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Advanced Unit test 4

5 Complete the sentences using one word from Function

box A and one from box B.
7 Underline the correct alternative.
capital child economic environmental 1 This would be by much/far the best option for me
freedom gun human illegal if you don’t mind. It’s just so much more practical
and a lot more feasible given the financial and
time constraints.
B 2 My preference/favourite would be to sell all our
awareness control development shares in their company and to reinvest the money
immigration labour of speech in one which takes a more ethical stance on their
punishment rights business practices.
3 Without a shadow/shade of a doubt, I’d trust
1 Illegal immigration; namely the breach of border Simon implicitly with any confidential
regulations, may be prompted by civil war or information that we give him. I know him to have
racial persecution. absolute integrity.
2 Undemocratic nations do not allow their citizens 4 I’d sooner/prefer eat that old, black leather shoe
and often punish those who speak out against the that the dog likes chewing on than spend another
ruling party. evening listening to that tedious couple droning on
3 State-owned enterprises have been found to and on about themselves and how much money
promote more sustainable they have.
in rapidly changing nations such as India. 5 Made the decision/Given the choice, I’d definitely
4 In 1965 Great British abolished emigrate to a warmer country and preferably one
for murder. However, it wasn’t until 1998 that the where innovation is whole-heartedly recognised
death penalty was completely prohibited for all and supported by the state.
crimes. 6 If I ever found myself in that situation again, I’d
5 After recent mass shootings, many people are probably leg/run it at the first chance I had and
demanding reforms to the laws governing then call the police once I knew I was in a safe
in the USA. place.
6 Amnesty International, the world’s largest 7 No way do/would I ever consider mentioning any
grassroots organisation, of my ideas to him again – not before airing them
was established to protect those facing injustice or at the management meeting, that’s for sure. I can’t
abuse due to their beliefs. believe he presented my proposal as his own!
7 The company stands accused of using 8 If push comes to shove/jump, I’ll just explain that
after underage workers were discovered during an it can’t have been you she saw because you were
unannounced inspection of the factory. with me at the hospital the whole night and never
8 Programmes to increase once left my side.
need to bring home to people the reality that 9 I’d just as soon/sooner stay in with you and order
looking after our planet is in everyone’s interests. a takeaway as spend the night in town with your
boring colleagues, who you don’t even like.
7 10 Far preferred/better to have the courage to tell
the truth and face the consequences than to be a
6 Underline the correct answer, a), b) or c). coward who cannot be trusted.
11 If it was up to/was for me, I’d sack the lot of
1 The detective assessed the situation and decided it them for gross negligence rather than allow them
was safe to leave the premises. to keep all their excessive perks.
a) estimated b) asserted c) assessed
2 It’s vital to always consider both the benefits and 10
the _____ of any business proposal so you can
predict what problems might occur. Total: 50
a) defects b) pros c) drawbacks
3 _____ the points I’ve just made in mind when you
discuss whether to accept my offer or not.
a) Take b) Bear c) Hold
4 He knew he was in quite a _____ when his car
skidded uncontrollably on the icy forest road.
a) hardship b) predicament c) catastrophe

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2016

Advanced Unit test 5

1 Complete the second sentence with no more
than five words so that it means the same as the
first. Use the word in capitals.
1 You can’t leave your car here.
You aren’t allowed to leave your car here.
2 I didn’t dare open the door because it was so dark
I didn’t
the door because it was so dark outside.
3 It wasn’t necessary to go to the airport so early.
We to
the airport so early.
4 You should focus more at work if you want to get
that promotion.
at work if
you want to get that promotion.
5 Is it compulsory for passengers to wear seat belts?
6 My dad made me have piano lessons as a child.
My dad
piano lessons as a child.


2 Complete the sentences with the correct passive

form of the verbs from the box.
compose destroy give
know make renovate

1 Did you know that The Flight of the Bumblebee

was composed by Russian-born Rimsky-Korsakov
for his opera, The Tale of Tsar Saltan?
2 It that hop flowers, which come from
a plant traditionally used in the making of beer,
are soporific and will therefore help you sleep
3 Our house at the moment so there’s
mess and dust everywhere and hardly any space to
sit down and relax.
4 How many people at your company
redundant so far this year as a result of
5 Lee’s parents were very proud of him when he
a medal for bravery.
6 According to current estimates, thousands of
homes are thought in the recent
hurricane which swept through the state.

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Advanced Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4)

5 Complete the second sentence with no more Vocabulary

than five words so that it means the same as the
first. Use the word in capitals. 7 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form
of the words in brackets.
1 We’ve got two cars and they’re sports cars.
BOTH 1 The investigating team agreed that a miscarriage
We’ve got two cars, both of which are sports (carry) of justice had indeed occurred.
cars. 2 Having read all the positive reviews, I’d have to
2 Fred lost his temper so I walked out of the room. say that in my opinion the restaurant was
POINT completely (rate).
Fred lost his temper, I 3 The cottage, which had been (habit)
walked out of the room. for nearly a decade, was in a very poor state of
3 Isn’t that the man with the son who’s in prison? repair.
WHOSE 4 This is the only one of its kind in the whole world
Isn’t that the man ? so it’s (place) and, therefore,
4 We’ve got two computers but they’re not working. priceless.
NEITHER 5 Although she was given the best treatment money
We’ve got two computers, could buy, her condition continued to
. (generation).
5 Erik never goes back to the big, old house in the 6 Abbey Road has been (mortal) by
village. He was born there. the music of the Beatles and will always have a
WHERE place in the history of the 60s music scene.
Erik never goes back to the big, old house in the 7 The (establish) march was a
village . peaceful affair that aimed to demonstrate how
6 I may have to work late so I’ll call you if I do. disgruntled the general populace were at the
CASE government’s mismanagement of the economy.
I may have to work late,
call you. 6

5 8 Complete the sentences with the words from

the box. There are three words you do not
6 Correct two mistakes in each sentence. need.

1 It’s the a pity that your sister, whose who lives in congestion convictions deserted
Hawaii, can’t make it to your wedding. freedom gaudy infrastructure
innocence punishment unexposed
2 To approach the car from the front, I looked at the
uninhabitable vicinity
two front tyres, both of whom were flat.
3 A big group of people, many whom were from the 1 Some proponents of capital punishment are
village, watched in horror as the huge waves suggesting it should be brought back for crimes
crashing against the side of the small boat. such as terrorism.
4 It looks me as though I’ll be late as there’s a 2 Although all the rooms were painted in bright,
five-miles tailback on the motorway. colours and clearly hadn’t been changed since the
seventies, we saw the potential it had.
5 Since when are you interested in visiting old,
3 Government cuts will mean that much-needed
beautiful Egyptian ruins? improvements to the existing will have to
6 I could hardly believe when my leather brown coat be curtailed for the time being.
was stolen from work. I really thought it was a 4 In our legal system, previous are not
safe place to have left it. made public during a court case so that a fair
7 Adam went on a twenty-miles-long run, the result hearing can be given to the defendant.
5 A new initiative to tackle homelessness aims to
for which was that he slept all afternoon.
create homes from currently old
8 It’s not coincidence that he ran away on the night buildings.
of the arson attack and isn’t seen or heard of since. 6 Ironically, the prosecutor’s use of CCTV footage
9 For her birthday I baked a chocolate, large rich provided proof of the defendant’s .
cake, who I then decorated with gold leaf. 7 Don’t be surprised if the town square is
completely in the middle of the day.
8 People take their siesta then, to avoid the midday

2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2016

Advanced Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4)

8 If you were in the at the time, how is it

that you claim to have seen nothing of the

3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2016

Advanced Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4)

9 Complete the sentences with one word. 11 Complete the proposal with words and
phrases a)–m) below. There are two options
1 The judge severely condemned the man for having
you do not need.
taken the law into his own hands.
2 His lawyer said the only course of action left to I’d first like to give 1 f information. We’re a
him was to appeal the sentence he’d group of teachers who have taught all around the
been given. world so we’ve built up a network of contacts. To
3 It was shocking to see how run- , we’re going to talk briefly about our plan
grandfather’s farmhouse had become in the years to create an online material bank and discussion
since his accident. forum for teachers around the world.
4 This government will not tolerate those The 3 our proposal is to obtain sufficient
individuals or gangs who are known to mete out funding for us to get this project off the ground, and
their own type of rough . the aim of the project itself is to build up a support
5 The police were amazed that someone had the network for teachers, which in effect will be created
gall to out a robbery of that scale in by them, for them.
broad daylight. OK, what 4 initially is to create lesson plans
6 Fortunately, education systems and local action and relevant materials which can be used for set
groups are working to improve environmental levels or stages and will cover a broad range of
, so most citizens nowadays do know about the curriculum subjects. We’re 5 with a menu of
issues that are affecting our planet. lesson options linked to each subject and provide
7 Amnesty International has always been a fierce information on the level and age that the materials
defender of and advocate for human would be most suitable for. What 6 that
worldwide. these materials are added to by other teachers who
8 If we are to minimise cultural misunderstandings send in their own plans and resources, which we
in relation to gender, we need to bear in then publish on the site.
the role that women play in other societies. We know that this 7 because we’ve spoken
to many other teachers around the globe who, as
7 developers of their own resources, are keen to share
their ideas and this site will provide them with this
opportunity. It will give rise to many benefits: in
Function , teachers all around the globe will have a
platform for sharing resources and ideas. This in
10 Replace the incorrect word in the sentences. turn will mean they have other ways to supplement
their own banks of teaching materials. Secondly,
1 Instead of going on holiday in the summer when
there is 9 of increasing collaboration
everyone is doing the same thing, I’d much prefer
between other nations and cultures. We will be
sooner wait until the autumn when it’s cooler and
setting up subject-orientated discussion forums too
quieter everywhere, wouldn’t you?
so that teachers may ask questions and discuss
2 Taken the choice, I would much rather travel
aspects as they wish to.
everywhere by public transport than by car. It’s so
So, to 10 , we’re looking to provide an
much cheaper and less stressful.
opportunity for greater international cooperation
3 Without a shadow of a dilemma, the economic
between teachers and for best practice to be shared
situation is most definitely worsening as people
in a more informal manner. You can be a part of this
are having to economise more and more.
by helping to provide start-up funds for our site.
4 No doubt would I speak to my parents like that! In
Is there 11 clarification?
my opinion, you were totally wrong to disrespect
them in that manner.
a) the long-term benefit h) going to come up
5 I’m afraid it’s totally out of the situation for you to
b) idea is feasible i) that’s our plan
take unpaid leave right now. We’re incredibly
c) sum up j) start with
busy and must have completed this order by the
d) main objective of k) the first instance
end of the month.
e) looking to come down l) we plan to do
6 When push comes to jump, you really find out
f) you some background m) anything needing
who your true friends are and which people are
g) we’re proposing is
there when you most need help.

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Advanced Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4)

Reading 1 Fiona was c Maggie before she went on

12 Read the email and choose the correct holiday.
answer, a), b) or c). a) thankful that Jack made up with
b) glad she managed catch up with
Dear Maggie c) apologetic for not seeing
How are you and the boys? I hope everything’s 2 Fiona decided to visit Sozopol .
going well and you managed to sort out that a) because Maggie recommended it
misunderstanding with Jack. I’m sorry I didn’t get to b) when it wasn’t at its busiest
see you before I left but things were a bit frantic – c) as she’d only heard good things about it
you know me, leaving everything until the last 3 The houses are .
minute. a) built pretty close together
I’m sitting on the balcony of my hotel room, b) well maintained
overlooking the clear blue waters of the Black Sea. c) charming because of the way they’ve been
A few sailing boats are drifting by but otherwise modernised.
there is just limitless blue as far as the eye can see. 4 The nearby restaurant .
The sun is high in a cloudless sky while seagulls fly a) has a bright and sunny terrace
past on the warm, gentle sea breezes. b) is always bustling with people
This is Sozopol, a picturesque Bulgarian seaside c) serves traditional cuisine
town. May is a very good time to be here because 5 More curious visitors .
it’s not yet high season. I don’t think you’ve been to a) might be surprised by the lack of shops
Bulgaria, have you? I’ve wanted to come here for a b) can discover the work of local artisans
long time as I’ve read so much about the country c) won’t be able to resist the tacky souvenirs
and we only see a very one-dimensional picture on 6 Fiona imagines that Sozopol might be .
those awful property programmes on television. a) her kind of place when busy
All the streets here in the centre of the old town are b) quite an interesting place in the summer
cobbled and very narrow. The buildings are made of c) best to avoid in the peak season
wood and stone and most of them have overhanging
balconies so you could almost jump from one house 5
to the next! You get the feeling that time has
somehow stopped here. Many of the buildings are in
a poor state of repair but the shabbiness adds to the 13 Read the letter again. Underline true (T) or
charm. Just next door is a traditional restaurant with false (F).
a huge terrace. The vines are heavy on the trellises 1 Fiona admits she’s not one to keep on top
that cover the outdoor area and offer shade from the of things. T/F
heat of the sun. It’s so atmospheric and peaceful. 2 She’s writing on a calm, still day. T/F
There are, of course, the inevitable and ubiquitous 3 In May, Sozopol is just entering the
shops selling tourist stuff but if you’re a little more busiest time of year for tourism. T/F
adventurous you can find some fabulous glass and 4 Fiona’s knowledge of Bulgaria comes
ceramics. This must be a haven for the local artists solely from reading guidebooks. T/F
as the environment is certainly very inspiring. I’m 5 She thinks the country is largely
going to buy a couple of paintings for the new house misrepresented by TV programmes. T/F
and perhaps some glassware as well. 6 The old town is full of character. T/F
My eyes have certainly been opened though. I 7 The author remarks that all the local
would hesitate to come here at the height of the buildings are dilapidated and in need
tourist season as it must be heaving. You know me of attention. T/F
and my dislike of crowds! 8 Fiona’s hotel is located close to an eatery
Anyway, tomorrow I’m heading inland to explore that has a wonderfully relaxed ambience. T/F
the mountains. I don’t know whether there’ll be any 9 You have to be prepared to look beyond
reception there but if there is, I’ll write to you again the obvious, typical souvenirs to find
next week. more interesting local products. T/F
Love, 10 Fiona feels that this place must really
Fiona x attract and influence artists in the area. T/F
11 Fiona doesn’t recommend visiting in the
summer because of the heat. T/F


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Advanced Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4)

15 A description: Choose a place you know well
14 Underline the correct alternative. and write a guidebook entry in 200–250 words.
1 In effective/conclusion, if we’re to tackle social Include at least three of the topics below.
inequalities, we need to first understand what the  architecture
principle barriers are to employment among the  food and drink
worst off.  history
2 The isolation of elderly people within our  location
communities illustrates very clearly one of today’s  nearby attractions
most important issues/causes, that is, the  the people
disintegration of our local communities and the
loss of traditional family values.
3 Of course there should be a limit imposed on the
number of climbers ascending Mount Everest,
given the impact they are having on the natural
environment. One possible reference/solution
would be to restrict the number of climbers
allowed access to the mountain per season.
4 One of the positive consequences/anecdotes of the
proposed bypass through an area of natural beauty
was that the community came together in protest
and became more of a cohesive unit.
5 Some people are obsessed with sharing everything
they think or do on social networking sites. This
refers/represents a growing problem in terms of a
lack of attachment to reality and of meaningful
engagement with the society in which we live.
6 The recent social unrest has caused/led to a rise in
vandalism, an increase in policing levels and
general public dissatisfaction.


Total: 100

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Advanced Achievement test 3 (Units 5–6)

Listening 3 Recording 6 Listen and answer the questions

1 Recording 5 Listen and underline the correct
answer, a) b) or c). 1 How many people’s details were sold?
50 thousand__________________________
1 Michael is concerned about ___. 2 Which two organisations did the article say the
a) the impact of a diminishing birth rate details were bought from?
b) recent government policies introduced _____________________________________
c) the likelihood of a population surge 3 What are the aims of the cold callers?
2 Sharon feels that . _____________________________________
a) animals can only survive in captivity 4 How has the government responded to the
b) wild animals are in danger of annihilation situation?
c) endangered species are well cared for _____________________________________
3 Ray believes that . 5 Who is able to buy personal details so long as this
a) the race for alternative fuels is in full swing will be of benefit to people’s health?
b) bio-fuels will last indefinitely _____________________________________
c) oil supplies will never be completely depleted 6 According to the first speaker, what can people do
4 Penny says the dominant issue . to protect their personal health records?
a) is access to potable water supplies _____________________________________
b) should be global warming
c) is how to predict extreme weather conditions 5
5 Alfie considers that .
a) signs warning of smog need to be erected
b) air quality is deteriorating
c) people need re-educating about their health
6 Ellen says that . 4 Underline the correct alternative.
a) she would not be interested in having a robot
1 Despite/Even if never having finished school,
b) she might miss doing everyday chores
Dean went on to establish a very successful car
c) we’re losing core capabilities
manufacturing company. He’s a billionaire now.
2 Difficult as it may/ought to be, it’s time to address
the controversial topic of teenage pregnancies and
to discuss effective ways to tackle the issue.
2 Recording 5 Listen again and write true (T) or 3 In some countries, anyone who is able to vote
false (F). ought/is compelled to do so. Failure to vote in a
general election has serious consequences.
1 Michael claims that only government
4 In an attempt to reduce traffic congestion in the
intervention will tackle the problem. T
capital, it’s been announced that cars must
2 Sharon is depressed by the stark reality
be/have now been banned from the central zone
facing many animals in the wild.
during peak hours.
3 Ray argues that the media has a positive
5 Isaac will probably/is due to be late to the match
influence on how we view the situation
tomorrow. He said something about having to take
regarding energy production.
the children to their grandmother’s first.
4 Penny asserts that water is now more
6 One effective way to tackle the issue of juvenile
precious than oil.
delinquency is to introduce/will be introducing
5 Alfie believes that punishing industries
community programmes which help develop
which pollute is the only way forward.
family relations and improve parenting skills in
6 Ellen is convinced that humans will be
troubled families.
replaced by robots one day.

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Advanced Tests Answer Key

2: 2 Having wandered/Wandering
Unit test 5 3 Standing 4 Not wanting
1: 2 have the courage to open 5 Visited 6 admired
3 We need not have gone OR didn’t/did 7 Not meaning 8 Not being
not need to go 9 doing 10 Having eaten
4 You’d/had better focus more 11 Knowing
5 Do passengers have to wear 3: 2h) 3a) 4e) 5c) 6f)
6 forced me to have 4: 2 reappearance 3 dramatically
2: 2 ’s/is known 3 is being renovated 4 disinfectant 5 deceptively
4 have been made 5 was given 6 incomprehensible
6 to have been destroyed 5: 2 unwind 3 mind 4 hair 5 time
3: 2 beans 3 cat 4 game 6 off
5 himself, himself 6 doors 6: 2 risk-averse 3 deliberately
4: 2 commonly held, perception 4 unsupervised
3 debunked, the myth 5 over-protectiveness
4 uncover, the truth 6 mollycoddle
5 disprove, a myth 7: 2d) 3l) 4b) 5i) 6g) 7m) 8j)
6 conventional wisdom 9e) 10a) 11f)
5: 2b) 3c) 4d) 5a) 6c) Unit test 8
6: 2 protect 3 scoops 4 investigative
5 injunction 6 whistle-blowing 1: 2 were 3 to call 4 was 5 to have
7: 2d) 3j) 4m) 5h) 6b) 7k) 8c) 6 walking 7 wasn’t 8 to explode
9g) 10i) 11a) 9 meant 10 have 11 were
2: 2 I think so much.
Unit test 6 3 My brother loves eating cheesecake
1: 2 won’t have 3 will be doing and so does the rest our family love it.
4 will have eliminated 5 will take 4 Do you Remember what you said to
6 ’s/is going to rain me when we first met?
7 ’re/are meeting 5 Pat forgot to buy bread and she also
8 is going to be finished 9 to see forgot to buy cheese so we haven’t got
10 will (probably) regret anything for lunch.
11 isn’t/is not going to study 6 I’ll help you later if you want (me to)
2: 2 as 3 Despite 4 Although help you later.
5 though 6 In spite of 7 These shoes are too tight and those
7 Whichever 8 Even though 9 if shoes are too big. What a shame!
10 however 11 Difficult 8 So, have you ever been to Venezuela?
3: 2h) 3d) 4g) 5a) 6e) 9 Hi, do you fancy a beer?
4: 2d) 3c) 4b) 5c) 6d) 10 Well, I like both but I prefer the first
5: 2 official 3 command 4 barrier one of the two.
5 mind 6 dead 11 When he asked me if I had everything
6: 2 appeal 3 mouth 4 passing I needed I replied ‘I think I have
5 imagination 6 chord everything I need so, thanks.’
7: 2 stems from 3 originated 3: 2b) 3d) 4b) 5c) 6d)
4 can be traced back 4: 2 safe, sorry 3 picture, thousand
5 attributed to 6 has brought 4 sight, mind 5 practice, preach
7 gave rise 8 led to 9 caused 6 home, heart
10 started by 11 have resulted 5: 2d) 3h) 4f) 5a) 6g)
6: 2 pushed 3 hands 4 herself
Unit test 7 5 in 6 pass
7: 2 Having told said, That makes perfect
1: 2 about travelling is that
logic sense
3 I want to know is
3 looking for at, I’d never made thought
4 yesterday that we booked
4 I know how what, That’s very truth true
5 couldn’t/could not get in was
5 Has anyone achieved managed,
6 didn’t/did not realise was (that)
Though Mind you
6 But I’m watching looking, Can you say

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Advanced Tests Answer Key

My other passion is animals. When I was 13: 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T 7F 8T 9T

growing up, my parents were always 10T 11F
taking in waifs and strays that they’d 14: 2 issues 3 solution
found abandoned. We’d get home from 4 consequences 5 represents
school and we’d never know what we 6 led
might find in the bath or in the garden so 15: (sample answer) (214 words)
I’m used to all kinds of exotic creatures. Famed throughout the world for its
I’m currently planning to go to Borneo to stunning architecture and fairytale
work at an orang-utan sanctuary for two atmosphere, Prague is quite simply a
months over the summer. beautiful city with a long, colourful
It’d be great to meet like-minded people, history. Situated in the centre of Europe,
especially when I start travelling as it’s it flanks the two banks of the Vltava
the best way to get to know a country. I River. On one side, you will find the Old
look forward to hearing from anyone out Town with its quaint, winding cobbled
there who’s interested in getting to know streets leading up to the Castle complex
me and who has similar interests. which houses St Vitus’ Cathedral,
churches, museums and the President’s
Achievement test 2 residence, as well as Golden Lane,
1: 2a) 3c) 4f) 5b) 6g) home to Franz Kafka. On the other side,
2: 2F 3F 4T 5T 6F you will be able to enjoy the finest shops
3: 2c) 3b) 4a) 5c) 6a) and restaurants that the city can offer.
4: 2b) 3c) 4a) 5a) 6b) 7b) 8c) For those who prefer green spaces,
5: 2 at which point parks are plentiful, both wild and
3 whose son is in prison manicured. From the Castle hills,
4 neither of which is working terraced with old vineyards, the views
5 where he was born over the terracotta roofs are reminiscent
6 in which case I’ll/I will of Tuscan landscapes, while further
6: 2 To approach Approaching, whom afield you are reminded of the
which Communist era when high-rise blocks
3 many of whom, crashing crashed, dominated the skyline.
4 me, five-miles-tailback five-mile After a day’s sightseeing, where better to
tailback relax than at one of the many street
5 are you have you been, old beautiful cafés and bars, where you can enjoy a
beautiful, old plate of the local speciality, which of
6 hardly believe it when, leather brown course comes with dumplings, washed
brown leather down with a glass of pleasantly chilled
7 twenty-miles-long twenty-mile-long, Czech wine or beer. Conclude your
for of evening with a visit to the opera, ballet or
8 not no, isn’t hasn’t been a classical concert in one of the many
9 chocolate large rich large rich local churches.
chocolate, who which Achievement test 3
7: 2 overrated 3 uninhabited
4 irreplaceable 5 degenerate 1: 2b) 3a) 4a) 5b) 6c)
6 immortalised 2: 2T 3F 4F 5F 6T
7 anti-establishment 3: Suggested answers:
8: 2 gaudy 3 infrastructure 2 The health service & online
4 convictions 5 uninhabitable pharmacies 3 to sell health-related
6 innocence 7 deserted 8 vicinity products or to con people
9: 2 against 3 down 4 justice 4 It has updated regulations to further
5 carry 6 awareness 7 rights restrict access to personal data
8 mind 5 Insurers 6 Nothing
10: 2 Taken Given 3 dilemma doubt 4: 2 may 3 is compelled
4 doubt way 5 situation question 4 have now been 5 will probably
6 jump shove 6 is to introduce
11: 2j) 3d) 4l) 5h) 6g) 7b) 8k) 5: 2 ought 3 In 4 to 5 on
9a) 10c) 11m) 6 spite 7 is 8 be 9 spite
12: 2b) 3a) 4c) 5b) 6c) 10 have 11 going

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Advanced Tests Answer Key

6: 2 It was compulsory (for us)

3 have been built
4 might have seen what happened Achievement test 4
5 weren’t/were not allowed to stay 1: 2d) 3c) 4b) 5g) 6f)
6 will be walking 2: 2a) 3c) 4b) 5b) 6a)
7: 2b) 3a) 4d) 5c) 6c) 7b) 3: 2F 3T 4T 5F 6T
8: 2 slip 3 danger 4 risk 5 present 4: 2a) 3b) 4b) 5a) 6b)
6 game 7 beans 8 chord 5: 2 What 3 was 4 to 5 Tired
9: 2 behind, closed doors 6 point 7 changed 8 would
3 by word, of mouth 9 meant 10 had 11 going
4 disproved, the myth 6: 2 he who 3 wasn’t I I wasn’t
5 offensive, language 4 Dreamt Dreaming 5 are were
6 protect, its sources 6 to get getting
7 uncovering, the truth 7: 2 set off 3 suffer from
8 taking out, an injunction 4 take (your mind) off
10: 2b) 3b) 4c) 5c) 6a) 5 let (your hair) down
11: 2e) 3c) 4a) 5d) 6 deal with
12: 2 put 3 on 4 back 5 saying 7 date back
6 how 7 has 8 brought back
13: 2C 3A 4D 5B 6E 9 take (time out) from
14: 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F 7T 8F 9T 8: 2 clearance 3 evasive 4 electrify
10F 11T 5 trustworthy 6 meaningless
15: 2 decline 3 soared 4 increase 9: 2 vain 3 time 4 take 5 sorry
5 dropped 6 risen 6 shift 7 come 8 world
16: (sample answer) (219 words) 10: 2 surely 3 Suppose 4 absolutely
I’ve always enjoyed a challenge, so 5 How 6 couldn’t
when I was asked whether I’d like to take 11: 2d) 3k) 4e) 5j) 6m) 7i) 8c)
part in a charity fundraising trek to 9b) 10a) 11f)
Everest Base Camp, I needed no 12: 2T 3F 4T 5T 6NG 7NG 8T
encouragement but immediately said 9T 10F 11NG
yes. It was only after the euphoria had 13: 2c) 3b) 4a) 5b) 6b)
died down that I realised just how much 14: 2 danced enthusiastically to…
I’d taken on. Not only did I have to raise 3 I have a hazy recollection…
funds, but I also quickly came to the 4 has an unquenchable thirst…
conclusion that I would have to set 5 I distinctly remember…
myself a very rigorous training 6 to a screeching halt…
programme to make sure that I’d be fit 15: (sample answer) (235 words)
enough for the adventure of a lifetime. Welcome
The sights and sounds of those majestic The Brava Language School welcomes
Himalayan mountains surpassed all new students. We hope that you will
anything I could have dreamed of. At first enjoy your stay with us and enjoy
we walked through lush, green fields and learning English in a relaxing and friendly
forests, with blue skies overhead and environment. Our highly qualified
thundering rivers by our side. This was teachers and staff will ensure that you
truly a paradise but as we climbed higher get the most out of your stay with us, so
and higher, the air became thinner and make sure you check the notice boards
walking harder. The trees disappeared regularly.
and colour did as well. We were Accommodation
surrounded by grey rock, an inhospitable Host families within a radius of five miles
terrain at the best of times. The sense of of the school provide accommodation of
relief as we all stood at Base Camp was the highest standard. You will have your
quickly replaced by a sense of urgency own bed/study room with en-suite
to get back down to civilisation. Despite bathroom and you will be given breakfast
the pain and cold, I wouldn’t have missed and an evening meal every day.
that experience for the world and am
now looking forward to my next

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Advanced Tests Answer Key

Facilities and Activities 10: 2 driving me up the wall

All our classrooms are equipped to the 3 if you have any queries
highest standards to ensure you receive 4 ourselves a deal
the best tuition. We also have an 5 get in touch
excellent library and IT centre for self- 6 we’ll make concessions
study. Our team of organisers will 7 What if we could
arrange activities throughout your stay, 8 By the end of the day…need to have
so whether you’re interested in the great resolved
outdoors or cultural events, we are sure 9 sound acceptable to me
you will find something to suit you and 10 I’m not sure I can agree
your interests. 11 get back to you
Local places of interest 11: 2c) 3b) 4a) 5b) 6b)
You will find a comprehensive list of 12: 2F 3T 4T 5F 6F 7T 8F 9F
venues and events in your welcome 10T 11T
pack. We provide a ticket booking 13: 2 On 3 into 4 for 5 In 6 against
service, so do come to reception and we 14: (sample answer) (204 words)
will organise everything you need One of the things I love most about
whenever you plan to go exploring on travelling is the opportunity to visit
your own. museums and galleries, and this week
Fees has been no exception. ‘All We Need’ is
Please check on our website for our a truly extraordinary exhibition dealing
current pricing policy. Fees vary with life in the 21st century from an
according to the time of year, type of environmental, political, spiritual and
course (general, business, exam) and materialistic point of view.
length of stay. Housed in a huge, abandoned industrial
factory, the cavernous halls are home to
Achievement test 5 different facets of life today, ranging from
1: 2 in public places 3 his luck leisure to romance, water to food. Quite
4 few weeks ago simply, each installation is a feast for all
5 celebrity gossip/celebrities’ lives the senses. When you are confronted,
6 (up and) dancing for example, by traditional symbols of
2: 2F 3T 4T 5F 6T 7T 8F 9T love such as roses and diamonds, and
10T 11F you are then asked to reflect upon how
3: 2 I ’d/would rather go they end up in your country, it all
3 if all your friends were becomes rather disturbing.
4 No sooner had we heard An afternoon is not enough time to
5 wouldn’t/would not have woken up absorb all of the information on offer. I
6 It ’s/is time we were came away with sensory overload,
4: 2 would 3 have 4 my 5 like unable to speak for some time due to all
6 only 7 but 8 waste 9 would of the disturbing images, statistics and
10 than 11 bit sound bites that I’d taken in.
5: 2 During the summer,… If the aim of ‘art’ is to educate and
3 eating eat my … entertain, then ‘All We Need’ is the
4 At the no time… perfect example. I would urge anyone
5 Not while until… interested in the future of our planet to go
6 to grip gripping… along with an open mind and prepared to
6: 2c) 3b) 4c) 5a) 6a) 7c) be challenged.
7: 2 speak, mind 3 being, attention Mid-course test
4 held, esteem 5 shot, fame
6 became, success 7 be, spotlight 1: 2b) 3c) 4g) 5e) 6f)
8 make compromises 2: 2F 3T 4F 5T 6T
9 serve, apprenticeship 3: 2a) 3b) 4c) 5a) 6c)
8: 2 idea 3 of 4 coming 5 up 4: 2 having 3 to have 4 has been
6 piece 7 off 5 is now 6 having 7 is
9: 2 Basically 3 wall 4 clearly
5 simply 6 completely

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Advanced Tests Answer Key

5: 2 is supposed to call us In conclusion, I would say ‘everything in

3 I wish you’d/you would moderation’ is the best way forward. The
4 If only Selma was/were occasional burger won’t do you any harm
5 I would have but fast food should not be a major part
6 ’s/is considered rude to tip of any diet.
7 whom we always relied
8 would have been able End of course test
6: 2 had 3 mislaid 4 heard 1: 2c) 3f) 4g) 5b) 6d)
5 Had 6 have taken 2: 2F 3T 4T 5T 6F
7 to imagine 3: 2a) 3a) 4b) 5c) 6c)
8 traditional wholemeal 4: 2 was built 3 Having studied
7: 2 closed 3 thought 4 hands 4 missed 5 Deemed
5 freedom 6 capital 7 give 6 have been levied 7 Not wanting
8 keep 9 down 8 ’ll/will have been married
8: 2 figure, out 3 beating, around/about 5: 2 What Betty found difficult was
4 appealing, against 5 brought, to 3 wishes he’d/he had taken
6 specialised, in 7 bear, in 4 be seeing Lars tonight
9: 2 inquisitive 3 uninhabitable 5 was to have taken over
4 mismanaged 5 disproved 6 Despite the availability of
6 evocative 7 preconceptions 7 No sooner had we returned
10: 2b) 3b) 4a) 5c) 6b) 6: 2 ’d/had 3 would 4 did 5 without
11: 2 objective 3 plan 4 feasible 6 nowhere 7 last 8 where 9 time
5 instance 6 long-term 7: 2 advocate 3 out 4 civil
12: 2 ask 3 what 4 doubt 5 would 5 passing 6 alarm 7 back
6 better 8 worth 9 came
13: 2d) 3b) 4e) 5f) 6c) 8: 2 ’re/are working, into
14: 2F 3T 4F 5T 6F 7T 8F 9T 3 to weigh, up 4 to figure, out
10F 11T 5 embarking, on 6 hankered, after
15: 2 ever since 3 In fact 4 originally 7 haven’t/have not got, round
5 however 6 meanwhile 9: 2 understatement 3 miscarriage
16: (sample answer) (204 words) 4 independence 5 unsupervised
You cannot walk down any main street in 6 misbehaviour 7 aspirations
any city of the world now without coming 10: 2 guess 3 concerned 4 leeway
across a fast food outlet. In fact, you will 5 evidence 6 luck
most probably be spoilt for choice: 11: 2h) 3d) 4b) 5g) 6a)
pizzas, burgers, chicken, kebabs or fish 12: 2a) 3c) 4b) 5b) 6c)
and chips, the list is endless. One thing 13: 2c) 3b) 4a) 5c) 6a)
that they all have in common, however, 14: 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F 7F 8T 9T
is a certain lack of nutritional value. 10F 11T
Much has been written about a worrying 15: 2 There has been a gradual decline in
increase in the number of obese people the quality of language teaching.
in countries of the developed world. On 3 The level of unemployment among
the one hand, this has been put down to young people has rocketed.
a sedentary lifestyle with most people 4 The number of teenagers leaving
working or playing at computers for school without qualifications has risen
hours every day, but on the other hand, sharply.
we can attribute the increase to the 5 The value of property in the U.S. has
ready availability of fast food. fallen steadily since 2010.
There is no doubt that the levels of 6 Some people believe (that) there has
saturated fats, salt and sugar in fast food been a gradual decline in the value of a
are higher than recommended in a university education.
normal diet, but surely we cannot lay the
blame for being overweight solely at the
door of the burger. We need to take
responsibility for our eating habits.

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