Invention Commercial Full Ws
Invention Commercial Full Ws
Invention Commercial Full Ws
Group Members:
Assignment: In your group, design a new invention and complete the following worksheet. The worksheet will be
due at the beginning of class next week. One worksheet per group with everyone’s name on it is ok.
A. Brainstorming
One of the best ways to collect ideas for developing an innovation or invention is to take a
survey and do some research. Use the questions below to generate some ideas for a new
invention in your group.
1. Think of simple products, machines, or devices in your life. Make a list of everyday
inventions that make life more convenient or better than it was in the past.
(Example: screw-top bottles, remote controls, portable battery for cell phone, etc.)
• ________________________________________ • ________________________________________
• ________________________________________ • ________________________________________
• ________________________________________ • ________________________________________
• ________________________________________ • ________________________________________
2. Think about your life at home, work, school, etc. What are some problems you would like to solve?
• At home: _________________________________________________________________________________
• At work: _________________________________________________________________________________
• At school: ________________________________________________________________________________
• At ( ): _____________________________________________________________________________
3. Now, brainstorm a list of possible new inventions with your group. List all ideas and make notes about what they do.
• ________________________________________ • ________________________________________
• ________________________________________ • ________________________________________
• ________________________________________ • ________________________________________
• ________________________________________ • ________________________________________
• ________________________________________ • ________________________________________
• ________________________________________ • ________________________________________
Group Members:
1. What did you decide to invent? What would name your invention? (Our invention is a….We call it a….)
2. What does your invention do? What is the problem you hope to solve with your invention? (Ex: We hope to solve the
problem of/with…)
4. Who would use this product? (Ex: Children, KG Students, Teachers, Grandmothers, etc.)
5. What descriptive words would you use to describe this product? Write 3 below. (Ex: exciting, new, wonderful,
cutting-edge, etc.)
Make an Invention Commercial
Group Members:
Assignment: Make a one-minute commercial (CM) for your invention and present it to the class. The commercial
must be a video or live action commercial. You can either perform it live in class or make a video and play it for
the class.
Hey guys. Are you having trouble sleeping at night? I was too, until I discovered Snoozers. I'd tried
everything -- pills, tea, counting sheep -- but nothing was working for me. Then a friend introduced me to
Snoozers, an amazing, fast-acting medication that worked the first time I tried it, and has kept on
working to give me the rest I deserve. Snoozers is an all-natural, herbal remedy that interacts naturally
with your body, leaving you relaxed and ready to lay down and sleep. Just one teaspoonful, mixed with
warm water, is all you need to ensure a good night's rest. Just $9.99 a bottle or you can try it today for
free! For a limited time, you can get a free sample by calling 1-888-666-5454. That's 1-888-666-5454.
Take it from me, Pat O'Donnell, Snoozers works! Don't spend another night thrashing and turning. Call
1-888-666-5454 for your free Snoozers sample now!
Note: Please make sure that your video formatting will work before class
starts. Problems with technology are no excuse for not completing the
assignment in class.
1. What is it?
2. What can it do?
3. How does it make like easier
and more convenient?
4. Where can you buy it? Who
should by it?
5. How much does it cost?
6. Use words that make people
want to buy it:
• 1 compound noun -
top-quality, economy-size,
• 1 superlative - It's the best,
the fastest, the cheapest....
• 1 adjective - new, modern,
Step 3: Submit your script to Matthew by next week for editing
Step 1: 20 minutes to practice your commercial with your group or prepare your video.
Step 2: Perform or play your commercial.
Step 3: After your commercial, please shortly explain your answers to the following questions to the class.
Step 4: Submit a final written copy of your script. Put all the names of the group members on the sheet.
Total: /40