Method For Broadening Response Spectra Peaks

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Proceedings of ICONE-27

27th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering

May 19-24, 2019, Ibaraki, Japan



Dali Li, Ph. D.

Retired Westinghouse Engineer
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Email: [email protected]

Keywords: Floor Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Floor-Supported Equipment or Components,
Methods of Generating In-Structure Response Spectra, Response Spectrum Peak Broadening and Lowering
Method, Response Spectrum Peak Broadening and Lowering Criteria for Various Damping Ratio, and Time
History Generation Guideline.

ABSTRACT This paper provides a method to create a more realistic

This paper describes proposed improvements to U.S. response spectrum to help certifying seismic design of
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.122 floor-supported equipment or components, while also
Revision 1 (1978). Four issues exist in the existing guide, providing a guideline for response spectrum peak broadening
specifically around the broadened response spectrum curve and lowering criteria for various damping ratio. The proposed
for design use (Figure 1 of RG 1.122 and Figure N-1226-1 of broadened and reduced response spectrum produces a time
ASME BPVC.III.A-2017): 1) the sharp corners at ±15% of history intensity that has a 19% reduction from the current
top peak require sine waves at the corner frequencies that are broadened response spectrum, while still accurately
not in the original response spectrum, 2) the sloped representing an earthquake frequency response signal.
straight-line on each side produce many unnecessary
frequency components that are not in the original signal, 3) 1. INTRODUCTION
the intensity of the generated time history is much stronger U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide
than unbroadened floor response spectrum produced from the 1.122 Revision 1 (1978), “Development of Floor Design
seismic analysis of the original earthquake signal, and 4) the Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Floor-Supported
zero-period-acceleration (ZPA) value clips generated time Equipment or Components,” specifies that the broadened
history peaks to produce high frequency harmonics. peak is bounded on each side by lines that are parallel to the
The existing guide’s intended purpose of broadening lines forming the original spectrum peak, but was based on
response spectrum peak is meant to account for uncertainties spectrum response analysis methods developed before 1978.
in the dynamic behavior of the soil and structure that support The following proposal leverages modern probabilistic
the building subsystems in ASCE/SEI 4-16, C6.2.3 (2017). methods developed after 1978, the year the regulatory guide
However, the time history generated from the broadened was introduced. The proposal described below creates a more
response spectrum produces an unrealistic time history realistic and consistent hazard-informed floor response
intensity that is stronger than it intended. To mitigate the spectra by reducing the bandwidth of the broadened peak.
above concerns, the proposed method of broadening the Reducing the bandwidth produces a more accurate time
response spectrum peak includes eliminating the sharp history that benefits the seismic design certification of
corners at the broadened peak by replacing the sharp corners floor-supported equipment or components.
with an unbroadened response spectrum curve, replacing the In short, the proposed broadening method involves taking
sloped straight-line on each side by shifting the unbroadened the unbroadened spectrum curve at the -3dB point (i.e. 0.707
spectrum curve at each -3dB point (i.e. 0.707 of the of the unbroadened spectrum peak) and shifting the spectrum
unbroadened spectrum peak) to ±15% of the peak frequency, curve out ±15% of the peak frequency, while also providing a
reducing the response spectrum peak by 15% to match guideline for response spectrum peak broadening and
realistic seismic analysis, and increasing the ZPA value on lowering criteria for various damping ratio.
the broadened response spectrum to eliminate the need for
additional time history manipulation.
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2. ISSUES OF CURRENT REGULATORY GUIDE 1.122 3.1.2 At the upper frequency side, the frequency shifting
Figure 1 below shows a 3.3 Hz and 16 Hz response amount (Δfju) is measured to be the difference
spectrum with a 3% damping value representing NRC between the upper frequency at 0.707 (-3dB point)
Regulatory Guide 1.122 Revision 1, Figure 1 “Response of the unbroadened RS curve and +Δfj. Shift the
Spectrum Peak Broadening and Smoothing.” This same high frequency side of the unbroadened RS curve
figure is also in ASME BPVC.III.A-2017 as Figure N-1226-1 out by Δfju; likewise, at the lower frequency side,
“Response Spectrum Peak Broadening and Peak Amplitude.” the frequency shifting amount (Δfjl) is measured to
The time history generated from this broadened response be the difference between the lower frequency at
spectrum contains the following concerns: 0.707 (-3dB point) of the unbroadened RS curve
2.1 The sharp corners at ±15% of top peak require sine and -Δfj. Shift the low frequency side of the
waves at the corner frequencies that are not in the unbroadened RS curve out by Δfjl. The bandwidth
original response spectrum (BW) is defined as total frequency range over
2.2 The sloped straight-line on each side produce many spectral amplitudes that exceed 70.7% of the peak
unnecessary frequency components that are not in the spectral amplitude (BW0.8 is defined in
original signal ASCE/SEI 4-16 equation 6-1;) and center frequency
2.3 The intensity of the generated time history is much (CF) for the frequency fj that exceed 70.7% of the
stronger than unbroadened floor response spectrum peak amplitude
produced from the seismic analysis of the original 3.1.3 The broadened response spectrum flattened peak
earthquake signal width is Δfjl + Δfju, which is now shorter than the
2.4 The zero-period-acceleration (ZPA) value clips original flattened peak between -Δfj and +Δfj.
generated time history peaks to produce high Round the corners of the broadened peak with the
frequency harmonics original unbroadened RS peak curve, thus
eliminating the sharp corners on both sides of the
peak at -Δfj and +Δfj

Fig. 1 The Current Response Spectrum Peak

Broadening and Smoothing
Fig. 2 The Proposed Method of Broadening Response
The proposed method of broadening and lowering the 3.2 The response spectrum peak amplitude reduction
response spectra peak aims to revise the U.S. NRC In conjunction with response spectrum peak
Regulatory Guide 1.122, Section 2 “Smoothing Floor broadening, a 15% reduction in the narrow frequency
Response Spectra and Broadening Peaks.” The peak peak amplitude is permissible if the subsystem
broadening and lowering techniques described below are in damping is less than 10% as specified in ASCE 4-16,
accordance with “Methods of Generating In-Structure Section 6.2.3(b).
Response Spectra” in ASCE/SEI 4-16 (2017), “Seismic 3.2.1 When the Zero Period Acceleration (ZPA) to RS
Analysis of Safety-Related Nuclear Structures” Section 6.2 peak amplitude ratio (ZPA/RS) is less than 0.4 (at
“In-Structure Response Spectra.” 5% damping; for other damping values, see Table 1
This peak broadening and lowering response spectrum is Response Spectrum Peak Broadening and Lowering
generated by the following steps: Criteria), use the following reduction method. This
15% reduction is only to be applied to narrow
3.1 The response spectrum (RS) peak broadening frequency peaks of the unbroadened response
The proposed method of broadening response spectrum with a bandwidth-to-central-frequency
spectrum as shown in Fig. 2 uses a 16 Hz sine wave ratio (BW/CF) less than 0.32 (at 5% damping; for
signal similar to the 16 Hz signal in Fig. 1. other damping values, see Table 1) as specified in
3.1.1 For each peak center frequency (fj), the lower ASCE 4-16, section 6.2.3(b) equation 6-1
broadened frequency -Δfj and upper broadened BW0.8/CF<0.3. Fig. 3 shows the proposed broadened
frequency +Δfj are calculated as follows: and reduced response spectrum around the 3.3 Hz
-Δfj = 0.85*fj and +Δfj =1.15*fj peak from Fig. 1
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3.2.2 When the ZPA to RS peak amplitude ratio 4. PROPOSED PEAK BROADENING AND
(ZPA/RS) is less than 0.4 (at 5% damping, See LOWERING RESPONSE SPECTRUM RESULTS
Table 1) and narrow frequency peaks of the In order to verify the validity of proposed response
unbroadened response spectrum with a spectrum peak broadening and lowering method, the Raw
bandwidth-to-central-frequency ratio (BW/CF) spectrum and Broadened spectrum from ASCE/SEI 4-16
greater than 0.32 (5% damping, See Table 1), no Figure C6-3 “Raw, Broadened, and Reduced In-Structure
peak amplitude reduction is required. This Response Spectrum (5% Damping), Best-Estimate Soil Case”
broadened RS curve is shown in Fig. 2 are used to represent the COMPUTED and FOR DESIGN
3.2.3 When ZPA to RS peak amplitude ratio (ZPA/RS) is USE spectrum in RG 1.122 as shown in Fig. 1. Based on
greater than 0.4 (at 5% damping, See Table 1), use above proposed methodology in Section 3, the result is
the unbroadened RS value shown as the Broadened & reduced spectrum in Fig. 4. The
Raw spectrum and Broadened spectrum in this figure are
Table 1 Response Spectrum Broadening and Lowering based on the spectrum in ASCE/SEI 4-16 Figure C6-3. The
Criteria proposed peak broadening & lowering response spectrum
curve is shown as Broadened & reduced spectrum in the
Damping 2% 3% 4% 5% 7% Figure. The 4.35 Hz and 7.6 Hz RS peaks are broadened and
Broadened & BW/CF < 0.14 0.2 0.26 0.32 0.43 lowered by 15%. The 13.3 Hz RS peak is broadened only
(no lowering). The RS peaks at 2.7 Hz and 24.5 Hz use the
Reduced ZPA/RS < 0.31 0.34 0.37 0.4 0.46 unbroadened RS value. Based on the area ratio below 30 Hz
of the Broadened & reduced spectrum and Raw spectrum,
Broadened BW/CF > 0.14 0.2 0.26 0.32 0.43
the ZPA is raised from 0.99g to 1.16g; 1.17 times greater
ZPA/RS < 0.31 0.34 0.37 0.4 0.46 than the Raw spectrum ZPA value.
Unbroadened ZPA/RS > 0.31 0.34 0.37 0.4 0.46

Fig. 4 The Proposed Response Spectrum Peak

Broadening and Lowering Method at 5% Damping
Fig. 3 Proposed Broadened Response Spectrum around
3.3 Hz Peak
Currently, time history generated based on the Broadened
3.3 The response spectrum zero-period-acceleration spectrum in Fig. 4 is used as input motion for subsystem
adjustment design and qualification as specified in ASCE/SEI 4-16,
Clipping off a time history single sine wave peak section 6.3.2. In order to demonstrate the viability of the
produces a group of high frequency harmonics at 3fj, proposed methodology, three sets of time histories were
5fj, 7fj, 9fj in a response spectrum. When clipped, the generated using the Raw spectrum, Broadened spectrum, and
intensity of time history generated from the for design Broadened & reduced spectrum from Fig. 4. The time history
use spectrum is stronger than the intensity of the time based on the Raw spectrum is shown in Fig. 5, and the
history of original computed response spectrum from generated time history based on the Broadened & reduced
Fig. 1. In short, time history single sine wave peak spectrum is shown as synthetic time history in Fig. 6.
should not be clipped. To avoid clipping the time The proposed approach meets the guidelines for time
history, the ZPA should be adjusted as follows: history generation, which include:
3.3.1 Select the frequency fzr=30 Hz (the highest 5.1 “Each calculated spectrum of the design time history is
frequency of 24.5 Hz RS peak) as shown in considered to envelop the design response spectrum
ASCE 4-16 Figure C6-3, calculate the broadened when no more than five points fall below, and no more
and reduced response spectrum area below than 10 percent below, the design response spectrum.”
fzr (AREAbd) and unbroadened raw response NUREG-0800 (2014), section 3.7.1
spectrum area below fzr (AREAun) 5.2 The slope of the generated synthetic time history shall
3.3.2 Calculate the RS area ratio of AREAbd / AREAun be continuous (i.e. no discontinuity)
3.3.3 Increase the ZPA of the broadened and reduced 5.3 Do not flatten the sine wave synthetic time history
response spectrum by the RS area ratio peak in order to lower the ZPA

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The synthetic time history peak value (ZPA) based on the response spectrum peak, no more than five points fall below,
Broadened & reduced spectrum is raised to 1.16g. The and no more than 10 percent below the design response
intensity of the raw time history Root Mean Square (RMS) spectrum. Thus, the proposed method results in the generated
value is 0.29 and the synthetic time history RMS value is synthetic time history meets above guidelines.
0.33. This RMS ratio of 1.14 matches with the ZPA increase
The comparison below demonstrates the improvement of
proposed method of broadening and lowering response
spectra peak over the broadened spectrum (FOR DESIGN
USE spectrum defined in RG 1.122.)
The broadened spectrum area to raw spectrum area below
30 Hz (frequency selected in section 3.3.1) in Fig. 4 has the
ratio of 1.27 while the broadened & reduced spectrum area to
raw spectrum area below 30 Hz has a ratio of 1.17. The area
of proposed broadened & reduced spectrum is 10% lower
than the area of current broadened spectrum. The time history
Fig. 5 The Time History Generated from the Raw generated based on the broadened spectrum has an intensity
Response Spectrum ratio of 1.32 to the raw spectrum; the proposed broadened &
reduced spectrum time history has an intensity ratio of 1.13 to
the raw spectrum. Based on the proposed broadened &
reduced spectrum time history intensity ratio of 1.13 matches
with the proposed broadened & reduced spectrum ZPA
increase factor of 1.17, the proposed spectrum broadening
and lowering method is validated. The proposed broadened &
reduced response spectrum produces a time history that has a
19% intensity reduction from the current broadened response

This paper provides the method for creating a more
Fig. 6 Synthetic Time History Generated Using the realistic response spectrum that benefits the seismic design
Proposed Methodology certification of floor-supported equipment or components.
The methodology was validated using three sets of time
In order to determine viability of the synthetic time history, a history comparison. The proposed peak broadened and
corresponding synthetic response spectrum was generated to reduced response spectrum produces a time history that has a
show that the Synthetic response spectrum envelops the 19% intensity reduction from the current broadened response
Broadened & reduced spectrum as shown in Fig. 7. spectrum while still accurately representing an earthquake
frequency response signal.

ASCE/SEI 4-16, 2017, Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related
Nuclear Structures.
ASME BPVC.III.A-2017, 2017, Nonmandatory Appendix N,
Dynamic Analysis Methods.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide
1.122, 1978, Development of Floor Design Response
Spectra for Seismic Design of Floor-Supported Equipment
or Components, Revision 1, February 1978.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Standard Review Plan
Fig. 7 Synthetic Response Spectrum generated to NUREG-0800, Rev. 4, December 2014, 3.7.1 Seismic
match Broadened & Reduced Spectrum Design Parameters, SRP Acceptance Criteria, 1. Design
Ground Motion, B. Design Time Histories, Option 1 Single
To assess if the synthetic response spectrum of a synthetic Set of Time Histories, Approach 1.
time history meets the guideline, one must apply the criteria
set forth in 5.1 above. As shown in Fig.7, for each flattened

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