Evaluation of The Effectiveness of Basic Training For Civil Servant Candidates in Improving Public Services in Central Java

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International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)

Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224

ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53625/ijss.v1i3.414 209
Erni Irawati1, Endang Larasati2, Hardi Warsono3, Ida Hayu Dwimawanti4
Postgraduate Public Administration, Diponegoro University
Email: [email protected]

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: Improving the quality of human resources for the apparatus is carried out through the
Received July 9, 2021 recruitment of civil servants with more transparency and integrity by screening
Revised August 20, 2021 qualified civil servants, as the main engine for running the government. Furthermore,
Accepted Sept 11, 2021 the development of Human Resources of state civil apparatus becomes the authority
of the Region and the assistance task which is assigned to the Region. In this study,
four aspects related to the evaluation of the effectiveness of basic training for civil
Keywords: servant candidates were seen; which are as follows, Integrated Competence
Development, State Defense Attitudes and Behaviors, Actualization of the Basic
Human Resources, Civil
Values of Civil Servants, and the Position and Role of Civil Servants in the Unitary
Servant State of the Republic of Indonesia. Competence is needed in service functions.
Basic Training, Competence Therefore, civil servants need to be equipped with practical education, not just
Effectiveness theoretical. Basic Training for the Prospective Civil Servant as the initial provision for
Prospective Civil Servants is a strategic training in which there are dominant aspects
contained in the learning curriculum to be actualized later in the work and duties of
the participants who are functions as civil servants. Curriculum development and
learning systems that emphasize the transfer of culture or how those values will be
integrated in the attitudes and behavior of the apparatus, become a culture, work ethic
that supports the professionalism of their duties and positions. Analysis of the
effectiveness of the results of the training on the competence of the training alumni is
to conduct an assessment of the achievement of objectives, and the standard
competence that have been set. In this case, the standard competence which is used is
based on the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic
Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 38 of 2017 which is concerning about
Competency Standards for State Civil Apparatus Positions.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Erni Irawati
Postgraduate Public Administration, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2014 concerning Civil Apparatus,In the
context of implementing the ideals of the nation and realizing the goals of the state as stated in the preamble to the
1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, it is necessary to build a state civil apparatus that has integrity, is
professional, neutral and free from political intervention, is free from practices of corruption, collusion, and nepotism.
and nepotism, as well as being able to provide public services for the community and being able to carry out the role
as an element of national unity and integrity based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
A number of strategic decisions ranging from formulating policies to implementing policies in various development
sectors are carried out by civil servants. To play this role,
The function of civil servants as implementing public policies, public servants, as well as glue and unifying
the nation is certainly not an easy thing to fulfill, without the professionalism of the apparatus. To build an apparatus
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210 International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
as expected by the government, an apparatus that is highly dedicated to its duties and functions, an apparatus that
serves, of course, a lot of time and effort is needed. One of them is through the preparation of professional civil servants
cadres, namely the selection of civil servants procurement by government agencies through an objective assessment
based on competence, qualifications, and other requirements required by the position.
Improving the quality of human resources for the apparatus is carried out through the recruitment of civil
servants in a more transparent and integrity manner by screening qualified civil servants, as the main engine for the
running of the government. As stated in LAN Regulation No. 12 of 2018 that CPNS Basic Training is education and
training in the Pre-service Period which is carried out in an integrated manner to build moral integrity, honesty,
nationalism and nationalism spirit and motivation, superior and responsible personality character, and strengthen
professionalism and field competence. The pre-service period is a probationary period of 1 (one) year that must be
carried out by CPNS through the education and training process. So it is clear here that the Government's efforts in
forming its apparatus are through a system that begins with the initial selection of admissions,
The Central Java Provincial Government in 2019 was one of the provinces that carried out Basic Civil Servant
Training from various formations, namely as many as 16,651 CPNS Formations and spread over 29 regencies and 6
cities (35 regencies/cities). Not a small amount for the fulfillment of professional apparatus. The apparatus is expected
to meet the various needs of public services in Central Java. Given that there are still some unresolved problems as
stated in thePerformance Report of Central Java Provincial Government Agencies in 20119 regarding the
Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform in Central Java can be described as follows:
1. HR management, increasing professionalism, transparency and accountability of apparatus
2. Public services that have not fully accommodated the interests and dynamics of the community;
3. The mindset and work culture of the apparatus have not fully supported an effective, efficient and
professional bureaucracy.
Of course, some of the problems above cannot be separated from the performance of the apparatus both as
policy makers and policy implementers in fulfilling public services. With the recruitment and training system for a
large number of CPNS, it is hoped that later it will be able to produce apparatus that suits the needs and can assist the
government in solving these problems. The Regional Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMD) of Central
Java Province has the duties and functions as an OPD that helps the Governor carry out the functions of supporting
government affairs in the ASN Human Resources Development Sector which is the authority of the Region and
assistance tasks assigned to the Region. One of the functions of the Central Java Province BPSDMD is to monitor,
evaluate, and reporting on the implementation of technical support tasks for the development of ASN human resources.
However, the evaluation of the CPNS Basic Training Program at the Central Java Province BPSDMD has not been
carried out consistently, comprehensively, continuously, and has made the evaluation activities carried out so far not
able to be used as a reference or program assessment optimally. The scope of the problems in the evaluation of this
training program is limited to the post- evaluation of the CPNS Basic Training in Central Java Province which was
held at BPSDMD Central Java Province in 2019. as well as making the evaluation activities carried out so far cannot
be used as a reference or program assessment optimally. The scope of the problems in the evaluation of this training
program is limited to the post- evaluation of the CPNS Basic Training in Central Java Province which was held at
BPSDMD Central Java Province in 2019. as well as making the evaluation activities carried out so far cannot be used
as a reference or program assessment optimally. The scope of the problems in the evaluation of this training program
is limited to the post- evaluation of the CPNS Basic Training in Central Java Province which was held at BPSDMD
Central Java Province in 2019.

Several previous studies that describe important aspects of employee development policies in order to improve
organizational performance in several countries have been published in national and international journals, as
follows:Anders Sundell, conducted research on government officials and wrote in an international journal in 2014 with
the title Are Formal Civil Service Examinations The Most Meritocratic Way To Recruit Civil Servants? Not In All
Countries. The purpose of this research is to conduct a study on meritocracy that will form competent and responsive
public servants. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The results of the study indicate that the merit system
contributes to good public services, which are responsive to the needs of the community. The results of this study are
in line with the writings of researchers where the competence of the apparatus greatly influences the service function.
Sharif Ali, has conducted research on civil servant training and wrote in an international journal in 2019 with the title
"The Development of Depok Civil Servant Training and Education System". The purpose of this study was to
determine the effectiveness of civil servant training, by analyzing several factors that influence the success of the
training. The results showed that the training was not effective because the training was determined by the training

Journal homepage: https://bajangjournal.com/index.php/IJSS
International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53625/ijss.v1i3.414 211
institution, not based on the needs of employees, inadequate budget, incompetent officials and staff handling training,
and no post-training evaluation, and incompetent widyaiswara in learning. Widyaiswara comes from high-ranking
officials who only extend retirement time by ignoring the right methods and strategies in learning, only lectures and
often teach by shortening the learning time. This is relevant to the current research where the researcher analyzes how
the process and impact of basic training on the formation of the character and professionalism of civil servants.
EndahSetyowati, conducted research on government officials and wrote in an international journal in 2018 with the
title Merit System in Recruitment and Selection Process of Civil Servant Candidate in Malang Indonesia
(Implementation of Recruitment and Selection of Civil Servant Candidate. The purpose of this study was to analyze
the implementation and various obstacles in the application of benevolent principles in the recruitment and selection
of civil servants. This research uses the post-positivism paradigm and qualitative methods. TaufikRaharjo, conducted
research on government officials and wrote in a national journal in 2017 with the title New Pattern Pre-service Training
Effectiveness for Candidates for Civil Servants of the Ministry of Finance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the
effectiveness of the new pre-service training design for prospective civil servants. This study uses quantitative research
methods and data analysis. Azwar Iskandar, Rahmaluddin Saragih, conducted research on government officials and
wrote in a national journal in 2018 with the title Influence of Attitudes Towards Behavior, Subjective Norms, and
Perceptions of Control Over Behavior on Whistleblowing Intentions and Behavior of Civil Servants. The purpose of
this study is to analyze the influence of attitudes towards behavior, subjective norms, and the perception of control
over behavior on the intentions and whistleblowing behavior of civil servants using the Theory of Planned Behavior,
by taking case studies on alumni of the Civil Service Basic Training (Latsar). This study uses quantitative research
methods and data analysis. Data were obtained directly from respondents through questionnaires, using simple random
sampling technique and quantitative approach to Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Square (PLS). This
study found that the attitude toward behavior of civil servants had no significant effect on their intention to disclose
fraud (whistleblowing). Variable subjective norms and perceptions of the ability to control the behavior of civil
servants, have a significant effect on their intention to do whistleblowing. The intentions of CPNS in doing
whistleblowing have a significant effect on behavior. Meanwhile, the perception of the ability to control the behavior
of civil servants has no significant effect on behavior. FlorinaMehaj Kosumi, conducted research on government
officials and wrote in an international journal in 2013 entitled The Training Process of Civil Servants Employees in
the Ministry of Economic Development in Kosovo: Effect of Training through the Prism of Participants and
Interpretation of Employee Questionnaire Survey. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Effectiveness of the Civil
Service Training Process at the Ministry of Economic Development of Kosovo. This study uses quantitative research
methods and data analysis
Some of the previous studies that the researcher has stated above can take an understanding of the government
apparatus or civil servants where the main duties and responsibilities carried out are service functions. Bureaucracy is
a policy implementer who has a role to serve as well as a bridge between the government and the community. In
general, the problems that exist in the bureaucracy are competencies, including knowledge, skills, and attitudes that
must be prepared to provide optimal public services. The purpose of previous studies in general is to analyze the factors
that affect the performance of civil servants, where these factors will affect the achievement of organizational and
government goals in general.
The similarities that exist from previous research and the research that the author did were the focus of the
research, namely on civil servants or government officials. The difference between the research that the author did
with previous research is in the focus of a detailed study of the transfer of knowledge and transfer of culture, although
the general conclusion is that it is about the performance of civil servants as public servants. The novelty or novelty
that exists in the current research is looking at the implementation of policies on basic training conducted by CPNS
Central Java Province, especially the effectiveness of the training.

3.1. Research Approach
This study aims to find, understand, explain and obtain an overview of problems regarding the effectiveness
of the Basic Training for Candidates for Integrated Civil Servants in Central Java Province. Analyzing the effectiveness
of the implementation of the 2019 CPNS acceptance policy in the Central Java Provincial Government in an effort to
improve public services. By emphasizing on a natural approach (naturalistic) and the type of research is called a
qualitative research method(Moleong, 2000). This study uses a qualitative research method, where this method is a
research method as opposed to the experimental method, this research method is used to examine the condition of
natural objects and researchers have duties and functions as key instruments in exploring a major problem that will be
revealed in a research paper. the object of research to be carried out(Moleong, 2000).

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212 International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
3.2. Research focus
The focus of the research is the concentration on the purpose of the research conducted. The research focus
must be stated explicitly to facilitate the researcher before making observations. The research focus is also an outline
of research observations, so that observation and analysis of research results is more focused. according toMoleong
(2000),The research focus is intended to limit research in order to choose which data is relevant and which is irrelevant,
so that it is not included in the amount of data that is being collected, even though the data is interesting. The
formulation of the focus of the problem in qualitative research is tentative, meaning that the refinement of the
formulation of the focus or problem is still being carried out while the research is in the field.
In this regard, the focus of this research are:
To analyze and describe the Effectiveness of Basic Training Policies for Integrated Civil Servants Candidates
in Central Java Province based on the objectives contained in LAN Regulation Number 12 of 2018.
3.3. Research Locus
The locus in this study was in the area of the Central Java Provincial Government. This determination was
chosen, based on existing data, where the Central Java Provincial Government in 2019 was one of the provinces that
carried out Basic Civil Servant Training as many as 16, 651 participants from various formations and spread over 29
regencies and 6 cities (35 regencies/cities).
3.4. Research Phenomenon
There are several phenomena that will be observed in this study, which are related to the Effectiveness of the
Basic Training Policy for Candidates for Integrated Civil Servants in Central Java Province based on LAN Regulation
Number 12 of 2018 whose focus will be seen from a public policy study perspective by looking at the results of the
study obtained by researchers while in the field, using several indicators that influence each other. The indicators are
Accountability, Nationalism, Public Ethics, Quality Commitment and Anti-Corruption. Phenomena that occur in the
field will be analyzed, to determine the effectiveness of the program of policies that can be used to overcome various
problems that occur in the implementation of CPNS Basic Training in Central Java.
Focus Phenomenon Sub Phenomenon Interview guidelines Informant

1. Implementation of 1. Integrity Capable 1. Participant's

Effectiveness the Basic Training act accordingly Boss
of Integrated Policy for Integrated organizational values, 2. Participant
Civil Service Civil Servant norms, ethics Alumni
Candidate Candidates in in capacity 3. Colleagues
Basic Training Central Java personal
in Central Province
Java Province
2. Competency of 2. Cooperation Participate in work groups
Participants in
accordance with
Permenpan RB
Number 38 of 2017
Standards for ASN
3. Communication Convey information
clearly, completely, with
the same understanding

4. Results Responsible for meeting

orientation work standards
5. Public service Carry out duties according
to service standards.

6. Development of Self-development
self and others
7. Managing Gather information to act
Change within authority

Journal homepage: https://bajangjournal.com/index.php/IJSS
International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53625/ijss.v1i3.414 213

8. Nation's Glue Sensitive to understand and

accept diversity

Informants and Informant Determination Techniques

In this study, informants that we can use as sources of information to obtain data and conduct interviews, in
addition to documents that can support this research are policy actors (stakeholders) concerning basic training policies
for civil servants who were accepted in 2019, including:
1. Head of the Civil Service Agency or his representative.
2. Supervisors of Latsar Participants/ Alumni
3. The CPNS who have attended Basic Training for a period of one year.
4. Colleagues of Latsar Participants.
Determination of informants to obtain data in qualitative research, there are 2 (two) methods commonly used,
the first with the purposive technique and the second with the snowball technique.
In this study, the method of determining informants was used using purposive techniques, where the selection of
informants was selected based on the researcher's assessment that he was the party who knew a lot about the problems
of implementing Habituation Policies in the Basic Training of Candidates for Integrated Civil Servants in Central Java
3.5. Method of collecting data
Data collection techniques in this study were carried out in the following way:
a. Documentation study: is the most principal procedure for collecting data and information on policies, starting
from the formulation stage to monitoring. Documentation studies must be carried out periodically, whether
short, medium or long. This method is the most important in obtaining reliable data and information for
assessing policy outcomes.
b. Interviews: This method can collect data and information more freely and in depth about policies, especially
for limited or not too large number of sources.
c. Observation: Direct observation is a method that can support the assessment of policy outcomes. This method
can provide additional data and information.
3.6. Data Collection Instruments
Other data collection instruments are tape recorders for recording, digital cameras, stationery, and interview
guides used by researchers when looking for data and facts while in the institution or the organization of non-formal
3.7 Data analysis technique
The main data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis, where qualitative data is data from a study
that focuses on discussing and explaining the results of a symptom or case whose presentation can only be described
using theoretical explanations, explanations and discussions. Miles and Huberman, and Saldana stated that activities
in qualitative data analysis were carried out interactively and continued continuously until they were completed, so
that the data was saturated. The size of the data saturation is indicated by the absence of new data or information.
Activities in the analysis include data reduction (data reduction), data presentation (data display), as well as drawing
conclusions and verification (conclusion drawing/verification). Where basically these stages include three flow of
activities after the data collection process, namely: data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
However, data analysis was not carried out partially and independently but was carried out continuously and integrated
during and after the data collection process was carried out at the research location with the following stages:
a. Data Collection (Data Collection)
Data collection is an integral part of data analysis activities. Data collection activities in this study were using
interviews and documentation studies.
b. Data Condensation (Data Condensation)
Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, simplifying, abstracting, and/or transforming data
that approximates all parts of the records.written field notes, interview transcripts, documents, and other
empirical materials.
c. Data Display (Data Display)
The presentation of the data is intended to display various data that have been obtained as information that is
simpler, selective and easier to interpret. The presentation of the data in this study is arranged in a narrative

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214 International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
manner, in the form of tables, pictures and photos (as attachments) in order to reveal the phenomena that occur
according to the research focus.
d. Conclusions Drawing
The third important analytical activity is drawing conclusions and verification. From the outset of data
collection, a qualitative analyst begins to search for the meaning of things, noting the regularities of
explanations, possible configurations, causal pathways, and propositions. “Final” conclusions may not emerge
until data collection is complete, depending on the size of the field note collections, their coding, storage and
retrieval methods used, the skill of the researcher, and the demands of the funder. The four stages above, we
can see in more detail in the interactive model image below:
Picture 2. Qualitative Data Analysis Techniques

Data Data
Collection Display

Data Drawing/

Source: Miles et al., 2014

3.8. Data Validity and Validity
In a study, the data that has been collected is a very valuable initial capital. From the data collected, further
analysis will be carried out which is then used as input for drawing conclusions. Triangulation is a data checking
technique that utilizes something other than the data for checking purposes or as a comparison against the data.
Denzyme inMoleong (2000), distinguishes four kinds of triagulation as a technique for examining the use of
sources, methods, investigators, and theories. The triangulation technique in this study uses a technique of
checking the use of data sources, which is done by comparing the data and checking both the degree of
trustworthiness of an information obtained through different times and ways, which in the qualitative method is
carried out with the following steps (Patton in Bungin, 2001):
a. Comparing the observational data with the results of interviews.
b. Comparing what people say in public with what is said in private.
c. Compares what people say about the research situation with what is said over time.
d. Comparing a person's situation and perspective with various opinions and views of others such as ordinary
people, people with middle or high education, wealthy people and government people.
e. Comparing the results of interviews with the contents of a related document. The results of the interview
technique at a different place and time from the previous data collection. This is done by comparing the
observed data with interview data.
3.9. Research Flow Framework
The research flow framework created by the researcher, is used to make it easier to understand the flow of goals
to be achieved in the implementation of this research, which can be described as in the following figure:
Picture 3. Research flow framework

Journal homepage: https://bajangjournal.com/index.php/IJSS
International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53625/ijss.v1i3.414 215


Research result
1. Integrated Competency Development
CPNS Basic Training is education and training in the Pre-service Period which is carried out in an
integrated manner to build moral integrity, honesty, spirit and motivation of nationalism and nationality, superior
and responsible personality character, strengthen professionalism and field competence.CPNS Basic Training
aims to develop CPNS competencies that are carried out in an integrated manner. Integrated as referred to is
the implementation of CPNS Basic Training that combines classical and non-classical training; as well as
combining the achievement of Social Cultural competence with Field Competence. Classical training is a
learning process that is carried out face-to-face in the classroom. At the time of classical training participants
were boarding and given supporting activities in the form of activities to increase physical fitness. Non-classical
training is a learning process carried out at least through e-learning, on-the-job guidance, outdoor training,
distance training and/or internships.
Implementation of CPNS Basic Training in Central Java Province is carried out at the Regional Human
Resources Development Agency of Central Java Province as an agency withthe function of supporting
government affairs in the field of ASN Human Resource Management which is the authority of the Region. In
addition, the Central Java Province BPSDMD functions in preparation of technical policies for the development
of ASN human resources, as well as the implementation of technical support tasks for the development of ASN
human resources. The Central Java Province BPSDMD has the task of assisting the Governor in carrying out
the functions of supporting government affairs in the ASN Human Resources Development Sector which is the
authority of the Region and assistance tasks assigned to the Region.
The results of observations and review of documents in the Central Java Province BPSDMD, and several
districts/cities that held it, the CPNS formations in Central Java in 2019 totaled 16,651. The implementation of
the CPNS Latsar at BPSDMD Central Java Province was 1,926, consisting of participants from regencies and
cities in Central Java that did not organize Latsar independently, as well as regencies and cities that had excess
quotas from independent administration. In addition to the implementation of the Latsar at the Central Java
Province BPSDMD, several regencies and cities also carried out the Latsar independently, with the approval of
the State Administration Agency (LAN) and coordination with the Central Java Province BPSDMD. There are
eleven (11) Regencies and Cities that organize independently. A total of 14.
CPNS Basic Training is carried out referring to thethe structure of the civil servant character building curriculum
which consists of an agenda of state defense behavior; agenda of basic values of civil servants; agenda of the
position and role of civil servants in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia; and habituation agenda. The
character building curriculum is carried out for 511 (five hundred eleven) JP or equivalent to 51 (fifty one)
working days with the following details for 177 (one hundred seventy-seven) JP which is carried out for 18
(eighteen) working days which is carried out on the spot organizing CPNS Basic Training, for 320 (three hundred
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216 International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
and twenty) JP which is carried out in a minimum of 30 (thirty) working days which is carried out at the
Government Institution of origin of the participant; and for 14 (fourteen) JP which is carried out for 3 (three)
working days which is carried out at the place where the CPNS Basic Training is held at the Government
Agencies of origin of the participants. In addition to the agenda, participants of the CPNS Basic Training were
given orientation learning. Orientation is carried out to provide a general understanding of policies and
implementation of CPNS Basic Training.
During the classical learning process which was carried out on the first 18 (eighteen) days of the CPNS Basic
Training, a mentoring process was carried out. In the mentoring process, physical, spiritual and spiritual
strengthening activities are carried out. The implementation of assistance is adjusted to the environment and the
provisions of the laws and regulations that apply to ASN. The teacher of material in classical and non-classical
learning is Widyaiswara BPSDMD Central Java Province who has received a Training of Trainer certificate for
CPNS Basic Training from the State Administration of the Republic of Indonesia. There are fifty-nine (59)
Widyaiswaras consisting of 20 Main Expert Widyaiswaras, 13 Middle Expert Widyaiswaras, 24 Junior Expert
Widyaiswaras and 2 First Expert Widyaiswaras. In carrying out classical training there is assistance for
supporting activities in the form of physical fitness improvement activities provided by Advisors and Caregivers
from the TNI and/or POLRI. In addition to activities to increase physical fitness, guidance is also given to form
the disciplined attitude of the participants.
Table1. Overview of Learning Schedules in the Character Building Curriculum for Civil Servants Basic Training
for Civil Servants Based on RI LAN Regulation Number 12 of 2018
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

1. Opening 1. Group Dynamics (6 JP) Contemporary Issues Analysis (9 JP)

2. Human Resources Development 2. National Insight (6 JP)
Policy for Apparatus and ASN
Values (2 JP)
3. Overview of Training
Implementation Policy (4JP)

Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

State Defense Preparedness (12 JP) State Defense Preparedness State Defense Preparedness (6 JP)
(12 JP)
Day 7 Day 8 Day 9

MTSL (3 JP) PNS Accountability (6 JP) Nationalism (6 JP)

Concept of Actualization (3 JP) Nationalism (6 JP) Public Ethics (6 JP)
PNS Accountability (6 JP)

Day 10 Day 11 Day 12

Public Ethics (6 JP) Quality Commitment (6 JP) Anti-Corruption (6 JP)

Quality Commitment (6 JP) Anti-Corruption (6 JP)

Day 13 Day 14 Day 15

ASN Management (6 JP) Public Service (6 JP) Academic Evaluation (5 JP)

Whole of Government(6 JP) MTSL (3 JP) Actualization Explanation (6 JP)

Day 16 Day 17 Day 18

Journal homepage: https://bajangjournal.com/index.php/IJSS
International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53625/ijss.v1i3.414 217

Supervision of Actualization Design Evaluation of the Habituation Debriefing

(9 JP) Actualization Plan

Workplace Updates Actualization Pre- Evaluation of the Implementation of

(30 Working Days) Evaluation Guidance (2 JP) Actualization (10 JP)
Day 21

1. Review of Training Implementation Policy (2 JP)

2. Closing

Source: RI LAN Regulation Number 12 of 2018

* The implementation of the Learning Schedule can be adjusted to the actual schedule based on the work calendar
and the conditions of the venue.

Integrated Competency Development implemented through CPNS Basic Trainingcombining the achievement
of Social Cultural competence with Field Competence. Cultural Social Competence is knowledge, skills, and
attitudes/behaviors that can be observed, measured, and developed related to the experience of interacting with a
pluralistic society in terms of religion, ethnicity and culture, behavior, national insight, ethics, values, morals, emotions
and principles, which must be fulfilled by each position holder to obtain work results in accordance with the roles,
functions and positions. In a broader context, cultural competence is a set of abilities in providing services to the public
across cultures effectively. This is important to prepare participants to carry out the basic functions of civil servants,
namely as public servants, implementing public policies, as well as glue and unifying the nation. The character building
curriculum is forged with state defense behavior, basic values of civil servants, the position and role of civil servants
in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and habituation. Meanwhile, strengthening of socio-cultural and field
competencies (administrative technical and substantive technical) will be provided according to the characteristics of
civil servants.Integrated Competency Development which is carried out through CPNS Basic Training aims to form
CPNS to play a professional role and be able to meet job competency standards so that they are able to carry out their
job duties effectively and efficiently.
2. State Defense Attitudes and Behaviors
It is stated in article 5 paragraph (1) of the Regulation of the State Administration of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 12 of 2018 that the CPNS Basic Training aims to develop CPNS competencies that are carried out in an
integrated manner. Competence as referred to is measured based on the ability, among others, to show the attitude of
defending the State, actualizing the basic values of civil servants in carrying out their duties, actualizing the position
and role of civil servants within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and demonstrating
mastery of the required technical competencies in accordance with the field of duty. The attitude of state defense
behavior is important for the apparatus in carrying out the main functions of civil servants. The results of interviews
conducted with alumni, 2 (two) alumni of Latsar Hospital Margono Sukarjo Purwokerto, and 2 (two) alumni of the
Grobogan Regency latsar said that on the agenda the attitude and behavior of Defending the State really affected their
understanding and feelings towards the love of the homeland. Raising awareness and patriotism. The methods and
activities carried out on this agenda greatly affect learning outcomes. Outdoor activities are more motivating than
indoor activities. The variety of games also brings them to understanding with a more relaxed atmosphere than
activities in class.
CPNS need to be prepared to enter a new culture in the bureaucracy with a service mandate starting with
awareness of defending the state. CPNS need to be formed character to behave and act professionally in managing
challenges and problems of socio-cultural diversity by using a WoG perspective based on national values based on
their position and role as civil servants in the Republic of Indonesia. Civil servants are required to demonstrate quality,
ethical performance based on national values, and a high commitment to their organization to deal with changes in the
strategic environment of work units/organizations and the State in general as a real embodiment of the spirit of
defending the State of a civil servant. understand its application in the life of the nation and state, among others: Love
for the Motherland,

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218 International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
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ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
The training subjects for learning the State Defense Behavioral Attitudes agenda are National Insights and State
Defense Values, Contemporary Issues Analysis, and State Defense Preparedness. The three training courses are
designed and delivered in an integrated manner to achieve the curriculum goals of the State Defense Attitudes and
Behavioral agenda by emphasizing practical skills. This course equips participants with the ability to understand
national insight through the meaning of the values of defending the country, so that participants have the ability to
demonstrate state defense behavior in a state of readiness that reflects physically and mentally healthy to face
contemporary issues in carrying out their duties as professional civil servants who serve the public. through learning
that focuses on practical learning. As stated by Mr. Aji, Secretary of the Semarang City Agency, that agenda I learning
activities are very influential in instilling the values of cooperation and cohesiveness, discipline and exemplary, so it
is very appropriate if learning is held outside the room, such as outbound so that it is not only theoretical but more
practical. practical practice of attitudes and behavior. After participating in this lesson, participants are expected to be
able to understand national insight through the meaning of the values of defending the country and showing the attitude
of defending the country in a state of readiness that reflects physically and mentally healthy to face contemporary
issues in carrying out their duties as professional civil servants who serve the public. that agenda I learning activities
are very influential in instilling the values of cooperation and cohesiveness, discipline and exemplary, it is very
appropriate if learning is held outdoors, such as outbound so that it is not only theoretical but more practical in attitude
and behavior. After participating in this lesson, participants are expected to be able to understand national insight
through the meaning of the values of defending the country and showing the attitude of defending the country in a state
of readiness that reflects physically and mentally healthy to face contemporary issues in carrying out their duties as
professional civil servants who serve the public. that agenda I learning activities are very influential in instilling the
values of cooperation and cohesiveness, discipline and exemplary, it is very appropriate if learning is held outdoors,
such as outbound so that it is not only theoretical but more practical in attitude and behavior. After participating in this
lesson, participants are expected to be able to understand national insight through the meaning of the values of
defending the country and showing the attitude of defending the country in a state of readiness that reflects physically
and mentally healthy to face contemporary issues in carrying out their duties as professional civil servants who serve
the public.
3. Actualization of the Basic Values of Civil Servants
Actualization is a process to make the knowledge and understanding that has been owned regarding the
substance of the training subjects that have been studied can be actual / real / occur / actually exist. In other words,
actualization is a form of Participant's ability to translate theory into practice, convert concepts into constructs, turn
ideas into activities (reality). In the learning system for the Basic Training of PNS Candidates (Latsar CPNS), each
training participant is required to be able to actualize the substance of the learning material that has been learned
through the process of self-accustoming which is facilitated in the learning of the Habituation agenda. The Habituation
Agenda Learning facilitates participants to carry out learning activities to actualize the training subjects that have been
studied, which include ptraining on National Insights and State Defense Values, Analysis of Contemporary Issues,
State Defense Preparedness, Civil Servant Accountability, Nationalism, Public Ethics, Quality Commitment, Anti-
Corruption, ASN Management, Public Service, and Whole of Government. Through this learning agenda, participants
will be provided with the conception and actualization stage, the preparation and presentation of the actualization plan,
the actualization implementation in the workplace and the presentation of the actualization results in the workplace by
presenting various relevant learning evidence.
a. Accountability
This course facilitates the formation of basic values of accountability in training participants through learning
substances related to the basic values of accountability, conflicts of interest in society, neutrality of civil servants,
justice in public services and consistent attitudes and behavior. After following this lesson, participants are expected
to be able to actualize the basic values of accountability in carrying out their duties. Indicators of learning outcomes
for accountability materials include participants being able to explain conceptual-theoretical accountability as a basis
for practicing accountable behavior; participants can explain the mechanism, logic, and operationalization of
accountability in creating an accountable system and organizational environment; participants can explain the
implementation of accountability as a whole in the organization; participants can provide examples of accountable
behavior for accountability enforcement; and participants can analyze or assess examples of proper implementation of
b. Nationalism
This course facilitates the formation of Pancasila values in growing ASN nationalism as implementers of public
policies, public servants, and as glue and unifier of the nation. After following this lesson, participants are able to
actualize Pancasila as the basic values of nationalism in carrying out their duties. Indicators of Learning Outcomes in
this material are participants can: explain the role of Pancasila in growing ASN nationalism; explain the functions and

Journal homepage: https://bajangjournal.com/index.php/IJSS
International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53625/ijss.v1i3.414 219
roles of ASN as implementers of public policies; explain the role of ASN as a public service; explain the function of
ASN as glue and unifier of the nation; and analyze the case of the application of the value of Nationalism.
c. Public Ethics
This course facilitates the formation of basic values of public ethics in training participants through learning
the code of ethics and behavior of public officials, the forms of the code of ethics and their implications, and the
application of the civil servant code of ethics. After following this lesson, participants are able to actualize the basic
values of public ethics in carrying out their duties. Learning Outcomes Indicators after following this lesson,
participants can: explain the Code of Ethics and Behavior of Public Officials; explain the forms of the Code of Ethics
and their implications; analyze the illustration of the application of the basic values of public ethics; analyze the case
of the value of Public Ethics.
d. Quality Commitment
This course facilitates the formation of innovative basic values and commitment to quality in training
participants, through learning about the effectiveness, efficiency, innovation and quality of governance, and the
consequences of change. After following this lesson, participants are able to actualize actions that respect effectiveness,
efficiency, innovation, and quality-oriented performance, in the administration of government and public services.
After following this lesson, participants are expected to be able to: explain actions that value effectiveness, efficiency,
innovation, and quality-oriented performance in the administration of government and public services; provide
examples of quality-oriented creative and innovative performance behaviors in the administration of government and
public services;
e. Anti Corruption
This course facilitates the formation of basic anti-corruption values for the training participants through learning
to raise awareness about anti-corruption, avoiding corrupt behavior, building an integrity system, and internalizing the
basic anti-corruption values. After participating in this lesson, participants are expected to be able to actualize attitudes
and behaviors that are trustworthy, honest, and able to prevent corruption in their environment.
4. The Position and Role of Civil Servants in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
a. Whole of Government
This course equips participants with knowledge about an integrated government management system in the
delivery of services through learning the whole of government (WoG) concept, the application of WoG, and the best
practice of implementing WoG in integrated service delivery. The result of learning in this material is that after
attending this training course, participants are expected to be able to actualize the concept, application of WoG, and
best practice of implementing WoG in providing integrated services. Learning Outcomes Indicators are participants
are expected to be able to: explain the concept of WoG; explain the application of WoG in integrated service delivery;
and analyze the best practice of implementing WoG in integrated service delivery.
b. ASN Management
This course equips training participants with knowledge of the position, role, rights and obligations, and code
of ethics for ASN, the concept of a merit system in ASN management, and ASN management. Learning Outcomes of
this material are that participants are expected to be able to understand the position, role, rights and obligations, and
code of ethics of ASN, the concept of a merit system in ASN management, and ASN management. Indicators of
Learning Outcomes participants are expected to be able to: explain the position, roles, rights and obligations, and code
of ethics of ASN; explain the concept of the merit system in the management of ASN; and explain the ASN
management mechanism.
c. Public service
This course equips participants with the ability to provide quality public services through the concepts and
principles of public service, the mindset of civil servants as a public service, the practice of public service etiquette.
The learning outcomes in this material are expected to enable participants to actualize quality public services according
to their positions to the community/stakeholders they serve. Learning Outcomes Indicators participants can: explain
the concepts and principles of public service; explain the mindset of civil servants as a public service; and practice
public service etiquette.
5. Actualization
This course equips participants with learning activities of actualization conception, explanation of actualization,
preparation and presentation of actualization plans, implementation of actualization in the workplace, preparation of
reports, and presentation of actualization results. After participating in this learning activity, participants are expected
to be able to explain the concept of actualization, explanation of actualization, preparation and presentation of
actualization plans, implementation of actualization in the workplace, preparation of reports, and presentation of
actualization results.

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220 International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
Indicators of learning outcomes in this learning activity, participants can: explain the basic concepts of
actualization; explain actualization learning; drafting an update plan; present the actualization plan; explain the
concept, implementation and reporting of habituation; carry out actualization in the workplace; compiling reports on
the implementation of the actualization; prepare an actualization report presentation plan; and present the update report.
Implementation AnalysisBasic Training Policy for Civil Servant Candidates in Central Java Province according
to the Regulation of the State Administration Agency Number 12 of 2018 on the Improvement of Public Services in
Central Java
1. Integrated Competency Development in Supporting Public Service Functions.
The CPNS Latsar which was carried out in Central Java Province was based onRegulation of the State
Administration Agency Number 12 of 2018 is a training aimed at developing the competencies needed as apparatus in
carrying out their duties and functions, especially in the field of public services. Of course this is very important
considering the various current phenomena related to professionalism. There are many views that point to the
degradation of the function of the bureaucracy and this should be the focus of improvement, in accordance with the
mandate of bureaucratic reform that is heralded in various activities, various structures, both legislative and executive.
It is hoped that the competencies built are not just discourse, let alone rhetoric but are true as a concrete form of serving
the public. As the results of interviews conducted with the Secretary of the Semarang City Education and Training
Agency, Mr. Aji, who said that competence is needed in service functions, civil servants need to be equipped with
practical education, not just theoretical. "CPNS do not want to be formed as scientists who are equipped with theoretical
knowledge, but they need to be equipped with how they will practice it in their daily activities," he said. Mr. Aji also
stated that basic training for civil servants made a real contribution to public services, especially in the city of
Semarang, many innovations were born from civil servants after they attended the training in question. From the results
of interviews and observations as well as document review, it is clear how the implementation of the CPNS Basic
Training has an impact on existing public services. Various innovations were produced as a form of creativity of the
Latsar participants. In addition, with a good understanding of the training materials, as well as the internalization
process that is supported by the organizational environment, provides support for the successful implementation of the
CPNS Basic Training policy as a strategy in improving dynamic public services. Another opinion was conveyed in an
interview with latsar alumni from Jepara Regency. Vita says; “The need for learning in training with competent
teaching staff, because what is given is not only theory but how participants can interpret all the material as a provision
to carry out their duties as civil servants. We need examples and practice, not learning like high school students, but
we need knowledge and concrete examples of implementing values in the world of work.”
2. Training Curriculum Development.
CPNS Basic Training is a policy to support the implementation of development policies in general. Apparatus
as the main key to running the wheels of government must be equipped with adequate competence. One of the basics
for the formation of initial competencies is through basic training. One of the important things in learning is the
curriculum. In basic CPNS training, the curriculum is already a provision that has been formulated by LAN as a
coaching agency. To achieve the competence of civil servants as civil servants with character and professionalism, a
basic CPNS training curriculum is prepared which is divided into 2 (two) parts, namely: Civil Service Character
Building Curriculum, which consists of the State Defense Attitudes and Behavior Agenda, the Civil Servant Basic
Values Agenda, and the Position Agenda. and the role of civil servants in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia;
and Habituation Agenda. In addition to the agenda as referred to above, the participants of the CPNS Basic Training
are given Orientation lessons. Second; Curriculum for Strengthening Technical Competence in the Field of Tasks,
which consists of an Agenda to fulfill Administrative Technical Competencies; and Agenda to fulfill Substantive
Technical Competence. As is known, the curriculum system is formed by four elements/components, namely, the
components of objectives, curriculum content, methods or strategies and evaluation components. As a system, each
component must be related to each other. component objectives, curriculum content is a standard thing, given from
LAN. The development referred to here is about the method, or strategy and evaluation. This component relates to
curriculum implementation. Strategies are structured to achieve certain goals. The method is used to realize the strategy
that has been set. In one learning strategy, several methods are used. The second is about evaluation. The evaluation
referred to here is howkthe curriculum achieves its objectives effectively and is the curriculum implemented as it
should be? And how the impact caused by a curriculum. This impact can be measured based on the criteria of success
as an indicator of the achievement of curriculum objectives. It takes a mature thought to achieve the training objectives.
What is being done here is not only an effort to transfer knowledge, but there must also be a transfer of culture from
the learning that is carried out. The results of an interview conducted with the Secretary of the Semarang City BKPP,
Mr. Aji said: "The CPNS training program is not the same as regular training, but it must be able to form a basic
attitude for prospective civil servants to know how to enter the new culture, namely bureaucratic culture. It's not just

Journal homepage: https://bajangjournal.com/index.php/IJSS
International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53625/ijss.v1i3.414 221
theoretical learning, but more about how we introduce basic values, and shape them into bureaucratic practitioners,
that's what's important.” Here it can be concluded that the material in the curriculum is appropriate in policy, but how
do we process it, and manage it into a strategy in preparing CPNS to enter the world of bureaucracy. It takes high
creativity to be able to produce works, determine methods, and strategies and evaluation models that are appropriate
in their implementation. and managing it becomes a strategy in preparing CPNS to enter the world of bureaucracy. It
takes high creativity to be able to produce works, determine methods, and strategies and evaluation models that are
appropriate in their implementation. and managing it becomes a strategy in preparing CPNS to enter the world of
bureaucracy. It takes high creativity to be able to produce works, determine methods, and strategies and evaluation
models that are appropriate in their implementation.
3. Effectiveness of CPNS basic training results.
The objectives of the CPNS Basic Training are contained in theRegulation of the State Administration of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2018 is to develop CPNS competencies that are carried out in an integrated
manner. Competence as referred to is measured based on the ability, among others, to show the attitude of defending
the State, actualizing the basic values of civil servants in carrying out their duties, actualizing the position and role of
civil servants within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and demonstrating mastery of
the required technical competencies in accordance with the field of duty. The attitude of state defense behavior is
important for the apparatus in carrying out the main functions of civil servants. The results of interviews conducted
with training providers in Blora Regency, in this case the interviewees were the Head of Education, Training and
Employee Development, conveyed the success of the 2019 Latsar implementation in Blora Regency as many as 495
people, especially in instilling the basic values of civil servants, state defense behavior and mastery of field
competencies. No exception to the awareness of the nation and state that is instilled. And this has been seen in the
enthusiasm of the latsar participants in participating in every activity carried out. "It is hoped that in the future after
carrying out the latsar and participants can excel in their performance by showing their professionalism, for their
beloved nation and country". And this has been seen in the enthusiasm of the latsar participants in participating in
every activity carried out. "It is hoped that in the future after carrying out the latsar and participants can excel in their
performance by showing their professionalism, for their beloved nation and country". And this has been seen in the
enthusiasm of the latsar participants in participating in every activity carried out. "It is hoped that in the future after
carrying out the latsar and participants can excel in their performance by showing their professionalism, for their
beloved nation and country".CPNS need to be prepared to enter a new culture in the bureaucracy with a service mandate
starting with awareness of defending the state. CPNS need to be formed character to behave and act professionally in
managing challenges and problems of socio-cultural diversity by using a WoG perspective based on national values
based on their position and role as civil servants in the Republic of Indonesia.Civil servants are required to demonstrate
quality, ethical performance based on national values, and a high commitment to their organization to deal with changes
in the strategic environment of work units/organizations and the State in general as a real embodiment of the spirit of
defending the State of a civil servant. To analyze the effectiveness of the training results on the competency of the
training alumni is to conduct an assessment of the achievement of objectives, and the competency standards that have
been set. In this case, the competency standard used is based on the Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus
Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 38 of 2017 concerning Competency
Standards for State Civil Apparatus PositionsIn order to get stronger answers to support the research results, apart from
in-depth interviews and documentation studies, the researchers used questionnaires, research questions to informants
about the phenomena being studied. This is in line with Soegiyono's opinion about triangulation through triangulation
"can build on the strengths of each type of date collection while minimizing the weakness in any single approach"
(Patton inBungin, 2001). Triangulation will further increase the strength of the data, when compared to a single
The results of research on aspects based on research phenomena are:
Of the 141 responses, they consist of:

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222 International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)

The aspects assessed are:

1. Integrity
2. Cooperation
3. Communication
4. Result orientation
5. Public service
6. Development of self and others
7. Managing Change
8. Nation's Glue
(Results attached)
The results of the responses given by superiors/heads of agencies and alumni of CPNS latsar show that the
impact of latsar on the aspects studied and the phenomenon of research illustrates the existence of an attachment
between the implementation of latsar and the competence of CPNS in carrying out their duties and functions. The
reference aspect is the competency standard for ASN positions according to Permenpan RB Number 38 of 2017
concerning Competency Standards for ASN Positions. The Competency Standards for the Position of the State Civil
Apparatus are a description of the knowledge, skills and behaviors required by a State Civil Apparatus in carrying out
their duties, which include 3 (three) competencies, namely Technical Competence, Managerial Competence, and
Social Cultural Competence. Technical Competencies are observable knowledge, skills, and attitudes/behaviors,
measured and developed specifically related to the technical field of the position. Managerial Competencies are
knowledge, skills, and attitudes/behaviors that can be observed, measured, developed to lead and/or manage
organizational units. Cultural Social Competence is knowledge, skills, and attitudes/behaviors that can be observed,
measured, and developed related to the experience of interacting with a pluralistic society in terms of religion, ethnicity
and culture, behavior, national insight, ethics, values, morals, emotions and principles, which must be fulfilled by each
position holder to obtain work results in accordance with the role, function and position. It is stated in the policy that
to support the realization of professionalism of the State Civil Apparatus and to implement a Merit System in the
management of the State Civil Apparatus, a standard of position competence is required, which consists of Technical
Competence, Managerial Competence, and Social Cultural Competence. Position Competency Standards are minimum
competency requirements that must be possessed by a State Civil Apparatus in carrying out their duties. In other words,
to carry out their duties and positions, an ASN must have adequate competence so that each task and function can be
carried out as well as possible. CPNS Basic Training as the initial debriefing for CPNS is a strategic training where in
the program there are dominant aspects contained in the learning curriculum to be actualized later in the work and
duties of the participants' functions as civil servants. Of course this is a policy that must be supported by all parties in
order to realize the goals contained in it. Good synergy and collaboration are needed to implement policies so that the
purpose of the training is to form participants to be able to internalize, implement, and actualize, and make it a habit
(habituation), and feel the benefits, so that it is imprinted in him as a professional civil servant character according to
the field of duty. CPNS Basic Training Of course this is a policy that must be supported by all parties in order to realize
the goals contained in it. Good synergy and collaboration are needed to implement policies so that the purpose of the
training is to form participants to be able to internalize, implement, and actualize, and make it a habit (habituation),
and feel the benefits, so that it is imprinted in him as a professional civil servant character according to the field of
duty. CPNS Basic Training Of course this is a policy that must be supported by all parties in order to realize the goals
contained in it. Good synergy and collaboration are needed to implement policies so that the purpose of the training is
to form participants to be able to internalize, implement, and actualize, and make it a habit (habituation), and feel the
benefits, so that it is imprinted in him as a professional civil servant character according to the field of duty. CPNS
Basic Training and feel the benefits, so that it is imprinted in him as a professional civil servant character according to
his field of duty. CPNS Basic Training and feel the benefits, so that it is imprinted in him as a professional civil servant
character according to his field of duty. CPNS Basic Training as one type of strategic training in forming professional
civil servants with character in carrying out their duties and positions as implementers of public policies, public
servants, and adhesives and unifiers of the nation forming the ability to behave and act professionally in managing
challenges and problems of socio-cultural diversity in each implementation of their duties as community service.
If the Central Java Provincial Government can implement the five aspects required in the Basic Training of
Civil Servant Candidates, namely Integrated Competence Development, State Defense Attitudes and Behaviors,
Actualization of Basic Civil Servant Values, Actualization of the Role and Position of Civil Servants in the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Mastery of Competence in the Field of Duties , as well as being able to suppress
the inhibiting factors and maximize the supporting factors for the Basic Training of Civil Servant Candidates, the

Journal homepage: https://bajangjournal.com/index.php/IJSS
International Journal of Social Science (IJSS)
Vol.1 No.3 October 2021, pp: 209-224
ISSN: 2798-3463 (Printed) | 2798-4079 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53625/ijss.v1i3.414 223
policy of the Basic Training of Civil Servant Candidates in Central Java Province can be implemented properly, and
will support the improvement of public services in Central Java Province.

Based on the researcher's analysis, of the policy implementation factors, some are supportive in the
implementation of basic training but some are hindering, including the implementation of the learning process that has
not fully supported the achievement of training objectives. Various training requirements as administrative, technical,
and substantial policies can be met in the implementation of training. Seeing the great potential in infrastructure and
resources in the implementation of training provides an impetus for training to increase the capacity of the bureaucratic
apparatus in Central Java, which has been needed in service to the community. Character development and
professionalism of the apparatus are expected to increase development in general, especially in Central Java Province.
Curriculum development and learning systems that emphasize the transfer of culture or how these values will
be integrated into the attitudes and behavior of the apparatus, become a culture, work ethic that supports the
professionalism of their duties and positions. Citing research Fachrizi (2016), that the quality of apparatus resources
needs to be supported by a competency-based human resource management system. Competent human resources are
human resources who have the abilities, skills and attitudes needed in carrying out their duties so that the apparatus
can carry out their duties effectively and efficiently.
To analyze the effectiveness of the training results on the competency of the training alumni is to conduct an
assessment of the achievement of objectives, and the competency standards that have been set. In this case the
competency standard used is based on the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic
Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 38 of 2017 concerning Competency Standards for State Civil Apparatus

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concerning Acceleration of Implementation of Basic Training for Candidates for Civil Servants in 2019
[22] Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services.
[23] Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus.

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