Oceans, mountains, and continents are just some of the features
that make up the world we live in. The Earth's surface, known as
the crust, is merely a thin layer compared to the rest of the
planet. But what lies beneath it?
**Plate Tectonics:**
The Earth's surface is in constant motion, primarily in the
lithosphere. This layer is divided into tectonic plates, which fit
together like a jigsaw puzzle. Over millions of years, these
plates have shifted, leading to the formation of continents and
**Continental Drift:**
All continents were once part of a single supercontinent called
Pangaea, which existed 335 million years ago. Plate tectonics, or
continental drift, caused these continents to move apart,
evidenced by matching geological features and fossils found
across continents.
**Plate Movements:**
Plate movements are driven by convection currents within the
Earth's mantle. At plate margins, where plates meet, different
types of movement occur: constructive (divergent), destructive
(convergent), and conservative (transform). These movements
result in geological features like mountains, trenches, and
The Earth is a dynamic planet, with its surface constantly
changing due to the movement of tectonic plates. While these
movements occur slowly, they are responsible for significant
geological events such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and
Title: "What Are Tectonic Plates? Our Earth and Its Movements"
Transcript: "oceans mountains and continents these are just
some of the features that make up the world that we live in the
earth's surface makes up only a tiny fraction of our planet which
we call the crust but do you know what lies beneath it [Music]
the upper mantle and the crust are collectively known as the
below the mantle lies the core which can also be divided into the
outer core and inner core
the outer core is made of iron and nickel but because
temperatures are so high here you find these metals in their
molten liquid form
at the center of the earth beneath the outer core lies the inner
core this layer is a solid ball made of iron as well this is the
hottest part of the earth with temperatures as high as the surface
of the sun the inner core stays solid because earth's gravity is
so strong the metals cannot melt despite how hot it is .
if you took a look at a world map it would be easy to think that
the earth has always looked like this and always will however
this is just how the earth's surface looks currently because it is
changing all the time
most of these changes happen in the lithosphere earth's
lithosphere is divided into many tectonic plates that are
different in shapes and sizes but fit tightly together like a jigsaw
there are seven large key plates and several smaller plates and
our lands and oceans lie on top of them
A.convergent boundaries
occur when two plates collide there are three major types
1.continental to continental
this occurs when two plates of continental crust collide they
buckle and thicken and this causes mountains to form
2.continental to ocean collisions
when a plate of ocean crust collides with a plate of
continental crust. The ocean crust is more thick and subducts
or goes underneath the continental crust .
the magma from the melted oceanic crust rises to the surface and
this results in volcanoes along the boundary.
3.ocean to ocean collisions occur when two plates of oceanic
crust collide the older more dense plate subducts under the
younger plate and as a result the crust melts and creates an
island arc
B. divergent boundaries
this is when two plates move away from each other the
separation allows the asthenosphere to rise towards the surface
and partially melt this melting creates magma which erupts as
lava and then the lava cools and hardens to create new rock an
ocean floor or new continental crust that's the crust an upper part
of the asthenosphere cool and become right rigid they form new
lithosphere like mid-ocean ridges most of these divergent
boundaries are located on the ocean floor however rift valleys
may also form where the continents are separated by plate
C. Transform boundaries :
occur where two plates move past each other
horizontally when the plates move next to each other they
do not go along smoothly instead they scrape of each other
in a series of sudden slippage 'as of crustal rock and these
can be felt as earthquakes unlike the other types of
boundaries transform boundaries generally do not produce
magma the San Andreas Fault in California is a major
transform boundary .
- **General Hazards:**
- Volcanic eruptions occur primarily at constructive and
destructive boundaries.
- Earthquakes are common but vary in intensity based on
plate movement and boundary type.