Giaonx, PP-VJST (2019) (1) 13 - 12859-388340-1-CE - Final
Giaonx, PP-VJST (2019) (1) 13 - 12859-388340-1-CE - Final
Giaonx, PP-VJST (2019) (1) 13 - 12859-388340-1-CE - Final
School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology,
No. 1, Dai Co Viet, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Economic and Technical Industries,
No.456, Minh Khai, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi
Email: [email protected]
Abstract. In the modern industry, vibratory bowl feeders have been widely used to provide
small and light components. However, the structures of the sorting bowls vary according to the
part types, which make oscillation mechanism of vibratory bowl feeders complicated and
difficult to identify by using mathematical methods. Thus, such vibration mechanism is
commonly identified by experimental method. This paper presents a numerical simulation study,
using the finite element method with modal analysis on the ANSYS Workbench platform, to
determine the fundamental frequencies of the mechanical system and to affirm the design and
manufacture parameters of the vibratory bowl feeders. Then an experiment was conducted to
verify the results which confirm that the simulation model can be used to identify parameters of
the bowl’s structure before the device is manufactured.
Keywords: vibratory bowl feeder, modal analysis, natural frequency, sorting bowl.
The capacity of part transfer depends on the proportion of parts in the right direction being
removed from the bowl in a unit of time. During the part transfer process, the parts move inside
the bowl (1) with the orientation structures and comes out in the required orientation [1]. To
accomplish this, an automatic vibratory bowl feeder has been designed as in Figurre 1. The parts
are scattered randomly inside the bowl (1) which is mounted on the upper vibrator (2). The
electromagnetic induction between the coil fixed to the upper vibrator (2) and the electromagnet
(4) fixed to the lower vibrator (5) provides vibration to the sorting bowl by rotating movements
around the vertical axis and the back and forth movements of the leaf spring (3), so that the parts
are classified and oriented in a specific direction. The interaction force between two parts of the
electromagnet is controlled by changing the voltage from a controller. Cushion rubber (6) can
deteriorate the system’s vibrations that affect other devices. However, the process to assure the
A method to design vibratory bowl feeder by using modal analysis
parts orientation and feeding capacity relies on following factors: frequency, electromagnet’s
vibration amplitude and sorting bowl structure [2 – 7]. Operating under the influence of the
electromagnet’s vibration, the mechanical system can oscillate in many different frequencies
depending on the exciting force’s frequency, and the system’s mass and stiffness. Previously,
there were studies about this matter which were conducted by comparing the theories with the
numerical model [2] or by comparing the numerical model with experimental results [3]. In
which, the operating frequency should be from 90 Hz to 110 Hz to optimize the performance of
the vibratory bowl feeder while the specific frequency [3] of the system should be equal to the
attractive force one. For the constant frequency devices, by conducting experiments, Giang-Nam
Le and Van-Mui Nguyen [8] point out that the specific frequency of a vibratory bowl feeder for
part transfer is as twice as the current frequency of the electromagnet. Therefore, the dynamic
behaviour of the mechanical system through its natural frequency in relation to the input
parameters (current frequency and the electromagnet’s voltage) needs to be determined to create
the design alternatives.
The sorting bowl is designed in terms of shape selection [7]. Calculation process is
expressed as in Figure 2. Input parameters such as: shape, size, part’s material and required
capacity are used to design the bowl (1) in Figure 1, and the materials are selected to keep parts
clean in general and sterile in case of bowl for food and medical. For the parts moving along the
Giang-Nam Le, Van-Mui Nguyen, Anh-Tu Dang
track, the step and angle of track were calculated, thus determining the bowl’s diameter.
According to the expected capacity, the height of the bowl must be calculated to assure the
sufficient capacity to hold the parts. The calculation of the bowl’s parameters is shown in Table 1.
The suspension system (Figure 1) consists of: Upper vibrator (2), Leaf spring (3),
Electromagnet (4), Lower vibrator (5), and Cushion rubber (6). The suspension system is
designed based on calculation and catalogue selection [7]; the calculation process is described
in Figure 3. With the input parameters including the size and weight of the bowl with (and
without) the required parts calculated in the above part, the upper vibrator’s size is measured to
be compatible with the bowl and the required material. The leaf spring is estimated to assure
that the VBF system can be controlled to vibrate in resonant manner [7].
Figure 2. Process of designing the bowl. Figure 3. Process of designing the suspension system.
The electromagnet is calculated to identify the necessary traction force for the parts to
move upwards in accordance with the required capacity. Thereupon, the cross-section,
A method to design vibratory bowl feeder by using modal analysis
parameters as well as the voltage are also evaluated. To keep the system in a steady position so
that the lower vibrator (5) is measured to guarantee that the weight of the leaf spring’s lower part
is 5÷7 times heavier than those of the upper part. To avoid the system’s vibration influence on
other devices, a rubber cushion (6) is designed with the oscillation frequency lower than the
resonant vibration frequency, so the phases of the forced oscillation and the rubber cushion’s
natural oscillation are reversed. The obtained results are presented in Table 1.
Applying for the required parts as the rubber caps of vaccine bottles, calculation results and
the bowl’s size parameters are presented in Table 1. Materials and their properties for the
components of VBF are looked up and displayed in Table 2. To link the components, the
standard bolt-nut joints are used.
Table 1. The parameters of the VBF’s mechanical structure for vaccine bottle’s caps.
Giang-Nam Le, Van-Mui Nguyen, Anh-Tu Dang
in which: M - Mass of the components on the leaf spring; R - Critical damping; K - System’s
hardness; F0 - Electromagnetic force; - Angular frequency of the exciting current.
Transform equation (1) we get:
F0 (2)
M Z RZ K Z (1 cos(2 t ))
The equation (2) shows that the electromagnetic force is divided into two parts: a constant
part and a periodic variable part. The frequency of the periodic variable part is as twice as that of
the exciting current. Therefore, the VBF’s oscillation is a forced vibration excited by the
electromagnetic force with a frequency having a double value compared to the current frequency
[7, 9]. Hence, when the input current’s frequency is 50 Hz, the frequency of the exciting force is
100 Hz, which means the system should be designed to have the natural frequency of 100 Hz.
The system’s natural frequency depends only on the stiffness K, mass M (including leaf
spring and the upper components of the leaf spring), and the contact between the leaf spring and
the lower vibrator [9]. Thus, based on the parameters calculated in part 2.3, the geometric model
of the VBF for vaccine bottle’s caps is presented in Figure 4a, and the finite element model
(Figure 4b) are used to analyze and determine the system’s natural frequency. In the finite
element model, the elements used for modelling are the tetrahedron Solid187, and Contac174
and Targe170 are used for bonds. This model contains 73459 elements and 144634 nodes. The
materials for the components are described in Table 1 and their properties are shown in Table 2.
The boundary conditions that include the bottom surface of the lower vibrator is fixed, other is
free and pre-stress is set to none.
Ansys Workbench is a set of commercial software which is used worldwide to analyze and
solve scientific and technical problems, including modal analysis. In this research, the Modal
Analysis module of Ansys Workbench software is used to simulate and analyze the vibration
A method to design vibratory bowl feeder by using modal analysis
modes at some fundamental specific vibration frequencies of the system. Thus, determining the
real operating modal of the system through simulation as well as proposing the design plans to
avoid those modals that might cause damage to the operation of the system when there are the
force directions, along with respective affecting frequencies.
3.3. Simulating process on Ansys Workbench
The module Modal Analysis of Ansys relies on theoretical calculation. The system’s
natural frequency is calculated by the following equation:
det([K ] 2[M ]) 0 (3)
in which: [M] and [K] are respectively the mass matrix and stiffness matrix of the system,
created from the respective parameters of an excited system.
Solving by the finite element method, the modal analysis allows identifying fundamental
frequencies and oscillation modes of the system at these frequencies (the process is shown in
Figure 5). In which, the numerical model representing the system includes geometric model,
element model, connection and materials’ properties as in part 3.1. The scope of modal analysis
is defined to 6 fundamental frequencies which are suitable with the real operation scope of this
Giang-Nam Le, Van-Mui Nguyen, Anh-Tu Dang
The simulation results show the system’s modes at different natural frequencies of the bowl
as in Figure 6.
a, Rotating around axis Z (100.92 Hz) b, Sliding along axis Z (386.12 Hz)
c, Rotating around axis Y (286.63 Hz) d, Sliding along axis Y (212.79 Hz)
e, Rotating around axis X (329.6 Hz) f, Sliding along axis X (210.29 Hz)
A method to design vibratory bowl feeder by using modal analysis
The simulation results show that the movement modals at the vibration frequencies are
similar to the research of Kadam and Pisotre (2017) [3]. At the specific oscillation frequency of
100.92 Hz, the mode contains the rotation around the axis of symmetry, coinciding with the
operation modal of the vibratory bowl feeder. Hence, verifying the parameters and material of
the bowl, as well as the mounting adapter that connects the bowl with the suspension system so
that the system’s natural frequency could be equal to the frequency of the attractive force, and
as twice as the frequency of the electric current accomodating the electromagbet.
To test the results of design analysis, the authors have created a vibratory bowl feeder for
rubber caps of vaccine bottles with the parameters mentioned in part 2.3. The measuring
instrument VIBROPOST 80- Brüel & Kjær Vibro is used to identify the system’s natural
frequency. The tested device and the measuring instrument are set up as in Figure 7 – this
method is also suitable with the published alternatives [1 – 3], thus identifying the system’s
natural frequencies. The obtained results are the displacement of the caps over time, the response
frequency of the system, and the natural vibration frequency of the machine’s components.
The measuring instrument uses two proximity sensors which allow measuring vibration
amplitude and frequency without direct contact. VIBROPOST 80 can connect to 4 modules, so it
can simultaneously measure both vertical and tangential oscillations. In addition, this instrument
can also identify specific frequency of each component of the system. With external memory,
VIBROPOST 80 can process the measured data right in the device. The measuring instrument’s
technical information is included in Table 3.
Giang-Nam Le, Van-Mui Nguyen, Anh-Tu Dang
Experiment results show that the rubber caps move properly along the classification
grooves. To facilitate the research study, the authors haven takes the data of vertical
displacement and rotating angles over time and processed them with ReX software which is
specially developed for VP80. After processed, the results include the system’s response
frequency and the oscillation amplitude (Figure 8).
A method to design vibratory bowl feeder by using modal analysis
In the Figure 8, we can see that the vibration amplitude of the bowl depends on the voltage.
As the voltage increases, the amplitude also increases. However, no matter what the voltage
value is, the specific oscillation frequency of the system is always 100 Hz.
Dynamic responses indicate that operating frequency of the system is 100 Hz, adequate
with the frequency of attractive force (100 Hz). This is the resonant phenomenon occuring when
forced oscillation concurs with the system’s specific oscillation frequency. This result affirms
that the design and simulation alternative is similar to the experiment. Meanwhile, it also proves
that the recommendation plan with a constant current frequency accommodated the
electromagnet. In addition, the system’s structure could be designed to have the natural
frequency be equal with the attractive frequency by modal analysis. This alternative should be
used to design vibratory bowl feeder for other sporadic, small and light parts.
Acknowledgment: The researchers would like to express our sincere gratitude to VIMESGROUP for
supporting us with instruments for measurement, simulation and experiment in this research.
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