2 Max Horkheimer and The Sociology of Class Relations
2 Max Horkheimer and The Sociology of Class Relations
2 Max Horkheimer and The Sociology of Class Relations
Max Horkheimer and
The Sociology of Class
JANUARY 11, 2016
The value of this text requires some comment. There is of course the
intrinsic worth of Horkheimer’s essay, and its relevance to one of the
monuments of Western Marxism. What draws this text into the space of
nonsite.org’s concerns is the intersection of union organization—
what Horkheimer critically elaborates here under a general theory of
“rackets”—and Marxism. To say unions and Marxism share a tense history
is an understatement. Even a passing glance at Lenin’s What is To
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Max Horkheimer
On the Sociology of Class Relations (September-November 1943)
According to Marxian theory the power of the ruling class has been
based upon its monopolization of the means of production. Legal
ownership was the ideological expression of the fact that a minority of
people occupied a position which enabled them to exclude the rest of
society from freely using the land or other instruments necessary for
the continuation of social life on a given scale. The ruling class has
absorbed the gifts of culture, that is to say, the difference between the
total product of consumer goods and the bare necessities of life of
those who produced them, and, though guided by uncontrolled social
forces, has decided which kinds of goods are desirable and by which
methods they have to be secured: either by hard labor alone or by the
use of arms.
The privileges thus held by the ruling minorities throughout the ages
were not altogether irrational. It is true that, in the last instance, they
were conquered and maintained by force. But the fact that the groups
which enjoyed them were able to make use of that force for the
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For several reasons this nature of the ruling class was obscured during
the 19th century. The emancipation of the bourgeois from the
restrictions of the guilds and the release of the laborer from serfdom
seemed to have abolished the unsurmountable differences between
the various sectors of humanity. Economic competition embracing all
parts of the population was more peaceful although more involved
than the quarrels and discords of the great in times past. It was one of
the achievements of Marx’s writings that he, while stressing the
changes and progressive features brought about by the new form of
exploitation, unveiled the oppressive character of modern economic
relations, the old issue of power behind the apparently rational set-up
of liberalism. In Fascism this identity of bourgeois society in its different
periods has become so obvious that economists who, in opposition to
materialistic interpretation of liberalism clung to a narrow concept of
market economy, purged from all political and historical implications,
are now throwing the ideas of economy overboard altogether replacing
it by a more than simple political or psychological explanation of
present-day events.
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Up to the early 20th century the fight of that class had a more or less
spontaneous and radically democratic character. Their memberships,
composed of workers who in the factory experienced every day their
antagonism to the individual entrepreneur, were more or less active.
Their executives, whose offices had not yet become quite stabilized
expressed at least partially the ideas and hopes of the oppressed
individual concerning a better society rather than to impress their own
ideology as administrators, struggling for a big share in social
domination upon the minds of their followers. (This, by the way, does
not mean that the revolutionary functionaries of the past did not try to
influence the workers. On the contrary, their efforts to open the eyes of
the workers were much more intensive and outspoken. The difference
of their psychological structures with those of their followers was
perhaps much greater than that between the workers of today and their
prominent representatives, yet the latter, once established, rest much
heavier upon the souls, their sway over the life of the association much
more powerful than the appeal to theoretical reason made by the older
type of functionary.) The figure of the individual, trying to defend its
qualities as a human being against becoming, in and outside of the
factory, a mere accessory to the apparatus of production, had not yet
been replaced by the figure of the member defined exclusively by its
standardized material interests. Today, the transformation is complete. It
[labor] has assumed a form which fits into the monopolistic set-up and,
consequently its relations to the different capitalistic groups are no
longer so radically different from those prevailing among the latter.
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they comprise. The logical structure indeed mirrors exactly the mold of
their objects. The elements of labor, primarily the mass of ordinary
members, are not the forces which, by their own ideas and spontaneity,
determine the course of the whole; they are not so much, to use a
mathematical term, the constant value with regard to the whole as the
fluctuating one. On the contrary, the whole, i.e., the organization in
which the leaders, with their specific materialistic and power interests,
with their philosophy and character structure, have an infinitely greater
weight than the ideas of any plain member, determines and even
overawes the individual.
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whole, had the same outlook on life: the periods of employment would
become shorter, the pressure of the unemployed on the wages grow
stronger, the misery, in the midst of an ever wealthier society, become
unbearable. More and more the capitalist would be unable to grant
even the bare existence to the majority of the population. This trend
would be expressed in the life of the average worker by a decay of his
whole situation, by a deepening of its poverty, by growing
hopelessness and despair. The economic pressure resulting from this
state of affairs together with the enlightenment of the workers achieved
by their role in the modern productive process, would lead to the
formation of a party which would finally change the world. This party
would spring from the similarity of the situation of the workers all over
the world, its principles and structure would abstract from the
temporary differences in the financial situation in different branches of
production as well as in different geographical and national settings. It
would not express so much the actual conscience of the individual
worker which may be affected by all the mutilating influences of
exploitation, but the resistance against the frustrations imposed upon
man by social forms which have become purely oppressive. The effort
of this party would be inspired by the fulfillment of just those human
aspirations, material and spiritual ones, which were suppressed or
distorted by making the individual a kind of accessory to machinery as
it is achieved in the modern industrial process, the parties aims were
connected with the situation of the individual and the masses and did
not have a special affinity to a particular category of workers at the
expense of other ones. It represented the oppressed masses as such.
Since the reason for the laborers frustrations was not considered to be
found in any specific defect of capitalism but in the very principle of
class-rule the workers parties efforts were to be guided in each stage
by the subjective idea of the abolition of that rule and the
establishment of a true community.
exploitation than the idea of a free humanity, the party, in spite and
even because of its antagonism to the majority of masses for whom it
stood, thought of itself as the genuine conscience of that same
majority. The true interest of the masses, which they were unable to
formulate themselves, guided the party’s decisions as the theory of
capitalist society.
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Since it is the trend of capitalistic society that ever greater parts of the
middle class lose their economic independence, those processes
concern almost the total population. They form the counterpart to the
emancipation of large masses from economic stagnation and
pauperization. The more the world becomes ripe for the realization of
theoretical thought, the more theoretical thought and every human trait
which points to it seems to vanish, and, wherever it becomes manifest,
is wiped out pitilessly. The conscious measures of expression *that are
executed by the agencies of mass culture are only the visible
supplement of the subconscious trends necessitated by the economic
and social development. The persecution of anything which is
suspected to stand for independent social thought, for a philosophy
which has no strong ties to any of the groups struggling for a greater
share of power, and therefore no direct usefulness for the prevailing
interests of any of them, but sticks to truth as it regards a single
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From the day in which the infant opens his eyes to the daylight, he is
made to feel that there is only one way to get along in this world: by
resigning the unlimited hope which was born with him. This he can only
achieve by mimesis, he continuously repeats not only consciously—
he acquires judgment and notions much later—but with his whole
being, what he perceives around him. Long before he can even speak
he echoes the gestures of the persons and things around him and later
on he echoes the traits and attitudes of all the collectivities at whose
mercy he is: his family, his classmates, his sport’s team and all the other
teams which enforces a deeper conformity, a more radical surrender by
complete assimilation than any farther or teacher in the 19th century. By
echoing, repeating, imitating the surroundings, by adapting himself to
all the powerful groups to which one belongs, by transforming oneself
from a human being into a pure member of specific organized bodies,
by reducing one’s potentialities to the readiness and skill to conform
with and gain influence in such bodies, one finally manages to survive.
It is survival by forgetting, by practicing the oldest biological means of
survival: mimicry. That is the reason why like a child repeats the words
of his mother and the youngster the brutal manners of his elders, by
whom he has suffered so much, today’s mass culture, the giant
loudspeaker voice of *monopolism itself, the (illegible) of the times
as (illegible) would call it, in contrast to genuine art , which once
confronted reality with truth, copies and doubles reality endlessly end
boringly, that is why all ingenious devices of the amusement industry
serve nothing else but to reproduce over and over and without
betraying the slightest revolt the scenes of life which are dull and
automatized already when they happen in reality, that is why the
pictures, radio, popular biographies and novels shout incessantly the
same rhythm: this is our life, this is the only possible life, this is the life of
the great and the little ones, this is reality as it is and should be and will
be. Even the words which could express another hope than the one
which can be realized by success have become integrated: on the one
hand, beatitude and everything which refers to the absolute has been
assimilated by confining it to thoroughly religious connotations; it has
become part of Sunday School vernacular, happiness on the other
hand, means exactly the normal life of which though and even religious
thought, at certain times, contained a radical criticism. Language has
been thoroughly reduced to the function as which it is described in
positivistic theory, i.e. to just another tool in the giant apparatus of
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order to get a possibly large amount out of the sum total which
expresses the results of each production period. He is in the same
position as those capitalists whose business is not directly productive
like the bankers, the entrepreneurs in the communication– or
amusement industries and even all the professions and activities which
are exercised by the so-called “third persons.” The labor leaders have
become an acquisitive group among others. The conditions under
which they work are more difficult, it is not so easy for them as for the
leadership of the big capitalist trusts to keep their doings from public
discussion by a public opinion which is controlled by their competition.
Each the capitalist professional and labor groups exercise a specific
function in the social process on the one hand and on the other uses
that function to get as large a share of power over men, goods and
services as possible. The methods of this struggle in history have
varied. They have been partly competition but partly cheating, robbery,
and war. This struggling which, as pointed out in the beginning,
characterizes the set-up of each ruling class as definitively as its role in
production, has become a trait of the labor groups. Although the
leaders cannot achieve any results without obtaining, at least
temporarily, any results for the workers, their own social and economic
power, their own position and income (all of these factors
overwhelmingly superior to power position and income of an individual
worker) depend on the maintenance of the class system as such. Their
economic fact holds true despite of the great services they may render
to their respective memberships. The entrepreneur’s activities too had
had very often a positive effect on the income of labor than higher
incomes of the labor leaders. But there is now a new kind of solidarity
between the old and the new elites. Accordingly social history during
the last decades has brought closer cooperation between them. The
attitude of the labor unions to the state in the last decades has been
similar to that of the great capitalistic organizations. They were mostly
concerned with preventing the government from mingling in their
affairs. No interference with our private business was the doctrine (cf.
[illegible] instances Gompers testimony before the Lockwood
Committee). It was the “Master of the House” standpoint. In the
meantime the increasing economic power of capitalist monopoly has
made an understanding between their leaders, their participation in
administrative tasks of the central government more imperative. The
development toward the integration of corporative elements into the
administration has made even greater progress during the war. Society
becomes a *reformed and regulated process not so far much with
regard for the great events (they still depend on blind forces resulting
from the struggle between the classes and among the various ruling
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groups), but as far as the life of the individual is concerned; not as much
in the sense of self-administration (the decisions are made as
compromises among the prominent whose interests do not correspond
to those of the rest of society) but with regard to a more streamlined
performance of the material and human apparatus of production.
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All the trends mentioned in the foregoing pages have to be taken into
consideration when a theory of class relations, which is on the level of
our actual experience, should be drafted. The concept of the racket
serves only to differentiate and concretize the idea of the ruling class, it
is not meant at all to replace it. However, it can help to overcome the
abstract notion of class as it played a role in older theory. It may also
lead to recognize that the pattern of class relation is typical not only for
the relations of the big groups of society but from there penetrates all
human relations even those within the proletariat. In the present phase
of capitalism many earlier structures of class society which have up to
now been incompletely described and explained, have become
transparent. The similarity of the most respectable historical entities as
for instance the hierarchies or the Middle Ages with modern rackets is
only one of them. The concept of racket refers to the big as well as to
the small units, they all struggle for as great a share as possible of the
surplus value. In this respect the highest capitalistic bodies resemble
the little pressure groups working within or without the pale of the law
among the most miserable strata of the population. Emphasis is to be
laid on the fact that the role of a group in production though
determining to a great extend its part in consumption, has been in class
society just a good strategic position for grasping as much goods and
services in the sphere of distribution. This is particularly the case in
periods in which the mode of production to which its leaders stick so
tenaciously has become obsolete. They use their productive
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1. The concept of the racket referring to the big and to the small units
struggling for as great a share as possible of the surplus value
designates all such groups from the highest capitalistic bodies down to
the little pressure groups working within or without the pale of the law
among the most miserable strata of the population. It has arisen as a
theoretical concept when, by the increasing absoluteness of the profit
system the disproportion between the functions of the ruling class in
production and the {advantages} which they draw from it became even
more manifest than at the time of (illegible) Capital.
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