Digital Portfolios
Digital Portfolios
Digital Portfolios
Often when I think of assessment, I forget that it's not designed
for the teacher. Ultimately, if I want students to become self-directed
learners, I need an assessment method that includes student-selected
work along with student self-reflections.
From my experience, the best method for authenticity is a
portfolio. I love the idea of students curating their own work and
sharing what they have learned in the journey of learning. Besides, the
act of creating a portfolio becomes a transferrable skill that students
can use with future creative endeavors.
For this type of portfolio, I encourage students to think the
product and the process with a lens of growth and mastery. Students
also look at what they learned along the way and what future steps
they want to take.
Time Frame:
I have found that 3-5 class periods tend to work well. I prefer taking a
whole week if it is a yearlong class and taking three days (combining
page #1 with #4 and #5) for a semester-long course.
Favorite Site:
I prefer using Weebly because of the ease of adding media. However,
this could work just as easily with Wix, Google Sites or customized