Investigate The Impact of Using Chatgpt On Education Students in Academic Performances and Learning Experiences at Colegio de Montalban
Investigate The Impact of Using Chatgpt On Education Students in Academic Performances and Learning Experiences at Colegio de Montalban
Investigate The Impact of Using Chatgpt On Education Students in Academic Performances and Learning Experiences at Colegio de Montalban
Province of Rizal
Municipality of Montalban
Colegio de Montalban
Kasiglahan Village San Jose Montalban Rizal
S.Y 2023-2024
Submitted by:
Olarte, Trisha D.
Labiaga, Edjoylen
Geminiano, Godwin
Flores, Ace
Recent years have seen an increase in the integration of artificial intelligence (AI)
technologies within education, and Chat GPT has stood out as one of the most popular
methods to improve educational facilities. As many other educational institutions do, Colegio
de Montalban has incorporated Chat GPT into their system to assist students with more
personalized help and resources. Yet, like all technological marvels, there is always the need
to focus on both sides of the aisle and zoom in on not just its pluses but its minuses as well.
Therefore, what follows aims at giving an authentic view concerning whether Chat GPT
might be more damaging than helpful for students and their academic performance. This
study aims to probe into the various ramifications of Chat GPT at Colegio de Montalban. We
hope to generate thinking around how these benefits personalization of help and increased
engagement—result in Chat GPT being a support for students through their studying journey
as we explore further into its impact. However, the disadvantages related to such a program
e.g., addiction to usage, validity will also be examined in order to determine its impact on the
From exploring this, we hope that the insights provided will help educators, administrators,
and policymakers reflect on how best to integrate Chat GPT with educational practices at
Colegio de Montalban. Understanding the subtle effects of Chat GPT on students’ learning
performance and experiences can help establish an ecosystem where technology only serves
as a support mechanism that strengthens rather than replaces traditional pedagogy, thereby
enabling our students to achieve success in their academic journeys. Furthermore, while AI
integration in education presents exciting prospects, it also raises ethical questions about data
protection and algorithmic biases. As a result, this study will also address the ethical issues of
impact on students' academic experiences. This study aims to provide significant insights on
the use of Chat GPT as an educational resource, which will inform future pedagogical
Among these tools, Chat GPT stands out as a strong candidate, with potential benefits
for improving students' academic experiences. Despite its claims, Chat GPT raises important
doubts about its usefulness and impact on student learning outcomes. This study aims to delve
into the complex domain of Chat GPT inside the educational landscape of Colegio de
Montalban, uncovering both its benefits and drawbacks while analyzing its concrete impact
Finally, Chat GPT's potential may be limited by the current state of artificial intelligence technology,
which may pose challenges in understanding complex queries. However, with careful consideration
of these limitations, Chat GPT integration can effectively complement traditional methods.
Technology tools can improve academic performance by giving students access to greater amounts of
information and resources. Moreover, Chat GPT's impact on student academic performance extends
beyond just immediate support. The mediating role of learning motivation, an important
psychological factor, is crucial in understanding the relationship between Chat GPT as an academic
This paper explores the integration of Chat GPT, an AI-based language model, in undergraduate
education. The study examines the potential benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations
associated with incorporating Chat GPT into teaching and learning practices. It investigates the
impact of Chat GPT on student engagement, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, as well as
its potential to enhance writing skills and provide personalized learning experiences. The survey
conducted on faculty staff at a university reveals their perspectives on using Chat GPT, including its
effects on learning outcomes and performance. Additionally, the paper addresses concerns related to
biases in AI-generated content, privacy issues, copyright considerations, and the importance of
balancing AI use with traditional teaching approaches. The findings emphasize the need for
responsible implementation, faculty training, and ongoing evaluation to maximize the benefits of
Chat GPT while upholding ethical practices in education. Overall, this paper sheds light on the
potential of Chat GPT as a valuable tool in undergraduate education while highlighting the
importance of maintaining critical thinking skills and human interaction in the learning process Chat
technology that was made available in November 2022. This tool responds to inquiries in a
conversational manner. Chat GPT is one of several AI techniques that comprise the big language
model. Developed by Open AI, it can produce outlines, poetry, letters, advice, cover letters, resumes,
and even blog posts for this website. Chat GPT can provide logical and fluid replies to a variety of
inquiries and prompts since it has been trained on a vast quantity of text data. It can make research
and learning more efficient. Through an internet browser, anyone may communicate with Chat GPT.
Chat GPT reacts to a question or prompt that has been posted. The education community has had
conflicting feelings about Chat GPT. As students utilize recent technology to cheat on essays, exams,
and assignments, some educators have become alarmed. others are approaching it more liberally and
think it has the potential to revolutionize education by helping students become better writers,
Artificial intelligence, also known as AI has brought about a transformation, in the field of education
by introducing tools and resources that show promise in improving the teaching and learning
experience. While AI offers advantages it also comes with drawbacks that need to be considered.
This review of literature aims to examine both the benefits and drawbacks of integrating intelligence
personalized and interactive learning experiences. Technologies like Chat GPT can create prompts
for assessment tasks offering feedback to enhance teaching and learning processes. This tailored
approach to education has been proven to boost proficiency levels and cultivate attitudes towards AI
assisted learning (Bommarito & Katz 2015). Additionally, tools such, as chat bots have been
designed to assist students in classrooms by providing resources to enrich their learning journey
Despite these advantages there are obstacles related to incorporating AI into education settings. One
major concern revolves around the possibility of errors and biases being introduced during data
training processes, which could potentially misinform students and impact their outcomes negatively
(Baidoo Anu & Ansah 2023). Furthermore, the absence of defined standards regarding the expertise
of teachers, in intelligence along with insufficient assistance, in acquiring the necessary skills
presents substantial challenges that must be overcome. According to Akgun and Greenhow (2021),
another downside of utilizing AI in education is privacy issues. The use of artificial intelligence
systems in educational settings raises ethical concerns concerning student privacy and data security.
Moreover, Kocielnik, Amershi, and Bennett (2019) emphasized the importance of managing end-user
expectations of AI systems, as faulty AI can lead to dissatisfaction and mistrust among students and
instructors. In addition to the benefits and drawbacks of AI in secondary education, there are
knowledge gaps that require further research. There is less understanding of the potential long-term
This study aims to investigate the benefits and drawbacks of integrating Chat GPT into educational
practices at Colegio de Montalban, focusing on its influence on students' academic performance and
learning experiences. Specifically, the study seeks to address the following questions:
1.2 Sex
2.What are the perceived benefits of integrating ChatGPT into educational practices at Colegio de
3.How does the integration of ChatGPT affect students' academic performance, including their
Theoretical frameworks
Chat GPT, an advanced AI chat bot, ushers in a new era of intelligent technology. While it benefits
academia, its use has led to have some negative impacts as well. According to Richard Ryan, PhD and
Edward desi PhD self-determination Theory (SDT), the research hypothesizes that the use of Chat GPT
would positively influence student learning outcomes by fulfilling the psychological needs of autonomy,
competence, and relatedness. The study confirms the positive impact of Chat GPT on student motivation
and performance, aligning with and expanding upon the principles of SDT. It highlights the potential of
integrating AI tools in educational strategies, while also acknowledging the need for cautious
interpretation due to limitations like the violation of homoscedasticity assumptions. This research opens
new avenues for the strategic use of AI in education and sets a foundation for future exploration in this
evolving field.The use of Chat GPT in education has generated considerable interest due to its potential to
enrich the learning experience of students. By providing quick and personalized responses, this system
has the ability to address individual student needs, offer immediate feedback and facilitate the
understanding of complex concepts. In this way, it becomes a promising tool that promotes a student’s
active participation and cognitive advancement by adapting to their learning pace and offering continuous
Conceptual frameworks
This study used a quantitative research approach and focused on Bachelor of Elementary Education
(Beed) students at Colegio de Montalban. Its major goal was to look at the benefits and drawbacks of
using Chat GPT for academic performance. To collect data on how Chat GPT affects various areas of
academic performance and learning experiences for these Student, the research may use interview
question or even experimental treatments. Researchers may collect qualitative data to assess the
statistical links between AI usage and academic achievements, offering significant insights into the
Additionally, examining both the strength and weakness that allows for a comprehensive
understanding of the multifaceted impact of AI on teaching and learning in the context of Bachelor of
Elementary Education programs. Furthermore, analyzing both the benefits and disadvantages
provides for a more thorough understanding of AI's multifaceted influence on teaching and learning
The researchers will seek permission from the dean of the Institute of Education to conduct a survey
among the respective pupils of the students. Upon receiving approval, the researchers will invite the pupils
to participate in the survey. Participation is voluntary, and students have the option to decline without any
obligation. The survey will be selected by Bachelor of Elementary Education (Beed) students of Colegio
De Montalban, regardless of gender.purposes of this study. Additionally, the researchers will uphold the
anonymity of respondents throughout the survey process. Personal information will not be disclosed, and
strict measures will be taken to ensure confidentiality. Participants can rest assured that their anonymity
will be maintained, and their personal information will not be shared. Any breach of confidentiality by the
researchers will result in accountability. Furthermore, the researchers pledge not to utilize respondents'
experiences or comments for any other purposes beyond the scope of this study.
Research design
The aim of this study was to explore the impact of using Chat GPT on students in academic performances
in college education through a qualitative inquiry methodology, analyzing the academic performance of
respondents in their classes. The targeted participants are Bachelor of Elementary Education (Beed)
students at Colegio De Montalban, with a 10 respondents that selected from different section.
To ensure reliable and standardized findings, the research technique of choice is the Colegio De Montalban
interview method by use of Interview sheet that will be utilized, including questions pertaining to academic
success to gather additional data from the participants. Proper documentation will be maintained by the
researchers as the survey is conducted on the Campus Colegio de Montalban. The survey questions have
been meticulously crafted, considering the diverse backgrounds of the respondents. Furthermore, the
researchers assure participants that their personal information will be kept confidential.
The primary objective of this study is to gain insights into the respondents' experiences and the potential
benefits and drawbacks of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in ChatGpt into their studies. The
methodologies employed, along with the questions posed, aim to facilitate the researchers in drawing
Research instrument
In order to get the data needed for the respondent's profile, the researcher developed a Interview
question as the tool that was employed. The requirements for developing an excellent data collection
tool were taken into account. during the instrument's creation. Given that the respondents'
preparedness for knowledge varied. For instance, the inferential of the situation or pertinent subjects
needed to be more precise. To gather the information needed for this investigation, the researchers
will employ an instrument they designed themselves an interview students of Colegio De Montalban
were asked to complete interview utilizing question concerning the impact of using Chat GPT on
students in academic performances and learning experiences for students were produced. The
question consisted of 8 questions, that focus on what are the perceived benefits of integrating Chat
This study explores the use of Chat GPT, a language model driven by AI, in higher education. This
research delves into the benefits, challenges, and moral implications associated with incorporating
Chat GPT into instructional strategies. It looks into how Chat GPT can affect students' critical
thinking, problem-solving, and engagement levels in addition to its ability to enhance writing skills
and provide individualized learning experiences. A poll of university faculty members exposes their
opinions about using Chat GPT in the classroom and how it affects student performance.
Additionally, the study addresses difficulties with privacy, copyright, biases in AI-generated
information, and the need to strike a balance between using AI and conventional teaching methods.
The outcomes highlight how crucial faculty training programs, implementation procedures, and The
findings highlight the significance of faculty training initiatives, implementation strategies, and
ongoing evaluation in order to optimize Chat GPT's benefits while upholding educational standards.
This study essentially clarifies the potential applications of Chat GPT in higher education while
highlighting the need of maintaining critical thinking skills and interpersonal relationships
This part presents the result of the study. It sought to answer the following questions:
1.What is the demographic profile of:
1.1) Age:
Table 1
22–23-year-old 2 40%
24 – 27-year-old 2 40%
Total: 10 100%
the table there are 6 different age respondents or 60% from 20 years old and above. The
most respondents are at the age bracket 20-21 years old with 6 or 60%. The 22-23year old
with 2 respondent or 40% and 24-27 with their 2 respondent or 40% got same frequency
1.From your perspective, what specific Respondent no1 : specific benefits to the educational
benefits do you believe ChatGPT brings to environment, providing instant access to information,
the educational environment at Colegio de personalized assistance, and enhanced learning
experiences for students at Colegio de Montalban.
3.In your experience, how do students Respondent no1 : Students perceive the benefits
perceive the benefits of utilizing ChatGPT in of utilizing ChatGPT in their learning processes
their learning processes at Colegio de at Colegio de Montalban as a valuable tool for
quick information retrieval, and academic
support. They appreciate the convenience of
accessing instant explanations, receiving
feedback on assignments.
Respondent no 5: yes
Respondent no 6: Yes , sometimes of the classmates
using chatgpt is applicable because it gives deeper
information that we gather in any situation if they using
that apps. Also its integ the activities because we can
doing it by Learning.
5.How do educators and students alike view Respondent no1 : Educators and students view
ChatGPT as a tool for promoting ChatGPT as a tool for promoting personalized
personalized learning experiences and learning experiences and to individual learning
catering to individual learning needs? needs.ChatGPT enables educators to address
students' specific learning requirements, adapt
teaching strategies, and provide targeted
support to enhance student learning outcomes.
8.In your experience, what changes, if any, Respondent no1 : Since the introduction of
have you noticed in students' overall ChatGPT, noticeable changes in students'
academic performance since the overall academic performance include
introduction of ChatGPT in educational enhanced problem-solving abilities, increased
practices at Colegio de Montalban engagement, deeper understanding of
concepts, and improved academic
achievements, enriching the learning
experience at the institution