1 s2.0 S1003632611611382 Main
1 s2.0 S1003632611611382 Main
1 s2.0 S1003632611611382 Main
Abstract: The influence of quenching rate on microstructure and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of 7085 aluminum alloy was
investigated by tensile test, slow strain rate test (SSRT), combined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) and electrochemical test. The results show that with decreasing the quenching rate, the size and inter-particle
distance of the grain boundary precipitates as well as precipitation free zone width increase, but the copper content of grain boundary
precipitates decreases. The SCC resistance of the samples increases first and then decreases, which is attributed to the copper content,
size and distribution of grain boundary precipitates.
Key words: 7085 aluminum alloy; quenching rate; microstructure; stress corrosion cracking
Foundation item: Projects (2010CB731701, 2012CB619502) supported by National Basic Research Program of China; Project (51021063) supported by the
Creative Research Group of National Natural Science Foundation of China
Corresponding author: CHEN Kang-hua; Tel: +86-731-88830714; Fax: +86-731-88710855; E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(11)61138-2
48 CHEN Song-yi, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 22(2012) 47í52
the investigation were sampled at the center of the and yield strength of the slow quenched (1 °C/s)
forging piece in order to ensure a maximum specimens are obviously decreased. The elongation of
homogeneity of composition and grain structure. the specimens is not significantly changed under three
Specimens were solution treated at 470 °C for 1 h in conditions.
a air circulating furnace. In order to acquire different
quenching rates, specimens were quenched by three Table 1 Tensile properties of AA7085 alloy with different
different procedures after solution treatment: cold water quenching rates
quenching (Fast quenching rate 150 °C/s), oil quenching Quenching rate/ Tensile Yield strength/
(Intermediate quenching rate 50 °C/s), quenching in air (°C·sí1) strength/MPa MPa
(Slow quenching rate 1 °C/s) [18]. Subsequently, the 150 532 495 11.7
specimens were immediately subjected to artificial aging 50 520 460 12.1
at 120 °C for 24 h. 1 503 430 12.9
Tensile specimens with longitudinal direction for
each heat treatment conditions were used to measure
Figure 1 depicts the results of slow strain rate
mechanical properties on an Instron3369 testing machine
testing in the atmosphere for specimens previously
at room temperature. The specimens of slow strain rate
treated at different quenching rates. Tensile strength and
testing (SSRT) were tested at a strain rate of 6.67×10í6
elongation are estimated from Fig. 1. It can be seen that
sí1 in air and in 3% NaCl + 0.5% H2O2 solution. The
when the quenching rate decreases, the tensile strength
susceptibility to SCC was evaluated by the elongation
decreases, which is consistent with the tensile results
loss (LE). The expression is defined as follows [19]:
above. The elongation of the samples decreases in the
ª Lair L cor º order of 1 °C/s>150 °C/s>50 °C/s.
LE « » u 100%
¬ Lair ¼
4 Discussion
чഢ࿌ēчࢢܟēڳಛēॣ ēч༰ں
ᑺᇍ 7085 䪱ড়䞥㒘㒛ᑨ㜤㱔ᗻ㛑ⱘᕅડDŽ㒧ᵰ㸼ᯢˈ䱣ⴔ⏀☿䗳ᑺⱘ䰡Ԣˈড়䞥⬠ᵤߎⳌⱘሎᇌ䯈䎱
ˈ⬠ᵤߎⳌⱘ Cu 䞣䰡Ԣ˗ড়䞥ⱘᡫᑨ㜤㱔ᗻ㛑䱣ⴔ⏀☿䗳ᑺⱘޣᇥܜᔎৢޣᔅDŽ⬠ᵤߎⳌⱘሎ
ᇌߚᏗҹঞ Cu 䞣ᰃᕅડড়䞥ᡫᑨ㜤㱔ᗻ㛑ⱘЏ㽕㋴DŽ
݇䬂䆡˖7085 䪱ড়䞥˗⏀☿䗳ᑺ˗ᰒᖂ㒘㒛˗ᑨ㜤㱔ᓔ㺖
(Edited by YANG Hua)