Currys Pyramid Model
Currys Pyramid Model
Currys Pyramid Model
The Short History Of Customer Marketing: Customer marketing was originated in 1989 by American direct marketing consultant based in Amsterdam. For several years It had been confronted with a lot of confusion and negative attitudes about direct marketing among European CEOs. In 1989 there was a seminar on direct marketing to a high-level audience, which was decided to resolve the issue completely. Then it was declared that direct marketing was actually customer marketing, the process of finding, making, keeping, and developing customers. In 1997 the European Commission, recognizing the innovative character of customer marketing, funded project ACUMAP A Customer Marketing Pilot, designed to validate the method and support the development of software, tools, and training materials that could help European companies maintain a competitive advantage. The ACUMAP project was successfully completed in June 1998, which resulted in a validated method to help companies implement and profit from what is now known as customer relationship management. Since early in 2000, Customer Marketing International BV, based in Amsterdam, has brought to market the customer marketing method and tools.
The Definition of Customer Marketing
Customer marketing is a business method that uses process control techniques to measure, manage, and improve customer performance and customer focus. The customer performance factors are:
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The internal customer focus factors are: o Organization; o Communications; and o Information. The customer marketing method is represented graphically in a pyramid.
Customer Value Operational profit is the result of deducting the losses from unprofitable customers from the profit generated from profitable customers. Its as simple as that. Hence the need to maximize customer profitability, as measured in profit per customer and customer lifetime value. Customer Behavior While cost factors play an important role in the profitability of a customer, customer value is, to a large extent, determined by customer behavior. Customer behavior is usually measured in terms of revenue either monetary or volume of product or services ordered over a period of time. Positive customer behavior means, in the first place, that a customer is a customer he buys from you. A second customer behavior parameter is customer lifetime, or the average length of time as measured in months or years that the average customer does business with you. A third and important customer behavior factor is share of customer: the extent to which a customer meets his needs for the kinds of products or services by doing business with you. Customer Satisfaction Happy and satisfied customers behave in a positive manner. They will buy a lot from you and will give you a large share of their business. Customer satisfaction is derived largely from the quality and reliability of your products and services. You make good on your explicit and implied promises.
But customers who are just satisfied are likely to walk away for a slightly more attractive proposition from your competitor. The major goal of a customer satisfaction program should be to achieve preferred supplier status with as many customers as possible.
The Customer Focus Factors
Customer performance customer value, customer behavior, and customer satisfaction is something that happens outside the company. But customer performance is predominantly determined by customer focus factors inside the company and has a major impact on customer performance. There are three primary and six secondary customer focus factors: Organization 1. Managers are committed to customer focus, set an example for themselves, and budget time and money for customer process improvement. 2. Employees possess the necessary customer care skills and experience, have a customer care attitude, and work in teams with others who have customer contacts. Communications 3. Contact logistics: Customer communications are well planned, on time, and have no sloppiness in execution. 4. The most appropriate methods, media and messages are applied to each customer (segment); communications are interactive and stress customer benefits rather than product features. Information 5. Customer data is relevant, complete and up to date. 6. Customer information systems are effective, flexible, and user-friendly. There is clearly a direct correlation between customer focus and customer performance, Which has improved Tata indicom customer focus and customer performance. Putting customer performance and customer focus together brings to a CRM model. The model represents the idea that when the internal customer focus is strong, where customers will be very satisfied. When customers are very satisfied, they give a large part of their business, often without any major marketing and sales effort or squeezing every cent off the price. This positive customer behavior has lead to higher customer value and therefore more operational profit for Tata Indicom.
Silver Segment Retailers that would like to turn silver segment customers into gold segment customer have a couple of different options. Frequent shopper programs, Return customer discounts, Price matching.
1% 4% 15% 80%
According to Tatas customer pyramid it is observed that it follows 80/20% rule as per currys model. 80% profit comes from 20% of customers where gold, silver, and blue customers come under 20%. Remaining 80% customers contributes 20%profit to the company, where new customers come under this category. Idea behind these rule is not all customers are profitable .Therefore Tata indicom is more concerned with gold and silver customers. Hence these models available to support managers and business analysts in customer marketing and relationship management. Hence the success of organization in targeting, acquiring and retaining customers is obviously influenced with CRM leads to enhancement of Tata revenue. Therefore TATA is more successful as it is more customer centered. C&lpg=PP1&pg=PA23#v=onepage&q&f=true