Laparoscopic Keyhole Repair of A Varicocele
Laparoscopic Keyhole Repair of A Varicocele
Laparoscopic Keyhole Repair of A Varicocele
Key Points
• This procedure involves clipping the testicular veins inside your
abdomen (tummy) using a telescope
• Almost all varicoceles (collections of varicose veins) occur above the
left testicle
• The “keyhole” procedure is normally performed under general
We usually provide you with a pair of TED stockings to wear, and we may
give you a heparin injection to thin your blood. These help to prevent blood
clots from developing and passing into your lungs. Your medical team will
decide whether you need to continue these after you go home.
After-effect Risk
Temporary shoulder tip pain due to
Between 1 in 2 &
irritation of your diaphragm by the carbon
1 in 10 patients
dioxide gas
Between 1 in 10 &
Failure to cure the varicocele
1 in 50 patients
The staff at BAUS are not medically trained, and are unable to answer
questions about the information provided in this leaflet. If you do have
any questions, you should contact your urologist, specialist nurse or GP.