08 Performance Task 1
08 Performance Task 1
08 Performance Task 1
4. Dividend income received by a domestic corporation from a non-resident foreign corporation may be
exempt from income tax, provided:
a. The dividends received or remitted into the Philippines are reinvested in the business operations of
the domestic corporation within the following taxable year from when the foreign-source dividends
were received or remitted.
b. The dividends received shall only be used to fund the working capital requirements, capital
expenditures, dividend payments, investment in domestic subsidiaries, and infrastructure projects.
c. The domestic corporation holds at least 20% directly in the value of the outstanding shares of the
foreign corporation and has held the shareholdings uninterruptedly for a minimum of two (2) years
at the time of the dividends distribution. In case the foreign corporation has existed for less than two
(2) years at the time of dividends distribution. The domestic corporation must have continuously
held at least 20% directly in the value of the foreign corporation's outstanding shares during the
entire existence of the corporation.
d. All of the choices.
7. It is essential to know the sources of income for tax purposes (i.e., from within or outside the
Philippines) because:
a. Some individual and corporate taxpayers are taxed on their worldwide income, while others are
taxable only from sources within the Philippines.
b. The Philippines imposes income tax only on income from sources within.
c. Some individual taxpayers are citizens, while others are aliens.
d. Export sales are not subject to income tax.
9. Which of the following is taxable based on income from all sources, within and outside?
a. Domestic Corporations c. Non-Resident Foreign Corporations
b. Resident Foreign Corporations d. All of the choices
11. Which among the following corporations shall pay a tax equal to 25% of gross from all sources within the
a. Domestic Corporations c. Non-Resident Foreign Corporations
b. Resident Foreign Corporations d. All of the choices
13. The share of a co-venturer corporation in the net income after tax-exempt joint venture or consortium is:
a. Subject to final withholding tax c. Subject to capital gains tax
b. Subject to regular corporate income tax d. Exempt from income tax
14. Aside from the regular corporate income tax (RCIT), what other tax(es) may be imposed on corporations
under the Philippine income tax laws?
a. Minimum Corporate Income Tax c. Capital Gains Tax
b. Final Tax on Passive Income d. All of the choices
15. CREATE Inc., a domestic corporation and a retailer of goods, has gross sales of P1,400,000,000 with a
cost of sales of P560,000,000 and allowable deductions of 150,000,000 for the calendar year 2022. Its
total assets of P180,000,000 as of December 31, 2021, per Audited Financial Statements, includes the
land costing P50,000,000 and the building of P25,000,000 in which the business entity is situated, with
an aggregate amount of P75,000,000 as fixed assets. How much is the income tax due in 2022?
a. P125,000,000 c. P172,500,000
b. P138,000,000 d. P207,000,000
16. Maasahan Industries, a domestic corporation and a retailer of goods, has gross sales of P14,000,000 with
a cost of sales of P7,600,000 and allowable deductions of 2,500,000 for the calendar year 2022. Its total
assets of P150,000,000 as of December 31, 2022, per Audited Financial Statements, includes the land
costing P50,000,000 and the building of P25,000,000 in which the business entity is situated, with an
aggregate amount of P75,000,000 as fixed assets. How much is the income tax due in 2022?
a. P60,000,000 c. P975,000
b. P780,000 d. P1,170,000
17. Forever Company, a resident corporation and a retailer of goods, has gross sales of P14,000,000 with a
cost of sales of P7,600,000 and allowable deductions of 2,500,000 for the calendar year 2022. Its total
assets of P150,000,000 as of December 31, 2022, per Audited Financial Statements, includes the land
costing P50,000,000 and the building of P25,000,000 in which the business entity is situated, with an
aggregate amount of P75,000,000 as fixed assets. How much is the income tax due in 2022?
a. P60,000,000 c. P975,000
b. P780,000 d. P1,170,000
18. Matatag Corporation, a resident corporation and a retailer of goods, has gross sales of P14,000,000 with
a cost of sales of P7,600,000 and allowable deductions of 2,500,000 for the calendar year 2022. Its total
assets of P150,000,000 as of December 31, 2022, per Audited Financial Statements, includes the land
costing P40,000,000 and the building of P30,000,000 in which the business entity is situated, with an
aggregate amount of P70,000,000 as fixed assets. How much is the income tax due in 2022?
a. P60,000,000 c. P975,000
b. P780,000 d. P1,170,000
19. A domestic corporation has the following income and expenses for the year:
Philippines Abroad
Gross sales P100,000,000 P50,000,000
Cost of sales 40,000,000 20,000,000
Operating expenses 30,000,000 12,000,000
How much is the income tax due, assuming the taxable year is 2019?
a. P12,000,000 c. P14,400,000
b. P13,200,000 d. P18,000,000
20. Based on the problem in item #19, how much is the income tax due, assuming the taxable year was 2020?
a. P12,000,000 c. P14,400,000
b. P13,200,000 d. P18,000,000
21. Based on the problem in item #19, how much is the income tax due, assuming the taxable year is 2021?
a. P12,000,000 c. P14,400,000
b. P13,200,000 d. P18,000,000
22. Based on the problem in item #19, how much is the income tax due, assuming the taxable year is 2021
and the Company's total assets amounted to only P80 million?
a. P12,000,000 c. P14,400,000
b. P13,200,000 d. P18,000,000
23. CREATIVE Corporation, a domestic corporation, has the following income and expenses for the 2022
taxable year:
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
Gross sales P1,000,000 P1,500,000 P2,500,000 P5,000,000
Cost of sales 600,000 800,000 1,400,000 2,200,000
Operating expenses 200,000 500,000 600,000 700,000
The Company's assets amounted to P25,000,000. How much is the income tax due?
a. P300,000 c. P600,000
b. P450,000 d. P825,000
24. Using the same data in item #23 and assuming the Company is a resident foreign corporation, how much
is the correct income tax due?
a. P300,000 c. P750,000
b. P450,000 d. P825,000
25. The following passive income received by a domestic corporation shall be subject to 20% final
withholding tax, except:
a. Interest income from peso bank deposit
b. Yield from deposit substitutes
c. Dividend income from another domestic corporation
d. Royalties
26. Upon effectivity of CREATE Law, which dividend may be exempt from income tax?
a. Dividend income received by a resident foreign corporation from another resident foreign
b. Dividend income received by a domestic corporation from a non-resident foreign corporation.
c. Dividend income received by a non-resident foreign corporation from a resident foreign corporation.
d. All of the other choices.
27. Interest income on a bank deposit or investment with a maturity period of at least five (5) years received
by a corporation in the 2019 taxable year is subject to the following:
a. 20% 20% 30%
b. Exempt Exempt Exempt
c. 20% 20% Exempt
d. 20% Exempt Exempt
28. Interest income on a bank deposit or investment with a maturity period of at least five (5) years received
by a corporation upon effectivity of the CREATE Law is subject to the following:
a. 20% 20% 30%
b. Exempt Exempt Exempt
c. 20% 20% 25%
d. 20% Exempt Exempt
29. On January 1, 2018, Ms. D. Nagkulang invested P1,000,000 in BDO's five (5)-year, tax-free time deposit.
The long-term deposit pays 10% annual interest every January 1. In need of cash, she pre-terminated her
investment on July 1, 2021. How much is the final tax due in 2021?
a. P6,000 c. P17,500
b. P12,000 d. P42,000
30. Assuming the same information in item #29, except that the investment was made by a domestic
corporation, how much final tax is withheld in the year of pre-termination?
a. P2,500 c. P10,000
b. P6,000 d. P12,000
31. Interest income received by corporations from their deposit under the expanded foreign currency
deposit system (FCDS) upon the effectivity of CREATE law is subject to the FWT rate of:
a. 20% 20% 20%
b. 7.5% 7.5% Exempt
c. 15% 15% Exempt
d. 15% 7.5% Exempt
32. Royalty income received by a corporation before the effectivity of CREATE is subject to FWT of:
a. 20% 20% 30%
b. 7.5% 7.5% Exempt
c. 15% 15% Exempt
d. 15% 7.5% Exempt
33. ABC Corporation, a domestic corporation, has earned the following income during 2021:
Dividend income from:
IBM, a non-resident corporation P180,000
Fox Tech., a resident foreign corporation 325,000
(the ratio of its gross income derived in the Philippines over total income is 45%)
Isabela Corp., a domestic corporation 200,000
Interest income from:
Current Account, BPI 150,000
Savings deposit, United Overseas Bank, Singapore 410,000
US $ deposit (FCDU) – Metrobank, Makati 100,000
Royalty income from various domestic corporations 500,000
How much is the final tax on passive income, assuming the dividend income from IBM and Fox Tech were
not reinvested in ABC Corporation?
a. P145,000 c. P200,000
b. P172,000 d. P372,000
35. The share of a co-venturer corporation in the net income after tax of a joint venture or consortium
taxable as a corporation is:
a. Subject to a final withholding tax of 20% c. Subject to capital gains tax
b. Subject to regular corporate income tax of 30% d. Exempt from income tax
38. How much is the capital gains tax assuming the taxable year was 2021?
a. P10,000 c. P22,500
b. P15,000 d. P45,000
39. How much is the capital gains tax assuming the shares sold were shares of a foreign corporation, and the
sale was made during the effectivity of TRAIN Law?
a. P10,000 c. P22,500
b. P15,000 d. nil
40. How much is the capital gains tax assuming the shares sold were shares of a foreign corporation, and the
sale was made during the effectivity of CREATE Law?
a. P10,000 c. P22,500
b. P15,000 d. nil
41. Assume the shares sold were from a domestic corporation but were not held for investment purposes.
Assume further that the seller is a dealer in securities. How much is the capital gains tax?
a. P10,000 c. P22,500
b. P15,000 d. nil
44. Romeo and Juliet inherited five (5) hectares of land in Isabela when their parents died. They decided to
invest capital and develop the land into a subdivision sold in installments or cash.
Q1: Have they formed an unregistered partnership subject to tax?
Q2: Are they subject to final tax on their respective share in the income of the Partnership?
a. Yes, No c. Yes, Yes
b. No, Yes d. No, No
46. Mr. Diaz is a partner of DMZ Partnership, a general professional partnership, and owns a 25% interest.
The Partnership's gross receipts amounted to P10,000,000 for the taxable year 2021. The recorded cost
of service and operating expenses were P2,750,000 and P1,500,000, respectively. If the Partnership
availed of OSD, how much is the net income for distribution to partners?
a. P2,750,000 c. P4,350,000
b. P2,900,000 d. P5,750,000
47. Using the data in item #46, how much is the income tax due for DMZ Partnership?
a. P0 c. P1,087,500
b. P870,000 d. P1,305,000
48. Using the data in item #46, how much is the income tax due to Mr. Diaz?
a. P86,250 c. P216,250
b. P130,000 d. P321,250
49. Ms. Real is a partner of RPT Partnership, a general professional partnership, and owns a 25% interest.
The Partnership's gross receipts amounted to P10,000,000 for the taxable year 2021. The recorded cost
of service and operating expenses were P2,750,000 and P1,500,000, respectively. How much is the net
income for distribution to partners?
a. P2,750,000 c. P4,350,000
b. P2,900,000 d. P5,750,000
50. Using the data in item #49, how much is the income tax due to the Partnership?
a. P0 c. P1,087,500
b. P870,000 d. P1,305,000
Tabag, E. (2022). CPA reviewer in taxation. EDT Books Publishing.