Renewable Energy For SDG-7 and Sustainable Electrical Production, Integration, Industrial Application, and Globalization Review
Renewable Energy For SDG-7 and Sustainable Electrical Production, Integration, Industrial Application, and Globalization Review
Renewable Energy For SDG-7 and Sustainable Electrical Production, Integration, Industrial Application, and Globalization Review
Keywords: Traditional electricity is produced from coal, mineral oil, or fossil fuels those have produced a heavy environ
Sustainable energy mental pollution by the greenhouse gas emissions and industrial pollutants. The UN SDG-7 target is to make
Sustainable electrical production everyone access to affordable, reliable, clean, renewable and sustainable energy. The renewable energy is
Energy conversion
the key to the sustainable green energy for the human daily living and natural environment with non-pollutant
Power integration
Green energy globalization
gas emissions to diminish climate change. Here, this article briefly reviews current results and techniques in
Triboelectrical nanogenerator converting the renewable energy into electrical energy for sustainable electrical production, integration,
industrial application, and green energy globalization. New technologies and integration methods of the
sustainable electricity into power grids such as developing hybrid systems, micro-grids, smart-grids, optimal
algorithm methods and systems have been applied to increase development and applications of electricity. The
emerging triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) produce the electrical energy from converting all kinds of
mechanical energy for the self-powered devices, low-power portable electrical consumption devices, and SDG-7
target. A globalization strategy of using renewable energy is important to replace the traditional electrical energy
with renewable energy for green and sustainable development goal. The renewable energy features many ad
vantages such as conserving fossil fuel, non-gas emissions, low-cost energy resources, and ensuring the energy
security. The renewable energy also shows some disadvantages such as high capital cost, low efficiency,
depending on weather conditions (daily, night time, monthly, season, and period of time), and environment
problems. Many solutions have been developed to solve limitation issues such as using storage technology to
store energy for long time use, developing storage system to balance the output performance of the energy
conversion plants, and optimizing the energy plant location to reduce cost and environmental impacts.
the International Renewable Energy Agency, the United Nations, and the
World Health) shows that the world needs to keep on track to develop,
1. Introduction excavate, and use affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy.
The annual tracking SDG-7 comes from the energy progress report 2021
The goals, strategy, vision and development orientation of renewable with the aim of SDG-7 on energy, give assistance to lead international
energy of the sustainable development goal 7 (SDG-7) in the 2030 united policy-making and cooperation to get overall access of sustainable en
nations sustainability development goals (SDG) are aimed to support ergy by 2030 in over the world. The 2021 SDG-7 report focuses on
everyone can access to electricity, clean cooking fuels and technology, crucial energy purposes including access to electricity and clean cooking
substantially rising in the share of renewable energy (Bokhari et al., fuels and technology, substantially rising in the share of renewable en
2015), improvement progress on energy efficiency (Jain et al., 2018), ergy, improvement progress on energy efficiency, and lifting interna
and lifting international collaboration in services related to clean and tional collaboration in services related to clean and renewable energy.
renewable energy (Cheah et al., 2016). Energy-based tools are essential The report shows that there are 1.2 × 109 people out of access to elec
cruxes to protect people out of disease via supporting healthcare ser tricity, 3 × 109 people out of access to clean cooking, 16.4 wt% of
vices, fresh air, and clean water as well as connecting people by internet renewable share of total final energy consumption (TFEC), and 10.6 ×
and internet of things (IoT). The SDG-7 conducted by the five collabo 109 USD of international financial flows to developing countries in
rating organizations (The World Bank, the International Energy Agency,
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.K. Chung).
Received 16 October 2022; Received in revised form 14 June 2023; Accepted 1 July 2023
Available online 13 July 2023
2666-7908/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
support of clean energy recorded in 2010 and the latest recorded data nitrous oxide (N2O), poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and black
with 759 × 106 people out of access to electricity in 2019, 2.6 × 109 carbon (BC) (Majumdar et al., 2013). Pollutants and gas emissions
people out of access to clean cooking in 2019, 17.1 wt% of renewable clearly increase rapidly (Chuah et al., 2022a) by non-stop increasing of
share of TFEC in 2018, and 14 × 109 USD of international financial flows wastes related to population growth, industrial development (Chuah
to developing countries in support of clean energy in 2018. On the global et al., 2022c), and fuel consumption demand in the world (Chuah et al.,
trend, renewable energy has outstandingly developed over time with 2022b). The CO2 emissions increased about 1.9 wt% in 2018 marking
16.4 wt% in TFEC in 2010 and up to 17.1 wt% in 2018. The renewable the highest increasing rate from 2013 (IEA, 2019). Traditional energy
electrical usage has marvelously increased with about 7 wt% yearly in sources are become exhausted by increasing of energy demand over the
2018, leading the renewable shares to 24 wt% in global electricity world. The BP statistical review of world energy showed that the
consumption, up from the number of 24.7 wt% IEA, 2017. In transport worldwide primary energy consumption (WPEC) has rose 2.8 wt% in
application, renewable energy increased about 7 wt% as it used in 2018 (BP, 2019). The statistical value recorded in 2012 with the
transport in 2018 with the highest increase from 2012. The data reveals increased rate of 1.8 wt% of WPEC (BP, 2013). It actually shows that the
that efforts of development of renewable energy bring us access to WPEC increases 1.6 times in 6 years from 2012 to 2018. Conventional
electricity in daily living consumption, transportation, industrial appli energy conversion methods are also cause in the global warming and
cation in over the world. The SDG-7 plans the target by 2030 with sta climate change issues. Air quality, closely related to energy production,
bilization of access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, renewable, and is continuously pouring and causing series of human health damages.
modern energy in the using of electricity, transport, and other energy Many countries and organization have supported and encouraged re
related to renewable energy (IEA et al., 2021). The renewable energy searches for technology, material, equipment, and new energy sources
has received many concerns to track its goals, challenges in over the with the aim of protecting environment. Renewable energy, the best
world with the purpose of getting SDGs (Hafez et al., 2021) criteria of solution for sustainable development and green environment, comes
affordable and clean energy in SDG-7 (Swain and Karimu, 2020), actions from renewable energy sources like sunlight, wind, rain, tides,
to achieve SDG-7 goals (Franco et al., 2020). Renewable energy can be geothermal heat, waves, or bioenergy. Renewable energy does not
used to treat wastewater by using renewable energy resources (Zah consist of energy derived from fossil sources, or inorganic waste prod
matkesh et al., 2022) or to disinfect water by solar energy (Zahmatkesh ucts energy (Ellabban et al., 2014). Fig. 1 shows the renewable energy
and Sillanpää, 2022), that can be applied to inactivate or reduce path sources that can supply a relentless resource of green energy. These
ogens of COVID-19. energy sources were converted into useful energies like electricity, heat,
Energy need is extremely high all over the world from very small or transportation Current technologies have been used to convert
devices as chip in portable electronics to huge iron production plant. renewable energy sources into useful energy for human daily, for
Traditionally, electricity is produced from coal-fired, gas, and fossil example, the hydro, solar energy, bioenergy, heat-exchange, and wind
power plants by fuel burning methods of oil, coal, or natural gas (Li technologies. The triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) is the effective
et al., 2022). These methods produced a heavy environmental pollution energy conversion method from mechanical energy to electrical energy
and non-restored destructive living environment by its greenhouse gas (Trinh and Chung, 2018). The power devices have good characteristics
emissions, carbon dioxide emission, and toxic industrial pollutants (Ali of recyclable (Liang et al., 2017), green (Zhang et al., 2019b), sustain
et al., 2011). There are many air pollutants and greenhouse gases come able (Lei et al., 2020), renewable (Lin et al., 2016) energy for electrical
from that fuel burning processes like carbon oxide (CO), carbon dioxide consumption devices, self-powered devices, force sensors (Ke and
(CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), methane (CH4), Chung, 2020), applying in human-machine interface (Chung et al.,
V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
2022), and daily living electrical applications. The TENG is the best energy technologies, traditional energy resources are gradually replaced
solution for UN SDG-7 targets with outstanding characteristics of sub by green energy and renewable energy sources with non-carbon dioxide
stantially access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, renewable, and emissions such as Malaysia’ policy (Mekhilef et al., 2014) on renewable
modern energy in the using of electricity, transport, and other energy energy, India with solar energy (Kapoor et al., 2014), China with
related to energy consumption, electrical applications, and self-powered low-carbon strategy (Tang et al., 2020), southern Europe with solar
devices applications. Material technology has also been received many thermodynamic plant (Manzolini et al., 2011), Egypt with a future
attentions to serve positively in renewable energy field such as using sustainable energy strategy (Salah et al., 2022), and Mexico with
oxide-base catalysts for renewable energy technology (Han et al., photovoltaic plants (Weber et al., 2020). Table 1 clearly shows the effect
2021b), using boron nitride nanomaterial for sustainable applications of CO2 emission by using fuels from 2000 to 2040 scenario with devel
(Han et al., 2022b), using perovskite oxide in energy and environment opment policies of countries in the world. The table shows that
applications (Han et al., 2022a), oxygen for clean energy (Han et al., energy-related CO2 emissions decrease remarkably with about 25.2 Gt
2021a), using an optimizer to enhance output of a photovoltaic system and 15.8 Gt in 2030 and 2040 corresponding to 72 wt% and 58 wt% the
(Motahhir et al., 2022), a genetic algorithm solution to optimize a share of fossil fuel of global primary energy demand (the decrease of
photovoltaic/battery system (Allwyn et al., 2022), and developing about 22 wt% in comparison to the 80 wt% the share of fossil fuel of the
cleaner technologies for sustainability development (Mikulčić et al., total global primary energy demand (GPED) in 2000) with sustainable
2022). development policy scenario (SDPS). The CO2 emissions are 23.1 Gt and
In 2014, renewable energy occupied 23 wt% of global electricity 33.2 in 2000 and 2018 corresponding to 80 wt% and 81 wt% of fossil
supply with about 70 wt% of hydropower and 17 wt% of variable re fuel share of GPED. With stated policies, the CO2 emissions are 34.9 Gt
newables. There are about 8500 GW of additional power of global ca and 35.6 in 2030 and 2040 corresponding to 77 wt% and 74 wt% of the
pacity by 2040 with two-thirds of renewable energy. With the strategy of share of fossil fuel of GPED (IEA, 2018). The total world primary energy
the Sustainable Development Scenario shown in the world energy demand shows the amounts of 13,750 Mtoe and 13,729 Mtoe in 2030
outlook 2019, the shares of renewable energy show remarkable number and 2040 in the SDPS strategy. These are much smaller amount in
in around 80 wt% of renewable capacity addition in most regions in the comparison with the amounts of 16,311 Mtoe and 17,723 Mtoe in 2030
world (IEA, 2019). Renewable energy sources have been exploited and and 2040 in the stated policies, and also much smaller amount in
applied successfully in smart grids with outstanding functions like: comparison with 16,960 Mtoe and 19,177 Mtoe in 2030 and 2040 in the
observability, controllability (Reddy et al., 2014), healing, or current policies. It is clearly that the sustainable energy development
self-diagnosis (Dileep, 2020). These expose integration ability of policy scenario has a vital role in decreasing CO2 emission production
renewable energy. Nations over the world have estimated about 20 wt% and usage of fossil fuel in over the world. The SDPS shows a smaller
electricity supply come from renewable energy sources in the Smart Grid volume in the primary energy demand by fuel in comparison with the
Innovation Challenge and even set the goal of nearby 100 wt% renew stated policies and the current policies. The season can be explained by
able energy supply for some areas in the future (IEA, 2019c). degreasing the energy consumption in the energy conversion procedure
By strongly policies of nations in over the world and renewable from fossil energy to electricity or other energies. The renewable energy
V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
Table 1
World primary energy demand by fuel and scenario (Mtoe) (IEA, 2018).
Stated policies Sustainable development Current policies
(RE) characterizes a lot of benefits such as conservation of fossil fuel dioxide (Tucho and Kumsa, 2020); Using TENG electricity to spread
resources, non-greenhouse gas emissions, low-cost investment of energy energy to remote region where people cannot reach traditional electrical
resources, and protecting energy security. The RE has some limitations grid or must be spent much money for their consumption (Seol et al.,
such as high cost of infrastructure construction, low energy conversion 2017). TENG effectively applies in sustainable energy application (Lin
efficiency, depending on weather circumstances (daily, night time, and Chung, 2021), self-power devices, remote devices, sensors, and
monthly, season, and period of time), and environmental issues. Vary portal devices (Zhang et al., 2016). The SDG 7.2, increasing the share of
solutions have been studied to solve drawbacks such as developing renewables in the mix of energies, that makes a good interlink with
storage systems to store energy for long-time use, using storage tech another goals such as using renewable energy resources, and policy
nology to stable the output performance of the energy conversion fac makers to solve many issues of electricity generation, energy security,
tories, and optimizing the building location of the energy plant to sustainable growth, and reduction of carbon emission in our living
decrease capital cost and environment impacts. environment (Swain and Karimu, 2020); The SDG 7.3 goal, improving
The paper reviews successful methods in sustainable electricity energy efficiency in over the world such as acting of energy efficiency
production from converting different renewable energy resources, its actions for sustainable development goal 7 (Rebelatto et al., 2019),
practical industrial applications, and the integration of renewable building the technological innovation method to get a positive impact on
electricity into power grid. The paper briefly reviews current results and energy efficiency and SDG goals (Chen et al., 2021); The SDG 7. a goal,
techniques in converting energy from renewable energy resources to by 2030, enhancing international cooperation to facilitate access to
electrical energy. New technologies and methods of integration of clean energy with renewable energy, efficiency and advanced and clean
renewable electricity into power grid such as developing hybrid systems, energy, and promoting investment in energy infrastructure and clean
micro-grids, smart-grids, optimization systems, and optimal algorithm energy technology (Salvia and Brandli, 2020); The SDG 7. b goal, by
methods have been applied to increase usage, application, and devel 2030, expanding infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying
opment of sustainable electricity from renewable energy sources. The modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries
paper also mentioned SDG-7 plans the target by 2030 with stabilization (Salvia and Brandli, 2020). Improving the contribution of water and
of access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, renewable, and modern energy efficiency to achieve the united nations sustainable development
energy with contribution of renewable energy. Renewable energy is goals (Alawneh et al., 2018). Using energy efficiency approach as
future trend for sustainable development. A green energy globalization corporate social responsibility to reach the sustainable development
strategy (GEGS) is a best solution for sustainable development. GEGS goals 2030 (Nurunnabi et al., 2020). Go along with social development,
will pull all of countries and regions in the world into the process of renewable energy has been increasingly contributed to the global sus
replacing traditional energy by renewable energy. The traditional elec tainable development, SDG-7 targets, with surprising goals as mention
trical consumption ways will be replaced by renewable energy like using above. Renewable energy resources have been received many concerns
electrical vehicle in lieu of gas vehicle, cooking with renewable instead to reach SDG-7 by using new methods and technologies. The goals,
of traditional energy, governing factory by renewable energy in reverse strategy, vision and development orientation of renewable energy of
of traditional energy, and replacing other traditional energy consump SDG-7 in the 2030 united nations sustainability development goals
tion methods by renewable energy. The GEGS proposal will bring us to (SDG) aim to support everyone can access to electricity, clean cooking
net zero carbon emission, green environment, and reach sustainable fuels and technology, substantially rising in the share of renewable en
development with all of the fields in the world. ergy, improvement progress on energy efficiency, and lifting interna
tional collaboration in services related to clean and renewable energy.
2. UN SDG-7 targets: affordable, reliable, modern, and Fig. 2 shows all of renewable energies in the sustainable develop
sustainable energy ment goal strategy of SDG-7 targets. The renewable energies can sepa
rately serve for SDG-7 or join in a hybrid power grid to carry out duties
The united national sustainable development goals (UN SDG 7) tar of SDG-7 targets. Fig. 2(a) shows the renewable energy resources which
gets make sure that everyone access to affordable, reliable, modern, and have been ready to support electrical energy for everyone in over the
sustainable energy. There are dominant goals in the sustainable devel world with criteria of SDG-7 targets. Fig. 2(b) shows the SDG-7 with
opment goals 7 including: The SDG 7.1, universal access to modern indicators to measure SDG-7 targets. That includes indicators to measure
energy or electrical energy that ensures people reach services of clean ability of affordable energy, reliable energy, sustainable energy, and
cooking and sustainable energy in over the world (Mazorra et al., 2019). modern energy. For affordable energy, the minor indicators consist of
Access to electricity or modern energy is also critical factors to get other low-cost electricity, less capital investment, lower net present cost. For
criteria of sustainable development goal of ending poverty, improving reliable energy target, the lesser indicators contain continuous power
human health, educating equality, saving women and children, con supply, minimum energy shortage, and ensuring of power equality. For
trolling ecosystems, fighting climate change, and degassing carbon Sustainable energy, the smaller indicators involve higher renewable
V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
energy share, minimum emission and climate change problem. For production (TREP) is 6,963,450 GW h in 2019 with the increase of 58.2
modern energy, the indicators encompass micro-grid, hybrid power wt% and 26.2 wt% in comparison with TREP of 4,401,683 GW h in 2011
system, and community micro-grid (Kumar et al., 2020). and 5,516,427 GW h in 2015 as shown in Fig. 4. The recoded values
In 2021 renewable energy statistics report from the international figure the sustainable rising development in total renewable energy
renewable energy agency (IRENA), renewable energy capacity and production in over the world (IRENA, 2021). Especially, SDG indicator
production were done from 2011 to 2020 with impressive numbers of 7. a.1, the total international financial flows (TIFF) to developing
renewable energy development in the world. The total renewable energy countries in support of clean energy research and development and
capacity (TREC) is 2,802,004 MW in 2020 with the increase of 110.5 wt renewable energy production and hybrid systems, recorded from 2009
% and 51.2 wt% in comparison with the TREC of 1,331,177 MW in 2011 to 2018 is also figured in this report with the increase from 8137.21 ×
and 1,852,768 MW in 2015 as shown in Fig. 3. The recoded values show 106 USD in 2009–21,881.59 × 106 USD IEA, 2017 by 2019 USD in total
the stable increasing development in the total renewable energy ca worldwide corresponding to the increase of 168.9 wt% and the degrease
pacity year by year (IRENA, 2021). The total renewable energy of the international financial flows from 21,881.59 × 106 USD IEA,
V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
Fig. 3. The total renewable energy capacity in over the world in period
Fig. 5. The total international financial flows in over the world in the period
of 2011–2020.
of 2009–2018.
V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
Fig. 6. Three basic phrases of the methodology; (a) Planning phase; (b) Conducting phase; (c) Reporting phase.
Table 2
The TREG by the first-rate 10 countries from 2017 to 2021 (BP, 2022).
TREG (TWh) Annual growth rate Share of 2021
China 502.0 636.4 742.0 863.2 1152.5 27.2 wt% 33.9 wt% 31.5 wt%
US 417.7 451.6 483.7 547.7 624.5 12.0 wt% 14.3 wt% 17.1 wt%
Germany 194.7 204.4 220.6 231.8 217.6 7.4 wt% − 5.9 wt% 5.9 wt%
India 99.1 123.9 141.1 152.0 171.9 15.2 wt% 13.3 wt% 4.7 wt%
Brazil 96.1 106.3 117.6 126.5 144.0 15.1 wt% 14.1 wt % 3.9 wt%
Japan 87.5 98.7 106.7 117.8 130.3 15.4 wt% 10.9 wt% 3.6 wt%
United Kingdom 93.0 104.6 113.7 127.8 116.9 14.7 wt% − 8.4 wt% 3.2 wt%
Spain 69.5 69.8 73.8 83.2 95.8 5.6 wt% 15.4 wt% 2.6 wt %
France 44.0 49.5 57.1 63.3 62.8 12.3 wt% − 0.6 wt% 1.7 wt %
Italy 67.7 65.6 69.4 68.8 71.4 6.8 wt% 4.1 wt% 2.0 wt %
Total world 2182.3 2489.2 2799.2 3146.6 3657.2 14.9 wt% 16.5 wt% 100.0 wt%
4.1. Hydroelectricity tricity. Dams are generally built to control water flow through turbines
for generating electricity. The power produced by the hydro-turbine
Hydropower, for the future sustainable development, tracks to shaft is govern as following equation (1) (Singh and Singal, 2017):
follow sustainable development strategies as in the SGD-7 agenda to get
P = q.ρ.g.h.η (1)
affordable and clean energy such as using the systematic framework
method to assess the sustainable hydropower potential (Dhaubanjar Where: q is the discharged water moving through the hydro-turbine
et al., 2021), using a hybrid renewable energy microgrid method to (m3/s); ρ is the water density (kg/m3); g is the gravity acceleration
assure access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable renewable energy (m/s2); h is the water head (m); η is the hydraulic efficiency of the hydro-
(Kumar et al., 2020), using pico-hydropower plant with smart power turbine; and P is the mechanical power converted from water energy by
generation to meet SDG-7 (Mukundufite et al., 2020). the hydro-turbine shaft (W).
Hydropower energy changes energy from running water into useful Fig. 7 shows a general structure of hydroelectric plant and its basic
energy. Hydro turbines normally use to convert hydropower into elec parts working together to produce electricity. Fig. 7(a) shows a reservoir
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V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
biomass production (Rezania et al., 2020), and optimizing the farm in
come for biomass energy production to improve the gross margin of
bioenergy (Tziolas et al., 2017).
Fig. 9. The biomass-electricity energy conversation technology; (a) Biomass resources for power generation; (b) Energy conversion techniques of thermochemical
conversion, biochemical transformation, and extraction method to change biomass sources into electricity or fuel; (c) Bio-electricity and bio-fuel production tech
nologies of direct combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, fermentation, anaerobic digestion, and chemical reaction methods.
V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
(Handayani and Filatova, 2021), using nexus method with energy sup
ply to aim SDG-7 (Painuly et al., 2020). Geothermal energy have some
advantages of the supporting energy system such as being a renewable
energy source, having a wide energy resource, operating with a low cost,
and working in a reliability condition (Wang et al., 2020a). Geothermal
energy also gets some disadvantages such as non-ensuring a stable en
ergy flow, non-getting a flexibility feature, making impacts on the
environment (broken the structure of the earth, air pollution problem,
water pollution issue, land subsidence problem, seismicity danger, and
noise pollution issue during exploitation process), and low energy effi
ciency (Barbier, 2002). Many researches have been focused to reduce
the limitation features of the geothermal renewable energy such as using
small geothermal energy technology to reduce its environmental im
pacts during energy production process, using hot dry rock to reduce
investing cost and environmental impact, and developing energy storage
technology to improve stability and flexibility of the geothermal energy
system (Kulasekara and Seynulabdeen, 2019).
Fig. 11. The distribution of the geothermal electricity plants with about 23 wt Fig. 12. General tidal turbine tunnels with its basic parts; (a) a tidal turbine is
% of dry steam, 62 wt% of flash steams (including 40 wt% of single flash, 20 wt used to convert tidal energy into mechanical energy; (b) a generator is used to
% of double flash, and 2 wt% of triple flash), and 15 wt% of binary cycle (1 wt% change mechanical energy into electricity; (c) an electrical line is used to
of back pressure and hybrid, and 14 wt% of binary) (Bertani, 2016). integrate tidal electricity into power grid.
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V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
Fig. 14. Renewable electricity generation by energy sources IEA, 2017 with Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) has emerged as a new renew
contribution 7 wt% from solar energy in the total amount of renewable energies able harvesting method with lots of good characteristics of low cost,
in over the world (IRENA, 2019). simple structure, high effective energy conversion (Trinh and Chung,
V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
2017). The device can be used to harvest wasted energy into electrical sustainable development and application in the near future (Trinh and
energy from many motion types in the nature like walking energy (Hou Chung, 2017). TENG energy has many advantages such as low-cost in
et al., 2013), human motion (Li et al., 2016), wave energy (Saadatnia fabrication, high output performance, light weight in energy conversion
et al., 2018), wind energy (Quan et al., 2016), water wave energy (Zhao device, facile way in design, and high flexibility in harvesting wasted
et al., 2018), vehicle transportation (Qian et al., 2018), mechanical vi energy (Lone et al., 2022), and combination harvesting methods to
bration (Lee et al., 2013), and mechanical motion (Wen et al., 2014). decrease the effect of the period of time to improve the service of the
The TENG device can work as a sustainable self-power source for many energy sources (Sriphan and Vittayakorn, 2022). TENG also has some
application such as electrochemical oxidation application (Gao et al., limitations such as dusty particles attached to the tribo-surface of the
2017), self-powered sensor with the purpose of tire pressure monitor TENG to reduce its output performance and unbalance in input triggers
(Qian et al., 2018), self-powered electrochromic device (Yang et al., influenced on the output of the TENG. Many solutions have been
2012), and self-powered microfluidic transport system (Nie et al., 2018). developed to solve the limitation problems of the TENG such as opti
The TENGs have the high endurability as it works in severe environment mizing the TENG design to reduce impact of dusty environment during
(Gu et al., 2015), and harsh environment (Kim et al., 2015), and Mars working condition and using storage technology to reduce the influence
environment (Seol et al., 2017). Fig. 16 shows a simple TENG with two of the fluctuation of the triggers.
triboelectric materials attached two electrodes, separately, working in
contact-separate cycle to produce electricity. 5. Renewable energy integration
The principle of the TENG can be expressed as the two triboelectric
materials contact and separate with together in the working cycle to Renewable energy integration for electricity generation has received
produce an alternative current with the open circuit voltage (VOC ) a lot of concerns to research and develop for of SDG-7 such as developing
calculated in the following equation (Lin et al., 2016): a hybrid renewable energy microgrid to meet the affordable, reliable,
and sustainable requirements (Kumar et al., 2020).
VOC = − (8) Penetration of renewable energy resources into electrical power grid
opens huge gate to bring renewable energy to every electric consump
Where: σ is the charge density of triboelectric material; d is the tion need and urges seeking and exploiting energy resources to service in
working distance between two contact surfaces of two triboelectric human daily life. Renewable energy integration clearly supports to
materials; and ε0 is the vacuum permittivity. With good characteristics reduce using of traditional energy with high carbon dioxide emissions
of a sustainable and renewable energy source, TENG have been received and living environment devastation. Many researches have been
many attentions to develop into a large-scale power for human daily implemented to face with challenges of integration of renewable energy
commercialization by paying diverse researching and developing resources into the electric power grid by solving problems of power
methods to get more and more power for electrical consumption ap quality as an important role of renewable energy integration (Liang,
plications. For example, a sustainable TENG can produce a calculated 2017), issues of integration of intermittent renewable energy resources
voltage of about 20 kV, and light up 8000 light-emitting diodes (Lei of power-electronic system (Carrasco et al., 2006), energy storage sys
et al., 2020), a sustainable rolling-in-working TENG can produce an tem and technologies for management and integration of intermittent
output power of about 250 mW/m2 for self-sustainable electronics and problem in renewable energy sources (Yekini Suberu et al., 2014),
electronic systems (Guo et al., 2015), A TENG can be developed for the renewable energy integration for electric vehicles (Schuller et al., 2015),
intelligent sport application (Luo et al., 2021), self-powered devices renewable energy integration for smart home (Javaid et al., 2017), or
(Chung and Ke, 2020), and the TENG can be developed for portable solar forecasting method (Inman et al., 2013). To increase power ca
electronic device application and working in remote marine environ pacity and quality power, single renewable power substations are con
ment (Rui et al., 2021). In the development progress, the TENG has faced nected together into groups like a wind or solar farm by using overhead
many challenges such as improving power output (Mahmud et al., lines or cables. The collected power output is integrated to the electrical
2021), low contact togetherness (Wu et al., 2021), using for power grid via a direct current or alternating current for different
self-powered chemical sensor (Huang et al., 2021), and some TENG with electrical consumption purposes. Fig. 18 shows an idea of a general
its fabrication problem (Sun et al., 2021). To develop the TENG for structure of integration of different renewable power plants into the
harvesting electricity, triboelectric materials have a very important role electric power grid system. Fig. 18(a) shows a solar electricity plant to
in inducing negative and positive electrical elements. Dependence on support electricity into the power grid. Fig. 18(b) shows the triboelectric
the triboelectric materials, some produce negative electric particles, generator in the power grid. Fig. 18(c) shows a tidal electric plant in the
some produce positive electric particles, and one can induce more electric power grid system. Fig. 18(d) shows a hydro-electricity plant
electric elements than another as shown in Fig. 17 (Yoon et al., 2018). By connected to the power grid. Fig. 18(e) shows a tidal electrical plant in
introducing a triboelectric material with high electrical elements the electric integration system. Fig. 18(f) shows the geothermal elec
induced, the TENG produces more power (Wang et al., 2016) or enhance tricity plant integrated into the power grid system. Fig. 18(g) shows the
energy conversion (Ke et al., 2022). With introducing new surface electricity power grid system with penetration of different renewable
structures, the TENG pledges to enhance the output performance of the power plants.
TENG (Lin and Chung, 2021). By applying new technique, material, and Smart grid is a modern electrical power system with outstanding
mechanism, the TENG promises open a new era of renewable and abilities of enhanced efficiency, safety, and reliability. Smart grid is a
good solution to penetrate renewable energy to the electricity grid. The
system equipped automatic control unit and modern communication
system for smooth connection integration of renewable energy sources
(Amin and Wollenberg, 2005). Smart grid showed bright prospective as
applied in the wireless sensor network (Gungor et al., 2010). Commu
nication technologies and infrastructure were introduced to infuse
electricity from renewable energy into electric grid for electricity supply
system with good characteristics of enhanced sensing, advanced
communication, and computing ability (Gungor et al., 2011). In the
smart grid system, functional components are connected with each other
by communication lines and sensors to support interoperability of all
Fig. 16. The sustainable TENG for harvesting wasted energy into electricity. components in the system such as transmission, distribution, and other
V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
Fig. 17. Triboelectric tendency series for common materials for TENG development by easily losing electrons (Positive) and or getting electrons.
Fig. 18. The proposal structure of integration renewable energy into power grid; (a) Solar electricity plant; (b) Tidal electric plant; (c) a hydro-electricity plant; (d)
Geothermal electricity plant; (e) Wind electricity plant; (f) Electricity power grid; and (g) Triboelectric nanogenerator.
V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
and policies from countries (Ross et al., 2022). The limitations of applications in the minerals industry showed benefits of reducing global
renewable energy integration can be solved by using some techniques carbon dioxide emissions and particular in remote located mines
such as using energy storage system to fight with the control difficulty, (McLellan et al., 2012). Fig. 19 shows a proposal renewable power
reducing the capital cost, decreasing the operating cost of renewable connection diagram to a manufacturing system. By renewable energy,
energy production system, improving the lifetime of system (Alamri and the manufacturing system can be controlled to produce product for
Alamri, 2009), and using renewable power generation with the facility marketing need. Fig. 19(a) shows the manufacturing system equipped
of electrical energy storage system for integration purpose (Panda et al., with manufacturing equipment. Fig. 19(b) shows the renewable elec
2023). tricity system using to power to the manufacturing system. Fig. 19(c)
shows the product storage area where product will be prepared to
6. Industrial applications deliver to the market. Fig. 19(d) shows the product consumption market
with real-time feedback to the manufacturing system for purposes of
The big issue need to solve it is industrial development increase in product optimization and customer services (Materi et al., 2020).
the frame of keeping clean environment, fighting climate change, and The data statistics in the United States show that corporate bought
enhancing human health which is related to sustainable development wind and solar power increasing from about 50 MW in 2012 to about 3
stated in SDG-7 agenda with key points of access to affordable, reliable, GW in 2015 (IEA, 2017). Many international companies have plan to
sustainable, and modern energy; increasing the share of renewable en change to using renewable energy sources in services or manufacturing
ergy; and lifting energy efficiency. It is really difficult to keep economic in the near future like Ikea, BMW Group, Coca-Cola, General Motors,
and industrial increase in paralleled with consequence of SDG-7. The H&M, Heathrow, Hewlett Packard, Lego, Microsoft, Nestlé, Nike, Phi
problem forced many research groups putting attention on renewable lips, Telefonica, Tetra Pak, and Unilever (IEA, 2017).
energy that can be applied to industrial development with keeping To enlarge industrial application of renewable energy, many matters
criteria of SDG-7 such as applying the technological innovation method need to enhance energy conversion efficiency, quality of renewable
on energy efficiency enhancement in the industry 4.0 (Chen et al., electricity, and penetration issues of renewable electricity into grid such
2021), using global indexes (economic, sustainability, environmental, as power quality, flow, stability, reliability, and balance issues.
innovation, sustainable development goals, and global innovation in In brief, to meet SDG-7, there are many methods to converse
dexes) to drive industry 4.0 (Anuşlu and Fırat, 2019). Self-power ap renewable energy resources into electricity with good characteristics of
plications are good ideas as introducing modern energy and renewable affordable, reliable, modern, and sustainable energy. These methods are
energies like TENG energy into self-powered devices such as using a continuously applied new methods and techniques to improve energy
resonant triboelectric nanogenerator for self-powered wireless motion conversion efficiency and living environment quality. These conversion
tracking and industrial applications (Yin et al., 2018), using triboelectric methods can be acted alone or combined with together by hybrid
nanogenerator for self-powered systems, active mechanical sensor, methods to enlarge ability of exploit natural renewable energy sources
chemical sensor (Wang, 2013), and using triboelectric generator for and also to enhance quality of renewable electricity such as using the
self-powered wearable electronics (Ha et al., 2015). optimal sizing and scheduling method for hybrid energy systems to
Renewable energy is applying more in sustainable systems to partly power in isolated community in Ecuador with low cost and get the
or fully replace traditional energy and fossil energy resources with lots optimal energy supply system (Benalcazar et al., 2020), a mathematical
of damages to human being and surrounding environment. The good model for simulation and optimization the operation of large scale
characteristic energy source shows huge potentials in industrial appli solar-wind hybrid system (Jurasz et al., 2018), an optimal design
cations (Taibi et al., 2012) to meet sustainable industrial development
and the role of environmental protection (Panwar et al., 2011).
Renewable energy can be used in almost electrical consumption equip
ment from household appliances, transport vehicles, companies, plants
(Anastasopoulou et al., 2016), factories (Ghadimi et al., 2015),
manufacturing systems (Materi et al., 2020), and sustainable
manufacturing (Cassettari et al., 2017). The sustainable TENG can be
used for many applications with successfulness in the self-power sources
for sensor (Uddin and Chung, 2016), biomedical devices (Mahmud et al.,
2017), touch sensor (Meng et al., 2013), self-charging power (Pu et al.,
2015), and electrical consumption devices (Shi et al., 2017). Renewable
energy system can be built as a micro grid cell for automation and ro
botics in sustainable manufacturing. The purpose of the design is to scale
up application of renewable energy within sustainable manufacturing
system (IEA, 2019a). A real-time control method has been applied for
energy flexibility of manufacturing systems with variable renewable
energy resource integration (Beier et al., 2017). A real-time operations
management method was introduced to factories with integrating
renewable energy resources for improving economic and environmental
matters (Ghadimi et al., 2015). A mathematical model was built for
sustainable industry and transportation (Subbaih and Ramasamy,
2022). A photovoltaic system was connected to a manufacturing system
to optimize and to align production planning with maximum monthly
profit (Materi et al., 2020). A renewable energy resources intelligent
Fig. 19. The connection diagram of a renewable electricity to a manufacturing
management method using on line real-time simulation was introduced
system with; (a) the manufacturing system equipped with manufacturing
to sustainable manufacturing industry with benefits of cost effective and equipment; (b) the renewable electricity system using to power to the
environment impact (Cassettari et al., 2017). Renewable energies of manufacturing system; (c) shows the product storage area where product will
wind and solar power system have been conducted to apply for a be prepared to deliver to the market; and (d) shows the product consumption
small-scale plasma-assisted nitric acid plant in Kenya and South Africa market with real-time feedback to the manufacturing system for purposes of
(Anastasopoulou et al., 2016). A review of renewable energy product optimization and customer services.
V.L. Trinh and C.K. Chung Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15 (2023) 100657
solution for a hybrid photovoltaic-hydroelectric system (Mahmoudi finance, new technologies, and human resources with acknowledge of
mehr and Shabani, 2018), and an optimization method for TENG in renewable energy (Zhao et al., 2011). Many countries show fierce pol
contact-separation working mechanism to improve power output icies to move into sustainable development with using renewable energy
(Zhang et al., 2019a). Besides, it is necessary to expand applications of sources such as Libya with strategy of the solar energy application (Maka
renewable energy from tiny chips to industrial manufacturing systems. et al., 2021), planning economic growth with utilization strategy of
The new integration methods are encouraged to boost renewable renewable energy in Sri Lanka (Dasanayaka et al., 2022), developing the
electricity as it penetrates into the power grid such as using a smart education curriculum of renewable energy advantages for students in
integrated renewable energy systems for sustainable development Nigeria (Eshiemogie et al., 2022), shifting to renewable energy with
(Maheshwari and Ramakumar, 2017), an integrated renewable energy carbon emission reduction strategy from India (Siram et al., 2022), and
optimization model to support energy for isolated villages (Masip et al., developing the net zero energy buildings with usage of renewable en
2019b), a pumped storage technology to increase renewable energy ergy in over the world (Jaysawal et al., 2022).
source penetration in power system (Papaefthymiou and Papatha
nassiou, 2014). The mathematic models have been developed to solve 8. Conclusions
optimal problems of renewable system such as using an optimizer to
optimize renewable systems of biomass, biogas, and wind power (Gómez Conventional energy resources (oil, coal, or natural gas) are limited.
Sánchez et al., 2021), using the integer linear programming to optimize Environment pollution is really damages to human health and our living
a smart integrated renewable energy system (Masip et al., 2019a), using environment. Renewable energy is the best solution for sustainable
genetic algorithms to optimize multi-objective of a hybrid renewable development in living, transport, and industrial electricity. This paper
energy system (Donado et al., 2020). The industrial application of briefly reviews current results and techniques in the converting energy
renewable energy shows many advantages such as protecting the envi from renewable energy resources to the useful energy. The SDG-7 is
ronmental sources, increasing the living quality, (Wee et al., 2012). The cleared in the targets of affordable, reliable, modern, and sustainable
limitations of renewable application in industry are come from some energy. Seven renewable energy types are deeply reviewed with char
reasons such as hard policies from countries for developing the renew acteristics of electrical generation principle, energy sustainable pro
able energy, production cost problem, and technology innovation for duction, and industrial applications including hydroelectricity, biomass
harvesting renewable energy (Wee et al., 2012). The disadvantages of electricity, geothermal electricity, marine power, wind power, solar
renewable energy application in industry can be solve by using some power, and triboelectric nanogenerator. The renewable energy inte
solutions such as developing the international trade of renewable energy gration is really necessary to bring clean energy to everyone who can
to ensure that remote regions can easy to access the renewable energy, access with affordable condition and clarified in both issues of advan
developing technologies to improve the harvesting ability of renewable tages and limitations with proposal directions to reduce its disadvan
energy, giving the national policies to encourage the development of tages. Challenges are reviewed as improving conversion efficiency,
renewable energy in industrial application (Kuik et al., 2019), subsi electric quality, and integration problems related to stability, reliability,
dizing from China for renewable energy development (Zhao et al., electrical balance, and environment issues. Other limitations include
2014), investigating the area where can exploit renewable energy for national policies for developing the renewable energy, production cost
consumption demand (Hassan et al., 2023), and planning sustainable problem, and harvesting technology innovation. The proposal solutions
development of industrial production with using renewable energy in are discussed to eliminate the limitations as developing new materials,
Bangladesh (Bhuiyan et al., 2021), and using solar energy technology in technologies, and conversion mechanisms to enhance energy conversion
copper mining industry (Behar et al., 2021). efficiency, quality of renewable electricity, optimizing the size of
renewable plant to reduce environment problem, and penetration issues
7. Green energy globalization strategy of renewable electricity into grid such as power quality, flow, stability,
reliability, and balance. Industrial application and green energy glob
In the fact that traditional globalization (TG) has forced the global alization strategy are novel idea to encourage everyone, every country,
trade and finance growth. With TG, countries and regions work more every factory, and every activity exploiting and using renewable energy
tightly with together and improve the development of technique and to serve our environment. Other solutions include international trade
science. According to the social development, TG has led to increase the development of renewable energy, developing energy harvesting tech
energy consumption need. Time by time, the traditional energy come nologies, national policies of renewable energy development.
from fossil, oil, coal, and other natural energy sources that has made the It is expected that the review can assist researchers and colleagues
environment pollution, climate change, and human health effect with understand more renewable energy and contribute to this hot issue. The
more and more dangerous level and even it cannot be restored. renewable energy possesses many advantages such as protecting fossil
Renewable energy has showed more advantage with clean, green, and fuel, non-emission by gas, low-cost of the input energy resources, and
non-pollution energy source to support overall demands of social warranting the energy security. The renewable energy also gets some
development. To release the dependent on traditional energy, a good disadvantages such as high investment, low efficiency of energy con
solution for sustainable development is building a renewable energy version, relating to weather scenes (daily, night time, monthly, season,
globalization strategy (REGS). With REGS, every country and region in and period of time), and surrounding environment. Plenty of responses
the world need to put scene and policy to construct and develop have been investigated to solve restrictions such as employing storage
renewable energy infrastructure, integration the renewable energy to technology to store energy for the extended use, constructing storage
the power grid, encourage people using renewable energy in all of daily system to equilibrate the output performance of the energy conversion
energy consumption demand. Examples, people use electrical vehicle stations, and optimizing the energy conversion plant location to lessen
instead of gas vehicle, use renewable energy to cook contrary to tradi the capital cost and living environment impacts. The research result
tional energy, use renewable electricity to govern factory rather tradi hope that renewable energy will be further contributed on sustainable
tional electricity. Many researches showed a lot advantages of energy development strategy in reducing green gas house, protecting environ
transition from traditional energy into renewable energy such as: ment, preventing climate change, and replacing toxic industrial wastes.
renewable energy contributes to two-thirds of the total energy in the The research also opens more application directions of renewable elec
world, renewable energy transition helps to slowly increase global tricity in manufacturing and industrial production in the near future. A
temperature, renewable energy usage will reduce the global greenhouse renewable energy globalization proposal will bring us to sustainable
gas emission (Gielen et al., 2019), international cooperation actions development with net zero carbon emission and green environment all
force countries to develop renewable energy by reaching ability of over the world. The TENG is the energy conversion methods introduced
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