CUET Previous Year Paper - 2023
CUET Previous Year Paper - 2023
CUET Previous Year Paper - 2023
Attempt only 40 questions out of the given 50 questions. Each question carries 5 marks. One mark will be deducted for a
wrong answer.
Full Marks: 200 (Time: 45 Minutes)
(a) zero
E=0 V = V0
3 µ0 I
(b) r≠0 (b) , β =60
2 R
V = V0
µ0 I
(c) , β =45
(d) 1, b = 90°
× ×
× 4. The capacitance of a capacitor becomes times its
× E=0 × 6
(c) r=0 2
× original value if a dielectric slab of thickness t = d
V = V0 × 3
× is introduced in between the plates, where d is the
× ×
separation between the plates. The dielectric constant
of the slab is:
ii CUET 2023
15. A p-n junction diode can be used: 20. The kinetic energy of an electron in the ground state of
(a) To convert dc voltage into ac voltage hydrogen atom is 13.6eV. The potential energy (P.E) and
(b) To convert ac voltage into dc voltage total energy (E) of electron in this state is:
(c) To decrease the amplitude of ac voltage (a) P.E = –13.6eV, E = 27.2eV
(d) To decrease the frequency of ac voltage (b) P.E = +13.6eV, E = –27.2eV
16. The sensitivity of a potentiometer can be increased by: (c) P.E = +27.2eV,E = –13.6eV
(d) P.E = –27.2eV,E= –13.6eV
(a) Decreasing the length of potentiometer wire only.
(b) Increasing the potential gradient of the 21. The colour of the third band of a colour coded carbon
potentiometer wire of fixed length. resistor of resistance 2.3 × 102W would be:
(c) Decreasing the potential gradient of the (a) Red (b) Yellow
potentiometer wire of fixed length. (c) Blue (d) Brown
(d) Increasing the current in the potentiometer wire 22. The bottom of a container is a 6 cm thick glass (m = 1.5)
circuit. slab. The container contains a thick layer of water (mw
17. Match List-I with List-II. = 1.33), 4cm on top of the glass. What is the apparent
position of a scratch on the outer surface of the bottom
List-I List-II of the glass slab when viewed through the container?
Electric field outside a (a) 1 cm (b) 2 cm
A. uniformly charged thin (i) zero (c) 3.5 cm (d) 3 cm
spherical shell. 23. V-I graph for a platinum wire at temperatures T1 and T2
λ is shown in the given figure. The temperature difference
Electric inside the uniformly n̂ (T2 – T1) is proportional to:
B. (ii)
charged thin spherical shell 2π ∈0 r
Electric field the uniformly σ
C. long straight uniformly (iii) nˆ
2 ∈0 V
charged wire
Electric field due to a uniformly kq q
D. (iv) r̂
charged infinite plane sheet r2
Choose the correct answer from the options given I
(a) sin2q (b) cos2q
(a) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii)
(c) tan2q (d) cot2q
(b) A-(i), B-(iv), C-(iii), D-(ii)
(c) A-(ii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(iii) 24. If charge is moving parallel to uniform magnetic field,
(d) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(i) its path will be:
18. Two lenses of power 3D and -1D are kept in contact. (a) straight line (b) circular
The focal length of the combined lens would be: (c) hellical (d) elliptical
(a) 50 cm (b) 200 cm 25. A message signal of peak value 2V is used to modulate
a carrier wave of peak value 10V. The modulation index
(c) 100 cm (d) 400 cm
of the amplitude modulated wave is:
19. Which of the following statements are correct:
(a) 0.2 (b) 5
A. In semiconductor diodes carriers are generated by
(c) 0.66 (d) 1.5
B. When the photo diode is illuminated with light with 26. A ray is incident normally on the face of an equilateral
energy (E) > Energy gap (Eg) of the semiconductor, prism of refracting angle of 60°. The refractive index of
then electron-hole pairs are generated. 2
the prism is . The angle of deviation will be:
C. Photovoltaic devices convert electricity into 3
optical radiation. (a) 60° (b) 30°
D. Photodiode can be used as a photodetector to (c) 45° (d) 60°
detect optical signal.
27. In a p-n junction under equilibrium:
E. Zener diode specification should be taken as per
the required output voltage. (a) Diffusion current dominates
Choose the correct answer from the following options (b) Drift current dominates
given below: (c) No net current flows
(a) A, B and C only (b) B, C and E only (d) Depending upon the semiconductor either diffusion
(c) A, B, D and E only (d) A, C and D only current or drift current dominates.
iv CUET 2023
28. Which of the following statements are correct? 34. A monochromatic visible light consists of
A. The relative motion between a magnet and a coil is (a) light of a single wavelength with all the colours of
responsible for induction of electric current in the spectrum of white light.
coil. (b) light of many wavelengths with a single colour.
B. Magnetic flux is a vector quantity. (c) light of many wavelengths with all the colours of
C. In a closed coil, the magnitude of emf induced is spectrum of white light.
equal to the time rate of change of magnetic flux. (d) light of a single colour and single wavelength.
D. Eddy currents oppose the magnetic braking effect 35. Arrange the following EM waves in increasing order of
in trains. their frequency?
E. Lenz’s law gives the polarity of the induced emf A. Ultraviolet rays B. Gamma rays
clearly. C. Radio waves D. Infrared waves
Choose the correct answer from the options given E. X-rays
below: Chose the correct answer from the options given below:
(a) B, C and D only (b) A, B, D and E only (a) C < E < A < D < B (b) B < E < A < D < C
(c) C < D < A < E < B (d) B < A < C < D < E
(c) A, B and D only (d) A, C and E only
36. Magnetic susceptibility χ of a given material is –0.5.
29. An a.c voltage is applied to a resistor of resistance 5W and Identify the magnetic material.
an inductor having inductive reactance of 5W connected
(a) Paramagnetic
in series. The phase difference between applied voltage
(b) Diamagnetic
and the current in the circuit is:
(c) Ferromagnetic
π π (d) Diamagnetic and Ferromagnetic both
(a) (b)
3 4 37. Which of the following pair of nuclides are Isobars?
2 3 3 3
π (a) 1 H,1 H (b) 1 H, 2 He
(c) (d) Zero
2 198 197 1 3
(c) 80 Hg, 79 Au (d) 1 H,1 H
30. A dentist has a small mirror of focal length 1.6 cm. He
observes the cavity in the tooth of a patient by holding 38. Current carrying wire produces:
the mirror at a distance of 8 mm from the cavity. The (a) Electric field only
magnification is: (b) Magnetic field only
(a) 1 (b) 1.5 (c) Both Electric and Magnetic field
(c) 2 (d) 3 (d) Electric flux only
31. A molecule of a substance has a permanent electric dipole 39. The depletion layer has large electrical resistance
moment of magnitude 10–31 cm. A mole of this substance because:
is 100% polarised by applying a strong electrostatic field
of magnitude 108 Vm–1. The direction of field is suddenly (a) It contains few ions as charge carriers
changed by an angle of 60°. Find the heat released by (b) It has few holes as charge carriers
substance in aligning its dipoles along the new direction (c) It has no charge carriers
of the field. [Take 1 mole = 6 × 1023 molecules] (d) It contains few electrons as charge carriers
(a) –9 J (b) –3 J
40. An electric dipole of dipole moment p is rotated in
(c) 9 J (d) 3 J an electric field of magnitude E from the most stable
32. Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves are/is orientation to most unstable orientation. The work done
evident by: in the process is:
A. Interference B. Dispersion (a) pE (b) 2pE
C. Polarisation D. Diffraction
(c) –2pE (d) –pE
Choose the correct answer from the options given
below: 41. When the electron in hydrogen atom jumps from the
2nd orbit to the 1st orbit, the wavelength of the radiation
(a) A only (b) C and D only
emitted is l. When the electron jumps from the 3rd orbit
(c) A and B only (d) C only to 1st orbit, the wavelength of emitted radiation is:
33. The magnetic flux (Φ) is:
27 27
(a) Scalar quantity and its SI unit is Wb/m2. (a) λ (b) λ
32 5
(b) Vector quantity and its SI unit is Tm2.
(c) Scalar quantity and its SI unit is Tm2. 4 2
(c) λ (d) λ
(d) Vector quantity and its SI unit is Wb/m2. 5 3
NTA CUET Question Paper 2023 v
42. If UE = electric field energy density and Um = magnetic 48. The anode voltage of a photocell is kept fixed. The
field energy density. Then, wavelength, l of light falling on the cathode is gradually
changed. The plate current I of the photocell varies as
(a) >1 (b) =1 follows.
Um Um
(c) <1 (d) U is variable
Um m
43. Some equipotential surfaces are shown. What is the
magnitude and direction of electric field?
(a) 200 V/m making an angle of 120° with x-axis
(b) 100 V/m making an angle of 30° with x-axis
(c) 200 V/m making an angle of 300° with x-axis
(d) 100 V/m making an angle of 60° with x-axis
44. What should be the size of an obstacle to observe
diffraction? l
(a) has no relation with the wavelength I
(b) should be exactly half of the wavelength
(c) should be of the same order as wavelength
(d) should be much larger than the wavelength (d)
45. Young’s double slit experiment is performed using a
source of white light.
A. The center fringe will be white.
49. In the situation shown in the figure, the straight wire is
B. The fringe next to the center fringe will be violet. fixed but the loop can move under magnetic force. The
C. The fringe next to the center fringe will be red. loop will:
D. There will be no completely dark fringe.
E. The center fringe will be of no colour.
Choose the correct answer from the options given i1 i2
(a) C, D, E only (b) A, B, D only
(c) A, C and D only (d) B, C, D only
46. Which quantity is increased in a step-down transformer? (a) Remains stationary
(a) Power (b) Current (b) Moves towards the wire
(c) Moves away from the wire
(c) Frequency (d) Voltage
(d) Rotates about the wire
47. The increased resistance of a wire if its length is doubled
and original cross -sectional area is halved will be: 50. A telescope has an objective of focal length 30 cm and an
(Given R = original resistance of wire) eyepiece of focal length 3.0 cm. It is focused on a scale
distant 2.0 m. For seeing with relaxed eye, the separation
3 R between the objective and eyepiece would be:
(a) R (b)
4 4 (a) 35.3 cm (b) 38.3 cm
(c) 4R (d) 3R (c) 37 cm (d) 30 cm
vi CUET 2023
Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (a)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (c)
31. (b) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (c) 36. (b) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (c) 48. (d) 49. (b) 50. (b)
1. (d) Affected by frames of reference Under electrostatic conditions, the electric field
(a) Quantisation: Charges are quantized, which inside a hollow conducting sphere is zero. Outside
means they exist in discrete multiples of a the sphere, the electric field drops off as 1/r2 as
fundamental charge (e.g., elementary charge though all the excess charge on the sphere is
for electrons). concentrated at its centre.
(b) Scalar: Charge has only magnitude but no Inside the sphere, E is zero everywhere; otherwise,
direction. So, charge is a scalar quantity. charge would move within the sphere. Hence, if a
test charge moves from any point to any other point
(c) Additive: Charges can be added algebraically.
inside the sphere, no work is done on that charge.
For example, the total charge of a system is the
This means that the potential is the same at every
sum of individual charges within that system.
point inside the sphere and is equal to its value
(d) Affected by frames of reference: Charges Q/4pe0R at the surface.
and their interactions are invariant under
Hence, option (c) is correct
changes in frames of reference, meaning they
are not affected by the observer’s motion. × ×
2. (c) We place positive charge q on a hollow conducting ×
sphere of radius R (as shown in figure). All the × E=0 ×
4πε0 R
R V= BP → directed vertically upward
4πε0 r
r BQ → horizontally directed
= B B2p + BQ2
NTA CUET Question Paper 2023 vii
µ0 I 7. (c) Given,
We have BP = BQ = ⇒ B = 2Bp B0 = 610nT
c = 3 × 108 m/s
µ I µ0 I
= 2 0 ⇒ = B The magnitude of electric field is given by
2R 2R E0 = B0c
The net magnetic field is directed at angle of 45° E0 = 610 × 10–9 × 3 × 108
with either of the fields. E0 = 183 NC–1
ε A 8. (c) It is necessary for the signal wave to travel large
4. (d) The capacitance is given by C1 = 0 ...(i)
d distances for beyond-the-horizon communication
2 using sky waves. Frequency of 10kHz requires
If electric slab of constant k of thickness t = d is very large antennas. The high energy signal waves
introduced, then capacitance becomes (1GHz to 1000GHz) penetrate the ionosphere.
ε0 A Thus, signal waves of 10MHz frequencies are most
C2 =
1 suitable for beyond-the-horizon communication
d − t 1 −
k because they easily get reflected from the ionosphere.
ε A 9. (a) Impedance of a series RLC circuit at resonance is
⇒ C2 = 0 Minimum.
2 1
d − d 1 − For a series LC circuit, Voltage across L and C are
3 k 180° out of phase.
ε0 A For a parallel LC circuit, Current in L and C are
⇒ C2 = 180° out of phase.
2 2
d 1 − + Reactance of a capacitor in a DC circuit is infinite.
3 3k
C 10. (a) We know that, half life is T1/2 =
⇒ C2 = 1 for the first nuclear substance,
1 2
3 + 3k ln 2
5= ...(i)
7 C1 λ1
⇒ C1 = for the second nuclear substance,
6 1 2
3 3k ln 2 ...(ii)
7.5 =
1 2 6 λ2
⇒ + =
3 3k 7 Now, we divide equation (ii) with equation (i) we
get, l1 : l2 = 3/2
2 6 1 11
⇒ = − = 11. (c) The energy equation is given as,
3k 7 3 21
eV0 = hn – W
or 33k = 21 × 2
42 14 hν W
k =
= V=
0 −
33 11 e e
When the frequency is doubled,
5. (c) Неге, V = 3 volt, R = 1.5W,
2hν W
e = 1.6 × 10–19 C, t = 1s. V0'
= −
e e
V 3 Q ne
Now, = I = I =
= 2A and = , оr, W W
t t
R 1.5 V0' = 2 V0 + −
e e
t 1
n =I =2 × × 1019 = 1.25 × 1019 W
e 1.6 V0' 2 V0 +
6. (a) e
B V0' > 2 V0
Thus, the stopping potential will become more than
A 12. (d) In photoelectric effect, the minimum negative
q r
potential to the plate A for which photocurrent is
zero is called the stopping potential, not saturation
since, Point A and B are on an equipotential surface. potential. Saturation current refers to the maximum
So,work done in moving a charge will be zero. photocurrent that can be achieved.
viii CUET 2023
The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons is This is the primary application of a p-n junction
directly proportional to the frequency (or energy) diode. It acts as a rectifier, converting AC voltage
of the incident radiation, not its intensity. The into DC voltage by allowing current to flow in one
kinetic energy is given by Kmax = hν – Φ, where h is direction only.
Planck’s constant, ν is the frequency of light and Φ A diode does not decrease the amplitude of AC
is the work function of the material. voltage. It rectifies AC voltage and maintains the
The correct statement is Kmax = eVo, where e is the same amplitude in the resulting DC voltage.
elementary charge (1.6 × 10–19 C) and Vo is the A diode cannot decrease the frequency of AC
stopping potential. voltage. The frequency remains the same during the
Photocurrent becomes zero when the stopping rectification process.
potential is applied. At the stopping potential, 16. (c) Since, A potentiometer’s sensitivity is inversely
the kinetic energy of the fastest photoelectrons correlated with its potential gradient. Hence,
becomes zero and no current flows in the circuit. by decreasing the potential gradient of the
The stopping potential depends on the frequency (or potentiometer wire of fixed length, The, sensitivity
energy) of the incident light and different intensities of a potentiometer can be increased.
of light with the same frequency will have the same 17. (a) Electric field outside a uniformly charged thin
stopping potential. kq
spherical shell = 2 r̂
So, the correct statements are C, D & E only. r
13. (d) Diamagnetic substances have very weak, induced There is no electric field inside the spherical shell
magnetic moments that oppose an external because of the absence of an enclosed charge.
magnetic field, but the resultant magnetic moment Electric field due to an infinitely long straight
is generally negligible. λ
uniformly charged wire = n̂
In a paramagnetic material, the magnetization 2π ∈0 r
is directly proportional to the applied magnetic Electric field due to a uniformly charged infinite
field and inversely proportional to the absolute
temperature. plane sheet = nˆ
2 ∈0
At the Curie temperature, ferromagnetic
materials undergo a phase transition and become 18. (a) When two lenses are kept in contact their powers are
paramagnetic. added up, so the resultant power of the combined
Ferromagnetic materials have magnetic lens
permeability significantly greater than 1. P = P1 + P2 = 3D – 1D = 2D
Diamagnetic materials have a negative magnetic As power is positive in sign, so it behaves as a
susceptibility and their susceptibility is very close converging or convex lens. Now the focal length of
to zero, not significantly greater than 1. the combined lens is given by
So, the correct statements are B, C and D only. 1 1m
= f = = 50 cm
14. (b) Given, P ( in D ) 2
mass of electron, mc = 0.00055u
19. (c) In semiconductor diodes, carriers can be generated
mass of proton, mp = 1.00727u by photo-excitation. When photons with sufficient
mass of neutron, mn = 1.00866u energy strike the semiconductor material, they can
experimental mass of nucleus M = 15.99053u create electron-hole pairs, generating carriers in the
Mass defect: ∆M = [ZMp + (A – Z)Mn – M] diode.
Substituting the known values, we get When a photodiode is illuminated with light with
energy (E) greater than the energy gap (Eg) of the
∆M = [8 × 1.00727 + (16 – 8)×1.00866 – 15.99053]
semiconductor, electron-hole pairs are generated.
= 0.13691u
This process is known as the photoelectric effect
16 MeV
Hence, The mass defect of 8 O nucleus in and it is the basis for the operation of photodiodes
c2 as light detectors.
= 0.1369 × 931.5 = 127.531665.
Photovoltaic devices, like solar cells, convert
15. (b) A p-n junction diode can be used for the following optical radiation (light) into electricity. When light
purposes: strikes the semiconductor material of a photovoltaic
A diode cannot directly convert DC voltage into AC device, it generates electron-hole pairs, resulting in
voltage. It allows current flow in one direction only, a voltage across the device and generating electrical
so it rectifies AC voltage into DC voltage. power.
NTA CUET Question Paper 2023 ix
Air 2V
= = 0.2
10 V
4 cm h1 Water 26. (b)
h2 Glass 60°
6 cm s Q
ε0 E 02
UE =
Electromagnetic radiation is classified into types Now, E0 = CB0 and C2 =
according to the frequency of the wave. These types µ0 ε0
include, in order of increasing frequency, radio ε0 ε 1 B2
waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible UE = × C2 B02 = 0 × × B02 = 0 = U m
4 4 µ0 ε0 4µ0
light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays.
The frequency is the inverse of wavelength. ∴ UE =
36. (b) For diamagnetic material, χ < 0
43. (c) The electric field is always perpendicular to the
Here, Magnetic susceptibility χ of a given material
is –0.5. equipotential surface. (As shown in the figure)
Hence, It is diamagnetic material. y cm
37. (b) Isobars are the elements having different atomic 30V
number but same mass number. Here, in option (b),
3 3 30°
1 H, 2 He , have same mass number. Thus, (b) is the x cm
right answer. 60°
38. (b) A conductor that is conducting current generates a E
magnetic field all around it. 10 cm
A current-carrying wire generates a magnetic field as
a result of the moving charges inside the conductor. So, the angle between E and dx = 90° – 30°
A current-carrying conductor is a neutral species Change in potential in the first and second
under electromagnetism’s rules until an external equipotential surfaces, dV = 10V
charge or electric field is added to it. Therefore, there
so, E ⋅ dx = −dV
is no electric field created around the conductor.
⇒ Edx cos(90° – 30°) = –dv
39. (c) The electrical resistance if depletion layer is
large because there is no charge carriers because ⇒ E(10 × 10–2) cos60° = –(–10)
Depletion layer consist of mainly stationary ions. ⇒ E = 200 V/m
40. (a) Equation for work done in rotating dipole from The electric field is making an angle of 300° with
angle ‘q1’ to angle ‘q2’ the x axis.
Work done = p*E (cosq1 – cosq2) 44. (c) Diffraction happens when light passes through a
Here, cosq1 = cos0 = 1 (stable) narrow aperture opening. It is the most essential
cosq2 = cos180 = –1 (unstable) criterion for diffraction to occur. For significant
So, diffraction patterns, the aperture or slit width must be
Work done = p*E(1– (–1)) = 2pE comparable to or less than the wavelength of light.
41. (a) Wavelength of photon emitted 45. (b) When white light is used in Young’s double-slit
experiment, the center fringe (central maximum)
1 1 1
R 2 − 2 ( Z =
= 1) will appear white because all colors of the spectrum
n 2 n1 are superimposed at this point.
Transaction from second orbit to first orbit: The violet end of the spectrum (with the shortest
We have, n1 = 2 n2 = 1 wavelengths) is closer to the central fringe, with the
other colours being further away in order.
1 1 1 4
∴= R 2 − 2 R
⇒= When using white light, there will be no completely
λ 1 2 3λ
dark fringes because each fringe corresponds to a
Transaction from third orbit to first orbit: specific wavelength and there are many wavelengths
We have, n1 = 3 n2 = 1 present in white light. Therefore, even if certain
1 1 1 colors are canceled due to destructive interference,
∴ = R 2 − 2
λ′ 1 3 other colors will still contribute to some brightness.
9 9 3λ 27 46. (b) In a step-down transformer the voltage in the
⇒ λ ′= = × = λ secondary is less than the voltage in the primary
8R 8 4 32
circuit. That is Vs < Vp. For an ideal transformer.
xii CUET 2023
VsIs = VPIP 49. (b) Force between two parallel current carrying
conductors is attractive, if they carry current in
or Is
= or IS > I P same direction and repulsive, if they carry current
VS in opposite direction.
∴ The current in the secondary increase. So, the branch left portion is attracted to the long
47. (c) To find the increased resistance (R’) of the wire wire, while the branch right portion is repelled by it.
after doubling its length and halving its original Since the force is inversely proportional to the
cross-sectional area, we can use the formula for distance between the two wires, the force of
resistance: attraction is more than the force of repulsion.
Resistance (R) = (ρ * L) / A, Hence there is a net force attracting the loop towards
where: ρ is the resistivity of the material, L is the the wire and the loop will move towards the wire.
length of the wire and A is the cross-sectional area
of the wire. 50. (b) For seeing with relaxed eye, the final image should
Since the wire’s length is doubled (2L) and the be formed at infinity.
cross-sectional area is halved (A/2), the new For this, the image formed by the objective should
resistance (R’) will be: fall at the focus of the eyepiece.
R’ = (ρ * 2L) / (A/2) = (2ρ * L) / (A/2) Let v0 be the distance of the image formed by the
= (4ρ * L) / A. objective.
Therefore, the increased resistance (R’) will be four
Then, from the lens formula,
times the original resistance (R).
R’ = 4R. 1 1 1
− =
48. (d) As λ decreases, n increases and hence the speed v0 u 0 f 0
of photoelectron increases. The chances of photo
Here u0 = –2.0 m = –200 cm, f0 = 30 cm
electron to meet the anode increases and hence
photo electric current increases. 1 1 1
⇒ − =
v0 −200 30
1 1 1 20 − 3 17
⇒ = − = =
v0 30 200 600 600
⇒ v0 = = 35.3 cm
Attempt only 40 questions out of the given 50 questions. Each question carries 5 marks. One mark will be deducted for a
wrong answer.
Full Marks: 200 (Time: 45 Minutes)
1. Energy of a photon corresponding to a wavelength of 600 5. A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency 50 MHz
nm is 2.08e V. The energy of a photon of wavelength 400 travels in free space along the x-direction. At a particular
nm will be: point in space and time E = 9.3jˆ V m −1 . What is B at
(a) 1.39 e V (b) 3.12 e V this point?
(c) 4.68 e V (d) 0.92 e V
2. The half -life of a radioactive substance is 10 days. How (a) (3.1×10 kˆ ) T
(b) (3.1×10 ˆi ) T
9. Figure shows drift speed Vd of conduction electrons in 13. Which of the following circuits can not be used to
a copper wire versus position (X) for the three sections. measure the resistance of resistor R?
(a) R
A. Radius of III > Radius of II > Radius of I
B. Electric Field in III > Electric Field in II > Electric (b)
Field in I A
C. Radius of wire is same in all sections
D. Conductivity is same in all sections R
Choose the correct answer from the options given
(a) D only (b) B and D only (c)
(c) A and D only (d) B and C only A
10. In the potentiometer circuit the balance point is at X. The
balance point will be shifted right towards B when: V
(·) 14. A thin metallic spherical shell contains a charge +10mC
S on it. A point charge +2mC is placed at the centre of the
shell and another charge +5mC is placed outside it as
A. Resistance R is increased keeping all other shown. The force on the charge +2mC at the centre is:
parameters constant
B. Resistance S is increased keeping all other (a) Towards the Left 10mC
parameters constant (b) Towards the Right
C. Cell P is replaced by another cell whose emf is (c) Upwards
lower than Q (d) zero +2mC +5mC
D. The polarity of Q is reversed
Choose the correct answer from the options given 15. If a match box of size 5cm × 4 cm × 1 cm is filled with
below: nuclear matter, what will be its expected mass? The density
(a) A only (b) B and D only of the nuclear matter is approximately 2.3×1017 kgm–3.
(c) A, B only (d) B and C only (a) 4.6 × 1012 mg
11. During the p-n junction formation, when an electron (b) 4.6 × 1012 mg
diffuses from n → P, it leaves behind an: (c) 4.6 × 1012 g
(a) Ionised acceptor on n-side (d)4.6 × 1012 kg
(b) Ionised donor on n-side 16. The force between two electric charges is expressed by
(c) Ionised donor on p-side the equation:
(d) Ionised donor on n-side and p-side both kq q
F = 12 2
12. The same current is flowing in two AC circuits. The r
first circuit contains a pure inductor and the second, a Which of the following is a correct statement?
capacitor. If the frequency of the AC is increased, then
(a) The equation applies to point charges
the current will.
(b) k is Boltzmann’s constant
(a) Increase in the first but decrease in the second
(c) r is the radius of the spheres on which the two
(b) Increase in both charges are placed
(c) Decrease in both (d) The equation can only be applied to uniform
(d) Decrease in the first and increase in the second electric fields
NTA CUET Question Paper 2023 xv
17. According to Einstein’s photoelectric equation, the plot D. The electric field lines start from positive charges
of the Kinetic Energy of the emitted photoelectrons from and end at negative charges. If there is a single
a metal versus the frequency of the incident radiation charge, these may start or end at infinity.
gives a straight line whose slope: E. If the uniform surface charge density of an infinite
(a) Depends on the nature of the metal used plane sheet is positive, the electric field is directed
away from the plate.
(b) Depends on the intensity of the radiation
Choose the correct answer from the options given
(c) Depends both on the intensity of the radiation and below:
the metal used (a) B, C and E only (b) A, C and D only
(d) Is the same for all metals and independent of the (c) A, B, D and E only (d) A, B and C only
intensity of the radiation 23. A square shaped wire loop of side L is carrying a current
18. Which of the following change is observed when light I. What is the magnetic field at the point of intersection
of diagonals of the square wire loop?
travels from air to glass?
(a) Speed of light only µo I 2 2µ o I
(a) (b)
(b) Frequency of light only πL 2 πL
(c) Wavelength of light only 2µ0 I 2µ o I
(c) (d)
πL πL
(d) Wavelength and speed of light only
19. In an AC generator when the plane of the armature 24. What is the approximate earth’s dipole moment, if the
earth’s magnetic field at the Equator is approximately
is perpendicular to the magnetic field, what will the
0.5G and diameter is 15.0 × 106 m?
magnitude of the magnetic flux passing through the coil
and the emf induced in the coil be? (a) 1.05 × 108 Am2 (b) 6.5 × 1030 Am2
(c) 2.1 × 1023 Am2 (d) 1.05 × 1023 Am2
(a) Both the magnetic flux and the induced emf are
maximum 25. The magnitude of a magnetic force on a current carrying
conductor is given by:
(b) Both the magnetic flux and the induced emf are
zero (a) q (b) qvB sinq
(c) The magnetic flux is zero and the induced emf is
(c) iBl sinq (d) q(E + vB sinq)
26. Choose the logic gate represented by the following
(d) The magnetic flux is maximum and the induced combination of logic gates.
emf is zero
20. If the 8th bright band of wavelength l1 coincides with 9th A
bright brand of wavelength l2 in a Young’s double slits y
experiment then the possible wavelength of two lights are:
(a) l1 = 450 nm, l2 = 400 nm y2
(b) l1 = 400 nm, l2 = 450 nm (a) NOR (b) NAND
(c) AND (d) OR
(c) l1 = 425 nm, l2 = 450 nm
(d) l1 = 400 nm, l2 = 425 nm 27. P1 and P2 are two polaroids
21. A particle moves three times as fast as an electron. The
ratio of the de Broglie wavelength of the particle to that Unpolarised light Io Transmitted light
of the electron is 1.813 × 10–4. The mass of the particle is: 3Io
(a) 1.67 × 10–27kg (b) 1.67 × 10–31
kg P1 P2 8
(c) 1.67 × 10 kg (d) 1.67 × 10 kg
–29 –30
The intensity of the unpolarised is Io and intensity of
22. Electrostatics deals with the study of forces, fields 3I
the transmitted height is O . The angle between axis
and potential arising from static charges. Which of the of P1 and P2 is: 8
following statements are correct?
(a) 30° (b) 90°
A. Electrostatic force is a conservative force (c) 45° (d) 60°
B. Charge is quantized because only integral number 28. Two coherent light beams of intensities I and 4I are
of electrons can be transferred from one body to superimposed. The maximum and minimum possible
the other intensities in the resulting pattern are:
C. In a uniform electric field E, an electric dipole (a) 5I and 3I (b) 5I and I
experiences a torque t and a net force F. (c) 9I and I (d) 9I and 3I
xvi CUET 2023
41. What would be the position of image formed by the lens (a) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iv)
combination given in the figure below? (b) A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(iii)
f = +10 cm f = –10 cm f = +10 cm (c) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii), D-(iv)
(d) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(iii), D-(i)
46. A 25mF capacitor, a 0.10H inductor and a 25W resistor
20 cm are connected in series with an ac source of emf e = 310
sin314t. What is the frequency of AC source?
10 cm 20 cm
(a) 314 Hz (b) 100 Hz
(a) 10 cm to the right of third lens
(b) 7 cm to the right of third lens (c) 50 Hz (d) 310 Hz
(c) 7 cm to the left of third lens 47. Cell having an emf e and internal resistance r is connected
(d) at ∞ to right of third lens across a variable external resistance R. As the resistance
42. A ray of light passes through an equilateral glass prism in R is increased, the plot of potential difference V across
such a manner that the angle of incidence is equal to the R is given by:
angle of emergence and each of these angles is equal to
(a) V
3 e
4 of the angle of prism. The angle of deviation is:
(a) 45° (b) 70°
(c) 39° (d) 30°
43. Which of the following spherical lenses does not exhibit R
dispersion? The radii of curvature of the surfaces of the
lenses are given in diagrams. (b) V
R1 R2 R ∞
(a) (b)
R R R ∞ (c) V
(c) (d) e
Answer Key
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (d) 13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (d) 18. (d) 19. (d) 20. (a)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (c) 29. (b) 30. (b)
31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (c)
41. (a) 42. (d) 43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (c) 48. (d) 49. (a) 50. (b)
To find the direction and intensity of the magnetic 8. (b) Centripetal force of the charged particle is provided
field of Electromagnetic wave. by the magnetic force acting on the particle.
The magnetic field intensity due to the wave is mv 2
Hence, qvB =
E0 r
given by B0 = r m
c ⇒ =
v qB
9.3 Hence time period of the rotation of particle is
⇒ B0 = = 3.1× 10−8 Tesla
3 × 108 2πr 2πm
=T =
Since the propagation of the wave is along î v qB
(X-direction) and the electric field vector is along Hence it is independent of both v and r.
ĵ , the magnetic field of the wave should lie J l
9. (c) The drift speed of the electrons, V=
d =
perpendicular to both the direction of propagation ne neA
and direction of electric field. ...(1)
The electric field magnitude due to the drift speed,
So, B should be along k̂ such that E × B should
E = rneVd ...(2)
give î (propagation in X direction). The conductivity of a material, s = 1/r...(3)
⇒B= B0 k̂ From equation first,
l 1
B 3.1× 10−8 k̂T
= = Vd 2
, Vd α 2 So, rIII > rII > rI
neπr r
6. (c) Given, Therefore, the rank of the three sections according
The radius of the sphere, r = 1.3 m to the radius is rIII > rII > rI
Surface charge density, σ = 70 × 10–6 C/m2 From equation second,
The relation of field to that of drift speed is given
Finding the charge of the sphere as: EaVd
We know, Again, we know that (Vd)I > (Vd)II > (Vd)III
The total charge on the surface of the sphere, Hence, magnitude of the electric field is, EI > EII
Q = Charge density × Surface area > EIII
From equation 3rd,
= s × 4pr2 As all the three sections are made up of the same
By substituting the values, we get material, using equation (3), we can say that all
Q = 70 × 10–6 × 4 × 3.14 × (1.3)2 three sections have the same conductivity for same
Q = 1.485 × 10–3 C
Therefore, the rank of the three sections according
Finding the total electric flux leaving the surface of to the conductivity is sA = sB = sC
the sphere 10. (a) (A) RAB ∝ R so If resistance R is increased
We know the relation, keeping all other parameters same, null point
Q X will be shifted towards forwards. inorder to
φtotal = increase RAB.
(B) RAB ∝ 1/S If resistance S is increased keeping
Permittivity of free space, R constant, balance point X shifts towards
e0 = 8.85 × 10–12 N–1C2m–2 backwards, inorder to decrease RAB.
(C) If cell P is replaced by another cell Q with less
EMF, null point X shifts towards backwards.
1.485 × 10−3 (D) Reversing the polarity of cell Q will not cause
φtotal = a shift in the balance point towards B. It will
8.854 × 10−12
simply change the direction of the potential
≈ 1.7 × 108 N m2 C–1 drop across the potentiometer wire but will
7. (b) When a capacitor is subjected to a DC source and is not affect the potential at X.
in the process of charging, the electric field between 11. (b) Two important processes occur during the formation
the plates changes continuously as the charge on of a p-n junction: diffusion and drift.
the plates increases. This changing electric field We know that in an n-type semiconductor, the
results in the generation of a displacement current, concentration of electrons (number of electrons
even though there is no actual movement of charge per unit volume) is more compared to the
through the dielectric. concentration of holes.
xx CUET 2023
Similarly, in a p-type semiconductor, the 16. (a) The correct answer is (a).
concentration of holes is more than the concentration The given equation represents Coulomb’s law,
of electrons. which describes the force between two-point
During the formation of p−n junction and due to the charges (q1 and q2) separated by a distance ‘r’.
concentration gradient across p- and n-sides, holes The constant ‘k’ is Coulomb’s constant or the
diffuse from p-side to n-side (p→n) and electrons electrostatic constant, not Boltzmann’s constant.
diffuse from n-side to p-side (n→p). ‘r’ is the distance between the centers of the point
This motion of charge carries gives rise to diffusion charges, not the radius of any spheres.
current across the junction. When an electron Coulomb’s law is applicable not only to point
diffuses from n→p, it leaves behind an ionised charges but also to charged objects or distributions
donor on n-side. of charges. It is not limited to uniform electric
This ionised donor (positive charge) is immobile fields; it can be used for non-uniform electric fields
as it is bonded to the surrounding atoms. As the as well.
electrons continue to diffuse from n→p, a layer of 17. (d) According to Einstein’s photoelectric equation,
positive charge (or positive space-charge region) on 1
n-side of the junction is developed. hν = hν 0 + mv 2 max
12. (d) For inductor, 1 2
1 1 or mv max = hν − hν 0 ...(i)
Iα α 2
XL f The equation of a straight line in intercept form is
Hence, as frequency increases, current decreases. given by
y = mx + c ...(ii)
For capacitor,
Comparing the equations (i) and (ii), we get
1 m=h
Iα αf
Xc Therefore, slope of the plot is equal to Planck’s
constant. Hence, the plot is same for all metals and
Hence, as frequency increases, current increases. independent of the intensity of the radiation.
13. (b) Required condition to measure the resistance of 18. (d) When light passes from air to glass it experience
resistor: change in refractive index and due to change in
(1) Voltmeter is connected parallel with the refractive index the wavelength of light changes
circuit to measure its voltage. and hence speed.
An Ammeter is connected in series with the
(2) λ
λ M =A
circuit to measure its current. µ
But, in option 2nd Ammeter is connected parallel lA = wavelenth in air
and Voltmeter is connected in series, which is lM = wavelength in medium
opposite to required condition. m = refractive index of medium
Hence, option (b) are correct. vA
Also, v M =
14. (d) Due to Electrostatic shielding, the, metallic
vA = velocity in air
spherical shell acts as a shield and do not allow the
vM = velocity in medium
electric field due to outside charges to penetrate
When the light travels from one medium to another,
through it.
the velocity of light changes. To compensate this
10mC change, wavelength changes too or vice versa. Due
to these compensatory changes, frequency remains
constant. Thus, the wavelength and velocity of
+2mC +5mC light changes whole travelling from one medium to
another and the frequency does not change.
19. (d) As we know that,
Hence, electric field inside shell due to +10mC and
+15mC is zero. Flux, φ = NAB cosq
Therefore, no force will act on charge +2mC. emf, ԑ = BA sinq
Hence, correct answer is (d) Here, q is the angle between the field and normal to
the plane of the coil,
15. (d) Mass = volume × density
i.e, q = 0°
⇒ Mass = (5 × 4 × 1 × 10–6 m3) × (2.3 × 1017 kgm–3)
Hence, The magnetic flux is maximum and the
⇒ Mass = 4.6 × 1012 kg induced emf is zero.
NTA CUET Question Paper 2023 xxi
20. (a) We know that, position of nth bright band from The magnetic field induction at O due to current I
xλD through FC of the square FCDE is
centre of screen is given by = .
Therefore µ0 I
=B1 sin45 + sin45
8λ1D 9λ 2 D λ1 9 4π L / 2
= .∴ =
d d λ2 8
µ0 2I 1 1 µ0 2 2I
∴ If λ1 450 nm
= = then λ 2 400 nm = +=
4π L 2 2 4πL
And, l1 = 400 nm then l2 = 355.55 nm
It is acting perpendicular to the plane of paper
21. (a) The de Broglie wavelength l = h/mv
downwards. Total magnetic field induction at O due
If le and lp are wavelengths of electron and particle
to current I through all the four sides of a square
respectively, then
will be
h h
= λe =and λ p µ 2 2I µ0 2 2I
me ve mp vp B= 4× 0
4B1 = =
4πL πL
λp me ve
⇒ = 24. (c) Given,
λe mp vp
Given vp = 3ve The magnetic field at the equator is,
B = 0.5 × 10–4 T
= 1.813 × 10−4 The radius of the earth is Re = 7.5 × 106 m
λe Absolute permeability of free space
m e v3 m0 = 4p × 10–7 H/m
∴ 1.813 × 10−4 = We know that,
m p 3 v3
µo m
mp 1 B=
⇒ = = 1.838 × 103 4πR 3e
me 3 × 1.813 × 10−4
Let, m be the pole strength of earth’s magnet.
⇒ mp = 1.838 × 103me
= 1.838 × 103 × 9.11 × 10–31 ⇒ 1.674 × 10–27 kg µo m
Now, the magnetic field is, B =
22. (c) Electrostatic force is conservative, meaning the 4πR 3e
work done by or against the force in moving a charge B × 4πR e 3
between two points is independent of the path taken ⇒m=
and depends only on the initial and final positions. µo
This is a consequence of the inverse-square law 0.5 × 10−4
( )
nature of the force. ⇒m
= −7
× 7.5 × 106
Charge is quantized, which means that it exists in 10
discrete units. The smallest unit of charge is the ⇒ m = 2.1 × 1023 Am2
charge of an electron or a proton. The charge on any Hence, the dipole moment of the earth is (c).
object is always a multiple of this elementary charge.
In a uniform electric field, an electric dipole 25. (c) The magnitude of the magnetic force on a current-
experiences only torque and a net force is zero. carrying conductor is given by the formula:
Electric field lines originate from positive charges F = iBl sin(q)
and terminate at negative charges. If there is a single where: i is the magnitude of the magnetic force in
charge (either positive or negative), the electric
Newtons (N).
field lines extend to infinity.
If the surface charge density of an infinite plane l is the magnitude of the current in the conductor in
sheet is positive, the electric field will be directed Amperes (A).
away from the plate. B is the magnitude of the magnetic field in Tesla (T).
C I D l is the length of the conductor segment
perpendicular to the magnetic field in meters (m).
45° O q is the angle between the current direction and the
23. (b) G magnetic field direction (the angle of between the
45° L
current and magnetic field vectors) in degrees.
39. (a) The principle of conservation of electric charge Since prism is equilateral A = 60°
implies that: at any node (junction) in an electrical 3
circuit, the sum of currents flowing into that node ∴ i = e = 60 × = 45
is equal to the sum of currents flowing out of that
From prism formula:
node. This is known as Kirchhoff’s current law.
Angle of deviation, d = i + e – A = 45° + 45° – 60°
40. (c) Nuclear fusion can be defined as a reaction where
two or more lighter atomic nuclei combine to form = 30°
one or more different atomic nuclei and other 43. (c) The dispersion in a lens is influenced by the radius
subatomic particles like neutrons and protons there of curvature of its surfaces. To avoid dispersion, a
may be a difference in energy of the reactants and lens must have both surfaces with equal radii, where
products which can be defined as the release or one surface is convex and the other is concave.
absorption of energy during the fusion process. Hence, option (c) is correct.
The uranium nucleus absorbs a neutron and 44. (c) At the poles, the earth’s magnetic field is
splits into a barium nucleus and a krypton perpendicular to the surface of the earth, or the
nucleus. This is the fission reaction of a uranium horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field
nucleus. is zero. Hence, a freely suspended bar magnet, will
Formation of plutonium-235 from uranium-235 align itself vertically.
is not a fusion process. For a fusion process we Similarly, at the magnetic equator, the earth’s
need two or more lighter nuclei to fuse to form magnetic field is parallel to the surface of the earth,
a heavier nucleus. or the vertical component of the earth’s magnetic
In the formation of helium from hydrogen, four field is zero. Hence, a freely suspended bar magnet,
will align itself horizontally.
hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form a helium
nucleus. This is a fusion reaction. So, the correct options are (c)
The formation of water from hydrogen and 45. (b) (A) Range: The largest distance between
oxygen is an oxidation reaction or we can call it transmitter and receiver
a redox reaction. (B) Bandwidth: Range of frequencies over
So, the fusion reaction will be the formation of which communication system works
helium from hydrogen. (C) Attenuation: Loss of strength of a signal
41. (a) For first lens, u1 = –20 cm, f1 = +10 cm during propagation.
1 1 1 (D) Transducer: A device that has input in
\ From lens formula, = − electrical form or provides output in electrical
f1 v1 u1
1 1 1 1 1 2 −1 46. (c) Given,
⇒ = + = − = ⇒ v1 = 20 cm
v1 f1 u1 10 20 20 e = 310 sin314t.
This means that the image formed by first lens is Also, we know that, emf e = e0 sinwt
at a distance of 20 cm to the right of first lens. This Compare, this with given equation we get, w = 314
image serves as a virtual object for second lens. 2pf = 314
For second lens, f2 = –10 cm, u2 = 20 – 10 = +10 cm f = 50 Hz
1 1 1 1 1 47. (c) Draw circuit diagram from given information in
∴ =+ = − + ⇒ v2 = ∞
v2 f2 u 2 10 10 question,