EU - en AA - PROF.FP
EU - en AA - PROF.FP
EU - en AA - PROF.FP
CoreLine Downlight
DN140B LED20S/840 PSU WR PI6
CoreLine Downlight delivers on the CoreLine promise of innovative, easy to use and
high-quality luminaires. The CoreLine Downlight range of recessed luminaires is
designed to replace CFL-ni/CFL-i based downlight luminaires. Their attractive TCO
helps customers to make the switch to LED. These luminaires create a natural
lighting effect for use in general lighting applications. They also deliver instant
energy savings and have a much longer lifetime, creating a real value-for-money
and environmentally friendly solution. They are easy to install thanks to their
standard cut-out size and push-in connectors. InterAct Ready luminaires with
integrated wireless communications in this family available, to be used with InterAct
gateways, sensors and software.
Product data
Beam angle of light source 120 ° Flammability mark For mounting on normally flammable
Optic type White reflector without louver “Evaluating performance of LED based
Connection Push-in connector 6-pole maintenance between B50 and for example
Protection class IEC Safety class I value also represents the B10 value.
Fixation material Steel Order product name DN140B LED20S/840 PSU WR PI6
Dimensional drawing
Photometric data
1 x 2200 lm PolarIintensityIdiagram
o o o
CartesianIintensityIdiagram BeamIdiagram
f2A f8A f2A
f o
52Imax 2IxI46 h EA dPms
Cartesian intensity diagram
f f
o o Pms Plxs VBA 52Imax 52EA
9A 9A f2AA
o o
6A 5AA 6A
28A 28A 28A 48f3 2823
75A 6AA
285 f79 58f6 2878
600 fAAA
38A 38A f24 68f9 3834
300 VisualIimpactIdiagram
LightIoutputIratio f8AA
ServiceIupward A8AA
ServiceIdownward f8AA
Imax ff2AIcd fAA
f o 5A
BSIP 52Imaxs 2IxI46
BSIP 52EAs 2IxI29
o 3A
0 o o o o o o o
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 g f5
5 2m
o o o
QuantityIestimationIdiagram UGRIdiagram L.O.R.=e1.00 1exe2200elm
/Oy /Yy /Oy nrPIofIluminaires
hroomkIOPYIm hroomkIOPYIm
ReflectanceskIyPXy5IyP:y5IyPOy ReflkIyPXyIyP:yIyPOy
by by
Qy MaintenanceIfactorkI/Py
m CeilingImounted
o o o o o
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Y O: kIviewedIcrosswise
o o =y
My My X:yIlx O:
=yy Y kIParallelItoIviewingIdirP
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byy X
UtilisationIfactorItable LuminanceITable
LightIoutputIratio /Pyy
ServiceIupward yPyy ReflectancesIforIceiling5IwallsIandIworkingIplaneIRCIE( Plane yPy Q:Py byPy
o o
ServiceIdownward /Pyy Room yPYy yPYy yPXy yPXy yPXy yPXy yP:y yP:y yP=y yP=y yPyy
Q:Py ==/b/ ==/b/ ==/b/
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LVC1171347 2020-07-17
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