Ships Operating in Polar Waters
Ships Operating in Polar Waters
Ships Operating in Polar Waters
Ships Operating in
Polar Waters and Icebreakers
January 2017
Rule Note
NR 527 DT R03 E
NR 527
Rules for the Classification of
Ships Operating in Polar Waters and Icebreakers
January 2017
Unless otherwise specified, these rules apply to ships for which contracts are
signed after January, 1st 2017. The Society may refer to the contents hereof
before January, 1st 2017, as and when deemed necessary or appropriate.
Polar waters means Arctic waters and/or the Antarctic area. k) and thence eastward along parallel of latitude 60º N, to
Fig 1 and Fig 2 are given for illustrative purposes only. longitude 056º37’.1 W
Antarctic area means the sea area south of latitude 60° S. l) and thence to the latitude 58º00’.0 N, longitude
042º00’.0 W.
Arctic waters means those waters which are located
1.1.4 Definition of Icebreaker
a) north of a line from the latitude 58º00’.0 N and longi- “Icebreaker” refers to any ship having an operational profile
tude 042º00’.0 W that includes escort or ice management functions, having
b) to latitude 64º37’.0 N, longitude 035º27’.0 W powering and dimensions that allow it to undertake aggres-
sive operations in ice-covered waters.
c) and thence by a rhumb line to latitude 67º03’.9 N, longi-
tude 026º3’.4 W 1.1.5 According to the notation, the functions of the ship
and its equipment, the following Sections apply:
d) and thence by a rhumb line to the latitude 70º49’.56 N • Sec 2: structural requirements for additional class nota-
and longitude 008º59’.61 W (Sørkapp, Jan Mayen) tions POLAR CLASS and service notations Icebreaker
e) and by the southern shore of Jan Mayen to 73º31’.6 N • Sec 3: machinery requirements for additional class nota-
and 019º01’.0 E by the Island of Bjørnøya, tions POLAR CLASS and service notations Icebreaker
• Sec 4: requirements for additional service features
f) and thence by a great circle line to the latitude
68º38’.29 N and longitude 043º23’.08 E (Cap Kanin
Nos) 1.1.6 Restrictions
g) and hence by the northern shore of the Asian Continent If hull and machinery are constructed such as to comply
eastward to the Bering Strait with the requirements of different additional class notations
POLAR CLASS, then both the hull and the machinery are to
h) and thence from the Bering Strait westward to latitude be assigned the lower of these additional class notations in
60º N as far as Il’pyrskiy the Certificate of Classification. Compliance of hull or
machinery with the requirements of a higher additional
i) and following the 60th North parallel eastward as far as class notation POLAR CLASS is also to be indicated in the
and including Etolin Strait Annex to the Certificate of Classification.
j) and thence by the northern shore of the North Ameri- The same principle applies to ships having a service nota-
can continent as far south as latitude 60º N tion Icebreaker.
4 Additional service features POLAR • POLAR CAT-B is assigned to ships designed for opera-
tion in polar waters in at least thin first-year ice, which
may include old ice inclusions, but in ice conditions
less severe than for POLAR CAT-A
4.1 Scope • POLAR CAT-C is assigned to ships designed to operate
in open water or ice conditions less severe than those
4.1.1 The additional service features POLAR CAT are
included in POLAR CAT-A or POLAR CAT-B.
defined as follows:
• POLAR CAT-A is assigned to ships designed for opera- 4.1.2 The allowed additional service features POLAR CAT
tion in polar waters in at least medium first-year ice, are given in Tab 4 with respect to the ice classes or the ser-
which may include old ice inclusions vice notations Icebreaker assigned to the ships.
Independent operations
Icebreaker assisted operations
POLAR In open ice (concentration < 6/10) (1) In close ice (concentration ≥ 6/10) (1)
Opera- Ice description Max. ice Opera- Ice description Max. ice Opera- Ice description Max. ice
tions (2) thk (m) tions (2) thk (m) tions (2) thk (m)
ice which may
year- all multi-year year- all multi-year year-
1 3,5 3,5 include multi- 2,0
round ice round ice round
year ice inclu-
thick first-year
year- moderate year- moderate year- ice which may
2 3,0 3,0 1,5
round multi-year ice round multi-year ice round include old ice
second-year second-year medium first-
year- ice which may year- ice which may year- year ice which
3 2,5 2,5 1,2
round include multi-year round include multi-year round may include old
ice inclusions ice inclusions ice inclusions
thick first-year thick first-year medium first-
year- ice which may year- ice which may year- year ice which
4 1,5 1,5 1,0
round include old ice round include old ice round may include old
inclusions inclusions ice inclusions
medium first- medium first- medium first-
year- year ice which year- year ice which summer / year ice which
5 1,0 1,0 0,8
round may include old round may include old autumn may include old
ice inclusions ice inclusions ice inclusions
medium first- medium first-
summer/ year ice which summer / year ice which summer / thin
6 0,8 0,8 0,6
autumn may include old autumn may include old autumn first-year ice
ice inclusions ice inclusions
thin first-year ice thin first-year ice
summer/ which may summer / which may summer / thin
7 0,6 0,6 0,4
autumn include old ice autumn include old ice autumn first-year ice
inclusions inclusions
(1) Portion of sea covered by the ice, expressed in tenths.
(2) Based on World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Sea Ice Nomenclature.
Ice class or service notation POLAR CAT-A POLAR CAT-B POLAR CAT-C
X − −
Icebreaker 1, Icebreaker 2, Icebreaker 3, Icebreaker 4,
Icebreaker 5
− X −
Icebreaker 6, Icebreaker 7
Other or none − − X
Note 1: X : Allowed
− : Not allowed.
(1) The level of safety is to be demonstrated equivalent to the requirements of the standards acceptable for the ship category. This
equivalence can be determined using a method as described in App 2.
Lui : Rule length, in m, as defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec MSW,S : Design still water bending moment, in kN.m, in
2, [3.1] of the Rules for Steel Ships but meas- sagging condition, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2,
ured at the upper ice waterline (UIWL) [2.2] of the Rules for Steel Ships
FEui : Fore end, perpendicular to the upper ice water- pavg : Design ice load average pressure, in kN/m2,
line (UIWL) at the forward side of the stem defined in [4.5.1]
AEui : Aft end, perpendicular to the to the upper ice pBow : Total glancing impact pressure in the bow area,
waterline (UIWL) at a distance Lui aft of the fore in kN/m2, defined in [4.3.7]
end qBow : Total glancing impact line load in the bow area,
Bui : Ship moulded breadth, in m, at the upper ice in kN/m, defined in [4.3.6]
waterline (UIWL) qNonBow : Total glancing impact line load in hull areas
Δui : Ship displacement at the upper ice waterline other than the bow area, in kN/m, defined in
(UIWL), in t [4.4.3]
x : Distance, in m, from the aft end (AEui) to the QSW : Design still water shear force, in kN, defined in
section under consideration Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.3] of the Rules for Steel
b : bBow or bNonBow , in m, as appropriate for the area Ships
under consideration ReH : Minimum yield stress of the material, in N/mm2
bBow : Height of the design load patch, in m, in the Rm : Ultimate minimum tensile strength of the mate-
bow area, defined in [4.3.8] rial, in N/mm2, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1,
bNonBow : Height of the design load patch, in m, in hull [2.1.1] of the Rules for Steel Ships
areas other than the bow area, defined in s : Spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners
[4.4.4] tC : Corrosion/abrasion addition, in mm, defined in
bf : Flange width, in mm, of a stiffener (see Fig 9) [3.1]
CAF : Hull area factor, defined in [4.6.1] tf : Net flange thickness, in mm, of a stiffener (see
cARi : Load patch aspect ratio, defined in [4.3.4] Fig 9)
CC : Crushing failure class factor, defined in [4.2.1] tnet : Net plate thickness required to resist ice loads,
CD : Load patch dimensions class factor, defined in in mm, defined in [6.2]
[4.2.1] tp : Net thickness, in mm, of attached plating of a
ci : Shape coefficient, defined in [4.3.3] stiffener (see Fig 9)
CF : Flexural failure class factor, defined in [4.2.1] tw : Net web thickness, in mm, of a stiffener (see Fig 9)
CL : Longitudinal strength class factor, defined in w : wBow or wNonBow , in m, as appropriate for the
[4.2.1] area under consideration
CΔ : Displacement class factor, defined in [4.2.1] wBow : Width of the design load patch, in m, in the
bow area, defined in [4.3.8]
CPP, CPM, CPS: Peak pressure factors, defined in [4.5.2]
wNonBow : Width of the design load patch, in m, in hull
E : Young’s modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken equal
areas other than the bow area, defined in
• E = 2,06 ⋅ 105 N/mm2 for steels in general
α : Upper ice waterline angle, in degree (see Fig 4)
• E = 1,95 ⋅ 105 N/mm2 for stainless steels
γ : Buttock angle at the upper ice waterline (angle
• E = 7,00 ⋅ 104 N/mm2 for aluminium alloys of buttock line measured from horizontal), in
FBow : Total glancing impact force in the bow area, in degree (see Fig 4)
kN, defined in [4.3.5] β : Frame angle, in degree, defined by:
FNonBow : Total glancing impact force in hull areas other tan β = tan α / tan γ (see Fig 4)
than the bow area, in kN, defined in [4.4.1] θ : Normal frame angle at the upper ice waterline,
hw : Web height, in mm, of a stiffener (see Fig 9) in m, defined by:
: Span, in m, of ordinary stiffeners tan θ = tan β ⋅ cos α (see Fig 4).
Si Mi Bli B 2,0 m
1,5 m S M BI
WLangle = 0 deg FEui
0,7b 0,15 Lui
WLangle = 10 deg
Mb Blb B
Si S
Si Mi Bli B 2.0 m
1.5 m S M BI
AEui FEui
Mb Blb B
Si M Bl
Table 2 : Maximum value of angles γbow and αbow for the bow form
Longitudinal plan
Waterline plan
1.3.2 When direct structural calculations are used to check 2.1.2 Material classes specified in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, Tab 3
the strength of primary supporting members (such as load- of the Rules for Steel Ships are applicable to ships having
carrying stringers or web frames), the design ice loads one of the additional class notations POLAR CLASS or one
defined in [4] are to be applied without being combined of the services notations Icebreaker, regardless of the ship
with any other loads. length.
In addition, material classes for weather and sea exposed
1.3.3 The corresponding design load patch is to be applied structural members and for members attached to the
in accordance with [7.8.1]. weather and sea exposed shell plating are given in Tab 6.
Where the material classes in Tab 6 and those in Pt B, Ch 4,
2 Materials and welding Sec 1, Tab 3 of the Rules for Steel Ships differ, the higher
material class is to be applied.
2.1 Material classes and grades 2.1.3 Material grades for all plating and attached framing of
hull structures and appendages situated below the level of
2.1.1 The material grade for hull structure is to be not less 0,3 m below the lower ice waterline (LIWL), as shown in Fig
than those given in Tab 4 and Tab 5, based on the as-built 5, are to be obtained from Tab 4, based on the material
thickness of the material, the assigned additional class nota- classes for structural members in Tab 6, regardless of the
tion POLAR CLASS or service notation Icebreaker, and the additional class notation POLAR CLASS or service notation
material classes of structural members given in Tab 6. Icebreaker assigned.
Figure 5 : Steel grade requirements for submerged and weather exposed shell plating
2.1.4 Material grades for all weather exposed plating of 2.2 Welding
hull structures and appendages situated above the level of
0,3 m below the lower ice waterline (LIWL), as shown in Fig 2.2.1 All weldings within ice-strengthened areas are to be
5, are to be not less than those given in Tab 5. of the double continuous type.
3 Corrosion/abrasion additions and CLASS 7, the ice load parameters (pavg , w and b) are func-
steel renewal tion of the actual bow shape. To determine the ice load
parameters, it is required to calculate the following ice load
characteristics for sub-regions of the bow area:
3.1 Corrosion/abrasion additions
• shape coefficient ci
3.1.1 The value of the corrosion/abrasion additions tC to be • total glancing impact force Fi
applied to shell plating is to be taken equal to the greater of • line load qi
the two following values: • pressure pi
• tC obtained from Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2, [3.1] of the Rules for • load patch aspect ratio cARi .
Steel Ships
• tC obtained from Tab 7, subject to the fitting of an effec- 4.1.4 In other ice-strengthened areas, the ice load parame-
tive protection against corrosion and ice-induced abra- ters (pavg , wNonBow and bNonBow) are determined independ-
sion. ently of the hull shape and based on a fixed load patch
aspect ratio cAR taken equal to: cAR = 3,6.
3.1.2 The value of the corrosion/abrasion additions tC to be
applied to all internal structures within the ice-strengthened 4.1.5 Bow with icebreaking form
hull areas, including plated members adjacent to the shell, Design ice loads calculated according to [4.3] are applica-
as well as stiffeners webs and flanges, is to be taken equal to ble for bow forms where (see Fig 4):
the greater of the two following values: • the buttock angle at the stem γstem is positive and less
• tC obtained from Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2, [3.1] of the Rules for than 80 degree, and
Steel Ships • the normal frame angle θ at the centre of the foremost
• tC = 1,0 mm. sub-region is greater than 10 degree.
Table 7 : Total corrosion/abrasion additions tC for both sides of the shell plating
4.2 Glancing impact load characteristics - θi : Normal frame angle, in degree, in sub-region i
Class factors of the bow area.
4.2.1 The parameters defining the glancing impact load 4.3.4 Load patch aspect ratio
characteristics are reflected in the class factors listed in Tab 8 The load patch aspect ratio cARi , in each sub-region i of the
and Tab 9. bow area, is to be obtained from the following formula:
Table 8 : Glancing impact load characteristics - Class factors for icebreaking form
Table 9 : Glancing impact load characteristics - Class factors for non-icebreaking form
(crushing failure) (line load) (pressure)
6 3,43 2,82 0,65
7 2,60 2,33 0,65
Hull area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Bow All 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00
Icebelt 0,90 0,85 0,85 0,80 0,80 1,00 1,00
Bow Intermediate Lower 0,70 0,65 0,65 0,60 0,55 0,55 0,50
Bottom (1) 0,55 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30 0,25
Icebelt 0,70 0,65 0,55 0,55 0,50 0,45 0,45
Midbody Lower 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30 0,25 0,25
Bottom (1) 0,30 0,30 0,25 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Icebelt 0,75 0,70 0,65 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,35
Stern Lower 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30 0,25 0,25 0,25
Bottom (1) 0,35 0,30 0,30 0,25 0,15 N.A. N.A.
(1) In case of navigation in shallow water and for bottom scantling requirement determined using FNonBow defined in [4.4.2], CAF is
to be taken equal to 1,00.
Note 1: N.A. indicates that strengthening for ice loads is not required in the hull area considered.
Hull area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Bow All 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00
Icebelt 0,90 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,85 1,00 1,00
Bow Intermediate Lower 0,70 0,65 0,65 0,65 0,65 0,65 0,65
Bottom (1) 0,55 0,50 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45
Icebelt 0,70 0,65 0,55 0,55 0,55 0,55 0,55
Midbody Lower 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40
Bottom (1) 0,30 0,30 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25
Icebelt 0,95 0,90 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80
Stern Lower 0,55 0,50 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45
Bottom (1) 0,35 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30
(1) In case of navigation in shallow water and for bottom scantling requirement determined using FNonBow defined in [4.4.2], CAF is
to be taken equal to 1,00.
buckling strength is to be verified according to [5.5]. 0.1
5.1.3 For ships less than 65 m in length, the normal stress 0.5
only due to ice loads is to comply with the checking criteria 1
in [5.3.4]. In addition, the checking of shear stress and local 0
buckling strength may be required by the Society, on a case- 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
by-case basis. X= Lui - x
y = ± Bui/2 (X/LB)Ceb
Bui/2 Bui/2
x x
bow stem bow stem
ice waterline ice waterline
Spoon bow Wedge bow
Table 14 : Longitudinal distribution factor CH2 5.3.2 The normal stress, in a structural member made in
material other than steel with a Young’s modulus E equal to
CH2 2,06⋅105 N/mm2 and included in the hull girder transverse
position Positive shear Negative shear sections as specified in Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.1.6] of the
force force Rules for Steel Ships, is obtained from the following for-
0 ≤ x/Lui < 0,2 – 2, 5 ------
0,0 L ui E
σ 1 = ----------------------5 σ
0,2 ≤ x/Lui ≤ 0,6 − 0,5 2, 06 10
x where:
0,6 < x/Lui < 0,8 10 x 2, 5 ------ – 2
------ ------ – 2 L ui σ : Normal stress, in N/mm2, in the structural mem-
3 L ui
0,8 ≤ x/Lui < 0,9 ber under consideration, calculated according
to [5.3.1] considering this member as having
0,9 ≤ x/Lui ≤ 1,0 1,0 0,0
the steel equivalent sectional area ASE defined in
Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.1.6] of the Rules for Steel
5.3 Normal stress Ships.
5.3.1 The normal stress σ, in N/mm2, induced by the verti-
5.3.3 Checking criteria for ships greater than or
cal bending moments is to be obtained from the following equal to 65 m in length
It is to be checked that the normal stress σ or σ1 calculated
• at any point of the hull transverse section:
according to [5.3.1] or [5.3.2] is less than or equal to σALL ,
M SW ,S + M I –3
with σALL defined in Tab 15.
σ = -------------------------- 10
• at bottom: Table 15 : Allowable normal stress σALL
M SW ,S + M I –3
σALL , in N/mm2
σ = -------------------------- 10
POLAR CLASS Icebreaker
• at deck:
ReH /Rm ≤ 0,7 0,80 ReH 0,60 ReH
M SW ,S + M I –3
σ = -------------------------- 10
Z AD ReH /Rm > 0,7 0,32 (ReH + Rm) 0,24 (ReH + Rm)
5.3.4 Checking criteria for ships less than 65 m in For plate panels subjected to shear, the shear stress τ, in
length N/mm2, calculated considering the net scantlings of the sec-
It is to be checked that the normal stress σI is not to exceed tion, is to fulfil the following condition:
50 N/mm2, where σI is obtained from the following formula: τ ≤ τc
M –3 where:
σ I = ------I 10
τc : Critical shear buckling stress, in N/mm2, to be
A greater value of σI may be accepted if the total normal obtained from Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.3.2] of the
stress (σ or σ1 as defined in [5.3.1] or [5.3.2]) does not Rules for Steel Ships.
exceed the value of 100 N/mm2. In such a case, the still
water bending moment is to be indicated by the Designer. 5.5.2 Ordinary stiffeners
For plating constituting the web of ordinary stiffeners, the
5.4 Shear stress normal stress σ, calculated using the formulae in [5.3.1] but
considering the net section moduli ZA,net , ZAB,net and ZAD,net
5.4.1 The shear stress induced by the shear forces is to be of the section, in N/mm2, is to fulfil the following condition:
obtained through direct calculation analyses based on a σ ≤ σc
structural model in accordance with Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.6]
of the Rules for Steel Ships. where:
The shear force corrections ΔQC and ΔQ are to be taken σc : Critical buckling stress in compression, in
into account, in accordance with, respectively, Pt B, Ch 6, N/mm2, to be obtained from Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1,
Sec 2, [2.4.1] and Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2, [2.4.2] of the Rules for [5.3.1] of the Rules for Steel Ships.
Steel Ships.
In addition, the normal stress σ, in N/mm2, applied to an
ordinary stiffener is to fulfil the following condition:
5.4.2 The hull girder loads to be considered in these analy-
ses are the vertical shear forces QSW and QI . σc
σ ≤ --------
1, 1
5.4.3 As an alternative to [5.4.1], the shear stresses induced
by the vertical shear forces QSW and QI may be obtained where:
through the simplified procedure in accordance with Pt B, σc : Critical buckling stress of a stiffener, in N/mm2,
Ch 6, Sec 2, [2.4] of the Rules for Steel Ships. to be obtained from Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [4.3.1] of
the Rules for Steel Ships.
5.4.4 Checking criteria
It is to be checked that the shear stress τ calculated accord- 6 Shell plating
ing to [5.4.1] or [5.4.3] is less than or equal to τALL , with τALL
defined in Tab 16.
6.1 General
Table 16 : Allowable shear stress τALL
6.1.1 The shell plate thickness, in mm, is to be not less than
the value obtained from the following formula:
τALL , in N/mm2
POLAR CLASS Icebreaker t = tnet + tC
framing framing
member member
7.2 Actual net effective shear area of xw : Distance, in mm, between the centre of gravity
ordinary stiffeners of area Aw’ and PNA, taken equal to:
h w sin ϕ w
7.2.1 The actual net effective shear area Aw , in cm2, of a x w = --------------------
transverse or longitudinal ordinary stiffener is given by:
Af : Net cross-sectional area of the stiffener flange,
sin ( ϕ w ) in cm2, taken equal to:
A w = ht w -------------------
100 bf t
A f = ----------f
where (see Fig 9): 100
h : Height of the stiffener, in mm xf : Distance, in mm, between the centre of gravity
of area Af and PNA, taken equal to:
ϕw : Angle, in degree, between the attached plate
and the web of the stiffener, measured at mid- xf = hfc sin ϕw − bw cos ϕw
span of the stiffener. hfc : Height, in mm, of the stiffener, measured up to
the centre of the flange area, see Fig 9
Figure 9 : Dimensions of ordinary stiffeners bw : Distance, in mm, from the mid-thickness plane
of the stiffener web to the centre of the flange
>B area, see Fig 9
ϕw : As defined in [7.2.1].
JB 7.3.2 When the net cross-sectional area Aw’ + Af of the stiff-
D D ener exceeds the net cross-sectional area of the attached
B? DM plate Ap , the plastic neutral axis PNA is located at a dis-
tance za above the attached plate, in mm, given by:
JM ( 100 A f + h w t w – 1000 t p s) sin ϕ w
z a = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 tw
ϕM JF The actual net effective plastic section modulus wp of such a
transverse or longitudinal ordinary stiffener, in cm3, is given
5 ( A p x p + A wa x wa + A wb x wb + A f x f )
w p = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.3 Actual net effective plastic section Ap : Net cross-sectional area of the attached plate, in
modulus of ordinary stiffeners cm2, taken equal to:
7.3.1 When the net cross-sectional area of the attached Ap = 10 tp s
plate Ap exceeds the net cross-sectional area of the ordinary xp : Distance, in mm, between the centre of gravity
stiffener Aw’ + Af , the plastic neutral axis PNA is assumed to of area Ap and PNA, taken equal to:
be tangent to the uppermost edge of the attached plate. t
x p = z a + ---p
The actual net effective plastic section modulus wp of such a 2
transverse or longitudinal ordinary stiffener, in cm3, is given Awa : Net cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the part of
by: the stiffener located above PNA, taken equal to:
A p′ x p + A w′ x w + A f xf za tw
w p = --------------------------------------------------- A wa = h w – --------------
- ----------
10 sin ϕ w 100
where: xwa : Distance, in mm, between the centre of gravity
Ap’ : Net cross-sectional area of the stiffener, in cm , 2 of area Awa and PNA, taken equal to:
taken equal to: z a sin ϕ w
x wa = h w – --------------
- ---------------
sin ϕw 2
Ap’ = Aw’ + Af
xp : Distance, in mm, between the centre of gravity Awb : Net cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the part of
of area Ap and PNA, taken equal to: ordinary stiffener located below the PNA, taken
equal to:
A w′ + A f t p
x p = Min -------------------
- ; --- tw za
20 s 2 A wb = ------------------------
100 sin ϕ w
Aw’ : Net cross-sectional area of the stiffener web, in xwb : Distance, in mm, between the centre of gravity
cm2, taken equal to: of area Awb and PNA, taken equal to:
hw tw z
A w′ = ----------
- x wb = ----a
100 2
where (see Fig 10): 7.5.2 The net effective shear area Aw , in cm2, of the ordi-
hw : Web height, in mm, of the member under con- nary stiffeners, as defined in [7.2], is to comply with the fol-
sideration lowing condition:
7.6 Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners in side
7.6.1 Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners in side structures are
to be dimensioned such that the combined effects of shear
and bending do not exceed the plastic strength of the stiff-
ener. The plastic strength is defined by the magnitude of the
7.5.3 The net effective plastic section modulus wp , in cm3,
midspan load that causes the development of a plastic col-
of the ordinary stiffeners with their attached plating, as
lapse mechanism.
defined in [7.3], is to comply with the following condition:
LP CAF C P pavg A 1 3 7.6.2 The net effective shear area Aw , in cm2, of longitudi-
w p ≥ LP 1 – 0, 5 ------ s ---------------------------------- 10
4 R eH nal ordinary stiffeners, as defined in [7.2], is to fulfil the fol-
lowing condition:
where: Aw ≥ AL
LP : As defined in [7.5.2] where:
A1 = Max (A1A ; A1B) 8, 67 b 1 C AF C PS p avg
A L = ------------------------------------------------
A1A : Coefficient taken equal to (see Fig 11): R eH
7.7.1 The net effective shear area, in cm2, and the net effec-
8.1 General
tive plastic section modulus, in cm3, of the oblique ordinary
stiffeners (70° > α1 > 20°) are to be obtained by linear inter- 8.1.1 Plated structures are those stiffened plate elements in
polation between the values obtained from [7.5] and [7.6]. contact with the hull and subjected to ice loads. These
requirements are applicable to an inboard extent which is
the lesser of:
7.8 Web frames and load-carrying stringers
• web height of adjacent parallel web frame or stringer,
7.8.1 Web frames and load-carrying stringers are to be
designed to withstand the ice load patch as defined in [4]. • 2,5 times the depth of framing that intersects the plated
The load patch is to be applied at locations where the structure.
capacity of these members, under the combined effects of
bending and shear, is minimised. Special attention is to be 8.1.2 The thickness of the plating and the scantlings of
attached stiffeners are to be such that the degree of end fix-
paid to the shear capacity in way of lightening holes and of
ity necessary for the shell framing is ensured.
cut-outs at the intersection of structural members.
8.1.3 The stability of the plated structure is to adequately
7.8.2 For the scantling determination of load-carrying withstand the ice loads defined in [4].
stringers, web frames supporting ordinary stiffeners, or web
frames supporting load-carrying stringers that form part of a
9 Stem and stern arrangement
structural grillage system, direct structural calculations
according to the methodologies given in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3 of
the Rules for Steel Ships are to be used. The scantlings of 9.1 Fore part
the members forming part of a grillage are to be defined so
that the combined effects of shear and bending fulfil the cri- 9.1.1 Stem
teria given in [7.8.4]. The stem may be made of rolled, cast or forged steel or of
shaped steel plates.
7.8.3 Where the structural configuration is such that the A sharp edged stem (see Fig 12) improves the manoeuvra-
members do not form part of a grillage system, the appropri- bility of the ship in ice and is particularly recommended for
ate peak pressure factor defined in Tab 10 is to be used. ships less than 150 m in length.
9.2 Aft part Within the ice-strengthened zone, the thickness of rudder
plating and diaphragms is to be not less than that required
9.2.1 An extremely narrow clearance between the propel- for the shell plating of the stern region.
ler blade tip and the sternframe is to be avoided so as not to
generate very high loads on the blade tip. Table 18 : Minimum speed
9.2.2 On twin and triple screw ships, the ice strengthening POLAR CLASS or Icebreaker Speed (knots)
of the shell and framing is to be extended to the double bot-
1 26
tom over at least 1,5 m forward and aft of the side propel-
lers. 2 24
3 23
9.2.3 Shafting and sterntubes of side propellers are gener-
ally to be enclosed within plated bossings. If detached struts 4 22
are used, their design, strength and attachment to the hull 5 21
are to be examined by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
6 20
9.2.4 A wide transom stern extending below the UIWL seri- 7 18
ously impedes the capability of the ship to run astern in ice,
which is of paramount importance. 10.1.2 The rudder stock and the upper edge of the rudder
Consequently, a transom stern is normally not to be are to be protected against ice pressure by an ice knife or
extended below the UIWL. Where this cannot be avoided, equivalent means.
the part of the transom below the UIWL is to be kept as nar-
row as possible. 10.2 Arrangements for towing
The part of a transom stern situated within the ice strength-
ened area is to be strengthened as required for the midship 10.2.1 A mooring pipe with an opening not less than
region. 250 mm by 300 mm, a length of at least 150 mm and an
inner surface radius of at least 100 mm is to be fitted in the
9.2.5 Where azimuth propulsion systems are fitted, the bow bulwark on the centreline.
increase in ice loading of the aft region and the stern area is
to be considered, in the design of the aft/stern structure, on 10.2.2 A bit or other means of securing a towline, dimen-
a case-by-case basis by the Society. sioned to withstand the breaking strength of the ship’s tow-
line, is to be fitted.
10 Hull outfittings
10.2.3 On ships with a displacement less than 30000 t, the
part of the bow extending to a height of at least 5 m above
10.1 Rudders the UIWL and at least 3 m back from the stem is to be
10.1.1 The scantlings of the rudder post, rudder stock, pint- strengthened to withstand the stresses caused by fork tow-
les, steering gear, etc. as well as the capacity of the steering ing. For this purpose, intermediate ordinary stiffeners are be
gear are to be determined according to Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 1 of fitted and the framing is to be supported by stringers or
the Rules for Steel Ships. decks.
The speed to be used in these calculations is the greater of Note 1: It is to be noted that for ships of moderate size (displace-
ment less than 30000 t), fork towing is, in many situations, the most
the maximum ahead service speed and the speed indicated
efficient way of assisting in ice. Ships with a bulb protruding more
in Tab 18. When the speed indicated in Tab 18 is used, the
than 2,5 m forward of the forward perpendicular are often difficult
coefficients r1 and r2, defined in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 1, [2.1.2] of to be towed in this way. The Administrations reserve the right to
the Rules for Steel Ships, are to be taken equal to, irrespec- deny assistance to such ships if the situation warrants such a deci-
tive of the rudder type profile: r1 = r2 = 1,0. sion.
1.2.1 The following drawings and particulars are to be sub- 1.4.1 Machinery and supporting auxiliary systems are to be
mitted to the Society: designed, constructed and maintained to comply with the
• details of the environmental conditions requirements of “periodically unmanned machinery spaces”
with respect to fire safety. Any automation plant (i.e. control,
• detailed drawings of the main propulsion machinery. alarm, safety and indication systems) for essential systems
Description of the main propulsion, steering, emergency installed is to be maintained to the same standard.
and essential auxiliaries are to include operational limi-
tations. Information on essential main propulsion load 1.4.2 Systems, subject to damage by freezing, are to be
control functions drainable.
• description detailing how main, emergency and auxil-
iary systems are located and protected to prevent prob- 1.4.3 Single screw ships having one of the additional class
lems from freezing, ice and snow and evidence of their notations POLAR CLASS 1 to POLAR CLASS 5 inclusive, or
capability to operate in intended environmental condi- having one of the service notations Icebreaker, are to have
tions means provided to ensure sufficient ship operation in the
case of propeller damage including CP-mechanism.
• calculations and documentation indicating compliance
with the requirements of this Section.
2 Materials
1.3 Principle of design review for main
propulsion and machinery 2.1 Materials exposed to sea water
1.3.1 Main propulsion and machinery are reviewed follow- 2.1.1 Materials exposed to sea water, such as propeller
ing the two successive steps as defined in [1.3.2] and [1.3.3]. blades, propeller hub and blade bolts are to have an elon-
gation not less than 15% on a test piece the length of which
1.3.2 Calculation of loads and stresses is five times the diameter.
a) Calculation of loads due to interaction between the pro- Charpy V impact test is to be carried out for other than
peller blade and the ice, depending on the additional bronze and austenitic steel materials. Test pieces taken from
class notation POLAR CLASS or on the service notation the propeller castings are to be representative of the thickest
Icebreaker and the running conditions (see [3]) section of the blade. An average impact energy value not to
be less than 20 J taken from three Charpy V tests is to be
b) Calculation of the blade stress for each load case under
obtained at −10ºC.
the application of the calculated loads on a finite ele-
ment model (see [3.3] and [3.4])
2.2 Materials exposed to sea water
c) Calculation of the total ice torque on the propulsion line
due to the blade ice impacts (see [3.5.1])
d) Calculation of the maximum thrusts applied to the pro- 2.2.1 Materials exposed to sea water temperature are to be
pulsion line (see [3.5.2]) of steel or other approved ductile material.
e) Calculation of the blade failure load of the propeller An average impact energy value not to be less than 20 J
(see [3.5.3]). taken from three tests is to be obtained at −10ºC.
Table 1 : Design ice thickness Hice n : Rotational propeller speed, in rps, taken at bol-
and ice strength indexes Sice and Sqice lard condition (i.e. at the minimum ship speed
in ice). If not know, n is to be as follows:
POLAR CLASS Hice , • n = nn for CP propellers and FP propellers
Sice Sqice
or Icebreaker in m driven by turbine or electric motor
1 4,00 1,20 1,15 • n = 0,85 nn for FP propellers driven by die-
2 3,50 1,10 1,15 sel engine.
3 3,00 1,10 1,15 Fb is to be applied as a uniform pressure distribution to an
4 2,50 1,10 1,15
area on the back (suction) side of the blade for the following
load cases (see Tab 2):
5 2,00 1,10 1,15
• Load case 1: from 0,6 R to the tip and from the blade
6 1,75 1,00 1,00 leading edge to a value of 0,2 chord length
7 1,50 1,00 1,00 • Load case 2: a load equal to 50% of the Fb is to be
applied on the propeller tip area outside of 0,9 R
3.2 Propeller ice interaction • Load case 5: for reversible propellers, a load equal to
60% of the Fb is to be applied from 0,6 R to the tip and
3.2.1 This Section covers open and ducted type propellers from the blade trailing edge to a value of 0,2 chord
situated at the stern of a ship having controllable pitch or length.
fixed pitch blades. Ice loads on bow propellers and pulling
type propellers are to receive special consideration. The 3.3.2 Maximum forward blade force Ff
given loads are expected, single occurrence, maximum val- The maximum forward blade force Ff, in kN, is equal to:
ues for the whole ships service life for normal operational
conditions. These loads do not cover off-design operational • when D < Dlimit :
conditions, for example when a stopped propeller is EAR 2
dragged through ice. This Section applies also for azimuth- F f = 250 ----------- D
ing (geared and podded) thrusters considering loads due to
propeller ice interaction. However, ice loads due to ice • when D ≥ Dlimit :
impacts on the body of azimuth thrusters are not covered by 1 EAR
this Section. F f = 500 -------------- H ice ----------- D
d Z
1 – ----
The loads given in the present Article are total loads (unless
otherwise stated) during ice interaction and are to be where:
applied separately (unless otherwise stated) and are
intended for component strength calculations only. The fol- 2
D limit = -------------- H ice
lowing different loads are to be applied separately: d
1 – ----
• Force Fb bending a propeller blade backwards when the
Ff is to be applied as a uniform pressure distribution to an
propeller mills an ice block while rotating ahead
area on the face (pressure) side of the blade for the follow-
• Force Ff bending a propeller blade forwards when a pro- ing loads cases (see Tab 2):
peller interacts with an ice block while rotating ahead. • Load case 3: from 0,6 R to the tip and from the blade
leading edge to a value of 0,2 chord length
3.3 Design ice loads for open propeller • Load case 4: a load equal to 50% of the Ff is to be
applied on the propeller tip area outside of 0,9 R
3.3.1 Maximum backward blade force Fb • Load case 5: for reversible propellers, a load equal to
60% of Ff is to be applied from 0,6 R to the tip and from
The maximum backward blade force Fb, in kN, is equal to:
the blade trailing edge to a value of 0,2 chord length.
• when D < Dlimit :
3.3.3 Maximum blade spindle torque Qsmax
Spindle torque Qsmax around the spindle axis of the blade fit-
F b = – 27 S ice -----------
EAR 0,7 2
( nD ) D
Z ting is to be calculated for the both load cases described in
[3.3.1] for Fb and in [3.3.2] for Ff .
• when D ≥ Dlimit :
These spindle torque values are not to be less than the fol-
EAR 0,3 lowing default value, in kN⋅m:
F b = – 23 S ice ----------- H ice ( nD ) D
1, 4 0, 7
Z Qsmax = 0,25 F c0,7
F : Blade force, in kN⋅m, equal to Fb or Ff , which-
Dlimit = 0,85 (Hice)1,4 ever has the greater absolute value.
Uniform pressure applied on the back of the
blade (suction side) to an area from 0,6 R to tip
1 Fb
and from the leading edge to 0,2 times the 0,6
chord length R
Uniform pressure applied on the back of the
2 50% of Fb blade (suction side) on the propeller tip area
outside of 0,9 R radius
Uniform pressure applied on the blade face
(pressure side) to an area from 0,6 R to the tip
3 Ff
and from the leading edge to 0,2 times the
chord length R
Uniform pressure applied on propeller face
4 50% of Ff (pressure side) on the propeller tip area outside
of 0,9 R radius
Uniform pressure applied on propeller face
60% of Ff or Fb (pressure side) to an area from 0,6 R to the tip
which one is greater and from the trailing edge to 0,2 times the
chord length R
3.3.4 Maximum propeller ice torque applied to the • when D > Dlimit :
F f = 500 ----------- D ------------------- H ice
The maximum propeller ice torque Qmax , in kN⋅m, is equal Z
to: 1 – --- d-
• when D < Dlimit :
P 0, 7 0, 16 t 0, 7 0, 6
Q max = 105 1 – ---- S qice --------
d 0, 17
- ------- ( nD ) D
D D D 2
D limit = ------------------- H ice
• when D ≥ Dlimit : 1 – --- d
0, 16 0, 6
1, 1 P 0, 7 t------
Q max = 202 1 – ---- S qice H ice -------- 0, 7
- - ( nD ) 0, 17 D 1, 9 Ff is to be applied as a uniform pressure distribution to an
area on the face (pressure) side of the blade for the follow-
ing load cases (see Tab 3):
• Load case 3: on the blade face from 0,6 R to the tip and
Dlimit = 1,81 Hice
from the blade leading edge to a value of 0,5 chord
3.3.5 Maximum propeller ice thrust applied to the
shaft • Load case 5: a load equal to 60% Ff is to be applied
The maximum propeller ice thrusts Tf and Tb , in kN, are from 0,6 R to the tip and from the blade leading edge to
equal to: a value of 0,2 chord length.
• forwards: 3.4.3 Maximum propeller ice torque applied to the
Tf = 1,1 Ff propeller
• backwards: Qmax is the maximum torque on a propeller due to ice-pro-
peller interaction:
Tb = 1,1 Fb
• when D ≤ Dlimit :
0, 16 0, 6
3.4 Design ice loads for ducted propeller d P 0, 7 t 0, 7
Q max = 74 1 – ---- --------
0, 17
- ------- ( nD ) S qice D
3.4.1 Maximum backward blade force Fb
• when D > Dlimit :
The maximum backward blade force Fb , in kN, is equal to:
0, 16 0, 6
d P 0, 7 t 0, 7
Q max = 141 1 – ---- --------
0, 17 1, 9 1, 1
• when D < Dlimit : - ------- ( nD ) S qice D H ice
EAR 0,3
F b = – 9, 5 S ice ----------- ( nD ) D
0,7 2
Z where:
• when D ≥ Dlimit : Dlimit = 1,8 Hice
F b = – 66 S ice -----------
EAR 1, 4 0,7 0,6 3.4.4 Maximum blade spindle torque for CP-mechanism
H ice ( nD ) D
Z design Qsmax
The spindle torque Qsmax , in kN⋅m, around the spindle axis
of the blade fitting is to be calculated for the load cases
Dlimit = 4,0 Hice described in [3.3.3].
Fb is to be applied as a uniform pressure distribution to an These spindle torque values are not to be less than the fol-
area on the back side of the blade for the following load lowing default value, in kN⋅m:
cases (see Tab 3):
Qsmax = 0,25 F c0,7
• Load case 1: on the back of the blade from 0,6 R to the
tip and from the blade leading edge to a value of 0,2 where:
chord length F : Blade force, in kN⋅m, equal to Fb or Ff , which-
• Load case 5: for reversible rotation propellers, a load ever has the greater absolute value.
equal to 60% of Fb is applied on the blade face from
0,6 R to the tip and from the blade trailing edge to a 3.4.5 Maximum propeller ice thrust (applied to the
shaft at the location of the propeller)
value of 0,2 chord length.
The maximum propeller ice thrusts Tf and Tb , in kN, are
3.4.2 Maximum forward blade force Ff equal to:
The maximum forward blade force Ff, in kN, is equal to: • forwards:
• when D ≤ Dlimit : Tf = 1,1 Ff
• backwards:
F f = 250 ----------- D
Z Tb = 1,1 Fb
Uniform pressure applied on the back of the
blade (suction side) to an area from 0,6 R to
1 Fb
the tip and from the leading edge to 0,2 times
the chord length 0,6
Uniform pressure applied on the blade face c
(pressure side) to an area from 0,6 R to the tip
3 Ff
and from the leading edge to 0,5 times the
chord length
Uniform pressure applied on propeller face
60% of Ff or Fb (pressure side) to an area from 0,6 R to the tip
which one is greater and from the trailing edge to 0,2 times the
chord length 0,6
3.5 Design loads on propulsion line The number of propeller revolutions during a milling
sequence is to be obtained with the following formula:
3.5.1 Torque NQ = 2 Hice
The propeller ice torque excitation for shaft line dynamic The number of impacts is:
analysis is to be described by a sequence of blade impacts
• for blade order excitation: Z NQ
which are of half sine shape and occur at the blade fre-
quency or at twice the blade frequency (see Fig 1). • for twice the blade order excitation: 2 Z NQ
The torque due to a single blade ice impact as a function of Milling torque sequence duration is not valid for pulling
the propeller rotation angle is then: bow propellers, which are subject to special consideration.
• when ϕ = 0°, ... , αi : The response torque at any shaft component is to be ana-
lysed considering excitation torque Q(ϕ) at the propeller,
Q(ϕ) = Cq Qmax sin (ϕ (180/αi))
actual engine torque Qe and mass elastic system.
• when ϕ = αi , ... , 360°:
The design torque (Qr) of the shaft component is to be deter-
Q(ϕ) = 0 mined by means of torsional vibration analysis of the pro-
pulsion line. Calculations are to be carried out for all
where parameters Cq and αi are given in Tab 4.
excitation cases given above and the response is to be
The total ice torque is obtained by summing the torque of applied on top of the mean hydrodynamic torque in bollard
single blades taking into account the phase shift 360°/Z. condition at considered propeller rotational speed.
Figure 1 : Shape of the propeller ice torque excitation for 45, 90, 135 degrees single blade impact sequences
and 45 degrees double blade impact sequence (two ice pieces) on a four bladed propeller
! "
! "
Table 4 : Parameters Cq and αi 3.5.3 Blade failure load for both open and nozzle
Torque Propeller-ice The force is acting at 0,8 R in the weakest direction of the
Cq αi
excitation interaction blade and at a spindle arm of 2/3 of the distance of axis of
Case 1 single ice block 0,50 45 blade rotation of leading and trailing edges, whichever is
Case 2 single ice block 0,75 90
the greater.
Case 3 single ice block 1,00 135 The blade failure load, in kN, is equal to:
two ice blocks with 45°
Case 4 0,50 45 0, 3 c t σ
phase in rotation angle F ex = -------------------------ref
- 10 3
0, 8 D – 2 r
3.5.2 Maximum response thrust Tr
The maximum thrust Tr along the propeller shaft line, in kN,
is to be calculated with the formulae below. The factors 2,2 σref = 0,6 σ0,2 + 0,4 σu
and 1,5 take into account the dynamic magnification due to
axial vibration. Alternatively, the propeller thrust magnifica- Table 5 : Hydrodynamic propeller bollard thrust Tn
tion factor may be calculated by dynamic analysis.
• in forward direction: Tr = Tn + 2,2 Tf
Propeller type Tn , in kN
• in backward direction: Tr = 1,5 Tb
CP propellers (open) 1,25 T
Tn : Hydrodynamic propeller bollard thrust, in kN. (ducted) 1,10 T
If Tn is not known, Tn is to be taken as given in FP propellers turbine or electric motor T
Tab 5 driven by
diesel engine (open) 0,85 T
Tf , Tb : Maximum forward and backward propeller ice
thrusts, defined in [3.4.5]. diesel engine (ducted) 0,75 T
5.2.2 Vertical impact acceleration av For the additional class notations POLAR CLASS 6 and 7 and
The combined vertical impact acceleration av at any point for the service notations Icebreaker 6 and 7, there is to be at
along the hull girder, in m/s2, is equal to: least one ice box, located preferably near the centreline.
5.2.3 Transverse impact acceleration at 7.1.7 Efficient means are to be provided to re-circulate
The combined transverse impact acceleration at at any point cooling seawater to the ice box. The total sectional area of
along hull girder, in m/s2, is equal to: the circulating pipes is not to be less than the area of the
cooling water discharge pipe.
a t = 3 F i ------x-
Δ ui 7.1.8 Detachable gratings or manholes are to be provided for
where: ice boxes. Manholes are to be located above the deepest load
line. Access is to be provided to the ice box from above.
• Fx = 1,50 at FEui
• Fx = 0,25 at midship section 7.1.9 Openings in ship sides for ice boxes are to be fitted
• Fx = 0,50 at AEui with gratings, or holes or slots in shell plates. The net area
through these openings is to be not less than 5 times the
• Fx = 1,50 at AEui for ships conducting ice breaking
area of the inlet pipe. The diameter of holes and width of
astern. slot in shell plating is to be not less than 20 mm. Gratings of
Intermediate values of Fx are to be interpolated linearly. the ice boxes are to be provided with a means of clearing.
Clearing pipes are to be provided with screw-down type
non return valves.
6 Auxiliary systems
8 Ballast tanks
6.1 General
6.1.1 Machinery is to be protected from the harmful effects 8.1 General
of ingestion or accumulation of ice or snow. Where contin-
uous operation is necessary, means are to be provided to 8.1.1 Efficient means are to be provided to prevent freezing
purge the system of accumulated ice or snow. in fore and after peak tanks and wing tanks located above
the water line and where otherwise found necessary.
6.1.2 Means are to be provided to prevent damage due to
freezing, to tanks containing liquids. 9 Ventilation system
6.1.3 Vent pipes, intake and discharge pipes and associ-
ated systems are to be designed to prevent blockage due to 9.1 General
freezing or ice and snow accumulation.
9.1.1 The air intakes for machinery and accommodation
ventilation are to be located on both sides of the ship.
7 Sea inlets and cooling water systems
9.1.2 Accommodation and ventilation air intakes are to be
provided with means of heating.
7.1 General
9.1.3 The temperature of inlet air provided to machinery
7.1.1 Cooling water systems for machinery that are essen-
from the air intakes is to be suitable for the safe operation of
tial for the propulsion and safety of the ship, including sea
the machinery.
chests inlets, are to be designed for the environmental con-
ditions applicable for the additional class notations POLAR
CLASS and the service notations Icebreaker. 10 Alternative design
7.1.2 At least two sea chests are to be arranged as ice boxes 10.1 General
for the additional class notations POLAR CLASS 1 to 5
inclusive and for the service notations Icebreaker 1 to 5 10.1.1 As an alternative, a comprehensive design study
inclusive. The calculated volume for each ice box is to be at may be submitted and may be requested to be validated by
least 1 m3 for every 750 kW of the total installed power. an agreed test programme.
1.1.1 This Section applies to ships having one of the addi- b) determine the average of the values over the 10 year
tional service features POLAR CAT-A, POLAR CAT-B or period each day,
POLAR CAT-C. c) plot the daily averages over the year,
1.1.2 This Section includes: d) take the lowest of the averages for the season of opera-
a) the requirements of the IMO International Code for
Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code), printed in
1.2.3 Polar Service Temperature
Italic type when quoted in the Section; in the reproduc-
tion of the Polar Code applicable for the purpose of POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 1, 1.2.11
classification, the word “Administration”, wherever
Polar Service Temperature (PST) means a temperature spec-
mentioned, has been replaced by the word “Society”.
ified for a ship which is intended to operate in low air tem-
Exceptions are indicated in [1.1.3].
perature, which is to be set at least 10°C below the lowest
b) the additional classification requirements of the Society MDLT for the intended area and season of operation in
and the Society’s interpretations of the Polar Code, polar waters.
printed in regular font.
1.2.4 Ship with the additional class notation COLD
The requirements of this Section are cross-referenced to the (H tDH , E tDE)
applicable Part, Chapter and paragraph of the Polar Code,
as appropriate, under the wording “POLAR CODE REFER- When the additional class notation COLD (H tDH , E tDE) is
ENCE”. assigned to the ship, the temperature tDE and tDH are defined
as follows:
1.1.3 The following requirements of the Polar Code are not
• the lowest design external air temperature tDE , in °C, to
within the scope of classification:
be considered for the equipment exposed to low air
• Part I-A Safety measures, Chapter 11 - Voyage planning temperature, is to be equal to the Polar Service Temper-
ature (see [1.2.3])
• Part I-A Safety measures, Chapter 12 - Manning and
training • the lowest mean daily average air temperature tDH , in
• Operational requirements of Part II-A Pollution preven- °C, to be considered for the hull exposed to low air tem-
tion measures. perature, is to be taken not more than 13°C higher than
the Polar Service Temperature (see [1.2.3]).
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Documents to be submitted
1.2.1 Ship operating in low air temperature
1.3.1 Plans and documents to be submitted for
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 1, 1.2.12 approval
Ship intended to operate in low air temperature means a The following plans and documents are to be submitted to
ship which is intended to undertake voyages to or through the Society for approval:
areas where the lowest Mean Daily Low Temperature
(MDLT) is below -10°C. • hull plating and framing
• stability calculations in intact and damaged conditions
1.2.2 Mean Daily Low Temperature (MDLT) when relevant
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 1, 1.2.9
• machinery arrangement (particularly sea chest arrange-
Mean Daily Low Temperature (MDLT) means the mean ment)
value of the daily low temperature for each day of the year
• winterization arrangement and systems
over a minimum 10 year period. A data set acceptable to
the Society may be used if 10 years of data is not available. • sewage treatment plant arrangement when relevant.
1.3.2 Documents to be submitted for information b) to identify relevant hazards (see [2.2.3]) and any other
The following documents are to be submitted to the Society hazards based on a review of the operating profile
for information: c) to develop a model in order to analyse risks, consider-
• the operating profile describing area and season of ing:
operation, ice conditions, temperatures (see [2.2.2]) • development of accident scenarios
• the operational assessment methodology and outcome • probability of events in each accident scenario, and
(see [2])
• consequence of end states in each scenario
• the Polar Water Operational Manual (PWOM) (see
d) to assess risks and to determine acceptability:
• to estimate risk levels in accordance with the
selected modelling approach, and
2 Operational assessment
• to assess whether the risk levels are acceptable
2.1 General e) in the event that risk levels determined in the previous
steps are considered to be too high: to identify current
2.1.1 Purpose or develop new risk control options that aim to achieve
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 1, 1.5 one or more of the following:
In order to establish procedures or operational limitations, • to reduce the frequency of failures through better
an assessment of the ship and its equipment shall be carried design, procedures, training, etc.
out, taking into consideration the following: • to mitigate the effect of failures in order to prevent
a) the anticipated range of operating and environmental
conditions, such as: • to limit the circumstances in which failures may
occur, or
1) operation in low air temperature,
• to mitigate consequences of accidents
2) operation in ice
f) to incorporate risk control options for design, proce-
3) operation in high latitude dures, training and limitations, as applicable.
4) potential for abandonment onto ice or land
2.2.2 Operating profile
b) hazards, as listed in the Polar Code; and
The operating profile is used to describe the expected envi-
c) additional hazards, if identified. ronmental and operational conditions in the area where the
The operating profile, the methodology and the outcome of ship is intended to trade. The operating profile may be
the operational assessment are reviewed by the Society in defined on the following relevant information and available
order to issue the Polar Ship Certificate and to verify that all documentation:
the requirements of the Polar Code are fulfilled according to a) season and area of operation
the intended operations.
b) ice charts covering the season and area and giving the
most likely ice conditions
2.2 Methodology
c) temperature data for the season and area, over at least
2.2.1 Principles 10 years
The methodology may be based on the following steps: d) operation with icebreaker escort
a) to define operating profile (see [2.2.2]) e) description of Search And Rescue (SAR) availability.
2.2.3 Hazards In the event of incidents in polar waters, the PWOM shall
The hazards to be considered during the operational assess- include risk-based procedures to be followed for:
ment may be taken as follows:
a) contacting emergency response providers for salvage,
a) ice (sea ice regime, ice accretion, ice ingestion) search and rescue (SAR), spill response, etc., as applica-
b) snow accumulation ble; and
c) low air and sea temperature b) in the case of ship with an ice class notation or service
notation Icebreaker, procedures for maintaining life
d) extended periods of darkness or daylight
support and ship integrity in the event of prolonged
e) high latitude entrapment by ice.
f) remoteness and possible lack of accurate and complete The PWOM shall include risk-based procedures to be fol-
hydrographic data and information lowed for measures to be taken in the event of encountering
g) lack of ship crew experience in polar operations ice and/or temperatures which exceed the ship's design
capabilities or limitations.
h) lack of suitable emergency response equipment
i) rapidly changing and severe weather conditions The PWOM shall include risk-based procedures for monitor-
ing and maintaining safety during operations in ice, as appli-
j) environmental impacts. cable, including any requirements for escort operations or
Additional hazards may be considered if relevant. icebreaker assistance. Different operational limitations may
apply depending on whether the ship is operating inde-
2.2.4 Outcome of the assessment pendently or with icebreaker escort. Where appropriate, the
As an outcome of the operational assessment, the informa- PWOM should specify both options.
tion to be provided to the Society are summarized in Tab 1.
3.2 Ship structure
3 Safety
3.2.1 Materials of exposed structures
3.1 Polar Water Operational Manual (PWOM) POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 3, 3.3.1
3.1.1 General For a ship operating in low air temperature and having the
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 2, 2.3.1 additional class notation COLD (H tDH , E tDE), the materials
for weather and sea exposed structural members and for
In order to provide the Owner, operator, master and crew
members attached to the weather and sea exposed shell
with sufficient information regarding the ship's operational
plating are to comply with the applicable requirements of Pt
capabilities and limitations, to support their decision-mak-
E, Ch 10, Sec 11 of the Rules for Steel Ships.
ing process, a Polar Water Operational Manual (PWOM)
shall be carried on board. When a ship is granted with an additional class notation
POLAR CLASS or a service notation Icebreaker, in case the
3.1.2 Content of the PWOM
material grades in Sec 2 and those of the additional class
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 2, 2.3.2 and notation COLD (H tDH , E tDE) differ, the higher material
2.3.3 grade is to be selected.
A table of contents is given as a guidance in App 1.
The PWOM shall contain the methodology used to deter- 3.2.2 Hull scantlings
mine capabilities and limitations in ice. POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 3, 3.3.2
In order to avoid encountering conditions that exceed the
ship’s capabilities, the PWOM shall include or refer to spe- When a ship is granted with the additional service feature
cific risk-based procedures in normal operations for the fol- POLAR CAT-A, the hull scantlings are to comply with at
lowing: least the requirements of Sec 2, as applicable to the addi-
tional class notation POLAR CLASS 5 or the service feature
a) voyage planning to avoid ice and/or temperatures that Icebreaker 5.
exceed the ship's design capabilities or limitations;
When a ship is granted with the additional service feature
b) arrangements for receiving forecasts of the environmen-
POLAR CAT-B, the hull scantlings are to comply with at
tal conditions;
least the requirements of Sec 2 as applicable to the addi-
c) means of addressing any limitations of the hydrographic, tional class notation POLAR CLASS 7 or the service feature
meteorological and navigational information available; Icebreaker 7.
d) operation of equipment; and
The additional service feature POLAR CAT-B may be
e) implementation of special measures to maintain equip- granted to a ship with the hull scantlings complying with
ment and system functionality under low temperatures, the additional class notation ICE CLASS IA SUPER or ICE
topside icing and the presence of sea ice, as applicable. CLASS IA.
When a ship is granted with the additional service feature The ice damage extents to be assumed for both probabilistic
POLAR CAT-C, the hull scantlings are to comply with the and deterministic approaches, regardless of the SDS nota-
assigned ice class, as applicable. tion, are defined as follows:
When, according to the outcome of the operational assess- a) the longitudinal extent is 4,5% of the upper ice water-
ment, ice strengthening is not required, typically for open line length if centred forward of the maximum breadth
water, the additional service feature POLAR CAT-C is to be on the upper ice waterline, and 1,5% of upper ice
granted. waterline length otherwise, and shall be assumed at any
longitudinal position along the ship's length;
3.3 Stability b) the transverse penetration extent is 760 mm, measured
normal to the shell over the full extent of the damage;
3.3.1 Intact conditions and
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 4, 4.3.1 c) the vertical extent is the lesser of 20% of the upper ice
waterline draught or the longitudinal extent, and shall be
When, according to the outcome of the operational assess- assumed at any vertical position between the keel and
ment, the ship is operating in areas and during periods 120% of the upper ice waterline draught.
where ice accretion is likely to occur, the stability in intact
conditions is to take into account the weight of ice accre- Note 1: When the additional class notation COLD (H tDH , E tDE) is
tion on the full length of the ship, as follows: assigned, the damage stability is to take into account the weight of
ice accretion as specified in the additional class notation.
a) 30 kg/m2 on exposed weather decks and gangways;
b) 7,5 kg/m2 for the projected lateral area of each side of 3.4 Watertight and weathertight integrity
the ship above the water plane; and
3.4.1 General
c) the projected lateral area of discontinuous surfaces of POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 5, 5.3.1
rail, sundry booms, spars (except masts) and rigging of
ship having no sails and the projected lateral area of When, according to the outcome of the operational assess-
other small objects shall be computed by increasing the ment, the ship is operating in areas and during periods
total projected area of continuous surfaces by 5% and where ice accretion is likely to occur, means are to be pro-
the static moments of this area by 10%. vided to remove or prevent ice and snow accretion around
hatches and doors.
Ships operating in areas and during periods where ice
accretion is likely to occur shall be: Note 1: When the additional class notation COLD DI is assigned,
the requirements above are fulfilled.
a) designed to minimize the accretion of ice; and
3.4.2 Ships with the additional class notation COLD
b) equipped with means for removing ice equipped with (H tDH , E tDE) operating in low air temperature
such means for removing ice as the Society may require;
for example, electrical and pneumatic devices, and/or POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 5, 5.3.2
special tools such as axes or wooden clubs for removing For a ship operating in low air temperature and having the
ice from bulwarks, rails and erections. additional class notation COLD (H tDH , E tDE), all the clos-
Note 1: When the additional class notation COLD DI is assigned, ing appliances and doors relevant to the watertight and
the requirements above are fulfilled. weathertight integrity are to comply with the applicable
requirements of Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 11 of the Rules for Steel
The PWOM is to include information about icing allowance Ships.
used in the stability calculations and is to refer the appropri-
ate measures to be taken to ensure that the ice accretion
does not exceed this allowance (see Chapter 5 in the 3.5 Machinery installations
PWOM given in App 1, Tab 3).
3.5.1 General
3.3.2 Damaged conditions POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 6, 6.3.1
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 4, 4.3.2 When, according to the outcome of the operational assess-
ment, the ship is operating in areas and during periods
The residual stability after ice damage is to be calculated for
where ice accretion and/or snow accumulation and/or slush
a ship having the additional service feature POLAR CAT-A
ice conditions or freezing are likely to occur, the following
or POLAR CAT-B. applies:
When a probabilistic approach is required, the probability a) machinery installations and associated equipment are to
factor of survival after flooding si is to be taken equal to 1,0 be protected against the effect of ice accretion and/or
for all the loading conditions used to calculate the attained snow accumulation, ice ingestion from sea water, freez-
subdivision index. ing and increased viscosity of liquids, seawater intake
temperature and snow ingestion;
When a deterministic approach is required, the residual sta-
bility criteria are to be complied with for each loading con- b) working liquids shall be maintained in a viscosity range
dition. that ensures operation of the machinery; and
c) seawater supplies for machinery systems shall be c) the fire main shall be arranged so that exposed sections
designed to prevent ingestion of ice (Refer to MSC/Circ. can be isolated and means of draining of exposed sec-
504, Guidance on design and construction of sea inlets tions shall be provided. Fire hoses and nozzles need not
under slush ice conditions), or otherwise arranged to be connected to the fire main at all times, and may be
ensure functionality. stored in protected locations near the hydrants;
Note 1: When the additional class notation COLD DI is assigned, d) firefighter's outfits shall be stored in warm locations on
requirements a) and b) above are fulfilled. the ship; and
e) where fixed water-based fire-fighting systems are located
3.5.2 Ships with the additional class notation COLD
(H tDH , E tDE) operating in low air temperature in a space separate from the main fire pumps and use
their own independent sea suction, this sea suction shall
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 6, 6.3.2 be also capable of being cleared of ice accumulation.
For a ship operating in low air temperature and having the Note 1: When the additional class notation COLD DI is assigned,
additional class notation COLD (H tDH , E tDE), the machin- requirements a) to d) above are fulfilled.
ery installations are to comply with the applicable require-
ments of Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 11 of the Rules for Steel Ships. 3.6.2 Ships with the additional class notation COLD
(H tDH , E tDE) operating in low air temperature
3.5.3 Propulsion and steering equipment POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 7, 7.3.3
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 6, 6.3.3 For a ship operating in low air temperature and having the
When a ship is granted with the additional service feature additional class notation COLD (H tDH , E tDE), the exposed
POLAR CAT-A, the scantlings of propeller blades, propul- fire safety systems and appliances are to comply with the
sion line, steering equipment and other appendages are to applicable requirements of Pt E, Ch 10, Sec 11 of the Rules
comply with at least the requirements of Sec 3, as applica- for Steel Ships.
ble to the additional class notation POLAR CLASS 5 or the
service feature Icebreaker 5. 3.7 Life-saving appliances
When a ship is granted with the additional service feature 3.7.1 Escape
POLAR CAT-B, the scantlings of propeller blades, propul-
sion line, steering equipment and other appendages are to POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 8, 8.3.1
comply with at least the requirements of Sec 3, as applica- When, according to the outcome of the operational assess-
ble to the additional class notation POLAR CLASS 7 or the ment, the ship is operating in areas and during periods
service feature Icebreaker 7. where ice accretion is likely to occur, means shall be pro-
vided to remove or prevent ice and snow accretion from
The additional service feature POLAR CAT-B may be
escape routes, muster stations, embarkation areas, survival
granted to a ship having the scantlings of propeller blades,
craft, its launching appliances and access to survival craft.
propulsion line, steering equipment and other appendages
in compliance with the additional class notation ICE CLASS Exposed escape routes shall be arranged so as not to hinder
IA SUPER or ICE CLASS IA. passage by persons wearing suitable polar clothing.
When a ship is operating in low air temperature, adequacy
When a ship is granted with the additional service feature
of embarkation arrangements shall be assessed, having full
POLAR CAT-C, the scantlings of propeller blades, propul-
regard to any effect of persons wearing additional polar
sion line, steering equipment and other appendages are to
comply with the assigned ice class, if applicable.
3.7.2 Evacuation
3.6 Fire safety and protection POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 8, 8.3.2
Ships shall have means to ensure safe evacuation of per-
3.6.1 General
sons, including safe deployment of survival equipment,
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 7, 7.3.1 and when operating in ice-covered waters, or directly onto the
7.3.2 ice, as applicable.
When, according to the outcome of the operational assess- When means to ensure safe evacuation are requesting an
ment, the ship is operating in areas and during periods additional source of power, this source shall be able to
where ice accretion and/or snow accumulation and/or slush operate independently of the ship's main source of power.
ice conditions or freezing are likely to occur, the fire safety
systems and appliances are to comply with the following 3.7.3 Survival
requirements: POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 8, 8.3.3
a) isolating and pressure/vacuum valves in exposed loca- For a ship assigned with the service notation Passenger ship
tions are to be protected from ice accretion and remain or Ro-ro passenger ship, a proper sized immersion suit or a
accessible at all time; thermal protective aid shall be provided for each person on
b) fire pumps including emergency fire pumps, water mist board.
and water spray pumps are to be located in compart- For any ship where immersion suits are required, they shall
ments maintained above freezing; be of the insulated type.
When, according to the outcome of the operational assess- For a ship granted with an ice class or one of the service
ment, the ship is operating in extended periods of darkness, features Icebreaker, the following applies:
searchlights suitable for continuous use to facilitate identifi-
a) either two independent echo-sounding devices or one
cation of ice shall be provided for each lifeboat.
echo-sounding device with two separate independent
No lifeboat shall be of any type other than partially or transducers shall be provided
totally enclosed type.
b) where the required equipment has sensors that project
Appropriate survival resources, which address both individ-
below the hull, such sensors shall be protected against
ual (personal survival equipment) and shared (group sur-
vival equipment) needs, shall be provided, as follows:
c) when the ship is granted with the additional service fea-
a) life-saving appliances and group survival equipment that
ture POLAR CAT-A or POLAR CAT-B, the bridge wings
provide effective protection against direct wind chill for
shall be enclosed or designed to protect navigational
all persons on board;
equipment and operating personnel.
b) personal survival equipment in combination with life-
When, according to the outcome of the operational assess-
saving appliances or group survival equipment that pro-
ment, the ship is operating in areas and during periods
vide sufficient thermal insulation to maintain the core
where ice accretion is likely to occur, means to prevent the
temperature of persons; and
accumulation of ice on antennas required for navigation
c) personal survival equipment that provide sufficient pro- and communication shall be provided.
tection to prevent frostbite of all extremities.
Ships shall have two non-magnetic means to determine and
When, according to the outcome of the operational assess- display their heading. Both means shall be independent and
ment, a potential of abandonment onto ice or land is identi- shall be connected to the ship's main and emergency
fied, the following applies: source of power.
a) group survival equipment shall be carried, unless an When, according to the outcome of the operational assess-
equivalent level of functionality for survival is provided ment, the ship is proceeding to latitudes over 80 degrees,
by the ship's normal life-saving appliances; the ship shall be fitted with at least one GNSS compass or
b) when required, personal and group survival equipment equivalent, which shall be connected to the ship's main and
sufficient for 110% of the persons on board shall be emergency source of power.
stowed in easily accessible locations, as close as practi-
cal to the muster or embarkation stations; and 3.8.3 Additional navigational equipment
c) containers for group survival equipment shall be POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 9, 9.3.3
designed to be easily movable over the ice and be float- When, according to the outcome of the operational assess-
able. ment:
When, according to the outcome of the operational assess-
• the ship is not operating in areas with 24 hours daylight,
ment, the need to carry personal and group survival equip-
the ship shall be equipped with two remotely rotatable,
ment is identified, means shall be identified of ensuring that
narrow-beam search lights controllable from the bridge
this equipment is accessible following abandonment.
to provide lighting over an arc of 360 degrees, or other
When carried in addition to persons, in the survival craft, means to visually detect ice
the survival craft and launching appliances shall have suffi-
• the ship is involved in operations with an icebreaker
cient capacity to accommodate the additional survival
escort, the ship shall be equipped with a manually initi-
ated flashing red light visible from astern to indicate
Passengers shall be instructed in the use of the personal sur- when the ship is stopped. This light shall have a range of
vival equipment and the action to take in an emergency. visibility of at least two nautical miles, and the horizon-
The crew shall be trained in the use of the personal survival tal and vertical arcs of visibility shall be conform to the
equipment and group survival equipment. stern light specifications required by the International
Adequate emergency rations shall be provided, for the max- Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
imum expected time of rescue (ETR).
3.9 Communication
3.8 Safety of navigation
3.9.1 Ship communication
3.8.1 Nautical information POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 10, 10.3.1
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 9, 9.3.1
Communication equipment on board shall have the capabil-
Ships shall have means of receiving and displaying current ities for ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication, tak-
information on ice conditions in the area of operation. ing into account the limitations of communications systems
in high latitudes and the anticipated low temperature.
3.8.2 Navigational equipment functionality
Note 1: When a ship is navigating above latitudes of 76°N or 76°S,
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 9, 9.3.2
the GMDSS equipment is to be compliant with the requirements for
Ships shall comply with SOLAS regulation V/, irre- sea areas A1 to A4 (refer to COMSAR/Circ. 32 Harmonization of
spective of the size and, depending on the bridge configura- GMDSS requirements for radio installations on board SOLAS
tion, have a clear view astern. ships).
Two-way on-scene and Search And Rescue (SAR) coordina- 4 Pollution prevention
tion communication capability in ship shall include:
a) voice and/or data communications with relevant rescue 4.1 Pollution by oil
coordination centres; and
4.1.1 Application
b) equipment for voice communications with aircraft on POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part II-A, Chapter 1, 1.2
121,5 MHz and 123,1 MHz.
The requirements of [4.1.2] to [4.1.5] apply only to ships
The communication equipment shall provide for two-way granted with the additional service feature POLAR CAT-A or
voice and data communication with a TeleMedical Assist- POLAR CAT-B.
ance Service (TMAS).
4.1.2 Fuel oil tanks
A ship with one of the additional service notations Ice- POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part II-A, Chapter 1, 1.2.1
breaker shall be equipped with a sound signalling system
A ship with an aggregate oil fuel capacity of less than
mounted to face astern to indicate escort and emergency
manoeuvres to following ships as described in the Interna- 600 m3 is to be assigned with the additional class notation
tional Code of Signals. PROTECTED FO TANKS, as defined in Part A of the Rules
for Steel Ships.
3.9.2 Survival craft and rescue boat communication 4.1.3 Cargo oil tanks of oil tankers less than
capabilities 5000 tons deadweight
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part I-A, Chapter 10, 10.3.2 POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part II-A, Chapter 1, 1.2.3
When a ship is operating in low air temperature, all rescue A ship assigned with one of the following service notations:
boats and lifeboats, whenever released for evacuation, • Oil tanker
shall: • FLS tanker
a) for distress alerting, carry one device for transmitting • Combination carrier/OBO ESP
ship to shore alerts, • Combination carrier/OOC ESP,
b) in order to be located, carry one device for transmitting and with a deadweight less than 5000 tons, is to have the
signals for location, entire cargo length protected with double bottom tanks,
wing tanks or spaces other than cargo and fuel oil tanks,
c) for on-scene communications, carry one device for arranged in accordance with the applicable requirements
transmitting and receiving on-scene communications. given in Pt D, Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.2.4] of the Rules for Steel
Note 1: Requirements above are fulfilled when, on each rescue Ships.
boat and lifeboat, the following communication devices are car-
ried: 4.1.4 Cargo tanks of ships other than oil tankers
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part II-A, Chapter 1, 1.2.2
• one equipment of EPIRB type for ship to shore communications
A ship not assigned with one of the service notations listed
• one equipment of SART type for transmitting signals for loca- in [4.1.3] shall have all cargo tanks constructed and utilized
tion to carry oil separated from the outer shell by a distance of
• one equipment of VHF type (portable or fixed) for on-scene not less than 0,76 m.
4.1.5 Oil residue tanks
When a ship is operating in low air temperature, all other POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part II-A, Chapter 1, 1.2.4
survival craft shall:
All oil residue (sludge) tanks and oily bilge water holding
a) in order to be located, carry one device for transmitting tanks shall be separated from the outer shell by a distance
signals for location, of not less than 0,76 m. This requirement does not apply to
small tanks with a maximum individual capacity not greater
b) for on-scene communications, carry one device for than 30 m3.
transmitting and receiving on-scene communications.
Note 2: Requirements above are fulfilled when the following com- 4.2 Pollution by sewage
munication devices are stored on board in order to be carried on
each survival craft: 4.2.1 Sewage treatment plant
• one equipment of SART type for transmitting signals for loca-
POLAR CODE REFERENCE: Part II-A, Chapter 4, 4.2.1
tion A sewage treatment plant is not required when the ship has
a sufficient onboard storage capacity for liquid effluent
• one equipment of VHF type for on-scene communications.
allowing the fully loaded ship to operate without discharg-
Recognizing the limitations arising from battery life, proce- ing any sewage substances into the sea during the expected
dures shall be developed and implemented such that man- time of operation.
datory communication equipment for use in survival craft, Note 1: When the additional class notation NDO-x days is assigned,
including liferafts, and rescue boats are available for opera- requirement above is fulfilled and a sewage treatment plant is not
tion during the maximum expected time of rescue. required.
When the ship operates in areas of ice concentrations less meet the operational requirements in regulation either 9.1.1
than 1/10 and is assigned with: or 9.2.1 of MARPOL Annex IV.
• the service notation Passenger ship or Ro-ro passenger When the ship operates in areas of ice concentrations
ship, and/or exceeding 1/10 for extended periods of time, the discharge
of sewage into the sea is allowed only for a ship having the
• the additional service feature POLAR CAT-A or POLAR
additional service feature POLAR CAT-A or POLAR CAT-B
and using an approved sewage treatment plant certified by
the discharge of sewage into the sea is allowed only with an the Society to meet the operational requirements in regula-
approved sewage treatment plant certified by the Society to tion either 9.1.1 or 9.2.1 of MARPOL Annex IV.
Chapter 1 - Strategic planning
Assumptions used in conducting the analyses referred to below should be included in the Manual.
1.1 - Avoidance of hazardous ice For ships operating frequently in polar waters, the PWOM should provide information with
respect to periods during which the ship should be able to operate for intended areas of
operation. Areas that pose particular problems, e.g. chokepoints, ridging, as well as worst
recorded ice conditions should be noted. Where the available information is limited or of
uncertain quality, this should be recognized and noted as a risk for voyage planning.
1.2 - Avoidance of hazardous For ships operating frequently in polar waters, the PWOM should provide information with
temperatures respect to, the daily mean daily low temperature as well as the minimum recorded tempera-
ture for each of the days during the intended operating period. Where the available informa-
tion is limited or of uncertain quality, this should be recognized as a risk for voyage planning.
1.3 - Voyage duration and Procedures to establish requirements for supplies should be established, and appropriate safety
endurance levels for safety margins determined taking into account various scenarios, e.g. slower than
expected steaming, course alterations, adverse ice conditions, places of refuge and access to
provisions. Sources for and availability of fuel types should be established, taking into account
long lead times required for deliveries.
1.4 - Human resources The PWOM should provide guidance for the human resources management, taking into
management account the anticipated ice conditions and requirements for ice navigation, increased levels of
watch keeping, hours of rest, fatigue and a process that ensures that these requirements will be
Chapter 2 - Arrangements for receiving forecasts of environmental conditions
The PWOM should set out the means and frequency for provision of ice and weather information. Where a ship is intended to
operate in or in the presence of ice, the manual should set out when weather and ice information is required and the format for the
When available, the information should include both global and localized forecasts that will identify weather and ice patterns/
regimes that could expose the ship to adverse conditions.
The frequency of updates should provide enough advance notice that the ship can take refuge or use other methods of avoiding the
hazard if the conditions are forecast to exceed its capabilities.
The PWOM may include use of a land-based support information provider an effective method of sorting through available informa-
tion, thereby providing the ship only with information that is relevant, reducing demands on the ship's communications systems. The
manual may also indicate instances in which additional images should be obtained and analysed, as well as where such additional
information may be obtained.
2.1 - Ice information The PWOM should include or refer to guidance on how radar should be used to identify ice
floes, how to tune the radar to be most effective, instructions on how to interpret radar images,
etc. If other technologies are to be used to provide ice information, their use should also be
2.2 - Meteorological information No guidance.
Chapter 3 - Verification of hydrographic, meteorological and navigational information
The PWOM should provide guidance on the use of hydrographic information.
Chapter 4 - Operation of Special Equipment
4.1 - Navigation systems No guidance.
4.2 - Communication systems No guidance.
Chapter 5 - Procedures to maintain equipment and system functionality
5.1 - Icing prevention and The PWOM should provide guidance on how to prevent or mitigate icing by operational
de-icing means, how to monitor and assess ice accretion, how to conduct de-icing using equipment
available on the ship, and how to maintain the safety of the ship and its crew during all of
these aspects of the operation.
5.2 - Operation of seawater The PWOM should provide guidance on how to monitor, prevent or mitigate ice ingestion by
systems seawater systems when operating in ice or in low water temperatures. This may include
recirculation, use of low rather than high suctions, etc.
5.3 - Procedures for low The PWOM should provide guidance on maintaining and monitoring any systems and equip-
temperature operations ment that are required to be kept active in order to ensure functionality; e.g. by trace heating
or continuous working fluid circulation.
Chapter 1 - Risk mitigation in limiting environmental condition
1.1 - Measures to be considered The PWOM should contain guidance for the use of low speeds in the presence of hazardous
in adverse ice conditions ice. Procedures should also be set for enhanced watchkeeping and lookout manning in
situations with high risks from ice, e.g. in proximity to icebergs, operation at night, and other
situations of low visibility. When possibilities for contact with hazardous ice exist, procedures
should address regular monitoring, e.g. soundings/inspections of compartments and tanks
below the waterline.
1.2 - Measures to be considered The PWOM should contain guidance on operational restrictions in the event that temperatures
in adverse temperature below the ships polar service temperature are encountered or forecast. These
conditions may include delaying the ship, postponing the conduct of certain types of operation, using
temporary heating, and other risk mitigation measures.
Chapter 2 - Emergency response
In general, where the possibility of encountering low air temperatures, sea ice, and other hazards is present, the PWOM should
provide guidance on procedures that will increase the effectiveness of emergency response measures.
2.1 - Damage control the PWOM should consider damage control measures arrangements for emergency transfer of
liquids and access to tanks and spaces during salvage operations.
2.2 - Fire-fighting No guidance.
2.3 - Escape and evacuation Where supplementary or specialized lifesaving equipment is carried to address the possibilities
of prolonged durations prior to rescue, abandonment onto ice or adjacent land, or other
aspects specific to polar operations, the PWOM should contain guidance on the use of the
equipment and provision for appropriate training and drills.
Chapter 3 - Coordination with emergency response services
3.1 - Ship emergency response The PWOM should include procedures to be followed in preparing for a voyage and in the
event of an incident arising.
3.2 - Salvage The PWOM should include procedures to be followed in preparing for a voyage and in the
event of an incident arising.
3.3 - Search and rescue The PWOM should contain information on identifying relevant Rescue Coordination Centres
for any intended routes, and should require that contact information and procedures be
verified and updated as required as part of any voyage plan.
Chapter 4 - Procedures for maintaining life support and ship integrity in the event of prolonged entrapment by ice
Where any ship incorporates special features to mitigate safety or environmental risks due to prolonged entrapment by ice, the
PWOM should provide information on how these are to be set up and operated. This may include, for example, adding additional
equipment to be run from emergency switchboards, draining systems at risk of damage through freezing, isolating parts of HVAC
systems, etc.
4.1 - System configuration No guidance.
4.2 - System operation No guidance.
Chapter 1 - Escorted operations
The PWOM should contain or reference information on the rules and procedures set out by coastal States who require or offer
icebreaking escort services. The manual should also emphasize the need for the master to take account of the ship's limitations in
agreeing on the conduct of escort operations.
Chapter 2 - Convoy operations No guidance.
1 General 1.2.4 For existing ships, service experience can help in the
risk assessment. As an example, for an existing ship with a
record of polar ice operations, a shortfall in the extent of the
1.1 Application
ice belt (hull areas) may be acceptable if there is no record
1.1.1 This Appendix is a guidance intended to help in the of damage to the deficient area; i.e. a ship, that would gen-
determination of equivalency with standards acceptable by erally meet POLAR CLASS 5 requirements but in limited
the Society. The methodology is consistent with the guide- areas is only POLAR CLASS 7, could still be considered as a
lines for the approval of alternatives and equivalents as pro- POLAR CAT-A ship. In all such cases, the ship documenta-
vided for in various IMO instruments (MSC.1/Circ.1455), tion should make clear the nature and the scope of any defi-
while it allows the use of a simplified approach. ciencies.