Atomic Theory Timeline

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Ernest Rutherford did an

experiment with positively

charged particles in gold foil. He
proved that atoms are not
John Dalton was an english pudding made with positively
chemist in the 1800s. He charged materials. He came up
performed a number of with a theory that atoms have a
Democritus was from Ancient experiments that led to the idea
Gtreece. He wanted to find a small dense positiverly charged
of atoms. He believed that all center. That is the theory that he
description of matter. He matter is made of atoms are very
thought it could be broken down discovered the nuclues.
tiny and indestructible. He also
into smaller and smaller pieces used the theory “death of
until it’s eventually indivisible. chemistry,”
He called these atoms.

300 BC 1897 1913

400 BC 1803 1908

Aristotle was the popular Bohr was a danish scientist who
philosopher in ancient greece. JJ Thompson was an english proposed on improvement to the
He believed that all matter had 4 scientist in 1897. He came up atomic model he had built on the
elements. Fire air water and with the first hint that an atom is theory that mass of an atom is
earth. He also believed that it made of even smaller particles. contained in the nucleus most of
had 4 properties which were hot He discovered the plum pudding the time. These orbits in his
cold dry and wet. His ideas were model which is the negative model are located at distances
accepted for centuries. particle of an atom. The theory from the nucleus. .
he came up with was that atoms
are made from positively
charged susbstances and
electrons that are negatively
The atomic theory today is that the atomic
cloud electrons do not orbit the nucleus in
planet like orbits. They move at high speeds
in an electron cloud around the nucleus. They
whirl around the nucleus many many times in
a second but they do not move in random
patterns. This theory was further thought
through in the 20th century.

1. Who discovered the electron? 1. What does atom mean?
a. Dalton a. Small
b. Thomson b. Visible
c. Rutherford c. indivisible
d. Bohr d. Particle
2. What did Rutherford discover in his experiment? 2. Who is “responsible” for the 2000-year “Death of Chemistry”?
a. Nucleus a. Aristotle
b. electrons b. Democritus
c. neutrons c. Thomson
3. In which model are atoms imagined as tiny balls? d. Dalton
a. Dalton 3. Rutherford’s “gold-foil” experiment using alpha particle scattering
b. Thomson concluded that
c. Rutherford a. The center of the atom is empty
d. Bohr b. Atomic mass is spread over the whole atom
4. Who proposed a model with electrons moving in specific layers? c. The center of the atom has a negative charge
a. Dalton d. Most of the atom is empty
b. Thomson 4. In which model are atoms imagined as the solar system?
c. Rutherford a. Dalton
d. Bohr b. Thomson
c. Rutherford
d. Bohr
e. Cloud Model

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