2024 Grade 6 New Planet Science and Technology Schemes of Work Term 2
2024 Grade 6 New Planet Science and Technology Schemes of Work Term 2
2024 Grade 6 New Planet Science and Technology Schemes of Work Term 2
4 Recycling, By the end of the lesson What is Learners are guided to Digital devices, Observation
harvesting the learner should be recycling discuss the meaning of internet, Written
rainwater, able to: water? conserving water. notebooks, pens questions
mulching and a. Describe recycling, Learners explore their
construction of harvesting rainwater How do you locality how water is New Planet Scie &
dams and construction of collect and store conserved. Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
dams as ways of rainwater at Learners are guided to 67-69
conserving water home? discuss ways of conserving
b. Model items used in water (Hint: Simple New Planet Scie &
water conservation Have you ever examples of reducing, Re- Tech Grd 6
c. Appreciate the seen crops that using and Recycling). Learners Bk. pg.
importance of water in have been Learners are guided to 66-68
day-to-day life mulched? discuss the importance of
conserving water
Do dams help to Learners participate in
conserve water? communal activities to
conserve water
4 1 Recycling, By the end of the lesson What is Learners are guided to Digital devices, Observation
harvesting the learner should be recycling discuss the meaning of internet, Written
rainwater, able to: water? conserving water. notebooks, pens questions
mulching and a. Describe recycling, □ Learners explore
construction of harvesting rainwater How do you their locality how water New Planet Scie &
dams and construction of collect and store is conserved. Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
dams as ways of rainwater at Learners are guided to 67-69
conserving water home? discuss ways of conserving
b. Model items used in water (Hint: Simple New Planet Scie &
water conservation Have you ever examples of reducing, Re- Tech Grd 6
c. Appreciate the seen crops that using and Recycling). Learners Bk. pg.
importance of water in have been Learners are guided to 66-68
day-to-day life mulched? discuss the importance of
conserving water
Do dams help to Learners participate in
conserve water? communal activities to
conserve water
2 Importance of By the end of the lesson Why is it Learners are guided to Digital devices, Observation
conserving water the learner should be important to discuss the meaning of internet, Written
at home able to: conserve water conserving water. notebooks, pens questions
a. Explain the importance at home? Learners explore their
of conserving water at locality how water is New Planet Scie &
home conserved. Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
b. Model items used in Learners are guided to 69-70
water conservation discuss ways of conserving
c. Appreciate the water (Hint: Simple New Planet Scie &
importance of water in examples of reducing, Re- Tech Grd 6
day-to-day life using and Recycling). Learners Bk. pg.
Learners are guided to 68-69
discuss the importance of
conserving water
Learners participate in
communal activities to
conserve water
3 INTERACT Handling data By the end of the lesson What safety Learners are guided in Digital devices Observation
ING WITH (spreadsheet): the learner should be precautions Using computing devices, Internet, Written
COMPUTIN safety able to: should be learners to practice how to notebooks and questions
a. Discuss and observe observed while create a Spreadsheet pens
G DEVICES precautions to
safety precautions using document and key in
observe while computing information. New Planet Scie &
when using computing
using b. Practice the safety devices in the Using computing devices, Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
computing rules locality? learners to practice how to 71-72
devices in the c. Appreciate the edit a Spreadsheet document.
locality importance of Learners to practice New Planet Scie &
computing devices how to save and retrieve Tech Grd 6
Spreadsheet documents Learners Bk. pg.
stored in different locations 71-72
of their computing devices
In groups, learners to
discuss and observe safety
precautions when using
computing devices.
4 Creating a By the end of the lesson What is a Learners are guided in Digital devices Observation
spreadsheet the learner should be spreadsheet Using computing devices, Internet, Written
document and able to: document? learners to practice how to notebooks and questions
create a Spreadsheet pens
keying in a. Create a spreadsheet How do you document and key in New Planet Scie &
information document on a create a information. Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
computing spreadsheet Using computing devices, 73-75
b. Key information in a document? learners to practice how to
spreadsheet document edit a Spreadsheet document. New Planet Scie &
c. Appreciate the How do you Learners to practice Tech Grd 6
importance of key in how to save and retrieve Learners Bk. pg.
computing devices information in a Spreadsheet documents 72-75
spreadsheet stored in different locations
document? of their computing devices
In groups, learners to
discuss and observe safety
precautions when using
computing devices.
5 1 Creating a By the end of the lesson What is a Learners are guided in Digital devices Observation
spreadsheet the learner should be spreadsheet Using computing devices, Internet, Written
document and able to: document? learners to practice how to notebooks and questions
a. Create a spreadsheet create a Spreadsheet pens
keying in
document on a How do you document and key in
information create a information. New Planet Scie &
b. Key information in a spreadsheet Using computing devices, Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
spreadsheet document document? learners to practice how to 73-75
c. Appreciate the edit a Spreadsheet document.
importance of How do you Learners to practice New Planet Scie &
computing devices key in how to save and retrieve Tech Grd 6
information in a Spreadsheet documents Learners Bk. pg.
spreadsheet stored in different locations 72-75
document? of their computing devices
In groups, learners to
discuss and observe safety
precautions when using
computing devices.
2 Editing a By the end of the lesson What are the Learners are guided in Digital devices Observation
spreadsheet the learner should be different ways Using computing devices, Internet, Written
document in a able to: you can edit learners to practice how to notebooks and questions
a. Create a spreadsheet information in a create a Spreadsheet pens
document on a spreadsheet document and key in
device document? information. New Planet Scie &
Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
b. Identify ways of Using computing devices,
editing a computing learners to practice how to New Planet Scie &
device edit a Spreadsheet document. Tech Grd 6
c. Edit a spreadsheet Learners to practice Learners Bk. pg.
document using a how to save and retrieve 75-77
computing device Spreadsheet documents
d. Appreciate the stored in different locations
importance of of their computing devices
computing devices In groups, learners to
discuss and observe safety
precautions when using
computing devices.
3 Editing a By the end of the lesson What are the Learners are guided in Digital devices Observation
spreadsheet the learner should be different ways Using computing devices, Internet, Written
document in a able to: you can edit learners to practice how to notebooks and questions
a. Create a spreadsheet information in a create a Spreadsheet pens
document on a spreadsheet document and key in
device document? information. New Planet Scie &
b. Identify ways of Using computing devices, Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
editing a computing learners to practice how to 75-77
device edit a Spreadsheet document.
c. Edit a spreadsheet Learners to practice New Planet Scie &
document using a how to save and retrieve Tech Grd 6
computing device Spreadsheet documents Learners Bk. pg.
d. Appreciate the stored in different locations 75-77
importance of of their computing devices
computing devices In groups, learners to
discuss and observe safety
precautions when using
computing devices.
4 Editing a By the end of the lesson What are the Learners are guided in Digital devices Observation
spreadsheet the learner should be different ways Using computing devices, Internet, Written
document in a able to: you can edit learners to practice how to notebooks and questions
a. Create a spreadsheet information in a create a Spreadsheet pens
document on a spreadsheet document and key in
device document? information. New Planet Scie &
b. Identify ways of Using computing devices, Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
editing a computing learners to practice how to 75-77
device edit a Spreadsheet document.
Learners to practice
c. Edit a spreadsheet how to save and retrieve New Planet Scie &
document using a Spreadsheet documents Tech Grd 6
computing device stored in different locations Learners Bk. pg.
d. Appreciate the of their computing devices 75-77
importance of In groups, learners to
computing devices discuss and observe safety
precautions when using
computing devices.
6 1 Carrying out By the end of the lesson How can you Learners are guided in Digital devices Observation
simple the learner should be perform simple Using computing devices, Internet, Written
operations on able to: operations such learners to practice how to notebooks and questions
a. Identify ways of as addition, create a Spreadsheet pens
data in
editing a computing multiplication, document and key in
spreadsheet subtraction and information. New Planet Scie &
b. Edit a spreadsheet division on data Using computing devices, Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
document using a in spreadsheet? learners to practice how to 78-80
computing device edit a Spreadsheet document.
c. Carry out simple Learners to practice New Planet Scie &
operations on data in a how to save and retrieve Tech Grd 6
spreadsheet Spreadsheet documents Learners Bk. pg.
d. Appreciate the stored in different locations 79-83
importance of of their computing devices
computing devices In groups, learners to
discuss and observe safety
precautions when using
computing devices.
2 Carrying out By the end of the lesson How can you Learners are guided in Digital devices Observation
simple the learner should be perform simple Using computing devices, Internet, Written
operations on able to: operations such learners to practice how to notebooks and questions
a. Identify ways of as addition, create a Spreadsheet pens
data in
editing a computing multiplication, document and key in
spreadsheet subtraction and information. New Planet Scie &
b. Edit a spreadsheet division on data Using computing devices, Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
document using a in spreadsheet? learners to practice how to 78-80
computing device edit a Spreadsheet document.
c. Carry out simple Learners to practice New Planet Scie &
operations on data in a how to save and retrieve Tech Grd 6
spreadsheet Spreadsheet documents Learners Bk. pg.
stored in different locations 79-83
of their computing devices
d. Appreciate the In groups, learners to
importance of discuss and observe safety
computing devices precautions when using
computing devices.
3 Carrying out By the end of the lesson the How can you Learners are guided in Digital devices Observation
simple learner should be able to: perform simple Using computing devices, Internet, Written
operations on a. Identify ways of editing a operations such learners to practice how to notebooks and questions
data in computing device as addition, create a Spreadsheet pens
spreadsheet b. Edit a spreadsheet multiplication, document and key in
document using a subtraction and information. New Planet Scie &
computing device division on data Using computing devices, Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
c. Carry out simple in spreadsheet? learners to practice how to edit 78-80
operations on data in a a Spreadsheet document.
spreadsheet Learners to practice how New Planet Scie &
d. Appreciate the to save and retrieve Tech Grd 6 Learners
importance of Spreadsheet documents Bk. pg.
computing devices stored in different locations of 79-83
their computing devices
In groups, learners to
discuss and observe safety
precautions when using
computing devices.
4 Saving a By the end of the lesson the How do you Learners are guided in Digital devices Observation
spreadsheet learner should be able to: retrieve a Using computing devices, Internet, Written
document on a a. Identify ways of editing a spreadsheet learners to practice how to notebooks and questions
computing computing device document on a create a Spreadsheet pens
device b. Edit a spreadsheet computing document and key in
document using a device? information. New Planet Scie &
computing device Using computing devices, Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
c. Save a spreadsheet learners to practice how to edit 81-82
document on a a Spreadsheet document.
computing device Learners to practice how New Planet Scie &
d. Appreciate the to save and retrieve Tech Grd 6 Learners
importance of Spreadsheet documents Bk. pg.
computing devices stored in different locations of 84-85
their computing devices
In groups, learners to
discuss and observe safety
precautions when using
computing devices.
7 Half term
8 1 Retrieving a By the end of the lesson How do you Learners are guided in Digital devices Observation
spreadsheet the learner should be retrieve a Using computing devices, Internet, Written
document on a able to: spreadsheet learners to practice how to notebooks and questions
computing a. Identify ways of document on a create a Spreadsheet pens
editing a computing computing document and key in
device device New Planet Scie &
device? information.
b. Retrieve a spreadsheet Using computing devices, Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
document saved on a learners to practice how to 82-83
computing device edit a Spreadsheet document.
c. Carry out simple Learners to practice New Planet Scie &
operations on data in a how to save and retrieve Tech Grd 6
spreadsheet Spreadsheet documents Learners Bk. pg.
d. Appreciate the stored in different locations 86-87
importance of of their computing devices
computing devices □ In groups, learners
to discuss and observe
safety precautions when
using computing devices.
2 Use of By the end of the lesson How are Project: Learners to create Digital devices Observation
spreadsheets in the learner should be spreadsheets and maintain a personal Internet, Written
everyday life able to: useful in our assessment portfolio in notebooks and questions
a. Identify ways of everyday lives? spreadsheet to cover one pens
editing a computing term.
device How is a New Planet Scie &
b. Appreciate the use of personal Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
spreadsheets in assessment 84-86
everyday life portfolio
c. Create and maintain a created? New Planet Scie &
personal assessment Tech Grd 6
portfolio in a Learners Bk. pg.
spreadsheet 87-89
d. Appreciate the
importance of
computing devices
3 Use of By the end of the lesson Which Project: Learners to create Digital devices Observation
spreadsheets in the learner should be information and maintain a personal Internet, Written
everyday life able to: should be assessment portfolio in notebooks and questions
a. Identify ways of included in a spreadsheet to cover one pens
editing a computing personal term.
b. Appreciate the use of assessment New Planet Scie &
spreadsheets in portfolio? Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
everyday life 84-86
c. Create and maintain a
personal assessment New Planet Scie &
portfolio in a Tech Grd 6
spreadsheet Learners Bk. pg.
d. Appreciate the 87-89
importance of
computing devices
4 MATTER Properties of By the end of the lesson What is In groups: Notebooks, pens, Observation
matter: the learner should be expansion? Learners are guided to metallic ring, Written
Expansion and able to: demonstrate expansion and metallic ball, water questions
a. Carry out activities to What is contraction in solids.
contraction of
demonstrate the contraction? New Planet Scie &
solids Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
expansion and
contraction of solids 87-89
b. Differentiate between
expansion and New Planet Scie &
contraction Tech Grd 6
c. Value the importance Learners Bk. pg.
of matter in daily life 91-94
9 1 Properties of By the end of the lesson What is In groups: Notebooks, pens, Observation
matter: the learner should be expansion? Learners are guided to metallic ring, Written
Expansion and able to: demonstrate expansion and metallic ball, water questions
a. Carry out activities to What is contraction in solids.
contraction of
demonstrate the contraction? New Planet Scie &
solids Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
expansion and
contraction of solids 87-89
b. Differentiate between
expansion and New Planet Scie &
contraction Tech Grd 6
c. Value the importance Learners Bk. pg.
of matter in daily life 91-94
2 Expansion and By the end of the lesson Do liquids In groups: A straw, food Observation
contraction of the learner should be expand when Learners are guided to color, water, Written
liquids able to: they are heated? demonstrate expansion and marker pen, a questions
a. Carry out activities to contraction in liquids bottle, stopwatch
demonstrate the
expansion and New Planet Scie &
contraction of liquids Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
b. Differentiate between 89-90
expansion and
contraction New Planet Scie &
c. Value the importance Tech Grd 6
of matter in daily life Learners Bk. pg.
3 Expansion and By the end of the lesson Do liquids In groups: A straw, food Observation
contraction of the learner should be expand when Learners are guided to color, water, Written
liquids able to: they are heated demonstrate expansion and marker pen, a questions
a. Carry out activities to contraction in liquids bottle, stopwatch
demonstrate the
expansion and New Planet Scie &
contraction of liquids Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
b. Differentiate between 89-90
expansion and
contraction New Planet Scie &
c. Value the importance Tech Grd 6
of matter in daily life Learners Bk. pg.
4 Expansion and By the end of the lesson How can you In groups: A balloon, a bottle, Observation
contraction of the learner should be show that gases Learners are guided to water, rubber Written
gases able to: expand when demonstrate expansion and bands, source of questions
a. Carry out activities to exposed to contraction in gases heat
demonstrate the heat?
expansion and New Planet Scie &
contraction of gases Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
b. Watch a video clip on 91-92
expansion of gases
c. Appreciate the New Planet Scie &
importance of matter in Tech Grd 6
daily life Learners Bk. pg.
10 1 Expansion and By the end of the lesson How can you In groups: A balloon, a bottle, Observation
contraction of the learner should be show that gases Learners are guided to water, rubber Written
gases able to: expand when demonstrate expansion and bands, source of questions
a. Carry out activities to exposed to contraction in gases heat
demonstrate the heat?
expansion and New Planet Scie &
contraction of gases Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
b. Watch a video clip on 91-92
expansion of gases
c. Appreciate the New Planet Scie &
importance of matter in Tech Grd 6
daily life Learners Bk. pg.
2 Application of By the end of the lesson What is the In groups: A balloon, a bottle, Observation
expansion and the learner should be importance of Discuss application of water, rubber Written
contraction in able to: contraction and expansion and contraction in bands, source of questions
a. Discuss application of expansion in everyday life. heat
everyday life
expansion and our daily life?
contraction in everyday New Planet Scie &
life. Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
b. Watch a video clip on 92-94
application of expansion
and contraction New Planet Scie &
c. Appreciate the Tech Grd 6
importance of matter in Learners Bk. pg.
daily life 97-99
3 Application of By the end of the lesson What is the In groups: A balloon, a bottle, Observation
expansion and the learner should be importance of Discuss application of water, rubber Written
contraction in able to: contraction and expansion and contraction in bands, source of questions
a. Discuss application of expansion in everyday life. heat
everyday life
expansion and our daily life?
contraction in everyday New Planet Scie &
life. Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
b. Watch a video clip on 92-94
application of expansion
and contraction New Planet Scie &
c. Appreciate the Tech Grd 6
importance of matter in Learners Bk. pg.
daily life 97-99
4 Compositio Components of By the end of the lesson What does air Learners to: Clear trough, Observation
n of air air in the the learner should be contain? Use a burning candle to water, marker pen, Written
atmosphere able to: demonstrate the presence ruler, candle, questions
a. Demonstrate that air is How can we of oxygen as a component plasticine, cork
a mixture of gases demonstrate of air
that air is made
b. Identify the up of different Use digital devices to New Planet Scie &
components of air components? demonstrate the presence of Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
c. Appreciate the carbon dioxide as a 94-96
importance of air in our component of air.
lives Brainstorm uses of the New Planet Scie &
different components of air Tech Grd 6
in nature. Learners Bk. pg.
Observe safety when 101-104
working with heat
11 1 Components of By the end of the lesson What does air Learners to: Clear trough, Observation
air in the the learner should be contain? □ Use a burning water, marker pen, Written
atmosphere able to: candle to demonstrate the ruler, candle, questions
a. Demonstrate that air is How can we presence of oxygen as a plasticine, cork
a mixture of gases demonstrate component of air
b. Identify the that air is made Use digital devices to New Planet Scie &
components of air up of different demonstrate the presence of Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
c. Investigate components components? carbon dioxide as a 94-96
of air in the atmosphere component of air.
d. Appreciate the Brainstorm uses of the New Planet Scie &
importance of air in our different components of air Tech Grd 6
lives in nature. Learners Bk. pg.
Observe safety when 101-104
working with heat
2 Components of By the end of the lesson What does air Learners to: Clear trough, Observation
air in the the learner should be contain? Use a burning candle to water, marker pen, Written
atmosphere able to: demonstrate the presence ruler, candle, questions
a. Demonstrate that air is How can we of oxygen as a component plasticine, cork
a mixture of gases demonstrate of air
b. Identify the that air is made Use digital devices to New Planet Scie &
components of air up of different demonstrate the presence of Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
c. Appreciate the components? carbon dioxide as a 94-96
importance of air in our component of air.
lives Brainstorm uses of the New Planet Scie &
different components of air Tech Grd 6
in nature. Learners Bk. pg.
Observe safety when 101-104
working with heat
3 Components of By the end of the lesson What does air Learners to: Clear trough, Observation
air in the the learner should be contain? Use a burning candle to water, marker pen, Written
atmosphere able to: demonstrate the presence ruler, candle, questions
a. Demonstrate that air is How can we of oxygen as a component plasticine, cork
a mixture of gases demonstrate of air
b. Investigate components that air is made Use digital devices to New Planet Scie &
of air in the atmosphere up of different demonstrate the presence of Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
c. Appreciate the components?4 carbon dioxide as a 94-96
importance of air in our component of air.
lives Brainstorm uses of the New Planet Scie &
different components of air Tech Grd 6
in nature. Learners Bk. pg.
Observe safety when 101-104
working with heat
4 Use of different By the end of the lesson What are the Learners to: Clear trough, Observation
components of the learner should be uses of different Carry out experiments water, marker pen, Written
air able to: components of to show the percentage ruler, candle, questions
a. Identify the air in nature? composition of the plasticine, cork
components of air different components of
b. Investigate components air New Planet Scie &
of air in the atmosphere Observe safety when Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
c. Appreciate the working with heat 96-98
importance of air in our New Planet Scie &
lives Tech Grd 6
Learners Bk. pg.
12 1 Use of different By the end of the lesson What are the Learners to: Clear trough, Observation
components of the learner should be uses of different Carry out experiments water, marker pen, Written
air able to: components of to show the percentage ruler, candle, questions
a. Identify the air in nature? composition of the plasticine, cork
components of air different components of
b. Investigate components air New Planet Scie &
of air in the atmosphere Observe safety when Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
c. Appreciate the working with heat 96-98
importance of air in our
lives New Planet Scie &
Tech Grd 6
Learners Bk. pg.
2 FORCE Force - friction By the end of the lesson What is Learners to Carton with books, Oral
AND the learner should be friction? Pull and push objects on digital devices, questioning,
ENERGY able to: smooth and rough surfaces, internet, a smooth project,
a. Define friction What happens observe and record. table, pen and a questionnair
when two
b. Carry out an activity Discuss the meaning of notebook es, written
surfaces rub
to demonstrate friction friction. questions
against each
c. Appreciate the use of Use digital devices to New Planet Scie &
friction in everyday identify effects friction on Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
life objects. 99-100
Discuss advantages and
disadvantages of friction. New Planet Scie &
Demonstrate ways of Tech Grd 6
increasing and reducing Learners Bk. pg.
friction in everyday life. 111-112
3 Advantages By the end of the lesson Is friction useful Learners to Digital devices, Oral
and the learner should be to us? Pull and push objects on internet, notebook,
disadvantages able to: smooth and rough surfaces, pen, pencil and project,
friction a. State the advantages of How is it observe and record. sharpeners questionnair
friction useful? Discuss the meaning of es, written
b. Identify activities that friction. New Planet Scie & questions
demonstrate advantages Which activities Use digital devices to Tech Grd 6 TG pg.
of friction involve identify effects friction on 101-102
c. Carry out simple friction? objects.
activities that Discuss advantages and New Planet Scie &
demonstrate advantages disadvantages of friction. Tech Grd 6
of friction Demonstrate ways of Learners Bk. pg.
d. Appreciate the use of increasing and reducing 112-115
friction in everyday friction in everyday life.
4 Disadvantages By the end of the lesson Does friction Learners to Pen, water, soap, a
of friction the learner should be cause any Pull and push objects on smooth towel, internet and
able to: harm? and rough surfaces, observe and digital devices project,
a. State and identify Discuss the meaning of friction.
the disadvantages of What are the Use digital devices to identify New Planet Scie & es, written
friction disadvantages effects friction on objects. Tech Grd 6 TG pg. questions
b. Demonstrate the of friction? Discuss advantages and 103-104
disadvantages of disadvantages of friction.
Demonstrate ways of increasing
friction New Planet Scie &
and reducing friction in everyday
c. Appreciate the use of life. Tech Grd 6
friction in everyday Learners Bk. pg.
life 116-118
13-14 Assessment and closing