery performance
schemes flywheel of WHS flywheel of flywheel proposed by while balances real-time performance. Under CLTC cycle, the proportion
Flybrid this paper of working conditions of electric flywheel increases significantly.
The input and Electric drive Mechanical Both electric and Consequently, the peak power and current of lithium battery decrease
output paths of system transmission mechanical systems by 82.67% and 90.43%. The average drive power and current decrease
flywheel energy system by 18.18% and 23.56%. The average efficiency improves by 1.42%.
Operating Vacuum Vacuum Atmospheric
Specific impacts of flywheel on electric vehicle economy were
conditions of environment environment environment
flywheel revealed: For the first time, from the perspective of vehicle economy,
Energy regulation Limited by gear 75%–100% 0–100% the impact of different types of flywheel systems on the efficiency of the
amplitude ratio entire energy system was analyzed. The shortcomings and advantages of
Maximum 40000–45000 64500 25000 them were identified. Research results provide important reference
flywheel speed
(r.min− 1)
value for the design and vehicle application of different flywheel sys
Flywheel material Patented Carbon fiber Metal tems. The electric flywheel is able to regulate the charge and discharge
magnetically composite current of lithium battery by instantaneous and high-power interven
loaded material tion, thus improving lithium battery efficiency. However, due to the
frequent operation of electric flywheel in the high speed and low torque
Requirements for Ceramic bearing Hybrid Steel bearings
bearing ceramic ball range, the efficiency of control motor is very low. The long-time and
bearings low-efficiency operation of the control motor will not only affect the
Difficulty in Very high Very high Relatively low efficiency of electric flywheel device, but also have a negative impact on
promoting the whole hybrid energy system. On the perspective of vehicle economy,
there are two key issues need to be solved urgently for the application of
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3.1.2. The second-stage power split based on wavelet transform frequency approximation signals by discrete wavelet using high-pass
The rapidly changing and transient power affects the efficiency and filter H1(z) and low-pass filter H0(z). Then, the decomposed signal is
life of lithium battery. Method to identify the severe working condition reconstructed by reconstructing filter G1(z) and G0(z). Since the data
and decompose the high-frequency power is essential. In this paper, the amount after signal decomposition is about twofold of the original one,
discrete wavelet transform is used to decompose the lithium battery the data scale needs to be adjusted. The down and up samplers are used
power distributed from the upper stage. The high frequency and tran during signal decomposition and reconstruction. In order to ensure the
sient power after decomposition is assign to the electric flywheel. The orthogonality of filter, two-channel orthogonal filter is adopted.
low frequency power is distributed to the lithium battery. The discrete Considering frequency limitation in actual system and the goal of
wavelet transform of signal f(t) is as following: maintaining computational simplicity, a third-order Haar wavelet
∫ +∞ decomposition for power demand signal is selected. As shown in Fig. 7,
1 (t − τ )
W(τ, s) = f (t) √̅̅ ψ dt (3) the third-order Haar wavelet for decomposition and reconstruction of
s s
− ∞
input signal f(t) is present.
In order to avoid the negative impact of transient power on the
Where, W(τ,S) is the wavelet coefficient; f(t) is the original signal; s is the
lithium battery, it is necessary to perform the third-order Haar wavelet
scale factor, s = 2j j ∈ Z; τ is the translation factor, τ = k2j, k ∈ Z; Ψ is
decomposition on the power distributed to the lithium battery Pbat1 from
wavelet function.
the first stage. The high-frequency transient power is supported by the
In order to simplify program composition and improve code execu
electric flywheel, while the low-frequency power is distributed to the
tion rate, Haar wavelet algorithm is used in this paper. The Haar wavelet
lithium battery. The power distribution result after decomposition by
function is as following:
wavelet transform is as following:
⎨ 1, x ∈ [0, 0.5) ⎧
ψ (x) = − 1, x ∈ [0.5, 1) (4) ⎨ Pbat1 = Pbat2 + Pfw2
⎩ P = f0 (t) (5)
0, otherwise ⎩ bat2
Pfw2 = f1 (t) + f2 (t) + f3 (t)
The original signal is decomposed into low-frequency and high-
B. Sun et al. Energy 295 (2024) 131069
Where, Pfw is the power distributed to the flywheel system after the two-
stage power distribution; Pfw1 is the power assigned to the flywheel by
the logic threshold strategy.
In order to avoid the SOE of flywheel is lower or higher than its limit
value after the third-order Haar wavelet, a design margin of 0.01 is used
on the basis of SOEfwmin and SOEfwmax. When SOEfw > SOEfwmin+0.01 or
SOEfw < SOEfwmax-0.01, the Haar wavelet is conducted. While in other
cases, the decomposition of Pbat1 ends. The power of the lithium battery
and the electric flywheel are obtained by the logic threshold control
B. Sun et al. Energy 295 (2024) 131069
3.2. Lithium battery-electromechanical flywheel energy system 18000r•min− 1. The capacity and energy storage of lithium battery are
220A•h and 73 kW•h. The hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) test platform is
As electromechanical flywheel is able to act as a power source, in designed for compiling the energy management strategy. The compiled
order to better distribute the torque between the main drive motor and code is conducted on the test bench. The electric dynamometer is used to
the electromechanical flywheel to improve the efficiency of the hybrid load the operation resistance, so as to simulate the driving resistance of
system, a drive torque distribution control strategy based on logic the vehicle under different test cycles. Due to the limitation of labora
threshold control is designed, as shown Fig. 8. The lower limit SOC value tory space, a safe and controllable performance test chamber for lithium
of the lithium battery is set as SOCbat_min, the maximum torque of the battery is unable to be installed. To solve this problem, a lithium battery
speed control motor is Tm2_max, the maximum torque of the main drive simulator is adopted. By presetting parameters of a given lithium battery
motor is Tm1_max. The three parameters are designed as the threshold and on-line control, the charging and discharging performance of it can
values of the logic strategy. be simulated.
When SOC is less than or equal to the lower limit value, the output For the test platform of lithium battery-electromechanical flywheel
torques from the two motors are zero. When SOC is higher than the composite system, the power coupler is used to couple power of main
lower limit value, the control strategy is as followings. drive motor and electromechanical flywheel device. Thus, four-wheel
drive scheme of the hybrid system is achieved. As the lithium battery-
(1) When the torque Treq required by driver is less than Tmot2_max, Treq electric flywheel energy system has no mechanical power coupling
is completely provided by the speed control motor. The main with vehicle, the power coupler is not used during the test of it. For the
drive motor does not participate in the work. test platform of the lithium battery-electromechanical flywheel com
(2) When Tmot2_max ≤ Treq ≤ Tmot1_max, Treq is fully provided by the posite system, the power coupler is used to couple power of the main
main drive motor, the speed regulating motor does not partici drive motor and the electromechanical flywheel. Thus, four-wheel drive
pate in the work. scheme of the hybrid system is achieved. As the lithium battery-electric
(3) When Tmot1_max < Treq ≤ Tmot1_max + Tmot2_max, the main drive flywheel energy system has no mechanical power coupling with vehicle,
motor provides constant torque Tmot1_max, the insufficient part is the power coupler is not used during the test of it.
provided by the speed regulating motor.
(4) When Treq > Tmot1_max + Tmot2_max, Treq needs to be corrected. The
main drive motor provides constant torque Tmot1_max and the 4.2. Influence of energy strategy on lithium battery-electric flywheel
speed control motor provides constant torque Tmot2_max. system
4. Performance test and data analysis As shown in Fig. 10, under CLTC cycle, the influences of energy
strategy on lithium battery-electric flywheel system are given. Results
4.1. Introduction of the test platform indicate that, compared to the rule-based strategy, the proposed energy
management strategy based on two-stage power split shows greater
As shown in Fig. 9, test platform is developed for performance test. advantage on improvement of the lithium battery performance.
The maximum energy of electric flywheel is 0.67 kW•h with the First of all, the new strategy is able to increase the proportion of
maximum speed of 42000r•min− 1. The maximum energy of electro working conditions where electric flywheel participates in work. Owing
mechanical flywheel is 0.11 kW•h with the maximum speed of to this, the lithium battery is able to operate more stably. The peak
power and current of it decrease by 82.67% and 90.43%. The average
B. Sun et al. Energy 295 (2024) 131069
drive power and current of the lithium battery decrease by 18.18% and scheme 1, the maximum discharge current of the lithium battery is
23.56%, respectively. Finally, benefiting by the improvement of the new reduced by 30.98% to 303A. However, the maximum charge current is
strategy on lithium battery operations, its average efficiency improves increased by 15.28% to 166A. The average discharge current of the
by 1.42%. lithium battery is reduced by 1.73%–39.77A. Whlie, the average charge
current is increased by 31.07%–37.08A.
Compared with the electric flywheel, the electromechanical flywheel
4.3. Influence of flywheel device on lithium battery current shows less effect on the regulation of the lithium battery current. The
main reasons are as followings: First of all, compared with the electric
As shown in Fig. 11, the discharge current variation of the lithium flywheel, the maximum design energy storage of the electromechanical
battery under CLTC cycle is given. For the original scheme with single flywheel is reduced by 83.58%, which inevitably affects the energy
energy (scheme 1), the maximum discharge and charge currents of the regulation range of the lithium battery. Thus, the larger energy flow of
lithium battery are 439A and 144A, respectively. The average discharge the lithium battery means the larger lithium battery current under
and charge currents are 40.47A and 28.29A. As for the lithium battery- scheme 3. Secondly, due to the unique topology of the electromechan
electric flywheel composite energy scheme (scheme 2), due to the ical flywheel, constrained by the planetary gear mechanism, when the
regulation of the electric flywheel, the maximum discharge and charge flywheel attached to ring gear releases energy, the speed control motor
currents of the lithium battery are reduced by 90.21% and 100%, to 43A connected to sun gear has to work at the same time. The operating motor
and 0 A. The average discharge and charge currents are reduced by requires energy from the lithium battery, which in turn increases the
37.39% and 100%, respectively, to 25.34A and 0 A. It shows that the discharge current of it.
electric flywheel has a perfect regulation effect on the charge and Compared with scheme 1, both the maximum and the average charge
discharge currents of lithium battery. currents of the lithium battery increase under scheme 3. The main
For the lithium battery-electromechanical flywheel composite en reason is that scheme 1 uses the single-motor and two-wheel drive
ergy scheme (scheme 3), different from scheme 2, it shows different power system. This scheme can only realize two-wheel regenerative
regulation rules for the currents of the lithium battery. Compared with
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brake recovery. scheme 3 adopts the dual-motor and four-wheel drive control motor under CLTC is given. Results show that, in order to ensure
power system. Therefor, four-wheel regenerative brake energy recovery high SOE, the electric flywheel has to run frequently in the high-speed
is achieved. The results show that the total brake energy recovery is range. As there is no variable speed device between the flywheel and
increased by 27.14%. Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 12, as the maximum the control motor, the motor needs to operate in the high-speed and low-
design energy of the electromechanical flywheel is small, the conversion torque range for a long time, where the motor efficiency is very low. The
between vehicle kinetic energy to flywheel kinetic energy is limited. average efficiency of the flywheel control motor is only 75.92%,
Consequently, most of the recovered brake energy is converted to resulting in the low efficiency of the electric flywheel device.
electric energy, which actually increases the maximum and average The losses of the electromechanical flywheel mainly include the
charge currents of the lithium battery. wind resistance loss from flywheel rotor, the bearing loss, the mechan
ical friction loss and the speed control motor loss. By measuring the
4.4. Effect of flywheel device on lithium battery efficiency input and output torques of the electromechanical flywheel under
different speeds, the operation efficiency of the electromechanical
As shown in Fig. 13, under CLTC test cycle, the initial SOC of lithium flywheel is obtained. Fig. 15 shows the efficiency characteristic of the
battery is set to 0.8, the charge and discharge efficiencis of the lithium electromechanical flywheel under CLTC condition. Results show that,
battery are achieved. For scheme 1, the average efficiency of the lithium compared with the electric flywheel, the frequency that the electrome
battery is 91.36%. Owing to the current reduction, the average effi chanical flywheel participates in CLTC operation increases by 136.25%.
ciency of the lithium battery is increased by 4.49%–95.46% under The main reason is that the maximum energy capacity of theelec
scheme 2. Unlike scheme 2, the electromechanical flywheel presents tromechanical flywheel is low. In order to ensure the adjustment effect
different influence on the efficiency regulation of the lithium battery. of the device, the flywheel is controlled to participate in CLTC operation
Compared with scheme 1, the discharge efficiency of the lithium battery more frequently.
is increased by 2.12% while the charge efficiency is reduced by 2.79%. Furthermore, the average efficiency of the electromechanical
The average efficiency is 91.03% with an overall reduction of 0.36%. flywheel is higher, that is 86.06%. Owing to the influence of the plan
The main reason is that, as discussed above, the intervention of the etary gear, there is a speed coupling relationship between the flywheel
electric flywheel reduces the charge and discharge currents of the and the speed regulating motor. The probability of the speed control
lithium battery. It is helpful for improving the lithium battery efficiency. motor running in low efficiency area, high speed and low torque, is
Although, the electromechanical flywheel is able to reduce the discharge significantly reduced. It is helpful for improving the condition efficiency
current of the lithium battery and improve the discharge efficiency, it, at of the electromechanical flywheel device.
the same time, increases the charge current of it and causes larger
negative effect on the charge efficiency. Consequently, the overall effi 4.6. Analysis of system net energy consumption
ciency of the lithium battery reduces under scheme 3.
As shown in Fig. 16, the system net energy consumptions of different
4.5. Analysis of flywheel device efficiency schemes under CLTC condition are given. As the lithium battery, electric
flywheel and electromechanical flywheel have the characteristic of
As magnetic suspension bearing and vacuum chamber are used in the bidirectional energy flow during operation, the system net energy con
electric flywheel, the efficiency of it is mainly affected by the flywheel sumption is defined in this paper. That is, taking the electric flywheel for
control motor. By measuring the input and output torques of the electric example, the system net energy consumption of it means the difference
flywheel at different speeds, the efficiency of the device can be derived. between the actual energy consumption and the recovered brake energy.
As shown in Fig. 14, the efficiency characteristic diagram of the flywheel If the difference is negative, the recovered brake energy is greater than
Fig. 12. Regenerative brake of flywheel under two composite energy systems.
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Fig. 18 gives the system net energy consumption of the three schemes
under UUDS and HWFET cycles. They represent the urban and highway
operations, respectively. Different from the test results under CLTC and
Fig. 16. System net energy consumption under different schemes. HWFET cycles, the system net energy consumption of the electric
flywheel is negative under UUDS. Frequent brake is the unique char
acteristic of the urban cycle, which definitely increases the recovered
consist of the lithium battery net consumption and the flywheel one.
energy of the electric flywheel. Consequently, the energy recovery of
Results show that, the net energy consumption of the lithium battery
flywheel is greater than its energy consumption. However, under
under scheme 2 is the highest. Compared with scheme 1 and 3, it in
HWFET cycle, the system net energy consumption of the electric
creases by 2.61% and 8.76%. Moreover, the system net energy con
flywheel shows a significant raise. Compared with CLTC and UUDS cy
sumption of scheme 2 is 6.55% and 12.93%, higher than scheme 1 and 3.
cles, it increases by 17.08% and 42.45%. Stable operating condition is
The main reasons are as followings.
the special characteristic of HWFET cycle, which means less regenera
tive brake and energy recovery of the electric flywheel. Furthermore, the
(1) The energy conversion efficiency of the electric flywheel is low.
low efficiency of the flywheel device has further deterioration on the
The use of the electric flywheel is able to improve the lithium
system net energy consumption, since the lithium battery is controlled to
battery charge and discharge efficiency, compared with scheme
charge the flywheel frequently to ensure that it operates above the
1, the average cycle efficiency is increased from 91.36% to
minimum speed limit.
95.46%. However, the average efficiency of the electric flywheel
Moreover, compared with CLTC and UUDS cycles, under HWFET
is very low, only 75.92%. It means that, when the electric
condition, for the three schemes, the net energy consumptions of the
flywheel takes part in operation, the energy consumption
lithium battery increase in different degrees. The main reason is that the
improvement of the lithium battery is not enough to compensate
less brake means the smaller energy recovery for the lithium battery and
for the additional energy consumption of the flywheel.
flywheel, thus the lithium battery operates with high power and current
(2) With the use of the designed energy management strategy, the
frequently. Low efficiency of the lithium battery is inevitable.
lithium battery is controlled to charge the flywheel according to
its SOE. Thus, the flywheel speed can be maintained above the
5. Conclusion
minimum limit speed.
(1) The electric flywheel is able to regulate the charge and discharge
The net energy consumption of the lithium battery under scheme 3 is
currents of the lithium battery by instantaneous and high-power
the lowest. It is 5.65% and 8.05% lower than scheme 1 and scheme 2. In
intervention, thus improving the lithium battery efficiency.
addition, scheme 3 shows the lowest system net energy consumption,
However, due to the frequent operation of the electric flywheel in
that is 6.44% and 12.19% lower than the other two schemes respec
high-speed and low-torque range, the efficiency of the control
tively. The main reasons are as followings.
motor is very low. The long-time and low-efficiency operation of
the control motor not only affects the efficiency of the electric
(1) Compared with the electric flywheel, the participation proportion
flywheel, but also has a negative impact on the whole hybrid
of the electromechanical flywheel in CLTC cycle is higher. More
Fig. 17. Efficiency of the main drive motor of the composite energy system schemes.
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